Good night sleep cartoons

Free Goodnight Cartoons - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken


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mann wacht morgens aus dem schlaf auf. afroamerikanischer junge steigt aus dem gemütlichen bett und dehnt sich mit guter laune. - free goodnight cartoons stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Mann wacht morgens aus dem Schlaf auf. Afroamerikanischer Junge...

Mann erwacht morgens aus dem Schlaf. Afroamerikanischer Junge steigt aus dem gemütlichen Bett und streckt sich mit guter Laune. Gesundes Lifestyle-Konzept. Vektorillustration

frau wacht morgens aus dem schlaf auf. afroamerikanisches mädchen steigt aus dem gemütlichen bett und dehnt sich mit guter laune. - free goodnight cartoons stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Frau wacht morgens aus dem Schlaf auf. Afroamerikanisches Mädchen

Frau wacht morgens aus dem Schlaf auf. Afroamerikanisches Mädchen steigen aus dem gemütlichen Bett und strecken sich mit guter Laune. Gesundes Lifestyle-Konzept. Vektorillustration

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trauriger Geschäftsmann mit Hund

Vektorillustration eines traurigen Geschäftsmannes mit Hund

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Schlaf und Ruhe nahtloses Muster. Kissen, Federn, Schlafmaske...

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Schlaf und Ruhe Illustration. Weißes Kissen mit Federmustern,...

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Süßer Cartoon schlafender Hase

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Tiefschlaf, Meditation und Träume von Mädchen, die auf Schaukel...

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Süßes Baby und Hase wickeln sich in eine Decke. Kleine Freunde...

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Mädchen sitzt nachts auf einer Schaukel, die vom Mond hängt,. ..

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Hängende Spielzeugrassel aus Holz für Schlaflied

Hängende Spielzeugrassel aus Holz für Schlaflied. Boho Baby Kinderzimmer Skandinavisch neutrales Dekorelement. Baby Shower Minimalist Clipart für Neugeborene

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süßer Hase, der auf einer Wolke schläft

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Schlafendes Neugeborenes mit kariertem Porträt bedeckt

Boho Schlafendes Neugeborenes mit kariertem Porträt bedeckt. Baby Shower Clipart kleiner Junge oder Mädchen für Nursery Print. Vector Bohemian Kind Cartoon Design

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Schlafendes Neugeborenen-Babyporträt in einer Mütze

Boho Schlafendes Neugeborenen-Baby-Porträt in einer Mütze. Baby Shower Clipart kleiner Junge oder Mädchen für Nursery Print. Vector Bohemian Kind Cartoon Design

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Set süßes Boho Baby Neugeborenes Porträt

Set süßes Boho Baby Neugeborenes Porträt. Baby Shower Clipart Kollektion kleiner Junge oder Mädchen für Nursery Print. Vector Bohemian Kind Cartoon Design

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Süßer Cartoon-Fuchs, der auf einer Wolke schläft

Süßer Zeichentrickfuchs, der auf einer Wolke schläft

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Süßer Koala auf dem Mond

niedlicher Koala auf dem Mond

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Person, die im Bett schläft, Konzept

Person, die im Bett schläft. Junge müde Frau im stilvollen Schlafanzug liegt auf weicher Matratze und ruht sich aus. Charakter sieht Träume und stellt Energie wieder her. Cartoon flache Vektorillustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund

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Schlafender fetter Panda mit Hasenfreund, der mit herzförmigem...

Schlafender dicker Panda mit Hasenfreund, der mit einem herzförmigen Luftballon hochfliegt. Kawaii Cartoon Tierbabys. Inschrift Guten Morgen. Vektorillustration EPS8

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Vector Cartoon Aufwachen Mädchen in leuchtend rosa Pyjamas lächeln

Vektor Cartoon Aufwachen Mädchen in leuchtend rosa Pyjamas lächelnd, frischer Morgen, guten Morgen aufwachen Konzept nach dem Schlaf gesunder Zustand.

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Blauwal-Cartoon. Animal Pattern Vector Hintergrund für Kinder,...

Blauwal-Karikatur. Animal Pattern Vector Hintergrund für Kinder, Textil, Musterstoff, Tapete

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Süßer weißer Hase im lila Einhornpyjama

Süßer weißer Hase im lila Einhorn-Pyjama

dreaming people konzept. glückliche frau, die an zuhause, auto und zukünftige reisen denkt, während sie auf dem bett im schlafzimmer sitzt. phantasie, inspiration und zielsetzung. vektorillustration im trendigen flat design - free goodnight cartoons stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Dreaming People Konzept. Glückliche Frau, die an Zuhause, Auto...

Träumende Menschen Konzept. Glückliche Frau, die über Zuhause, Auto und zukünftige Reisen nachdenkt, während sie im Schlafzimmer auf dem Bett sitzt. Phantasie, Inspiration und Zielsetzung. Vektorillustration im trendigen Flat Design

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Elternteil hält eine Zahnbürste und erklärt die Zahnpflege...

Erwachsener, der kleines Kind über Zahngesundheit unterrichtet Überwachung des Zähneputzens

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Gesicht einer jungen schlafenden lächelnden Frau mit...

Vektorillustration - das Gesicht einer jungen schönen schlafenden lächelnden Frau mit geschlossenen Augen und Haaren - ein Sternenhimmel. Konzept - gesunder Schlaf und angenehme Träume

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Weibliche Zeichentrickfigur schläft und hat luzide Träume

Weibliche Zeichentrickfigur schläft und luzide Träume hat. REM-Schlafstadium, Mädchen träumt im Bett flache Vektorillustration. Fantasie, Fantasiekonzept für Banner, Website-Design oder Landingpage

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Kissen oder Kissensymbol oder Symbol, Cartoon flache...

Kissen oder Kissen Symbol oder Symbol, Cartoon flache Vektorillustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund. Heimtextilien für das Bett. Weiches grünes Bettkissen.

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Ändern der Windel-Vektorillustration

Draufsicht auf den süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Wickeltisch und den Händen der Mutter liegt. Windelvektor-Illustration ändern

draufsicht auf den süßen kleinen jungen, der auf dem bett und den händen der mutter liegt. - free goodnight cartoons stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Draufsicht auf den süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Bett und. ..

Draufsicht auf einen süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Bett und den Händen der Mutter liegt. Windelvektor-Illustration ändern

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Draufsicht auf den süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Bett liegt.

Draufsicht des süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Wickeltisch liegt. Vektor-Illustration

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Weibliche Zeichentrickfigur schläft und hat luzide Träume

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Draufsicht auf den süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Bett liegt.

Draufsicht auf einen süßen kleinen Jungen, der auf dem Bett liegt. Vektor-Illustration

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Vektor-Emoticon-Illustration Cartoon des Kopfes einer Virusfigur...

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Cartoon-Bakterien, Viren oder Mikroben gähnen

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Sleeper - moderne Liniendesign-Stil einzelne isolierte Ikone

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Vater liest Buch zusammen mit seinem Sohn. Papa und Kind im Bett.

Vater liest zusammen mit seinem Sohn ein Buch. Papa und Kind im Bett. Papa und Kind mit Bilderbuch. Eltern und Junge ruhen sich in einem gemütlichen Zuhause aus. Flache Vektordarstellung der Familie isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund.

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Nahtloser Hintergrund für den Nachthimmel

Verträumtes und niedliches nahtloses Muster mit Mond und Sternen, die an Wolken hängen

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schlafende Frau

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Süße Cartoon Faultier-Set

Niedliches Cartoon-Faultier-Charakter-Zeichen-Set. Am Ast hängend, sitzend, umarmendes Kissen. Lustiges faules Tier, schläfriges Faultier, handgezeichnete Vektor-Clipart-Illustration.

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Minimale schlafende Katze Vektor handgezeichnete Illustration,...

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Digitale Malerei des Mädchens erreichen den Stern, Acryl auf...

