Easy t words
Words That Start With T For Kids
t words for kids example of tail
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The letter T is the English-speaking world's favorite consonant, the second-most common letter in the language just behind E. This list of T words for kids, along with our favorite letter T activities, is built to help your students associate the sound they know with the written letter and form the foundation of written language. Explore a comprehensive list of words that start with T for kids.
Preschool Words That Start With T
Not only is it important to get preschoolers to recognize the letter T in words, but you also want to start introducing them to Dolch sight words and CVC words. Additionally, though they might be longer words, words like
teacher and tiger are familiar to them, so these are easy to use with pictures to help them recognize T words for kids and T sounds.
table | tag | teddy |
ten | that | the |
there | they | tiger |
to | toad | tomato |
towel | toy | tractor |
tree | truck | train |
tug | turkey | turtle |
Trace The Letter T Printable Worksheet
At this age, the priority of any language lesson is to build that all-important connection between a sound heard and a written symbol on a page. As a starting point, we recommend giving your youngest learners vivid images to connect with the T sound. We've developed a trace-the-letter activity with that in mind.
Printing letter t practice worksheet
Click to View & DownloadKindergarten Words That Start With T
T is a common enough letter that it begins many words appropriate for your kindergarten-aged learners. Focus on providing clear, concrete, important concepts suited for these young minds by looking at CVC and CVCC words.
- Tail: The long, wagging appendage on lots of animals' bottoms
- Take: To get for yourself, to acquire
- Tale: Story, something told
- Tall: Higher than average, not short
- Tan: Light brown, especially of skin in the sun
- Tap: Brief, clear clicking sound
- Tea: A warm beverage made from dry leaves
- Teen: Someone between 13 and 19 years old
- Tick: Soft, regular clicking sound
- Toe: The five appendages on the end of your foot
- Tone: Specific musical sound
- Tool: An object used to do a job
- Top: Thing above everything else, first
- Try: Make an effort or attempt to do something
- Tub: Wide, shallow vessel, usually to hold liquids
- Tune: Melody, the way a song goes
- Twin: One of two children born at the same time
- Two: More than one and less than three
Soft and Hard T Sound Group Activity
The soft and hard T sound can be quite different for beginning learners. Therefore, it can be fun to have an activity ready for them to understand the soft and hard T sounds.
- Create a laminated list of words with a soft and hard T sound.
- Place students in two teams.
- Give a student from each team a buzzer or bell.
- Hold up a card with a soft T or hard T sound.
- The first student to answer correctly gets a point for their team. Have the next student come up and continue through the cards.
Match the Picture to the T Word Printable Activity
Worksheets can also be a great way to help kindergarteners start to read and understand T words. Print out this worksheet to help kiddos get ready for reading.
T words for kids matching activity
Click to View & DownloadEarly Elementary Words That Start With T
Early elementary students in 1st grade and 2nd grade are delving into reading. To support your students beginning to engage with written language, use this list to provide equal parts clear and concrete terms and words that may inspire questions. Nothing reinforces linguistic development more profoundly than talking with a teacher about what a word means and how it can be used.
- Taunt: To tease cruelly, to make fun of
- Tent: Fabric shelter hung over a pole
- Tint: Shade of color on an object
- Toll: Money paid to use a road or bridge
- Town: A big village or small city
- Track: A straight path for something to travel on, especially a train
- Train: A vehicle for carrying things or people along a track
- Tribe: A large group of related people
- Trick: Something that deceives or surprises
- Truck: A large vehicle for carrying cargo
- Twine: Rough string that comes in balls
- Twist: To turn something around a central object
- Tyke: A small child, kid
Fill in the Blank Printable T Word Quiz
To reinforce learning, reward your students for their knowledge.
Let them show off a bit. Be verbal, and be sure to call on as many different students as you can when you see lots of hands go up to offer a definition. We've also provided here a fill-in-the-blank sentence quiz to help your students start to build their lists of words into phrases.
Fill blank quiz letter t
Click to View & DownloadLate Elementary Words That Start With T
Again, many of these words will probably be familiar to some of your students in grades 3-5. The only way to guarantee they keep that familiarity is through repetition. Activities in upper elementary grades should engage students with the context and larger significance of language presented. At this stage of development, vocabulary moves from being a memorization exercise to one that explores more creative expression.
- Taste: The sense that picks up the flavor in food
- Teacher: Someone who helps others learn, especially children
- Thick: Wide, dense, not thin
- Thin: Narrow, not thick
- Thirst: Needing water
- Tide: The movement of the sea in and out
- Total: All of, the entire amount
- Traipse: To walk casually
- Trap: To catch a person or animal, or something that catches a person or animal
- Tray: A flat platter used for carrying smaller objects
- Trial: A test of something
- Tripe: Food made from a cow's stomach
- Troop: A group of people, usually one that travels together
- Trope: A concept used in books, movies or other kinds of art
- Trouble: Difficulty, unpleasantness
- Trout: A kind of freshwater fish
- Trudge: To walk tiredly
- Trundle: To roll an object with wheels
- Truth: What really happened, not a lie
- Tutor: Someone who teaches people one at a time or in a small group
Creating Idioms With T Words
This is the age at which you can begin to talk about the subjective or idiomatic uses of language. You can begin teaching your students phrases like "through thick and thin" or "grain of truth." Encourage students to share phrases they've heard containing these words by creating an idioms with T activity. Take out a timer and have students write down as many idioms using T words as they can think of. After a minute, find unique idioms and have students try their hand at making unique idioms.
The Tremendous Truth of T
T shows up everywhere in English. The process of connecting the letter to abstract concepts starts with lists, but it proceeds into the etymology, usage and consequences of language as a whole. When you can engage your students with that, you'll have given them true and lifelong literacy.
WordFinder is another great resource to track down take-charge T words. Its list of words that start with T includes a variety of words that are perfect for your vocabulary list. Fill out the advanced search field to narrow down your list even more! For more enriching vocabulary and etymology, take a look at our words starting with U. It's a fact those little learners will be ready to up their game for these unique words. Have fun!
Letter T Activities
Grade Level: Kindergarten
The Letter T is a very unreliable letter that often makes sounds other than the base /t/ sound:
- /t/ as in turnip
- soft /th/ as in thing or hard /th/ as in the
The activities are organized from easiest to most difficult. Feel free to go only part way through the activities depending on the comfort level of the child!
Letter Recognition
- Activity Sheet: Hidden image -- color the capital Letter T one color and the lower case t another color to reveal the hidden image.
Words that Begin with the Letter T:
- Activity Sheet:
Say the name of each picture out loud and listen for the Tt sound.
- Activity Sheet: Modern Manuscript: Trace (print) the words that begin with the Letter T.
- Activity Sheet: Standard Font: Trace (print) the words that begin with the Letter T.
- Activity Sheet: Draw a line to the words that begin with the sound of T.
- Activity Sheet: Color the words that begin with the sound of T.
- Itsy Bitsy Book: Little activity book with word that begin with the sound of T.
Words that End with the Letter T:
- Activity Sheet: Say the name of each picture out loud and listen for the Tt sound.
- Activity Sheet: Modern Manuscript: Trace (print) the words that end with the letter t.
- Activity Sheet: Standard Font: Trace (print) the words that end with the letter t.
- Activity Sheet: Draw a line to the words
that end with the sound of T.
- Activity Sheet: Color the words
that end with the sound of T.
Letter T Word Bank:
words that begin with the Letter t
- table
- tail
- teacher
- ten
- tiger
- toad
- tomato
- toys
- turnip
- turtle
- two
words that end with the Letter t
- cat
- eight
- goat
- not
- present
Other Links:
Although the activities are geared more to the preschool age group, adding one or two less challenging activities when learning the letters can be a welcome break for the kids and can be given as a bonus activity for those who finish their work early.
- Visit the Alphabuddies
for some fun coloring pages and crafts to reinforce learning.
- Visit Coloring ABC's for more coloring pages.
25 words, the writing of which confuses many
February 23, 2021 Education
About how to write difficult words correctly and remain a literate person.
You can listen to the article. If it's more convenient for you, turn on the podcast.
1. Traffic
In English, traffic is indeed spelled with a double consonant. However, when borrowing from a foreign language, the second letter is usually lost, which happened with the word “traffic”, so you should write it with only one “f”. nine0003
2. Future
The word "future" often gets the letter "u" by analogy with the word "next". But it is easily disassembled into the root bud- and the suffix -usch-. There is simply no place for an additional sign. If spelling is difficult, you can try to remember through the synonym "future". Still, even those who doubt very much will not raise their hand to write “the coming one”.
3. Offline
The word “offline”, like “offshore”, “offside”, which are close to it, lost a double consonant when they were entered into dictionaries, which is typical for borrowings. At the same time, if the spelling “offline” can still be explained by confusion with the original language, then the version “offline” is puzzling: in English, the word is also written without a hyphen. nine0003
Check 🧐
- TEST: Together, separate or hyphenated? Write 10 words without mistakes!
4. Rinses
If you're not talking to your washing machine, it's hard to imagine in what situation you might need the word "rinse". But just in case, it’s worth remembering that you need to correctly give out instructions with the word form “rinse”. nine0003
5. Producer
Probably, the extra "s" is formed by analogy with the word "director". But in both Russian and English, “producer” is written without doubled consonants.
6. Come
The word has gone through many transformations. In old books, it can be found in the versions "come" and "come". Yes, and the analogy with "go" is clearly visible. However, in dictionaries it is fixed only in one form - "to come."
7. Grapefruit
No matter how much one would like to make "grapefruit" a full-fledged "fruit", this word is pronounced the same as in the language from which it was borrowed. Otherwise, the first part of the word would have to be Russified, but “grape fruit” does not sound very attractive. nine0003
8. Blogger
For foreign words that extort a second consonant, there is a rule: if there is a single-root word, then you should use only one letter from the double ones. A blogger maintains a blog, so he is not allowed to use extra letters.
9. Hardly
According to Vasmer's etymological dictionary, the unchanging particle "hardly" comes from the word "row", it can be used as a test word. And the “li” particle is always written separately, so do not be lazy to press the spacebar. nine0003
10. Imagine
Frankly speaking, the word “imagination” is not in the overwhelming majority of dictionaries and literary Russian. But it has a certain semantic connotation and can look cute in colloquial speech. At the same time, one does not need to be a linguist to sob with bloody tears from the "vybrazhuli". So check "imagination" with the word "imagination" and spare other people's eyes.
11. Ice cream
If ice cream means a calorie bomb made from milk or cream, then you should always write one “n” in this word. This noun is formed from an imperfective verb, the letter in such cases is not doubled. nine0003
Fill in the letters 🎓
- QUIZ: How good are you at spelling double consonants?
12. Cappuccino
In Italian, from which the name coffee with milk foam comes, the word cappuccino was generously sprinkled with consonants. But in Russian, none of them is doubled. Therefore, you can nod understandingly when once again instead of cappuccino on the menu you will meet “cappuccino” or “cappuccino”. nine0003
13. Mosaic
Whether it's a picture of tightly packed pieces of glass or a children's puzzle, forget about bunnies and write correctly: mosaic.
14. Handwriting
The insidious "d" tries to fit in here, but it has no place in the word "handwriting". Because when you sit down to write a text by hand, you do not intend to emphasize anything, but rather to underline.
15. Bulletin
“Bulletin” is a dictionary word, so you have to memorize it. The fact that it came from the Latin bulla - “ball”, “seal” can help in this. nine0003
16. Legitimacy
There are many options for manipulating the word "legitimacy", but it's better not to do this and just remember how it is spelled.
17. Realtor
It is difficult to avoid confusion with the word realtor. Office programs do not underline it in red in any spelling, the “Russian Guild of Realtors” insists on the letter “e” in its name, and even the authors of dictionaries cannot come to a consensus. And yet, in the most authoritative Russian spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, edited by Lopatin, the form “realtor” is fixed, it is better to stick to it. nine0003
18. Registration
The check word "case" will help you find out which letter is hidden in place of an unstressed vowel, and will not allow you to write "registration" incorrectly.
19. Gynecologist
Gynecologist is not related to the word "gene", but is very closely related to the Greek "gyneka" - "woman".
20. Gastarbeiter
Remembering how the word "guest worker" is written is simple: in German gastarbeiter consists of two parts: gast - "guest" and arbeiter - "worker". nine0003
21. Colander
Another word from the German language, where the letters tend to get mixed up. "Colander" comes from durchschlagen, which breaks down into durch - "through", "through" and schlagen - "hit". But if the etymology does not help to remember the correct order of the letters, you can go the associative way, especially since the word is so consonant with a popular curse word.
22. Calories
The word "calorie" was borrowed from French. Calorie entered the Russian language practically unchanged, there are no double consonants in it. nine0003
23. Vinaigrette
The name of the salad is derived from the French vinaigre - "vinegar", and it - from the word vin - "wine". This makes it easier to remember how to properly describe the vegetable mixture. As for the second vowel in a word, it is enough to remember that it does not coincide with the first. Then you will write "vinaigrette" without a single mistake.
24. Shopping
In English, shopping is spelled with a double consonant, and many would like to transfer the two "n" and into Russian. Fight this desire and remember that there are words with the same root, for example, a shop tour. And if they use only one "p", then in "shopping" you do not need to double the consonant. nine0003
25. Terrorist attack
The abbreviation of the phrase “terrorist act” begs for a second consonant, but you should not negotiate with him. According to the rules for the formation of abbreviations, only one of the two consonants is written in them. Therefore, it is correct to write "terrorist attack".
What words do you stumble over? Write in the comments.
Read also 🧐
- 12 borrowed words that are easy to make a mistake
- 20 words that even literate people spell incorrectly
- “From that” or “from that”? 19 words and combinations that are easy to misspell
100 useful phrases in English
TOP 100 useful English phrases for tourists and travelers: with them you will be ready for any unexpected situation. Now in a printable format. Print, learn, travel and communicate!
