5 year olds

Child development from 5-6 years

Child development at 5-6 years: what’s happening

Playing and learning
Even as children get older and start school, play is important. It’s still how children learn and build social, emotional and thinking skills.

Your child’s pretend play is more complex now, filled with fantasy and drama. You might also notice that your child can play with others to achieve a common goal – for example, working together to build one big sandcastle. And your child might understand if another child doesn’t want to play a particular game and agree to play something else.

Your child is becoming more social and prefers to play with friends rather than on their own. Your child can share, although they might find it hard to share favourite toys and other things.

Games with rules sometimes challenge your 6-year-old, and your child might even accuse others of cheating sometimes.

At this age, children can express feelings, although they might need help and time to identify and talk about tricky emotions like frustration or jealousy. They often have much better control over feelings too and might have fewer unexpected outbursts of anger and sadness.

You might see more patience, and your child might even be open to reasoning with you. This means there could be fewer disagreements in the future.

Although your 6-year-old loves to be independent, they still need your love and attention. Connecting with you and family is the most important thing in your child’s life. Your child is proud of their own achievements, wants your approval – and probably doesn’t take well to criticism.

Your child’s growing understanding of the world around them might lead to some fears. For example, children might be afraid of criticism, tests, failure, physical harm or threat, or supernatural things like ghosts.

School-age children can pay attention for longer now.

Your child understands simple concepts like time (today, tomorrow, yesterday), knows the seasons, recognises some words by sight and tries to sound out words. Your child might even read on their own.

Your child is better at seeing other people’s points of view, which helps your child to make friends and meet new people.

Talking and communicating
At this age children talk a lot, sometimes even when nobody is in the room.

You’ll hear your child using full and complex sentences and having adult-like conversations, although they might still find it hard to describe complex ideas or events. Your child understands and usually enjoys jokes and riddles – jokes about poos and wees are particularly funny. Your child also enjoys the opportunity to do ‘show and tell’ at school.

Your child understands more words than they can say, and they’re learning as many as 5-10 new words each day. Vocabulary growth is so rapid at this age that your child’s brain often thinks faster than your child can speak.

At 5 years, children are more coordinated and love to show off new physical skills – you’ll often hear shouts of ‘Look at me!’

Your child can learn how to ride a bike, jump rope, balance on one foot for a short period of time, walk downstairs without needing to hold your hand, skip and catch a large ball. Many 6-year-olds will also be interested in playing team sports like soccer.

Does it seem like your 6-year-old can’t ever keep still? Wriggling while watching TV, at the dinner table or even while sleeping is quite common.

Your child’s fine motor skills are improving, which leads to more independence with things like tying shoelaces, using zips and buttons, and brushing hair. Your child might still find it hard to cut up food with a knife but enjoys the chance to practise.

Daily life and behaviour
At this age, children are becoming more independent and love making small decisions, like what clothes to wear or what to eat for lunch.

Starting school opens up a whole new social world, which comes with a new set of rules. This might be demanding or challenging for your child. School can be tiring so you might notice that your child is easily upset, especially after a long day. On these days you might want to keep your child quiet at home after school and aim for an early bedtime.

Whether your child is feeling worried about starting school or bursting with excitement, a bit of planning and preparation can ease the transition.

At this age, your child might also:

  • copy simple shapes with a pencil
  • copy letters and write their own name
  • say their full name, address, age and birthday
  • draw more realistic pictures – for example, a person with a head with eyes, mouth and nose, and a body with arms and legs
  • read simple picture books
  • understand the importance of rules, and the simple reasons behind rules.

