Come along sing the alphabet song
Sesame Street Sings the Alphabet
None Come on, get ready! Come on, get set! Join Sesame Street and sing the alphabet! Come on, get ready. Come on, get set! Join Sesame Street and sing the alphabet! All your Sesame friends are ready to sing, and each word starts with a letter of the alphabet. A is for Abby, B is for Bert. C is for Cookie Monster, and D is Cookie Monster’s dessert. Even Oscar’s joining in as he sings his name! Then meet a queen that quacks on Q, T is for Telly and a tuba to blow in, and Y is for YOU! What’s your favorite letter of the alphabet? What words start with that letter? show full description Show Short DescriptionPreschool and Pre-k
Enjoy songs and short stories for preschoolers and pre-k that help your child learn the ABCs, colors, opposites, and more.
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The ABC Song
Robot's First Day of School
PANTONE Colors, The Song
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
Sesame Street Sings the Alphabet
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
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Come on, get ready! Come on, get set! It’s time for the Sesame Street alphabet! A is for Abby. B is for Bert. C is for Cookie Monster, D for dessert. E is for Elmo. F is for frog. “Ribbit.” G is for Grover. H is for hog. “Oink, oink.” I is for insect, J, jar of jam. K is for kitten. “Meow.” L is for lamb. M is for Murray. N is for noodle. O is for Oscar. P is for poodle. “Yuck.” Q is for queen, a queen who likes to quack. “Quack, quack, quack.” R is for Rosita. S is for snack. “Mmm.” T is for Telly and a tuba to blow in. U for ukulele, and V for violin. W is for worm, wiggling. “Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah.” X is for xylophone. Y is for you. Z is for Zoe and zoo. Now let’s sing it together all the way through. A is for Abby. B is for Bert. C is for Cookie Monster, D for dessert. E is for Elmo. F is for frog. “Ribbit.” G is for Grover. H is for hog. “Oink, oink.” I is for insect, J, jar of jam. K is for kitten. “Meow.” L is for lamb. M is for Murray. N is for noodle. O is for Oscar. P is for poodle. “Yuck.” Q is for queen, a queen who likes to quack. “Quack, quack, quack.” R is for Rosita. S is for snack. “Mmm.” T is for Telly and a tuba to blow in. U for ukulele, and V for violin. W is for worm wiggling. “Wee, ha-hee, ha-ha-ha.” X is for xylophone. Y is for you. Z is for Zoe and zoo. And now the Sesame Street alphabet, the Sesame Street alphabet, (the Sesame Street alphabet is through) the Sesame Street alphabet is through.
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9 Fun Versions of the Alphabet Song to Sing with Kids
Learning to sing the alphabet song is an important part of the process of learning letter recognition on the journey to reading and writing. While I am pretty sure we all know the traditional alphabet song, these super cool versions are lots of fun and fabulous for bringing the letters of the alphabet to life for preschool, kindergarten and early elementary/primary aged children.
The Alphabet Song by The LMNOPs: An upbeat, groovy version of the classic song.
The Alphabet Song by Super Simple Songs: The most traditional version of the song in this collection with a great animation with plastic letters, great for encouraging kids to follow along.
Elmo Sings a Rap Alphabet Song:
So Sesame Street has to have the most fabulous of all video alphabet resources, right?!! I’ve featured a few here, including this fun version with Elmo rapping.
ABC Disco with Grover: Now this is classic Sesame Street. In fact, I am pretty sure I first saw it in the 70s when I was a child! You just can’t go past disco!
Sesame Street’s Outer Space ABCs: A more classic song version from Sesame Street with a cool, space themed animation.
ABC Song by Debbie Doo: Debbie sings a catchy jazz version of the classic alphabet song.
The ABC Song by StoryBots: A fun robot animation with cool robotic singing voices.
ABC Phonics Song by The Learning Station: Teaching the alphabet through different musical styles! Love the rock version.
