Help with kindergarten sight words
The Best Tips to Teach Sight Words to Kindergarteners
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It’s important for beginning readers to develop a bank of sight words to support their early reading. If you’re wondering how to teach sight words to kindergarteners and preschoolers, it’s a task that can be done, but it will definitely take time. Read on for some great tips to get them started early.
What are Kindergarten Sight Words?Sight words are also referred to as “high frequency words” because they are words that appear most frequently in texts.
Some examples of early sight words are “the,” “I,” “a,” and “am.” As children progress with their reading, they can begin to work towards recognizing longer sight words, such as “they,” “said,” “where,” and “have.”
The goal is for children to recognize sight words instantly, without needing to devote much effort to sound them out. This frees up their efforts for words that require more strategies to solve.
For example, a book written for a beginning reader may include the sentence starter, “I am” on each page, with endings such as “swimming” or “running” completing each sentence. Children with a well-developed bank of sight words can instantly and effortlessly recognize the words “I” and “am.”
This allows them to focus their word-solving strategies on the final word in the sentence. They may use strategies such as making the first sound and looking at the picture cue.
When to Teach Kindergarten Sight WordsNot every child is ready for sight words at the same time. Similar to talking and walking, learning sight words is a developmental stage that children begin at different ages. Usually, it should not be before about five years of age.
Before learning sight words, make sure the child has developed pre-reading behavior. Once your child begins showing an interest in letters and words, it indicates that a child is growing closer to reading.
Children are not required to recognize every letter before they begin learning sight words. A few letters and their sounds will let them get started with pre-primer sight words.
How to Teach Sight Words to KindergartenIt can take time for children to learn sight words depending on their age, motivation, and cognitive skills. However, teaching kindergarten sight words with the right strategies can help any child to improve quickly.
If you’re looking for how to teach sight words to kindergarteners or preschoolers, here are some great tips and strategies to do so.
My Favorite Tips to Teach Kindergarten Sight Words
1. Start with a Small List of WordsIt is easy to find lists of sight words to begin introducing to young children. However, it is important that educators do not overwhelm beginning readers with long lists of words to learn. Start with one or two words that you would like to focus on. Give children many opportunities to practice these words and solidify their learning, before introducing more words.
Children can be motivated to learn sight words that hold personal significance to them. For example, a child may enjoy learning how to read the word “mom” or “dad.”
Also, achieving quick success with sight words can motivate children to keep reading. Learning sight words like “I” and “a” may be easier than other words and give children an instant boost in their reading confidence.
3. Don’t Introduce Visually Similar Words TogetherKeep in mind that children who are learning to read may find visually similar words confusing. For example, it is not uncommon for beginning readers to mix up the words “the” and “here.”
To cut back on the confusion, do not introduce visually similar words at the same time. Also, make sure that children have a solid recall of the first word before introducing the second.
4. Practice Makes PerfectAs you introduce new sight words, it is very beneficial to continue revisiting previously learned words. Even if they seem to have mastered a word, once you introduce new words, they may forget what was previously learned.
Continue to go back and reteach or quiz your children on previously learned words to make sure that they still remember them.
Worksheets can provide children with a variety of ways to review their growing bank of sight words. Coloring, matching, writing, and reading activities all help to solidify their sight word recognition.
5. Use Books for Carry OverA key component of learning sight words is to recognize them in context. Some children may be able to identify a sight word within a list of words or on flashcards, but when it comes up in a book, they have trouble.
Children should be exposed to a variety of books at their current reading level that include sight words they have been practicing. Choosing “just right” books is important.
Asking children to read books that are far too difficult can create frustration. To learn new words, practice word-solving strategies, and sight word recognition, children need experience reading books at their instructional level – not too hard, and not too easy.
As you introduce sight words, pair them with books that are filled with the words you’re focusing on. There are many texts written specifically for beginning readers that use patterns and repetition to teach sight words.
The goal is to provide children with lots of exposure to new words and to do so in a context where they can achieve success.
Beginning readers should read the same book more than once, providing them with more opportunities for practice and developing confidence in their reading.
6. Pair Reading and Writing with Sight WordsAnother great strategy for how to teach sight words is to take advantage of the relationship between reading and writing. When children learn how to write a word, they can typically read it as well.
