Counting activities for kids

10 Fun And Educational Counting Activities Kids Can Do At Home

Watching your child enter the wonderful world of counting activities can be equal parts amazing and overwhelming. Math is a whole language in and of itself. Learning how to read and “speak” math will take time!

But have no fear — HOMER is here with 10 fun, educational, and exciting counting activities to make your child’s math learning feel less like a roller coaster and more like a walk through the park.

10 Counting Activities To Try At Home


1) Count The Pattern

What You’ll Need
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen for tracking tallies
What To Do

This counting activity can be done inside your house on a rainy day or during a walk around the neighborhood. All you’ll need is your paper, pen, and sharp eyes.

For our example, we’ll go on a nature walk. You will start by saying, “I spy with my little eye something [color] … how many can you find?” To start, we’ll use the example of yellow objects.

Hearing your hint, your child will rush around to count how many yellow flowers, coats, signs, cars, or other objects they can find.

For young kids, their goal can be to find as many yellow items up to 10 as fast as they can. If your child is a little older, their goal can be 20.

You can also switch it up by exchanging the color for other objects. For example, they can try and count the number of dogs, fire hydrants, sidewalk cracks, or birds flying by.

2) Counting Cityscape

What You’ll Need
  • Legos or building blocks
  • A pair of dice
  • Sticky notes
  • Pen or marker
What To Do

For this activity, your child will start by rolling the dice.

They’ll count the dots of whatever number they roll and then stack the matching amount of building blocks into a tall tower. Then, they’ll write out the number of blocks on a sticky note and stick it to the top of their tower like a flag.

This will showcase a couple of different things to your child: one-to-one correspondence and subitizing.

Subitizing refers to a child’s ability to see a small collection of objects and innately understand how many there are without meticulously counting. Subitizing works when reading dice as well.

Encourage your child to repeat this process a few times so they begin to build their own cityscape. If all of their numbers are correct, their reward will be to play King Kong and smash it all down!

3) Ice Cream Cone Counting

What You’ll Need
  • 5 triangle-shaped paper cut-outs (for the cones)
  • 15 different-colored circles (for the ice cream)
  • Glue or tape (if you want to preserve their work!)
  • A sheet of paper with numbers 1 – 5 written across the bottom
  • Leave lots of space in-between!
What To Do

The next best thing to real ice cream cones? Making your own crazy flavors out of paper!

Your child will use the number line on the paper to guide their ice cream assembly. So, for the 1 space, your child will place one ice cream cone and the number of scoops matching the spot on the number line.

They’ll continue up the number line, making ice creams with 2, 3, 4, and eventually 5 scoops. That’s one big ice cream cone! For older kids, you can bump this activity up to 10.

You can take this activity further by turning your ice cream making into a business! Your child can play shopkeeper and you can puppeteer different stuffed animals to come in and order.

Your child will make ice cream cones based on their fuzzy customers’ requests!

4) Penny Toss

What You’ll Need
  • 10 pennies
  • A plastic cup or jar (for shaking)
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen
What To Do

Place the pennies in your shaker jar. Tell your child to shake them all around before turning them upside down and throwing the pennies down onto the floor.

You will be playing against one another: one person for heads and one person for tails.

Then, they’ll take a tally of how many pennies land on heads vs. tails. They’ll count their tallies and circle which one got more in each round. The first person to have “their side” of the penny reach 20 wins!

5) Fill The Cup

What You’ll Need
  • Popcorn or other light but bulky snack
  • 2 plastic cups
  • A pair of dice
What To Do

You and your child will each have your own plastic cup and a die.

You’ll start by rolling your die one person at a time. Whatever number you get, you’ll count that many pieces of popcorn into your cup. The idea is to see whose cup fills up first!

The players all get rewarded by eating their whole cup of popcorn at the end. What’s better than snacktime and math time?

