Colors of you

Colours Of You - Baby Queen

Colours Of You - Baby Queen - LETRAS.MUS.BR

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I speak in grey to match the shade on the inside of my brain
I decay when my tongue touches the edges of your name
White lies are coloured by context
And oh my God, I've lost my innocence
I can't believe what you've done to me
Can't you see that I'm on my knees?
You look at me and the darkness leaves
And suddenly

I'm covered in the colours of you, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Every single hue, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Of purple and blue, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Covered in the colours of you, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

You've changed my life into something I no longer recognise
And stained my eyes
Now they paint in watercolour when they cry
I used to see the world black and white
Now I, I

I'm covered in the colours of you, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Every single hue, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Of purple and blue, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Covered in the colours of you, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue
Purple, pink and indigo too
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue
Purple, pink and indigo too
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue

I'm covered in the colours of you, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Every single hue, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Of purple and blue, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Covered in the colours of you, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

    Letras Academy

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    • Green
    • Decay
    • Inside
    • That
    • World

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    Ver todas as músicas de Baby Queen
    1. Colours Of You
    2. Dover Beach
    3. Want Me
    4. Buzzkill
    5. You Shaped Hole
    6. Lazy
    7. American Dream (feat. MAY-A)
    8. Fake Believe
    9. Raw Thoughts
    10. These Drugs
    11. Baby Kingdom
    12. Dover Beach Pt. 2
    13. I'm a Mess
    14. Narcissist
    15. Nobody Really Cares
    16. Online Dating
    17. Colours Of You (Nick And Charlie Version)
    18. Colours Of You (Slowed And Reverbed Version)
    19. Internet Religion
    20. Medicine

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    2. Calm Down REMA
    3. Leão Marília Mendonça
    4. Sure Thing Miguel
    5. As It Was Harry Styles
    6. Uma Coisa Nova Maria Marçal
    7. Snap Rosa Linn
    8. Unholy (feat. Kim Petras) Sam Smith
    9. Hino Nacional Brasileiro Hinos de Países
    10. Alvo Mais Que a Neve Harpa Cristã
    1. Harpa Cristã
    2. Taylor Swift
    3. Lana Del Rey

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    The Colours of You (Video 2010)

    • Video
    • 20102010
    • 12m



    An art student attempts to paint the portrait of a girl who haunts his imagination. An art student attempts to paint the portrait of a girl who haunts his imagination.An art student attempts to paint the portrait of a girl who haunts his imagination.


      • Kate Richardson
      • Kate Richardson(story)
      • Shane Rodgers
      • Nicholas Benning
      • Andrew Cromwell
      • Nora Dalio
      • Kate Richardson
      • Kate Richardson(story)
      • Shane Rodgers
      • Nicholas Benning
      • Andrew Cromwell
      • Nora Dalio
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    Nicholas Benning

    Andrew Cromwell

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    Nora Dalio

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      • Kate Richardson
      • Kate Richardson(story)
      • Shane Rodgers
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    A person's character by colors: what color determines the character

    Your color is not necessarily the one that prevails in your wardrobe, or the one in which you paint the walls in the apartment from year to year. To determine your color, you should listen to yourself. Think about what colors inspire you. The color that you imagine in your dreams determines your character

    Elizabeth of Heaven

    So, choose your favorite color and find out what it means. nine0003


    The color of active people. Not just active, but bright, desperate. It is from such people that heroes and revolutionaries are made. Before us, most likely, is a born leader, able to captivate with his ideas. A person who does not tolerate routine and stagnation.


    Cheerful, easy-going and enterprising individuals choose it! They are always looking for new ways and believe that there are not so many hopeless situations. Infect with their optimism and enthusiasm all around. They often like hiking and singing around the campfire. They always know what to do with children and how to amuse adults. Originals and fidgets. nine0004


    As a rule, a yellow lover is a calm, balanced and optimistic person who knows his worth. Accurately defines goals and routes to them. He knows how to keep a clear head in the most difficult situation. Often these are honest and morally strong people. They are not ready to sacrifice principles for the sake of momentary gain. Patient and observant. They have an enviable willpower.


