Help kids with writing
Helping Young Children Develop Strong Writing Skills
On this page
- Why is writing important?
- What Can You Do?
- Ideas for Parents: How to Help Your Child Become a Stronger Writer
Note: This article was adapted from two articles written by the U.S. Department of Education and was compiled by Colorín Colorado.
Writing is an important part of our daily lives. It is, however, a difficult skill to learn and master. By getting a head start with some simple activities, you can help your child begin to develop her writing skills at an early age. By doing so you will be contributing to her future success as a student and as an adult while teaching her how to express herself.
In this article, we provide some reasons that writing is an important skill for people of all ages, as well as a list of suggestions that will help your child become a stronger writer.
Why is writing important?
Writing is practical.
Every day, we need to write in order to complete our tasks, whether we are filling out a form at the doctor's office or writing an important letter. These tasks require us to write clearly, and organize information effectively.
Writing is an important element of a student's education.
Whether students are writing by hand or on the computer, many assignments and exams require students to write short answers or longer essays as a way of assessing what they have learned. As students get older, they will be expected to show more sophisticated writing skills, and to complete more sophisticated tasks through their writing. In addition, many colleges and universities require students to write essays as part of their admissions application.
Writing can be an important element of an employee's job.
Employees in many kinds of jobs are required to write on a daily basis. Perhaps they are taking phone messages and doing administrative work, or writing research reports and newspaper articles. Whatever the task, their ability to do their job well may depend on their ability to write. Many job applicants also must submit a resumé and a letter of application when applying to a new job.
Writing is an important form of communication.
Writing letters and emails is a common way of keeping in touch with our friends, relatives, and professional colleagues. Writing is frequently the final stage in communication when we want to leave no room for doubt, which is why we write and sign contracts, leases, and treaties when we make important decisions.
Writing can be an important outlet.
Many people find writing to be therapeutic, and a helpful way to express feelings that cannot be expressed so easily by speaking.
What Can You Do?
It's important to remember that writing can be as difficult a subject to teach and assess as it is to learn. Many students have trouble writing with clarity, coherence, and organization, and this can discourage them from writing if they feel frustrated.
That's where parent involvement can make a big difference. Encouraging your child to develop strong writing skills at a young age, and to become a better writer as she gets older, can have a lifelong positive impact on her writing, and may make writing an easier and more enjoyable process for her
To get you started, the Department of Education offers a number of ideas of things you can do help your child become a stronger writer. While many of these ideas apply to younger children, they can be adapted for older children as well. To learn more about ways to support your children if they continue to struggle with writing in middle and high school, read Tips for Parents of Struggling Adolescent Writers.
Ideas for Parents: How to Help Your Child Become a Stronger Writer
What You Need
- Pencils, crayons, or markers
- Yarn or ribbon
- Writing paper or notebook
- Cardboard or heavy paper
- Construction paper
- Safety scissors
Before getting started
Provide a place
It's important for your child to have a good place to write, such as a desk or table with a smooth, flat surface. It's also crucial to have good lighting.
Provide the materials
Provide plenty of paper (lined and unlined) and things to write with, including pencils, pens, and crayons.
Talk with your child as much as possible about her ideas and impressions, and encourage her to describe people and events to you.
Activities for young children
Encourage the child to draw and to discuss her drawings
Ask your child questions about her drawings such as:
"What is the boy doing?"
"Does the house look like ours?"
"Can you tell a story about this picture?"
Show an interest in, and ask questions about, the things your child says, draws, and may try to write.
Ask your child to tell you simple stories as you write them down
Copy the story as your child tells it, without making changes. Ask her to clarify anything you don't understand.
Encourage your child to write her name
Practice writing her name with her, and point out the letters in her name when you see them in other places (on signs, in stores, etc.). She may start by only writing the first few letters of her name, but soon the rest will follow.
Use games
There are numerous games and puzzles that help children with spelling while increasing their vocabulary. Some of these may include crossword puzzles, word games, anagrams, and cryptograms designed especially for children. Flash cards are fun to use too, and they're easy to make at home.
Turn your child's writing into books
Paste her drawings and writings on pieces of construction paper. For each book, make a cover out of heavier paper or cardboard, and add special art, a title, and her name as author. Punch holes in the pages and cover, and bind the book together with yarn or ribbon.
Day-to-Day Activities
Make sure your child sees you writing
She will learn about writing by watching you write. Talk with her about your writing so that she begins to understand why writing is important and the many ways it can be used.
Encourage your child to write, even if she's scribbling
Give your child opportunities to practice writing by helping her sign birthday cards, write stories, and make lists.
As your child gets older, write together
Have your child help you with the writing you do, including writing letters, shopping lists, and messages.
Suggest note-taking
Encourage your child to take notes on trips or outings, and to describe what she saw. This could include a description of nature walks, a boat ride, a car trip, or other events that lend themselves to note-taking.