Animal Alphabet by Key Wilde: An fun alphabet story told through a song about fun animal antics with gorgeous illustrations. I can see this inspiring some great alphabet animal drawing with older children.
Have fun singing the alphabet! Do you have a favourite version?
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Christie Burnett is a teacher, presenter, writer and the mother of two. She created Childhood 101 as a place for teachers and parents to access engaging, high quality learning ideas.
Alphabet Holiday in Grade 2 | English language
Author: Aida Fanisovna Umarova
Organization: MBOU Shildinskaya secondary school
Settlement: Orenburg region, Adamovsky district, village Shilda
Purpose: Introducing children to foreign language speech activity and culture :
- Repetition of lexical and grammatical material;
- Development of thinking, attention, imagination;
- Development of motivation for further study of the English language.
- to form a multicultural personality, understanding of foreign speech
- cultivate love for the English language through poetry and songs
Equipment: printed letters (26 pcs), alphabet cards (2 sets), certificates (4 pcs), team names, Dunno words cards (2 pcs), music, song about the alphabet, song-game, presentation , posters for 2 teams, decoration of the hall.
(music sounds, presenter comes out)
Dear friends come out to play, Dear friends come out to play.
The sun shining is bright as day.
Leave your supper, leave your sleep,
Come with playfellows into the street.
- Teacher: Good afternoon pupils and guests! Welcome to the ABC Party!
Let's begin our party with The song "Hello".
- Good afternoon, dear students and guests of our holiday! Welcome to Alphabet Festival!
Let's start our event with the greeting song " Hello ".
The song "Hello". (welcome song sounds)
- Teacher: Today we will tell the poems about letters, sing songs, play games and we will have a competition between 2 commands.
- Today at the festival we will read poetry, sing songs, play games, compete in knowledge of the English language. And we will start our event with a warm welcome from the teams.
Loud applause greet the team 2 "A" class.
Let's welcome the team of 2 "B" class!
- Teacher: First of all, I suggest you a warm-up to readjust to English - talk in dialogue with your friend. Who wants to show their dialogue?
(students optionally show a dialogue - 1-2 pairs)
Good! thank you! Fine! Thank you!
- Teacher: And now I suggest you play the game
"Say a word!"
- We are going to play football
Ball in English - (ball)
- Dinner was delicious,
900 I was in bed.
- I walked for a long time, my neck is tired,
I will sit on a chair - (chair).
- Chuckles did not fit in the basin,
He has a bath - (bath).
- A mouse ran through - (mouse)
And found her house - (house).
- I see a lot of hands in the class!
Book in English - book.
- Very long leash
My dog has a dog.
- Be polite and don't forget
say goodbye - (Good bay!)
Good! thank you! Well done!
- Teacher:
Let them hear our greetings
All letters - from A to Z
We will memorize them
To become smarter than everyone
And we will finish studying
Let's have fun together.
- And now, children, tell us please your poems about the ABC!
- And now, guys, let's remember and tell poems about the letters of the Alphabet.
- about the alphabet.
(Students tell verses each about their own letter).
Letter A: | Letter N: |
Ant, workaholic ant, | Turn the letter Nn over |
Letter B: | Letter O: |
Bird - bird, | Oil - oil, oat - oats, |
Letter C: | Letter P: |
Will not start without it | The letter Pp will give us |
Letter D: | Letter Q: |
Do not approach the letter Dd, | This letter is not easy |
Letter E: | Letter R: |
Look at the picture - | I will remember without difficulty |
Letter F: | Letter S: |
Letter Ff for frog, | In the arena of the round circus |
Letter G: | Letter T: |
Do not be friends with this letter - | The store can Tt |
Letter H: | Letter U: |
House - a cozy forest house, | Is it raining? So don't yawn - |
Letter I: | Letter V: |
We are so similar with the letter Ii: | There are flowers in a vase, |
Letter J: | Letter W: |
Puts treats on the table | Letter Ww. She |
Letter K: | Letter X: |
Help quickly! | Meet my dog, Rex. |
Letter L: | Letter Y: |
The letter L came next, to help the lamb - lamb, He is afraid to go to bed, Asks for a lamp - lamp to light. | At the end of a word, don't lose |
Letter M: | Letter Z: |
Letter Mm for monkey, | Terminates alphabet |
Good! thank you! What good fellows you guys are!