As you’re teaching sight words and incorporating the use of leveled texts, consider ways to involve writing as well. One way is to use a sentence stem from a book children have just read.
Using the earlier example of a patterned text that begins each page with “I am,” children could write their own “I am” sentence after reading the book. This provides them with practice writing two sight words.
Letting them choose their own ending for the sentence allows them to personalize their writing. Some children may wish to go a step further than writing one sentence and can create their own “I am” book.
Use Sensory Items For Writing Sight WordsPreschoolers and kindergarteners may enjoy exploring different modalities to write words. Have them experiment with chalk, whiteboard markers, or pastels.
They can also practice writing their words in salt trays, shaving cream, or sand. In addition to writing sight words, children can build the words using materials like magnetic letters, letter tiles, or stamps.
A great tool to help children remember how to write sight words is a word wall. This is a visual display of words they have been introduced to.
Word walls can be put up on a wall or bulletin board or can be a small, personal chart kept at a child’s table or desk. It’s important to make sure that words are displayed clearly, with the letters formed correctly. Beginning readers and writers can find fancy print confusing.
Word walls are also a great way to keep track of which sight words you have introduced. They also provide another way for children to review their words.
Related Post: Printable Sight Word Flashcards
Easy Activities for Learning Kindergarten Sight Words
Sight word activities are the perfect way to introduce and reinforce kindergarten sight words. The activities can be simple to put together and still have a big impact. Here are a few of my favorites!
This Roll & Read Activity is super simple! All you need is some dice and the FREE printable.
This would be the perfect activity for spring time – but really any time is a great time for egg activities! Simply write the sight words on the paper in the shape of an egg. Next hide the words inside the easter eggs, as your kids (or students) read the word, have them find the match on the paper.
This activity from Juggling with Kids looks so much fun! Make a little parking lot with sight words, call out a word and your little one can park the car in the correct spot. What a fun way to learn kindergarten sight words!
4. Magic Sight Words
Write sight words in white crayons on white paper. Give your students some crayons, watercolors, or markers, and let them color the sheet of paper. Watch as they are amazed at the magic word that appears! Have them read the word they just revealed.
Playdough makes everything fun! Have your kiddos form their sight words from playdough, and read the sight word they created.
Kindergarten Sight Word GamesAfter introducing a new word, we don’t want to abandon it before a child has had adequate opportunities to solidify its recall. Sight word games are a great way to teach sight words by reviewing and adding new words.
1. Memory
One example of a sight word game is Memory. Each word needs to be written on two flashcards. All the flashcards are turned over, face down.
Each player takes turns choosing two cards. If they match, the player keeps the cards and gets another turn. If they don’t match, the player flips the cards back over and the next player has a turn.
The game ends once all the cards have been matched. The winner is the player with the most matches.
Another simple sight word game is Zoom. A sight word is written on each flash card. The same word can be written on a couple flashcards if you like.
The word “zoom” is printed on several flashcards. Players take turns choosing a card from the deck. If they choose a sight word, they read the word then place the card in their own pile.
If they choose a “zoom” card, they get to steal everyone’s cards. Once all the cards have been chosen, the player with the biggest pile wins.
2. Sight Word Bingo
Sight Word Bingo is another way for children to review their sight words. Bingo cards made for dry-erase markers can be reused but paper and pencil also work.
Each player needs a bingo card that has a different sight word in each box. You also need a deck of flashcards with each word written on a card.
One person chooses a card and reads the sight word. The players look at their bingo card to see if they have the word, If so, they check it off.
Cards continue to be chosen until a player gets “bingo.” This may be one line of words, words that create an “X” on the card, words in the four corners of the card, or even every word on the card.
Related Post: Sight Word Bingo Printables
This game could not be any simpler! All you need is a cup, some craft sticks, and a marker! Simply write the words you are practicing on the craft sticks, and add a few sticks with the word YIKES! Each child pulls out a stick and reads the word on the card. The play continues as each child reads the words on their stick. When a YIKES stick is pulled, the child is out for this round!
This is a cute and easy game for teaching kindergarten sightwords! Simply write a few sightwords on the bowling pins, the kids can take turn rolling the ball and knocking down the pins. The child who rolls the ball must read the word on the pins that are knocked down. If they read them correctly they keep the pin! Whoever has the most pins will win the game!