Encourage copying
If your child likes a particular song, suggest that she learn the words by writing them down. Also encourage copying favorite poems or quotations from books and plays.
Encourage your child to read her stories out loud
As your child gets older, ask her to share her stories with you. Listen carefully without interrupting, and give her positive feedback about her ideas and her writing!
Hang a family message board in the kitchen
Offer to write notes there for your child. Be sure that she finds notes left there for her.
Help your child write letters and emails to relatives and friends
These may include thank you notes or just a special note to say hello. Be sure to send your child a letter or card once in awhile too so that she is reminded of how special it is to get a letter in the mail. Consider finding a pen pal for your child.
Encourage keeping a journal
This is excellent writing practice as well as a good outlet for venting feelings. Encourage your child to write about things that happen at home and school, about people she likes or dislikes and why, and about things she wants to remember and do. If she wants to share the journal with you, read the entries and discuss them together.
Things to remember
Allow time
Help your child spend time thinking about a writing project or exercise. Good writers often spend a lot of time thinking, preparing, and researching before starting to write. Your child may dawdle, sharpen a pencil, get papers ready, or look up the spelling of a word. Be patient — this may all be part of her preparation.
Respond to your child's writing
Respond to the ideas your child expresses verbally or in writing. Make it clear that you are interested in what the writing conveys, which means focusing on "what" the child has written rather than "how" it was written. It's usually wise to ignore minor errors, particularly at the stage when your child is just getting ideas together.
Praise your child's writing
Take a positive approach and find good things to say about your child's writing. Is it accurate? Descriptive? Original? Creative? Thoughtful? Interesting?
Avoid writing for your child
Don't write a paper for your child that will be turned in as her work, and don't rewrite your child's work. Meeting a writing deadline, taking responsibility for the finished product, and feeling ownership of it are also important parts of the writing process.
Help your child with her writing as she gets older
Ask your child questions that will help her clarify the details of her stories and assignments as they get longer, and help her organize her thoughts. Talk about the objective of what she is writing.
Provide your child with spelling help when she's ready for it
When your child is just learning how to read and write, she may try different ways to write and spell. Our job is to encourage our children's writing so they will enjoy putting their thoughts and ideas on paper. At first, your child may begin to write words the way that she hears them. For example, she might write "haf" instead of "have", "frn" instead of "friend", and "Frd" instead of "Fred." This actually is a positive step in developing her phonemic awareness. Keep practicing with her, and model the correct spelling of words when you write. As your child gets older and begins to ask more questions about letters and spelling, provide her with the help she needs.
Practice, practice, practice
Writing well takes lots of practice, so make sure your child doesn't get discouraged too easily. It's not easy! Give her plenty of opportunities to practice so that she has the opportunity to improve.
Read together
Reading and writing support each other. The more your child does of each, the better she will be at both. Reading can also stimulate your child to write about her own family or school life. If your child has a particular favorite story or author, ask her why she thinks that story or that person's writing is special.
As you read and write more with your child, you will be building an important foundation, and taking steps that will help your child to become a better reader, writer, and student. Your efforts now will make a difference — and it may be just the difference that your child needs to succeed!
U.S. Department of Education. Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Archived Information. "Help Your Child Learn to Write Well."
U.S. Department of Education. Parent Section: Helping Your Child Become a Reader. "Write On!"
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Major support provided by our founding partner, the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.
With generous support provided by the National Education Association.
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How To Improve Writing Skills For Kids: 14 Easy Tips
Writing — it’s an important form of communication and a key part of education. But in today’s technology-driven world, kids aren’t given many opportunities to practise and improve their ability to write. This leaves many parents wondering how to improve their child’s writing skills.
It takes time to develop strong writing skills, and it can be a tough task to accomplish. Thankfully, there are many things that parents can do at home to help improve children’s writing skills.
From fun activities to daily reading and writing sessions, these tips on how to improve kids’ writing skills will help your child build his or her skills in no time.
Improve your child’s communication skills with these simple and fun kids’ writing activities.
14 Activities To Improve Kids’ Writing Skills
Read Up
Regular reading is a stepping stone to better writing and helps kids’ strengthen their writing skills. It helps expand children’s vocabulary and shows them different ways of using words. This also makes it easier for them to use these words in their own writing.
With younger children, make sure you’re reading together every day and encouraging their love of reading as they grow. Start reading early—many children who devour books grow up to become strong writers themselves. Tweet This
Make it Fun!
Play games and activities that encourage writing. Crossword puzzles and word games are great for everyone. Little ones will especially like the “write the word” game: where they search for items and write down the word when they find each item.
Create Writing Worksheets
For young children just learning to write, try creating a worksheet where they can trace letters and words. Write out letters and words, place another piece of paper on top, and have your child trace onto the blank piece of paper. You can also create a connect-the-dots game by having your child trace along dotted lines and then tell you which letter or word she or he finds.
Try Different Materials
Switch it up by writing with something other than a pen or pencil.
