How do you spell fun
Fun Definition & Meaning |
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[ fuhn ]
/ fʌn /
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See synonyms for: fun / funned / funning on
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something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.
enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun.
verb (used with or without object), funned, fun·ning,
Informal. joke; kid.
adjective, fun·ner, fun·nest.
Informal. of or relating to fun, especially to social fun: a fun thing to do; really a fun person; the funnest game.
Informal. whimsical; flamboyant: The fashions this year are definitely on the fun side.
1, 2 merriment, pleasure, play, gaiety.
See synonyms for fun on
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Idioms about fun
for / in fun, as a joke; not seriously; playfully: His insults were only in fun.
like fun, Informal. certainly not; of doubtful truth: He told us that he finished the exam in an hour. Like fun he did!
make fun of, to make the object of ridicule; deride: The youngsters made fun of their teacher.
Origin of fun
1675–85; dialectal variant of obsolete fon to befool. See fond1
Words nearby fun
fuming nitric acid, fuming sulphuric acid, fumitory, fumitory family, fumy, fun, Funabashi, Funafuti, funambulist, fun and games, Funchal
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to fun
amusing, enjoyable, entertaining, lively, pleasant, celebration, distraction, enjoyment, joke, joy, laughter, pastime, pleasure, sport, absurdity, ball, blast, buffoonery, cheer, clowning
How to use fun in a sentence
The addition of DeAndre Hopkins is making the Arizona Cardinals very fun to watch, and a healthy Cam Newton is showing why the power run is so hard to defend against in New England.
Reading The Right Amount Into The NFL’s Week 1|Sarah Shachat|September 15, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Meanwhile, bounce rate, session duration, and session depth rely on whether there is anything fun to do on your page.
8 major Google ranking factors — SEO guide|Sponsored Content: SEO PowerSuite|September 15, 2020|Search Engine Land
So when Mitsu got the AAC job, I thought it would be fun to interview him, but not so formally.
A Very Informal Interview with Mitsu Iwasaki|Brendan Leonard|September 14, 2020|Outside Online
Brands have found hashtag challenges are a useful hook for creating fun, shareable and viral content on TikTok.
Deep Dive: How the Summer of 2020 forced brand marketing to change for the better|jim cooper|September 14, 2020|Digiday
This person lists all the benefits of these environmentally positive behaviors, offers to make the actions easier for you, and gives you a fun goodie bag.
How a vacation—or a pandemic—can help you adopt better habits now|matthewheimer|September 12, 2020|Fortune
It may be fun and it may get them paid, until oversaturation ruins our sense for irony and destroys the market for it.
Trolls and Martyrdom: Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie|Arthur Chu|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
As far as I can tell, this magazine spent as much time making fun of French politicians as it did of Muslims or Islam.
Harry Shearer on The Dangerous Business of Satire|Lloyd Grove|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
And yes, our values include tolerance of those who wish to make fun of religion.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Our Duty Is to Keep Charlie Hebdo Alive|Ayaan Hirsi Ali|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Like I would do something making fun of somebody who was already down.
Patton Oswalt on Fighting Conservatives With Satire|William O’Connor|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But quite unlike the schmuck, and this is the fun part, they never run up the white flag; indeed quite the opposite.
Steve Scalise and the Right’s Ridiculous Racial Blame Game|Michael Tomasky|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
There'll be heaps uh fun in the Cypress Hills country when they get t' runnin' the whisky-jacks out.
Raw Gold|Bertrand W. Sinclair
Gottschal knew perfectly well what was wanting, but he wished to have a little fun out of the matter.
Music-Study in Germany|Amy Fay
We had our fun, and cleared besides a profit of nearly four pounds sterling.
Fifty Years of Railway Life in England, Scotland and Ireland|Joseph Tatlow
At lunch he was the greatest possible fun, bubbling over with jokes and witty sallies.
Gallipoli Diary, Volume I|Ian Hamilton
Alila has still another way of fishing which is not as hard work as diving, though, after all, it is not much fun.
Alila, Our Little Philippine Cousin|Mary Hazelton Wade
British Dictionary definitions for fun
/ (fʌn) /
a source of enjoyment, amusement, diversion, etc
pleasure, gaiety, or merriment
jest or sport (esp in the phrases in or for fun)
fun and games facetious, ironic amusement; frivolous activity
like fun informal
- (adverb) quickly; vigorously
- (interjection) not at all! certainly not!
make fun of or poke fun at to ridicule or deride
(modifier) full of amusement, diversion, gaiety, etca fun sport
verb funs, funning or funned
(intr) informal to act in a joking or sporting manner
Word Origin for fun
C17: perhaps from obsolete fon to make a fool of; see fond 1
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with fun
In addition to the idiom beginning with fun
- fun and games
- funny bone
- funny business
- funny money
also see:
- for fun
- like fun
- make fun of
- more fun than a barrel of monkeys
Also see underfunny.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Correct spelling for fun [Infographic]
I would fun
you would fun
he/she/it would fun
we would fun
they would fun
I would be funing
you would be funing
he/she/it would be funing
we would be funing
they would be funing
I would have fun
you would have fun
he/she/it would have fun
we would have fun
they would have fun
I would have been funing
you would have been funing
he/she/it would have been funing
we would have been funing
they would have been funing
I will fun
you will fun
he/she/it will fun
we will fun
they will fun
I will be funing
you will be funing
he/she/it will be funing
we will be funing
they will be funing
I will have funed
you will have funed
he/she/it will have funed
we will have funed
they will have funed
I will have been funing
you will have been funing
he/she/it will have been funing
we will have been funing
they will have been funing
you fun
we let´s fun
to fun
I funed
you funed
he/she/it funed
we funed
they funed
I was funing
you were funing
he/she/it was funing
we were funing
they were funing
I had funed
you had funed
he/she/it had funed
we had funed
they had funed
I had been funing
you had been funing
he/she/it had been funing
we had been funing
they had been funing
I fun
you fun
he/she/it funs
we fun
they fun
I am funing
you are funing
he/she/it is funing
we are funing
they are funing
I have funed
you have funed
he/she/it has funed
we have funed
they have funed
I have been funing
you have been funing
he/she/it has been funing
we have been funing
they have been funing
Funny memos in the Russian language
We present to your attention funny memos in the Russian language with 15 rules of spelling, orthoepy and grammar.