5. Sight Word Hide and Seek
For this activity, print out some sight word flash cards, laminate and cut out for durability, then hide the cards around the house (or classroom) when the kids find the words they must read them to you. Great idea to get those bodies moving!\
Apps to Practice Kindergarten Sight Words
Althought I think hands on activities are the best choice for learning sight words, apps do have their place in the world as well. Here are a few of my top pics for apps that will help you practice Kindergarten sight words.
You can get Reading Ninja on Itunes for just .99 this game is perfect for learning three letter Kindergarten Sight Word – definitely one of my favorites for beginners.
This app is FREE in the app store, and is perfect for practicing sight words. Your little one can practice over 300 sight words using this app – with or without sound.
This is a perfect app for little ones to be engaged in! They simply need to choose the sight word that is called out. If they get the answer correct they are celebrated by super fun letters.
Introducing children to sight words is an essential part of teaching them to read. Watching their bank of known words develop is exciting to see! As they accumulate more words that they can instantly recognize, their confidence in both reading and writing will grow.
Now that you know how to teach sight words to kindergarteners and preschoolers, you can get your children and students learning and reading in no time! Be consistent with the above strategies and they’ll love learning to read and write.
Author Bio
Alesia is a founder of, an educational website that helps elementary school teachers and homeschool parents with hands-on worksheets, activities, and thoughtful articles.
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Best Sight Word Books and Activities
You probably don’t remember learning how to read words like the, is, and am. But these so-called “sight words” that you now read every day (without even noticing!) can actually be quite challenging for children to learn. However, they're crucial to reading success.
In simple terms, sight words are commonly-used words that children are encouraged to memorize by sight, so they instantly recognize them in a text without having to take the time to sound them out. That’s especially helpful for the many sight words that don’t follow normal phonetic rules, and can’t be sounded out.
“When children can read sight words quickly, they are more fluent readers and can better comprehend a text,” says Laura Mossa, an elementary school reading specialist at Baltimore County Public Schools. She adds that one classic study found that up to 75 percent of the words used in text geared toward young readers are sight words.
Here are five ways to make learning sight words easier for your child, and tools that will help you along the way.
Tip 1: Expose your child to sight words early on.
It's never too early to start reading regularly with your child (it will boost their language development and reading skills, and doing so multiple times per day can expose them to 1 million words by kindergarten!). This is the most natural way to familiarize them with a wide range of sight words.
Also point out sight words in your environment — say, by reading signs on the road or at the grocery store out loud. This will help provide a solid foundation for when your child takes on more formal sight word learning in preschool and kindergarten.
What Will Help: As your child enters preschool and kindergarten, this Sight Word Readers Parent Pack is a great way to supplement what they're learning in class. It features a mini activity book and write-and-learn pages to help your kids learn 50 high-frequency sight words!
Tip 2: Make read-alouds more interactive.
When you read with your child, you’ll notice that many repetitive phrases contain sight words like I, a, at, am, and, it, in, is, and the. Have fun emphasizing this repetition, and encourage your child to chime in on the refrains as you point to the words along the way.
“Since sight words make up a large percentage of all text, engaging in interactive read-alouds with your child is a great way to practice them,” says Mossa. Books that show text in speech bubbles are particularly useful for this, because the text is concise and large, making it easy to point out sight words in each bubble as you read.
What Will Help: For general sight word practice, you can use this Little Skill Seekers: Sight Words workbook with your child — it includes playful illustrations and practice problems that will help your child recognize sight words to strengthen reading fluency!
Tip 3: Engage all of their senses.
Mossa says she also uses multi-sensory activities with children, in which they fill in missing letters or rearrange letters to correctly spell a sight word, or "write" a word using their finger in the air or on a table.
“Children are more likely to retain a sight word in their long-term memory when practice includes these multi-sensory strategies,” says Mossa. She also suggests giving kids pipe cleaners or magnetic letters to build sight words.
For more practice with spelling sight words — especially those that aren’t phonetically regular — Mossa says she turns to literacy expert Jan Richardson’s sight word technique. “I introduce the sight word by writing it on a dry erase board or making it with magnetic letters,” she says. “Then I ask children to look at each letter as I slide an index card left to right across the word.”
