Bedtime story book for toddlers
Bedtime Books for Babies and Toddlers – Happiest Baby
By Happiest Baby Staff
Storytime has to be the sweetest part of the bedtime routine. What’s better than cuddling up with a picture book that helps our little ones slow down, relax and ease into dreamland?
These 16 tried-and-true bedtime books are perfect for those last moments before drifting off to sleep—warm, soothing and sometimes silly, for going to bed with a smile on your face.
All the animals, from sheep to geese, are snuggling down with their mamas. Tender bedtime rhymes soothe like a lullaby and the beautiful illustrations are an invitation to sleep in this bedtime book.
This classic bedtime book comforts kids by saying goodnight to—and demystifying—each object in the bedroom, from chairs to a picture of bears.
You can’t go wrong with a Sandra Boynton board book. Here, she imagines a boat full of friendly animals going about their bedtime routines (gotta brush those teeth!) before rocking gently to sleep.
Another Boynton favorite turns bedtime into a party complete with song and dance moves. But don’t worry, the after-party takes place in dreamland.
In this bedtime book, a tricky gorilla steals the zookeeper’s keys and lets all the animals out of their cages. When the zookeeper’s wife discovers the animals napping in her bedroom, she gently leads them home so they can all get a good night’s sleep.
The reader is entrusted with a very important and difficult job—don’t let the pigeon stay up late! The crafty pigeon will use every excuse and stall tactic, so it won’t be easy, but it will be funny.
Patient Mr. Panda reminds his animal friends to follow the steps of their bedtime routines, like taking a bath and brushing teeth. Sloth and skunk make excuses, but cheerful Lemur sticks to the plan. (Let’s all be like Lemur.)
What better way is there to say goodnight than with tons of kisses? Count down from “10 little kisses on teeny tiny toes” and learn body parts and numbers along the way with this sweet bedtime book.
Are you more of a hugger? This day in-the-life of a busy bunny is chock full of hug breaks, especially at bedtime!
Cement mixers and crane trucks have bedtimes too in this popular bedtime book about things that go.
Everyone’s favorite toddler tiger wants to play, but it’s time for bed. Dad gently moves Daniel through bath, teeth, PJ’s, story and a song until he’s too sleepy to protest anymore.
Your little one falls asleep to the sound of your loving affirmations, like “I love you like mice love cheese! I love you like vines love trees!” in this bedtime book for babies.
A little owl resists bedtime, claiming he’s not remotely tired—despite all evidence to the contrary. Sound like anyone you know?
A little boy imagines himself as a robot powering down at bedtime. It’s hard to stop jumping and beeping, but by “turning off” each body part, he can finally achieve sleep.
For littles with the wiggles, learning these gentle and poetically expressed yoga poses is a great way to settle in for bed.
A hilarious twist on the traditional bedtime story has our child narrator sending her exhausted and haggard looking parents to bed, which requires taking away their computers, magazines, TV and cell phones. “Remain calm. Do not negotiate,” she advises. Sounds familiar.
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15 Bedtime Books You Can Turn Into Terrific Sleep Training Tools
We’ve already said a lot (A LOT) on this site about bedtime – including when exactly bedtime should happen.
We’ve also written a ton about bedtime routines – what bedtime routines should (and shouldn’t) look like, why a bedtime routine is key to sleep coaching, and more.
But here’s a part of most parents’ bedtime routines that goes overlooked as a sleep training tool: the bedtime storybook. Sure, most of us probably spend at least a few minutes reading to our little cherubs before tucking them in at night, but have you ever stopped and thought about how you can turn the bedtime story to your (sleep training) advantage?
You can.
Now, that’s not to say that you have to choose special “sleep-focused” books at bedtime – there’s a lot to be said for simply reading a good book to your kiddo, regardless of whether or not it mentions sleep! Reading is hands-down the best way to establish early literacy, and it makes for pretty fantastic parent-child bonding time, too.
But if you’re sleep coaching, you no doubt want to utilize every tool at your disposal to help the process along – and the bedtime books you choose can be powerful tools indeed. Read on for details!
BOOK: Goodnight Moon – by Margaret Wise Brown
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: A bedtime book classic! Little bunny bids “goodnight” to everything in his room, before peacefully drifting off to sleep himself.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Have a toddler who’s fighting off bedtime? Saying “goodnight” to the things she encounters as she goes through her bedtime routine is actually a powerful way to help signal that it’s time to go to sleep. It’s also a way for your toddler to mentally reassure herself that everything else in her life (and in her room) is going to sleep too – so she’s not missing anything. 😉 And this is a great book for babies, too – the simple illustrations and primary colors provide great visual appeal for infants!
BOOK: A Book of Sleep – by Il Sung Na
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: A wide-awake little owl swoops through this beautifully-illustrated book and watches all the other animals settle down (and snuggle down) for sleep.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: If you have your own “wide-awake” little watchful owl at bedtime, this book is a great resource! As your child watches how all the animals sleep in their own special way, it can provide big reassurance that bedtime really is for sleeping. And if your toddler has a unique bedtime arrangement (maybe he has to sleep with three or four of the same special stuffed friends each night?), then he can take pride in knowing that just like the animals, he has his own special way of sleeping. Babies will love this book, too – especially if you’re working on teaching your baby animal names and sounds.
BOOK: Sleep Like A Tiger – by Mary Logue
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: A feisty little girl lets her parents know in no uncertain terms that she is not – positively not – tired. Her loving parents convince her that bed really is the place for her, and a colorful parade of animals follows, as these ingenious parents convince their little one to “sleep like a tiger”.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Who among us HASN’T had a bedtime-avoider on their hands? The “I’m not tired!” line is a favorite among most toddlers. Well, this book is a great choice for the bedtime avoider in your house. Through this story and it’s gorgeous illustrations, your toddler will learn that it’s okay to have a feisty spirit, but that bedtime can be an exciting and imaginative time, too!
BOOK: Where Do Diggers Sleep At Night? – by Brianna Caplan Sayres
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: An adorable look at where the big “diggers” sleep at night – this one is quite similar to Good Night, Good Night, Construction Site.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: For the wee truck-lover in your life! If you have a little one who loves heavy machinery in your home, this book is sure to be a hit. As your child watches the beloved trucks and diggers go peacefully to bed, odds are bedtime will start to seem more appealing to your little guy or little girl, too!
BOOK: Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go To Sleep – by Joyce Dunbar
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: Little Willa is scared to go to sleep – good thing her big brother Willoughby is there to tell her something happy before she goes to sleep!
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Bedtime fears and fear of the dark are very real for toddlers – and it’s very possible that at some point during the sleep coaching process, your little one will suddenly become scared at bedtime. This book is a great solution to that problem! Willa’s “happy thoughts” before bed can become your child’s – or, after the book is done, come up with some happy thoughts of your own! As for babies, they’re sure to love the snuggly bunny characters in this sweet little book.
BOOK: It’s Time To Sleep, My Love – by Nancy Tillman
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: Mama animals gently put their babies to sleep in this fantastic book, complete with gorgeous, lush illustrations.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: It can really help your little one to know that when it’s her bedtime, lots of other things are going to bed, too – including animals! The soft, lilting rhymes of this book will lull even the youngest babies to sleep, and the message that everything around the world is going to bed can go a long way to helping your baby or toddler settle down and fall asleep without a fuss.
BOOK: Simpson’s Sheep Won’t Go To Sleep! – by Bruce Arent
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: Simpson’s sheep need to go to sleep – but they just won’t! Between yakking and stalling and needing to “go”, these sheep are pro bedtime stallers.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Have a bedtime staller on your hands? Then this is the book for you! By the end, you and your toddler will be rolling over the sheep’s stall tactics, and will be chanting together, “Go to sleep, sheep!” This is a great way for toddlers to see how silly bedtime stalling can look from a different perspective, and will hopefully help you make progress towards smoother bedtimes yourselves.
BOOK: Sleep Is For Everyone – by Paul Showers
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: This little book presents great, basic information about why living things need sleep, and takes a look at how animals sleep, how people sleep, how sleep affects our brains, and more.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Have a little budding scientist at home who constantly asks, “But why?” I can relate! If your little one just needs to know the “why” behind why she has to go to sleep, you’ll want to grab a copy of this book. It presents the basics about why sleep is important in a straightforward, easy-to-understand way. This book will definitely help convince your little bedtime skeptic that sleep matters, and that can help make sleep coaching even easier on both of you!
BOOK: Bedtime – by Elizabeth Verdick
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: Watch a toddler go through his bedtime routine with his family, from brushing teeth to taking a bath to lullabies and snuggles.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Toddlers will be reassured that yes, bedtime is normal and everyone is doing it when they watch the character in the story go through his bedtime routine with mom and dad, and snuggle down happily into bed. Modeling good bedtime behavior and cooperation is a great way to help show your toddler exactly what’s expected of him at bedtime, and this book does exactly that – it provides a positive model of what bedtime should look like. A great tool to add to your sleep coaching arsenal! And babies can get a lot out of this book, too – after all, it’s never too late to start modeling good bedtime behavior, and establishing a strong bedtime routine! Note that this book is one in a series called “Toddler Tools” – check out their other books on meal-times, nap time, clean-up time, and more.