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Vater lesen für Tochter flache Illustration

Vaterlesung für Tochter flache Illustration. Eltern und verbringen Zeit miteinander Zeichentrickfiguren. Kind, das im Bett schläft, Papa liest Gutenachtgeschichte, Märchen im Buch isolierte Cliparts

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Niedliche handgezeichnete Baumschule nahtloses Muster im...

Niedliches handgezeichnetes Kinderzimmer-nahtloses Muster im skandinavischen Stil mit handgezeichneten Charakteren Mond und Herzen. Farbe grau schwarz und blau. Vektorillustration Cartoon.

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Netter Tiger mit einem Stern auf einem Hintergrund von blauem...

Niedlicher Tiger mit einem Stern auf einem Hintergrund aus blauem Himmel, Mond und Wolken. Vektorillustration. Kinderkollektion von niedlichen Tierdesigns, Dekor, Karten und Dekorationen, Drucken und Postern.

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Müde schlafenBaby ohne mehr Energie

Süßes Kleinkind, das auf dem Boden schläft, erschöpft vom Bezahlen

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Süße Cartoon schlafende Katze

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Ein Mann auf sofa

Vektor-Cartoon bunte Illustration von glücklichen Mann auf dem Sofa liegen. Fauler Urlaub, Downshifting, freiberuflich. Entspannung, Procastination. Lustige männliche glückliche Charaktere auf weißem Hintergrund.

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Freund ist in Not ein wahrer Freund

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Eine Frau, die auf einem Futon schläft

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Süße Cartoon glücklich und traurige Farbe Kissen

Für Icons, Web, Postkarten, Dekor, Verpackungen, Drucke für Dinge, Cover für Notizbücher, Dekoration von Boxen für Aufkleber, Rucksack, individuelles Element und etc.

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Einzelelement Kissen. Zeichnen von Illustrationen in Farben

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Nette Weltraumkatzen mit Planeten, Monden, Kometen und Sternen...

Süße Weltraumkatzen mit Planeten, Monden, Kometen und Sternen auf dunkelblauem Hintergrund. Gut für Kinder, süßer Cartoon-Stil

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Nette Weltraumkatzen mit Planeten, Monden, Kometen und Sternen...

Süße Weltraumkatzen mit Planeten, Monden, Kometen und Sternen auf dunkelblauem Hintergrund. Gut für Kinder, süßer Cartoon-Stil

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Lustige Cartoon Schafe halten ein Kissen

Niedliches Tiermaskottchen ruht sich im Kampf gegen Schlaflosigkeit aus

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Hand gezeichnet Aquarell Illustration - Heißluftballon am...

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Süße Vektor nahtlose Muster mit entzückenden Pastell Katzen auf...

Niedliches Vektor-nahtloses Muster mit entzückenden pastellfarbenen Katzen auf hellgelbem Hintergrund. Schöne marshmallow-ähnliche Kätzchen in Pastellfarben

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Kleine Mädchen Träumen Flug

kleines Mädchen, das vom Flug träumt - niedliche Cartoon-Illustration

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Der Retter-Bär


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Vektor-Illustration von Hand gezeichnet niedlichen Einhorn mit...

niedlicher tiger sitzt auf einer wolke mit dem rücken. erreicht eine pfote zum stern. vektor-illustration. skandinavischen stil tier konzept kinder sammlung, für design, dekor, drucke und poster und karten - free goodnight cartoons stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

niedlicher Tiger sitzt auf einer Wolke mit dem Rücken. Erreicht...

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  • Good Night Design

  • Good Night Sleep

  • Good Night Emoticon

  • Singing Mermaid Good Night Sleep Vector Illustration Set

  • Good Sleep

  • Night Time

  • Sleep Mask Good Night

  • Good Night Sleep Cartoon Sheep Collection

  • Sleep Disorder Isometric Icons

  • Clouds Good Night

  • Cartoon Moon Baby Cute Smiling Character

  • Good Night

  • Sleep Icons

  • Good Night Sleep Cartoon Sheep Jumping Fence

  • Good Night Sleep Cartoon Sheep Animal

  • Good Night

  • Good Night Sleep Collection

  • Cute Sheep Jumping Over Fence

  • Jumping Sheep On Green.

  • Good Night

  • Adorable Seamless Pattern With A Cute Cat Sleeping In The Plants

  • Jumping Sheep On Blue.

  • Good Night Sleep

  • White Unicorn Sleeping With Closed Eyes On Cloud

  • Rules Of Good Healthy Sleep At The Night.

  • Good Night Design

  • Counting Sheep To Fall Asleep Vector Illustration.

  • Sleep Time Icons Flat

  • Mother Bear Reading Book To Cub Baby In Forest

  • Sleep Stickers

  • Good Night

  • Sleeping Owls On The Branch Coloring Page. Good Night Coloring Book

  • Time To Sleep: Young Woman Is Sleep

  • Good Night Vector Sketchy Set.

  • Jumping Sheep At Night.

  • Night Sky With Owls

  • Cute Sleeping Fox Coloring Page. Black And White Print With Funny Animals

  • Cute Card With Sleeping Rabbit.

  • Bedtime, Good Night Sleep Vector Seamless Pattern

  • Cute Happy Rabbits In Bed. Vector

  • Good Night Owl Sitting On A Moon

  • Siblings - Man And Woman Sleeping

  • Woman Back Good Morning

  • Good Night Abstract Composition

  • A Woman And A Cat Sleep In Bed. Good Night.

  • Cute Moon And Stars Characters

  • Good Night Design

  • Sleeping Boy And Cute Cartoon Sheep. Good Night. Sleep Time. Print For Pajamas.

  • Magic In A Jar Coloring Page With A Cute Sleeping Moon

  • Good Night Owl

  • The Boy Cartoon Was Asleep In Bed

  • Sleep Design

  • Good Night Isolated Elements For Your Design

  • Good Night

  • Counting Sheep

  • Bedtime, Good Night Sleep Vector Seamless Pattern

  • Good Night Lettering Typography

  • Cute Happy Moon And Pillow. Good Night Card

  • Good Night Card

  • Bedtime, Good Night Sleep Vector Seamless Pattern

  • Good Night Sleep Cartoon Sheep Jump Fence

  • Good Night Design

  • Good Night Design

  • And Cats. Good Night. Sweet Dreams.

  • Boys Gnome In The Costumes Star.

  • Yawning Man

  • Sleeping Moon And Star At Night Coloring Page. Sweet Dreams Black And White Card

  • Sweet Dreams Card

  • Calligraphy Good Night And Sweet Dreams Lettering Vector Isolated On White Background

  • Night Stickers

  • Tips For Good Rest And Overcoming Insomnia, Flat Vector Illustration Isolated.

  • Night Sky 2

  • Good Night Coloring Page With A Cute Sleeping Owl And Cloud. Black And White Fantasy Background

  • Sun And Moon Yin And Yang Day And Night Harmony

  • Cute Baby Star With Pillow In Hight Hat. Vector Illustration For Nursery Design. Good Night, Sweet Dreams Concept

  • Next Page

Good night, Star

2. Walk

Kroshik and Hedgehog will go for a boat ride. And to get to it, you need a board. Kroshik took one, but the board was short. How to solve the problem?

4 min.

3. Felt-tip pens

Kroshik and Hedgehog will draw with felt-tip pens. The hedgehog chose a yellow felt-tip pen, and Kroshik a blue one.

4 min.

4. Rocket

Kroshik and Lamb saw a rocket that can be fun to ride! Kroshik decided that he would sit in front. But Barashik also wants to sit on the front of the rocket. How will the kids do? nine0003

5 min.

5. Footprints

Kroshik will find unknown black footprints. I wonder who it is? Kroshik decided to go through them and see.

4 min.

6. Tower

Hedgehog brought some cubes to build a tower. But Kroshik asked for one cube, then Nyushenka took one and Lamb took one. But how can the Hedgehog build a tower now, because a lot of cubes are needed. It seems that the Hedgehog knows what to do!

4 min.

7. Little Red Riding Hood

Nyushenka has lost her red panama. Lamb tried very hard to find her, but he did not know what panama was.