Sidewalk chalk on the driveway, finger painting, or a salt writing tray are all fun writing activities that will also help build kids’ writing skills.
Write Letters
Today, writing letters is a bit of a lost art. Encourage your child to write letters to friends or family members. Distant family members will especially love receiving handwritten letters and it’s a great way to work on improving writing skills for kids.
Pen-pals are also a fun idea, or you can even write letters to each other and leave them around the house to find!
Encourage Journalling
Keeping a journal is a great way to express thoughts and ideas while also working on improving children’s writing skills. Plan an outing to pick a fun journal with your child and encourage them to write in it as much as possible. Make it a part of his or her daily routine.
Create a Writing Space
Set aside a little corner in your house that is completely devoted to writing.
Having an area dedicated solely to writing will help free your child from distractions so he or she can focus on practicing writing skills.
Invest Time
Make sure your child knows you’re available to help with spelling or proofreading whenever he or she needs it. When you make writing time a priority for you, it will make it easier for your child to improve his or her writing skills.
Connect Their Interests
Think about your son or daughter’s favourite book series. Or maybe he or she is obsessed with dinosaurs. Whatever his or her interests, connect them to writing. Have your child write a new short story about his or her favourite characters, or let him or her create a story all about dinosaurs.
Create Story Prompts
A fun way to improve kids’ creative writing skills is to have them write short stories.
Cut out pictures from a magazine with different characters or locations, or write down different words.
Place these in a container or glue them to cards to use as writing prompts for creating a unique story. This also makes a fun activity for the whole family to join in.
Model It
There’s no better way to learn something than to see someone else doing it. Let your children see you writing, often. When writing is a normal part of your daily life, it will come more naturally to them. Anything goes: a simple grocery list or letter to the teacher, holiday or thank you cards, or even a sweet note to your child.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
There’s no getting around the fact that technology plays a huge part in our lives. Use it to your advantage by having your child create a blog. This can help your child work on improving his or her writing skills by encouraging frequent writing habits.
Make it Part of Your Daily Routine
Make sure there’s time each day to do some writing in one way or another. Whether it’s writing a grocery list, writing in a journal or composing a letter, practicing writing every day will go a long way to improving kids’ writing skills.
Praise Their Work
Show lots of interest in your child’s writing and stories. Ask questions, celebrate when he or she brings home a good piece from school, and encourage his or her writing as much as possible.
Improving Writing Skills Can Be Fun
Writing is an important practical life skill. While developing great writing skills requires lots of time and patience, you can help your child with these simple writing exercises for kids.
Lots of reading, frequent writing time in a special writing area, and incorporating fun writing activities and games will all go a long way to giving writing skills a boost.
Need Extra Help?
If your child needs extra help improving his or her writing skills, Oxford Learning can help. Our English tutoring program helps develop kids’ writing and comprehension skills, from word recognition to paragraph writing. Contact us today!
Related Resources
5 Reasons Writing By Hand Is Good For The Brain
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Letters from parents
Dear Zhanna Rubenovna, as well as the entire staff of the charitable foundation. From our family, we wanted to thank you and all the caring people who helped us in purchasing medicine for my son. If only you knew what a wealth it is for us! This is not only an opportunity for my son to live a full life and cope with a difficult disease, it is also almost a year of restful sleep and a light heart. This summer, we once again underwent hospitalization and we were confirmed the appointment of Sandimun Neoral. But alas, the issue of supplying the drug by the state has not yet been resolved, despite the fact that we have confirmed the need for it, they also do not issue prescriptions for this drug. After three years of litigation and decisions not in our favor, we are forced to buy the drug illegally. We cannot reimburse you for a drug without a prescription. We suffered so much in this struggle for the health of our son that at the moment I myself began to need treatment due to the stresses I had endured. I'm so afraid to leave him alone, without support. Today, I am so calm that he has only a year left in front of him and this drug restriction will be removed from us.
And for this year he has a drug. Thank you very much! For the support. Thanks to the people who help us. Thanks to the team for the fact that you exist, that there is hope that we are not alone in this world alone with the disease.
We ourselves help Rusfond as far as possible. I never thought we'd need help. For us, this is such a treasure! THANKS!
Artyom's story
I wanted to thank you all, those who work at the Renaissance Foundation
I am glad that there is such a fund and people like you who help sick children and lend a hand to those in need in a hopeless situation.
I wish you health and all the best
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Vozrozhdeniye Charitable Organization for their help in our difficult situation! My daughter Ela was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment should have received preferential treatment at the place of residence. However, it was discontinued almost immediately. We turned to the Fund with a request to help with the urgent purchase of medicine. In just a couple of days, we were found and given the right drug, and, fortunately, we did not interrupt the treatment regimen. In the future, I had to ask for help several more times, and they always received it. I also want to note the sensitivity and attentiveness of the employees of the CO "Vozrozhdenie". Parents of sick children often face rudeness, misunderstanding and alienation. In the BO "Vozrozhdenie", the atmosphere is completely different, benevolent and friendly. I wish good luck to all employees, patience to parents and recovery to children!
