Guided reading levels for second grade

2nd Grade / Fountas and Pinnell Reading Level Chart


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An overview of the guided reading levels

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This post will give you a simple overview of the guided reading levels from A-P.

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UPDATE COMING SOON: As I learn more about the science of reading, I am revising my approach. I absolutely believe in using small groups to teach our readers, but I no longer believe that this has to be guided reading in the traditional sense. Watch for an update to this post in the coming month! 


Welcome to post number 2 in our series, How to Teach Kids to Read Using Guided Reading.

As a teacher of guided reading, it’s important that you have a consistent system for leveling your books. That’s because one essential of guided reading is leveled texts.

You need a system for analyzing texts and organizing them for teaching your small groups.

My favorite leveling system is the Fountas & Pinnell text level gradient – also called the guided reading levels. Let’s look at how these levels correspond to different grade levels in K-3.

Of course, kids will read at different levels. My oldest three kids all started school reading at level J or higher, while my fourth child started kindergarten at level B.

You’ll also find that you’ll have older readers who are reading at a lower level. It’s not unusual to have a second grader start the year at a level G, for example.

What’s the answer? A guided reading library of leveled books.

In the next post in this series, I’ll tell you where to find those books. For now?

Let’s take a look at examples of each level.





Level A Books

 I Can Run Big Cat I Hug I See a Cat

  • Have just one line of text per page
  • Use predictable language patterns
  • Have many simple sight words
  • Use a large, clear font
  • May be just 8 pages long

Level B Books

 Up I See and See Pig Has a Plan Have You Seen My Cat?

  • Are very much like level A
  • Have up to 2 lines of text per page

Level C Books

 Pie for Chuck Little Ducks Go The Fly Flew In Bad Dog

  • Are similar to levels A & B
  • May be longer, with 2-5 lines of text per page
  • Include mostly 1-2 syllable words
  • Have many easy decodable words

Level D Books

 Car Goes Far Ed and Kip Fix This Mess Sick Day

  • Are similar to level C
  • Have slightly more complex stories
  • May have sentences with 6+ words

Level E Books

 Pete Won’t Eat A Night at the Zoo The End of the Rainbow Grace

  • Have 2-8 lines of text per page
  • Have more complex stories
  • Have fewer repeating patterns
  • May have sentences that carry over more than one line
  • May have more pages than previous levels

Level F Books

 Biscuit series Just Like Daddy “What is That?” Said the Cat A Hippo in Our Yard

  • Are similar to level E
  • Sentences may have 10+ words
  • May have a slightly smaller font
  • Stories start to have a clear beginning, middle, and end

Level G Books


 Are You Ready to Play Outside? More Spaghetti, I Say! Just For You Sheep in a Jeep

  • Are similar to level F
  • Have 1, 2, and 3-syllable words
  • Have more challenging vocabulary and ideas

Level H Books

 Old Hat New Hat Just Me and My Dad Sammy the Seal The Watermelon Seed

  • Include decodable words of 2 or more syllables
  • May have a smaller font
  • Have slightly more challenging ideas and vocabulary
  • Are more literary and less repetitive

Level I Books

 Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Hi Fly Guy Big Dog … Little Dog There’s a Nightmare in My Closet

  • Are similar to level H
  • Include complex and compound sentences
  • Have more complex stories with varied themes

Level J Books

 A Friend for Dragon Henry and Mudge series Poppleton series Mr. Putter & Tabby series

  • Have 3-12 lines of text per page
  • May have short chapters
  • Include words with complex spelling patterns
  • May have very few illustrations

Level K Books

 Frog and Toad series Mercy Watson series Ling & Ting series Nate the Great series

  • Are similar to level J, but are often longer
  • Still have a reader-friendly layout

Level L Books

 George and Martha books Oliver and Amanda pig books Pinky and Rex series Tacky the Penguin

  • Have 5-24 lines of print per page
  • Have a more challenging layout
  • May have minimal or no illustrations
  • May be 60-100 page long chapter books
  • Are often simple chapter books with short chapters
  • Include 1, 2, 3, and 4-syllable words

