Descriptive words for teachers
273 Best Words to Describe a Teacher (2022)
This list of words to describe a teacher collates adjectives that you could use to describe any sort of teacher, both positive and negative.
Some of my favorite ways to describe a teacher are:
- Passionate
- Committed
- Inspiring
- Warm
- Caring
- Student-Focused
Some negative descriptions include:
- Apathetic
- Unprepared
- Lazy
- Biased
- Indifferent
- Boring
Use the table of contents below to jump to a category then select an adjective from the lists.
Positive Adjectives to Describe a Teacher
1. Excellent Teacher
Amazing – “You’re an amazing teacher and I’m so grateful to have you in my life.”
Awe-inspiring – “The lesson you put together for the students on space travel was awe-inspiring. My son now wants to become an astronaut!”
Awesome – “You’re an awesome teacher who makes every class fun. ”
Energetic – “Your energetic approach to teaching and learning invigorates the students and keeps them focused.”
Experienced – “I can tell you are an experienced teacher by the way you control your classroom.”
Leader – “You are a leading educator in the nation.”
Passionate – “Passion is the most important trait of an educator.”
Stimulating – “Your lectures are always incredibly stimulating and encourage excellent debates after class.”
Read Also: 13+ Examples Of The Word “Academic” In A Sentence
Natural – “You are a natural born educator thanks to your compassion, patience and ease with explaining.”
Other words for excellent teachers:
Excellent! | Devoted | Effective | Delightful |
Fantastic | Intuitive | Inventive | Wonderful |
Hard-working | Inspiring | Skilful | Purpose-driven |

Competent – “Based on the lesson I observed I believe you will be a competent educator and suitable for certification in our state.”
Helpful – “Whenever I ask you a question I always find your answers to be punctual and helpful. You don’t beat around the bush.”
Prepared – “If there’s one thing I can say about you, it’s that you always come to class prepared with great hands-on lessons.”
Punctual – “You are a punctual professional which shows me you value your students’ time.”
Valuable – “You are a valuable member of the faculty and I just wanted to let you know we all appreciate your input during staff meetings.”
Confident – “I was impressed by how confident you are in commanding the classroom and engaging with the students’ parents.”
Perseverant – “Even though you don’t always have successful lessons, it is admirable that you’re perseverant and bounce back with vigor the next day.
Other words for good teachers:
Able | Alert | Capable | Keen |
Modest | Neat | Optimistic | Organized |
Pleasant | Proficient | Reliable | Respectful |
Responsible | Self-assured | Underrated | Well-spoken |
Willing | Satisfactory | Conscientious | Disciplined |
Careful | Dutiful | Eager | Dedicated |
Determined | Diligent | Humble |
Read Also: 83 Best Words to Describe a Student
3. Kind Teacher
Amicable – Easy to get along with. “You’re an amicable teacher who is friends with all the parents and your colleagues.”
Empathetic –
Ability to notice students’ feelings and have sympathy for those feelings. “The fact that you’re an empathetic person will make you a great early childhood educator. ”
Generous – Willing to give a lot of your time or resources. “I’m so impressed by how generous you are with your time. You will always sit down and talk with me to give me extra help.”
Nurturing – “As an educator of young children, your nurturing disposition makes me confident that you will always have the children’s best interests at heart.”
Perceptive – Ability to have insight into a situation. “You’re impressively perceptive. You can diagnose the needs of a student even when they don’t always tell you what they need.”
Warm and Welcoming – Making a classroom where all students feel comfortable. “The moment I walked into your classroom, I felt a warm and welcoming vibe from you. I was at home immediately.”
Other words for kind teachers:
Kind | Caring | Good-natured | Considerate |
Convivial | Courteous | Friendly | Gentle |
Giving | Loving | Nice | Patient |
Polite | Reassuring | Selfless | Smiling |
Sweet | Sympathetic | Tender-hearted | Understanding |

Amusing – “It’s great how you can get your students to laugh in order to make them feel comfortable in the classroom.”
Animated – Lively. “Your animated explanations of concepts really engages the students.”
Fun – “I love that you are a fun teacher who makes learning exciting for your students.”
Enthusiastic – Eager to get involved. “I love that you’re always so enthusiastic for learning, which really rubs off on your students.”
Motivating – Inspiring a desire to strive for things. “Your lessons are always so motivating and make me want to come back and learn more day after day.”
Other words for fun teachers:
Charming | Humorous | Lively | Easy-going |
Memorable | Playful | Popular | Sociable |
Spirited | Winsome | Eccentric | Happy |
Jocular | Jolly | Jovial | Hilarious |
Exciting | Cheerful | Entertaining | Imaginative |
Colorful | Flashy | Cool | Cordial |
Read Also: Metaphors about Teachers

Astute – Clever and with good judgement. “Your astute analysis of situations ensures fairness in the classroom.”
