Fun vocabulary words

Fun Words - Vocabulary List

Learn words with Flashcards and other activities

Other learning activities

PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz! Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!

Teaching tools

QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.

  1. harlequinade

    acting like a clown or buffoon

  2. parvenu

    a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status

  3. contumacious

    willfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient

  4. somniloquy

    uttering speech while asleep

  5. kerfuffle

    a disorderly outburst or tumult

  6. ululate

    emit long loud cries

  7. chiaroscuro

    the arrangement or interplay of light and dark in an artwork

  8. lagniappe

    a small gift given by a merchant to a customer

  9. pusillanimous

    lacking in courage, strength, and resolution

  10. antediluvian

    of or relating to the period before the biblical flood

  11. flambeau

    a flaming torch (such as are used in processions at night)

  12. titular

    existing in name only

  13. syzygy

    the straight line configuration of three celestial bodies

  14. onomatopoeic

    of or relating to or characterized by onomatopoeia

  15. tintinnabulation

    the sound of a bell ringing

  16. bivouac

    temporary living quarters built by the army for soldiers

  17. defenestrate

    throw through or out of a window

  18. lugubrious

    excessively mournful

  19. penumbra

    a region of light shadow around the darkest part of a shadow

Created on July 26, 2008 (updated August 30, 2008)

52 Interesting Words to Know - Vocabulary List

Learn words with Flashcards and other activities

Other learning activities

PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz! Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!

Teaching tools

QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.

  1. zenith

    the highest point of something

  2. zealot

    a fervent and even militant proponent of something

  3. yearn

    desire strongly or persistently

  4. yawner

    a person who yawns

  5. xenophobia

    a fear of foreigners or strangers

  6. x-axis

    the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate system

  7. wonky

    turned or twisted toward one side

  8. wanton

    a lewd or immoral person

  9. vermillion

    of a vivid red to reddish-orange color

  10. vague

    lacking clarity or distinctness

  11. unique

    the single one of its kind

  12. uncanny

    surpassing the ordinary or normal

  13. tenacious

    stubbornly unyielding

  14. tangible

    perceptible by the senses, especially the sense of touch

  15. serene

    not agitated

  16. saquinavir

    a weak protease inhibitor used in treating HIV

  17. rhetorical

    relating to using language effectively

  18. rambunctious

    noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline

  19. quixotic

    not sensible about practical matters

  20. quell

    suppress or crush completely

  21. pique

    call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response

  22. paradigm

    a standard or typical example

  23. oxymoron

    conjoined contradictory terms

  24. optimistically

    with optimism; in an optimistic manner

  25. nostalgic

    unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things

  26. narrative

    an account that tells the particulars of an act or event

  27. misanthrope

    someone who dislikes people in general

  28. melancholy

    a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed

  29. lucid

    transparently clear; easily understandable

  30. lethargic

    deficient in alertness or activity

  31. ken

    range of what one can know or understand

  32. karma

    effects of one's actions that determine his or her destiny

  33. jurisdiction

    the territory within which power can be exercised

  34. jejune

    lacking interest or significance or impact

  35. irony

    incongruity between what might be expected and what occurs

  36. integrity

    an undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting

  37. hypnosis

    a state that resembles sleep induced by suggestion

  38. hyperbole

    extravagant exaggeration

  39. guise

    an artful or simulated semblance

  40. gallivant

    wander aimlessly in search of pleasure

  41. fortitude

    strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

  42. fervent

    characterized by intense emotion

  43. esoteric

    understandable only by an enlightened inner circle

  44. empathy

    understanding and entering into another's feelings

  45. dubious

    fraught with uncertainty or doubt

  46. disposition

    your usual mood

  47. cynical

    believing the worst of human nature and motives

  48. capricious

    determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity

  49. bypass

    avoid something

  50. benevolent

    showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

  51. ambiguous

    having more than one possible meaning

  52. alliteration

    use of the same consonant at the beginning of each word

Created on January 4, 2013 (updated January 4, 2013)

"Funny dictionary words" educational project

Municipal educational budgetary institution secondary school named after. S.A. Surkova p. Theologian of the Penza district of the Penza region

Creative project

“Funny Vocabulary Words”

was completed by students of the 4th “B”


Radaeva Olga Viktorovna



I Stage - Preparation

Actualization of the problem

II Stage Planning

Purpose of work, tasks.

Theoretical information.

III stage - decision making in groups

Individual work. Mutual assistance.

IV tap - evaluation of results


V project protection

Summing up the result. Reflection.

I stage - preparation

Actualization of the problem

Tell me and I will forget.

Show me and I will remember.

Get involved and I'll learn.

Ancient Chinese wisdom

There are some words in Russian that you need to remember the spelling. These are dictionary words. There are enough of them. All 4 years we diligently taught them, but when writing a dictation, we still made mistakes in them. We decided to find a way to better remember these words. We began to study the literature on this issue and the experience of other guys.

II stage - frontal planning

Purpose of work:

Present the most successful method of memorizing vocabulary words.

Work tasks:

1. Obtain information about various memorization techniques.

2. Select and justify the most appropriate method of memorization.

3. Depict vocabulary words to memorize using this technique.

4. Share your find with classmates.

Project completion time 2 weeks.