Helping child development at 5-6 years

Here are simple things you can do to help your child’s development at this age:

  • Encourage physical activity: play different sports and do recreational activities together or with others. These teach social skills like taking turns, cooperating, negotiating, playing fairly and being a good sport.
  • Include your child in simple household chores: setting the table or helping you to put clean clothes away develops moving and thinking skills, while also teaching cooperation and responsibility. These skills are important for school.
  • Make time for play each day. Play can include outdoor play, imaginative and creative activities, digital play, physical play and more. It's also important for your child to have time for free play.
  • Play with your child each day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. Playing together gives you the chance to enter your child’s world and find out about their thoughts and feelings. It also shows your child that you care about them and want to spend time together.
  • Read with your child. Reading is important for literacy development. You can also try literacy activities like telling stories or making your own book.
  • Practise classroom behaviour: for example, you could give your child small tasks that need attention or involve following rules or instructions. Have conversations about your child’s favourite animal or sport and encourage your child to listen, respond and question. This all helps your child get ready for school.
  • Arrange playdates: spending time with other children, especially if they go to the same school, helps with social skills and gets your child used to being apart from you.
  • Talk about feelings: you can help your child work out why they’re feeling something and help them put words to these feelings. This will help your child form friendships and show empathy.

Parenting a school-age child

As a parent, you’re always learning. It’s OK to feel confident about what you know. And it’s OK to admit you don’t know something and ask questions or get help.

It’s also important to look after yourself. Looking after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally is good for you, and it’s good for your child. When you’re well, you can give your child the loving attention they need to grow and thrive. You can also guide your child’s behaviour in positive ways, even when you find their behaviour challenging.

And remember that part of looking after yourself is asking for help, especially if you’re feeling stressed, anxious or angry. There are many people who can support you and your child, including your partner, friends, relatives and GP.

Never shake, hit or verbally abuse a child. You risk harming your child, even if you don’t mean to. If you feel like you can’t cope, it’s OK to take some time out until you feel calmer. Gently put your child in a safe place like their bedroom. Go to another room to breathe deeply, or call your state or territory parenting helpline.

When to be concerned about child development at 5-6 years

You know your child best. So it’s a good idea to see your GP if you have any concerns or notice that your child has any of the following issues at 5-6 years.

Communicating and understanding
Your child:

  • is difficult to understand or isn’t speaking in full sentences
  • can’t understand multi-step, complex instructions like ‘Please put the soccer ball away, wash your hands, and sit down for dinner’.

Behaviour and play
Your child:

  • has tantrums whenever they don’t get their own way
  • doesn’t show empathy – for example, doesn’t try to comfort others who are hurt or upset
  • shows no interest in letters or trying to write their own name
  • is very withdrawn, worried or depressed or gets very upset when separating from you
  • doesn’t interact well with others – for example, is aggressive or shows no interest in interacting with other children or adults.

Everyday skills
Your child:

  • still wets or soils their pants during the day, but note that night-time wetting is typical up until the age of 6-7 years, especially for boys
  • has difficulty falling asleep at night or staying asleep.

See a child health professional if at any age your child experiences a noticeable and consistent loss of skills.

Development usually happens in the same order in most children, but skills might develop at different ages or times. If you’re wondering whether your child’s development is on track, or if you feel that something isn’t quite right, it’s best to get help early. See your GP.

Developmental Milestones: 4 to 5 Year Olds (Preschool)

From 4 to 5 years old, your child’s gross motor skills (using their arms and legs to move and play) and their fine motor skills (working on crafts and puzzles) are still developing. Play time becomes increasingly imaginative and is an important part of children’s growth.

Developmental Milestones

Doctors use certain milestones to tell if a child is developing as expected. There’s a wide range of what is considered normal, so some children gain skills earlier or later than others. Children who were born prematurely reach milestones later in life. Always talk with your doctor about your child’s progress, especially if there are concerns.

What can my 4- to 5-year-old child do at this age?

As your child continues to grow, you will notice new and exciting abilities that your child develops. While children may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:


  • Sing songs
  • Skip and hop on one foot
  • Catch and throw a ball overhand
  • Walk downstairs alone
  • Draw a person with three separate body parts
  • Build a block tower with 10 blocks
  • Understand the difference between fantasy and reality
  • Draw a circle and square
  • Dress themselves
  • Able to fasten large buttons without help
  • Pull up a zipper after it is fastened


  • Jump rope
  • Walk backward
  • Balance on one foot for at least 5 seconds
  • Use scissors
  • Begin learning how to tie shoes
  • Draw a triangle and diamond
  • Draw a person with six body parts
  • Know address and phone number
  • Recognize and recite the alphabet
  • Write first name
  • Start to help with chores around the house
  • Start to lose their baby teeth

What can my 4- to 5-year-old child say?