BOOK: Nursies When The Sun Shines – by Katerhine C. Havener
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: An adorable breastfeeding toddler learns that nighttime is for sleeping, and that “nursies” happen in the day, when the sun shines.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: A FABULOUS book for co-sleeping parents who are working on weaning an older baby or toddler away from nighttime nursing. A client actually recommended this one to us awhile back, and said it was a lifesaver in her home! If you are working on night weaning as part of your sleep coaching, this book will be a great tool for you – it’s designed to help even young toddlers understand when it’s time to nurse, and when it’s time to sleep.
BOOK:If Animals Kissed Good Night – by Ann Whitford Paul
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: As she prepares to drift off to sleep, a sweet little girl wonders aloud to her mother what it would be like if animals kissed goodnight at bedtime. Would the wolves kiss and then howl? Would the bears kiss and then growl?
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: With engaging rhymes and beautiful, whimsical illustrations, this book is sure to captivate your child’s interest at bedtime. The silly concepts may even raise a few giggles! But the main thing here is that it will strongly reinforce your sleep training work if your child sees animal friends peacefully kissing goodnight; it provides a model for what you want your child to do at bedtime, too. And it helps reinforce the idea that everyone has to go to sleep – even the baby animals!
BOOK: A Visit From The Good Night Fairy – by Renee Frances
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: A young toddler is anxious about sleeping alone all night in the new “big kid room” and starts resisting bedtime in a big way. Enter Remy Somnus, the Good Night Fairy! Our little sleep-fighter learns that if he can stay in bed all night long, the Good Night Fairy will leave a little gift at the foot of the bed.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Talk about motivation! This book provides a fantastic way to help you motivate your bedtime-fighter to fall asleep quickly and to STAY in bed all night long: every night that she stays in bed and sleeps, the Good Night Fairy will leave a small gift on her bed. This is an ideal sleep coaching tool for toddlers who have recently transitioned to sleeping alone in a big-kid bed.
BOOK: Mother Goose’s Pajama Party – by Danna Smith
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: Even nursery rhyme characters need their sleep! Join Mother Goose as she invites all your favorite nursery characters to a special slumber party. This is an inventive (and very sleep-friendly!) take on classic nursery rhyme stories.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: If your child enjoys classic nursery rhyme stories like Little Bo Peep and Jack and Jill, he’s sure to enjoy this clever book; he’ll get to watch as all his favorite characters settle in for the night and fall asleep under the loving care of (who else) Mother Goose herself! This is yet another book that emphasizes the universal need to sleep; reading this book will help your little one see that everyone – even nursery rhyme heroes – needs their rest.
BOOK: A Bedtime Kiss For Chester Raccoon (Kissing Hand Books) – by Audrey Penn
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY: If your child has read The Kissing Hand, then she’s sure to love this sweet bedtime story featuring Chester Raccoon. It’s time for Chester to sleep, but the sun is making strange and scary shadows on the walls. Chester’s mama offers him a bedtime kissing hand, and Chester is finally able to feel reassured and fall asleep.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: The kissing hand isn’t just for sending your kiddo to kindergarten anymore! In this adorable addition to the Kissing Hand series, Chester learns that a kissing hand from mama can soothe even the most serious of bedtime fears. If your child is struggling with nighttime fear, this book provides a great solution. Simply give your child his or her own “kissing hand” at bedtime as a way to offer comfort and promote sleep. This can be a great little addition to your usual bedtime routine.
BOOK: Edgar Gets Ready For Bed – by Jennifer Adams
SUPER-SHORT SUMMARY:Little Edgar the Raven is having a tough time minding his mother. Dinnertime, cleanup-time, and bedtime are all met with one word — “NEVERMORE!” From drawing on his bedroom walls with crayons to chasing his sister with a scarecrow, this mischievous and disobedient little bird would much rather do anything than behave. But as the evening winds to a close, Edgar’s mom knows just what to do to get her son into bed.
WHY IT’S A GREAT SLEEP TRAINING TOOL: Full disclosure: I’m a former English major, and the book nerd in me just adores the entire BabyLit® series of books. So I was thrilled to find a BabyLit® book all about sleep! If you have the twin goals of improving your child’s sleep AND introducing him to classic literature, then you’ll adore this book. It will help you lay a foundation for literary appreciation while also guiding your child towards greater cooperation at bedtime…who doesn’t love that?
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Bedtime stories for children. ⭐😴Read online with pictures.
In this section we have collected interesting fairy tales from all over the world that are suitable for reading before bed. You can read them online and completely free. These small instructive and kind stories will help children calm down after a stormy day and tune in to rest.
In bedtime stories you will not find cruelty and frightening characters. Only light plots and pleasant characters.
At the bottom of each fairy tale there is a hint for which age it is intended. nine0005
An interesting fairy tale is that part of childhood that stays with us forever, even when childhood is gone. This is a magical world that is wide open in front of the baby, and acquaintance with it begins with a short and sweet bedtime story.
At what age to read fairy tales to a child
There is no strict age limit in reading fairy tales to a child. Reading for a child is primarily an opportunity for emotional intimacy with an adult. Even if not a word is clear yet, the familiar timbre of the voice, the measured rhythm soothe the baby and stimulate its development. That is why psychologists recommend reading fairy tales even to babies. The main condition: the process should bring pleasure to both the adult and the baby. nine0005
The benefits of reading fairy tales
A bedtime story read by a parent is a powerful stimulus for the child's development, the child's wide opportunities in the following areas: imagination; fantasy; creative thinking; speech skills; emotional development; the ability to find a way out of problem situations.
Unlike cartoons, a fairy tale does not present the child with ready-made images and the world invented by the artist, but invites him to think, think out and imagine what is not in the illustrations. nine0005
Simply put, we read to children at night and at the same time unleash their creativity. The next step is the first children's tests of themselves as an author and artist, but that will come later. And now such familiar and at the same time amazing short bedtime stories come to the aid of parents.
Bedtime stories - what should they be?
It often happens that every day a baby asks for the hundredth time to read a familiar fairy tale to him, not wanting to listen to any others. nine0005
It's not worth arguing and trying to read something new - a bedtime story exists just to lull and give pleasant dreams. So, it should be: short; calm; kind; without dynamic details in the plot, but with a happy ending.
Repeated repetition of the same situation (a familiar room, a favorite blanket and a soft toy, next to it is a mother reading a familiar fairy tale) turns into a kind of ritual for the baby, which has a calming effect. It helps relieve the emotional stress that has accumulated over a long day. nine0005
Short stories on our website
The Short Bedtime Stories section presents famous works by Russian and foreign authors that have become favorites for children all over the world.
Magic little men created by Astrid Lindgren, Donald Bisset's kind tigers, Sergei Kozlov's inseparable Hedgehog and Bear cub - these and other characters are looking forward to meeting young readers.
Here you will also find folk tales and illustrated works by Vladimir Suteev. Kids will be delighted with simple instructive stories and colorful pictures created by a real Master. nine0005
Hints on the site
The free bedtime stories presented on our site are so diverse that sometimes it can be difficult to find the right one. To help parents, we have developed a convenient search engine that allows you to view the parameters of a fairy tale without opening it: age of readers; reading time; short description; popularity indicator; illustration.
Bedtime story: the best books and songs for bedtime baby
- Photo
- evgenyatamanenko/Getty Images/iStockphoto
However, not every modern mother can boast even a small set of lullabies and fairy tales. And not every dad can easily and quickly navigate the choice of the right book for his child in the store.
Each child's age requires its own approach: if a lullaby is enough for babies, then older children sometimes need to use a good example with an interesting story to tell about the need to close their eyes every night. To help you, lulling the sleepless, this selection. nine0005
Martin Waddell Why are you awake?
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- Polyandria publishing house
“Why are you not sleeping?” - the answer to this question, which occupies all the parents in the world, is trying to find dad Big Bear. He, in no way manages to persuade the Bear cub to fall asleep. And what does he not do, responding to the complaints of his son, who is afraid of the dark!
The author of this fairy tale is a two-time winner of the Smarties awards, the Kurt Maeschler Prize, and the G.Kh. Andersen. A kind and touching story of the relationship between an adult and a child is beautifully illustrated by watercolor drawings by the artist Barbara Firth. For illustrations for this book at 19In 1988, she received the Kate Greenway Medal, Britain's most prestigious award for illustrators. And in 2013, the British newspaper The Times called the book “Why are you not sleeping?” "the most perfect children's picture book ever written." This book, which has already become a classic of "sleep" books, is itself like a lullaby.
Jonathan Allen "I'm not sleepy!"