Level M Books

 Judy Moody series Vacation under the Volcano Junie B. Jones series Marvin Redpost series

  • Include longer, more complex stories
  • Have elaborate plots and multiple characters
  • May have no illustrations

Level N Books

 The A to Z Mysteries series The Enormous Crocodile Gooney Bird series Nikki & Deja series

  • Similar to level M, but slightly more challenging

Level O Books

 Ramona series Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books Huey & Julian books Amber Brown series

  • Similar to level N, but slightly more challenging

Level P Books

 Bad Kitty books Encyclopedia Brown series Magic School Bus chapter book series Wayside School series

  • Similar to Level O
  • Slightly more complex themes
  • Greater use of figurative language

And there you have it! An overview of the guided reading levels from A-P.

Check out our whole guided reading series:

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Filed Under: Reading Tagged With: kindergarten, guided reading, first grade, second grade

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standards for grades and quarters

Reading is a key skill that opens the gate to the land of knowledge for a child. Thanks to this skill, children learn about the phenomena and events of the world around them, get acquainted with the characters and actions of people, meet new problems and ideas. This skill helps them to broaden their horizons and ideas about the world, develops critical thinking and trains cognitive abilities - attention, imagination, memory. Reading is the foundation for further successful learning.

To understand how well a child develops this skill, it helps to check the reading technique. Reading technique is a multifactorial test that characterizes the development of a skill from different angles. In the technique of reading are evaluated:

  • reading speed,
  • reading method,
  • reading awareness,
  • correct reading,
  • expressiveness of reading.

A difficult reading skill consists of both a technical and a semantic component and is aimed at achieving the main goal - understanding and assimilation of the information read.

Reading technique parameters

Let's consider all the components of reading technique in more detail.

  1. Reading speed - the number of words read in a certain period of time. Often, parents focus on the formation of fluent reading, while the child makes many mistakes, does not understand and does not remember what he read. It is not necessary to force only speed, slower conscious reading and a gradual increase in tempo are better than fast mechanical reading with errors and inaccuracies.
  2. Way of reading — syllabic reading or reading the whole word, smoothly. With the development of the skill, the child has a gradual transition from syllabic reading to smooth reading in whole words.
  3. The correct reading of is characterized by the absence of errors and hesitation. Inattention, problems of diction lead to inaccurate reading, indistinct articulation and, as a result, to a distortion of meaning. Pay attention to the correct reading - this will be the key to competent writing.
  4. Reading awareness involves reading comprehension, awareness of the idea and meaning of the text, and in the future - this is the ability to catch the subtext, humor, irony, the attitude of the author. Interfering with reading comprehension can be low reading speed, distorted reproduction - guessing words, changing the shape of words, not reading endings.
  5. Reading expressiveness - the use of pauses, finding the right intonation, the correct placement of stresses. The expressiveness of reading is inextricably linked with awareness. When understanding what is read, it is easier for the child to observe the necessary pauses, select the correct intonation and place logical stresses.

Reading speed standards for elementary school

GEF standards determine the desired reading speed for a child by a certain point in learning, help to understand whether the development of a skill is successful or whether additional attention is required. Standards - indicative values; it is important to take into account the individual psychophysiological characteristics of each child and evaluate the growth of his personal indicators.

Grade 1 reading speed standards

Reading speed standards in grade 2

Reading speed standards in grade 3

Reading velocity

Reading speed, to which it is necessary schools, is reading at the speed of conversational speech, 110-120 words per minute. The human articulatory apparatus has adapted to this speed over time. And most importantly, the reading should be conscious, correct, expressive.

Other parameters of reading technique

Grade 1

At the end of the first half of the year. Reading is smooth syllabic, conscious and correct, with a clear pronunciation of syllables and words.

At the end of the second half of the year. Reading is conscious, correct, simple words are read as a word. Words with a complex syllabic structure can be read syllable by syllable.

Grade 2

At the end of the first half of the year. Reading consciously, correctly, in whole words. Compliance with logical stresses. Compound words can be read syllable by syllable.

At the end of the second half of the year. Reading meaningful, correct, in whole words. With observance of logical stresses, pauses and intonations. Syllabic reading is undesirable.