5 min.

8. Sunshine

Babies are very sad, even the morning is not good for them, because there is no sun. Maybe draw it?

5 min.

9. Christmas tree

New Year has come to the little ones. The kids will decorate the Christmas tree. They will hang a ball, an asterisk, a bell on it. Fires will light up. And, of course, they will sing a New Year's song! nine0003

4 min.

10. Jumpers

Kroshik taught Nyushenka and Lamb to jump. It's so easy and so much fun. You can jump like this, and like this! Barashik didn’t succeed right away, but he was the first to notice that the object was hard and soft, and that it was best to jump on a pillow. And at the end of the cartoon, of course, we will sing a song about soft and hard!

5 min.

11. Streams

A story in which Pandochka wanted to play with the Hedgehog, but he was too busy launching a boat in a stream and did not pay attention to her. nine0003

5 min.

12. Car

The hedgehog was playing with the car, but his friends needed help: Kroshik to lift the engine, and Nyushenka to help collect the scattered beads.

5 min.

13. Hide and Seek

We will play hide and seek. In order to find each character, you need to remember what we learned about them in previous episodes. Who likes to do what? Who's character? Also in this series we will learn how to draw cartoon characters.

5 min.

14. Houses

Kroshik and Nyushenka are building houses. It remains to glue the roof, but where can I get it? Looks like Lamb has an idea! We need to cut the square and get a triangle, and it will make a great roof! Ready! Now let's sing a song about a triangle!

5 min.

15. Bucket

Pandochka, Kroshik and Nyushenka play in the sandbox and can't share the blue buckets. Kroshik wants the bucket to be a car, Pandochka wants to drum on it, and Nyushenka needs a little cake. How to be? Maybe we can play together? Correctly! We play together and sing a wonderful song about the fact that playing alone is boring, but together it's fun! nine0003

5 min.

16. On the playground

Nyushenka, Lamb and Hedgehog are playing on the playground. Nyushenka is very active today, she broke the Hedgehog's Easter cakes, pushed Lamb, and even got stuck herself. But everything can be fixed, one has only to say polite words. Now let's sing a song and remember all the polite words.

5 min.

17. Scooter

Kroshik took the scooter for a ride, although Nyushenka said that the scooter must not be touched. But Kroshik did everything in his own way and first landed in a cactus, and then completely, almost fell into a deep hole. It's good that Nyushenka saved him. it is a pity that she did not immediately explain to Kroshik that the scooter cannot be taken, because it is broken. And now let's sing a song about "you can" and "you can't." nine0003

5 min.

18. Football

Hedgehog and Pandochka decided to play football. To play football you need a goal and a ball. The gate was set up. And what will be the ball: a huge ball or a small ball that even Pandochka cannot kick? Looks like the Hedgehog has a great idea on how to make the right size ball. And so that the kids better remember what is small and what is big - let's sing a song!

5 min.

19. Good night, Zvezdochka

All the kids have already gone to bed, only Lamb is not sleeping. If he is not sleeping, then let him prepare the stars for sleep. After all, preparing for sleep is a very important thing! Each star needs to be washed, kissed and put to bed ...

5 min.

20. Shmyak

Kroshik has a new toy — shmyak! Pandochka and Kroshik compete in who will throw the shmyak higher. They threw it so high that now they can't reach it. What to do? You need to make a ladder - high! In this series of educational cartoon "Kids" we study the concepts of "high-low".

5 min.

21. Flower

The hedgehog decided to become a magician. He decided to help the fading flower, but for some reason his magic word didn't work. Here's the problem! Nyushenka knows how to help the flower and what magic words are needed here. Nyushenka is a real magician! Do you know what magic words are? nine0003

5 min.

22. Wake up

The hedgehog can't wake up. He urgently needs a workout. First you need to jump like a ball, run like a car, spin like a spinning top ... Let's do a warm-up with the kids. It will help us wake up and lift our spirits.

5 min.

23. Airplane

Our little ones decided to launch an airplane. Nyushenka launched the airplane and it flew very far away. Our heroes went in search of him, but along the way, Kroshik saw a car and decided to play with it, Hedgehog found a piece of paper from which to make a new airplane, and Lamb was just tired of walking ... Only Nyushenka reached the airplane. nine0003

5 min.

24. Horse

Little Kroshik and Hedgehog are ready to play all day long. That's just from their games so much mess! The beloved horse was simply lost in such a mess. We have to do something about it.

5 min.

25. Fishing

Who doesn't sleep at night? This is Kroshik! He wanted to go fishing, but at night even the fish sleep. In the afternoon, the Hedgehog joined him and they began to fish together. But Kroshik didn’t let the fish fall asleep, so during the day it doesn’t “bite” at all.

5 min.

26. Mosaic

Pandochka found something very interesting. This is a mosaic - a picture of small squares. The kids accidentally scattered the picture. We need to put the mosaic back together. One square to another and so on. Mosaic is so much fun to play with! You can add many different pictures. Today we are studying the figure - a square. Let's sing a song together and learn a new word.

5 min.

27. Ears

Pandochka and Kroshik play hide and seek. No matter how Kroshik hides, Pandochka still finds him. How does she do it? Everything is very simple - Kroshik's ears stick out. So that Pandochka does not find him, Kroshik needs to make sure that the ears are hidden inside. Today we are studying the concepts of "inside and outside". Let's say together what can be outside and what is inside! nine0003

5 min.

28. Girlfriend

Pandochka and Nyushenka decided to play together. Everyone wants to be a horse, and no one wants to give in. But after all, every horse can be named somehow. Nyushenka called the horse - Cloud, and Pandochka called her - Cloud. The hedgehog named his horse Pirate.

5 min.

29. Hoop

Today Pandochka and Kroshik are playing with a hoop. But here's the problem! The hoop is bent, it is no longer round. This shape is called an oval. An oval is wonderful, but you won’t be able to twist an oval hoop. What to do? It is necessary to repair the hoop and again make a circle out of it. nine0003

5 min.

30. Glass

In the new series Kroshik, Hedgehog and Lamb play pirates. They, like the real pirates, are looking for the real treasures and find them. These are glasses. If you look through the glass, the whole world changes color. Kroshik has a blue glass, and the Hedgehog has an orange one. The glass of Lamb is colorless in itself, but it can give many other colors and a rainbow. Let's find out what is colored and colorless!

5 min.

31. Zelenuka

Hedgehog came to his friends - Pandochka and Lamb. He invites them to play, but it turns out that they have already played all the games. Babies are bored. The hedgehog offers to play with the crocodile Zelenuk. Let's study the color green and find out what is green!

5 min.

32. Beads

Nyushenka and Pandochka found orange beads. Every girl really wants to take the beads for herself. But here's the problem - the beads were torn and crumbled into many small beads. Kroshik came to the aid of the girls. He found a lot of orange items and helped find orange beads. Let's find all the orange objects in the house together! nine0003

5 min.

33. Fairy tale

With Malyshariki we have already learned what to do day and night. And now we will find out what all the kids do in the mornings and evenings. For example, Pandochka makes her bed in the morning, does her exercises, eats her own breakfast. There are so many things you can do in the morning. And in the evening you can drink milk, wash your face and read an evening fairy tale.

5 min.

34. Sweet Tooth

Pandochka and Nyushenka play princesses! And today our little princesses have tea with treats. So many goodies around! But ice cream is cold and apple pie is hot, so how do you eat them? Probably, you can ask them politely ... Or you can put ice cream on the cake, and then the ice cream will melt, and the cake will no longer be so hot! And you can eat. nine0003

5 min.

35. Let's go!

Today is Pandochka's birthday. The kids are going to her for a holiday. First they rode on the Hedgehog's typewriter, and then sailed on Kroshik's boat, and then flew on balloons. Today we are studying transport!

5 min.

36. Riddle

The little ones found an unusual object. They try to guess what it is. Lamb thinks the new item is a foot mat. The hedgehog thinks it's a painting.

5 min.

