Bedtime stories for babies
Bedtime Stories Bedtime Stories | Free Stories Kids Love!
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of Cinderella, a young girl who finds out that dreams really can come true.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of Snow White, who is the fairest of them all, with a modern twist.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of Pinocchio. If he is to become a real boy, he has to learn to be honest.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold – adapted from Grimm’s Brothers.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
A Bedtime Stories Classic: When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
A Bedtime Stories Classic: An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone, whoever pulls it out is the rightful king.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A Mama Duck is proud when her ducklings hatch, but one does not look like the others.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A new take on the Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince and makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Aladdin, the Genie, and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures about learning in the woods.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Robin Hood takes part in an archery competition that is thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The tale of Maui, a Demi-God, adapted to Disney’s Moana and the Tales of Maui.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A story about a stuffed rabbit’s desire to become real through the love of his owner.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A Princess is cursed by Maleficent and put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, how will they get the money?
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father.
A Cinderella Story | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of Cinderella, a young girl who finds out that dreams really can come true.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Story | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of Snow White, who is the fairest of them all, with a modern twist.
Pinocchio Story | Fairy Tale Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of Pinocchio. If he is to become a real boy, he has to learn to be honest.
Beauty and the Beast Classic Tale | Fairy Tale Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The fairytale of a beautiful woman, a monstrous beast, and finding love.
Rumpelstiltskin | A Fairy Tale Bedtime Story for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold – adapted from Grimm’s Brothers.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm | Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Stories Classic: An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
The Sword in the Stone | A King Arthur Legend of the Sword Story
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone, whoever pulls it out is the rightful king.
The Ugly Duckling Story | Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A Mama Duck is proud when her ducklings hatch, but one does not look like the others.
The Frog Prince: The Princess and the Frog | Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A new take on the Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
The Little Mermaid Story | Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince and makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human.
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp from The Arabian Nights | Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Aladdin, the Genie, and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
Bambi Story: A Life in the Woods | Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures about learning in the woods.
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story | Legend Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Robin Hood takes part in an archery competition that is thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Maui from Moana: Tales of the Demi-God | Legend Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The tale of Maui, a Demi-God, adapted to Disney’s Moana and the Tales of Maui.
The Velveteen Rabbit Story | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A story about a stuffed rabbit’s desire to become real through the love of his owner.
The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story | Bedtime Story for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale Story | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A Princess is cursed by Maleficent and put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?
The Gift of the Magi Story | A Holiday Story for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, how will they get the money?
Pocahontas and John Smith Story | Folktales Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father.
The Emperor’s New Clothes Story | Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Stories Classic: An Emperor is fooled into believing he is wearing magic clothes which can’t actually be seen.
Mulan Story: Tale of Hua Mulan | Bedtime Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Stories Classic: A legend tale about a girl who goes in disguise as a boy and joins the army in her brother’s place.
Short Stories for Kids ~ Folk tales, Fairy Tales, Riddles, Legends, Poems
You will find stories you love. Stories to Grow By provides a collection of World Tales. Folktales, fairytales, fables, and more! Stories from various countries and cultures! We have you covered. View our special collection of world tales HERE.
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Teaching Resources from Stories to Grow ByIn addition to a great bedtime story, we also offer teaching resources! This includes over 100 free bedtime stories, fairy tales, folk tales, readers theater play scripts, and performance notes! You will find the stories and the materials you need for your classroom with Stories to Grow By.
Interactive Reader's Theater | PlayAloudIn 2023 Stories to Grow By launched PlayAloud. A PlayAloud is an interactive reader's theater destination for families and the classroom. PlayAloud is great for struggling readers, drama enthusiasts, or those who want to practice reading fluency and expression. The PlayAloud website helps to build reading confidence too! A PlayAloud is an interactive reader's theater play script. You can follow along, line by line, and listen to voice actors deliver the lines. Check it out HERE.
4 Short Bedtime Stories Your Kids Will Love
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Need some new 5-minute bedtime stories? Your kids will love these.