- You know wonderful poems about The ABC! But would you like to sin a song about the ABC?
- Here are the poems you told about letters! Let's sing a song about the alphabet, shall we?
- Look at the screen! Pay attention to the screen!
A song about the alphabet. (Students sing a song about the alphabet "The ABC")
Oh, well, you see
Now I know the ABC
Good! thank you!
Alphabet games.
- Teacher: And now it's time to compete in teams, test your knowledge, and find out which class is faster at completing tasks. We have two teams. Let's choose captains and team names.
And now, I invite the captains to come up and draw out the names of the teams.
“Well done!” Fine!
1 task:
Find the hidden letters that live in these houses. Write the appropriate capital or small letters.
A |
| c |
E |
| g |
I |
| to |
M |
| or |
Q |
| s |
U |
| w |
Y |
B |
| d |
F |
| h |
J |
| and |
N |
| p |
R |
| t |
V |
| x |
Z |
2 Task:
Insert the missed letters in the words:
C . .. T
D ... G
3 Task:
Students are the alphabet, Lousing the letter in order.
- Wonderful! Amazing!
Poem about colors: Portrait (scream game)
I paint your portrait
The mouth will be red - Red
Blue eyes – Blue
I love this paint.
No, let's go alone
Let's make green - Green
Cheeks smeared with sauce
Rose steel – Rose
Eyebrows draw quickly
Pencil gray – Gray
And let's get dressed
In white trousers – White
Purple vest -
Pencil – Violet
The forelock will be black - Black
Nice person!
Song about colors
- Now, I suggest you remember the colors and sing the song "Rainbow", and then we will continue to compete!
- Excellent! Great!
- Teacher: Now let's continue our competition!
4 task:
- Teacher: - Dunno learns the alphabet with you and knows a lot of words. He knew that you would have a holiday of the alphabet and sent you these words by mail. Let's see what words Dunno knows. Something strange! Let's decipher these words!
2 A class: odg tac lfag
2 B class: xob amlp tna
Very good! Very good! Perhaps we will send these correctly spelled words back to Dunno. Let's keep learning English!
5 task:
- Teacher: Well, this competition of captains. Now we will check how well the captains can tell the alphabet!
Well done! Fine!
- Teacher: That was our last assignment. And how well you performed it will be decided by our jury.
- While the jury is summing up, I suggest you play mobile
Pinocchio game!
Play with colored handkerchiefs "Colors".
- Teacher: Well done! In the meantime, we are playing and singing, we will ask our jury to sum up the results of the competition.
The jury sums up the results of the competition.
- Do you guys like learning English? I'm very happy! It turns out that foreign languages are studied not only by people, but also by insects. Let's listen to what our friends - insects are talking about.
Dramatization: "Strange Ishtoria".
Author: I met a beetle in a forest
Cute wasp:
Beetle: Ah, what a fashionista!
Let me get acquainted.
Wasp: Dear passerby,
Well, it's a hundred pohoze!
You don't represent
How do you sepel!
Author: And the beautiful wasp
Flew into the sky.
Beetle: Zhrannaya citizen
Perhaps a foreigner?
Author: Annoyed beetle with pretzels
Runs across the meadow.
Beetle: It should have been like that
Goof off
Here's your boyfriend
Bezhorazie, pozhor
How not to be
again In such a position!
We urgently need to zhanimatsya
Foreign yazhik!
Dramatization from the collection "Tales of Mother Goose"
Verse - Dialogue "Pussy Cat" (couple of children)
Translation "Where have you been today, Kitty?" (couple of children)
- Thank you very much! You are good actors! Perfect!
