Ing words for kindergarten
How to Teach Present Progressive “-ing” – Speech And Language Kids
Skip to contentThe present progressive “-ing” grammatical marker is the one we tack on the end of a verb to say that the action is currently happening. For example, we might say “he is running” or “she is flying”. When a child does not use the “-ing” ending on present progressive verbs, it can be hard for the listener to determine the exact meaning of the sentence and can make the child’s speech sound telegraphic or choppy.
First we need to teach your child to include the “-ing” on simple verbs. You will need a set of pictures of children or adults performing different actions. You can make your own by finding pictures online and printing them out or you can download mine for free:
Show your child one picture and say “what is she doing?” Your child should already know the name of the action that the person is doing. If not, go back and teach those first. Your child will probably say the action word without using the “-ing” on the end. For example, if you say “what is she doing?”, your child may say “sit”. Repeat the word back to your child but add the “- ing” to the end. You can say “Sitting. She is sitting.” Then, have your child repeat “sitting” back to you. Do the same thing for each picture. Model the correct “-ing” form of the verb for each one. As you continue to do this, your child should begin to include the “-ing” on some of them by herself. Once she can label the cards using an “-ing” ending, start asking her the same question about other pictures or real people. If you see someone at the park, ask your child “what is she doing?” and help her respond with the correct “-ing” on the end. The more places you can do this with your child, the quicker she will learn to use it and generalize it to other settings.
Now that your child knows how to use the “-ing”, let’s bump it up to saying it in sentences. Get out the action pictures you used from step one again but this time prompt your child with “tell me about this picture”. The response we are looking for now is a full sentence about what the person in the picture is doing. The first several times you do this, you will need to tell him the answer and let him repeat it back to you. He will be used to saying just the single word and it will take some practice to get the whole sentence out. If you know the name of the character or person in the picture, you can say her name when you describe what she’s doing, such as “Dora is jumping”. If not, you can say “he” or “she”.
If your child is having trouble with “he” and “she”, now would be a great time to work on those as well. Just make sure you don’t lose sight of whether your child is using the “- ing” on the verb. After having your child repeat the answer back to you several times, try asking him one and see if he will give you the whole sentence on his own. If he just tells you the name of the action again, you can prompt him by saying “use all of your words” and then get him started by saying “he…” and let him finish.
Eventually, he should be able to create these sentences all on his own.
Your child is moving right along! Time to start working on using that “-ing” in conversational speech. Start listening to your child’s conversational speech and see if she’s using that great “-ing” yet. If she is already using it just from practicing those sentences, then you’re good to go! Chances are though, she’ll need a little more help to get there. Start correcting those “-ing” verbs when you hear her use them incorrectly in conversational speech. Start by just correcting about 10% of the errors you hear. This will ease her into being corrected without overwhelming her. Then, slowly increase the percentage of time that you correct her. As you increase the frequency of your corrections, she should also begin doing more on her own. By the time you’re correcting 80-90% of the errors you hear, she shouldn’t be making many errors anymore so you’re still only correcting her every once in a while. Keep doing this until your child is able to use the present progressive “-ing” in conversational speech about 80% of the time.
After that, you can just monitor to make sure she doesn’t start forgetting again. If she does, get out some of these activities to practice as a refresher. Modification: If your child is having trouble with this, go back and practice using the “-ing” in pictures again every once in a while but still keep correcting her in conversational speech. This may give her the extra boost she needs to remember to do it more often. Use a variety of books and other media to give her plenty of different type of practice on this skill.
Free Therapy Materials for Teaching Grammar:
Check out the freebies that we have inside our Free Therapy Material Library!
Verb Flashcards
Sock Puppet Cut Outs, Instructions, and Grammar Activities
He/She File Folder Game
Paid Therapy Materials for Language Skills:Ready to dive deeper? If you need more in-depth support in helping a child with language problems, check out our paid resource below:
The Speech and Language Therapy Guide eBook
$59. 99
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Page load link Go to TopMemorable Writing Lessons
What a grand time I have sharing multisensory and joyful writing-to-read lessons in local classrooms! An invitation a couple of years ago to write a song that teaches “i-n-g” was all I needed to create this sing, sign, and fingerspell song There’s an “ing” in King: i-n-g. I have now expanded the lesson, and here is how I present it to the children.