6) Number Maze

What You’ll Need
  • Chalk
  • Sunshine (this activity is done outdoors)
  • A stack of cards (face cards removed)
What To Do

You’ll use your chalk to draw out a grid. You can draw the grid in any form you like, but there should be at least 10 blocks. For more advanced counters, you can expand to 20 blocks.

When filling up the grid, you’ll want to mix and match the placement of the numbers. You don’t want to write them in an obvious sequence, as that will defeat the purpose of the game.

You will be the road map for how your child will get out of the maze. Your child must “escape” the maze by hopping between the numbers you call out.

You’ll call out numbers based on whatever card you draw from the pile. There’s no need to do all 40 cards! Start with 10 cards (all 10 numbers) and if your child really enjoys the game, then try 20.

7) Swat That Number

  • What You’ll Need
  • A fly swatter
  • Sticky notes
  • A marker
What To Do

Write numbers 1 – 10 (or more if your child is learning larger numbers) onto separate sticky notes. Stick them to a wall with a wide space in front of it so there’s room for your child to play.

Call out a number or roll a die. Whatever number is chosen, your child must swat the corresponding sticky note with the fly swatter as hard as they can.

This counting activity will get them moving, thinking, and having a blast!

8) Planting With Numbers

What You’ll Need
  • 10 small cups, numbered 1 – 10
    • Clear cups work best
  • Seeds for a quick-growing plant
    • Snap peas
    • Radish
    • Squash
  • Soil
What To Do

Fill each cup with an appropriate amount of soil. Then, based on the number on each of the cups, your child will plant the same amount of seeds into the labeled cups until all the cups are filled.

The best part? They’ll get to watch their seeds flourish over the next couple of weeks!

They can make their own determinations about which cups grew the best. Were the seeds in the 10 cup too crowded? Were they the perfect amount? You’ll have to wait and see together!

9) Counting With PlayDoh

What You’ll Need
  • PlayDoh
  • Cutouts of numbers 1 – 10 (or plastic fridge magnets)
  • Toothpicks (for kids four and up)
What To Do

For this activity, your child will be making some “spiky” PlayDoh hamburgers. They’ll form the PlayDoh into 10 separate patties. The color, shape, and size are up to them!

With the finished patties, they’ll press a number 1 – 10 into each patty. Then, depending on the patty’s number, they’ll add that many spikes (toothpicks) to it, continuing until all of the patties have the correct amount of toothpicks.

Bon appetit!

This activity helps your child see the relationship between the face value of a number and how many objects it represents.

Quick tip: You may want to avoid using toothpicks if your child is younger than four years old. You can use buttons or other small objects instead.

10) Number Olympics

What You’ll Need
  • A pair of dice or number spinner
What To Do

This game is a great way to have your child learn and burn some energy at the same time (we know you’ll thank us later!).

You will use the number spinner or dice to roll a random number. That number will dictate how many of a certain athletic move your child will complete.

You can use any move that gets your child excited to play — jumping jacks, squats, log rolls, spins, etc.

You can even take the game outside. For example, your child could do a certain number of jumps on the trampoline or have to score a basketball goal a certain number of times.

Get creative, get jumping, and get counting!

Counting Activities For Endless Fun

We hope these counting activities sparked your imagination for ways to make math exciting and fun for your child.

As your partner in learning, we at HOMER know that there will be weeks when there’s just not enough time in the day to grow snap peas or build Lego cities. For those extra busy days in your routine, our personalized learning center is full of counting activities for your child.

Your young learner doesn’t always have to play a complex game to develop their math skills. Our Learn & Grow App will make sure that they get there (and have a blast while doing it!).


30 Hands-On Counting Activities for Kids -

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Some kids (and adults too!) have negative feelings about math. It can seem abstract and difficult. But there are lots of fun ways to make it less intimidating. Starting with the very basics, using play and activities there are lots of hands-on counting activities for kids! We’ve done so many activities to teach counting! There are way too many to list them all but here are a few of our themed favorites.

30+ Hands-On Counting Activities

More Counting Activities

Below you’ll find some of the best ideas to include counting skills within other activities like games, crafts, stories and sensory play.

Hands-On Counting Activities and Games

Math Caps: A Math Facts Game from Mosswood Connections

Get a full-year of math activities

A full-year of kindergarten math activities: perfect for small groups, partner activities and independent centers.

12 Skill Packs

20+ Activities each

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click to get the kindergarten math bundle

Easy Preschool Watermelon Counting Game from Homeschool Preschool

Spider Web Number Lacing Activity from Artsy Momma

Fine Motor Activity: Turkey Feather Counting from Artsy Momma

Nuts and Bolts More or Less Game from Preschool Powol Packets

Flower Counting Activity from Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

Counting Game for One-to-One Correspondence from Buggy and Buddy

Contact Paper Fall Tree Counting Game from Simple Fun for Kids

Felt Leaf Number Line Activity from Something 2 Offer

Foam Cup Construction with Numbers  from Simple Fun for Kids

Simple Montessori Counting Activity from My Mundane and Miraculous Life

100 Items to Use to Count to 100 from Edventures with Kids

Learning to Count with Pipe Cleaners from School Time Snippets

Hands-on Preschool Counting with Rings on Fingers from School Time Snippets

Skip Counting Activities from What Do We Do All Day

Gross Motor Counting Activities

Teach Counting with a Stair Jumping Game from Homeschool Preschool

Teach Counting with Simon Says from Homeschool Preschool

Gross Motor Math Game: Counting Action Dice from Buggy and Buddy

Hands-On Crafts for Counting

Recycled K Cup Frog Craft and Counting Activity  from Artsy Momma

Spider Counting Craft from Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

Pretend Play for Counting

Preschool Math Activity with Bear Counts from Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

Personalized Felt Counting Set with Ten Apples Up On Top from Buggy and Buddy

Pretend Play and Number Recognition  from My Mundane and Miraculous Life

Counting 1 to 5 with 5 Little Ducks from Red Ted Art

Hands-On Sensory Activities for Counting

Exploring Numbers with Playdough from Simple Fun for Kids

Dinosaur Sensory Bin: Counting and Math from My Mundane and Miraculous Life

Our Favorite Counting Books:

We can’t live without these!

Once your child’s creativity is sparked with this fun activity, take it a step further with these engaging resources:

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Easy Product Displays

 Counting Animals on the Farm: Counting book for kids, Learn numbers from 1 to10, Counting Animals Counting Crocodiles Ten Black Dots Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb (Bright & Early Board Books) Curious George Learns to Count from 1 to 100 Big Book Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3


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With a little creativity math doesn’t have to be intimidating at all. These hands-on counting activities are sure to be a hit!

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Lesson 3. Preparing for counting for the little ones: tips, activities, games, books

Any child can be taught to count. The only question is how to do it. Despite the fact that counting (including quick calculations) is not a serious difficulty, some children are given it almost in the blink of an eye, while others understand the information with difficulty. Not knowing how to convey seemingly elementary things to the baby, some parents resort to all sorts of tricks, while others give up altogether. In the matter of the full-fledged upbringing and development of the personality, neither one nor the other is completely suitable, and there is only one way out of the situation - to know how, when and what to do. We will talk about this. nine0003


  • Peculiarities of learning to count babies
  • Initial steps for teaching children to count
  • Tasks for the little ones in pictures
  • Children's educational games
  • Educational literature for children

Peculiarities of teaching kids to count

First of all, it should be said that a child's memory has one special property - selectivity. Therefore, children learn some skills on the fly, without making any effort, and with others, as they say, they have to “tinker”. nine0003

It is important to know and always keep in mind that many things cause children to associate with emotional sensations, such as joy, fear or surprise. It is possible to teach a child to count competently and quickly only when this process will also cause him emotional reactions (positive, of course) and interest.