Speech development in children is very exciting for parents as they watch their children become social beings that can interact with others. At this age, a child can usually understand that letters and numbers are symbols of real things and ideas, and that they can be used to tell stories and offer information. Most will know the names and gender of family members and other personal information. They often play with words and make up silly words and stories.

4 and 5-year-olds vocabulary is between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Speech at this age should be completely understandable, although there may be some developmental sound errors and stuttering, particularly among boys.

While every child develops speech at his or her own rate, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:


  • May put together four to five words into a sentence
  • Will ask questions constantly
  • May know one color or more
  • Likes to tell stories
  • May use some “bad” words (if he or she has heard them spoken repeatedly)


  • May put together six to eight words into a sentence
  • May know four or more colors
  • Knows the days of the week and months
  • Can name coins and money
  • Can understand commands with multiple instructions
  • Talks frequently

What does my 4- to 5-year-old child understand?

As a child’s vocabulary increases, so does his/her understanding and awareness of the world around them. Children at this age begin to understand concepts and can compare abstract ideas.

While children may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:


  • Begins to understand time
  • Begins to become less aware of only one’s self and more aware of people around him/her
  • May obey parent’s rules, but does not understand right from wrong
  • Believes that his or her own thoughts can make things happen


  • Increased understanding of time
  • Curious about real facts about the world
  • May compare rules of parents with that of friends

Wellness and Fitness Milestones

By the time kids are 3 to 5 years old, their physical skills, like running, jumping, kicking, and throwing, have come a long way. Now they’ll continue to refine these skills and build on them to learn more complex ones. Take advantage of your child’s natural tendency to be active. Regular physical activity promotes healthy growth and development and learning new skills builds confidence.

How active should my child be at this age?

Kids at this age are learning to hop, skip and jump forward. They are eager to show off how they can balance on one foot, catch a ball or do a somersault. Preschoolers and kindergarteners also might enjoy swimming, playing on a playground, dancing and riding a tricycle or bicycle with training wheels.

Physical activity guidelines recommend that preschoolers and kindergarteners should:

  • Be physically active throughout the day
  • Move and engage in both active play and structured (adult-led) physical activities
  • Do activities such as jumping, hopping and tumbling to strengthen bones and muscles

Should my 4- to 5-year-old child participate in sports?

Many parents look into organized sports to get 4 and 5-year-olds active. The average preschooler has not mastered the basics, such as throwing, catching and taking turns. Even simple rules may be hard for them to understand, as any parent who has watched their child run the wrong way during a game knows.

Starting too young can also be frustrating for kids and may discourage future participation in sports. If you decide to sign your child up for soccer or another team sport, be sure to choose a league that is right for their age and developmental stage. A peewee league that focuses on fun and learning the fundamentals might be great for a child still in preschool.

Family Fitness Tips

Playing together, running in the backyard or using playground equipment at a local park can be fun for the entire family. Other activities to try together, or for a group of preschoolers to enjoy, include:

  • Playing games such as “Duck, Duck, Goose” or “Follow the Leader,” then mixing it up with jumping, hopping and walking backward
  • Kicking a ball back and forth or into a goal
  • Hitting a ball off a T-ball stand
  • Playing freeze dance or freeze tag

Kids can be active even when they’re indoors. Designate a safe play area and try some active inside games such as:

  • Treasure hunt: Hide “treasures” throughout the house and provide clues to their locations
  • Obstacle course: Set up an obstacle course with chairs, boxes, and toys for the kids to go over, under, through and around
  • Soft-ball games: Use soft foam balls to play indoor basketball, bowling, soccer or catch. You can even use balloons to play volleyball or catch

How long should my 4- to 5-year-old sleep?

4 to 5-year-olds should be sleeping around 10-12 hours at night. Those who get enough rest may no longer need a daytime nap and can benefit from some quiet time in the afternoon. This is the age where they might be in preschool or in kindergarten. As they give up naps, they may go to bed at night earlier than they did as toddlers.