Theoretical information

In the 21st century, the flow of information is so great that only a person with extraordinary abilities can process and remember it. In this regard, one of the most striking current problems of modern education is the impact of information stress on children's health.

One of its solutions could be teaching children how to process information competently. And here you can not do without the development of memory.

Memory is one of the most basic processes of the human psyche, the basis on which the brain creates is the capabilities of a person, his thinking.

Memory is a reflection of a person's experience by remembering, preserving, recognizing, reproducing.

In most educational institutions, the methods of teaching children are mainly based on logical thinking and mechanical memory. In the lower grades of the school: the multiplication table, rules, etc. In the middle and upper grades, dates, formulas, diagrams, words and phrases of a foreign language and a large amount of information that need to be memorized and retell are added to this. The question arises: How to remember all this?

We studied various methods of memorizing and processing information, and became seriously interested in the school of eidetics.

Eidetic system - memory without boundaries. "Eidos" translated from Greek - " image of ". Eidetism is the ability to very vividly imagine an object that is not in our field of perception. Most people know how to do it. When they remember an object, they seem to see it, feel it, sometimes even sensing a color or smell. The ability to think in images was originally inherent in man, and only with the development of civilization did he accustom himself to memorize not only a picture, an image, but also an abstract symbol in the form of a word or number.

Our memory is a big storeroom. When we go in there and see a huge pile of various things, what will we pull out? The most colorful and eye-catching things. If we color the information we need with our imagination, then it will be much easier to pull it out of our “pantry”, because all the “things” stored there will be colorful and unusual. The eidetic method is based on the formula: imagination + positive emotions = learned information.

Eidetic principles:

  • joyful, cheerful atmosphere;

  • mobility and accessibility of play material;

  • separation of information according to the characteristics of each child.

The main objectives of the methodology:

  • development of visual and tactile memory, imaginative thinking, imagination, auditory and visual attention;

  • activation of resources of cognitive processes;

  • speech development;

  • stimulation of initiative;

  • raising self-confidence, as well as the fight against fear of the unknown;

  • discovery and development of baby's abilities.

Eidetics helps in the study of mathematics, literature, foreign languages ​​- anything!

III stage - decision making in groups

We decided to use this technique with dictionary words. Everyone chose a word for themselves that needs to be drawn so that a funny picture helps to remember the spelling.

First, we presented a sketch of the picture, discussed in groups whether the spelling will be highlighted, whether the guys will remember it. Then we finalized the sketches and began to draw.

That's what we got!

IV TAP - Assessment of the results

Pictures we got funny and funny. We hung them in the classroom and looked at them often. After some time, he wrote a dictation, in which there were also “our” dictionary words. All the guys in our class wrote them without a single mistake! So the rule worked! Those words that we depicted funny, the guys remembered very well! But they made mistakes in other words that we have not yet drawn! You need to get down to business and draw other vocabulary words. Now we already borrow how to do it.

V project defense

Having collected all the material on our work, we are ready to speak at the scientific and practical conference and talk about our work.

Draw any dictionary words funny and you will remember their spelling very well!


Attention training. - Mn.: Universitetskaya, 1997.

2. Buzan T. Supermemory - Per. from English; Hood. region M. V. Drako. - 2nd ed. – Mn.: OOO Potpourri, 2001.

3. Buzan T. High-speed memory. - Per. from English, 1998.

4. Hancock J. Self-tutor on the development of memory. // M.: EKSMO-Press, 2002.

Learning vocabulary words fun: 3 secrets from the teacher

Simple mnemonics for memorizing vocabulary words.

Are you sure that you can easily and without mistakes write such words as prerogative, incident, precedent, challenger? What about the words presumption, illumination and terrace? There are a lot of vocabulary words in Russian. Each class in the school even has its own list. It's just that teaching them is so difficult and boring.

Together with a teacher with more than 20 years of experience, the author of the SmartyKids speed reading and calligraphy methodology Elena Slesareva , we have found 3 non-standard ways to learn vocabulary words: fun, exciting and effective.


This is perhaps the easiest, but by no means trivial way to learn a vocabulary word. Judge for yourself: in order to see the word, you will have to play with letters, and here you want it or not, but you learn that peanuts still begin with the letter “a”, and in the word art there are two “s”. Naturally, the younger the child, the simpler the dictionary words and the simpler the anagrams. To begin with, you can only rearrange a couple of letters within a word, and at an advanced level, you can already swap all the letters in a dictionary word.

Try to decipher the following anagrams with your child:






9030 9030 along the route "and" Gypsy poked at a chicken while standing on tiptoe", and of course the main imperishable "too unbearable to marry" . Such things remain in memory for a lifetime, our brain is arranged in such a peculiar way.

Can be found a lot of similar poems on vocabulary words and various rules of the Russian language. BUT you can come up with your own short funny stories with the children from the words to be learned.

I we develop storytelling and learn vocabulary words at the same time.

How do you like it? such options:

“A cosmonaut with a shovel ate sorrel from a basket for breakfast today”

“The hippopotamus from Antarctica loved to eat tangerines”

“A woodpecker conductor monthly boots ter”

Than the more absurd and absurd the story, the better.

Or maybe even complicate the task and invent stories using only dictionary words for one letter:

"A bedside penguin fluttered like a dog on a fine day."

Schulte charts

Usually these tables about numbers and about the development of peripheral vision, attention and reaction speed.

Learn more


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