Grade 3

At the end of the first half of the year. Reading consciously, correctly, in whole words. With observance of pauses and intonations, with the help of which the child expresses an understanding of the meaning of what is being read.

At the end of the second half of the year. Reading consciously, correctly, in whole words. With observance of pauses and intonations, through which the child expresses understanding of the meaning of what is being read.

4th grade

At the end of the first half of the year. Reading consciously, correctly, in whole words. With the help of observed pauses and intonations, the child not only expresses an understanding of the meaning of what is being read, but is able to express his attitude to what he has read.

At the end of the second half of the year. Reading consciously, correctly, in whole words. With observance of pauses and intonations, through which the child expresses an understanding of the meaning of what is read, and his attitude to the content of what is read.

How can I test my child's reading skills on my own?

Have your child see how well they read already. Children usually love to know how many centimeters they have grown, and they may also be interested in knowing their progress in reading. Warn about the upcoming test and ask the child to read quickly.

The control of reading technique in sensitive children who, due to their temperament, can hardly tolerate various tests, can be carried out imperceptibly or in the form of a game. Do not create unnecessary excitement around the upcoming test, do not arrange a test in the form of an exam. If the child is worried, stutters, transfer control to another time.

Verification process:

  1. Prepare a clock with a second hand or use the stopwatch on your phone, and choose the appropriate text.
  2. Ask the child to take a seat.
  3. Show him the text and ask him to read it aloud.
  4. Track the time from the moment your child starts reading. Not all children are able to immediately start reading on command, which leads to inaccurate results.
  5. Usually, one minute is noted for checking, but some experts recommend taking 2 minutes for monitoring, since not all children are equally quickly included in the work. Divide the result obtained in 2 minutes in half.
  6. Do not correct or interrupt while reading. It is better to discuss the mistakes made after the child has finished reading.
  7. Assess the speed, correctness, awareness and expressiveness of reading.
  8. Retest and compare results. Reading technique may differ depending on the child's fatigue, health status and mood.

Which text is suitable for verification?

Both fiction and non-fiction texts appropriate for the child's age are suitable for this purpose. The text should be unfamiliar, but understandable to the child, have educational and educational value. The texts of V. Bianchi, L. Tolstoy, N. Nosov, B. Zhitkov, K. Ushinsky, V. Dragunsky are suitable. The text for verification can be found in special manuals or in a textbook on the Russian language and literature.

You should find the text that is located on the spread of the book so that the child does not have to waste time turning pages. Choose text without an abundance of punctuation marks and distracting illustrations. It is not desirable that the passage contains common complex sentences and dialogues. The font must be large enough and legible. The text should not have a technical focus and contain terms incomprehensible to the child.

Test score

Speed ​​score

Count how many words the child read in one minute. When counting words, pay attention:

  • prepositions, conjunctions, particles of 1-2 letters are counted as one word;
  • when wrapping, the word is counted as 2 words;
  • if the word is written with a hyphen, look at how many letters are on both sides of the hyphen: if there are more than three, we count it as 2 words, for example, "long, long", if less than three, for example, "somehow", - as one .

Compare your score with the recommended range and your child's previous performance.

Comprehension score

Determine how well the child understood what they read. If the student reads slowly and has read only a couple of sentences, let him read the passage to the end. Ask your child a few questions about the text. Ask what or who he read about. Ask the child to identify the main idea of ​​what they read and retell the text.

For a deeper check of the meaning of the reading and learning, use special teaching kits.

Correctness assessment

Pay attention to whether the child reads what is written correctly, whether he pronounces words clearly, whether there are hesitations and corrections, whether he alters words, whether he changes endings, whether he places stresses correctly. Discuss the mistakes with the student.

Evaluation of expressiveness

To assess the expressiveness of reading, the child is offered a familiar text. Listen to whether the child observes pauses and other punctuation marks, whether he changes intonation, whether he highlights the main idea.

