Letter e words for kindergarten

Words That Start With E For Kids


    e words for kids example of elf


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Learning to recognize words can help build vocabulary and reading skills. Taking a letter-by-letter approach to the alphabet is one way to introduce new words to students from pre-k through elementary school. It doesn't have to be blasé, either. Below each list of E words for kids, you'll find fun and educational activities focused on the letter E to get them excited to broaden their horizons.

Preschool: Things That Start With E

While preschoolers might not be ready to tackle reading just yet, it's important to start laying the groundwork for solid language arts skills even with young children. What pre-k students learn about recognizing letters and the sounds they make will prepare them for success later on, in kindergarten and elementary school.


















Printable Worksheet: Learn to Write E

Helping preschoolers learn how to write the letter E is an important aspect of preparing them to recognize words that start with E for kids. The printable trace-the-letter worksheet below is a fun learning activity for pre-k learners. It is a simple resource to help young learners practice the art of writing the letter E.

Printing letter e worksheet

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Kindergarten: E Words for Kids

It might've been kindergarten more so than preschool, but do you remember the pride you felt when you formed your first word out of a few letters? Let the excitement begin with this list of E words for kindergarten.

  • earn - to get something because of your hard work
  • Earth - the planet we live on
  • eating - the act of consuming food
  • edge - the outside of an area
  • edible - something that can be eaten
  • elbow - the joint that bends between the top and bottom parts of the arm
  • elephant - huge mammal with tusks and a long trunk
  • energy - the exertion of power
  • enter - to come in, put in, or get in
  • entire - the whole thing
  • envelope - a paper pouch used to send a letter
  • even - level or fair
  • everyone - all people
  • excite - to cause a strong reaction
  • explore - to search or investigate
  • extra - more than expected
  • ewe - female sheep


Printable Activity: Connect Pictures to Words

Kindergarten students are sure to enjoy applying what they know about sight words to draw lines connecting pictures to the words they represent in this fun and educational activity. They'll also enjoy coloring the pictures.

E words for kids matching activity

Click to View & Download

Early Elementary: E Vocabulary List

With their alphabet down pat, it's time for first and second graders to move on to terms that are a bit more robust. Get ready to explore with this E words list for early elementary students.

  • eager - ready and impatient to do something
  • east - the direction to the right of a person facing north
  • easily - with little or no trouble
  • else - different or other
  • escape - to get away
  • everything - all of the most important thing
  • edit - a change made to something before a final copy is submitted
  • effect - a result of something
  • elastic - something that can stretch and expand
  • enemy - a person who is your opponent
  • essential - completely necessary
  • evade - to get around or escape from
  • exactly - done correctly or accurately
  • example - someone or something used as a model
  • excess - something that is extra
  • except - to take out one thing when you included everything else
  • exercise - to engage in physical activity for the purposes of staying healthy
  • expect - to look forward to
  • explain - to make something clear
  • experiment - a test or the act of trying out a new course of action


Vocabulary Checkers Activity

One afternoon, pull out the red markers and gear up for a game of checkers. You can, prepare a blank chessboard and ask your students to color in the red squares.
Then, set them up in pairs and ask them to write one vocabulary word in each square. As each pair plays, they'll have to provide the correct definition for each square. If they're successful, they claim ownership over that square.

Popsicle Parts of Speech Activity

By this time, students should have been introduced to basic parts of speech, especially nouns and verbs. Ready to test their knowledge? For this activity, all you'll need are popsicle sticks and jars of some sort — maybe three old mason jars or coffee mugs. Label one jar "nouns," the other "verbs" and the last "adjectives." On each popsicle stick, write out words like enemy, and exactly. You can then work as a class or in small groups to sort the sticks into the three jars.


Upper Elementary: E Vocabulary List

Enjoy encouraging your students to explore the world with more complex words that start with E, such as consonant blends and terms with more complex meanings. Here's a list that was curated with third, fourth and fifth graders in mind.