Tip 4: Sort sight words into categories.
It can be helpful to show kids how to sort sight words into categories, such as “rule followers” and “rule breakers,” says Mossa. However, this should be used with more fluent readers who have already built early decoding skills and can sound out words.
“For example, the sight word ‘can’ follows regular phonics patterns,” Mossa says. “In contrast, ‘said’ is not decodable. Therefore, children must learn this word as a whole unit. When I introduce a sight word, I discuss whether it can be sounded out or if it is a word that is a rule breaker.” Play a sorting game at home in which your child guesses which sight words can or cannot be sounded out.
What Will Help: Discuss the various types of sight words in this Nonfiction Sight Word Readers Parent Pack Level A and the Scholastic Success With Grades K-2: Sight Words with your child. Both of these tools will help your young reader become more familiar with key sight words and strengthen their reading skills.
Tip 5: Read and play with sight words daily.
“Children will become better at reading sight words automatically when they have daily opportunities to interact with text at home,” says Mossa. Reading daily will naturally reinforce the learning of sight words, and you can also get creative with games, art projects, and other interactive activities.
in prose and poetry, in your own words
Teacher's Day
In kindergartens, kids learn important things: make friends and help each other, respect elders. They master the necessary life skills: independently dine, dress, go to the potty. In all this, the teacher helps the children. Expressing your gratitude to the teacher will help the words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher from the parents.
Words of gratitude in prose
Educator is not a profession, but a very important and noble mission. You help raise our children, instill in them important life qualities. Thanks to you, they know about honesty, decency, kindness and courage. You taught them to be friends and love, prepared them for school. Thank you for the invaluable work and warmth that you give to the kids. Good health, success and kindness.
Dear teacher! Thank you for taking care of our children, for love, attention and kindness to each kid. We wish that work is a joy, parents appreciate your work, and children run to the garden with pleasure. Prosperity, warmth and success in everything. nine0003
All these years you have been close to our children. They taught them about life, raised them, loved them. Thank you for your difficult and very important work. You sacrifice a lot to make life easier for us parents, and we really appreciate it. Thanks for all! Happiness, goodness and health!
Thank you for helping us raise our children. You teach them the most important things in life. With you, kids learn to make friends, dream, learn about the world. You reveal talents in children and help develop them. Thank you for your genuine love, care and attention to our children. nine0003
Dear teacher! Thank you for your kind heart, warm smile, constant care and boundless patience. Stay the same wonderful, soulful and sincere. Have fun like a child and feel happy every day.
Educator is an invaluable profession. You need to find an approach to each child, teach children the things necessary in life. It is difficult to remain calm when there are so many children around, but you, like a true professional, can easily cope. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the development of our children. May there always be love and kindness in your heart. Life blessings and good health! nine0003
You discover talents in children and develop them. You help to get rid of any fears, teach to love and be friends. Thanks to you, the children happily run to the kindergarten, because there they are met by such a kind and caring teacher. Thank you for the hard work, care and attention to each baby. Health, patience, prosperity and love!
How wonderful a teacher you are is clear from our kids. The children happily run to the kindergarten, look at you with boundless love. Of course, they are interested in what will happen next, they want to grow up, go to school, but you will forever remain a significant person for them. Thank you, success in a noble and very important cause. nine0003
Thank you, dear teachers, for the cozy and cheerful atmosphere in our kindergarten, for interesting activities, for sensitivity and love for each child. May luck pursue you every Monday, inspiration meet you on Tuesday, Wednesday be the day of love, success awaits on Thursday, fun is expected on Friday, and the weekend will be calm and carefree.
Words of gratitude in verses
Today, please accept our gratitude
for your love, warmth and care. nine0013 We wish you to always be happy
Your priceless, important work.
Thank you for teaching our children,
For the fact that the guys were very loved,
We wish you not to be touched by sadness
And all your days were happy.
You became the second mother to our children,
You taught them to love, to be friends.
There is no better teacher in the world
We are ready to thank you a hundred times.
For the fact that you gave warmth to children,
Prepared them for adult life, for school,
For your tenderness, affection, kindness,
For being with them in joy and in sorrow.