There’s a puppy who needs a name, animals who become unlikely friends in a forest, a chipmunk who is judged for his looks and a mischievous girl who visits her granny.
These short bedtime stories are great for building young kids’ listening skills.
Puppy Dreams
Written by Becky Ross Michael
Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic
Dad walked into the kitchen, followed by the scent of a cool autumn afternoon. He placed bags of groceries on the counter, which Mom started to unload. “Yum,” she said, “this will be great for dinner.”
Sister checked the bags, hoping for a special treat. But Brother stood still as stone, gazing at his father. “Um, Dad…why’s your jacket moving like that?”
With a smile, Dad unzipped his coat. Nestled in the pocket of his shirt lay a little, black creature. Speechless at first, everyone stared.
“You didn’t,” Mom finally said.
“A puppy?” guessed Brother.
Dad lifted the wiggly mass of fur from his pocket and set it on the dark kitchen rug.
“Oooh!” yelled Sister in delight. At the sound of her loud voice, the tiny animal froze.
“I think you’ve scared him,” said Mom, reaching to pick up the small dog. As she did, a patch of wet rug was revealed from underneath him.
“Oops,” Dad said. “He had a boo-boo on the floor. Looks like we’ve got some potty training to do. I couldn’t resist. Someone was selling puppies from the back of their pickup outside the store. It was either that or off to the shelter. When I walked over, this little guy practically jumped into my arms.”
“I can just imagine,” Mom said with a grin.
“What’s his name?” Brother asked.
“That’s for you and your sister to figure out.”
The afternoon passed in a whirl of fun. Mom set up a feeding and watering area in the kitchen. Dad placed a comfortable, new pet bed in a corner of the living room. They all took turns guiding the puppy outside to avoid more potty accidents.
“Chester might be a good name,” suggested Mom, while they watched the puppy nap.
“Blackie would fit him because of his color,” Brother said.
“When I was a kid, we had a dog named Roamer,” said Dad. “Maybe that could be his name.”
“Not sure,” said Sister. The puppy yipped. “I’ll take him outside this time, while I’m thinking about a good name.”
“Time for bed,” Mom later announced. The sky had turned dark, and the children were yawning.
“What about the puppy?” Brother asked. “Can he sleep with me?”
“No, meee!” pleaded Sister.
“I didn’t get him a crate for sleeping yet,” Dad said. “But I don’t think this guy should be on the loose during the night. Too many chances for accidents.”
“That’s for sure,” agreed Mom. “There’s a big, empty box in the garage. It would be open on the top for air, but he wouldn’t be free to wander around the house. The living room is the warmest, so we can set it up right here. ”
Disappointed, the children agreed and wandered off to get ready for bed.
Mom and Dad awoke in the morning, surprised they had slept all night through, without interruption. Creeping down the stairs followed by Brother, they discovered how that had happened. Sister lay on the living room carpet with her head on the pet bed next to the puppy. Both stirred when the others came into the room.
“I heard him crying,” explained Sister with a sleepy smile. “So I took him from the box for a snuggle. And I just had a dream about his name,” she added.
“You dreamed a name for him?” asked Brother.
“Well, I was dreaming about yesterday. In my dream, I heard Dad saying the puppy had a ‘boo-boo’ on the floor. Don’t you see? That’s his name!” she declared, looking back and forth at their faces. “He’s Boo-Boo!”
The dog let out a happy, little yip. And “Boo-Boo” he was, from that day forward!
Friends in the Forest
Written by Becky Ross Michael
Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic
A tear slipped from Rosie the red fox cub’s eye. She tried to ignore it, as she walked lightly on her toes toward the family den. Mama fox heard Rosie and moved toward the entrance.
“Why so sad, Rosie?” her mother asked. “You’re usually happy when you return from chasing grasshoppers in the field with your fox friend, Scarlet.”
“Oh, Mama,” Rosie wailed. “She just told me the news! Scarlet and her family are moving to a different part of the forest to live by her grandma and grandpa. I may never see her again!” More tears filled Rosie’s eyes.