  • ecology - branch of science that studies how organisms relate to each other and their environment
  • ecstatic - in a state of great delight or joy
  • editorial - something related to the content in a newspaper or magazine
  • effective - something that works
  • eliminate - to take out or leave out
  • elegant - luxurious in a quiet manner
  • embed - to plant something deeply or firmly
  • embellish - to exaggerate or add details to a story
  • emissary - a person sent on a mission
  • enable - to make something possible
  • entertain - to hold the attention of someone and show them a good time
  • epidermis - the outer layer of skin
  • escalate - to increase quickly
  • estimate - a guess of the size, worth, or cost of something
  • evidence - something that gives proof or leads to a conclusion
  • examine - to analyze, inspect, or study carefully
  • exhibit - a collection of art or objects on display for the public to see
  • exclaimed - having cried out or spoken suddenly
  • expression - a frequently used word or phrase


Perusing Print Publications

Are the days of print newspapers and magazines behind us? Not entirely. See if you can scrounge up a hard copy of a periodical for each of your students. (Alternatively, you can find an article online and put it up on the overhead.) Then, ask students to look for either a picture or a snippet from the article that contains one of the above vocabulary words. When they've done so, ask them to write it down and use it in a sentence of their own before presenting their findings to the class.

Applying Vocabulary to Poetry Writing

Do some of your students have an affinity for poetry? If so, use some of the more eye-catching vocabulary words above to develop a selection of topics your students can write about. Say you choose the word emissary. Maybe they'll produce prose about a king's emissary who went to find his one true love. Open up the floor to a wide variety of poetry types. Encourage your students to share in their self-expression.

Endless Enthusiasm for Vocabulary

It helps if endless enthusiasm is your constant companion when it comes to vocabulary lessons. Rote memorization isn't the only solution. Activities that engage students' minds in a very "real-world" sense, along with a little kinesthetic learning can help them increase their vocabulary exponentially.

Escalate your letter E practice with even more words! WordFinder is a helpful resource for teachers, students and word game lovers. Its list of words that start with the letter E comes with an advanced search feature that allows you to customize your own vocabulary word list. Once your students have mastered these E words for kids, move on to words that start with F for kids. You'll find quite a few fun words for your students to figure out!

E Words for Kids - Inspire the Mom

Let’s explore all the excellent E words for kids! With every exceptional word, you are sure to enthusiastically enjoy yourself.

Did you enjoy that? The letter E comes with lots of great E words and is a really fun letter to learn along with your students.

Today, I’ve got E words for preschool, kindergarten, beginning readers, elementary, and advanced students. I hope you are able to find something fun and useful from this resource.

By the way, there is a Free E Word for Kids Learning Pack if you stick around to the end!

The Sounds of E

But before we begin with all the excellent E words, let’s dive into the sounds that E makes. E is one of the simpler vowels because is has two main sounds: the short or long sound.

The long E sound says its name /ee/ as in the words he, we, be. The short vowel sound says /eh/ as in end, egg, and men.

The Sounds of E:

  • /ee/ as in she, he, we
  • /eh/ as in red, ten, end

Note: As with many letters in the English language, there are variations and exceptions (/er/ as in earth, /Ī/ as in eye, etc.). As well as, unique jobs that letter E performs, such as, preventing a word from ending in v or u, or being placed silently at the end of a word to make the vowel have a long sound. (Feel free to explore all these silent E rules).

E Words for Preschool

When you begin teaching preschoolers the letter E, start by using the short vowel sound /eh/. (This prevents letter sound confusion, as they are learning all the other letter sounds of the alphabet.)

Also, the short vowel sound /eh/ is the easiest (as far as E rules goes) and will be the sound they will first associate with E when they begin reading.

Preschoolers are new to the alphabet. With that being said, focus on fun letter recognition activities, prewriting skills, and simple E word choices.

*Check out the Preschool Daily Skill Builder for daily skill-building in six different areas including writing, letters, and reading.

Here are a few E words. These use the short E sound /eh/ and are common things that preschoolers could easily identify.

Words that begin with E for Preschool:

  • Egg – I have an egg with toast every morning for breakfast.
  • Elf – The elf sat on the shelf.
  • Elephant – I saw an elephant at the zoo.
  • Elk – The elk grazed through the forest.