Well, now the floor is given to our jury - Elena Alekseevna Surkova. (The jury summarizes the results and awards diplomas for the participation of the team).
- Teacher: Good! thank you! We thank Elena Alekseevna for the words and letters.
Well, I would also like to award students. But my certificates will be for your work in the lesson, and in particular for “The Best Notebook”. (teacher rewards 1 student per class).
Teacher: Well done! That's all for today. Thank you for your work. Slide 11.
So our holiday is over! You have learned the alphabet well. We reward all participants with diplomas “I know the ABC”.
- Teacher: Our the ABC Party has come to an end.
- Did you like the holiday? And what did you like more? Which task? Good! thank you!
Be polite and don't forget to say goodbye - (Good bay!)
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Published: 10/19/2022
Alphabet Holiday - Events
201 The Enchard alphabet- “The A BC Party 9000 9000
201201 Purpose: Summing up the first half of the study at the initial stage of studying the English language.
repeat and reinforce the material covered in a playful way;
support interest in learning English;
interpersonal communication training;
development of creative activity, moral qualities - goodwill, mental processes: memory, attention, imagination and positive emotions.
computer, screen, presentation.
Progress of the event
T: Dear guests and children! We are glad to be together on our holiday, which is dedicated to the English alphabet.
What should I say in response?
Perhaps I'll be polite:
Hello, dear friends!
L: And now, guys, let's greet the guests and each other with the song “How do you do?” (Students sing the song).
T: Today we are going on a journey across the seas and oceans to the country of ABC, but first we need to prove that we are ready for the journey and speak English.
Students read poems:
1. To understand the alphabet
We need to rhyme
There are many secrets in itself
this English alphabet
2. I draw the alphabet,
I also sing.
Even Murka sometimes I
Hey - bi - si - di - hey - I call.
3. Ahm
I am
I am a big and I am a brother
For some reason they speak English
They speak very strangely.
4. I am a seven and I am an eit
I am strong and big
Everything became so clear to me
English became my native language
What should I call you?
"My name from mouse" - she whispered
And immediately ran away when she saw the cat.
6. I'm in English ah, a pie with a filling - share
Cherry jam filling, ah pie, perhaps we'll eat
I say van, that and pie flies to your mouth.
I count 1,2,3 and the share is already inside.
Such an obedient share did not say goodbye!
L: And now, guys, let's remember the alphabet. Look at the screen. (Working with a presentation) Let's name all the letters of the alphabet. How many letters are in the English alphabet? Name the vowels of the alphabet. Let's all sing a song about the alphabet together. (Students sing a song)
L: Well done! Now we are all on the shoulder. So, let's go. We will sail with you on the White Sea, the Red Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Black Sea. To stay on track. Let's repeat the names of the colors.
Miss Watercolor
As soon as you take a brush in your hands,
You will immediately get to visit the paints,
And in this fabulous land of flowers,
Be ready for various surprises.
Remember all the names on the way,
so that you can always find the right color!
White - white as a snowfield,
Black - like a black ember,
Red - red as a strawberry
Green - green like a leaf and grass
Blue - blue like a blue sky
Brown brown like earth
And if you look around
And suddenly you see new colors
You say this verse again,
And think up your own rhyme, my friend,
Remember all the names on the way, so that
You could always find the right color.
Yellow - yellow like a hot sun
Orange - orange like an orange
Violet - lilac like a violet petal
Pink - pink like a bouquet of roses
Gray - like pebbles by the sea
Such a wonderful land of flowers!
L: Now guys, let's play. I will read you a poem, and you will name the colors in chorus, where necessary.
I am painting your portrait
The mouth will be red - Red
The eyes are blue - Blue
I love this paint.
No, let's be alone
Let's make green -Green
Cheeks smeared with sauce
Steel pink -Rose
Draw eyebrows quickly
Pencil gray - Gray
Let's get dressed
White trousers - White
Violet waistcoat -
Pencil - Violet
Black forelock - Black
Nice person!