We wish you health and success,
Great happiness, peace and kindness,
Warm smiles, sincere laughter,
May your life be beautiful.
You became family to our children
After all, you were around for a long time,
They taught them to eat from a spoon,
Read and count, took them for walks.
We were friends with them, played games
You found your own approach to each of them! nine0013 You became the second mother for the kids,
Although there were a lot of troubles with them.
Thank you for everything, beloved educator,
We wish you success, love and affection,
To be the happiest,
And your life to be a fairy tale.
How to properly thank your teacher
Check out our gift ideas for your favorite teacher.
Sweet gift
Any person will be happy with sweets. You can give an original bouquet of sweets, a jar of unusual honey with gold, painted gingerbread cookies or a cake with a beautiful inscription. Complete the gift with good tea or coffee. nine0003
A handmade gift is always especially touching and meaningful. If the parents of the kindergarten group are fond of handmade, you can give such a present. For example, a knitted toy, a wooden craft or an epoxy resin pendant.
Gifts from babies
Any educator will be touched by a gift made by his wards. Toddlers can make simple souvenirs:
- salt dough figurines;
- application;
- walnut or eggshell mosaic; nine0113
- Handprint drawing.
In these, perhaps, ridiculous, but touching crafts, the most important thing is the soul and love of the baby. Namely, feelings show the significance and invaluable work of the educator.
Feedback from parents on the work of the kindergarten
Thank you!
On behalf of our family, we express our gratitude to kindergarten No. 235 in the person of the head Elena Valentinovna Sergeeva for their attentive and professional attitude towards children. We especially thank the educators of group No. 5: Martynova Galina Leonidovna, Kiryukhina Nina Anatolyevna, Askerova Irina Vladimirovna, Pospelova Tatyana Borisovna. nine0003
They are always friendly, very patient with children, have an approach to each child, they will always find the right and affectionate word, without raising their voices, they know how to calm down even the most naughty. In kindergarten, children are doing great: lessons in the development of speech, mathematics, drawing, music classes, physical education and more. And what wonderful performances are being prepared for us - children's matinees.
We go to kindergarten with pleasure!
Thank you very much! nine0003
The Kulikov family (group No. 5, 06/09/13)
Thank you!
Since we are going to school this year, I really want to say a lot of kind words and words of gratitude to our kindergarten.
I would especially like to note the educators of group No. 8: Olga Anatolyevna Grishina, Tatyana Vladimirovna Shishova, Galina Mikhailovna Savina and, of course, the nanny Natalya Yuryevna. Our teachers are professionals in their field. They spend a lot of interesting activities with children: they cut, and glue, and sculpt. They come up with many different competitions for children for the best crafts, good motivation, Sasha loves to participate in such events! nine0003
I am very glad that my child got to such kind, sensitive and sincere people.
I was at almost all matinees and saw how educators take a responsible approach to preparing events and with what attention and care they treat each child.
I can only be happy for my daughter.
In general, it is felt that a very friendly and well-coordinated team and experienced specialists work in the garden. This is also very important.
Many thanks to the manager - Sergeeva Elena Valentinovna, who was able to organize all this, I know that not everyone succeeds.
Afanasyev family (group No. 8, 06/09/13)
Thank you teachers!
My son attended group number 9 from 2010 to 2012. We came from home, we had not visited the nursery before. At first they went to the clock, within a month they got used to it and began to stay for the whole day. Very sincere people work here: Lebedeva Marina Guryevna, Nesterova Galina Anatolyevna, Zarubina Marina Anatolyevna, Filimonova Anna Vladimirovna. For me personally, these people have become very dear. This garden is a wonderful preparation for school. Our teachers are interested in the success of their graduates, and graduates visit their kindergarten. And what holidays they did! This is a delight! One can only guess how much work it cost them. Now we are in the 1st grade, I would like to say a huge thank you for their care, preparation for school. Low bow to you! nine0003
Belova Irina Borisovna.
Thank you!
On behalf of our family, we express our gratitude to the teachers of group No. 1 - Khvatova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Artamonova Rimma Pavlovna, Izyumova Svetlana Konstantinovna for their attentive and kind attitude towards our children. In the implementation of the educational process, in addition to high professionalism, they individually approach each child, taking into account all personal characteristics. They are always sympathetic to parental wishes and requests. Thank them very much! nine0003
Kulikovs, group No. 1, 04/27/2013
Thank you teachers!