E Words for Kindergarten

Once kindergarteners are familiar with the alphabet and have started reading, go ahead and introduce some new e words. Here are some e word suggestions for kindergarten: some for both the short e sound and for the long E sound.

*Check out the Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder for daily skill-building in six different areas including reading and handwriting.

Words that begin with E for Kindergarten: (Short E Sound)

  • End – Please go to the end of the line.
  • Ever – You are the nicest person I have ever met.
  • Exit – Please exit the building.
  • Engine – The train has an engine.
  • Elephant – The gray elephant is my favorite.
  • Elf – The elf was shy and little.
  • Elk – The elk crossed the road.

Words that begin with E for Kindergarten: Long E Sound

  • Eat – Would you like to eat lunch with me?
  • Eagle – The bald eagle is our national bird.
  • Each – Each person is important.
  • Even – I am learning about even and odd numbers.
  • East – We are driving east.

E Words for Beginning Readers

Beginning readers are learning the vowels (a, e, i, o ,u) and are starting to build words. CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words using E are a great place to start. Here are some three letter, CVC short E words:

Three letter Short ‘E’ Words

  • Web
  • Bed
  • Fed
  • Wed
  • Led
  • Red
  • Den
  • Pen
  • Hen
  • Ten
  • Men
  • Pep
  • Bet
  • Get
  • Jet
  • Let
  • Net
  • Set
  • Wet
  • Vet
  • Let
  • Yet
  • Hem
  • Gem
  • Leg
  • Peg
  • Keg
  • Beg
  • Yes
  • Gel

As kids progress in their reading skills they will learn the silent E rule #1. This rule states that a silent E at the end of a word will make the vowel in the middle of the word, have a long vowel sound. Here are some four letter words that end with the silent E:

Four Letter Words that End in Silent E

  • Bake
  • Bare
  • Bite
  • Bore
  • Cake
  • Cane
  • Cube
  • Cute
  • Case
  • Cave
  • Cove
  • Dome
  • Dime
  • Date
  • Dove
  • Dove
  • Dude
  • Dine
  • Fame
  • Fore
  • Fate
  • Game
  • Gate
  • Gave
  • Give
  • Hat
  • Hope
  • Jute
  • Kite
  • Lake
  • Lace
  • Late
  • Lime
  • Lose
  • Love
  • Make
  • More
  • Mane
  • Maze
  • Mode
  • Name
  • Note
  • Nose
  • Page
  • Pace
  • Pane
  • Pine
  • Pipe
  • Ride
  • Ripe
  • Robe
  • Rose
  • Tone
  • Zone

E Words for Elementary Students

With elementary kids, you can learn all sorts of exciting words that start with e. Here are some e word suggestions for elementary aged kids as well as sentences you can use for context:

Words that begin with E for Elementary:

  • Exam – We have a math exam in the morning.
  • Eagle – The bald eagle is my favorite bird.
  • Eight – There are eight days until my birthday
  • Exercise – I exercise everyday to train for the marathon.
  • Eggplant – We grow purple eggplant in our garden.
  • Erase – Jack and I will erase the chalkboard after class.
  • Enjoy – I enjoy strawberries with my ice cream.
  • Earth – The earth is round.
  • Elevator -She took the elevator to the tenth floor.
  • Enter – The bride will enter through the back doors.
  • Every – Make sure you feed your dog every day.
  • Elbow – My elbow is aching.
  • Envelope – I put a letter in an envelope and sealed it shut.
  • Electricity – Electricity makes life quite convenient.
  • Event – In the event that I don’t make it home in time, will you make dinner?
  • Easel – The easel held her most recent painting.