Clever – “You’re a clever teacher which gives me confidence you’ll pass on great knowledge to your students.”
Analytical – “Your analytical thinking skills are rubbing off on the students and they’re starting to think very carefully about difficult tasks.”
Academic – You are an academically minded teacher who pays close attention to your students’ cognitive development.
Autodidactic – Self-educating. “It’s great how autodidactic you are. You’re always looking for ways to learn how to become a better teacher.”
Assiduous – Pays close attention to details and sees a task through. “Your assiduous approach to teaching ensures the students won’t miss any key pieces of information in the upcoming exam.”
Bright – Intelligent. “You’re clearly a bright teacher who has a lot to share with your students.”
Other words for intelligent teachers:
Intelligent | Wise | Brilliant | Sharp |
Mature | Pensive | Provocative | Thought-provoking |
Prudent | Scientific | Shrewd | Smart |
Sophisticated | Studious | Talented | Thorough |
Thoughtful | Thought-provoking | Knowledgeable | Logical |
Masterly | Mathematical | Methodical | Meticulous |
Genius | Instinctive | Interesting | Insightful |
Clever | Discerning | Circumspect | Incisive |
6. Fair Teacher
Tough but Fair – A way to describe a teacher who doesn’t provide high grades easily to any student. “That professor was very tough but fair in grading our papers. ”
Sincere – Honest and truthful. “You have always been a sincere educator who gives feedback that is kind and thoughtful.”
Objective – To follow a clear set of guidelines without bias. “You use marking criteria well in order to ensure you are an objective assessor of grades.”
Other words for fair teachers:
Fair | Conciliatory | Just | Level-headed |
Sensible | Serious | Stern | Unbiased |
Scrupulous | Diligent | Honest |
7. Calm Teacher
Cool-headed – To stay calm in situations. “I am so impressed how cool-headed you are when you have rude students in your classroom.”
Good Under Pressure – “You are incredibly good under pressure, especially when you get questions and pushback from your students.”
Other words for calm teachers:
Calm | Composed | Firm | Chill |
Negative Adjectives to Describe a Teacher

Angry – “I find you to be an angry teacher who scares the students.”
Annoying – “You’re an annoying teacher because your explanations are difficult to understand.”
Apathetic – Doesn’t seem to care. “You’re too apathetic to be in charge of a classroom full of students.”
Careless – “I think you are careless when you grade students’ papers. You miss a lot of important points that should have been considered when you provided the grade.”
Egotistical – Focused on how good you are. “You’re so interested in telling us how smart you are that you don’t focus on what matters – teaching us!”
Unprepared – “You are always unprepared. You come to class with your hair dishevelled and provide lessons straight out of textbooks instead of preparing enjoyable classes.”
Vague – Hard to understand. “You are vague. Your explanations don’t make any sense and don’t help any of us. ”
Verbose – Using too many words. “Your explanations are too verbose. Say what you mean and then get on with it!”
Other words for bad teachers:
Complacent | Conceited | Condescending | Confused |
Contemptuous | Difficult | Disagreeable | Disorganized |
Dogmatic | Fatigued | Fussy | Harsh |
Hot under the collar | Hot-headed | Hysterical | Impatient |
Inattentive | Inexperienced | Intolerant | Irresponsible |
Irritating | Mean | Moody | Nervous |
Obnoxious | Outrageous | Pedantic | Pompous |
Pretentious | Rambling | Rash | Repulsive |
Resentful | Sarcastic | Self-absorbed | Selfish |
Self-possessed | Slow to Respond | Smug | Sneering |
Snobbish | Spiteful | Uncooperative | Undependable |
Unintelligent | Unpleasant | Unpopular | Unreliable |

Absentminded – Meaning forgetful or inattentive. “You have been habitually absentminded which has hurt your students’ learning and progress.”
Average – “He’s not a good teacher but not a bad teacher either. He’s just average.”
Boring – “You’re a boring teacher who doesn’t make any effort to make class entertaining.”
Dry – The lessons are no fun. “Your classes are dry. All we do is sit and listen to you in silence.”
Indifferent – Not caring. “I’m failing my exams and I’d like your help. But you seem indifferent to my problem!”
Lazy – “You don’t do any work to improve your lessons or make your classes enjoyable. You’re just lazy!”
Other words for boring teachers:
Wordy | Tedious | Unimaginative | Uninteresting |
Frustrating | Cheerless | Half-hearted | Dull |
Indiscreet | Resigned | Sedate |

Biased – Shows preference to some students over others. “I think your grading of that essay was biased and showed preference for boys over girls.”
Hypercritical – To be too critical of things. “I think you were hypercritical of my child’s performance. I was there and they did a lot of good things but your feedback was all negative.”
Too Blunt – Says things that are true might be phrased hurtfully. “You’re a bit too blunt in your feedback. Consider providing positives as well as negatives next time.” (Opposite: Euphemistic).
Other words for unfair teachers:
Hasty | Too Direct | Too Frank | Too Honest |
Inconsiderate | Inconsistent | Prejudiced | Presumptuous |
Adjectives to Describe a Teaching Style
Accommodating – “It is lovely that you are accommodating to your students by allowing them to learn in ways that suit them best. ”
Active – A teacher who is regularly engaged in tasks. “You’re an active teacher who is always on the move and finding new ways to educate your students.”
Artistic – Good at arts. “The students love how artistic you are, which really brings out their creative sides.”
Constructivist – A constructivist teacher encourages hands-on learning. “You showed great skills as a constructivist teacher when you got the students to actively participate in the task.”
Opportunistic – Looking for new situations where teaching can occur. “I love how opportunistic you are. You always find teachable moments in everyday situations.”
Passive – A teacher who does not get involved in activities. “It has concerned me that you have been a passive teacher. You’re not getting involved in fun lessons with the students.”
Other words for teaching styles:
Flexible | Versatile | Cooperative | Crafty |
Creative | Musical | Practical | Resourceful |
Systematic | Naturalistic | Kinaesthetic | Behaviorist |
Sociocultural | Progressive | Conservative | Student-Centered |
Other ways to Describe a Teacher
Business-like – Doing things efficiently and without emotion. “You’re business-like in the way you present the lessons which makes them easy to digest, but I would like to see you show a little more excitement in the delivery.”
Forthright – Straightforward and honest. “I appreciate your forthright feedback on my last exam and I will try to put that feedback into action.”
Overworked – “Teachers these days are overworked and underpaid. It’s unfair because they do so much for our society and our young people.”
There are countless words to describe a teacher, but those adjectives provided above are a good start. Whether the teacher is in early childhood, middle school, high school or college, there’s a word above to describe just about any teacher.
Some of the adjectives would be good for students to use, while others might be a little inappropriate. Many of them would be ideal for a person in a leadership position who is using words for constructive feedback for the teacher. And still others might be good for a parent to use in a message to the teacher at the end of the year.
And if none of the above words suit, have a brainstorm about how you would describe a teacher in your own words and in a way that is personal to how you perceive them.
Chris Drew (PhD)
Website | + posts
Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.
200+ Words To Describe A Teacher
Teachers are the backbone of the education system.
They ensure that children learn and they play a huge role in shaping children’s lives now and in to the future.
Every adult can quickly recall a teacher (whether good or bad) who influenced them as a child or teenager.
For the purposes of this article, we’re focusing on the majority – the truly great teachers that shape the future.
How would you describe a teacher?
If you are looking for positive words to describe a special teacher ,here are some words to get you started:
- academic
- accommodating
- adaptable
- adventurous
- advocate
- alert
- amazing
- ambitious
- amicable
- analytical
- appreciative
- assiduous
- astute
- awesome
- bold
- bright
- brilliant
- bubbly
- busy
- calm
- capable
- careful
- caring
- charming
- cheerful
- clever
- collaborative
- colorful
- committed
- competent
- confident
- connected
- conscientious
- considerate
- convivial
- cool
- cordial
- courteous
- creative
- dedicated
- delightful
- determined
- diligent
- discerning
- disciplinarian
- disciplined
- diverse
- driven
- eager
- eccentric
- effective
- efficient
- empathetic
- empowered
- empowering
- energetic
- entertaining
- enthusiastic
- erudite
- excited
- exciting
- experienced
- fair
- fantastic
- flexible
- friendly
- fun
- generous
- genius
- giving
- good-natured
- grateful
- guide
- happy
- hard-working
- harried
- helpful
- hilarious
- honest
- hopeful
- humble
- humorous
- imaginative
- incisive
- ingenious
- innovative
- inquiring
- insightful
- inspirational
- inspiring
- instinctive
- intelligent
- intuitive
- inventive
- jolly
- jovial
- judicial
- just
- keen
- kind
- knowledgeable
- leader
- leading
- learner
- level-headed
- lively
- logical
- loving
- loyal
- mathematical
- memorable
- mentor
- methodical
- meticulous
- mindful
- motivated
- motivating
- motivational
- natural
- neat
- nice
- nurturing
- objective
- open
- optimistic
- organized
- overworked
- passionate
- patient
- pensive
- perceptive
- perseverant
- persistent
- playful
- polite
- positive
- prepared
- proactive
- professional
- proficient
- prudent
- punctual
- quick
- reflective
- relentless
- reliable
- resilient
- resourceful
- respectful
- responsible
- scrupulous
- selfless
- serious
- sharp
- sincere
- skilful
- smart
- sociable
- spirited
- steady
- stern
- stimulating
- studious
- successful
- superb
- sweet
- sympathetic
- talented
- technological
- tenacious
- thankful
- thorough
- thoughtful
- tough
- trustworthy
- unbiased
- underrated
- understanding
- valuable
- vivacious
- warm
- welcoming
- willing
- wise
- wonderful
How would you describe a dedicated teacher?
Dedicated teachers put in the effort to ensure that children learn and they do everything that they can to support their students.
They don’t give up and there is always a lesson for every student no matter how able or hardworking the child might be.
They are persistent, enthusiastic, resilient and patient in their teaching efforts.
Inevitably, there are going to be times when a teacher is faced with resistance from students.
When the going gets tough, a dedicated teacher will always stay positive and maintain unwavering dedication towards their profession and towards each child in the class.
How To Praise A Teacher In Words
Praising a teacher in words is often more difficult than it seems.
Even though teachers know they are making a difference to children’s lives, sometimes expressions of praise like ‘thank you’ or ‘I really appreciate what you do’ may not be sufficient enough to show the depth of your appreciation.
Take the time to tell (or write to) the teacher and let them know just how much they mean to you and your family – your gratitude won’t go unnoticed.
For more positive words and encouraging quotes, be sure to check out:
- 250+ Unique Adjectives to Describe a Person
- 15 Powerful Quotes by Malala Yousafzai
- 36 Short Quotes on Attitude
- How To Be A Fast Learner: Tricks That Work
- Strong Girl Quotes & Sayings For Inspiration
- Growth Mindset Quotes for Kids – from Dr Seuss!
in prose and poetry, in their own words
In elementary school, children learn not only to write, count and read, but also to interact with each other and teachers. The first teacher helps them in this. What words of gratitude will be especially pleasing to the teacher from a primary school student? KP offers its options.
Words of gratitude in prose
Dear teacher! I am at the very beginning of a long and exciting journey. Thank you for helping me take my first steps into the world of knowledge. You always tried to help if difficulties arose, took care of us, were sad because of pranks and sincerely rejoiced at success. Happiness, health and wonderful events!
Dear teacher, thank you for giving me the necessary and very important knowledge. You are not just a teacher, you are my best friend who will always help and support. I promise to be a diligent and obedient student in order to please you with my successes. I wish you all the best.
Thank you for interesting lessons, care and your kind smile. You are like a second mother to me, you always support and empathize, love each of your students. Sometimes you are strict, but it does me good. May you always be in a good mood, and I promise to please you with my achievements and good grades as often as possible.
Recently, we went to kindergarten and played carelessly in the yard. Now we have grown up and are looking forward to going back to school. Thank you for instilling a love of knowledge, supporting and becoming a close friend. Stay the same affectionate, energetic and cheerful. We wish you all the best!
Dear teacher, thank you for the precious time that you gladly gave to your students. Thank you for teaching the necessary skills and for believing in each of us. Happiness and wisdom to you!
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for the effort and knowledge invested in each of us. I wish the days to be full of impressions and positive emotions. May all students be diligent and appreciate you.
Thank you very much for teaching us simple but very important things. Thanks to you, we can read, write and count. You instilled in us a sense of responsibility and justice, taught us to be friends and supported us in everything. Good health and great happiness to you!
So I graduated from elementary school, and I want to thank you, the most wonderful teacher! You taught me a lot, always helped, gave advice and cheered me up if I was sad. I wish you good health. May all students be obedient and appreciate you just like our friendly class!
For four years you were there, taught to read and count, prepared for adulthood. Now I am a graduate, and thanks to you I go to the fifth grade calmly and with joy. I will miss your lessons, kind words of support, wise advice, and affectionate gaze. I will try to have only good marks in my diary. Thank you for your patience and knowledge. Good health, success in your work and great happiness!
Photo: pixabay.comWords of gratitude in verse
You gave me a lot of knowledge
And support was for me
You taught me a lot,
And I am grateful for this.
I wish you inspiration,
So that your work is grateful,
And let the beautiful moments
All the students will bring you.
Thank you for the knowledge gained,
What did you give us during the academic year,
For your care, for your efforts,
For moving us forward.
We love and respect you, teacher
You are ready to open the whole world for us
And how much more we will learn with you
And we will only appreciate you more.
Favorite teacher! Thank you very much
For being by my side,
You taught me a lot,
You gave me love and care.
We have created a foundation of knowledge,
They will improve over the years.
I'm only at the beginning of a long journey
I promise to pass it with dignity!
I am a schoolboy quite recently,
But a diligent student,
And the teacher is the main one
Guide to the necessary knowledge.