If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to purchase it. It is difficult to find words to describe the joy of the news that Kirill will have such a stroller! It is even more difficult to find words of gratitude for this help. May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold. I wish you all the best, good health, prosperity and more warmth on your life path. For the first time, we will have such a specialized stroller that will allow you to comfortably place and properly fix the baby, without restricting his movements. By helping us, you gave us not just material value, but gave joy and hope.
Thank you for not leaving us alone with our misfortune.
I, the mother of Snezhana Nasyrova, would like to express my gratitude to the Vozrazhdenie Charitable Foundation and thank you very much for responding and not remaining indifferent to my request to pay for my daughter's stroller.
As long as there are people like you who do not remain indifferent to the problems of other people, we have a chance and faith that everything will work out!!!
Good luck and success to you in your good deeds!!!
Thank you very much for your help!!!0003
Thanks to the entire staff of the Renaissance Organization
I, Mozheykina Margarita, mother of Zykova Elina from Novosibirsk. My daughter fell ill with arthritis at the age of 5, in 2009, for two years, doctors could not help us, choosing medicines, they made a puncture of all joints in order to somehow alleviate the condition. At that time, Elina could not even move around the apartment herself. In 2011, we were sent to the VMP in Moscow by the SCCH, Alekseeva E. And, Humira was immediately prescribed.
But in our city it was not given, on the advice of our attending physician Denisova Rina Valerianovna. I applied to Charity
Renaissance Foundation. I was assisted in drafting a letter for the Ministry. On October 12, 2011 the commission took place and on November 18 we already received the first package of the drug at the place of residence. At that time, we were the first to succeed with your help.
Since 2016, they stopped buying Humira again, and again turned to the Vozrozhdeniye Foundation. March 2016 I was helped to complete all the documents for the Ministry. As a result of the meeting, a decision was made to provide Elina with Humira at her place of residence.
I express my deep gratitude to your Organization "Vozrozhdeniye" for your understanding. You gave my child childhood and joy every day, she is happy to take this injection and knows that thanks to him she got on her feet, rides a bike herself, runs, jumps and loves to dance. Thanks to you, this is a completely independent child who grows up and believes that everything will be fine!
My low bow to YOU.!!!! Good luck to all of you, strength and success!!!
I, Agabekyan Larina Kimikovna, want to express my deep gratitude to you for the timely assistance in providing the Enbrel drug necessary for the treatment of my son, Yeghiazaryan Tigran. Many thanks to Zhanna Garibyan for her sensitive and attentive attitude towards my child, for the fact that she is always friendly and tries in every possible way to assist us in the fight against this serious illness.
Good afternoon! I, Yulia Vladimirovna Moroz, mother of Sofia Dmitrievna Moroz (disabled child), we asked you for help in obtaining Humira, thanks to your foundation, your efforts, we were able to obtain the drug, for which a HUGE THANK YOU FROM OUR ALL FAMILY!
Thank you for your attentiveness and care, you really "TAKE" for us, because before yours we turned to another fund that did not even want to try to help us, unfortunately! Your clear letter on behalf of my husband made an indelible impression on all the doctors who denied us the drug!
Thank you very much! Thanks for your hard work! You are great! Good luck in helping children, may the Lord bless you in all your deeds of helping children!
Grigoriev V. O.
from Kutepova N.V.
Balashov, Saratov region Ryleeva st., 2
Dear Vitaly Olegovich!
I, Nadezhda Vladimirovna Kutepova, mother of Ekaterina Kutepova, would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you and your team of the Interregional Public Organization for Assistance to Children Suffering from Rheumatic Diseases, the Vozrozhdeniye Foundation in acquiring a high-tech, expensive and vital medicine for the treatment of my daughter.
Please accept our sincere gratitude for your indifferent attitude to our problem, for your kindness and mercy. By providing assistance, you give joy and hope for the speedy recovery of our children, and children are the most precious thing on our earth.
Special thanks to Zhanna Gharibyan. She was constantly aware of our problems, monitored the supply of medicines, helped with advice and a kind word, we felt her care and attention.
We wish the whole team every blessing, health and prosperity, more warmth on your difficult and noble path.
Grigoriev V.O.
with a diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a systemic form, seronegative polyarthritis, with eye damage (chronic uveitis), I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the employees of the foundation for their help in purchasing Orencia. Today, thanks to YOU, we are provided with the drug for the whole year.
Thank you so much for your empathy, support and for giving me a chance to recover.
I wish the foundation prosperity, and all its employees health, happiness and all the best.
Letter of thanks
Dear Zhanna Rubenovna, as well as all employees of the Vozrozhdeniye Charitable Foundation!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Vozrozhdenie Charitable Foundation, as well as to people who are not indifferent to other people's grief, for their help in purchasing Orencia medicine. Thanks to your financial support, my boy can continue treatment with a drug that is vital for him. We can look to the future with hope. From the bottom of my heart, many human thanks from Yegor and our entire family. And God bless the people who organize and take part in such a good cause. And let them say that the world is cruel, nevertheless, there are a lot of caring people, and this makes the soul warm. Especially to us, parents of children in need of help; parents who know what bureaucracy and indifference are. Once again, many thanks.