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turn should pay attention to those expressions that often help us survive - in the truest sense of the word - in unfamiliar conditions. nine0003
Here are some simple English words and phrases that will help you avoid getting lost in a strange place, asking for help or helping yourself, or simply being polite:
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Ways to say goodbye
Goodbye | Goodbye! |
Bye | Bye! |
Good night | Good night! |
See you | See you soon! |
Have a nice day | Have a nice day! |
Please | please |
Thank you ( or Thanks) | thanks |
Thank you very much | thank you very much |
You're welcome | please (in response to "thank you") |
Don't mention it | not worth a thank you |
Not at all | for nothing |
I'm sorry ( or Sorry) | sorry |
Excuse me | sorry (also used to get attention) |
No problem | no big deal |
It's ok or That's ok | nine0156 all right|
Don't worry about it | don't worry |
100 phrases for tourists and travelers
How to better understand the interlocutor and be understood yourself
Do you speak English? | Do you speak English? |
I don't speak English | I don't speak English |
I speak a little English | I speak some English |
Please speak more slowly | Please speak slowly |
Could you please repeat that? | Please repeat |
Could you please spell that? | Spell please |
How do you say .![]() | How would you say ... in English? |
How do you spell that? nine0157 | How is it spelled? |
How do you pronounce this word? | How to pronounce this word? |
I understand | I understand |
I don't understand | I don't understand |
These phrases will help you not get lost in a strange city
How to ask or give directions
Could you tell me how to get to the ...? nine0157 | Can you tell me how to get to...? |
Do you know where the ... is? | Do you know where is...? |
How far is the…? | How far is it to.![]() |
airport | airport |
train station | railway station |
bus station | bus station |
Can you show me on the map? nine0157 | Can you show me on a map? |
I'm looking for this address | I am looking for this address |
It's this way | This is here |
It's that way | This is there |
You're going the wrong way | you are going the wrong way |
Take this road | Follow this road |
Turn left | Turn left |
Turn right | Turn right |
Go straight ahead | Go straight ahead |
Take the first turn on the left | Turn left at the first turn |
Take the second turn on the right | Turn right at the second turn |
Turn left at the crossroads | Turn left at the crossroads |
Continue straight ahead | Keep going straight |
Continue past the post office | Pass (drive) past the post office building |
You'll pass a park on your left | Park will be on the left |
Keep going for another… | Walk more.![]() |
two hundred yards | two hundred yards (1 yard ≈ 0.9 m) | nine0160
hundred meters | hundred meters |
half-mile | half mile (1 mile ≈ 1.6 km) |
kilometers | kilometer |
It'll be… | It will be... |
on your left | to your left |
on your right | to your right |
straight ahead of you | right in front of you |
100 phrases for tourists and travellers.
Most common signs
Entrance | Input |
Exit | Exit |
Emergency exit | Emergency exit |
Push | Push |
Pull | Self |
WC | Toilet |
Out of order | Out of service |
No smoking | No smoking |
Private | Private property |
No entry | No entry |
Emergency Phrases
We hope you don't need the phrases in this section, but you should still know them. nine0003
It is also worth remembering the emergency numbers - 911 in the US and Canada and 999 in the UK.
Help! | Help! |
Be careful! | |
Look out! or watch out! | Beware! |
Is anything wrong? | Is something wrong? |
What's the matter? | What's the matter? nine0157 |
Is everything ok? | Is everything all right? |
What's going on? | What's going on? |
What happened? | What happened? |
Are you ok? | Are you okay? |
Is everyone ok? | Are you all right? |
Medical problems:
I need help | I need help | |
I need a doctor | I need a doctor | |
Call an ambulance! | Call an ambulance! | |
There's been an accident | An accident has occurred | |
I've cut myself | I cut myself | |
I've burnt myself | I got burned | |
I've hurt my… | I damaged… | |
leg | leg | |
arm | arm | |
head | head | Call the police!Call the police! |
My … has been stolen | My … was stolen | nine0160|
wallet | wallet | |
handbag | bag | |
laptop | notebook | |
I've been mugged | I was robbed | |
I've been attacked | I was attacked |
Fire! | Fire! |
Call the fire brigade! nine0157 | Call the firemen! |
There's a fire | There's a fire there |
The building is on fire | Building on fire |
Other problems:
I'm lost | I got lost |
We're lost | We got lost |
I can't find my… | I can't find.![]() |
keys | my keys are |
passport | my passport is |
mobile | my mobile phone is |
I've lost my… | I lost… |
wallet | my wallet |
Purse | my handbag |
camera | my camera |
Please leave me alone | Please leave me alone |
Go away | Go away |
I'll call the police | I will call the police |
100 phrases for tourists and travelers
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Have you ever used these colloquial phrases? In what situations?
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Read on:
100 popular phrases in English
200 phrases and expressions for staying in a hotel
300 useful English words and phrases for tourists
My pain .