Improving reading technique

Poor results in reading technique are not a reason to be upset, but only a signal that additional efforts need to be made to improve the skill. You can work with the child on your own or contact a specialist who will analyze the weak points and select the appropriate exercises. Conduct additional activities with the child in the mode of "sparing reading" without pressure. It is more important to observe the regularity and frequency of classes: 10-20 minutes daily.

How can you motivate your child to read:

  1. Reward your efforts with stickers, stars.
  2. Mark progress visually - create a success board so your child can visually see their progress
  3. Conduct activities in the form of a game, such as "going to the library" or "reading to your favorite toys."
  4. Choose books and texts that are interesting for your child.
  5. Let the child read to pets, they are grateful and accepting listeners. Reading to them, the child is not afraid to make a mistake, he relaxes and overcomes the fear of failure.
  6. Have a reading competition between peers and siblings.

To improve the speed of reading will help:

  1. Reading by syllabic tables.
  2. Multiple reading. Read the same text several times, increasing the pace. From the second time the child will be able to read faster.
  3. "Tug". An adult leads a finger along the line, setting the pace. The child tries to read at a given pace.
  4. Tops and roots. The child reads the words, covering the upper or lower half of the letters with a ruler.
  5. Reading in a book turned upside down.
  6. Lightning. Alternating reading at a comfortable pace with reading at the highest possible speed for 20 seconds on the command "Lightning!".
  7. "Sprint". Reading speed competition between classmates.
  8. Work on expanding the field of view according to Schulte tables.
  9. Reading with a window to eliminate "regression" - recurrent eye movements that lead to repeated reading.

For correct reading:

  1. Work on clear diction, do articulation exercises.
  2. Read tongue twisters and tongue twisters.
  3. Invite the child to correct the deformed sentences: "The weather is good on the street. "
  4. "Imaginary word". When reading, the wrong word is pronounced, the child must correct it.

Reading comprehension

  1. Wave Reading. First, the child reads aloud, then retells what he read.
  2. Drawing up a plan for reading.
  3. The student reads to himself at a comfortable pace, tells what he understood and felt, what he thought about
  4. Discuss unfamiliar words and expressions.
  5. Invite the child to draw a picture of the passage they read.
  6. Ask them to tell you what they liked about the text, what they remember.

For expressive reading

  1. Role-playing, staging.
  2. Put on a "radio show".
  3. Expressive recitation of poems.
  4. Voice flexibility training. The ability to speak quieter-louder, higher-lower.
  5. Conducting reading indicating the tone or strength of the voice.
  6. Live Picture. One reads, the other reacts with facial expressions.

Improving reading skills in elementary school is very important. It is fluent and meaningful reading that activates the processes of thinking, attention, memory and is the basis for a child's successful education in the future. This detailed instruction on reading technique control will help you track and improve your child's skill development.

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Reading standards for grade 2: Federal State Educational Standards in elementary school, how many words should be read


Federal State Educational Standards for Reading in Primary School

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) are not rigid. We know that all children are different. Some are ahead of their peers in development, others are lagging behind. The latter is not a reason for panic, but a signal to find approaches to the child and help him improve his knowledge and skills.

When studying with a child, parents can easily bring them closer to reading standards for Grade 2.


In no case should parents put pressure on their child, forcing him to bring his readings closer to the standards. Compliance with average indicators is not a sign of high or low intelligence development. Although the ability to read quickly is necessary to master the complex program of a comprehensive school.

How many words per minute should a second grader read

For comparison, here are the average reading indicators created for the elementary school level:

  • Grade 1 1st semester – 25-30 words in 60 seconds;
  • 1st grade 2nd semester – 30-40;
  • 2nd grade 1st semester – 40-50;
  • 2nd grade 2nd semester – 50-60;
  • 3rd grade 1st semester – 60-70;
  • Grade 3 2nd semester – 70-80;
  • 4th grade 1st semester – 80-90;
  • 4th grade 2nd semester – 100-120.

In high schools, teachers and students strive for higher performance.

Reasons for slow reading

It is not worth sounding the alarm because your beloved child has not reached the average level of reading norms. There is no need to scold the child either. Parents should understand the causes of the lag and eliminate them. Perhaps the second grader reads slowly because of: