Easy reading for kids
Easy Readers Kids will WANT to Read
Are you looking for some easy readers that your learners will WANT to read? You’ll find exactly what you’re looking for with this easy reader book list!
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While I believe in the power of phonics readers (like our Word Family Books, The Measured Mom’s phonics readers, or the BOB Books), there’s something truly “magical” to be said about these easy reader books that can really turn young readers on.
Maybe it’s the fact that the words aren’t so controlled, giving the author more freedom with a fun storyline. Maybe it’s being able to read a book for yourself that you’ve actually seen your parent/teacher read before {It’s a “real” book, as my 1st grader says.}. Those two factors alone are amazing motivators for beginning readers.
Easy Readers Kids Will
WANT to ReadAs my daughter {age 6} is moving more into these easy readers, I’ve been gathering all our easy readers from around the house for her. I thought I’d gather them up here in one post and share them, just in case you teach a beginning reader, too!
As you’re reading with your learner, you may want to keep my Word Attack Stratgies freebie close by! It has helpful strategies for some of those unknown words.
Yo! Yes? by Chris Raschka – This is a book I have used for YEARS in teaching fluency and expression to readers, especially struggling readers. Much has to be inferred from the pictures for kids to read with expression, which makes it kind of fun. I like to share the reading, as I read one character and the young reader reads the other character. {While it’s difficult to find, your beginning reader may also like Ring! Yo?}
I Went Walking by Sue Williams – This book is very similar to Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin, but I like how this book gives the reader hints as to what the next animal on the farm will be.
Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas – The first time I saw this book, it was a done deal. I had to buy it. This was a favorite for my son as he was a beginning reader. Poor Bob. He’s accused of not being able to rhyme, but there’s a GOOD reaason! Readers will also love other Jan Thomas books like The Doghouse and What Will Fat Cat Sit On?
Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins – Filled with prepositional phrases and a the whole story told through the pictures, will Rosie outsmart the fox?
Not a Box by Antoinette Portis- Most kids have a wild imagination and so does the pig in this cute book. Such simple text, yet fun to read. My beginning readers have also adored Not a Stick, so be sure to grab a copy of both!
Cookie’s Week by Cindy Ward {illustrations by Tomie DePaola} – If you young reader likes mischevious cats, (s)he’ll enjoy Cookie’s Week! This is also a great book for integrating the days of the week.
You Are {Not} Small by Anna Kang – Such a creative and brilliant way to use limited vocabulary in a book. The characters repeat many of the same words in an argument about who is big and small. Your young readers may also like That’s Not Mine.
What this Story Needs is a Pig in a Wig by Emma J. Virjan – Somewhat similar to Green Eggs and Ham {just not near as long}, this rhyming book is adorable. Pig doesn’t want all his friends in his boat or does he? This author has other What This Story Needs Is… books your reader may like, too!
Elephant and Piggie Books by Mo Willems – No easy reader list is complete without Elephant and Piggie Books! 🙂 They are SO fun for young readers & the adults listening! Can I Play, Too? and A Big Guy Took my Ball are the two of the easiest books in his HUGE collection. {Be warned: Once your beginning reader gets a taste of Mo Willems, she will want more!}
Go, Dogs, Go! by P. D. Eastman – While the book is a little long, it’s a fun read for those beginning readers!
Looking for more? Don’t miss all our other book lists!
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Early Reader - Free Kids Books
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Always be Nice is a short book for young children promoting kindness and manners and can be used as an early reader. The book is perfect for building confidence in reading with only 28 words most of which are simple words. This book also teaches kids ten important lessons about being kind to others. Each …
Reviews (4)
Tracie Johansen Azpazaz bunch are back with an epic, whimsical, rhyming adventure in their Akroozer Flying Machines. Packed full of prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives along with the rhyme, this can be suitable for fun or as an early reader.
Sample Text from Amazing Akroozer Flying Machines Are you ready to go on an adventure with …
Reviews (3)
Meet Vern and all the animals at the Green Fern Zoo. This early reader introduces new decodable sounds in each chapter along with the interesting animals at the zoo. See more from the Core Knowledge foundation in our CKF publisher category.