Thank you for your patience,
Kindness care, affection.
Happiness and inspiration to you,
So that life is like in a fairy tale.
Photo: pixabay.comHow to properly thank a teacher in your own words
An elementary school teacher is a very important profession. It is he who lays the basics of the necessary knowledge in children, instills important human qualities. The best gratitude for him will be the further success of the students. However, there are many ways to say “thank you” to your favorite teacher.
Commemorative drawing
Every child can draw something related to their favorite teacher on a large piece of paper. Thus, a large memorial canvas will be obtained.
The tradition of giving flowers to teachers is wonderful, but a hand-made bouquet will be much more interesting and soulful. Each student must make a paper flower and place it in a vase or basket prepared by the parents. The teacher will surely be touched.
Musical greeting
The class can organize an interesting dance or learn a song dedicated to the teacher. It is desirable to film the performance so that the memory of it is preserved for many years.
Memory palms
For such a gift, you will need a large sheet of paper and finger paints. Each student should leave prints of their hands, applying their favorite color to them. This bright present will give the teacher a festive mood.
Video congratulations
Parents need to record on video wishes to the teacher from each student in the class. Then mount all the videos in one clip and present to your favorite teacher.
Thank you teachers - thank you
Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into an apartmentAll musical cards with gratitude
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
To teachers: Grade 11|In prose|In verse|For attention|For support|For help|For understanding|For work|Short|Beautiful|Original|Official|Cool|Touching
From former students|From graduates|From parents |From students
You give children the desire to learn, to learn something new, unknown. You are wasting your strength, health, but know that it's not all in vain. You are teachers with a capital letter, you sow humanity. We are grateful to you for your work. Let your students always show high results, and you will be proud of them. May your enthusiasm never dry up, and the desire to move forward helps you overcome all difficulties.
Dear class teacher! We are happy that next to our children there is a mentor, a dedicated Teacher with a capital letter, that you help them grow up, polish their personal qualities. We do not always notice the changes in our matured children, and it is you who tell us what to pay attention to. We are grateful to you for your dedication to the profession, for your love for children, for your dedication. Good health, patience and prosperity to you!
Author: Natalya Kuldoshina
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmark With all my heart I want to thank you and remember that your profession is important and noble, that you have a lofty mission - to give knowledge, enlighten and inspire for real deeds! And even though sometimes your work is not easy, you perceive any difficult tasks with passion. I wish you joy from fruitful work, grateful students, interesting projects and inspiration from every day.
How much we love and respect you,
Words can't describe!
And at this hour we wish you
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the whole range of knowledge and skills,
For all the goodness and warmth,
For all the hopes and aspirations,
The ability to see beauty
In everything ... We are indebted to you
And we will always remember you!
Thank you for being with us!
Thank you for all the years!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmark Teacher! Your profession is the most noble, complex and important, and your high work is invaluable. You make this world modern: thanks to your knowledge, the technical process moves, satellites fly into space and the most significant scientific discoveries occur. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and bow before your courage, readiness to sacrifice yourself and spare no effort for the sake of students, the ability to give knowledge and put your soul into your work. Thank you for everything you do!
Our dear, beloved teachers! Over the years, you have become family to us, we sincerely love you and are infinitely grateful for everything you did for us. We are ready to endlessly say words of gratitude to you for your patience, work, desire to make us better every day. We bow to you and thank you very much!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you
Our sincere thanks to you!
Despite fatigue,
You are always in a hurry to visit us.
After all, it can be difficult with us,
Not everyone has success,
We are all different, and yet
You love us all.
Thank you very much!
You are not just a teacher.
We promise: we will be forever
Remember your every lesson!
Author: Yana Sergeeva
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmarkPlease accept our sincere thanks! We wish you to always be in good shape and charge everyone with positive! Let your knowledge return to you from attentive students with a grateful return! May the hearth never go out in your house, and your loved ones surround you with love! Good health and prosperity to you!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Please accept warm words of gratitude from the parents of the students! You, with honor and angelic patience, are taking care of the upbringing of our children. Low bow and huge gratitude to you from us! Let the love of students and the respect of colleagues give you inspiration for daily exploits in your work! We wish you success, good luck in your work! Iron health, prosperity, happiness in your life!
Please accept our warm thanks! May each new academic year be more professionally successful than the last. Let your students answer you with gratitude and wisdom, do not lose their craving for the pinnacle of knowledge and skills. And their successes inspire you to new achievements. Let smart and diligent students do not stop showing their high results. An interesting and exciting learning life for you!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into an apartmentAll musical cards with gratitude
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
Dear teacher! You are doing an important job, giving work a lot of strength and energy. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We highly appreciate your patience and understanding, dedication and love for students! Good health, peace of mind, happiness, cheerfulness and well-being.
Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the education and upbringing of the younger generation! High professionalism, care, attention to children help them enter adulthood with dignity. We wish you satisfaction from pedagogical activity, joy in every coming day, health and well-being!
CopyPermalinkBookmark We say "thank you"
And thank you for everything.
We warm with warmth,
We charge with kindness.
The magic word is
Everyone in the world knows;
We repeat "thank you" to you,
We appreciate and respect you.
Dear teacher! We appreciate you, because knowledge is power, and without knowledge our nation will not be so strong, healthy and invincible. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let me express my sincere admiration for your difficult and noble work. What you are doing is priceless! We wish you good health and patience, courage for difficult tasks and smiles of loved ones, support from friends and colleagues, and grateful students. Be happy, loved and in love with life every day!
Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sincere, cordial attention! Time is an invaluable resource, and its use requires a reasonable approach. Every minute spent is a gift, especially from you. I would like to respond in the same way in the future. Let your attention remain in the box of good memories and warm with its warmth!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you, I tell you,
That you listened to my speech,
What time did you devote to me,
You did not deprive me of attention.
I am very grateful to you
And I am devoted to your words.
I need all this,
Thank you for stopping by.
I thank you for your attention,
And also for your understanding.
It is very important for me to know this
And to understand everything clearly.
Thank you again.
I can't find a price for you.
Dear teachers! I want to express my gratitude to each of you! Thank you for the hard work that you have been doing for many years. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge invested in the heads of thousands of students. Strength to you mental and physical, health, optimism, love, peace, happiness, home comfort and well-being!
Dear, our dear teachers! We crossed the threshold of the school as fools and, thanks to you, comprehended many sciences. Through your efforts, we have acquired a thirst for knowledge, which we will carry until the end of our lives. You opened each of us in a new way. You have instilled in us confidence in our abilities and a good attitude towards people. Thank you so much for your sincerity and generosity.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkOur dear teachers! How much wisdom you have, how much patience, and most importantly, how much knowledge you have given us and how much you have taught! Today we want to sincerely thank you for the strength, work, time and attention that you have invested in us. We will always remember you and leave a place in our hearts for great love for you and for your efforts!
CopyPermalinkBookmark The school has a special place in everyone's life, but it's just a building. Its most important component is the teaching staff. I bow to you, dear teachers, for the spent nerves, for the donated knowledge, for the experience, friendship and love. We will always mentally ask for your advice and quote our favorite phrases for a long time. Be healthy, be happy.
All musical thank you cards
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
Dear teachers, mentors and teachers! Thanks to your diligent, painstaking work, the inquisitive minds of students are illuminated daily with the light of new knowledge. May good luck always accompany you, may the admiring glances of children inspire you and new stars of your achievements light up! Thank you for your optimism and patience, thank you for your dedication to the great pedagogical cause!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you, teachers, for teaching us,
For your wise words that you told us,
For the warmth of the soul, comfort, serious work,
For taking care of us,
For who helped in our endeavors,
For supporting us in our studies and efforts.
We love you very much, respect you immensely,
We wish you all patience and great love!
With all the warmth of my soul and from the heart
Please accept our thanks
For disinterested work, for knowledge, time
And for your wonderful lessons!
Bow to the ground, teachers, you are warm!
Patience in your hard work!
You bring light to everyone, happy and kind
And you always take care of a child's soul!
On behalf of all parents, I want to thank you for your hard work, for your patience and love for children. You are great with children, you are their friend, teacher and second parent. You instill in children a love of knowledge, respect and interest them in learning. Every day for children becomes interesting, exciting only thanks to you. Let your work bring pleasure, success and career heights.
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your understanding, kindness, responsiveness, sincerity, and support! It's nice to know that there are people like that around. I wish you prosperity, kindness, prosperity, harmony and happiness!
Our dear teacher, we thank you again! You have put so much effort into us and how much you have experienced. We could not then understand and appreciate your work, sometimes we were stupidly offended, or maybe we offended you. Now we know that you were one of those people who built our destinies, sincerely loved all of us, cared, gave invaluable advice. Thank you for your kindness!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,
Who chose the hard way of the roads.
Thanks to those who proudly bear the title:
Teacher, educator, educator.
What a proud calling -
Give education to others -
Give a piece of the heart
Forget empty quarrels,
It's hard to talk to us,
Sometimes it's very tedious
Repeat the same thing,
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
Always so right.
We want to wish,
So that you do not know troubles,
Health, happiness for a hundred years!