- Photo
- Klever publishing house
How often children stubbornly deny the obvious! And what should unfortunate parents do in this case? Especially when it comes to something as important as sleep. With children's stubbornness, which psychologists call "meaningless" and which peaks at the age of about 2.5 years, all moms and dads face. In the pursuit of self-affirmation and self-manifestation as a person, the baby, at such moments, does not agree even with what is completely clear and understandable to him. And the task of wise parents is to understand this and help the baby get out of the situation without blaming him. Here, for example, is how the father of the little Owl, who is desperately struggling with sleep, did it. He knows the secret of how to put his son to bed! nine0005
Jonathan Allen's Naughty Owl continues his journey through the books in the series. And again he is stubborn, and again it is not clear from what. Maybe he really doesn't want to sleep?
The author devoted a whole series of books to children's denials: "I'm not Santa Claus!", "I'm not cute!". And they are all about a very nice little owlet. The entire Owlet series is kind and funny stories, ideal for reading at night, when the baby needs to calm down and tune in to rest. Children recognize themselves in a little stubborn, which allows them to look at what is happening from the side and, perhaps, change for the better. nine0005
Andrey Usachev "The Lullaby Book"
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- Ripol Classic Publishing House
Not only children, but also dinosaurs from the distant past of the Earth, solar lunatics in open space sweetly fall asleep to the lullabies from this book on golden leaves in the autumn forest... Thanks to the wonderful illustrations of the outstanding artist Igor Oleinikov, all of them will see beautiful and kind fairy tales in their dreams.
And the verses from the "Lullaby Book" are not only "sleepy", but simply good verses. Deeply lyrical, setting in a single glorious mood, adults and children, both of them like them, touching hearts with sincerity and kindness. And sadness. nine0005
The author of the book is one of the most famous modern Russian children's writers and poets, winner of the Book of the Year award. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book is directed to the Regional Charitable Public Organization "Center for Curative Pedagogics".
"Lullabies for the whole family": Flavian-Press,
This is a collection of famous and not so famous lullabies, collected and performed by Natalia Faustova. The book includes the beloved “Lullaby of the Bear”, “A cricket sings behind the stove”, forgotten folk tunes “Kupalinka” and “Lullaby of Arina Rodionovna”, as well as “Star” and “Sleep, my boy” written especially for this project to the words of V Bryusova. nine0005
The book and CD appeared thanks to the efforts of the singer and photo artist Natalia Faustova, who performs songs here. Illustrator Anna Silivochnik created a whole world of magic and fantasy on the pages of the book. Heroes, patterns, details - all this can be considered endlessly. And, of course, the distinguishing feature of the book is the accompanying disc. He will always come to the aid of moms and dads who are tired of reading aloud. For current and future parents, "Lullabies" can become part of a tradition that is inherited and that first, but very solid "bridge" connecting the whole family, helping not to lose touch with the child after many years. nine0005
Tove Appelgren "Good night, Vesta Linnea!" What to do if you toss and turn all night long and have terrible dreams? What if at the most desperate moment you want to snuggle up to your mother, but it is forbidden to climb into your parent's bed? A Finnish girl with an unusual name is looking for answers to these and other questions that are relevant for any child. Vesta-Linne seems to see a well witch in the dark, and she is very scared. But one day the place in the parental bed is occupied by her younger sister. It is then that Vesta-Linnea realizes that she is now an older sister and must learn to cope with her fears herself.

The stories from the life of Vesta-Linnea have become a practical guide for children and parents around the world, they help resolve conflicts that arise in any family and at first glance seem unsolvable.
Tove Appelgren is a Finnish writer and theater director who became widely known for her series of books about the little girl Veste-Linne. In 2008, The Black Thoughts of Vesta-Linnea was nominated for the title of the best children's book in Finland. In 2010, the writer was nominated for the Astrid Lindgren Prize. nine0005
"Lullaby Tales"
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- "Ripol Classic" publishing house
For the little ones, those who can't read by themselves yet, but have already learned to listen attentively to their parents while lying in bed, here are collected as many as 365 fairy tales. For every night of the year! Every season, every month has its own fairy tales. A short story should just be enough for a kid to close his eyes and imagine ... An unusual crow or an ostrich with a breeze, a pig, an ice cream lover or a lamb on a carousel ... And many, many more fabulous little animals, with which it’s not at all scary to find yourself in a dream. nine0005
Mervy Lindman Brave Little Memuli
- Photo
- MD Media publishing house
There are such glorious books that you just don't want to let go of your hands. Because the worst mood after reading them disappears, and the world around becomes brighter.
Poor Memuli is afraid of everything in the world, especially at night... For example, she is afraid to go to the toilet, because a green crocodile may be hiding in the toilet bowl, she is afraid of bath foam, darkness and even strawberry jelly. As well as things moving in her room in the dark and shaggy dust crawling out from under the bed.