Watch me present this strategy
taken from Nellie Edge Online Seminar (NEOS) #3
Kindergarten friends, let’s learn how to sing and fingerspell our King of “ing” song so we always remember how to write “ing” as a sound on the end of words such as: “going” and “playing. ” Help me think of other words that end in “ing.” I am ____ing.
Glimpses of the King of “ing” lesson: What do happy engaged learners look like?
Lesson Plan Suggestions:
- Allow 30-35 minutes (preferably at the end of the day)
- Volunteers prepare crowns with attached bands or separate bands and crowns ahead of time
- Provide “ing” models at each table for any student needing visual support
- Provide plenty of quality marking pens at each work table
- Have transparent tape or staples available to attach crowns (you will need two adults helping fit crowns as kinders often finish about the same time)
- Provide “ing” handwriting models for large group handwriting lesson (see free printable downloads)
- Select the right Elephant and Piggie books for “ing” hunting (see recommended list). Attach a sticky note on one “ing” page, and give students more notes to attach under each “ing” word. How many can they find?
Suggested Sequence for King of “ing” Lesson
Take advantage of how the brain learns best: the brain creates multiple memory hooks through music, sign language, and emotionally engaging teaching.
- First rehearse fingerspelling “i-n-g” repeatedly (This will be especially fun for the ABC Fingerspelling Experts in your kindergarten!)
- Present a short focused “ing” handwriting lesson on a white board to reinforce the new learning while listening to the song. (Handwriting lessons simultaneously build reading and writing skills!)
- Sing, sign, and fingerspell There’s an “ing” in King song repeatedly. Sing fast with the music as a model. Then sing slowly to teach the song. Return again to the memorable music.
- Invite children to use their detailed drawing skills to decorate crowns and write “ing” or King of “ing” on their crown. They can listen to the music and sing the There’s an “ing” in King song while they work. Have fun. Take pictures! Every crown will be unique.
- When children finish their crown they can hunt for “ing” words in Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems. (see list of best “ing” books)
- Children can also find “ing” words on the walls: Notice the Reading Is Fun poster.
The transfer to writing is powerful once children have this song in their long-term memory!
- One class decided:
Let’s find 100 “ing” words: The 100th day of school is coming! (They actually found 106 “ing” words.)
Both less experienced writers and more proficient writers are proud to display their new skills during writing workshop.
This Is Always a Good Time for Another Short Focused Handwriting Lesson!
We simultaneously teach good handwriting motions with our high-frequency sight word lessons. (Learn more from Nellie Edge Online Seminars #2.)
Return to the Song Over and Over – All Week Long and Beyond
Literacy Connections
- Intentional teaching is often close coaching: Keep asking individual children, And how do you fingerspell ‘ing?’ (They will automatically say the letter names while fingerspelling.)
- And when someone says, I’m not the king, I’m the queen.
You can respond, Oh yes! You’re the queen of the ‘King of ing’!
- Enter into the playfulness and drama of royalty: when you tape the finished crown on each child’s head, graciously curtsey or bow down and say, I crown you King Joshua: the King of ing!
- You can always draw a person wearing a King of “ing” crown.
Our goal is to transfer new skills to the reading and writing process.
Now find “ing” Words in Elephant and Piggie books.
Some Elephant and Piggie books feature many “ing” words: Time permitting, students can share their book and “ing” word with the class.
One child decided: Mo Willems probably learned about the King of “ing” when he was in kindergarten.
- During Writing Workshop the children can yellow highlight or underline any “ing” word that they use. They are quite proud of their new writing skill and will quickly let everyone know “I remembered the King of “ing!”
- Challenge the children to fingerspell “ing” and think of “ing” words as a ticket to go out to recess: Give me a word that ends with “ing!”
- Present an interactive writing lesson and make an anchor chart.
- Present a word family lesson with white erase boards: Write King, erase the “K,” and make the word sing. What letter do we need?
Each year the King of “ing” Lessons Inspires New Literacy Connections: Long Lists of Words, Class Books, and Powerful Memory Hooks. Forever!
