Interactive sight word game

10 Interactive Online Games to Teach Sight Words to Beginning Readers

Sight words and high frequency words are an important part of teaching new readers. These words have to be memorized, which means they require a lot of repetition and practice. I love using these online games to teach sight words in my classroom.

Sight word instruction can be really challenging in the classroom because you have a classroom filled with students who learn different things in different ways at different paces. 🥴

It requires so much repetition and practice, yet all of our students need those things in different ways.

I tackle sight word instruction from all sides. We read them in sentences, practice them with music and movement, do art projects, and more!

These 10 online games to teach sight words are FREE and super interactive. [Free as of August 2019] They give students the chance to practice identifying, matching and reading sight words, all while playing fun games.

Note: Did you know there is a difference between sight words and high frequency words? I thought they were the same for the longest time. Knowing their differences has helped me with my instruction. Read more about that here!

Sight Word Bingo

This classic bingo game from is a favorite for all of my students. The little amoeba monster at the top says a word, then the student identifies it and clicks it.

This game words great on a computer or on an interactive white board. I have my students take turns at the SmartBoard in my classroom during a center or we do it whole group when we have a minute to spare.

No matter when we use it, it’s a student favorite. 👍🏼

Sight Word Smash

Students love this fun, sight word identification game. The computer says a word. Then they use the pointer to find it and smash it.

I like this game because the word is on more than one block so students get the repetition of seeing and identifying the word multiple times!

Sight Word Memory

There are many, many sight word memory games online but this one is my favorite. I like that the computer says the word as you flip the card, whether it’s a match or not.

Seeing and hearing a word multiple times is perfect for auditory and visual learners. I also appreciate that when they finish a level, they can keep playing with new words!

Sight Words in Space

Students love this space themed sight word game. A cat says the word they are trying to find. Words float by in power cells and they have to click the right one.

The words are floating up so students have to identify them quickly. Just like in Sight Word Smash, words appear more than one time, too. 👏

Listen & Spell

I absolutely love this Listen & Spell game! We know that readers struggle with sight words because they do not follow phonics rules or because they are too advanced. We also know that students learn to read and write words at the same time.

This game gives them the chance to spell sight words with a limited number of letters at the bottom. First it says the word, then students use the yellow letters to spell it. The only letters available are letters that are in the word.

Playing this game helps students move on from “identifying” to “creating” on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which we know helps make information stick. Students will gain confidence in writing their sight words as well as reading them!

Sight Word Jigsaw

This identification game uses the same concepts as matching, except students are able to see all of the words at one time. They click the sound button on one of the yellow pieces to hear the word they are looking for. Then they find the blue word puzzle piece and drag it over.

I like that this game adds the element of looking at several words to find the correct one. It gives students practice at quickly identifying words by their beginning sounds.

Popcorn Words

Students playing this game are working the popcorn machine at a movie theater. A monkey comes up to the counter and says a sight word. Students click on the correct sight word to give it to the monkey.

Once they have handed out 10 popcorn buckets correctly, they get to play a quick in-between game and then are promoted. Their goal is to become the manager. I’m sure it will not surprise you to hear that my students beg to play this game!

Kitten Hop

This silly game is another favorite of my students. They are playing a kitten who bounces from yarn ball to yarn ball. The computer says a sight word. That word is on one of the four yarn balls in front of the one your kitten is on.

Students love this game because they are racing three other kittens. The winner is the one who reaches the couch at the end of the game first. They have to be quick at matching the sight word their hear to the correct ball of year if they want to win!

Note: this game has options at the beginning for choosing a color, a name, etc. You will want to teach your students how to do this quickly (and set that expectation) so that they can do it independently.

Starfall Sight Words

Though I’ve already included a Memory Sight Word game, who doesn’t love Starfall? In this sight word game, the students need to determine if it is the same sight word by sight alone as it is not read until the match is made. But I love that they have three stars in the upper left corner to show their progress to the next level.

Once the student completes the game, they can move on to Level 2, where the sight words are slightly more difficult. The students love moving up a level to show their achievement!

My Reading Tools

In My Reading Tools, students see a kangaroo get several tools to become a better reader. The first tool is a flashlight. He uses it to highlight words in a dark cave.