Elagina Tatyana
President Public
Organization "Renaissance"
Grigoryeva V.O.
and the whole team
Letters of thanks
Foundation Renaissance is excellent . ..
In these words there is optimism ...
No matter how terrible
of the disease is all here
To help children in trouble,
To revive them to health,
And maybe they once0125
to those who need support ...
We are grateful to you for them
Children are our children
then our children
and their live ,
And you helped them in this!
How good it is to have support
With the soul of sacrificial people
And there is no delay in medicines,
Children are stronger than
Black Earth, for your work,
For hands care, kindness,
For the laughter of our children, pearl
For faith, joy and dream!
God give you strength, health, money.
That is the right thing to do!
Thank you for being children of childhood
You help save!
Sincerely, Tatyana Khrushchatova
Dear employees of the Renaissance Foundation!
Trouble came to my family: my son Konstantin was diagnosed with chronic juvenile arthritis of the knee joints. For the treatment of this disease, an expensive German drug "Metoject" is needed in large quantities. Buying medicine for my large family was an unbearable burden. In October 2013, I applied to the Renaissance Foundation. The specialists supervising me surrounded me with care and attention, helped me in drawing up the necessary appeal to the head of the fund, Grigoriev Vitaly Olegovich. My request was not ignored. Within two months, the issue was resolved and in record time (in January 2014), targeted assistance was provided: we received forty bottles of the necessary drug.
We are infinitely grateful to the people who helped in the treatment of Kostya. May peace and happiness come to the house of those who are not indifferent to my request. Thank you very much.
The Bashkirov family.
Dear employees of the Vozrozhdeniye Charitable Foundation!
We express our deep gratitude to you and sincerely thank you for your help in purchasing the expensive drug "Ilaris"!
Thank you for your mercy, responsiveness and sensitivity to children in need of help!
Your help and caring attitude is an invaluable contribution to the development of charity and "fantastically" tangible support for our children.
Good deeds do not go unnoticed - they shine like beacons to those who are waiting for help. Your example is very significant!
Providing assistance, you give not just material values, but give joy, hope and faith!
We wish you good health for interesting ideas and their successful implementation of bright, significant events, personal happiness, further prosperity and more warmth on your life path!
The Galyautdinov family.
Dear employees of the public organization "Vozrozhdeniye"!
Happy New Year 2014 and Merry Christmas to all your team!!!! Be happy and loved, healthy and rich, may your kindness and mercy not go unnoticed!!!! Thanks from all mothers to all people who help our children, may the good that you do return to you!!! Thanks!!!
Sincerely, Kutepova Nadezhda
I want to reduce all the employees of the fund for the entire heart. drug Actemra for my child, Denis Khmelev! We would like to wish you and your family and friends all the best and good health. Your help saves us for the second time! Thank you very much!
Sincerely, the Khmelev family.
President Public
Organization "Renaissance"
Grigoryeva V.O.
and for the entire team
Gratitude letter
I, Tatyana Khrushchatova, Masha's mother, I hasten to express my deep gratitude to you for helping us and to say thank you very much for responding and not remaining indifferent to my request for the purchase of the expensive Orencia drug.
You are doing a great job - returning people's faith in people, hope for life. You gave us the opportunity to continue the treatment, as well as lead a full life and movements of the child.
Thank you for the great work you are doing. For many, it is you who become the last hope, a chance for recovery.
Thank you very much for your help!!!
I wish you and your team successful work, creativity, patience, health and happiness!!!
Sincerely, Tatyana Khrushchatova
Dear Kaspersky
and employees of the Renaissance Foundation!
Thank you for your attention and material support in the treatment of my daughter, Lena Tishkina.
Help organized by you has a great impact on the treatment of complex childhood diseases, gives the family a chance to raise a healthy child.
Be always healthy! Thanks a lot!
Sincerely, the Tishkin family.
Hello, dear representatives of the Renaissance Foundation. I want to express my deep gratitude to you for the help rendered to my child. My child, Bogdan Novgorodov, has been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for 4 years, and thanks to you, he began to receive vital medicines free of charge. Faced with such a situation, I learned that in our city there are many children with the same disease who need help in purchasing medicines, and I ask you to give me the opportunity, with your help, to be a representative of the Renaissance Foundation in Orenburg.
Sincerely, Novgorodova Tamilana
I, Natalya Viktorovna Osipova, want to say a huge thank you to your foundation. You helped my son, Dmitry Iskakov, in purchasing Actemra. My son has been ill since 2009, the diagnosis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with a systemic onset. The disease progressed every day until you helped us to get the necessary medicine. Now my son feels better, for which many thanks to you, health and all the best!
Best regards, Osipova N.V.
I want to convey to you and all the employees of the Vozrozhdeniye Foundation a huge, big THANK YOU for the help rendered to my child. RUSFOND allocated funds for the purchase of Humira, purchased it, delivered it, and by injecting the drug in a timely manner, Denis can lead a full life. How many offices we ran around, what doors we just didn’t knock on, we went to see the minister, but only you and RUSFOND employees opened the doors. Terrible things are happening in the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region. They do not comply with the laws prescribed in the constitution and go unpunished. The drug on which the LIFE of the child depends is not released. Of the 7 packages assigned to us in 2013, only 2 pcs were singled out. And for sure, this is the situation for many who live in the Moscow region. Today I talked with Alekseeva E.I., and she said that everything is much better in the regions and in Moscow. We have to deal with this nonsense somehow.
Yours sincerely, Roshina V.O.
Employees of the MBOOSD Renaissance
from Rybak Oksana Vladimirovna
I want to express great gratitude for the assistance to the President of the MBOSD for the assistance. We were very pleased to cooperate with you. Insanely friendly and nice people who want to help the kids. Thank you for your help in purchasing "Metoject" and for your attention and gifts to my daughter.
Mother of Marina Rybak
President of the public
organization "Vozrozhdeniye"
and the whole team
for the purchase of the expensive drug "Orencia" for a year of continuous therapy for my daughter. You gave us the opportunity to continue the treatment, as well as lead a full life and movements of the child. As long as there are people like you who do not remain indifferent to the problems of other people, we have a chance and faith that we will succeed!!!
Good luck and success in your good deeds, happiness and, of course, patience (sometimes you have to address more than once, but you always listen to everything, explain and tell!). Thank you very much for all your help!!!
Sincerely, Elena Zelenova
Employees of the Renaissance Charity Fund
We want to say thank you with soul
and in gratitude to say to you words,
That your help came on time ...
Thank you for your help many times,
Thank you for the good deeds,
9000 We are to you it's nice to say without memory
Words of great gratitude!
Let it come back to you in life like an echo,
Good deeds of all your essence.
Health to you and lots and lots of laughter,
Let the path be easy in your life!
Little rheumatological patients
Departments of the NCZD RAMS and their parents
I, MOTHER DUDYSHEVA Yuri, heartily thank all the employees of the Fund for the acquisition of the drug selfless work, care, responsiveness and support for children in need of help. We wish you prosperity and success in your disinterested and selfless work, which our children need so much today. I wish you success, health, strength and energy for the implementation of your plans!
Sincerely, the Dudyshev family
I, Mollaeva Luaza, want to express my gratitude to everyone who helped us in purchasing the expensive drug "Actemra" for my niece Mollaeva Aishat. Many thanks to your foundation and everyone who responded to our problem, you did the impossible for us, gave us hope that now everything will be fine. God bless you and all the best.
Best regards, Mollaeva Lyuaza.
Dear Zhanna Rubenovna!
Congratulations to you and all employees of the Vozrozhdenie center!
Thank you so much for the medicines that you and your center provided to my granddaughter Grashchenko Valeria . November, December, January, February - there were no medicines. Received 28.02 to March. Women's happiness to you all, dear women. Sincerely.
Let me thank with all my heart the employees of the Renaissance Foundation for their assistance in purchasing Actemra for my son, Artur Bryukhovetsky, born in 2007. Thank you for your timely assistance in acquiring a life-saving medicine.
I would like to especially mention Zhanna Gharibyan, I bow to you for your noble work, I had to contact you more than once, but our problems were treated with understanding and sympathy.
Thank you so much for your work!
Best regards, Natalia Bryukhovetskaya.
To the staff of the charitable organization "Vozrozhdenie" from Yulia Salo
Dear employees of the Vozrozhdeniye Foundation!
Thank you very much for your concern for our children. You are a ray of light for us!
Thank you very much for your help in purchasing Actemra for my daughter, Raeva Valeria Romanovna, 11 years old. Good luck to you, peaceful sky above your head and long, long years of life!
With respect to you and your work,
Julia Salo.
We are very grateful for the help you have given us. Thank you so much for your mercy and kindness to our children. We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year, God bless you all with health, happiness, success in your work and all the best!
Sincerely to you,
Irina Gigolaeva and my daughter Lianka
from Lozhkina A. K.,
Grandhenko Grashchenko
All your team and all who are all one of your collective donated!
Lord, I am so grateful to everyone who helped me get medicine for my granddaughter!
I would like to hug and snuggle everyone...
I can imagine what work has been done to raise funds and what is the amount - I'm crying...
Your entire team and everyone who donated for the purchase of the Humira medicine, my granddaughter and I sincerely thank you!
I wish health and prosperity to all people.
with great respect for you,
Lozhkina Alina Kimovna
President of the MBOOSD "Renaissance"
from Akimova Natalya Semyonovna
Dear Vitaly Olegovich!
I am the mother of a minor Varvara Andreevna Akimova, born in 2009. with a diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic variant on debut, polyarthritis, seronegative in the Russian Federation, act.1, art.1, paroxysmal orthodomic tachycardia, latent Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, first turned to YOU for help more than a year ago, in October 2011 of the year. During this time, you have provided moral and legal assistance and support in contacting the Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor and other organizations on which the provision of a life-saving drug to my daughter Varia directly or indirectly depended.
In May 2012, I turned to YOU for help in providing Actemra, the medicine was received in July 2012. Then the Ministry of Health refused us this drug and the delay in taking it was more than 3 weeks, which is unacceptable for our disease.
With your direct participation November 28, 2012 we received 24 vials of Actemra from the Russian Help Fund. Today we are provided with the drug for the whole year!
Let me express my deep gratitude to you for your noble work, participation, care, for giving us confidence, faith and hope for tomorrow, for not letting us lose heart and give up. As long as there are people among us who are not indifferent to the pain of others, who are able to hear and help, we will overcome all difficulties, we will succeed.
Thank you!!! Health, happiness and all the best to you, your employees and loved ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With deep respect
and gratitude,
Akimova Natalia.
I would like to express my gratitude to the Vozrozhdeniye Charitable Foundation for responding to my request for the purchase and delivery of Enbrel medicine for my son, Nikita Ageev, and for giving me a chance for recovery and a normal, fulfilling life. You are doing a very good deed - helping children move, and therefore live.
Thank you very much for this great contribution you bring to our children!
Good luck in your good deeds, prosperity to the fund, health to all employees!
With respect and gratitude,
mother Ageeva Irina Yurievna.
President of the public organization "Vozrozhdenie"
and team
from Bychkova Elena Valentinovna
Dear Vitaly Olegovich!
I would like to say a huge thank you to you and your team for your help in purchasing and delivering Orencia for my daughter, Anna Bychkova. We received medicine for a year of continuous treatment! If not for your help, we would have been left without a cure. Except you, no one wants to help children who need expensive treatment. Thank you very much for your help!
The Bychkov family.
Dear friends!
I hasten to express my deep gratitude to you for helping us. You are doing a great job - returning people's faith in people, hope for life. A huge thank you from your mother!
I wish you all great happiness and, most importantly, health. Good luck, success in all your endeavors!
Thanks again!
Sincerely, mother Radnaeva Antonina .
I, the mother of Dmitry Satsuk, want to express my sincere gratitude for the help in purchasing the Humira drug. Thanks to your help, my son and I don't have to go to Moscow every month.
A huge THANK YOU thousands of times for the GOOD that you bring to our children. Low bow to you.
Success in your good deeds, prosperity to the fund, health to all employees. Thank you.
With great respect, Satsuk Irina and Dmitry .
Parent meeting on "How to help your child cope with writing mistakes"
The purpose of the lesson: to introduce parents to specific mistakes in writing primary school students, as well as methods their elimination.
Lesson objectives:
- Introduce the term “dysgraphia”;
- To acquaint with methods of employment with children.
Starting school for some children suddenly finds it difficult to master written speech. The boys are having trouble when studying the Russian language, although it is good deal with other things. What is it: spelling errors due to ignorance of the rules or inexplicable "stupid" letter omissions, substitutions one letter to another and the like?
Or maybe - he teaches and teaches the rules, but on time can't apply them?
Both parents and teachers often tend to see cause of poor school performance exclusively in the laziness of the child: “He just doesn’t trying." But in fact, 80% of problems with learning not caused by laziness. With what? let's let's figure it out!
Your child may have violation of written language, like dysgraphia.
Dysgraphia - partial disorder written speech, manifested in persistent and recurring specific errors. (N. Sadovnikova)
Most researchers who study etiology of dysgraphia, note the presence pathological factors affecting prenatal, natal and postnatal period. The etiology of dysgraphia is associated with exposure biological and social factors.
Functional reasons may be related to exposure to internal (for example, prolonged somatic diseases) and external (incorrect speech of others, lack of speech contacts, bilingualism in the family, insufficient attention to the speech development of the child from the side adults) factors that delay the formation of mental functions involved in the process of writing and reading.
Also, dysgraphia may be due to organic damage to areas of the brain, involved in the writing process.
Thus, the etiology of dysgraphia involves both genetic and exogenous factors (pathology of pregnancy, childbirth, asphyxia, "chain" of childhood infections, head injuries).
Symptoms of dysgraphia:
Children of primary school age with dysgraphia with difficulty mastering the letter: completed by them exercises, dictations contain many grammatical errors. They don't use capital letters, punctuation marks, they have a terrible handwriting. Children with dysgraphia have separate letters incorrectly oriented in space. They confuse letters similar in design: "Z" and "E", "R" and "b". They may not pay attention on an extra stick in the letter "Sh" or "hook" in the letter "Ш". These children write slowly, unevenly; if they're not in the mood, then handwriting is deteriorating.
Dysgraphic children have lack of formation of many mental functions: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, memory, attention, emotional-volitional sphere.
Which children should be paid special attention to? Attention:
- If your child is left-handed.
- If he is a retrained right-hander.
- If your child attended a speech therapy group.
- If the family speaks two or more languages.
- If your child goes to school too early (unjustifiably early literacy training sometimes causes dysgraphia and dyslexia.) This happens when the child has not yet come psychological readiness for such training.
- If your child has memory problems, attention.
The most common errors when dysgraphia:
1. Distorted spelling of letters:
underestimation of their number): L instead of M; X instead of W, And instead of U;
– adding extra elements;
- mixing letters by optical similarity: b-p, t-p, a-o, e-z, d-y.
- mirror spelling.
2. Word structure distortions:
- Missing letters, syllables. For example: prta - desk, moco milk
- Missing words. H: cheerful (merry)
- adding letters, syllables;
– repetition of letters, syllables
3. Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: Luka (hand), hoe (hat).
4. Distortions in sentence structure:
– separate spelling of a word;
- confluent spelling of words;
- repetition of words.
Is it possible to effectively help children with dysgraphia?
Yes, such guys are quite capable of mastering reading and writing, if they persist study. Some will need years of practice some for months. The essence of the lessons is training speech hearing and literal vision.
These children need help speech pathologist. But remember that without help parents, the child can not cope.
Assistance must be corrective, have their own specifics, depending on the reasons, severity and manifestations of violations.
Remember that the usual teaching methods, a large number of dictations and memorization rules will not help, but can only aggravate problem. Classes should be daily, but not to tire the child, to be interesting.
Here are some games that will help you deal with dysgraphia.
Games and exercises to overcome dysgraphies
Each letter is denoted by some number. We write the word in numbers, and the child should decipher and write the word.
"Word ball"
One player says the word and the other must continue with the last letter of the word sounded word: bus - word - window, etc. e. We name the words not only on the last, but also on penultimate letter, second, third from the end etc.
" Store"
We select pictures of certain objects or animals, for example, APPLE, and then "sell" them, "advertising" for each letter:
i - bright;
b - large;
l - favorite;
oh - huge!;
k - round;
oh so delicious!
Word chains
During the game, word chains are formed in such a way that so that the first syllable of the next word repeats the last syllable of the previous one, for example: watermelon - elderberry - spring people - nickel, etc.
“The letters are mixed up”
Swap letters in words. We offer child to restore the correct order of letters.
“Find the letter”
Every day for 5 minutes (no more) the child any text (except newspaper) crosses out given letters. Start with one vowel then move on to consonants. Options can be variety. For example: cross out the letter a, a circle the letter o. You can give paired consonants, and also those in whose pronunciation or in their difference, the child has problems.
Old Russian writing"
Dictating the words that the child writes down consonants only, denoting vowels with a dash. With such a record, the sentence "Brave Misha running from the mouse." will look like this way:
_tv_zhn_y M_sh_ b_zh_t _t m_sh_.
We immediately propose to write down the same proposal only in vowels, putting a dash in place consonants:
o_ _a_ _s _i_a _e_i_ o_ _ s_i.
Exercise "Spelling".
An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken aloud by the writer in the moment of writing and the way it is written, with underlining, highlighting weak points, naming spellings. important clearly also pronounce the end of the word, because for dysgraphics to finish the word to the end is difficult.
"Missing letters".
This exercise suggests use hint text missing letters in their places. An exercise develops attention and confidence in writing skills.
For example: Br.t S.rgey walked with o..ota and n.t. hedgehog .. k .. Brother Sergey was walking from the hunt and came across hedgehog.
Labyrinths are great for developing gross motor skills. (hand and forearm movements), attention, unbroken line. See to it that the child changed the position of the hand, not the sheet of paper.
In each line find 2 letters written equally.
Read and write the syllables:
Color the picture:
Read the riddle following the instructions route. Write it down.
Dot it.
Dictation must also be written! Only in a special way.
For writing a dictation at the initial stage elimination of dysgraphia should not be spent less than an hour. Why so long? This is evident from following items.
Write short dictations every day pencil. A small text will not tire the child, and it will make fewer mistakes (which is very inspiring…) Write texts with check. Do not correct errors in the text. Simply mark in the margins in green, black or purple pen (by no means red!) Then give a notebook to correct the child. The child has the opportunity not to cross out, but erase your mistakes, write correctly. Target reached: errors are found by the child himself, corrected, and the notebook is in excellent condition.
basic rules:
- Throughout the child's lessons favorable treatment is needed. After numerous twos and threes, unpleasant conversations at home, he must feel at least small but successful.
- Do not force your child to rewrite many times homework, it will not only harm health of the child, but also settle in it uncertainty, as well as increase the number errors.
- Remember not to give exercises in which the text is written with errors (subject to correction).
- “More reading and writing” approach fails will bring .
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