I really want to express my gratitude to the teachers of group No. 9 for their attentive attitude towards our children, preparing children for school, beautiful holidays, interesting exhibitions of children's work, informative parent meetings. We still remember the "Funny Quiz", in which parents and children took part.
We came to a bright, clean, recently renovated group, where there are a lot of toys. Children enjoy attending kindergarten. nine0003
We thank the head of the kindergarten E.V. Sergeev for creating a developing environment in the group and a good selection of teachers.
Thanks a lot! We make you success!
Parents of group No. 9 (2012-2013 academic year)
Dear Svetlana Nikolaevna, Natalya Igorevna and Olga Fedorovna!
We express our deep gratitude to you. We would like to note your high professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care, attention, kindness and warmth, individual approach to each family. The educational process is organized in such a way that all the little things of everyday life in society, in the family and in the team are taken into account. Children are happy to go to the garden, because there they will be met by their favorite teachers, with whom it is easy, interesting for them and they can share children's secrets. A comfortable warm atmosphere reigns in the group due to understanding and equality. You teach our children to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to be honest, kind, caring. Our children are proud of their achievements, they are happy to show us their crafts, they repeat what they did in kindergarten with interest at home. Step by step, under your strict guidance, children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, and their personal abilities.
The group is clean and tidy, comfortable and cosy. The children are well fed and tidy. We fully trust you, because it is very important for a parent, when he leaves a child for almost the whole day, to know that his child is in good hands. We are calm for the life and safety of our guys, because next to them is a real team of professionals. We are very grateful to you. Thank you! We are very lucky to have you! nine0003
The Fedorov family (group No. 3).
Thanks to the staff of the kindergarten.
We, the parents of kindergarten No. 235, group No. 7, want to express our gratitude to the head of Sergeeva Elena Valentinovna. Under her leadership, improvements in the life of the kindergarten are noticeable. The groups have all the conditions for the development of children, according to the age category. For our children, the chefs cook in the renovated kitchen. The territory of the garden is always put in order. All wishes and comments of parents are taken into account. At parent meetings, questions on the work of the kindergarten are always discussed, reports on the work done are always carried out. Everyone knows that the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. in our opinion, Elena Valentinovna is such a leader. nine0003
Separately, we want to note the work of our educators Volkova Svetlana Borisovna, Kravets Galina Nikolaevna, speech therapist Chistova Olga Alexandrovna and assistant teacher Mikheeva Valentina Anatolyevna. We would like to note their high professionalism in difficult work with children. We, parents, always look with great interest at all the creative works of our children, which are exhibited in the locker room of the group. It is impossible not to note their work with parents, they will always explain, give advice, our requests and comments are never left without attention. At the children's laying, the teachers made a labyrinth and a slide of snow, which the children really like. At matinees, we watch a small performance with great pleasure and pride, where teachers with our children dance, dance and read poetry! It is always unforgettably interesting. We would like to note the work of our speech therapist. Both group and personal classes are held with children. Of course, we, parents, immediately noticed the positive result of these classes. Our children do their homework with great pleasure, which Olga Aleksandrovna spends with them during the week. Thanks to the teacher's assistant Valentina Anatolyevna, the group is always perfectly clean and tidy. Which is very important for every parent. Of course, the work of specialists (music director, educators in physical education, mathematics, drawing and modeling) makes the stay of children in kindergarten more interesting and varied. nine0003
Step by step, under the strict guidance of these educators, our children learn about the world around them, learn to be friends and respect each other, learn to work independently, learn personal opportunities taking the child to kindergarten, it is very important for any parent that the stay in the group is as comfortable as possible. And with our children a real team of professionals is nearby, so we leave our children with a calm heart, as we are sure that they will be fed on time, looked after, and, most importantly, trained and properly educated! nine0003
Parents of group No. 7: Kuryleva O.V., Skvortsova O.V., Danilova T.S., Antonova E.N. 03/22/2013
We would like to express our gratitude to the teachers of group No. 6, kindergarten No. 235 Tatyana Vladimirovna and Anzhela Mikhailovna. Wonderful teachers: caring, loyal and friendly to both children and parents, have an amazing ability to find a special approach to each child. They conduct developmental classes with the children, sculpt, draw, dance and sing, learn poems and songs (the children even sing at home). Our educators put so much soul into their work, and what matinees they spend with the kids!!! Parents leave the holidays with a lot of positive emotions. nine0003
I would also like to note the skillful and sensitive leadership of the head of the kindergarten, Elena Valentinovna, who creates order in the garden, a friendly and warm atmosphere, and always keeps in touch with parents. After all, without her competent guidance, there would probably not be such teachers working with our children.