This game is more challenging than the rest because students are asked to finish the sentence with the word spelled correctly. The computer reads the sentence. Then students hover their flashlight around the cave to find the word. 🔦

In this example, I was looking for the word “again. ” The other options in the cave were misspelled words “agin,” “agane,” etc. This game is perfect for students who are confidently reading many sight words and are ready for a challenge!

These 10 online games to teach sight words are perfect for giving students extra practice and lots of repetition during centers in my classroom. Did I miss any of your favorites? How do you like to practice sight words? Let me know below! 👇

Digital Sight Word Lessons with Practice

Are you looking for digital ways to teach sight words?

I mean, what’s the point of practicing a word (even with the fun and free sight word games shared above) if a student has not explicitly been taught a sight word? 🤔

For this very reason, I’ve created 150 sight word lessons with practice.

These Google Slides lesson and practice can be used with any free Google accounts and are so easy to assign in Google Classroom!

As you assign words to your students one at a time, they will learn, identify, build, read in context, and master the new sight word. It’s explicit instruction and practice, all in one.

Don’t just take my word for it, watch the lesson in action in the video below. 👇🏽

While the lessons DO have audio, this preview video does not. 🎧 Students can have the words and sentences read to them, if needed.

You can purchase the 150 Digital Sight Word Lessons and Practice (for use with Google Slides™️ on my website or TpT.

Click HERE to buy on Teachers Pay Teachers

Click on the button below to purchase on my website (where you get lifetime access)!

Sight Words Games for Kids Online

Fun Sight Word Games Online

Magic words, snappy words, high-frequency words, and instant words are all different terms for sight-reading. Children need to learn to identify these words without sounding them out or breaking them down into phonetic sounds. Examples of sight words include ‘here’, ‘why’, and ‘are’.

Sight words are also called popcorn words. Children ‘pop’ out their response the moment they see the word presented before them. They should be able to read sight words unconsciously with enough practice. And interactive sight words games are extremely effective in practicing this ELA concept.

Sight word learning games include dolch sight words games and fry sight words games. These games can be played repeatedly to gain mastery and have fun with sight words!

Other ELA games you can explore are: reading games, writing games, phonics games, letter tracing games, etc.

How Do We Introduce Sight Words to Kids?

There are numerous games to learn sight words available online that can be perfect for this. The brain learns through patterns, and learning to read follows the same principle. The first step to reading is memorizing letter sequences. Helping kids learn and memorize these patterns will help them understand that this is not a random process without any structure. With sight word practice games, children will learn how to form patterns and develop cues in order to read better.

How Can We Make Sight Words Fun for Kids?

Interactive sight words games make practicing sight words fun and exciting for children. When a child is aware of all the letter sounds, they begin to learn how to string them together. The sight of letter strings and sounds of each letter combine together to form a sight word. This happens unconsciously when a child is ready to read and sight word learning games help them to tap into this process smoothly.

Do Games Help in Better Understanding of Sight Words?

Fun sight word games online help children to learn and develop familiarity with sight words gradually. Children can become better readers when parents build a large base of sight words. Students in a certain grade might only be familiar with a particular set of sight words. With each grade, children are expected to add more words to their sight-seeing word bank. This gradual progress not only adds to their learning but also helps them understand sight words and how they work in a much better way.

Suggested Sight Words Worksheets

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you practice sight words for kids?

    Interactive sight words games can help children practice sight words in different ways. Children are able to recognize and read sight words easily. Using exciting and interactive techniques, these games help them participate willingly, thus enabling them to learn faster and more efficiently.

  • How to teach sight words?

    Sight word practice games help to teach children how to identify sight words, recognize their sounds as well as learn their meaning accurately.

  • How can I help my child understand sight words?

    Fun sight word games online promote a natural desire to learn in children. They do not rush the learning process and build confidence in children as they practice more. They can be used to help your child understand sight words better. These games help your child to achieve accuracy and fluency in their reading and writing abilities by practicing sight words in a fun way.

  • How can kids play games on sight words?

    Sight words learning games allow children to take charge and be independent in a positive learning environment. When kids associate sight words with letters and their sounds in an engaging manner, their learning process becomes self-driven. Games on sight words can be played online on multiple devices. They make your child’s learning journey smooth and trouble-free.

  • What are the best fun sight word activities for kids?

    Some fun sight word activities for kids that engage them in multiple ways are: building a sight-reading wall, making jigsaws with sight words, playing simple memory games to revise sight words, etc.

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Interactive computer games as a means of developing spatial representations in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment

Author : Burachevskaya Olga Vladimirovna

Heading : 7. Defectology

Published in

VI International Scientific Conference "Pedagogical Excellence" (Moscow, June 2015)

Publication date of : 06/05/2015

Article viewed: 4245 times

Download electronic version


Burachevskaya, OV Interactive computer games as a means of developing spatial representations in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment / OV Burachevskaya. - Text: direct // Pedagogical excellence: materials of the VI Intern. scientific conf. (Moscow, June 2015). - Moscow: Buki-Vedi, 2015. - S. 137-140. — URL: (date of access: 05.03.2023).

The article discusses the use of interactive computer games to develop spatial representations in preschoolers with ONR. Guidelines are given for creating multimedia presentations for preschool children. Describes interactive computer games that allow the development of spatial functions in children with ONR.

Keywords : visual-spatial perception, spatial representations, spatial praxis, orientation in space, spatial functions, general speech underdevelopment (GNR), interactive teaching aids, interactive games, computer games, multimedia presentations.

Orientation in space is of universal importance for all aspects of human activity, covering various aspects of its interaction with reality. Therefore, the harmonious development of a child is impossible without the development of his ability to orient himself in space. The development of spatial functions in children with ONR follows the same patterns as in normal speech development, however, this process is slower, at a later date and with deviations due to the peculiarities of the mental development of this category of children [5].

Interactive teaching aids can be used to develop visual-spatial perception and spatial representations. The use of a computer in correctional and developmental work helps to activate involuntary attention, increase motivation for learning, expand the possibilities of working with visual material, establish contact with a modern child, which allows you to achieve your goals and objectives in the classroom and, in general, optimizes the correctional and educational work of a psychologist , speech therapist and educator [3]. In preparation for such classes, you can use the following types of computer programs: PowerPoint, Paint, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Macromedia Flash and others. With their help, you can create animated characters, bright and voluminous illustrations, entire blocks of tasks [5].

When creating multimedia presentations for classes, first of all, it is necessary to think over the structure of the material and the logic of its presentation. In the case when a presentation is created directly for use in the classroom, it is not recommended to "noise" the slides with excessive textual information (topic, goal, tasks, teacher's instructions, etc. ), since all related information can be reflected in the comments to the presentation. It is important to choose the right combination of colors for the background and illustrations (the color scheme should consist of no more than two or three colors), as well as determine the required number of slides (no more than 10-12 slides are recommended, because with a lesson duration of 25 minutes, presentations no more than 10 minutes). It is desirable that there are no more than 7 significant objects on the slide, since preschoolers with OHP may experience certain difficulties with memorization. Animation effects in presentations for preschoolers with OHP should be used only to attract attention or to demonstrate the dynamics of the development of any process (for example, the spatial movement of objects), otherwise this will lead to saturation of perception and a decrease in cognitive activity. Sound accompaniment should also contribute to the implementation of specific correctional and developmental tasks. Musical accompaniment is acceptable for those slides where speech is not provided. It is important to remember that special sound effects combined with illustrative material have such a strong impression on children that they can distract children from the perception of basic information.

The use of a multimedia presentation allows you to make the lessons emotionally colored, attractive and arouses a keen interest in the child. In addition, the presentation is an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which ensures the activity of children when examining, examining and visually highlighting the signs and properties of objects, forms ways of visual perception, examination, highlighting qualitative, spatio-temporal signs and properties in the object world, develops visual attention and visual memory.

During remedial classes, you can use ready-made computer programs specially designed for preschoolers with OHP. Moving pictures on the monitor screen help the child easily understand spatial relationships, which is much more difficult to do on picture material, because a flat, static image in the picture does not allow the child to accurately correlate the selected features with its semantic content. At the same time, showing 3D images in motion is a convenient and effective way to provide information about the surrounding space. The combination of dynamics, sound, colorful image significantly improves the perception of information by a preschooler [1]. The correct answer to a question in interactive games is rewarded with cheerful music, which forms a positive reinforcement in relation to classes and verbalization of spatial relations [2].

M. G. Vlasova developed a multimedia game specially for preschool children aged 4-6 years old "Funny Kittens" . This game allows you to solve the following correctional tasks : to form the correct use of prepositional case constructions in preschoolers with ONR; clarify and develop spatial representations expressed in speech through prepositions; learn to differentiate between them; memorize a schematic representation of prepositions; develop visual attention and memory; correct violations of the grammatical design of the statement and contribute to the development of coherent speech; develop a positive attitude towards work. Multimedia activity games are aimed at getting acquainted with 15 prepositions of spatial meaning and their differentiation. Thus, children will learn what a small word is, how many prepositions, how they differ, how they are depicted in diagrams, and much more.

Fig. 1 Screenshots of the interactive games Tourist Backpack, Royal Decree, Who is behind whom? allows you to teach children to understand and correctly use prepositions in speech. A cheerful tourist collects various objects in a backpack. The child must follow his instructions - put objects behind the closet, under the table, take them out of the backpack. At the same time, the child not only follows the instructions, but also says aloud where he puts the object, using the preposition correctly.0005

The game “Who is behind whom?” is also aimed at fixing prepositions in speech. . The characters in each story line up in a given order. Each next character appears at the click of a mouse. The child must clearly name who is behind whom, from whom, in front of whom, etc. During the game, you can repeat the tales about the turnip, the Bremen Town Musicians, Koshchei, etc. The game develops vocabulary well and allows you to fix the correct use of prepositions in speech. To develop the ability to navigate on a plane, in a symbolic space, the game allows Pirate and Treasure . This game helps to learn how to find an object on the map by following the instructions, to consolidate the concepts of "top" - "bottom", "left" - "right". In this game, the pirate is looking for treasure, and the child helps by moving the pirate strictly according to the instructions. Game "Royal Decree" is designed for younger students, but can be used with preschoolers, especially those who can read. The goal of this game is to analyze the composition of the sentence and insert the missing prepositions. After listening to the royal decree, the child must understand where the preposition should be, then, choosing a preposition from several options, insert it into place.

Mercibo's Interactive Pedagogical Porta also offers many other games that promote the development of spatial representations. "Picture Constructor" is a universal didactic material containing more than 500 thematic images that allows the child to create his own game aimed at learning prepositions, orientation on the plane and much more in a matter of minutes, taking into account individual characteristics [4]. A number of games are devoted to the development of spatial praxis: “Can you do that?” (stimulates motor activity, develops gross motor skills, promotes the formation of "body scheme"), "Table Fingers" and "Hand Ghosts" (imitating the movements of the hands of ghosts, the child not only develops fine motor skills, combining rhythmic movements and speech , but also develops spatial manual praxis).

Fig. 2 Screenshots of the interactive games Table Fingers, Can You Do That?, Hand Ghosts

Among other collections of exciting children's games and tests for the development of memory, attention, basic motor skills, spatial imagination and logical thinking, three collections of multimedia games "Funny Motors" can be distinguished. Among the 27 games and tests of Merry Motors, among others, there are games for the development of orientation in space. The main characters of the games are nine cars: a submarine, a ship, a helicopter, an airplane, a truck, a taxi, a bus, a tram and a steam locomotive that live in the City of Machines. Accordingly, two games and one test (set of tasks) were developed for each machine. The average time it takes for a child who has been taught to use a mouse to finish a game or pass the tasks of one test is 5–7 minutes. After that, it is possible to choose whether to stop playing this game or continue.

For older preschool children, you can also use elements of other computer programs designed for children with normal speech development and aimed at developing the perception of space. In this case, it is necessary to independently select the level of complexity of the material and adapt tasks for children with ONR.

Thus, by forming and developing the spatial-analytical activity of preschoolers with speech disorders, in the process of specially organized correctional and developmental classes using interactive computer games, it is possible not only to overcome the existing speech defect and contribute to the development of all cognitive activity, but also to prepare children for learning such a complex activity as writing.


2. Burachevskaya, O. V. Techniques and methods of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of spatial perception and spatial representations in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech / O. V. Burachevskaya // Young scientist. — 2015. — № 9. - S. 1235-1238.

3. Vasilenko, A.V. Information technologies and development of spatial thinking / A.V. Vasilenko // Pedagogical education and science. - 2010. - No. 4. - P.73–77.

4. Mersibo Development Portal: [Electronic resource] URL: (Accessed: 04/14/2015).

5. Burachevskaya, O.V. The development of perception spatial and spatial representations in preschool children with General speech underdevelopment// European Applied Sciences: challenges and solutions, proceedings of the 2nd International scientific conference. ORT Publishing. Stuttgart. 2015.

Basic terms (automatically generated) : game, child, activity, preposition, presentation, preschool age, visuospatial perception, visual attention, interactive learning tool, normal speech development.


computer games, multimedia presentations., orientation in space, spatial representations, multimedia presentations, general underdevelopment of speech (OHP), visual-spatial perception, spatial praxis, spatial features, interactive learning tools, interactive games age . ..


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How to preserve the eyesight of schoolchildren? - online presentation

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1. How to save schoolchildren's eyesight?

2. Urgency of the problem

third inhabitant of the planet suffers from myopia.

3. Rules that help maintain vision

1. Watch your posture while reading and
writing. Books and notebooks should
be at a distance of 33-35 cm from

4. Rules that help preserve vision

2. Lighting should be double:
upper and lateral left (if the child
is right-handed) or right (if the child
is left-handed), aimed at a book or

5. Rules that help preserve eyesight

3.After lessons, the eyes need
rest, so it is necessary to
walk in the fresh air.

6. Rules that help preserve eyesight

4. Pupils in grades 1-5 play
computer games can be 15 minutes in
a day. The monitor should be at
distance of 60-70 cm from the eyes.

7. Rules that help preserve eyesight

5. Children 7-13 years old
can watch TV no more than 2 hours a day
(be sure to take a break
after 30 minutes).
The distance from the screen must not be less than
3 meters. TV can only be watched
while sitting, while there should be lighting in the

8. Rules to keep your eyesight

6. Do not read while eating, lying down, in transport
. It is harmful to play games on a
mobile phone while lying down to watch
TV and a computer.

9. Rules that help preserve vision

7. You need to do physical education.
Physical activity promotes
good blood supply to all organs
, including the eye muscles.

10. Gymnastics for the eyes

We close our eyes, that's what miracles are.
(we close both eyes)
Our eyes are resting, doing exercises.
(we continue to stand with our eyes closed)
And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.
(we open our eyes, draw a bridge with our eyes)
Let's draw a big letter U on the bridge.
(draw the letter U with our eyes)
Let's lift it up, look down.
(we raise our eyes up, lower them down)
Let's turn to the right, to the left.
(eyes look left and right)
Let's start practicing again.

11. Gymnastics for the eyes "Dragonfly"

What a dragonfly - like pea eyes!
(make glasses with fingers)
Left, right, up, forward.
(we look at the text with our eyes)
Well, just like a helicopter!
(circular eye movements)
We are flying high! (looks up)
We're flying low! (looks down)
We're flying far! (looks ahead)
We're flying close! (look at the nose)

12. Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercise for the eyes “Guess”
One child draws with a pencil in the air
letters, numbers, figures of
animals. Everyone else should
watch the subject and try
Guess what the child has drawn.

13. Eye exercises "Fly"

Children stand near the window and look
far away, then look at point
on the glass. A small
picture can serve as a point. Repeat several times,
then close their eyes with their palms and
hide them in a dark house.

14. Gymnastics for the eyes

Small pictures, cards with
letters and words are hung on the walls of classroom
at different heights. At the request of the teacher, children
get up and start searching with their eyes
for the location of the picture or word. So,
the teacher makes riddles, and the children must
find a word or picture-answer.

15. Foods good for the eyes

Foods containing vitamin A:
egg yolk,
butter, etc.

16. Foods good for the eyes containing vitamin

beef liver, etc.

17. Foods useful for the eyes

Foods containing vitamin C:
black currants,
oranges, etc.
1.How much time per day can I watch TV?
a) don't know-0; b) as much as you want-0;
c) 2 hours-15; d) time is limited by parents-3.

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