Check out our guide about Healthy Sleep for Children for more info.

Communication Milestones

Communicating with our kids is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding parts of parenting. Children learn by absorbing information through daily interactions and experiences not only with us, but with other adults, family members, other kids, and the world.

Between the ages of 4 and 5, many kids enter preschool or kindergarten programs, with language skills a key part of learning in the classroom.

How does my 4- to 5-year-old child interact with others?

A very important part of growing up is the ability to interact and socialize with others. This can be a frustrating transition for the parent as children go through different stages, some of which are not always easy to handle. While every child is unique and will develop different personalities, the following are some of the common behavioral traits that may be present in your child:

4-year-olds can:

  • Be very independent and may want to do things on his or her own
  • Be selfish and do not like to share
  • Be moody; mood swings are common in this age group
  • Be aggressive during mood swings towards family members
  • Have a number of fears
  • Have imaginary playmates
  • Enjoy exploring the body and may play doctor and nurse
  • “Run away” or threaten to do so
  • Fight with siblings
  • Play with others in groups

5-year-olds can:

  • Generally, be more cooperative and responsible than 4-year-olds
  • Be eager to please others and make them happy
  • Have good manners
  • Dress self completely without help
  • Get along well with parents
  • Enjoy cooking and playing sports
  • Become more attached to parent as they enter school

Interacting with Your Child

Kids learn more through interactive conversation and play. Reading books, singing, playing word games and simply talking to kids will increase their vocabulary while providing increased opportunities to develop listening skills. As kids gain language skills, they also develop their conversational abilities. Kids 4 to 5 years old can follow more complex directions and enthusiastically talk about things they do. They can make up stories, listen attentively to stories and retell stories.

Here some ways you can help boost your child’s communication skills:

  • Talk about the day’s activities
  • Talk with your child about the books you read together
  • Talk with your child about the TV programs and videos you watch together
  • Keep books, magazines, and other reading material where kids can reach them without help
  • Help kids create their own “This Is Me” or “This Is Our Family” album with photographs or mementos

How can I help increase my preschool child’s social ability?

Consider the following as ways to foster your preschool child’s social abilities:

  • Offer compliments for good behavior and achievements
  • Encourage your child to talk to you and be open with his or her feelings
  • Read to your child, sing songs and talk with him or her
  • Spend quality time with your child and show him or her new experiences
  • Encourage your child to ask questions and explore
  • Encourage physical activity with supervision
  • Arrange times for your child to be with other children, such as in play groups
  • Give your child the chance to make choices, when appropriate
  • Use time-out for behavior that is not acceptable
  • Encourage your child to express his or her anger in an appropriate manner
  • Limit television watching (or other screen time) to 1 to 2 hours a day. Use free time for other more productive activities.

When should I call the doctor?

You should talk to your doctor if you suspect your child has a problem with hearing, language skills or speech clarity. A hearing test may be one of the first steps to find out if your child has a hearing problem.

Communication problems among kids in this age group include:

  • Hearing problems
  • Trouble following directions
  • Trouble asking or answering questions
  • Difficulty holding a conversation
  • Poor vocabulary growth
  • Trouble learning preschool concepts, such as colors and counting
  • Stuttering
  • Trouble putting sentences together
  • Unclear speech

Some kids will outgrow these problems. Others might need speech therapy or further evaluation. This is especially important to assess at a young age because some children that have difficulty with communication may get frustrated, angry and even aggressive because they cannot relay their thoughts and feelings clearly.

Reviewed by Dr. Priya Mody, Pediatric & Adult Medicine, CHOC Primary Care – May 2021

Champagne Devaux D Rose aged 5 years brut, in gift box



Rose sugar





0.75 L






Cote de Bar

This is interesting0003

Long exposure smooths out the bold and strong aromas of berries, diluting them with hints of vanilla and creme brulee, red currant and May meadow in bloom. A piano concerto interspersed with flute and violin voices, touching and emotional.