Thank you so much for everything you do for our kids!
Our nursery is the BEST!!!
Parents of group No. 6 (30.03.13)
I would like to thank the administration and teaching staff of our kindergarten.
Excellent organization of classes, highly qualified and attentive teachers, excellent professional preparation for the holidays of both children and teaching staff, a cozy atmosphere, cleanliness, excellent food, a child who goes to kindergarten with real pleasure - these are the main indicators of the level of our kindergarten. nine0003
Elena Valentinovna and her staff make every effort to ensure that our garden is always an "excellent student". I am very glad that my child attends kindergarten No. 235, and I wish the team to keep this warm and cozy atmosphere of the kindergarten, which you want to go to in the morning.
E.M. Kalashnikov (group 4) (26.03.13)
Dear staff of kindergarten No. 235!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your upbringing, care, kindness and sensitivity to our children. This kindergarten is attended by my second child, and again we cannot get enough of the warm atmosphere that reigns in the garden. I would like to express my special gratitude to the medical staff. Thank you very much for the constant monitoring of the health of children. For many years, you have been involved in disease prevention. Oxygen cocktails, therapeutic exercises, outdoor exercises, of course, increase immunity. Thanks also to the head - Elena Valentinovna - for the fact that she pays great attention to the medical direction. nine0003
With respect, parents of group No. 3.
Dear Svetlana Vladimirovna, Rimma Pavlovna and Svetlana Konstantinovna!
Thank you very much for taking care of the smallest children in the kindergarten. You have done a great job teaching our children to count, play, dance, sing and much, much more. We believe that this requires great patience, pedagogical talent and boundless love for children. At the cost of your friendly, calm, confident behavior, professional experience, you managed to organize a matinee dedicated to graduation from the nursery, bright, cheerful and unforgettable! nine0003
Parents and children are grateful for everything you have done for us!
There should be more such teachers!
Many thanks to the musical director Ekaterina Nikolaevna.
Here and summer the cherished door opened,
Will scatter from groups of children.
To all educators, we will bow to the ground,
And nurses, and nannies, and cooks.
You set fire to the hearts of children with love,0003
For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries by a river,
Thank you very much for being you!
Parents of a group of young children.
Kindergarten No. 235 is the best kindergarten in the city!
Yesterday I bought stationery in the store, and the seller asked me if I was taking my child to an expensive kindergarten. I answered that in the most ordinary kindergarten. “Although,” I said, raising my head proudly, “our kindergarten is the best kindergarten in the city according to the results of the current year. And I want to tell you about the best group, in my opinion, the best kindergarten. nine0003
For two years we were happy to go to the 10th group. And when the time came to move to the mass, of course, there was a lot of unrest about this. Firstly, I was anxiously waiting for a meeting with new teachers, because. it seemed to me that it could not be better than our former educators. Secondly, Nastya's character had formed a difficult one by this time. She does not accept all adults unconditionally. There were also not unfounded fears that a certain kind of friction and misunderstanding might arise. Thirdly, they were afraid how she would join the already established children's team. Will she find friends there, because children are now difficult, and for a child at this age, communication in a children's team is no less important than with adults. And the most important fear was that there were 2 times more children in the mass group than in the previous one. It seemed to me then that no even the most wonderful teacher could cope with thirty screaming, laughing and crying children of this age at the same time. And that day has come! nine0003
We came to the 4th group. It was very disturbing. Nastya was hiding behind me, and she clearly did not intend to make contact. But, having reached the stairs to the second floor, it seemed to us that we were in a fairy-tale meadow flooded with sun, where butterflies were flying around. Such an effect was created by bright curtains and multi-colored iridescent butterflies skillfully attached to the walls. The mood immediately improved, even Nastya decided not to cry yet. After all, the educators who invented and made such beauty cannot be not kind and friendly. The junior teacher Elena Stanislavovna met us. Friendly, active, with kind eyes and a soft, "home" smile. She answered my questions very clearly and competently. Somehow she quickly found a common language with Nastya and went with her to the group. I was surprised: what professional junior educators work in kindergarten. From the very first day, I was completely sure that we were lucky again. In any case, I went to work that day without waiting for the “concert” from my daughter, which I was very glad about. Having taken Nastya home in the evening, I listened to a bunch of positive reviews about Elena Stanislavovna. And even Nastya promised not to cry tomorrow if there was again a “beloved nanny” in the group, as to this day, Nastya calls Elena Stanislavovna. nine0003
