Computer software for 3 year olds
The 5 Best Education Services and Apps for Kids on Windows
The technology revolution has prompted many parents to buy their kids computers to study on, but it can be hard to get them to actually study. However, there are plenty of education apps and websites that can keep your child engaged while also educating them.
No matter what your child's learning needs are, whether it's to improve their math skills, improve their programming grasp, increase their typing speed or paint in their spare time, these educational apps and websites for Windows will help.
Renowned for its well-designed videos, Khan Academy is probably one of the most comprehensive learning apps for kids of every age group. Its engaging content empowers students to study at their own pace.
The Khan Academy has everything your kids might need, from medicine to primary healthcare, economics to finances, organic chemistry to human biology, and much more. Plus, it is free to use. All you need to do is download the Khan Academy app for Windows and your child is ready to go!
Khan Academy even offers its own children's version called Khan Academy Kids. The app caters to the needs of children under seven by teaching them maths, logic, emotional studies using games, books, animations, and songs.
In this way, younger kids remain engaged while learning stuff that will be helpful years from now. Parents can also get help for the courses they take. Therefore, it's an all-rounder tool that your kid must take full advantage of.
Since RoboMind's educational content focuses heavily on computation and programming, you might think of it as an app for adults only. However, that's not the case! It offers computational thinking to kids as young as eight years old to help them thrive in the 21st century.
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RoboMind is not an all-encompassing app that covers every subject, but what it does excel in is logic, automation, and technology. It's the perfect place to introduce coding to newer kids and harness the potential of those already competent in computing.
As part of the app, a virtual teacher constantly guides students and monitors their progress while allowing them to participate in programming contests to test their skills.
Who knows, a child to win another competition is working hard to become the next Dennis Ritchie, one of the best programmers ever.
The RoboMind app, based on information provided by the company, can teach students in 27 different languages while retaining all original illustrations and interactive visuals offered in the primary language and is therefore used by over ten thousand students across the globe.
Download: RoboMind for Windows (Free)
Do math problems haunt your kids? Then give them the gift of Mathspace. This online math workbook will allow your children to practice math on their Windows devices while at home.
To help you teach your kids, the app also offers a bunch of textbooks, helpful step-by-step explanations, and 14000+ videos. Thus, the app isn't limited to solving problems but offers much more.
Related: The Best Websites to Bookmark for Learning Math Step by Step
Mathspace has hundreds of quizzes to help your kids practice no matter what mathematics area they struggle with. Mathspace allows kids to solve as many math word problems as they like, and the app will score their performance.
The app also features intelligent handwriting recognition, useful if you own a touchscreen device that supports stylus input. By using this feature, your child will have the sense of solving math problems by hand.
Mathspace is not an all-in-one learning app, but it is one hell of a math solver. Therefore, put an end to your kids' heavy math notebooks and use this online workbook to improve their skills.
The best way to inspire creativity among children is through craft. Let your kids soar with their clever imaginations using the Tux paint Windows app! Whether your little one takes an interest in painting or you want to get them involved in drawing activities, Tux Paint is the app for you.
Kids aged 3 to 12 will find the software easy to use, and it is free. Tux Paint is made even more enjoyable by its interactive controls, fun sound effects, and a Penguin character that tours the kids around so they remain entertained.
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Tux Paint has everything you need to help your child develop their artistic side by adding shapes, inserting text, painting with the brush, and using magical effects. After drawing their favorite scenery, the app allows them to print it and hang it in their bedroom right next to their bed.
Tux Paint is also great for older folks looking for a break from complicated photoshop tools and hectic professional editing. Additionally, the app is completely free of advertisements, which means your child won't have to deal with the constant interruption that other apps inevitably cause.
Download: Tux Paint for Windows (Free)
The Typer Shark Deluxe is an entertaining, fun, and interactive Windows PC game designed more as a typing skill enhancer than a typical learning app. Kids (and even adults!) can use the app keyboard as a weapon against in-game enemies to improve their typing skills.
Typer Shark Deluxe provides a superb educational adventure that kids will love by challenging the user to combat sharks and find the hidden treasure.
Related: The Best Sites and Games to Teach Kids Typing the Fun Way
In addition to increasing a player's WPM, this type-enhancer disguised as a game makes the time fly by, effectively killing boredom. In addition to sharks, hungry piranhas are also on the loose, and only a player's typing skills can save him. The feeling of winning helps them improve their typing speed every day.