    The color of peace and hope. It is chosen by people striving for harmony, tranquility and justice, who cannot imagine themselves without constant development and movement forward. Lovers of green, most likely, will study all their lives, because they make high, if not overestimated, demands on themselves. nine0004

    They often have remarkable patience and a sharp mind.


    Impressive and, most likely, very kind and helpful people. Not without a penchant for science and discovery. From the flow of various information, they are able to highlight the essence. It seems that it is they who can fairly judge any most intricate dispute without causing offense to any of the parties. However, no one canceled the tendency to soar in the clouds! Among blue lovers there are many desperate travelers and extreme people. nine0004


    These people are as incomprehensible as the ocean itself. Character can become their main problem: you need to be able to control your emotions. They are punctual and prudent, value prosperity and comfort. Much attention is paid to sensual pleasures. They can sit for hours in front of a waterfall, sea, fire and cherry blossoms and admire the picture. Often they themselves are seriously busy with creativity. At the same time, they are often not too easy to lift.


    Not a quick decision maker. They need to think everything over properly, to "sleep with the idea." They are not accustomed to endure a fiasco and therefore carefully prepare the ground for innovation. Therefore, they rarely fail. nine0004

    Severe in appearance, "violet" - merry fellows in the company, witty and groovy. They highly value freedom and independence.


    Strict and obligatory. They love to impress others. Sexual and passionate natures.

    Before us are individuals with a certain theatrical character, able to charm and fall in love with themselves. However, as a rule, they have one enviable feature - the ability to say a firm no.

    Fundamentally honest people. Most likely, for them to lie is to go against themselves. Willingly respond to requests for help and support. At the same time, they strive for success and love public recognition. Dreamy and responsive. nine0004

    They are not afraid to shock the audience and seem to even feed on emotions from the effect produced. Like water fish, they need the admiration of others!


    Restrained nature. They look at the world with severity and realize its imperfection. However, these are not mere bystanders. They strive to correct the situation for the better and often they manage to change the established order.

    Principled and serious personalities, reliable comrades. Due to their conservatism, they do not always understand humor and can be seriously offended by pranksters. nine0003

    The expression “gray eminence” seems to have been coined about lovers of this color. Most likely, they have animal instinct and good intuition. They can count the interlocutor from the first moment. However, they will not give a look. For by nature they are researchers and, to some extent, intriguers who are very interested in how events will develop further. And if they get bored, they can also throw firewood into the fire of passions.

    Executive and diligent.


    Camouflage is perhaps the main definition of their character. Such people, for various reasons, do not really strive to show their true self. They prefer to hide the real ones from those around them and appear in a different way - more touching, gentle. Make no mistake: a pink veil hides the steel rod.

    However, as a rule, these are impressionable persons. Non-standard situations can unsettle them for a long time. In most cases - kind and sympathetic people. nine0003

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      What is an aura and how to determine its color?

      We are sure that you have come across such concepts as "aura" and "aura color" more than once, right? Surely you always wanted to know what shade and your spiritual shell. How to determine your color and what does it mean? If you can't wait to find out, then read on 👇🏻

      What is an aura?

      It is believed that aura is a manifestation of the soul and spirit of a person. The aura is not a real object that we can touch and see, so it is not very suitable for the study of science. To put it simply, the aura is a kind of energy cocoon in which a person is located. The most interesting thing is that your "cocoon" shows not only the physical state, but also the mental state - thoughts, emotions and feelings ✨

      How to determine the color of the aura?

      But this is the most interesting! There are several methods (although they are all considered unreliable), but whether it is true or not - judge for yourself:

      • Using a special camera that you hardly have at home 😅

      • In the semi-darkness, press your palm against a white sheet of paper, squint your eyes and concentrate. You should see the rays that will come out of your fingers. If you do everything right, then you may be able to see the color of your aura. But this, of course, is closer to esotericism 🤷🏻‍♀️

      • By the date of your birth, you can determine exactly the innate color of the aura, but this will not be able to give you an answer about your current state of it. You just need to add the numbers that make up the date of your birth. For example, if you were born on 2906/1997, then you add 2+9+0+6+1+9+9+7=43 (you need to add until you get a number from 1 to 12). Since 43 is a much larger number than 12, you add 4 and 3 to get 7. And then look for the color that matches your number!