Literate speech, both oral and written, immediately betrays an educated and well-read person. Everyone dreams of speaking and writing without mistakes! Of course, only the owner of rare encyclopedic knowledge can achieve a 100% result. However, making your speech cleaner, not cutting your ear is an easy task: and you should start by avoiding at least the most common mistakes in it.
In this article, prepared specifically for the Day of the Russian Language, we tried to put together a few "popular" difficult cases, which are often stumbled not only by children, but also by quite serious adults - in television programs, films, and the media. And in order to remember the rules even a kid could do, we decided to put them in a poetic form.
1. Particle NOT with verbs is written separately. NOT - the verb is not a friend, (E. Intyakova) | |
2. HE and NI particles Oh, how similar NOT and NOR! | |
3. -TSYA/-TSYA in verbs In a winter evening, starry, quiet (E. Intyakova) | |
4. The stress in the personal forms of the verb “call” falls on the sound I. My Dunno Neighbor Moans, (I. | |
5. Put on (what?) clothes; dress (whom?) Nadezhda Nadia girl WEAR I began to dress the doll, (E. Intyakova) | |
6. Come - I will come - I can't come to you (E. Intyakova) | |
7. The verb "to go" in the imperative mood Green light, | |
8. No food, no lie, (E. Intyakova) | |
9. Will I win or will I run? The verb "to win" in the future tense has only a complex form (to win, to become a winner). “How will I go to the competition, how will I run all of them! (E. Intyakova) | |
To read this to me The same as Masha, I'll write in my notebook, Also I will go to the market, (E. Intyakova) | |
11. Half words (half a room, half a world, half a watermelon, half a lemon, half a Moscow) Now it has become clear to us, Before "L" and before a vowel, (I. Aseeva) | |
12. Plural genitive of nouns "socks", "stockings", "boots", "shoes" "Stockings" and "socks" follow a simple rule: the shorter, the longer. Short socks - long word: socks (6 letters) And about “shoes” and “boots”, we invite you to remember a funny quatrain: One pair of fashion shoes (E. Intyakova) At the same time, you can learn the spelling of the single letter H in the word “leather” (the same is true for other adjectives with the AN/YAN suffix). Exceptions are easy to remember by looking at the usual window : wood, glass, tin. | |
13. O or Yo? In the stressed suffixes of nouns -ONK-, -ONOK- (girl, skirt, galchonok, teddy bear) the letter O is written. A bear cub was walking through the forest, (E. Intyakova) | |
14. Cakes - Shorts: the stress in all forms of both words falls on the first syllable. They ate cakes for a long time - | |
15. Spelling of unpronounceable consonants Both terrible and dangerous |
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Happy Russian Language Day!
Dear readers, perhaps you know other good memos? Did you compose them yourself or remember them from childhood? We will be very grateful if you share your knowledge with us and supplement this article with new interesting material. Letters can be sent to our editorial office. 9b-bfa8-33ec9e1cb460","isPaidAndBannersEnabled":false}
It so happened that I have been living in Spain for several years. I am a slow learner of Spanish as I work in other languages and I would like to share some funny words that are regularly used in Spanish and are fun to laugh at quietly.
This article is in no way intended to offend, offend or show the superiority or wretchedness of anything. It's just that some things seemed ordered to the author, which he writes about.
I'll start with the funniest story. Once I came to the market, I say, give me 2 kilograms of chicken. And then the sellers and buyers nearby almost fall with laughter. In Spanish, chicken is pollo (poyo), and the male sexual organ is polla (poya). Well, you understand what I asked me to weigh ... At the same time, interestingly, the chicken is a masculine word, and the organ is feminine.
Several times I met girls whose name was Concha (I don't know how to spell it exactly, but it's pronounced with the accent on the first syllable). Always told them they had a great name.
A couple of years ago I saw a car from the balcony with Fallas written all over the windshield. That day, it hung me well. Some dude decided to show off in front of the girls, I thought. Only after a while I found out that this is the name of the holiday of Fire (analogous to Shrovetide) and reads like Fayas.
Gallina Blanca - translated as white chicken. I always remember this when I meet Galina. Nothing offensive, it just happened. But no more luck for Sergey in Spain. The verb ser means to be. If you write separately - it turns out Sergey.
Cat in Spanish - Gato. I remembered the first time: from our Russian word "gad" plus "o" at the end.
One day I saw an advertisement for Perdido Gato on the street. I already knew about gato, but I quickly translated perdido into Russian according to the consonant word. I decided that the owners want to get rid of a cat with specific features. Of course, I joked about it, it turned out to be perdido gato - the cat was lost.