If you want your kids to have good typing skills early, install Typer Shark Deluxe right now.
Download: Typer Shark Deluxe for Windows (Free)
Enhance Your Kid's Knowlege With Engaging Windows Apps
With the rapid growth of smart gadgets, traditional learning methods have become boring, especially for the young. For them, these monotonous ways are less exciting and limit their creativity. By using the best educational apps for Windows, you can keep your kids entertained and enrich their knowledge.
How often do you take road trips with your annoying kids in the backseat? Consider installing apps like YouTube Kids, Plates, Mechanic Max, and more on your phone, so your children will be occupied while you enjoy nature and have fun.
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all reviews >>> preschool software So your child is getting ready to make one of the big steps in life - starting school. Computer programs for kids who can't even tie their own shoes, let alone read? Click on the titles to see SuperKids' complete reviews. If your children are a little younger, check out our reviews of multisubject software for babys or toddlers; if they're a bit older, see our reviews of software for kindergarten.
Can't find one that meet your needs? See all the preschool programs SuperKids has reviewed.
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Educational programs for children. Educational computer programs for children
In our world great importance is attached to the comprehensive development of the child. In the course are educational toys, books and much more. And, of course, technological progress does not stand aside. Toddlers from an early age are drawn to computers, tablets and smartphones, which they see in the hands of adults. Some believe that they only bring harm, however, these gadgets can also be beneficial if you install educational programs for children on them.
Azbuka Pro
Educational, educational programs for children cannot be imagined without an application aimed at learning the alphabet. "Azbuka Pro" is a talking alphabet. The program is suitable for preschool children - 3-7 years old. With its help, you can learn the Russian and English alphabets, the basics of reading and counting. The main thing to do is to find pairs of letters. When a certain card is pressed, the child will hear a pleasant female voice that will voice what is written.
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Using the same application, you can teach your baby to work with a computer mouse. Learning to read is recommended by performing exercises such as "Smart Cubes", "Poems", "Words", "Syllables of two letters". In the latter case, the syllables are arranged so that the baby can understand the relationship between changes in letters and sound. It is important that parents are present when the child is engaged. Let the baby repeat the sounds, and mom or dad monitor the correct pronunciation.
"The World of Letters" - alphabet for children
Many educational programs for children today are produced for devices running on the Android platform. After all, it will be much easier for a small child to cope with touch controls than with a mouse and keyboard. The World of Letters is just such a game. From the age of two, the baby will be able to learn letters and memorize words. But even for a six-year-old child, the program can be relevant if he has not yet managed to learn the alphabet. Well, if for him the letters are a topic passed, then he will be able to test his knowledge and have a little fun by putting together puzzles.
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Many different topics can be the basis of computer games for children. Developing programs for studying counting also exist. One of them is "Count". The game teaches the basics of computing. The child will be able to master the addition and subtraction of numbers within ten, as well as tens. In an accessible form, the program explains how ten is formed, how to add numbers up to one hundred.
You can check how well the acquired knowledge has been mastered with the help of a test. A good point: after completing it, you can see which tasks were solved correctly and which ones were not, view the results of the solutions and get a mark. The number of examples and the time allotted for their execution can be changed by the user, but they themselves are generated automatically. The program is distinguished by musical accompaniment and sound effects.
Educational computer programs for children can be aimed not only at learning something. For example, MemoFace develops attention and memory. The essence of the game is familiar to many. In front of the child there will be a field on which closed cards lie. We need to look for couples. The main distinguishing feature of the program is that you can independently install a set of images. So, you can upload photos of your loved ones, nature, children's drawings, etc. Various scenarios are available in the game: simple memory training, learning foreign languages and homonyms.
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The unique method "Lettergram" is becoming more and more popular every day. It helps children to become...
"Merry Motors"
Two educational programs for children have been released under this name. Each part includes 27 tests and learning games. They are designed to develop attention, spatial imagination, logical thinking, motor skills and memory. Here you can find puzzles that test the ability to draw, tests for knowledge of colors, games that develop auditory memory, and much more. Games can be used in schools and kindergartens in the first lessons using a computer. They help to acquire spelling and counting skills.