“I understand why you’re upset. But you’ll find a new friend before you know it,” her mother assured. “Now, come share some berries for dinner.”
The next day, Rosie decided to find a new friend. “Don’t go near the water, beyond the edge of the marsh,” warned her mother.
Catching sight of a grasshopper, Rosie moved quickly across the open field. While chasing and swatting at the insect, she came chin to chin with Russet, another red fox.
“Will you be my new best friend?” asked Rosie, swinging her bushy tail.
“I would, but I already have a best friend,” Russet answered, walking away.
Disappointed, Rosie moved toward the trees. Approaching a hollowed-out log, she saw Looney Raccoon, fast asleep. She gave him a nudge with a black-tipped paw. “Looney, will you be my new best friend?”
The raccoon yawned. “Go away; I’m trying to sleep. And no, I will not. I already have a best friend.”
So Rosie moved further into the trees, soon catching sight of Roberta Rabbit hopping along the trail. “Wait up,” called Rosie, but the rabbit continued to scamper. “Will you be my new best friend?” The rabbit stopped and twitched her nose.
“I already have a best friend,” Roberta said, turning to hop away.
Not ready to give up, Rosie the red fox moved toward the edge of the marsh. All of a sudden, she stopped and pricked up her ears at the sounds of moving leaves from above. Lifting her nose, Rosie saw Squiggy the black squirrel.
“Hellooo!” she called into the branches. “Will you be my new best friend?”
“Thanks for asking, but I already have a best friend,” he chattered.
Another animal hidden in the bushes listened and watched Rosie as she hung her head and walked to the edge of the marsh.
Blinded by tears, Rosie forgot to be careful about where she was stepping. Without warning, one of her black feet slipped into the water. Splash! Rosie suddenly wished she had paid more attention when Mama tried teaching her to swim. With four legs flailing this way and that, Rosie struggled to reach solid ground. Unexpectedly, she felt something grab the scruff of her neck, pulling her from the murky water.
“Who’s that?” cried Rosie, shaking water from her red fur. When her eyes finally cleared, she was surprised to see a gray fox cub.
“Are you okay?” the gray fox asked Rosie.
“Yes, and thanks for the help. I really need to practice my swimming.”
“I can assist with that. My name’s Pearl, and maybe I could be your new best friend.”
Rosie stared in surprise. “Gray foxes don’t usually like red foxes,” she said.
“My parents taught me to give everyone a chance,” Pearl answered. “So what if my coloring is different than yours and I’ll stay a bit smaller than you when I’m all grown up. What difference does any of that make?”
“You’re right!” answered Rosie. “I never really thought of it that way. I’d love for us to be best friends. Now, let’s go chase some grasshoppers!”
Sulky and Stubby
Written by Becky Ross Michael
Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic
From where he sat on a tree, the lone chipmunk watched animals moving around below. Sulky the chipmunk was searching for others with handsome stripes just like his own. But he didn’t see anyone who looked exactly like his reflection in the still waters of the pond.
That’s okay, Sulky thought. At least I’ve found some cousins. And he ran down the tree to join them.
Skittering along the path, Sulky first spotted a ground squirrel. She wore dark brown and tan stripes along her sleek brown back. “Hello!” greeted Sulky. “I’m happy to meet you, cousin!”
“You don’t look it,” grumped the ground squirrel. “No wonder they call you Sulky. You don’t appear very friendly with all those dark stripes on your face. You look rather mean.” And the ground squirrel scurried farther into the woods.
Does my striped face look mean? wondered Sulky. Surely, his other cousins would feel differently! He scampered away and soon met a groundhog.
“Hello!” said Sulky. “I’m happy to meet you.”
“Doesn’t seem like it,” said the dull brown groundhog. “You look anything but happy.”
“Really? I feel glad. And we’re cousins, you know,” the chipmunk pointed out.
“That may be, but I want nothing to do with you,” grouched the groundhog, waddling away.
Suddenly, something stirred up ahead. Sulky caught sight of a wispy red squirrel’s tail. “Hello,” said the hopeful chipmunk. “I’m happy to meet you.”
“I wouldn’t have known it by looking at you,” sassed the squirrel. “If you want to be friendly, you need to look the part.”
“But this is just how I look on the outside,” cried Sulky. “My face has nothing to do with what I think and feel. Besides, we’re cousins.”
“Doesn’t matter,” answered the red squirrel. “I spend time with those who look much nicer than you.”
With drooping ears, Sulky the chipmunk headed toward his burrow.
As he walked, an acorn caught Sulky’s eye. Guess I’ll take it home to eat later, he thought. As he reached for the nut, Sulky came nose-to-nose with another animal. Hesitating, he pulled back a bit to examine this new arrival. Light stripes decorated his face. And he was marked with dark stripes along his brown back and tai…wait a minute. Where was the rest of his tail???
“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” chattered the other chipmunk. “What happened to him…am I right? They call me ‘Stubby’ because I lost part of my tail in an accident when I was just a little kit.”
“Oh, I didn’t notice,” answered Sulky.
“Thanks for your kindness, but it’s the very first thing everyone sees. Then they get embarrassed and don’t even try getting to know me. ”
“I understand perfectly. My cousins don’t like these dark stripes on my face. They say I look mean and call me ‘Sulky.’”
“Looks aren’t important,” said Stubby. “How we act should be what matters most.”
“That’s right!” Sulky agreed. “And you can have this acorn. I think you probably arrived one paw-length before I reached it.”
“So polite of you,” Stubby said, with a swish of his short tail. “But here’s a thought. Let’s work together and gather acorns for both our homes.”
“Great idea!” answered Sulky, with happy eyes.
The two chipmunks scurried about, filling their cheeks with acorns. Along the way, they also found time to race and play. They smiled beneath twitching whiskers when their cousins asked to join in the games!
Family Fireworks
Written by Becky Ross Michael
Illustrated by Dragana Stankovic
DING said the elevator as Ella, Rae Ann, and Mom arrived on the second floor. After the door slid open, they walked down the hallway toward Grandma’s apartment.
“I love your new place!” said Ella.
“Thanks,” Grandma answered. “And we can watch the fireworks from my balcony or go downstairs after they get started.”
“Okay,” said Mom. “It will be a while before dark.”
“Could I play your piano while we’re waiting?” asked Rae Ann, the younger sister.
“Sure,” said Grandma, leading her into the next room.
“I need to use the bathroom,” Ella said.
Mom pointed down the hallway.
In the bathroom, Ella looked around. She knew better than to touch anything dangerous, like sharp things or medicines. Ella just wanted to peek in some of Grandma’s cabinets. She flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and quietly opened a drawer. After squirting a touch of scented lotion on her hands, Ella rubbed them together. I sure hope they don’t notice the smell!
Rae Ann was playing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” on the piano. Mom and Grandma chatted in the living room.
Quiet as a mouse, Ella opened another drawer. She found a hairdryer and curling irons of various sizes. Moving those aside, Ella discovered several kinds of hairbrushes. She picked up a narrow, rounded brush and gazed into the mirror over the sink. Maybe I could get my hair to curl a bit.
Imagining how Grandma might use it, she twirled the brush through the straight ends of her fine hair.
What? Oh, no! Somehow, the brush had become tangled in her long hair. In alarm, Ella pulled harder, twisting the brush this way and that, only making things worse.
“Ella, let’s go,” said Mom through the door. “We’ve decided to watch the fireworks from downstairs.”
“Just a minute,” said Ella. She pulled at the hairbrush until her head hurt. In the mirror, she saw bright red cheeks and alarmed eyes.
“Now!” demanded Mom.
Gulping tears, Ella entered the living room with the brush dangling from her hair. “It’s stuck…”
“No!” Mom shrieked. “You were bald until you were three and can’t afford to lose any of that hair!”
Rae Ann giggled. A look of concern filled Grandma’s eyes.
“Come here,” Mom ordered. “Let me see if I can get that out.” Her hands shook as she worked on Ella’s tangled locks.
“No, I can’t get it,” said Mom. “Ella, I can’t believe you did this. We might have to cut your hair. And we’re going to be late for the fireworks show.”
“Here, let me try,” Grandma said in a calm voice. She led Ella back into the bathroom and closed the door. Grandma worked slowly, releasing a few strands at a time.
“Wow, your hair is sure twisted around this. From now on, please ask before using my things, okay?”
“I will,” answered Ella.
“There’s just this one little clump that’s too snarled. I’d rather trim it off than break the hairs.” Grandma reached into the cabinet for small scissors. SNIP, SNIP.
“There we go. You’re all set.”
Ella’s head tingled. It could have been from all the excitement in the air. Most likely, she had a sore scalp from all that tugging!
The outdoors was still and warm. Cicadas sang in the distance. The dark sky exploded with light.
“Ooh,” said Grandma, “that was beautiful!” Minutes later, “Aah,” Grandma remarked, “that one was even better.”
Color, noise, and energy surrounded the family. Ella looked Grandma’s way, and they shared a secret smile.
For the printable version of these short bedtime stories for kids, download the printables set at the end of the post.
If you loved these stories by author Becky Ross Michael, you’ll love her rhyming fairy tale poems too!
About the author:
Becky is a former preschool director and elementary teacher, who grew up and then raised her own family in Michigan. She now gardens and works on her sunny balcony in North Texas. Writing for kids and adults, her pieces appear in magazines, anthologies, blogs (she is a regular writer for Empowered Parents), and children’s readers. In addition, she enjoys the challenge of working as a freelance editor. Visit the author at her personal blog, Platform Number 4.
For more stories about animals, read these funny stories or try these other listening activities with your kids.
Here is a list of the best bedtime stories for kids. For simple books for younger children, these are the best toddler bedtime stories.
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Short bedtime stories for children
What do older children remember? Rare moments of trust and open dialogue with parents. Short bedtime stories are author's and folklore works of the world that will allow parents to get closer to their children. Reading kind and magical fairy tales, their general discussion will help to form the correct moral guidelines in the life of a child. Short bedtime stories will develop children's imagination, the ability to empathize and find answers to questions that concern children on their own.
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90,000 a fairy tale of a pea - Hans Christian Andersen, Read onlineHans of Christians
“Princess on a pea” - Tales G. H. Andersen, familiar to almost every girl on the planet. The tale tells how the princess was on her way during a bad weather, and she had to ask the royal family for the night. A noble family let the girl in for the night, but she was so wet, and her clothes did not at all resemble those of a princess. The queen knew how to check whether the real royal daughter was in front of them, because her son was looking for a bride. A small pea helped the queen in this. The tale teaches that the first impression can be deceptive, and happiness often knocks on the door itself.
Reading time: 2 min.
Once upon a time there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for one, but there was something wrong everywhere: there were a lot of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not fully recognize this, there was always something wrong with them. So he returned home and was very sad: he really wanted a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm broke out; lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, the rain poured like buckets, what a horror! And suddenly there was a knock at the city gates, and the old king went to open the door.
The princess was at the gate. My God, what did she look like from the rain and bad weather! Water dripped from her hair and dress, dripped right into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and she said that she was a real princess.
"Well, we'll find out!" thought the old queen, but she said nothing, but went into the bedchamber, removed all the mattresses and pillows from the bed, and laid a pea on the boards, and then took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and on the mattresses twenty more eiderdown duvets.
The princess was put to sleep on this bed.
In the morning she was asked how she slept.
— Oh, terribly bad! the princess replied. “I didn’t close my eyes all night. God knows what I had in bed! I was lying on something hard and now I have bruises all over my body! It's just awful what it is!
Then everyone realized that they were in front of a real princess.