Reviews (2)
A fun rhyming book for young children and a perfect early reader. Bookbot provides a series of decodable readers for children learning to read. See more of BookBots books at www.bookbotkids.com/phonics-books. or here on Free Kids Books below:
Reviews (3)
Always Be Good is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting important behaviours young children need to learn. This book teaches children ten important lessons about life skills and hygiene and actions that promote good behaviour and make Mum and Dad or Teacher happy. There are suggestions for lessons supporting …
Reviews (1)
Tutul wants to give her friend some chocolate for her birthday. But nobody in her family is ready to help her! Tutul needs a new plan! Can her clever idea convince the shopkeeper to give her some birthday chocolate? Find out in this short book ideal for early readers with lots of repetition. Sample Text …
The Peacock Who Wished to Fly – The Peacocks Tale and how the peacock got it’s feathers. Tausi the Peacock live in peace with other birds, admiring how other birds can fly far and wanted to fly far also. But he cannot even fly far in order to collect food and the other birds mock …
Reviews (3)
The Sea is a story about a girl and her family who go to the beach to escape the heat. She soon realizes how much fun it is playing with waves. This book has a lot of repetitive words with illustrations perfect for young children learning to read to learn new words. This book is …
In Mama Antelope’s House we see lots of repetition which makes it a great early reader, or just a fun story for young children. Hare plays a trick on the other animals, can they get into Mama Antelope’s House? Who is making all the noise? Find out more, learn a lesson in manners, and have …
Reviews (1)
In A Very Busy Day a little girl goes to the shops with her Mama, they visit a great many places, groceries, shoes, and more. The text also explores opposites as descriptors, the predictability and repetition make it nice for an early reader. Sample Text from A Very Busy Day Today is a very busy …
Reviews (1)
20 reading texts for children aged 5-6-7-8
A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences needs to improve his reading skills through systematic training. But reading is a rather laborious and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore, we offer texts of small size , the words in them are divided into syllables.
First read the work to the child yourself, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given that help the child to understand what they have read and comprehend the basic information that they have learned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.
Mo-lo-dets Vo-va
Ma-ma and Vo-va gu-la-li.
In-va ran-sting and fell.
It hurts no-ha, but Vo-va does not cry.
B. Korsunskaya
Answer questions .
1. What happened to Vova?
2. What made him sick?
3. Why is Vova doing well?
Clever Bo-beak
Co-nya and co-ba-ka Bo-beak gu-la-li.
So-nya played-ra-la with a doll.
That's why So-nya in-be-zha-la to-my, and the doll for-would-la.
Bo-beek found a doll-lu and brought it to So-ne.
B. Korsunskaya
Answer the questions.
1. Who did Sonya walk with?
2. Where did Sonya leave the doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?
The bird made a nest on a bush. De-ti our nest-up and took off on the ground.
- Look, Vasya, three birds!
In the morning, deti came, and the nest was empty. It would be a pity.
L. Tolstoy
Answer questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty in the morning?
3. Did the children do well? How would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, a story or a poem?
Pete and Mi-sha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse. Did they tear each other apart.
- Give me - my horse.
- No, you give me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
Mother came, took a horse, and became nobody's horse.
L. Tolstoy
Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mother do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why do you think so
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FILVORDA for the development of reading, View here.
It will be interesting for children to read selected texts, they affect the emotional world of the child, develop his moral feelings and imagination . Children will get acquainted with the works of L. Tolstoy, K. Ushinsky, A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, E. Blaginina, V. Bianchi, E. Charushin, A. Usachyov, E. Uspensky, G. Snegiryov, G. Oster, R. Rozhdestvensky, as well as fairy tales of different nations.
It is advisable to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales using the example of these works.
Fairy tale is a genre of oral fiction containing events unusual in the everyday sense (fantastic, wonderful or worldly) and distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic construction. In fairy tales there are fairy-tale characters, talking animals, unprecedented miracles happen.
Poem is a short poetic work in verse. The verses are read smoothly and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.
Story — small literary form; a narrative work of small volume with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes a case from life, some bright event that really happened or could happen.
In order not to discourage reading, do not force him to read texts that are uninteresting and inaccessible to his understanding. It happens that a child takes a book he knows and reads it “by heart”. Mandatory every day read to your child poems, fairy tales, stories.
Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, horizons and intellect, helps to cognize human experience.
Koldina D.N. I read on my own. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011. - 32 p. (Candy).
300 educational texts for learning to read
Raising children, today's parents educate the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.
- A.S. Makarenko
Author: A.S. Ignatova | |
Name: 300 educational texts for learning to read | |
Format: PDF | |
Size: 23.![]() | |
Capacity: 290 pages | |
Abstract: | |
The book will tell interesting stories, introduce the child to various genres of folk art, help learn to read and make these first lessons easy and enjoyable. The book presents several genres: fables, fairy tales, there were also stories. A fable is a work in verse or prose of a moralizing nature. At the beginning or at the end of the fable there is a brief moralizing - morality. And sometimes the reader himself must guess why this instructive story is told. The book contains fables in prose, set out by L.N. Tolstoy and K.D. Ushinsky, short, simple and understandable for children's perception. A fairy tale is one of the favorite genres of folklore, an epic (that is, plot) work, on a magical or everyday theme. A fairy tale is fiction, which means that you can talk about any miracles! In a fairy tale, animals can talk, and a bear can get into a man's mitten, a magic comb turns into a dense forest, and a frog into a beautiful girl. True story - a short story about an incident that actually happened. Sometimes the story is so short that the narrator does not consider it necessary to give the characters names. Just a boy and a girl, just a grandmother, just a man. We do not have time to get to know these heroes better, but the stories that happened to them are remembered by people for a reason and are passed from mouth to mouth. A story is a narrative literary work, a small form of artistic prose. There are few characters in the story and only one case is discussed in detail. From small and simple texts the child will move to longer and more complex forms. To make it easier to read, the words are divided into syllables, stressed. The book is included in the series 👉 "Academy of Preschool Education" . | |
Contents: | |