At first, you should make every effort to get your child interested in counting, numbers and numbers. If this is done successfully, even the most fidget will be able to master the skill. A huge plus is that while the development of reading and writing in most cases requires intensive work with notebooks and books, then with the account all this can be relegated to the background. By the way, an interesting fact: thanks to scientific research, it was possible to establish that when studying any language, children remember numerals best of all. But let's continue. nine0003

You can start training from the first months of your baby's birth. Of course, this cannot yet be called a full-fledged training - it is rather a preparation. In the period up to about two years, you can play fingers with your child, hum all kinds of songs and counting rhymes, so that the child's consciousness fixes that there are generally such "things" as numbers and numbers. When the baby is two years old, you can move on to more specific methods and techniques. We’ll talk about the methods a little later, but for now, let’s briefly dwell on how to behave with the child in terms of the issue we are considering. nine0003

Getting started in teaching children to count

So you've decided to start teaching your child to count. It's time to get started.

First you need to teach the child the simplest number sequence, consisting of five numbers. Remember that almost everything in life can be calculated. Watch a cartoon - count the number of characters on the screen, dress the baby on the street - pay attention to the wardrobe, and tell him that you can only wear one coat on him, that he has two legs, but only one pair of shoes is put on them. nine0003

When reading a book, linger on the illustrations longer, count the number of elements depicted in it, animals, little men, houses. When you walk down the street, count the dogs and cats running by, the cars passing by. Doing this every day, and even at every opportunity, your little miracle will definitely learn the order of counting. In addition, auditory and visual memory, as well as attention, will develop.

When a child gets acquainted with numbers and counting, he must understand that he is performing some actions or tasks not because you ask him to, but because it will be useful to him. Show the kid the practical benefits of the ability to count, and then giving out two cookies to everyone at home will not be difficult for him. nine0003

Involve your child in household chores as often as possible. For example, when you are going to have dinner, ask him to serve you a specific number of glasses, plates or cutlery. While cooking, explain that a specific amount of ingredients is required to prepare a particular dish, otherwise the dish will not work.

Dust the bottom shelf - draw a number with a rag and ask the young mathematician to tell you. You can even write an example and then present its solution. Walking around the store will also be a great way to exercise for the baby. Make a grocery list with the baby, clearly pronouncing the amount of everything you need to buy, and bending your fingers on the handles. Let the baby try to remember the information, at least a couple of lines. nine0003

Already at the store, remind your tiny assistant that he has to help you and refresh the shopping list in his head. This will activate his brain centers, which means that he will learn to count faster. In addition, you will show the baby that you cannot do without him, and, realizing his importance, he will show more eagerness to help you.

And wind on one important rule: all your actions will not bring any result if you do them randomly. In the matter of training, regularity and perseverance are important. By systematically studying with your child, inventing new forms of elementary everyday learning to count, you will achieve high results. nine0003

Now let's get acquainted with more systematic methods of teaching children to count, namely: tasks for the smallest in pictures and children's educational games. Let's start with pictures, because. they are the easiest to work with.

Tasks for the little ones in pictures

Tasks related to pictures are very common and very popular. We offer you a small list of those and brief instructions for use:

  • Special cards for learning to count and study mathematical symbols. You can find them in any bookstore in a large assortment. You just need to show such cards to the child, explain what is shown on them, and use them to illustrate the performance of mathematical operations. nine0010

  • Pictures with images of various objects. They can not only be counted, but also painted and compiled in the correct sequence. You can buy didactic material in the store, or you can make it yourself (we recommend the first option).

  • Images that involve matching pictures and numbers. It is very simple to use: the kid looks at the picture, determines the number of objects and draws a line with a pencil to the corresponding number. Collections of similar images are also available in bookstores. nine0010

  • Pictures of different objects and you want to determine the number (little or many), size (small or large) and height (high or low).

  • Images with specific tasks, such as walking through a maze, finding the same items, finding differences, etc.