The name of the game is easy to explain. The main characters are nine cars. These are plane, helicopter, taxi, bus, truck, ship, submarine, locomotive and tram. And they all live in the City of Machines. There is an airport, a helipad, a taxi rank, a bus station, garages, a port, an orchard, an amusement park and a forest. For each hero, two games and one test were created. When you select a specific car, a specific location opens.
As we can see, many educational programs for children have several functions at once. The game "Primerchik" provides the following modes:
- Addition and subtraction. Now parents, working with a child, may not come up with examples on their own. The program will do it for them. Difficulty can be chosen by an adult. It all starts with simple addition and subtraction examples, then unknown terms are added, etc.
- Multiplication table. In this mode, the child will be asked to solve examples based on the multiplication table. Knowing the capabilities of their baby, mom and dad themselves note how difficult the tasks are. You can choose examples with unknown factors, divisibles and divisors, etc.
- Foreign languages. The child's task is to learn new words, and the parents' task is to add them to the dictionary.
- Expressions with brackets. Already from the name it is clear what the tasks will look like. The child will have to put down the order of actions, complete them and enter answers - first for each part, and then already general, for the entire example.
- Spelling. The mode is intended for studying Russian orthograms. Some compound words with missing letters are suggested to be inserted. The program will mark which answer was correct and which was not.
- Column calculations.
- Perform operations with fractions.
Remarkably, the program can be configured so that it starts immediately when the PC is turned on, and it can be exited only when the child solves the set number of examples.
It will be very interesting for children to work with a familiar cartoon character. Educational programs do not always have a colorful design, with great pleasure the kids will play with Cheburashka. And parents should not worry - in a playful way, their child will be able to learn a lot of new things.
This series contains four different educational games:
- “What? How? Why?" For children over five years old. The child will play the role of a team captain in the Club of Fairy Experts. Its other members are Cheburashka, Gena, Shapoklyak and Lariska. The prize is the Cup of Wisdom.
- "Cheburashka in the zoo". The monkeys dismantled the Shapoklyakmobile into screws and took them to different corners of the zoo. The goal of Cheburashka and Gena is to assemble the car, because otherwise the old woman will not leave them alone. However, to do so, they need to solve a lot of riddles and play smart games with sly monkeys. The elements of the game are designed to train memory, logical thinking, observation, analytical skills, reaction and motor skills. Suitable for children from 6 years old.
- "Cheburashka is learning English." An up-to-date app for kids. Developing games, programs aimed at learning foreign languages, are more popular today than ever. All parents strive to ensure that their child receives a good education and "gets out into the people." From the age of six, the kid can study with his favorite cartoon characters. Shapoklyak, as always, plots, and the child must help Cheburashka and Gena get out of difficult situations. Along the way, he will learn 250 new words and play 19mini games.
- "A house for Cheburashka". A correctional and developmental program for children rarely includes computer games. Basically it is built on live communication. However, some elements may well be used in such work. For example, you can take puzzles from this game. And already at home, the child will be able to go through its full version, because building a house for your favorite hero is very fun and interesting.
TOP 8 educational apps for kids
TOP 8 educational apps for kids - Useful games Reading will take: 10 min.
Views: 5014
No matter how small your child is, he is already sitting in smartphone or tablet, wasting time on not very useful mobile games, far from meaningful videos on YouTube. Modern toddlers have no problem removing the blockage screen, get into Android settings, which you did not even know about - and often cope with the gadget better than their parents. So why not give the young user the opportunity to learn while combining the pleasant with useful. Good Deeds Service presents the most useful applications for children. You can download children's programs for free - open our TOP for 2020 and choose!
Apps for toddlers
Teaching animal recognition, painting, learning colors, Geometric shapes need to start from childhood. The child is already able to distinguish a triangle from a square, and the lowing of a cow from the barking of a dog. Good development is impossible without obtaining basic knowledge about the world around us, instilling tactile skills. Small children are very curious, possess truly inexhaustible development potential - to use a smartphone or tablet for the benefit of The following programs will help.
A small applet that occupies about 33 megabytes after installation. Suitable for children aged two and over. Like all applications for the smallest, listed in our article, it has the simplest possible interface. It is an interactive coloring book: a small user needs to fill in the outline of the image, after which the cheerful picture “comes to life” and starts moving: fly, run, jump, smile.
Program includes:
- 30 coloring pages (the list is constantly updated).