37. Secret

The hedgehog decided to make something very secret out of plasticine. Pandochka tries to guess what the Hedgehog is doing. Maybe it's apples? Or watermelons? Let's guess together what the Hedgehog is sculpting, and at the same time we will study a new number.

5 min.

38. Trumpet

Today Kroshik and Nyushenka are assembling construction sets. Nyushenka collects the steamer, Kroshik - a house. The kids have almost collected their figures, only the pipe remains. You need to determine what color it is in order to decide whether the pipe is suitable for a house or a steamer. Learn colors with Malyshariki! nine0003

5 min.

39. Panda's Sea

Pandochka decided to sunbathe. The hedgehog accidentally spilled black paint on Pandochka's white rug. He had to wash the rug. At first the rug was dark, then it became lighter, then even lighter ... Today, together with Smeshariki, we will learn what shades are!

5 min.

40. Counting

Today the Malyshariki decided to play catch-up. But how do you decide who will drive? Need a counter! There are five Malyshariki, so you need to count to five. Let's learn a new number together with Nyushenka and other Malyshariki! nine0003

5 min.

41. Helicopter

Kroshik jumped high on the shelf. How can I help him get down? Hedgehog and Lamb make a ladder and even use a crane, but still can't get to the high shelf. You can fly to the shelf by helicopter! Let's find out what else there is air transport!

5 min.

42. Wood

Today kids are making wood. Each Malysharik has his own: Pandochka with snowflakes, Kroshik with apples, Nyushenka with flowers, and Hedgehog with red leaves. If you connect them together, you get one unusual tree. Not even just a tree, but a whole fairy tale. Let's explore the seasons with Malyshariki! nine0003

5 min.

43. Balloon

Lamb has a beautiful new balloon. He does not really want to share with the girls, Pandochka and Nyushenka. The lamb hides the balloon and tells the girls that the balloon has flown up somewhere. Then it turns out that the ball was on the bottom...

5 min.

44. Bear

Today we are learning a new color - brown. And at the same time, together with Pandochka, we learn that not everything can be done on our own, sometimes you need to call friends for help, because it's faster and much more fun! nine0003

5 min.

45. Bees

Malyshariki found an amazing thing - honey. It's very sweet, so I want to try it. Where does honey come from? It is made by small insects - bees. They are very friendly and do everything together. We must take an example from the bees, then it will turn out to feast on sweet honey.

5 min.

46. Let's play

Lamb is very sad today. He wants to play ball, but the ball burst. Nyushenka wants to mourn with Lamb. She's just not very good at being sad. nine0003

5 min.

47. Cookies

Kroshik found cookies. He wants to share with his friends, but it turns out that there are more kids and fewer cookies. How to be? Gotta share! Or rather, share the cookies, then everyone will have enough and there will still be.

5 min.

48. Turntables

Lamb prepared a surprise for Nyushenka - turntables. Only there were too many of them for Nyushenka. What to do? Need to share! But how do you share them equally? All the time it turns out that someone has more, and someone has less. It is necessary to give one turntable to Kroshik, then it will turn out equally - this means no offense to anyone. nine0003

5 min.

49. Surprise

Lamb prepared a surprise for Nyushenka - panama. But it seems that Nyushenka was not surprised by the surprise. Lamb painted the hat and decided to try to surprise Nyushenka again. But for some reason, Nyushenka was not surprised again ... It turned out that she was sleeping.

5 min.

50. Magnet

Kroshik builds a pyramid of magnets. But for some reason nothing works. Kroshik was very angry with the magnets. When something doesn't work, you can get a little angry and then try again. nine0003

5 min.

51. Don't be bored!

The Malyshariki have a quiet hour, only Pandochka is awake. She's trying to think of something to play on her own. What games can you play alone? You know? Let's find out together with Pandochka, and at the same time learn a new number - one.

5 min.

52. Cap

The star has fallen and is sad. She seems to be missing something!? You need to find a cap for the asterisk. Malyshariki will help you find it for the star. What is the shape of an asterisk? Let's find out what forms are and what they are! nine0003

5 min.

53. Boots

Kroshik and Hedgehog decided to play in a puddle. But in order to play in a puddle, you need to wear boots. Something is wrong with Kroshik's boots. They are not friends. How to make boots so that you can run and jump?

5 min.

54. Guests

Lamb is sad today. How to cheer him up? Nyushenka decided to play the game "Guests". In order to come to visit someone, you need a door. First, the kids put a square door, then made it higher and got a rectangle. Well done kids! And Barashik was amused and a new figure was learned. nine0003

5 min.

55. Focus

Panda is sad today. How to cheer up a little Panda? Lamb has a button. He's having fun. But Pandochka has a magic box. The kids played trick and learned what one and not one is.

5 min.

56. Book

Lamb makes a fairy tale book about himself. Nyushenka also wants to get into a fairy tale, but the book is thin, there is no space. We need to add another page. The hedgehog also wanted to get into a fairy tale, so you need to add another page. Kroshik and Pandochka also want to play a fairy tale book. The result is a thick book and a long tale. Let's play together and find out what is thick and thin. nine0003

5 min.

57. Robot

Kroshik is playing Robot today. But the Hedgehog was a little scared of the "box with legs" and does not want to play with it. When the Hedgehog realized that Kroshik was sitting inside the box, he immediately stopped being afraid and offered to play together.

5 min.

58. Champions

Today the kids are divided and play in pairs: Panda and Kroshik ride scooters, and the Hedgehog and Lamb play badminton. And then you can change so that no one is offended. Our kids are real friendship champions! nine0003

5 min.

59. Steamboat

Princess Nyushenka is waiting for her prince - Lamb. The prince needs to choose which transport can be used to cross the sea in order to pick up the princess from the island.

5 min.

60. Camomile

Today kids will help one little daisy. She lacks the sun, so she needs to somehow move the flower. How can Babies do it? Can you ride a cart? Yes, that's a good idea. How many wheels does a cart need to roll? nine0003

5 min.

61. Feather

Today Malyshariki are walking on the street. By chance, Lamb finds a feather. It belongs to the bird. Feathers allow birds to fly. Babies love to fly too. How can they do it? By helicopter!

5 min.

62. Truck

The kids have an old and very good truck that broke down. They also have a new car, which is also very good, but it is dangerous to ride it. But you can combine a new car with an old truck and have fun playing! nine0003

5 min.

63. Bubbles

Malyshariki are running today. By chance, the Hedgehog finds a jar of soap bubbles and he wants to blow bubbles more than run. Together with Kroshik they make a big beautiful bubble. Then Nyushenka helps them and they make an even bigger bubble. But it turns out that if you combine running and bubbles, you get a lot of soap bubbles.

5 min.

64. Whose ponytail?

Animals Today the Hedgehog wants to play with animal cards, but Pandochka suddenly comes running and confuses the Hedgehog's plans a little. Now the kids need to understand what an animal is and collect the correct cards with animals. Let's find out together with Malyshariki who the animals are, what they are and how they differ. nine0003

5 min.

65. Meow? Woof!

Kroshik decided to become a cat and wants to play with other kids, but for some reason they don't understand him: they offer him a bone and a stick, which is not at all what he wants. It turns out that Kroshik is speaking incorrectly. Let's find out together with the Malyshariki how different animals speak.

5 min.

66. Crib

Panda is a little naughty today and doesn't want to make the crib. She really wants to play with her friends, not clean up the crib. But when it was time to sleep, Panda had nowhere to sleep...

5 min.

67. Sleepy

Hedgehog and Lamb played a lot, and now it's time for daytime sleep. But for some reason the Hedgehog can't sleep. Lamb tries to help the Hedgehog: he lulls him, sings a lullaby to him, nothing helps . .. Can he count the lambs? Let's find out what daytime sleep is and why babies need it so much.

5 min.

68. In the forest

Nyushenka and the Hedgehog went to the forest to find out what wild animals live in the forest. But so far they have found only Kroshik ... What should wild animals be like? Let's find out together with the Malyshariki. nine0003

5 min.