After sorting, the fruits are fermented in steel tanks. The holding period is at least 5 years. Champagne after bottling is aged in the cellars of the winery.


nine0002 Sparkling wine Crement de Loire De Chanceny

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2,367. 41 RUB

Champagne Devo D Rosé aged 5 years

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  • nine0047


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7,841.37 RUB

Champagne Devo Cuvée Rose

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RUB 6,320. 23

Champagne Hubert Favier Brut Rosé

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  • Feature

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4,907.40 RUB

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Beautiful birthday greetings 5 ​​years 😎 - best wishes

Happy birthday from Putin (song) And I, and I congratulate you! (song) I wish you good health

All musical cards happy birthday

Look ☎ Musical and ♫ Audio congratulations!

Beautiful: In prose|In verse|Short|Cool

To: Brother|Grandson|Granddaughter|Girl|Daughter|Godchild|Goddaughter|Boy|Nephew|Niece|Girlfriend|Child|Sister|Son

5 years — excellent childhood.
Everything is interesting, everything is okay! nine0170 Problems are solved simply,
It's more fun with friends.

I congratulate you with love!
May dreams come true,
And I wish you a cool childhood,
May joy be where you are.


You are 5 years old today -
So let your dreams come true soon!
I wish you to be obedient and happy,
So that you grow up brave, hardworking!
May your favorite toys not break,
May you not run out of sweets and cheesecakes! nine0170 I wish you to make your parents happy,
Well, and become a good example for others!


Today is the birthday of a cute girl, and I hasten to congratulate the little birthday girl! I wish you, baby, good health, smile and laugh more often, never cry and be a real princess. May flowers always bloom around you, magical fairies and wonderful unicorns circle, and stars fall from the sky and fulfill all your dreams! Happy birthday, darling! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Kid, today you are five years old. Grow smart and strong, pleasing your parents. Laugh out loud, have fun, jump. May there be many holidays in your life with the most sincere guests and congratulations. Let the knowledge of the world become for you a joy, a challenge, an achievement. Happiness, love, prosperity to you, strength, patience and understanding to your parents. Happy birthday!


I hasten to congratulate our little birthday girl on her fifth birthday! For five years, the baby has already been decorating our world, making it more beautiful. May she grow strong and healthy, active and cheerful, and make her parents happy every day! Let her learn new things and grow up as an inquisitive, smart, best girl in the world. Happy holiday! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Our boy is celebrating five years.
Dear, happy birthday to you!
We wish you to smile
And never know sadness!

May your childhood be golden
Give toys and laughter,
Make any wish come true
And a lot of fun!

Let dad and mom be with you
Never know problems,
Grow like oaks, healthy,
Always obedient and kind!

Author: Alina Letova

I like it! ❤


Happy birthday! Today you turn 5 years old - we congratulate you with the whole family and wish you a wonderful, fabulous childhood. Our dear, precious baby, we wish you to receive a lot of joy and happiness every day. May light and good always reign around you. Grow strong, healthy and cheerful, learn something new and interesting every day!

Author: Alina Letova

I like it! ❤


Happy 5th Anniversary! Have a cloudless childhood! You are the best girl in the world! We love your sunny smile and your mischievous voice that sounds in our house almost around the clock! We wish you good health, curiosity and mischief on your birthday! May your every step be successful! May the Lord watch over you day and night! Let the sun wake you up early in the morning, and let your favorite fairy tale help you fall asleep in the evening! Sweet life to you, baby!

Author: Lana Vinogradova

I like it! ❤


My dear boy! Congratulations on your fifth birthday! Grow big, strong, brave, kind, enjoy new friends, communication, toys! May everything be wonderful with you, and your loved ones will be there, give love and attention every minute!


Our little girl, dear princess! You are growing day by day! Your mischievous smile is charming! Be always cheerful, energetic, strong in health and purposeful! Let funny magical heroes make the fairy tale come true, let your childhood wishes come true! Let the sun shine in your eyes, joy and love of life. Be happy and loved, baby! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark Happy birthday from Putin (song) And I, and I congratulate you! (song) I wish you good health

All musical cards happy birthday

Look ☎ Musical and ♫ Audio congratulations!

Today is the fifth birthday of our wonderful little princess! I hasten to congratulate the wonderful baby on this holiday, and wish her to grow up healthy and smiling, cheerful and beautiful! So that she pleases mom and dad with her charming smile and looks at the beautiful world with her charming eyes full of happiness. Happy fifth birthday, little fairy! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

And on your fifth birthday
I hasten to wish you
Gifts, happiness, inspiration,
Always shine like the sun.

Let the magician give you
A huge cake, a bag of sweets,
Leave the best toys
And a sunny bouquet of happiness.

CopyPermanent linkBookmark

Congratulations to the beautiful and sweet berry on your fifth birthday! Blossom and grow to the joy of your parents and all your relatives! Let every morning please you with wonderful adventures, let every day be for you the discovery of something new and good in this world! I wish you today to be pleased with gifts and a beautiful cake! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Happy Birthday to the most charming little princess! Baby, you are already five years old, and you look like a beautiful flower, so tender and irresistible, like a magical little fairy from a good fairy tale! Let the world around you be a kind, wonderful fairy tale in which fairies live and fulfill all bright dreams. Grow up healthy and the happiest, our dear birthday girl!


Dear birthday girl, dear princess! Today you are 5 years old, you are already a big girl, a real beautiful flower that adorns our Earth and makes it kinder and more beautiful! Blossom and bloom, please your family with a charming smile and ringing laughter, be the healthiest and happiest baby. Happy birthday, sweet girl! nine0003 CopyPermanent linkBookmark

Like a gentle ray of sun descending from the sky to the morning dew, five years ago you lit up our lives with new light! Congratulations, angel, on your fifth birthday! We wish you bright days, new discoveries, knowledge of the world around you! May everything be easy and joyful for you! Grow up happy, healthy, give us smiles and joy!


Our Princess is 5 years old!
We are very proud, it's no secret. nine0170 We wish you happiness and success,
To make you happy with laughter more often.
We wish faithful, courageous friends,
Let any business argue.
Grow up, baby, to our joy,
Give us light, warmth and goodness!


Happy Holidays, baby!
You are good, even too much.
Our angel is growing,
We are celebrating your fifth year.
Be perky and cheerful,
Courageous, strong and healthy,
Be happy, our baby,
You are our window of joy! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Five years to you, baby,
Today is your birthday.
You love dolls, fairy tales, books.
And childhood continues.

We wish you, princess,
Magical adventures,
Interest in new heroes,
Pleasant surprises.


Our sweetest and most beloved boy, we wish you a happy birthday, five years! Your sonorous laughter gives energy, cheerfulness and positive. May adventures await you in your life, may your courage and mischief help you overcome all obstacles. Take your time, baby, to grow up, because it is in childhood that all dreams, desires and aspirations are laid for fulfillment. Draw your life exactly the way you want it. nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark Happy birthday from Putin (song) And I, and I congratulate you! (song) I wish you good health

All musical cards happy birthday

Look ☎ Musical and ♫ Audio congratulations!

Happy fifth birthday to the little princess! Together with the sea of ​​positive, love and gifts, catch our wishes! Be obedient, kind and cheerful baby! Enchant us all with just one look, from which we melt like toffee in your palms! Grow as beautiful as a willow, and slender as a Christmas tree, tender as a cloud, and happy as the sun! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

In 5 years of your life you have seen so much love, so many close people are ready to do anything you want! Sweets appear in the house for you, the very last tasty piece remains for you. All this in order to fill you with kindness, pure sincere joy, so that later you grow into a wonderful person. Happy birthday!


Happy 5th Anniversary! Have a cloudless childhood! You are the best child in the world! We love your sunny smile and your mischievous voice that sounds in our house almost around the clock! We wish you good health, curiosity and mischief on your birthday! May your every step be successful! May the Lord watch over you day and night! Let the sun wake you up early in the morning, and let your favorite fairy tale help you fall asleep in the evening! Sweet life to you, baby! nine0003

Author: Lana Vinogradova

I like it! ❤


We've only known each other for five years, baby. But these five years have made our life completely different. Every day, every hour you give us a kaleidoscope of metamorphoses in your development, in your character. I want to ask you every day to stop those happy moments when you, overflowing with love, hug and kiss us. Happy birsday, my dear! Be happy!


