Electronic learn to read

7 toys that help kids learn to read and write

VTech Touch and Learn Activity Desk

Courtesy of Amazon

This interactive activity desk from VTech teaches reading and writing skills with double-sided cards that introduce letters, numbers, animals and more.

The table includes 160+ vocabulary words, 30+ learning activities, and 20+ melodies for educational fun. When kids feel like testing their writing or drawing skills, simply flip the tabletop for an easel and chalkboard. 

For ages: 3 to 6
Buy It: VTech Touch and Learn Activity Desk

The LeapReader

The LeapReader, also by LeapFrog, is a complete learn to read and write solution for kids. Kids will sound out words and read sentences, learn to write letters with interactive guidance, and listen to audio books, music, and more on the go.

The LeapReader solution includes three essential experiences:

  1. Learn to Read: Sounds out words, reads sentences, and lets kids play games and puzzles.
  2. Learn to Write: LeapReader helps kids learn the sequence of strokes and practice writing letters and numbers with special LeapFrog Learning Paper.
  3. Learn Through Listening: Audio books, learning songs, and trivia challenges build comprehension skills and vocabulary.

The LeapReader has a library of 150+ books, workbooks, audio books, and more. It’s available in green and pink, includes a USB rechargeable battery, and holds audio for up to 40 books or 175 songs.

For ages: 4 to 8
Buy It: The LeapReader

LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set

Upgrade your plain letter fridge magnets and help little ones learn the ABCs with LeapFrog’s Fridge Phonics magnetic letter set. When kids place a letter on the included school bus and press down, it’s read out loud and then used in a word and a sentence.

They’ll learn letter names and sounds, plus improve their vocabulary. The set also plays three fun learning songs, like the alphabet and “Wheels on the Bus. ” 

For ages: 2+
Buy It: LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set

Fire Kids Edition Tablet

Courtesy of Amazon

The Amazon Fire Kids Edition tablet comes in a 7- and 8-inch screen, giving kids everything they want and expect from a cutting-edge tablet, while parents can rest assured that their kids are safe online.

Enhanced parental controls have even stronger Internet-filtering and easy-to-use time limits. The tablet comes with a free year of Amazon FreeTime Unlimited and access to over 15,000 books, games, and educational apps. 

For ages: 3+ 
Buy It: Amazon Fire HD 8 Kids Edition Tablet

LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition

Courtesy of Amazon

The LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition tablet comes preloaded with 20 kid-approved educational apps, and parents can add plenty of others from LeapFrog’s library.

It also includes a three-month free trial of LeapFrog Academy, an interactive learning program that personalizes games to challenge kids as they learn and grow.  

For ages: 3 to 9
Buy It: LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition Tablet

VTech Write and Learn Creative Center

Courtesy of Amazon

Help toddlers and pre-K kids learn to write with VTech’s Write and Learn Creative Center. The magnetic drawing board teaches writing and drawing shapes and objects, and detailed instructions and animated demonstrations make it easy.

We love the customizable feature that allows you to add your child’s name—the screen will show them how to write it step-by-step. 

For ages: 3 to 6
Buy It: VTech Write and Learn Creative Center

Disney Creativity Studio and Smart Stylus by KIDdesigns

The Disney Creativity Studio and Smart Stylus is a creative experience with Disney characters you know and love. Kids learn to draw with real Disney artists that show how to draw their favorite characters in step-by-step tutorials.

The Smart Stylus allows you to access more than five different drawing tools; just flip the stylus to erase, or shake for “magical” art effects. There are more than 45 unique “pages” of activities like tracing, connect the dots, and coloring. The Smart Stylus connects wirelessly with the iPad.

For ages: 3+ (But don’t be fooled, an adult could spend hours doing this)
Buy It: Disney Creativity Studio and Smart Stylus

Jessica DysartLaurie Schacht•August 1, 2017

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Das Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 könnte mit einem wichtigen Design-Upgrade kommen

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Electronic books: learning to read?