69. Bus

Hedgehog is busy with something interesting today. He collected four chairs, a button and made a typewriter. Malyshariki want to go to the sea together. But there are many of them, and the car is small, they all do not fit, you need to make a bus!

5 min.

70. Rope

Nyushenka and Pandochka are jumping rope. Lamb also wants to jump, but he is not very good at it. The lamb can't jump rope. The girls will help Barashik. If we work together, everything will definitely work out. nine0003

5 min.

71. Octopus

Malyshariki are painting today. They are drawing an octopus. But bad luck, the kids got dirty with paint. Kroshik and Hedgehog washed their hands, but Nyushenka did not. As a result, she smeared everything around with green paint. What now? Everything needs to be washed away! Let's find out why we wash our hands after a walk, before eating...

5 min.

72. Catchers

Malyshariki are playing catch-up today. Kroshik drives. But he cannot catch anyone, because everyone is hiding in houses: a hedgehog, like a fish, in a cup of water, Nyushenka in threads, like a bird in a nest, and a Hedgehog, like a fox in a mink. That's just the Hedgehog stuck. Let's help him get out and sing a song about the houses in which animals live. nine0003

5 min.

73. Ships

The kids found a piece of Styrofoam. You can make boats out of it, and at the same time you can swim. Only Pandochka does not want to play in the water, because she is afraid. How to help Pandochka? Can you make a big boat? Today, together with the kids, we are learning to swim!

5 min.

74. Mandarin

Panda grew a tangerine tree. Kroshik and Lamb accidentally knocked down one tangerine and want to hang it in its place. Or maybe it is not necessary, because the tangerine is ripe? Today, together with the kids, we will learn what fruits are! nine0003

5 min.

75. Farm

Hedgehog is a farmer today. He is tearing grass for the sheep, but they have disappeared somewhere. Where are all the sheep hiding? Let's look for them together with the Hedgehog, and at the same time find out who the pets are.

5 min.

76. Ау

The hedgehog and Pandochka decided to play in the forest, but they didn't notice how they got lost. But they remembered the names of the trees and were able to find their way out of the forest. What tree names do you know?

5 min.

77. Assistant

Lamb has a new bike. But he doesn't know how to ride it. What to do? Pandochka decided to help her friend and teach him to ride a bike.

5 min.

78. Blind Man's Blind

Kroshik and Nyushenka play blind man's buff. Nyushenka caught Kroshik, he is so smooth to the touch. And Kroshik caught a chicken. He's fluffy. And who else is fluffy and smooth? Let's guess together!

5 min.

79. Ballerinas

Nyushenka and Pandochka really want to be ballerinas, but it turns out that keeping the balance is not at all easy. First you need to find a support and practice holding on to it. And then you can dance ...

5 min.

80. Chalk

Panda is playing in the labyrinth. She went through it herself and is very happy. But the labyrinth ended quickly. You need to take a piece of chalk and finish it! Pandochka found a piece of chalk and made her friends happy.

5 min.

81. Leaflet

Pandochka and Nyushenka take care of their flowers. The hedgehog also wants to have a flower. In search of a flower, he accidentally tears off a leaf. Now he has to take care of his leaf. After a while, a flower turned out of a leaf! Now the Hedgehog has someone to take care of. nine0003

5 min.

82. Fly agaric

Today Malyshariki are learning the names of mushrooms. But Pandochka doesn't want to hear about mushrooms, she wants to play. While Lamb and Nyushenka are studying mushrooms, Pandochka is still playing. She missed the lesson about fly agaric, which turns out to be very poisonous and everyone is afraid of it. Let's find out together what mushrooms are.

5 min.

83. Let's crunch

Little kids in the garden! Kroshik is looking for a carrot. Let's find out together where carrots grow!

5 min.

84. Toothbrush

Malyshariki play catch-up, but they don't want to take Zelenuk in the game, because his teeth are dirty. Our kids found a panicle-scraper. And now they will help Zelenuk!

5 min.

85. Pikalki

Today the kids want to play a song, but they are not very good at it. Here comes Kroshik in his picks. He plays walkers and all the kids run away to play after him. Only Nyushenka remains, who really wants to play a song, but she alone will not succeed. How to be? nine0003

5 min.

86. Crane

Kroshik hurries to Pandochka and Nyushenka. He brings them ice cream. On the way, he gets into an accident. What to do? We need to find a helper with a crane!

5 min.

87. Bridge

Today Kroshik and Pandochka decided to play climbers. It was difficult, but they each climbed their own mountain. And now they want to change. How to do it? Over the bridge! You just need to find the right material.

5 min.

88. Ball

Kroshik has a new ball. All Malyshariki want to play with him. That's just on the table to play hard and fall hurt. Maybe play something softer?

5 min.

89. Pilot

Today Hedgehog is an airplane pilot. He really likes to play airplane, but when he tries to fly, he constantly falls. You can't fly into the real sky on paper wings. What to do? Friends will help the Hedgehog! You can’t fly into the real sky, but it’s possible into the paper one. nine0003

5 min.

90. Wizard's hat

Kroshik and Lamb got dirty in blueberries. What to do now? Wash! Whole! The lamb doesn't want to bathe because the bubbles get into his eyes. Kroshik invites him to play an interesting game.

5 min.

91. Magic wand

Today with Nyushenka and Pandochka we will learn what plastic is.

5 min.

92. Princess

Autumn is in the yard. Today Malyshariki is in the park. Nyushenka found a beautiful crown and now she is a princess. Pandochka also wants to be a princess, but where can she find a crown? The hedgehog will help Pandochka. Now she is a real princess - autumn. nine0003

5 min.

93. Hello!

Today the girls, Pandochka and Nyushenka, are playing the game “who knows more greetings” It turned out that Pandochka knows more than Nyushenka, but then Kroshik drove by and suggested a new word to the girls ... Friendship won!

5 min.

94. Duck

The hedgehog is going to swim with the duck. But Kroshik suddenly appeared and pushed the duck into the sink. Now we need to find a replacement for her: the towel gets wet, the stone is too heavy - what to do? Let the duck itself swim to the kids! It's rubber after all! nine0003

5 min.

95. Mom for a chicken

Today Pandochka and Nyushenka will look for a mother for a little chicken. let's find out what kind of babies animals have ...

5 min.

96. Turtle

It seems the Hedgehog has got a pet and now he is taking care of him. Panda also wants a pet. Where would she find one? She found a pebble for herself, but for some reason he behaves differently ... he does not eat. So what is a pet?

5 min.

97. Seed

Today kids are trying to guess which seed belongs to which fruit and study berries.

5 min.

98. Little Mermaid

Today Panda is swimming in the bath, playing with fish. And Nyushenka plays princess and does not want to swim at all. But maybe instead of a princess, she should play "the little mermaid"? How great it is to wash, blow bubbles and play with water.

5 min.

99. Great friend

Today the Malyshariki will have a new friend! Big, very big and green friend. He has big legs, a long neck and an equally long tail. Let's find out who it is together? nine0003

5 min.

100. In the workshop

Today Malyshariki get acquainted with their father's workshop. Let's find out why dad's workshop and what they do in it ...

5 min.


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Malyshariki. Let's dance and eat! nine0003


Dragon Tosha

Masha's horror stories

Once upon a time there was a princess

Masha and the Bear

Just about the important. About Mira and Gosha

Masha and the Bear. Songs

Smart Cars

Orange Cow

Burenka Dasha

Helper Cars

Star Dogs: Squirrel and Strelka

Plasticine. Numbers

Clay. Cars

Clothes cars


The best place in the world

Seraphim's extraordinary journey

Excavator Masya

Angel Baby

Cheerful school

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber

Masha and the Bear. Karaoke











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Cartoon Malyshariki Season 1 Episode 19

2. Walk

Kroshik and the Hedgehog will go for a boat ride. And to get to it, you need a board. Kroshik took one, but the board was short. How to solve the problem?

4 min.