Sweet sunshine! Happy 5th Anniversary! You are beautiful, cheerful, sympathetic and tender. Be sure to keep these traits in yourself. And also be kind, try to develop and improve this most important quality in yourself. Being a kind person is hard. But it is this trait that will attract good people to you and surround you with real, true friends. Do not be sick, do not be sad and know that we love you dearly.


Five years have passed since our gentle angel was born! Happy Birthday to You! We wish your life to flourish every day and be clear like the azure sky, sweet like honey, and beautiful like a rainbow! May good luck, health and love of relatives and friends always be with you! On this day, have fun, give everyone smiles and accept gifts! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Congratulations, little one, on your fifth birthday. I want your parents to raise you real, sincere and fair. You are the most charming girl. Be happy and develop beyond your years. Know that you are a ray of light for others and an incredible miracle for parents. Sunshine, happy birthday!


Our flower, you are five years old.
You have matured, grown up.
Are you trying to find out something,
Always beautiful, cheerful.

We wish you a happy birthday
There are a lot of toys and guests.
And delicious cakes and cookies,
Good, good news!


You are 5 years old today, and I congratulate you with a smile. I want your life to be sweet, your dreams to be the most incredible, and joyful emotions to overwhelm every new day. My good, be happy and give this happiness to others. Be sincere, cheerful and healthy! Happy birthday, ray of light! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Like a beautiful flower
In spring, blossomed.
5 - such happiness,
Always be nice.

This birthday
Let the fun pass.
Everyone will meet with flowers
And they will give a cake.

A bright dream come true,
The world will be filled with warmth,
Life will be bright.

CopyPermalinkBookmark Happy birthday from Putin (song) And I, and I congratulate you! (song) I wish you good health

All musical cards happy birthday

Look ☎ Musical and ♫ Audio greetings!

Our dear girl, you are becoming an adult lady, you are 5 years old today! May every day of your life be filled with happiness and new impressions, may miracles happen every minute. Let a fairy tale live in your soul, and let reality please you with achievements and success. You are lovely and pure. Let life be a flowering meadow, pleasing with aroma and bright tints. And let the magic fairy fulfill all your dreams. nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Our dear little man, we want to wish you a happy birthday! We want all the flowers to be at your feet, may all desires come true. Let your good mood not fade away, let a smile decorate your face, no difficult moments let you stumble. Stay as carefree, mischievous and lively! Enjoy life to the fullest, do not stop loving it, do not let circumstances take over you.


Congratulations to the sweet berry! For a little girl, beautiful dolls as a gift and an impressive cake with candle lights are important on this day! Let today be a day full of bright events! May all wishes of relatives come true! We wish the baby health, joy and long life.


Our bright sun, happy birthday to you, princess! Let your smile illuminate everything around, make others happy, give positive and fun. Let the magic wand fulfill all your desires, and the fairy flies to make all your dreams come true. Let the bright emotions of childhood be preserved for life, and let your parents obey and obey you. nine0003 CopyPermanent linkBookmark

Our baby is five years old today,
Thank you for your favorite hands,
For mischievous eyes, sonorous laughter,
For being the best in the world.
Your hair and cheeks are not cuter,
Get whatever gifts you want.
Grow up healthy, affectionate, happy,
A little daring and a little naughty.


Baby, happy birthday to you! At 5 years old, you have already achieved a lot. I wish you not to stop there, and slowly grow up, and become the smartest boy. Know that your parents love you very much! May this day be a sea of ​​​​gifts, an ocean of happiness, and may the smile never leave your sincere little face! nine0003 CopyPermalinkBookmark

Our little girl is already 5 years old.
We love you so much.
You have become more mature and more beautiful,
You know all the letters for a reason.

We wish you to be active,
Good friends with children.
To be honest, kind, positive,
To earn love and happiness.


Congratulations on your fifth birthday! Baby, you're so quick to grasp everything around. I wish you to be smart, obey your parents and be friendly. With each of your years, the world will open up for you from a new side. I believe that you will become a real lady of the modern world.

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