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Home Innovative technologies Innovative technologies
E-books: learning to read?
09/29/2013 15:29

About five years ago, a hit (more than 3 million views: http://youtu. be/pQHX-SjgQvQ) on YouTube was a scene from some humorous program on Norwegian television, where in a medieval setting one person taught another how to use a tome. Remember? “This is a book, you have to open it. – Open? Like this? It doesn't have a lid! - Like this. Open and read. - And then? “And then the next page, like this. - What if I want to go back? - Like this. “But I can’t open it again!” “So turn it over!” Everything is as usual: off-screen laughter, the obvious stupidity of a character who is not able to cope with such a simple thing as reading a book. nine0022

But when a couple of years ago, Jean-Louis Constanza, CEO of French Tele2, posted a video on the same YouTube (http://youtu.be/aXVyaFmQNk), in which his one-year-old daughter tried to treat a glossy magazine like an iPad and did not I could understand why it doesn’t work: the pages don’t turn, it’s impossible to zoom, there is no button to exit the program, in the end, the video collected more than 4 million views and made me think: what is already happening and will continue to happen with reading, the ability , which for many centuries was - and still remains one of the basic and most common cultural skills? nine0022

True, reading was not always like this. For the vast majority of the history of human civilization, reading was not at all a mass occupation, but, on the contrary, a condition for entering the elite - cultural, religious, political. Almost only with the beginning of industrialization and the emergence of a modern model of education, reading became not only a general skill useful for life, but also an everyday practice of familiarization with culture, even if in the form of mass entertainment. When, already in the modern era, the entertainment industry began to offer other options for spending leisure time, and mass education began to offer other forms of teaching basic skills, the place of reading in culture, as can be seen even with a glance not armed with sociological surveys, began to gradually decline. Although it is unlikely to ever disappear completely. In any case, until the mass introduction of direct human-machine interfaces begins. And even then, judging by how Google Glass is developing, reading will again be the first necessary skill. nine0022

Along with the change in the functions of the text and the form of the book, reading itself also changed in culture. It is unlikely that anyone, except historians, today can imagine that, in essence, not so long ago, reading books was reading declamatory. Reading aloud made it easier to parse the text, which, for example, in Europe was written with almost no spaces and with a minimum number of necessary punctuation marks, and besides, on scrolls, suggesting reading as a separate occupation and a special nature of handling the book. Reading became a silent practice of a lonely person quite late - in mass form, hardly before the end of the Middle Ages: even Augustine - remember? wondered how Ambrose of Milan could spend long hours silently reading a book. This transition was greatly facilitated by the rejection of scrolls in favor of codices with their more fractional, page-based organization of the text. For silent reading, this was most welcome. As well as spaces, lines and paragraphs. nine0022

Along with this transition, the nature of reading changed radically: auditory perception disappeared from it. But on the other hand, it became possible, albeit unconsciously, to model the space of the book. When reading a book, your memory fixes the text, your consciousness creates a virtual world of the book, whether it is fiction or not. But at the same time, the memory is also unconsciously fixed at what approximately place in the book this or that fragment of text is located, the thickness of the book and the location of the text on the page are used as coordinates, and reference marks are headings, notes, paragraph beginnings, illustrations, design features, etc. etc. After reading the book, as after a trip, we remember, perhaps without realizing it, not only specific views, but also the topography of the landscape. Perhaps that is why it is more pleasant to re-read the book in the very edition with which you met it for the first time? In another edition, both the typeface, and the design, and the "topology" of the book itself will be completely different. In essence, as cognitive psychology teaches us (see, for example, "Reading in the Brain" by Stanislas Dehane), reading is really similar to the process of perceiving physical space and its objects, since our brain interprets letters first as pictures, things, and only then as meaningful signs. nine0022


What's going on with e-reading? Everything seems to be the same: reader programs kindly offer a seemingly familiar pagination, even almost the same scrolling sensory - in addition, of course, to various "utilities" such as text search, font size change, notes and sharing of quotes and others wonders of high technology. But the perception of the book and the process of reading it become different. The “page” of an e-book is a convention, also because the reader can really change the font size, and hence the pagination of the book. You can do without pages at all: the book will become more like an antique scroll unfolding as you read, and not like a codex with clearly marked pages. A big plus of reading an e-book is that you will always open it at the place where you closed the program or turned off the reader. But if you accidentally moved to another place in the book, inadvertently “waving” on the screen, then you, as a rule, will not be able to return to the place you need. When reading a paper book, you subconsciously assume how much you have already read and how much is left until the end of the book, because you can navigate by its thickness, and tactile finger sensors help you with this. In programs for readers and readers, only a slider or a strip of indication that you cannot touch with your hands can give you an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis. Perhaps it is precisely these differences in reading paper and electronic books that those readers who prefer paper books have in mind and say that they “lack the smell of books, the rustle of pages,” etc. nine0022

From the topography of the book, clinging to its physical reality, when reading an e-book, there is not a trace left. If the perception of the “thingness” of a text loses most of its support, then it can probably be assumed that this should somehow affect its development and memorization. The conclusions of psychologists who study the changes that occur during the transition from reading texts on physical media to reading texts in electronic form, however, do not give an unambiguous answer. Comparative tests of mastering and memorizing texts give different results. For example, a group of Norwegian psychologists, having conducted experiments on 72 high school students, came to the conclusion that the text printed on paper is perceived by them better than the text that they read in pdf form on a computer screen (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijer.2012.12. 002). How much better? Approximately 10%. But psychologists from New York University came to the conclusion that there is no difference in mastering texts on different media (DOI: 10.1002/acp.29thirty).