Dear class teacher! We bow low and thank you for steel endurance, a sincere smile on your face, a skillful and sincere approach to every little man in the class. Thank you for the fact that the children run with joy to the school, where you share the secrets of understanding the world and sciences. We appreciate your professionalism and wish you good health and personal happiness.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkDear teachers!! The knowledge and skills that you give and instill in our children are priceless! We, parents, thank you for your hard work! We wish you health and wisdom, patience and optimism! Let every day bring you joy and grateful fruits! May comfort and loving hearts await you at home, and peace reign in your soul!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into apartmentAll musical thank you cards
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
One does not become a teacher by accident, and we are happy that it was you who became the first teacher for our children, that it is you who teach them to be friends, to be organized, diligent, instilling in them a love for knowledge, work, and study! Thank you! May work bring you joy, children will be obedient, and loved ones are looking forward to being at home!
Author: Natalia Kuldoshina
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Beautiful in soul and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find the way to the children,
May success await you on this path!
We really appreciate your work, your justice and wisdom. You make our children smarter every day. We want to thank you! Be happy and healthy, let the smile never leave your face!
CopyPermalinkBookmark You will always be in our hearts.
Always loved, teachers.
With all your heart you give yourself to work
And control school affairs.
Thank you for your wisdom and patience,
We have walked the path of knowledge with you.
We wish you creative achievements,
To meet smiles, joy on the way.
Our kindest and most beloved former teacher! We have learned your knowledge and lessons for life, and they help us a lot! We thank you for everything and wish you easy working days and grateful students! May good luck and prosperity always accompany you! Let health and good mood never leave you! Peace, understanding and happiness to your family!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Teachers, we thank you
For knowledge, experience, optimism!
We keep the memory of everyone in our hearts
And we will remember you all our lives!
You were kind and wise with us,
You taught us not only truths in capital letters!
You opened planets and worlds to us,
And each teacher became our family!
We want to wish you today
Health and success, many years to come!
And we beg you not to forget
In the routine of life, in a series of victories!
Author: Lana Vinogradova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for everything! I wish you success.
Live happily, reaching peaks,
Let the children echo you, want to learn,
Let their eyes burn with interest.
I wish you warmth, prosperity, health,
Hurry to work with great love
To the profession, to children and to your life!
I wish you many brilliant ideas!
Our dear teacher! You gave a lot of warmth, support, help and knowledge to our children. You deserve only the best words and the most luxurious gifts! We sincerely thank you, we wish you new interesting achievements, strength and health, harmony, help from loved ones and gratitude from students. Best wishes to you!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you, teacher,
For everything you have given me in life.
For help, knowledge, support.
You have shown light in the darkness.
You taught people to trust
And to discover the beautiful world.
I will only be indebted to you.
I want to wish you all the best.
Our dear, invaluable teachers, the best specialists, wonderful Teachers with a capital letter with love, pride and endless respect, we sincerely thank you for the titanic work, for the utmost composure and wise patience, for understanding and support. Despite the difficulties, you have worthily and nobly proved that teachers are the elite of humanity. Thank you!
All musical cards with gratitude
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
Dear our class teacher, we sincerely thank you for everything and wish you the realization of your creative potential, good health and grateful and successful students. Each of your lessons becomes a new page in their life for children - interesting, informative and responsible. Your ardent desire to give children a thirst for knowledge, love and affection truly do wonders. We wish you tremendous success, iron health, good spirits and longevity!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Let me say thank you! You are entrusted with the state mission to educate the future generation, instill in them respect, patriotism and kindness. May the fire of gratitude and cordiality towards you always burn in the eyes of your students and their parents. Thank you for giving children love, warmth and tenderness.
Thanks for the knowledge, for the science,
That they spared no time and effort,
They didn't give up because of impotence,
When the enthusiasm came to naught.
What we taught a lot - we managed,
And now we are confidently striding towards the goal!
Dear teacher! I thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish the students to go to your lessons with pleasure, listen to you with their mouths open, and quickly learn new topics, so that they love your subject, always do their homework and do an excellent job with the tests! Let work be your outlet, school your second home! Health to you, patience and joy for the whole academic year!
Author: Natalia Kuldoshina
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you, teachers,
For the fact that the Earth is round,
For Troy and for Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words
Those that now we keep it in ourselves,
We THANK YOU for everything!
You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us,
You live with one concern.
So that the earth is famous for us,
So that we grow up honest,
Thank you, teachers,
Thank you for all the good things!
Thank you for your understanding. It is so rare to meet such sensitive people, benevolent like-minded people. Let your days flow in a happy string, adding up to a successful and wonderful life. Let it be filled with the same understanding people who support you in any endeavors. May life be generous with wise advisers and good fellow travelers for you.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkPlease accept our heartfelt thanks from your parents! I would like to wish vital energy, happiness, health, prosperity. Let inspiration not leave you, the team does not let you down, and the students delight with their achievements. You are a good class teacher and deserve the best!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Your responsiveness is beyond praise. Thank you very much for your help. May your kindness be appreciated. If each of us acts like you, there will be more kind people in the world, fewer offended and poor people. It is on people like you that the world stands. May you always have someone to count on and rely on in difficulties. We will certainly be happy to help you.