- Over 100 audio and animation clips, helping the baby to master drawing, remember the sounds, images of the world around.
- Ability to save drawings to memory.
You can download "Drawing" from the link.
Animal Sounds
The applet works even without an internet connection. After installation takes about 37 megabytes. Includes more than 40 samples of voices of birds, insects, animals. Combining with images, they help to get acquainted with the outside world, remembering how animals look, are called, “speak”. The interface is completely in Russian.
You can download "Animal Sounds" here.
"Learning shapes and colors"
The program helps the child to remember how they look and feel. called simple or complex geometric shapes and shades of colors. Fits for kids from 2 years old. Like other educational apps for kids, it includes several modules: simple logic games, cards, tests for consolidation knowledge. The entire interface, including voice acting, is in Russian.
You can download "Learn Shapes and Colors" here.
Applications for preschoolers
Programs for children aged 5-7 will help prepare for school, learn the basics of the English language, and learn how to perform simple mathematical operations. Like everything listed in our article, they are available for free download, easy to use, and take up minimal space in the gadget's memory. Consider the best applications that will help you study - we advise you to install all of the listed applets on your phone!
Complete and safe educational application for preschoolers. Skazbuka in a playful way introduces children to mathematics and reading, develops logic and thinking, talks about different countries and teaches you to take care of yourself. A timer function is built in, which will save the parent from conflicts over the screen time. Games are available offline, which makes Skazbuka an indispensable companion in travel.
40+ educational games:
- Logic,
- Engineering Thinking,
- World around,
- School preparation,
- Emotional intelligence,
- Social skills,
- Creativity,
- Creativity.
You can download Skazbuka from the link.
As the name implies, the applet will help a preschooler get acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, study syllables and learn how to add them into words - that is, to read. Program occupying after installation combines several popular teaching methods: alpha-sound, Zaitseva, some other. All actions are accompanied by voice comments read professional speaker. Mini-games and interesting games will not let your child get bored. tests. Each word can be listened to in its entirety or broken down into syllables.
You can download "Letters" from the link.
"Bini Super ABC"
A small program that is suitable not only for preschoolers, but also younger students. Helps to learn English and Russian alphabet, understand how syllables are formed - and learn how to put these syllables into words. Suitable for a child from 5 years old, in addition to the main purpose, it is good develops fine motor skills. After installation, it takes about 46 megabytes.
Benefits of the program:
- Cheerful "live" letters.
- Several hundred words.
- Mini-games: constructors, tests, puzzles.
- Reading modes by syllables or by letters.
You can download "Bini Super-ABC" from the link.
"Mathematics for children"
Like others useful applications for study, it has an extremely clear interface, not causing complications in the preschooler. After installation, the applet takes approximately 32 megabytes. The functionality includes exercises for counting, comparison number values, entertaining puzzles and mini-quizzes. To arouse interest preschooler, bright figures of animals, fruits, toys are used for counting.
You can download "Mathematics for Children" here.
Applications for schoolchildren
Studying at school takes a lot of effort, and the child, having come home, simply cannot concentrate on equally dry educational programs. The following applications for school on Android will help - download them to your smartphone or tablet so that obtaining new useful knowledge is as easy as possible!
Star Walk
The program will be interesting not only for schoolchildren, but also students. This is a real virtual telescope, with which the child will get acquainted with the basic concepts of astronomy, will be able to explore the stellar sky, learn the names of new constellations. Unique tool, "Machine time", makes it possible to see what the sky looked like over the Earth in the past – and what it might look like in the future. After installing the program occupies about 87 megabytes.
Download Star Walk here.
Animation Desk
Advanced drawing tool suitable for older students classes, students, parents. Includes many drawing tools, smooth adjustment of the scale, overlay layers, transparency settings. Most pleasant - the program takes up only 13 megabytes in memory! The interface is easy to learn, does not interfere with the main the goals are to have fun after a hard day or improve your drawing skills.
Download Animation Desk you can follow the link.
Using the useful applications we have presented for school, toddlers, preschoolers, remember: no program can replace live communication between parents and children. Do not let your child spend too much time cuddling with a gadget - this spoils their eyesight, disrupts the normal sleep cycle, and also tears the little user away from real life. Keep an eye on the health and development of children - and if you need help with computers, phones or tablets, contact the Good Deeds Service!
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