It is possible, however, that both are right. Nature and human psychology may be universal, but the technological environment and cultural characteristics are not at all the same. Humanity as a whole has entered a period of change associated with the information revolution, but their speed (and, accordingly, the speed of adaptation to them) varies in different cultures and different countries. And the situation in Norway (or Russia) is of course different from the situation in the US. Another thing is that the spread of devices suitable for reading e-books does not depend at all on changing reading habits, but on the development and distribution of the gadgets themselves. And - most importantly - from their distribution among children and adolescents, future readers and writers. nine0022


Look at the Netherlands, perhaps the most technologically advanced country in Europe: every third child under the age of one already plays with a tablet as a toy simply because it is in the family. And at the age of three years, already half of the little Dutch are playing with tablets. Even the United States lags behind the Netherlands in this regard: only one in four teenagers has their own tablet there. More precisely, however, it will be said “already each of the four teenagers”, because the number of owners of such devices will grow every year. And along with this, the proportion of children who read e-books. This was clearly demonstrated by the results of the latest monitoring, which is carried out almost every year by the American publishing house Scholastic, polling a representative sample (more than 1000 participants) of children aged 6-17 years and their parents on the topic of reading, especially e-books. The main conclusion: children began to read e-books more - in a study in 2012, 46% of children already read e-books (25% in 2010). nine0022

Around this figure, I note that in the American media there was a real story with a glass: someone gives out these same percentages as the headline, and someone - “54% of children do not read e-books”! At the same time, the proportion of parents who read e-books is somewhat smaller: 41%, but it has grown more significantly: in 2010, they were only 14%.

What exactly do children read? 22% use laptops/netbooks, 21% use tablets, 19% use e-book readers, 19% use desktop computers, and 16% use other handheld devices such as smartphones. At the same time, reading e-books affects reading itself only positively: every fifth child said that he began to read more. And among boys - every fourth. (I quite understand, still - a gadget!) Parents who said that they began to read more, 31%. And they will read even more - this was announced by 49% of children (33% in 2010). Half of the children who do not read e-books would like to join them, and 72% of parents are interested in this to one degree or another. Although 80% of e-book readers mostly still read paper books. 58% of all children said they would always read paper books (in 2010, however, there were 66% of them). This gives hope that for a long time the playful video tutorial How To Read a Book (http://youtu.be/7iwebauiZDA), in which young people tell and show how paper books differ from the already familiar books on tablets and smartphones, will continue to be taken as a joke. nine0022

With the massive spread of e-book reading, the practice of reading will obviously continue to change. And it will have an impact on education, as e-book publishing technologies are more interactive and provide more opportunities for using multimedia content. And of course, literature: it is no coincidence that right now one can observe the flourishing of small prose genres, the format of which is perfectly suited for sporadic reading on smartphones, for example. But be that as it may, the place of reading in culture depends not only on technology, but also on how children master this practice and what role parents play in this. According to the results of the Scholastic survey, there are not so many factors that affect a child's attitude to reading books - just the simple habit of parents to read books and the availability of books in the home library. Still paper. nine0022

Heading Vladimir KHARITONOV, Executive Director of the Association of Internet Publishers

Published in the September 2013 issue

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Electronic Voiced Poster Learning to Read 70035

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The electronic sounded poster Learning to Read reproduces sounds and is intended for teaching a child to read. In addition to sounds, the poster reproduces almost all the most common syllables of the Russian language.

To play a sound, you just need to click in the center of the cell with a letter or syllable. Vowels and consonants are arranged separately. nine0308 The sound poster "Learning to read" can reproduce almost all the words of the Russian language, for this you need to consistently click on the necessary syllables.

When pressing the button "!" the rules of the Russian language are reproduced.
When you press the "b" button and simultaneously press one of the letters marked with an asterisk, a soft sound b, b, b sounds.
Open syllables with hard consonants are marked in blue.
Green color indicates open syllables with soft consonants. nine0308 Compatible with any type of primers.

Self-study by the child is possible.
Can be placed on a table or wall
The poster has a waterproof surface.
The poster has a volume control.
Touch buttons.

The poster has an automatic shut-off to conserve batteries.

Electronic poster powered by 3 AAA batteries (included).

Material: laminated cardboard, plastic. nine0022

Poster dimensions: 49 x 75 cm
Box dimensions: 51 x 23 x 4 cm.

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