3. Felt-tip pens

Kroshik and Hedgehog will draw with felt-tip pens. The hedgehog chose a yellow felt-tip pen, and Kroshik a blue one. nine0003

4 min.

4. Rocket

Kroshik and Lamb saw a rocket that can be fun to ride! Kroshik decided that he would sit in front. But Barashik also wants to sit on the front of the rocket. How will the kids do?

5 min.

5. Footprints

Kroshik will find unknown black footprints. I wonder who it is? Kroshik decided to go through them and see.

4 min.

6. Tower

Hedgehog brought some cubes to build a tower. But Kroshik asked for one cube, then Nyushenka took one and Lamb took one. But how can the Hedgehog build a tower now, because a lot of cubes are needed. It seems that the Hedgehog knows what to do! nine0003

4 min.

7. Little Red Riding Hood

Nyushenka lost her red panama. Lamb tried very hard to find her, but he did not know what panama was.

5 min.

8. Sunshine

Babies are very sad, even the morning is not good for them, because there is no sun. Maybe draw it?

5 min.

9. Christmas tree

New Year has come to the little ones. The kids will decorate the Christmas tree. They will hang a ball, an asterisk, a bell on it. Fires will light up. And, of course, they will sing a New Year's song! nine0003

4 min.

10. Jumpers

Kroshik taught Nyushenka and Lamb to jump. It's so easy and so much fun. You can jump like this, and like this! Barashik didn’t succeed right away, but he was the first to notice that the object was hard and soft, and that it was best to jump on a pillow. And at the end of the cartoon, of course, we will sing a song about soft and hard!

5 min.

11. Streams

A story in which Pandochka wanted to play with the Hedgehog, but he was too busy launching a boat in a stream and did not pay attention to her. nine0003

5 min.

12. Car

The hedgehog was playing with the car, but his friends needed help: Kroshik to lift the engine, and Nyushenka to help collect the scattered beads.

5 min.

13. Hide and Seek

We will play hide and seek. In order to find each character, you need to remember what we learned about them in previous episodes. Who likes to do what? Who's character? Also in this series we will learn how to draw cartoon characters.

5 min.

14. Houses

Kroshik and Nyushenka are building houses. It remains to glue the roof, but where can I get it? Looks like Lamb has an idea! We need to cut the square and get a triangle, and it will make a great roof! Ready! Now let's sing a song about a triangle!

5 min.

15. Bucket

Pandochka, Kroshik and Nyushenka play in the sandbox and can't share the blue buckets. Kroshik wants the bucket to be a car, Pandochka wants to drum on it, and Nyushenka needs a little cake. How to be? Maybe we can play together? Correctly! We play together and sing a wonderful song about the fact that playing alone is boring, but together it's fun! nine0003

5 min.

16. On the playground

Nyushenka, Lamb and Hedgehog are playing on the playground. Nyushenka is very active today, she broke the Hedgehog's Easter cakes, pushed Lamb, and even got stuck herself. But everything can be fixed, one has only to say polite words. Now let's sing a song and remember all the polite words.

5 min.

17. Scooter

Kroshik took the scooter for a ride, although Nyushenka said that the scooter must not be touched. But Kroshik did everything in his own way and first landed in a cactus, and then completely, almost fell into a deep hole. It's good that Nyushenka saved him. it is a pity that she did not immediately explain to Kroshik that the scooter cannot be taken, because it is broken. And now let's sing a song about "you can" and "you can't." nine0003

5 min.

18. Football

Hedgehog and Pandochka decided to play football. To play football you need a goal and a ball. The gate was set up. And what will be the ball: a huge ball or a small ball that even Pandochka cannot kick? Looks like the Hedgehog has a great idea on how to make the right size ball. And so that the kids better remember what is small and what is big - let's sing a song!

5 min.

19. Good night, Zvezdochka

All the kids have already gone to bed, only Lamb is not sleeping. If he is not sleeping, then let him prepare the stars for sleep. After all, preparing for sleep is a very important thing! Each star needs to be washed, kissed and put to bed ...

5 min.

20. Shmyak

Kroshik has a new toy — shmyak! Pandochka and Kroshik compete in who will throw the shmyak higher. They threw it so high that now they can't reach it. What to do? You need to make a ladder - high! In this series of educational cartoon "Kids" we study the concepts of "high-low".

5 min.

21. Flower

The hedgehog decided to become a magician. He decided to help the fading flower, but for some reason his magic word didn't work. Here's the problem! Nyushenka knows how to help the flower and what magic words are needed here. Nyushenka is a real magician! Do you know what magic words are? nine0003

5 min.

22. Wake up

The hedgehog can't wake up. He urgently needs a workout. First you need to jump like a ball, run like a car, spin like a spinning top ... Let's do a warm-up with the kids. It will help us wake up and lift our spirits.

5 min.

23. Airplane

Our little ones decided to launch an airplane. Nyushenka launched the airplane and it flew very far away. Our heroes went in search of him, but along the way, Kroshik saw a car and decided to play with it, Hedgehog found a piece of paper from which to make a new airplane, and Lamb was just tired of walking ... Only Nyushenka reached the airplane. nine0003

5 min.

24. Horse

Little Kroshik and Hedgehog are ready to play all day long. That's just from their games so much mess! The beloved horse was simply lost in such a mess. We have to do something about it.

5 min.

25. Fishing

Who doesn't sleep at night? This is Kroshik! He wanted to go fishing, but at night even the fish sleep. In the afternoon, the Hedgehog joined him and they began to fish together. But Kroshik didn’t let the fish fall asleep, so during the day it doesn’t “bite” at all.

5 min.

26. Mosaic

Pandochka found something very interesting. This is a mosaic - a picture of small squares. The kids accidentally scattered the picture. We need to put the mosaic back together. One square to another and so on. Mosaic is so much fun to play with! You can add many different pictures. Today we are studying the figure - a square. Let's sing a song together and learn a new word.

5 min.

27. Ears

Pandochka and Kroshik play hide and seek. No matter how Kroshik hides, Pandochka still finds him. How does she do it? Everything is very simple - Kroshik's ears stick out. So that Pandochka does not find him, Kroshik needs to make sure that the ears are hidden inside. Today we are studying the concepts of "inside and outside". Let's say together what can be outside and what is inside! nine0003

5 min.

28. Girlfriend

Pandochka and Nyushenka decided to play together. Everyone wants to be a horse, and no one wants to give in. But after all, every horse can be named somehow. Nyushenka called the horse - Cloud, and Pandochka called her - Cloud. The hedgehog named his horse Pirate.

5 min.

29. Hoop

Today Pandochka and Kroshik are playing with a hoop. But here's the problem! The hoop is bent, it is no longer round. This shape is called an oval. An oval is wonderful, but you won’t be able to twist an oval hoop. What to do? It is necessary to repair the hoop and again make a circle out of it. nine0003

5 min.

30. Glass

In the new series Kroshik, Hedgehog and Lamb play pirates. They, like the real pirates, are looking for the real treasures and find them. These are glasses. If you look through the glass, the whole world changes color. Kroshik has a blue glass, and the Hedgehog has an orange one. The glass of Lamb is colorless in itself, but it can give many other colors and a rainbow. Let's find out what is colored and colorless!

5 min.

31. Zelenuka

Hedgehog came to his friends - Pandochka and Lamb. He invites them to play, but it turns out that they have already played all the games. Babies are bored. The hedgehog offers to play with the crocodile Zelenuk. Let's study the color green and find out what is green!

5 min.

32. Beads

Nyushenka and Pandochka found orange beads. Every girl really wants to take the beads for herself. But here's the problem - the beads were torn and crumbled into many small beads. Kroshik came to the aid of the girls. He found a lot of orange items and helped find orange beads. Let's find all the orange objects in the house together! nine0003

5 min.

33. Fairy tale

With Malyshariki we have already learned what to do day and night. And now we will find out what all the kids do in the mornings and evenings. For example, Pandochka makes her bed in the morning, does her exercises, eats her own breakfast. There are so many things you can do in the morning. And in the evening you can drink milk, wash your face and read an evening fairy tale.

5 min.

34. Sweet Tooth

Pandochka and Nyushenka play princesses! And today our little princesses have tea with treats. So many goodies around! But ice cream is cold and apple pie is hot, so how do you eat them? Probably, you can ask them politely ... Or you can put ice cream on the cake, and then the ice cream will melt, and the cake will no longer be so hot! And you can eat. nine0003

5 min.

35. Let's go!

Today is Pandochka's birthday. The kids are going to her for a holiday. First they rode on the Hedgehog's typewriter, and then sailed on Kroshik's boat, and then flew on balloons. Today we are studying transport!

5 min.

36. Riddle

The little ones found an unusual object. They try to guess what it is. Lamb thinks the new item is a foot mat. The hedgehog thinks it's a painting.

5 min.

37. Secret

The hedgehog decided to make something very secret out of plasticine. Pandochka tries to guess what the Hedgehog is doing. Maybe it's apples? Or watermelons? Let's guess together what the Hedgehog is sculpting, and at the same time we will study a new number.

5 min.

38. Trumpet

Today Kroshik and Nyushenka are assembling construction sets. Nyushenka collects the steamer, Kroshik - a house. The kids have almost collected their figures, only the pipe remains. You need to determine what color it is in order to decide whether the pipe is suitable for a house or a steamer. Learn colors with Malyshariki! nine0003

5 min.

39. Panda's Sea

Pandochka decided to sunbathe. The hedgehog accidentally spilled black paint on Pandochka's white rug. He had to wash the rug. At first the rug was dark, then it became lighter, then even lighter ... Today, together with Smeshariki, we will learn what shades are!

5 min.

40. Counting

Today the Malyshariki decided to play catch-up. But how do you decide who will drive? Need a counter! There are five Malyshariki, so you need to count to five. Let's learn a new number together with Nyushenka and other Malyshariki! nine0003

5 min.

41. Helicopter

Kroshik jumped high on the shelf. How can I help him get down? Hedgehog and Lamb make a ladder and even use a crane, but still can't get to the high shelf. You can fly to the shelf by helicopter! Let's find out what else there is air transport!

5 min.

42. Wood

Today kids are making wood. Each Malysharik has his own: Pandochka with snowflakes, Kroshik with apples, Nyushenka with flowers, and Hedgehog with red leaves. If you connect them together, you get one unusual tree. Not even just a tree, but a whole fairy tale. Let's explore the seasons with Malyshariki! nine0003

5 min.

43. Balloon

Lamb has a beautiful new balloon. He does not really want to share with the girls, Pandochka and Nyushenka. The lamb hides the balloon and tells the girls that the balloon has flown up somewhere. Then it turns out that the ball was on the bottom...

5 min.

44. Bear

Today we are learning a new color - brown. And at the same time, together with Pandochka, we learn that not everything can be done on our own, sometimes you need to call friends for help, because it's faster and much more fun! nine0003

5 min.

45. Bees

Malyshariki found an amazing thing - honey. It's very sweet, so I want to try it. Where does honey come from? It is made by small insects - bees. They are very friendly and do everything together. We must take an example from the bees, then it will turn out to feast on sweet honey.

5 min.

46. Let's play

Lamb is very sad today. He wants to play ball, but the ball burst. Nyushenka wants to mourn with Lamb. She's just not very good at being sad. nine0003

5 min.

47. Cookies

Kroshik found cookies. He wants to share with his friends, but it turns out that there are more kids and fewer cookies. How to be? Gotta share! Or rather, share the cookies, then everyone will have enough and there will still be.

5 min.

48. Turntables

Lamb prepared a surprise for Nyushenka - turntables. Only there were too many of them for Nyushenka. What to do? Need to share! But how do you share them equally? All the time it turns out that someone has more, and someone has less. It is necessary to give one turntable to Kroshik, then it will turn out equally - this means no offense to anyone. nine0003

5 min.

49. Surprise

Lamb prepared a surprise for Nyushenka - panama. But it seems that Nyushenka was not surprised by the surprise. Lamb painted the hat and decided to try to surprise Nyushenka again. But for some reason, Nyushenka was not surprised again ... It turned out that she was sleeping.

5 min.

50. Magnet

Kroshik builds a pyramid of magnets. But for some reason nothing works. Kroshik was very angry with the magnets. When something doesn't work, you can get a little angry and then try again. nine0003

5 min.

51. Don't be bored!

The Malyshariki have a quiet hour, only Pandochka is awake. She's trying to think of something to play on her own. What games can you play alone? You know? Let's find out together with Pandochka, and at the same time learn a new number - one.

5 min.

52. Cap

The star has fallen and is sad. She seems to be missing something!? You need to find a cap for the asterisk. Malyshariki will help you find it for the star. What is the shape of an asterisk? Let's find out what forms are and what they are! nine0003

5 min.

53. Boots

Kroshik and Hedgehog decided to play in a puddle. But in order to play in a puddle, you need to wear boots. Something is wrong with Kroshik's boots. They are not friends. How to make boots so that you can run and jump?

5 min.

54. Guests

Lamb is sad today. How to cheer him up? Nyushenka decided to play the game "Guests". In order to come to visit someone, you need a door. First, the kids put a square door, then made it higher and got a rectangle. Well done kids! And Barashik was amused and a new figure was learned. nine0003

5 min.

55. Focus

Panda is sad today. How to cheer up a little Panda? Lamb has a button. He's having fun. But Pandochka has a magic box. The kids played trick and learned what one and not one is.

5 min.

56. Book

Lamb makes a fairy tale book about himself. Nyushenka also wants to get into a fairy tale, but the book is thin, there is no space. We need to add another page. The hedgehog also wanted to get into a fairy tale, so you need to add another page. Kroshik and Pandochka also want to play a fairy tale book. The result is a thick book and a long tale. Let's play together and find out what is thick and thin. nine0003

5 min.

57. Robot

Kroshik is playing Robot today. But the Hedgehog was a little scared of the "box with legs" and does not want to play with it. When the Hedgehog realized that Kroshik was sitting inside the box, he immediately stopped being afraid and offered to play together.

5 min.

58. Champions

Today the kids are divided and play in pairs: Panda and Kroshik ride scooters, and the Hedgehog and Lamb play badminton. And then you can change so that no one is offended. Our kids are real friendship champions! nine0003

5 min.

59. Steamboat

Princess Nyushenka is waiting for her prince - Lamb. The prince needs to choose which transport can be used to cross the sea in order to pick up the princess from the island.

5 min.

60. Camomile

Today kids will help one little daisy. She lacks the sun, so she needs to somehow move the flower. How can Babies do it? Can you ride a cart? Yes, that's a good idea. How many wheels does a cart need to roll? nine0003

5 min.

61. Feather

Today Malyshariki are walking on the street. By chance, Lamb finds a feather. It belongs to the bird. Feathers allow birds to fly. Babies love to fly too. How can they do it? By helicopter!

5 min.

62. Truck

The kids have an old and very good truck that broke down. They also have a new car, which is also very good, but it is dangerous to ride it. But you can combine a new car with an old truck and have fun playing! nine0003

5 min.

63. Bubbles

Malyshariki are running today. By chance, the Hedgehog finds a jar of soap bubbles and he wants to blow bubbles more than run. Together with Kroshik they make a big beautiful bubble. Then Nyushenka helps them and they make an even bigger bubble. But it turns out that if you combine running and bubbles, you get a lot of soap bubbles.

5 min.

64. Whose ponytail?

Animals Today the Hedgehog wants to play with animal cards, but Pandochka suddenly comes running and confuses the Hedgehog's plans a little. Now the kids need to understand what an animal is and collect the correct cards with animals. Let's find out together with Malyshariki who the animals are, what they are and how they differ. nine0003

5 min.

65. Meow? Woof!

Kroshik decided to become a cat and wants to play with other kids, but for some reason they don't understand him: they offer him a bone and a stick, which is not at all what he wants. It turns out that Kroshik is speaking incorrectly. Let's find out together with the Malyshariki how different animals speak.

5 min.

66. Crib

Panda is a little naughty today and doesn't want to make the crib. She really wants to play with her friends, not clean up the crib. But when it was time to sleep, Panda had nowhere to sleep...

5 min.

67. Sleepy

Hedgehog and Lamb played a lot, and now it's time for daytime sleep. But for some reason the Hedgehog can't sleep. Lamb tries to help the Hedgehog: he lulls him, sings a lullaby to him, nothing helps ... Can he count the lambs? Let's find out what daytime sleep is and why babies need it so much.

5 min.

68. In the forest

Nyushenka and the Hedgehog went to the forest to find out what wild animals live in the forest. But so far they have found only Kroshik ... What should wild animals be like? Let's find out together with the Malyshariki. nine0003

5 min.

69. Bus

Hedgehog is busy with something interesting today. He collected four chairs, a button and made a typewriter. Malyshariki want to go to the sea together. But there are many of them, and the car is small, they all do not fit, you need to make a bus!

5 min.

70. Rope

Nyushenka and Pandochka are jumping rope. Lamb also wants to jump, but he is not very good at it. The lamb can't jump rope. The girls will help Barashik. If we work together, everything will definitely work out. nine0003

5 min.

71. Octopus

Malyshariki are painting today. They are drawing an octopus. But bad luck, the kids got dirty with paint. Kroshik and Hedgehog washed their hands, but Nyushenka did not. As a result, she smeared everything around with green paint. What now? Everything needs to be washed away! Let's find out why we wash our hands after a walk, before eating...

5 min.

72. Catchers

Malyshariki are playing catch-up today. Kroshik drives. But he cannot catch anyone, because everyone is hiding in houses: a hedgehog, like a fish, in a cup of water, Nyushenka in threads, like a bird in a nest, and a Hedgehog, like a fox in a mink. That's just the Hedgehog stuck. Let's help him get out and sing a song about the houses in which animals live. nine0003

5 min.

73. Ships

The kids found a piece of Styrofoam. You can make boats out of it, and at the same time you can swim. Only Pandochka does not want to play in the water, because she is afraid. How to help Pandochka? Can you make a big boat? Today, together with the kids, we are learning to swim!

5 min.

74. Mandarin

Panda grew a tangerine tree. Kroshik and Lamb accidentally knocked down one tangerine and want to hang it in its place. Or maybe it is not necessary, because the tangerine is ripe? Today, together with the kids, we will learn what fruits are! nine0003

5 min.

75. Farm

Hedgehog is a farmer today. He is tearing grass for the sheep, but they have disappeared somewhere. Where are all the sheep hiding? Let's look for them together with the Hedgehog, and at the same time find out who the pets are.

5 min.

76. Ау

The hedgehog and Pandochka decided to play in the forest, but they didn't notice how they got lost. But they remembered the names of the trees and were able to find their way out of the forest. What tree names do you know?

5 min.

77. Assistant

Lamb has a new bike. But he doesn't know how to ride it. What to do? Pandochka decided to help her friend and teach him to ride a bike.

5 min.

78. Blind Man's Blind

Kroshik and Nyushenka play blind man's buff. Nyushenka caught Kroshik, he is so smooth to the touch. And Kroshik caught a chicken. He's fluffy. And who else is fluffy and smooth? Let's guess together!

5 min.

79. Ballerinas

Nyushenka and Pandochka really want to be ballerinas, but it turns out that keeping the balance is not at all easy. First you need to find a support and practice holding on to it. And then you can dance ...

5 min.

80. Chalk

Panda is playing in the labyrinth. She went through it herself and is very happy. But the labyrinth ended quickly. You need to take a piece of chalk and finish it! Pandochka found a piece of chalk and made her friends happy.

5 min.

81. Leaflet

Pandochka and Nyushenka take care of their flowers. The hedgehog also wants to have a flower. In search of a flower, he accidentally tears off a leaf. Now he has to take care of his leaf. After a while, a flower turned out of a leaf! Now the Hedgehog has someone to take care of. nine0003

5 min.

82. Fly agaric

Today Malyshariki are learning the names of mushrooms. But Pandochka doesn't want to hear about mushrooms, she wants to play. While Lamb and Nyushenka are studying mushrooms, Pandochka is still playing. She missed the lesson about fly agaric, which turns out to be very poisonous and everyone is afraid of it. Let's find out together what mushrooms are.

5 min.

83. Let's crunch

Little kids in the garden! Kroshik is looking for a carrot. Let's find out together where carrots grow!

5 min.

84. Toothbrush

Malyshariki play catch-up, but they don't want to take Zelenuk in the game, because his teeth are dirty. Our kids found a panicle-scraper. And now they will help Zelenuk!

5 min.

85. Pikalki

Today the kids want to play a song, but they are not very good at it. Here comes Kroshik in his picks. He plays walkers and all the kids run away to play after him. Only Nyushenka remains, who really wants to play a song, but she alone will not succeed. How to be? nine0003

5 min.

86. Crane

Kroshik hurries to Pandochka and Nyushenka. He brings them ice cream. On the way, he gets into an accident. What to do? We need to find a helper with a crane!

5 min.

87. Bridge

Today Kroshik and Pandochka decided to play climbers. It was difficult, but they each climbed their own mountain. And now they want to change. How to do it? Over the bridge! You just need to find the right material.

5 min.

88. Ball

Kroshik has a new ball. All Malyshariki want to play with him. That's just on the table to play hard and fall hurt. Maybe play something softer?

5 min.

89. Pilot

Today Hedgehog is an airplane pilot. He really likes to play airplane, but when he tries to fly, he constantly falls. You can't fly into the real sky on paper wings. What to do? Friends will help the Hedgehog! You can’t fly into the real sky, but it’s possible into the paper one. nine0003

5 min.

90. Wizard's hat

Kroshik and Lamb got dirty in blueberries. What to do now? Wash! Whole! The lamb doesn't want to bathe because the bubbles get into his eyes. Kroshik invites him to play an interesting game.

5 min.

91. Magic wand

Today with Nyushenka and Pandochka we will learn what plastic is.

5 min.

92. Princess

Autumn is in the yard. Today Malyshariki is in the park. Nyushenka found a beautiful crown and now she is a princess. Pandochka also wants to be a princess, but where can she find a crown? The hedgehog will help Pandochka. Now she is a real princess - autumn. nine0003

5 min.

93. Hello!

Today the girls, Pandochka and Nyushenka, are playing the game “who knows more greetings” It turned out that Pandochka knows more than Nyushenka, but then Kroshik drove by and suggested a new word to the girls ... Friendship won!

5 min.

94. Duck

The hedgehog is going to swim with the duck. But Kroshik suddenly appeared and pushed the duck into the sink. Now we need to find a replacement for her: the towel gets wet, the stone is too heavy - what to do? Let the duck itself swim to the kids! It's rubber after all! nine0003

5 min.

95. Mom for a chicken

Today Pandochka and Nyushenka will look for a mother for a little chicken. let's find out what kind of babies animals have ...

5 min.

96. Turtle

It seems the Hedgehog has got a pet and now he is taking care of him. Panda also wants a pet. Where would she find one? She found a pebble for herself, but for some reason he behaves differently . .. he does not eat. So what is a pet?

5 min.

97. Seed

Today kids are trying to guess which seed belongs to which fruit and study berries.

5 min.

98. Little Mermaid

Today Panda is swimming in the bath, playing with fish. And Nyushenka plays princess and does not want to swim at all. But maybe instead of a princess, she should play "the little mermaid"? How great it is to wash, blow bubbles and play with water.

5 min.

99. Great friend

Today the Malyshariki will have a new friend! Big, very big and green friend. He has big legs, a long neck and an equally long tail. Let's find out who it is together? nine0003

5 min.

100. In the workshop

Today Malyshariki get acquainted with their father's workshop. Let's find out why dad's workshop and what they do in it ...

5 min.


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