This class book featured photos of the children “doing” kindergarten activities.
Build Vocabulary and Intentionally Create a Growth Mindset with Carefully Chosen Words- Why are you learning the King of “ing”?
- Wow! How did you teach your brain to remember “ing”?
- I crown you King of “ing”…I curtsey in honor of your royal majesty.
- You focused and carefully wrote “ing” with good handwriting—it’s so easy to read your work.
- Look at your crown! You really fancied it up: that is what kindergarten artists do!
- Every crown is uniquely different.
Tell me about how you designed your crown. What shapes did you use?
- I bet you can go home and think of more “ing” words to add to our list.
- Now you’ll always know how to write “ing”!
We Make Learning Visible by Giving Children Crystal Clear Learning Targets
Children deserve to know what the learning target is and how it will help them as a writer. This new learning immediately transfers to writing workshop for young writers, and writing teaches reading! (See introduction to lesson at the beginning of this blog.)
- Give students their own copies of the “I Can Read” Anthology Page: There’s an “ing” in King.
- Peruse Sight Word page for more video clips of memorable sight word practices.
This playful strategy is documented in Nellie Edge Online Seminar (NEOS) #3: Best Ways to Teach Sight Words.
The entire Sing, Sign, Spell, and Read! program is included as a FREE download, and incorporates fingerspelling strategies from NEOS #1 and handwriting from NEOS #2.
This year’s King of “ing” crowns were as detailed and well-loved as last year’s. Once again, the children simply did not want to take them off. The literacy skills that wrap their arm around this time of pure serendipity were memorable and filled with SMILES…
What Did We Learn?
- Nothing lights up the brain like playing, singing, and signing. We need to infuse our literacy lessons with music, multisensory teaching, and playfulness.
- Multisensory teaching through music and sign language creates powerful memory hooks.
- Handwriting is best practiced in a meaningful context with real words and literacy events (not as isolated drill).
- Phonics lessons with word families can be playful. (Some sounds are hard to hear and you need to remember them “by heart.”).
- Kindergartners always love making crowns!
- Writing teaches reading.
- Intentional teaching is often close individual coaching: And how do you spell and fingerspell “ing?”
- Best practices in kindergarten writing address multiple skills and differentiate learning through lessons rich in the arts!
ELA Kindergarten Common Core State Standards
Print Concepts
RF. K.1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
- Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
Phonological Awareness
RF.K.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
- Recognize and produce rhyming words.
Phonics and Word Recognition
RF.K.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Conventions of Standard English
L.K.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
- Print many upper- and lowercase letters.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
L.K.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
SL.K.5. Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
SL.K.6. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
FREE Resources compliments of Nellie Edge Writing Seminars:
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YouTube video: King of “ing” from Nellie Edge Online Seminar #3
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Short poems about kindergarten
Website "Mom can do anything!" collected short poems about kindergarten. With their help, the baby will get acquainted with the new house in which he will spend most of the day. They will help the child get used to the new environment. These verses can be used both at a matinee and at graduation in kindergarten. Poems about the first friends, porridge and sleep for an hour, as well as educators, toys and everything related to kindergarten.
Me and my girlfriend Toma
We go to kindergarten together.
This is not what you are at home!
This is a school for kids!
Here we do exercises,
We eat properly with a spoon,
We are accustomed to order!
Kindergarten needed!
We teach poems and songs
There are preschool children in our group!
There is no more wonderful place for us!
What is your favorite kindergarten!
The rays of the sun are knocking
In the windows in the morning,
So we need to wake up,
It's time for us to get up from the bed.
Smiling, mother enters,
She's both beautiful and slender,
Let's hurry to the bathroom with her
Drive away the remnants of sleep.
We wash our eyes, brush our teeth,
Let them sparkle and shine,
This is not a joke at all -
If your teeth hurt.
Mom will iron clothes,
She will fasten a bow in her hair,
And we will go along the path
To our favorite kindergarten.
One, two, three, four, five
I'm going to kindergarten again,
My girlfriends are waiting for me
And my favorite toys.
Delicious breakfast and lunch,
It's a pity that there are no sweets,
Peace for a couple of hours,
And then go home again!
Children live in the kindergarten,
They play and sing here,
They find friends here,
They go for a walk with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
You love him, children,
The kindest house in the world!
Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are in a hurry to get there.
Look I'm going to the garden -
What grows in such a garden?
Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!..
– Don't be ridiculous, uncle! –
The kids tell me.
And ten of them shout:
“We are growing in the garden!”
We are in a hurry. At the appointed hour
Good home meets us.
Favorite toys are here,
Friends are here and girlfriends are here.
I'm going, I'm going,
I'm leading my younger brother,
I'm undressing on the go -
We have a lot of things to do in the garden!
The sun has gone behind the houses,
We are leaving the kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in unison,
How we played leapfrog,
What we drank,
What we ate,
What we read in kindergarten.
I tell you honestly
And everything in detail.
I know, my mother is interested
To know about
How we live.
I need to go to kindergarten,
To be the best at school.
Here they will teach you how to draw,
Write the first letters,
Make a craft -
A bear or a squirrel.
Live according to the schedule.
I will become smarter than you all
And I will go to the first class!
We come to kindergarten,
There are toys there.
Steam locomotive,
The guys are waiting.
There are pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want to -
I will ride
On a toy horse!
In this house everything is for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance,
Quiet hour, -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when we grow up
Let's go to school together.
Nothing will give children more strength,
Like fruit juice or orange,
A ruddy apple and a pear
It is very useful to eat after sleep.
An afternoon snack is coming, like a birthday,
It's a pity there is no cake and no jam,
But there is fruit and your favorite juice,
Hurry up, the afternoon snack is waiting for us, my friend!
Every little child,
Just jumping out of the cradle
Rush to kindergarten,
Best of his, dressed, outfit.
Kindergarten institution
We always go with a smile
There is a treasure trove of toys
Dolls, bears, pyramids…
A group of our friends there,
They are fun to play with!
On the big planet of the whole
It is better not to find a Garden!
Before dad, before mom
I learned to get up.
I am the most obedient in the morning,
It's time to go to kindergarten!
I'm growing up, I'm trying so hard
Hurry up, like a dad.
I myself am going to the kindergarten,
To keep up with the adults.
I have my own worries
Start in the morning.
Kindergarten - my job
Study and play.
Pines lined up in a row,
Maple trees under the window,
The sun enters the kindergarten
Along a bright path.
He will inspect everything in a good hour
Vigilantly in a businesslike way:
Dip into a clean basin,
Lie down on a tablecloth.
The windows are clean and shiny,
The plank floor is washed,
Wake up, kindergarten!
Good afternoon guys!
The sun has disappeared behind the houses,
We are leaving the kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in unison,
How we played leapfrog,
What we drank,
What we ate,
What we read in kindergarten.
I tell you honestly
And everything in detail.
I know mom is interested
Know about
How we live.
Our group is friendly -
Clever, obedient,
Singing songs
And very drawing.
I will now paint our entire group
With all colors,
Let our cheerful portrait
Smile for a hundred years!
I wake up together with the sun,
I am glad to come in the morning.
Quickly, quickly going
I'm going to my favorite kindergarten!
Books and toys there,
Favorite friends there,
My faithful girlfriends,
I can't live without them!
The dearest teacher,
Helps us and teaches.
She is almost like a mother to me.
And our kindergarten is the best!
I'm waking up today
I'm going to my beloved garden
The teachers are waiting there,
The nannies are carrying breakfast.
Appetizing! Good!
We all drink milk together,
We eat cottage cheese and porridge
To our health.
We draw and read,
We sculpt, collect puzzles,
Noisy, fun in the garden
I'll be back tomorrow!
It’s a lot of fun in the garden
I’m happy to go there,
To play all day,
Run, sing and dance
I love our Kindergarten
He’s always happy for the kids
We are smiling meets,
Smiling, sees off.
Because he lives there,
Work hard year after year,
I'll tell you a secret,
The best staff in the world!
The breeze barely breathes…
Kindergarten is sleeping under the roof,
Its toys are sleeping -
Cubes, little animals. ..
Soon a new day will begin -
Morning will smile on all of us.
We'll go to "work"
And wake up this house!
We never get bored together,
We walk together and sing together,
We chew donuts with marmalade on the go.
We became friends in kindergarten.
Even when I become the oldest,
I will hang out with a friend
I will not stop,
I will share with my friend
Song and pie.
My dear mother
I'll kiss you goodbye.
Hello, hello, kindergarten!
I am very glad to see everyone!
He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains us.
If necessary - scold
And surround with care.
At a quiet hour she will put her to bed,
Like a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!
We have fun in the garden,
We spend time here class!
Here we play with friends,
We have fun and walk.
In the kindergarten we have
Quiet time.
At this hour we need
We said:
Chok! Chok! Chok!
Pull tab.
We close you in a chest.
We lock the chest
On the hook.
All the guys on the bed,
Everyone is silent!
Because we have
Quiet time.
Because we need
I love my kindergarten
It is full of children.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad I can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!
One, two, three, four, five
I'm going to kindergarten again,
My girlfriends are waiting for me
And my favorite toys.
Delicious breakfast and lunch,
It's a pity that there are no sweets,
Peace for a couple of hours,
And then go home again!
In our kindergarten, friends,
Simply wonderful!
We are like a friendly family
With our teacher:
We sing songs together.
We have fun, we celebrate,
In general, we live well
And we laugh joyfully!
To their tutors.
To cooks and nannies
We say "thank you"
Like our mothers!
Kindergarten, kindergarten!
The kids are in a hurry to get there.
Look, I'm going to the garden -
What grows in such a garden?
Maybe pears, grapes?
I'm always glad to see them!..
— Don't be ridiculous, uncle! —
The kids tell me.
And ten of them shout:
"We are growing in the garden!"
I go to kindergarten in the morning,
I lead Alyonka by the hand…
“This is a real brother!” –
One passerby said.
Well, if people say,
So, we are similar.
A girl Alyonka
I'm not my little sister at all.
This is
Good girl.
Her name is Masha!
And this is
her plate.
And in this plate...
No, not porridge,
No, not porridge,
And they didn't guess right!
Masha village,
Ate porridge -
How much they gave!
I will not be capricious,
I myself will get up early in the morning,
I will wash myself under the tap,
I will dress myself.
Mom will leave all worries,
— Where are you going so early?
asks, “After all, everyone around is still sleeping?”
- I want to go to kindergarten soon!
Poems about kindergarten are short and beautiful
Happy child 05/12/2018
Dear readers, today it is probably difficult to find an adult who would not attend kindergarten in childhood. And when our kids grow up, it will be good if we tell them about games and interesting activities in the garden, how many friends and girlfriends he will have.
And what better way to help with this, if not poems about kindergarten, which will come in handy later on matinees and even graduation. We offer you to use our selection of poems about all the most interesting things that happen in kindergartens.
A house where all the windows are open to childhood
Funny and funny poems about kindergarten will help kids to adapt from the first days of visiting the kindergarten. Easily and unobtrusively, they will talk about the house where small children play, sing, study and spend time together.
Your second home
Children live in the kindergarten,
They play and sing here,
They find friends here,
Go for a walk with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow imperceptibly.
Kindergarten - your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
You love him, children,
The kindest house in the world!
G. Shalaeva
I work as a child
I will wake up my mother.
I'll put on my own pants.
I'll wash myself. And I'll drink tea,
And I won't forget the book.
A job is already waiting for me.
I have to work hard!
Eat porridge, take a walk,
Sleep, have fun!
I'm at work all day
I sing, sculpt, dance.
Then I'll have a drink, we'll sing again
And I'll draw a letter.
And if you ask me,
I will answer very loudly:
“I am in kindergarten, I am in kindergarten
I work as a child!”
A. Vishnevskaya
Preschool children
My friend Toma and I
We go to kindergarten together.
This is not what you are at home!
This is a school for kids!
Here we do exercises,
We eat properly with a spoon,
We are accustomed to order!
Kindergarten needed!
We teach poems and songs
There are preschool children in our group!
There is no more wonderful place for us!
What is your favorite kindergarten!
I. Gurina
A house with windows to childhood
A house where all the windows are open to childhood,
I admire you, I can't get enough of you.
I love and love all the buildings in the world
A house where children gather in the morning.
Fairy tales settled here, sonorous laughter sounds,
And attention, affection is enough for everyone.
He became a home for children - preschool children,
We are inseparable from him - this is our kindergarten!
And inside he is smart, and bright, and bright,
Every day for children is like a magical gift.
Teachers do not just play with them -
Children learn the basics of life in kindergarten.
N. Agoshkova
We come to kindergarten,
There are toys there.
Steam locomotive,
The guys are waiting.
There are pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want to -
I will ride
On a toy horse!
In this house everything is for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance,
Quiet hour, -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when we grow up
Let's go to school together.
O. Vysotskaya
About myself and about the children
The sun has disappeared behind the houses,
Leaving the kindergarten.
I tell my mother
About myself and about the guys.
How we sang songs in unison,
How we played leapfrog,
What we drank,
What we ate,
What we read in kindergarten.
I tell you honestly
And everything in detail.
I know, my mother is interested
To know about
How we live.
G. Ladonshchikov
Short and beautiful poems about kindergarten
Miracle garden
What kind of miracle garden is this?
Grapes do not ripen here,
Raspberries do not grow,
Marina lives here,
And also Deniska, Masha and Boris.
If you got into a fight,
Make peace right away!
Because you can't quarrel
It's not allowed in the kindergarten.
Not snarky things grow here,
Not snarky things, not thorns,
But true friends!
Elena Grigorieva
Our portrait
Our group is friendly –
Clever, obedient,
Singing songs
And very drawing.
I will now paint our entire group
With all colors,
Let our cheerful portrait
Smile for a hundred years!
P. Sinyavsky
Kindergarten is waiting for us
The breeze hardly breathes. ..
Kindergarten sleeps under the roof,
Its toys sleep -
Cubes, little animals...
Soon a new day will begin -
Morning will smile on all of us.
We'll go to "work"
And wake up this house!
E. Grudanov
I love my kindergarten…
I love my kindergarten,
It is full of children.
One, two, three, four, five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we're together!
S. Pitirimov
I love our kindergarten,
He is always happy with the children.
Meets us with a smile,
Smiling, sees us off.
Because she lives there,
Hard at work year after year,
I'll tell you a secret,
The best staff in the world!
Kindergarten is toys,
Dolls, cars, funny little animals,
Delicious syrniki, semolina porridge,
The best girl in the world Masha… loves,
A whole sea of wonderful children -
All this is our dear kindergarten!
I'm in love!!!
She is four years old…
I am her age!
I read poetry for her
And I sing songs. ..
Her smile to the ears,
Eyelashes to the eyebrows...
And her costume of snowflakes
I still dream!
I'm ready to give her compote,
Candy from the afternoon snack!
For the sake of this and kindergarten
I rarely miss!
Being a teacher is not easy...
Beautiful and touching poems about a kindergarten teacher will remind children about their “second mother”, with whom it is always fun and interesting, and most importantly, when she is there, it’s not scary to be without parents for the whole day in kindergarten.
Mom goes to work.
And dad has a lot to do.
So it is necessary that someone
And look after us!
Who will feed porridge from a spoon,
Who will read a fairy tale to us,
Who will put on boots for us,
Who knows poems and songs?
Who will reconcile, who will tell,
Who is a girlfriend and friend,
Who will show us tricks?
Of course, teacher!
Irina Gurina
He always meets us in the Garden,
Teaches us and entertains us.
If necessary, he will scold
And surround with care.
At a quiet hour she will put her to bed,
Like a caring mother.
Very sweet and delicate
Our favorite teacher!
Being a teacher is not easy,
After all, there are many children, he is one
Teach them as they grow,
So that everyone suddenly becomes a child prodigy.
Whom to pat on the head,
Well, who to punish.
And to know various tricks,
To lure guys to be able to.
Being an educator is great!
Being a mother is for thousands of children.
And daily, hourly
Be happier and wiser!
Even when I become an adult
I will always remember
Like a whiny little boy
Mom brought me to kindergarten.
The most important inhabitant
Smiled back at me.
In my heart teacher
Forever left a mark!
Taught me to eat with a spoon,
Play different games,
Don't give up when it's hard.
Only do the truth!
Preschool happiness
Who is so loved by "why"
And respected by fidgets?
To whom do the kids pull their hands?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: educator -
All the best before school!
Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!
Educator - what a word!
Light, goodness, warmth lurk in it.
Who will please the children with the game?
Who will scold them not at all evil?
Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! Kindly you are not in the world!
We wish you to be happy!
Kindergarten starts in the morning
From morning until the arrival of parents, the kids are busy in the kindergarten. But their "work" is not at all difficult, but easy and useful. This collection contains poems about walking, exercising, games, various activities in kindergarten.
About a walk
Kids in the kindergarten
All such rascals!
Children went for a walk.
Times! - Petya rushes down the hill.
Two! - Vanyusha flies after him.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Five! - Olya stands with a bucket.
Six! - Mitya plays with the ball.
Seven! Vitya gets off his horse.
Eight! - with doll Natasha.
Nine! - Masha jumps nearby.
Ten! - along the path Fedya
Rides a bicycle.
Kindergarten - elegant, bright,
But we will walk in the park.
We dine on grass.
Our bus is at the gas station.
And then the fun began:
Roundabouts and swings,
Car racing, cycling!
Nobody stood aside.
About exercise
We go to exercise,
In the morning - sports according to the schedule.
Our T-shirts and shorts
Wonderful beauty!
Soon everyone will become tall
And spread their shoulders in breadth.
Soon every adult will say:
- Our child is a hero!
P. Sinyavsky
Tough kids
Tough kids
Went to the playground,
Strong kids
Do exercises!
T. Volgina
We came, we weren't late,
Directly to the gym.
We tore bananas from the branches
And cabbage from the garden.
And yet, like airplanes,
We circled in the sky!
Have a blast, recharged
And have fun!
M. Senina
About lessons
Mathematics with us,
We are soon in the first grade.
We counted on sticks -
Added, subtracted ...
It turned out that Tolya and I were
Well, almost ready for school!
M. Senina
We are sitting at the table
And we draw a Christmas tree,
Next to the Christmas tree - a house,
Next to the house - a heifer.
A bird is flying,
A fox is running,
The fox has red fur.
Whose drawing is the best?
O. Vysotskaya
Everyone needs physical education
To be healthy in full
Everyone needs physical education.
To begin with, in order -
In the morning we will do exercises!
And without any doubt
There is a good solution -
Running is useful and play,
Get busy, kids!
In order to develop successfully,
You need to go in for sports.
From physical education
There will be a slim figure.
We will play together,
Run, jump and gallop.
To make it more fun,
We'll take the ball as soon as possible.
Let's stand straight, legs wider,
Raise the ball - three-four,
Rising on toes.
All movements are easy.
We will take a rope in our hands,
A hoop, a cube or a stick.
We will learn all the movements,
We will become stronger and better.
To learn how to jump,
We need a jump rope.
Let's jump high,
Like grasshoppers - easy.
Hoop, cubes will help
We develop flexibility a little.
Let's bend more often,
Squat and bend down.
Here's a great picture:
We're like a flexible spring!
Let not everything be given at once,
We will have to work!
To become an agile athlete,
We will hold a relay race.
Let's run fast, together,
We really need to win!
About music
Everywhere with us, music lives side by side,
In the warm summer rain, it sings a song to us.
The breeze leads a round dance to the music,
All the forest people dance along with the music.
Everywhere with us music lives side by side,
The good old violin carries its own motive
Music has wings if you are sad,
Music will lift you straight to the clouds.
Music lives side by side with us everywhere,
Calls us to the big stage.
Music scatters ringing laughter around,
Music is a sorceress - the best Friend.
About games
How everyone likes to play in childhood
Life, what's around, depict
To "Family", to "Hospital", to "Steamboat",
To "War", to "Cafe" and in "Airplane",
In "Library", in "Atelier", and in "Kingdom on the Moon",
In "Builders", in "Repairers", in "COPs" and in "Carpenters".
I play shop,
I sell books.
I won't sell this one to you -
I love her.
I haven't finished reading this one,
I won't sell it either.
Haven't opened the one yet,
Here about different mothers.
I also, unfortunately,
Can't sell them.
And anyway, it's already so late -
I'll close it.
Hide and seek
One, two, three, four, five…
Let's play hide and seek!
Hide bunny, lion, bear,
I can't watch yet.
As soon as I finish counting,
I will immediately look for you:
Behind the pillow, whose ears are there?
Come on, bunny, come out!
The bear hid better,
But the edge of the leg is visible.
The lion cub tried best of all,
Could have outwitted everyone -
Hidden under the bed,
Only shines with its eyes.
Meet me, I am a nesting doll!
Inside me
Little daughters sleep quietly,
Twin sisters.
Line them up according to their height
And count.
Have fun as much as you want,
Just don't lose it!
Watch a video with the kids about how interesting kindergarten is. A wonderful song for kindergarten, you can sing it at graduation and any other holiday.
Goodbye, Kindergarten! To you: "Thank you" from the guys!
Graduation poems about kindergarten will be useful for children of the group preparing for school. Here is a farewell with tears, and joyful memories, and gratitude to all the employees of the kindergarten.
Kindergarten graduation invitation
We invite everyone to the ball
To the elegant music hall,
Where there will be music and laughter,
And setting for success,
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope in the future for meetings,
The fragrance of flowers
And the chirping of children's voices,
Gifts, cakes, sweets,
Chastushek ringing couplets,
An awkward confession in love,
Honor and glory for calling
Great - to love children,
Give the warmth of your hearts,
Where memory will whirl in the waltz:
“Do you remember?. .” “It can’t be…”
“How you grew up… matured…”
“We didn’t have time to look back…”
And eyes wet with tears –
Everything has its time, its own it's time!
Go ahead, baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy!
Goodbye, kindergarten!
Why do so many smiles illuminate the kindergarten?
Because there is a parade of first-graders.
Although they don't go to school and don't sit at their desks yet,
In the kindergarten, the kids look at them with envy.
This is the first step, the path through life is not easy,
May happiness accompany you on this graduation holiday.
“Hello,” you say to the school. Goodbye, Kindergarten!
Educators and nannies, we won't go back.
We will never forget you! Don't get bored here without us!"
And everyone has tears without asking, now they are rolling from their eyes.
Galina Rukosueva
About toys and kindergarten
Goodbye cubes, toys
It's time to learn to walk!
Goodbye buns, cheesecakes
And delicious cereals in the morning.
In the garden, to be honest, it was cool
We are sorry to leave it,
But, you know, we loved you all
And we will visit often!
Goodbye, kindergarten
Remember how we used to be - babies and babies -
We didn't know how to put on our pants,
In the mornings without dads and moms wept, sobbed,
And you wiped our wet noses.
Day after day passed.
It was difficult and easy...
You taught us everything,
And now we are O-GO-GO!
Our good garden! Soon, we know,
We will step beyond your threshold.
We wish you happiness and joy
Everyone who helped us grow!
Goodbye, Kindergarten!
And thanks from the guys!
E. Grudanov
I say goodbye to kindergarten
I graduate today,
I say goodbye to kindergarten.
Sadly looking at me
Dolls friendly family,
Bear turned away in a corner0007 And the giraffe is slightly bent over:
So sad, lonely,
The puppy is saddened.
I approached the toys,
I tenderly hugged them all:
- I love you all, friends,
I don’t say goodbye to you,
I will come to visit,
Come on, come on, don’t be sad!
L. Schmidt
Graduation in kindergarten
We dressed up today
And we gathered here for the holiday!
With the first fall call
We will go to school together!
We will say to the Garden: “Farewell!
Meet new kids.
After all, now their time has come,
Well, first class is waiting for us!”
Farewell to kindergarten
Our favorite kindergarten,
Kingdom of golden fairy tales!
We ask you not to forget,
We say goodbye to you.
Kindergarten has become dear to us,
Let's say in this sad hour,
To our teachers:
- We love you with all our hearts!
Even the sun is shining,
It has become brighter above the earth,
To give to children,
This is a graduation party!