We began to wait for the release of our tutors. But there were no more worries about it. I have already seen the group prepared for the children by the teachers. This is a very cozy room, with such a variety of toys, which, I'm sure, is not even in many apartments. All toys are in good condition. And among them there are many developing ones. The new furniture, which is so skillfully arranged, that despite the small space, the group does not look cramped and cluttered. All around cleanliness and comfort. All this characterizes our educators as good housewives, creative personalities and, what is most important for me, not indifferent people. In addition, I heard a lot of good reviews about them from people whose opinion I tend to listen to. In short, we were looking forward to meeting them. nine0003
I write in such detail about my first impressions, because. I still feel the same enthusiastic feelings for them now. And I can say with confidence that our teachers: Tatyana Vladimirovna and Olga Anatolyevna are the best teachers not only in our kindergarten, but also in the city. In no case do I want to offend the beloved teachers of other children, but I am the author of this letter, and I can have my own opinion. I will give a few examples so as not to be unfounded. I often come for the child early. Now I have already got used to the silence in the group during classes or meals, but let's not forget that there are thirty children there. How can you maintain interest, teach something to so many children? I don’t understand how you can be with so many children in the same room all day. And yet I never heard them even raise their voices. I have not seen a single child who would be injured in the group or not calmed down if he fell. With just a look, calmness, professional wisdom, they resolved the emerging conflicts. Our educators gently, with their very appearance, have a sobering effect not only on naughty children, but also on us parents. I have never seen one of the parents speak rudely to any of them. It's just not possible. I, as a quick-tempered person by nature, often learn from them patience and sincere love (note, for other people's children).
Rarely does a caregiver become a de facto member of the family, whose opinion is sought after and valued. And Olga Anatolyevna and Tatyana Vladimirovna became truly second mothers for our children. nine0003
I am sure that for a long time, even when we leave for school, we will come to our beloved teachers for advice, and just share our joy. After all, we are already used to the fact that next to us there are such responsive and attentive, balanced and not indifferent, creative and highly qualified teachers.
I could write a lot about those exhibitions and show jumping in which our educators and their pupils took part, became prize-winners and winners. The number of creative works, surprises, drawings and crafts that Nastya brought home simply cannot be counted. How many merry holidays and entertainments passed in the group, not a single child's birthday was left without attention. I especially remember the musical performance in which Nastya played Baba Yaga. The child wants to go to kindergarten and sincerely loves his teachers. And this is the most important thing, because I can safely trust them with my daughter while I'm at work. nine0003
And I would also like to note that our educators are just beautiful young women who are raising wonderful children who have succeeded as mothers and as housewives. Thus, they set a positive example for the younger generation, especially girls. An example of the fact that in our time you can successfully make a career and be happy in your personal life.
Summing up the above, I would like to say “many thanks” to the head of the kindergarten, Elena Valentinovna, for keeping a wonderful team, despite the fact that the state almost does not help her in this. I wish patience, joy and health to the wonderful teachers - Olga Anatolyevna and Tatyana Vladimirovna. After all, including the best educators make our garden the best in the city. Thank you very much for our children! nine0003
Kortusheva Svetlana Lvovna (Group 4),
mother of a pupil of the group preparatory to school
Dear employees of the kindergarten!
We express our deep gratitude to the teacher Perepletchikova Svetlana Gennadievna and the music worker Burmistrova Valentina Fedorovna for exciting, interesting, informative classes, for their attentive attitude towards us and our children.