Game: Colors (The teacher shows a card and calls the color, if it is correct, then the students clap, if it is wrong, then the students stomp).
L: We continue our journey and now we are approaching the Bay of Mysteries. In order not to be shipwrecked, you need to guess a few riddles, but on one condition - the riddles you must speak English.
Who goes to bed in autumn
And who gets up in spring? (a bear)
Red tangle
Behind the gray lope. (a fox, a rabbit)
A bulldog was walking along the street
In English he is ...(a dog)
Not a king, but wearing a crown
Not a rider, but with spurs
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up! (a cock)
Long tail, tiny height,
Gray coat, sharp teeth. ( a mouse)
Sleeps during the day, flies at night and
Scares passers-by.( an owl)
L: Very well, and our ship continues on its way. (Slide No. 3). Guys, I see an island where different animals live, but something happened on the island. Someone is sending us an SOS signal. Yes, it's Mr Rule. We need to help him. Shall we make a stop? What happened, we now find out. Here's the note. Mr. Rule writes that an evil witch has bewitched all the animals on the island, and in order to disenchant them, you need to name them in English. (Presentation work)
L: I know that you have poems about animals, let's tell them.
1. Monkey - a monkey lives in Africa.
Runs - wounds, jumps, sings songs
Eats bananas, eating means it,
Goes to bed at night, sleep otherwise sleep.
2. Having knocked over cans on the floor,
Sitting in the corner, e decoy,
Putting a bow on his trunk,
Dancing polka en elifant.
Mister Brian will be surprised
E layen put on his jacket
For some reason he climbed onto the closet and e giraffe got stuck there.
3. Silently fish suddenly opened her mouth
She moved her fins
She asked the owner
4. Rumbled the Dog,
Helped Frog,
in the Sun was warmed up by Kat
Flying in the sky BET
Walked Doskolavo BEA
In the bushes, I jumped on the HEA
Sit on the Fox
and drank Milk from the Milk from box
L: Okay guys, let's take all the animals with us on the trip. And ahead, straight ahead, the bay, which is called "Entertaining English." Let's take a look, maybe there is something interesting for us. (Presentation work).
L: We've almost arrived. Finally, we are in the country of ABC. Are you wondering what's going on here? Let's find out!
1. I am already learning English,
I am very proud of this
And today I will share everything I know
with my friends.
I call my grandmother grani,
mums- mums
I call my brother brother
he is pleased - hee from glad.
2. A doll came running - USD
They took away a ball - a ball
Who took it?
They took away toys - toys
In an instant I will find a bully
Return everything!
Bring zem back!
3. Suddenly I see a mouse - mouse
I ran into the house - House
I saw a cat - Kat
And dived into a hat - hat
4. I want to tell you
- donkey - how to call animals 9002 English dunks,
Monkey in a rhyme - decoy
Cat - Kat. Great Dane
And the frog is just a frog.
L: And let's look into the windows of houses in ABC country and see what's going on there.
In the old grandmother's buffet
Slowly a mouse crept in.
What should she eat for lunch?
Mouse hesitated for a long time.
Cake – pie with jam filling.
"No, I don't eat jam."
Oat porridge
Not tasty enough
Sandwich or sandwich
“Doesn’t go into my mouth today
Cheese is not fresh, sosidzh is also
So why disturb the stomach
I’m not sure that Brad
It will replace the whole dinner for me”
But Kat had no doubts
Grab and ate a mouse mouse
And she said:
“For lunch, there is no better dish than a mouse.”
L: The guys also want to read you a poem from an English book called Strange Story
Met a beetle in a forest
A cute wasp
“Oh, what a fashionista!
Please allow me to get to know you”
“Dear passer-by,
Well, that's one hundred percent worse!
You have no idea
How shy you are»
And the beautiful wasp flew into the sky.