      Aura colors and what they mean:

      1. Red aura

      Red is the color of aspiration, ambition, love of freedom and optimism. If you have this particular color, then know that you are considered a cheerful person who is looking for pluses everywhere. We can safely say about you that your glass is always half full. This color also means that, on the one hand, you are a sensual person, and on the other hand, you are sometimes aggressive. By the way, people with a red aura often achieve heights in sports and always achieve all their goals ✊🏻

      2. Yellow aura

      Yellow aura corresponds to creative individuals who are constantly generating ideas and have a predisposition to create something new and beautiful. Also, this color indicates that you have the ability to express yourself, and you are also the soul of almost any company! After all, like the rays of the sun, you are able to illuminate everything around with a warm light. People with this aura have natural eloquence: they are open, sociable, sociable and prone to intellectual achievements 😉

      3. Orange aura

      Orange color speaks about your health and emotions. People with such an aura are characterized by kindness, sensitivity, caring and sociability. If you have an aura of this color, then learn to enjoy the help that you give to others, and realize that you are devoting your time to truly useful activities. And if you want your aura to always be orange, then accept yourself as you are, because you are the one and only ✨

      4. Green aura

      But the owners of the green aura are considered compassionate, trusting and sentimental individuals. They are also able to adapt to any environment, which is important! But you know what's the coolest thing about this color? People with such an aura are considered born optimists, in whose lives there is simply no time for sadness and longing. And also, they should have many friends, because they love to communicate very much 😎

      5. Blue aura

      The owners of the blue aura are prone to traveling, teaching and searching for the truth. People with this color are ready to break loose at any moment to unknown places in order to replenish their album of pleasant memories. They really like to study the cultures and traditions of other ethnic groups. We think that your faithful travel companion should be a camera to share with all the beauties of distant places. By the way, people with such an aura have clear thinking, imagination and creative inclinations, as well as a drop of adventurism 😉

      6. Blue aura

      The owners of this aura are very responsible, self-confident, noble and caring. They are distinguished by humanity and the desire to do everything right. But the coolest thing about this aura is that people are always drawn to them, so the owners of this color always have many friends. Also, the blue color is a mixture of ambition and determination, which most often manifests itself in an active desire to do everything right ✊🏻


      Purple aura

      People with a purple aura have a rich spiritual world, good intuition and sometimes even the gift of clairvoyance. Probably the most pleasant thing in such an aura is the creative inclinations, which manifest themselves in a penchant for acting and literary data. We can say that their gift is to turn illusions into reality with the help of the magic of imagination and creativity. They also always show delicacy and tact in dealing with other people. And yes, purple aura is rare, so its owners are special 😍

      8. Pink aura

      The owners of this aura are very gentle in nature, as evidenced by the pink color. They never get tired of working and caring for others. In fact, the owners of this aura are real workaholics, which is very cool! Thanks to this quality, they achieve a lot in this life. The main thing is to find activities to your liking, which will deliver only positive emotions. Although at the same time, pink means shyness, so these people have to work on their confidence 🙃


      Bronze aura

      Bronze is the color of humanism and self-sacrifice. These people can be described as caring and gentle, but at the same time determined and positive. The owners of this aura are always ready to help (and rather detached and at ease), without asking for anything in return. These people are always happy and emotionally independent 😏

      10. Silver aura

      But people with a silver aura are real dreamers and dreamers. They love to imagine their future and come up with different stories that everyone listens to with great pleasure and interest. The main virtues of the owners of the silver aura are honesty, gullibility and nobility. And the coolest thing is that they have a well-developed intuition! So, if you are the owner of this aura, then learn to trust your intuition, because it is unlikely to let you down 🧐

      11. Golden aura

      Golden color symbolizes infinity. The owners of this aura are born leaders with strong energy. Many people are drawn to them throughout their lives.

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