How difficult it is in the world:
I want tea and my own private island,
If only a little bit of affection, attention,
A little bit of tenderness and understanding.
How nice it is to have on the planet
Those who, like the sun, warm and shine!
Be healthy, thank you for everything!
May you be lucky in life!
Author: Lana Vinogradova
I like it! ❤
CopyPermalinkBookmark Thank you for being Thank you for your smile We just broke into apartmentAll musical thank you cards
Look ♫ Audio wishes!
For noise and anxiety, please forgive me.
Thank you for everything, beloved teacher.
For the fact that you entered the class with love
And opened your heart for us.
For your kindest glance, sometimes tired,
For the fact that you always stood for us.
Dear teacher! You gave many years of your life to instill in children a love for knowledge and science. We are immensely grateful for this. We wish you unlimited happiness, mutual understanding in the family, powerful support from relatives, peace of mind and more sincere congratulations from grateful students! Thank you for everything!
CopyPermalinkBookmarkBeing an elementary school teacher is a responsible and hard job. But it's so nice to see how, thanks to you, children become more erudite, mature, independent. Please accept my sincere thanks from your parents! We wish you happiness, prosperity, peace of mind, health, all the best!
CopyPermalinkBookmark Our dear teacher, we adore you!
So happy to see the warmth of your eyes,
Thank you for everything! You are our cool angel,
We want to go to school, and it's sad without you!
We promise you to behave quietly,
Study diligently, without twos at all,
Let there be health with an “excellent” mark,
Live with a smile, not knowing problems!
It's great to be able to always count on you. Thank you very much for your support and unanimity. Let there be no unpleasant moments in your life that require someone's help. Let everything flow smoothly, smoothly and wonderfully. But if suddenly small clouds appear on the horizon, you can always rely on our help. After all, we always pay good for good.
Thank you for your hard work,
For making such a huge contribution!
Of course, you don't take care of yourself...
We appreciate your experience, diligence, talent!
Author: Lana Vinogradova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Teacher! What a deep word - and how it has depreciated today. Now everyone considers himself competent in any field. But no matter how you are criticized by the ignorant, your merit is enormous. Your work is hard but rewarding. Every time you give a piece of yourself to our children. Thank you for your work! May every smile of children make you richer, kinder and happier.
Your attention to us is very warming. It's so nice when, in the midst of haste, anger and misunderstanding, someone is not afraid to show sensitivity and participation. Let your life be filled with the melody of interesting journeys, pleasant meetings, kind people - just like you, ready to support you. Let our communication be long, pleasant and filled with mutual attention.
CopyPermalinkBookmarkHow happy we all get together again, as a class, as if in the old days. How glad to see you again - our dear class teacher (name of teacher)! And again pictures of school days are drawn, when we were carefree, and you opened the way for us - the way of knowledge, the way to life. We thank you for all your hard and priceless work, for your wisdom and support. It is very important to us today. Thank you, dear (name of teacher)!
CopyPermanent linkBookmark For leading to knowledge,
Paying no attention to the difficulties,
Only gratitude alone
We express our farewell to you.
We wish you well
And blue over your heads,
More joy, warmth,
Victories and fewer partings.
And even if you suddenly cry
You want to say goodbye,
Then know that the eleventh grade
only says to you: "Goodbye!"
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything! Let the academic year be rich, fruitful and easy! Let the learning process bring joy to you and the children, students listen with interest to the lessons, do their homework and show good results! I wish you to get ready for work, as for a holiday, go home on time and get enough sleep at night!
Author: Natalia Kuldoshina
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CopyPermanent linkBookmark I am pleased with your attention,
And your concern is pleasant.
May fate reward your efforts,
May it multiply goodness many times over!
Author: Lana Vinogradova
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CopyPermalinkBookmark Dear teacher! You have a hard time working with your students. You have a lot to teach them - and perhaps something to learn from your students! Thank you for everything! Let work at school bring you not only worries, but also the joy of communicating with the younger generation.
With time, culture and art
We walked in step to significant roles -
And we bow with a kind, bright feeling
The wisest of people - teachers!
You carry the light of knowledge with dignity -
The children's country is grateful to you.
The whole sum of your deeds and undertakings
May it be equal to personal happiness!
You supported me at a difficult time -
Thank you sincerely now.
They rendered me a good service,
They came to my aid in a difficult hour.
I wish you only the best,
Joyful events and many long years,
Health, happiness and prosperity,
Always find an answer to all all questions.