Toddlers are very fond of tasks with pictures, because they are funny, cheerful and colorful. But for you, as teachers, it is more important that they clearly show the child what is what, thanks to which he easily remembers the material, understands the meaning of his actions and can explain it to you. Be sure that the kid will look forward to each new lesson with pictures. nine0003

Children's educational games

We will not surprise you if we say that the best form of learning for children is the form of play. If you build the learning process based on the game, the child will be involved and interested in it. And even numbers that may seem boring will delight and bring pleasure. But we want to introduce you not to simple games, but to interactive ones, i.e. with those that you can safely download and install on your computer or tablet, or simply open on the Internet. nine0003


The game "Masha and the Bear answer questions"

A very exciting and colorful game where the kid will have to be smart and use the ability to add and subtract. The bottom line is that a small player must help Masha give the correct answers to mathematical questions. By doing this, he will help her get to visit her grandparents. If the child answers incorrectly, the bear sits on a stump, preventing Masha from passing. You need to give as many correct answers as possible. nine0003


The game "Math with Luntik"

Luntik is one of the favorite cartoon characters of children. If your little one plays this game, he will quickly learn to add numbers up to ten. With the correct answer, Luntik rejoices, and with the wrong answer, he is sad. Tasks in the game like this: Luntik writes an example with a plus sign, and the player must find the correct answer (several options are offered). The game is accompanied by pleasant music that helps the baby to concentrate.


Bouquet game

The meaning of the game is as follows: flowers bloom in the garden, which you want to put in vases. The player is given three vases with different numbers. In each vase you need to put the appropriate number of flowers. So, while happily manipulating virtual objects, your child will quickly learn to identify numbers and correlate them with the number of objects.


Piggy treats game

Another wonderful toy, the main characters of which are Piggy and his friends. The task of the game is to properly distribute treats to guests. For example, you need to help Piggy to share the nuts for everyone. There is a number next to the plate of each guest, and the correct number of nuts should be put on each plate. The interface of the game is designed so that the child can easily learn to count and memorize the images of numbers. nine0003


Animal Count Game

This game is suitable for toddlers who can count to five. Your child is presented with four pictures and one number, and he must find the picture, the number of animals in which corresponds to this number.

By and large, you can find a lot of similar games. All that is required for this is to type the desired request on the Internet. But games, of course, should not be limited, because they should be only an accompanying element of classes. In addition to them, we strongly recommend that you do not neglect children's poems and rhymes that activate children's thinking and make it more flexible. Be sure to connect the numbers when your beloved gold draws, paints, sculpts from plasticine or cuts something. And don't forget about children's books that contain counting tasks, drawings of numbers, simple examples, and other attributes of mathematics. nine0003

Speaking of literature, at the end of the lesson we want to present some good teaching aids that will help you learn many interesting features of the process of teaching children to count and build the process even more effectively.

Educational literature for children

A variety of manuals are used today to teach kids to count. As a rule, they describe all kinds of techniques that develop mathematical abilities, memory and attention, logic and thinking in general, and also allow children to instill a love of mathematics. nine0003

Given that there are a lot of such manuals today, you need to find one that will be of interest to you and your little one. Therefore, you need to be prepared to spend some time studying thematic literature (if, of course, you have a desire).

We offer you a small list of excellent books that you can choose without fear that time will be wasted:

  • Alla Kharchenko “Mathematics for kids. I count to 10"
  • nine0009 Daria Denisova "Mathematics for kids"
  • Svetlana Gavrina "Mathematics for the little ones"
  • Alexander Zvonkin "Kids and Mathematics"
  • Elena Kolesnikova "Mathematics for children 3-4 years old"
  • Elena Bakhtina "Mathematics for kids from 2 to 5"

In the fifth lesson you will learn a little more about how to work with preschoolers, how to introduce the child to the world of numbers and the composition of the number, and some simple tasks that can be given to children to solve. nine0003

Test your knowledge

If you would like to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.