Challenging E Words for Kids

Looking for some longer, more challenging E words for kids? Check out these advanced E words for Kids:

Challenging E words for Kids:

  • Ecstatic – The kids were ecstatic when they saw the inflatable bounce house.
  • Eventful – This has been a very eventful day.
  • Economy – The economy is struggling under the weight of inflation.
  • Economical – The economical forecast is not looking too good.
  • Eloquent – The eloquent speaker inspired the audience.
  • Entertaining – We will be entertaining the guests at tonight’s party.
  • Excellent – She was an excellent painter.
  • Extraordinary – Climbing Mt. Everest was an extraordinary feat.
  • Expressive – Her writing was detailed and expressive.
  • Efficient – They were more efficient as a team.
  • Exceptional – Her voice was exceptional throughout the performance.
  • Emergency – He stayed calm during the emergency.
  • Encourage – I want to encourage you to use your talents.
  • Exciting – Birthday parties are exciting.
  • Enthusiastic – Her enthusiastic attitude motivated the team.
  • Experienced -I have experienced many hardships this past year.

The Ultimate E Words for Kids

Whether you are doing preschool at home or helping your elementary aged student write a paper or poem, here is a huge list of E Words for kids that you can choose from (along with sentence ideas):

  • Eat – What would you like to eat for lunch?
  • Egg – The cookie recipe calls for one cup of milk and an egg.
  • Elf – The Christmas elf sat on the fireplace mantle.
  • End – The end of the book was thrilling.
  • Each – Please give each child a pencil and a piece of paper.
  • Ever – The king and queen lived happily ever after.
  • Exit – Please exit the building stage right.
  • Even – It was so hot, even the baby was sweating.
  • Eye – The dog had one blue eye and one brown eye.
  • Elk – The field was full of elk.
  • Elm – The Elm tree shaded their yard in the summer and kept it cool.
  • Ease – I put my feet up and enjoyed the ease of the afternoon.
  • Etch – Want to etch our names in the tree?
  • Earl – She married an Earl and instantly gained status.
  • Echo – I love to hear my voice echo in the recital hall.
  • Euro – Will you give me a Euro?
  • Exam – The exam will take place tomorrow at noon.
  • East – The sun rises in the east.
  • Eagle – The eagle majestically soared over the mountain peaks.
  • Eight – There are eight cookies left.
  • Event – We are going to a family event at our church.
  • Erase – I am going to erase what I wrote and start over.
  • Enter – Enter the building quietly.
  • Expert – He is an expert in engineering.
  • Enjoy – I plan to enjoy this quiet evening at home.
  • Eager – She was eager to read her new library book.
  • Earth – The earth faithfully spins on its axis.
  • Eject – The DVD player will eject the disk if you push the red button.
  • Elate – I felt elate when they surprised me for my birthday.
  • Elastic – The elastic in my waist band is wearing thin.
  • Easel – I have an easel in my art studio that I use for painting.
  • Engine – The truck engine was loud.
  • Earrings – My mother gave me a pair of diamond earrings.
  • Eggplant – Eggplant and asparagus are two of my favorite vegetables.
  • Elevator – The elevator took me to the second floor.
  • Envelope – I put the card in the envelope and sealed it with wax.
  • Elbow – My elbow got hurt in the fall.
  • Element – I enjoy an element of surprise.
  • Electricity – We need electricity to power our house.
  • Enchiladas – The fresh enchiladas were hot of bubbly.
  • Encyclopedia – We keep an encyclopedia on hand at all times.
  • Exercise – I am going to the gym to exercise.
  • Elephant – I once saw an elephant on a safari in Africa.
  • Earphones – She uses her earphones when she listens to music.
  • Easter – Easter is my favorite holiday.
  • Eggshell – I helped my mom peel the eggshell off of the egg.
  • Europe – Germany is located in Europe.
  • Ecstatic – She was ecstatic when she found out that she had won first place.
  • Eventful – We had an eventful morning.
  • Economy – Our economy is improving.
  • Economical – His economical resources were dwindling.
  • Eloquent – She was eloquent and poised.
  • Entertaining – The comedian was funny and entertaining.
  • Excellent – This dinner tastes excellent.
  • Extraordinary – He is an extraordinary pianist.
  • Expressive – The baby had a very expressive face.
  • Efficient – The contractor was efficient and the house was built on time.
  • Exceptional – A pregnant woman has an exceptional sense of smell.
  • Emergency – The emergency responders arrived as fast as they could.
  • Encourage – Encourage others and they will encourage you.
  • Exciting – The teacher told an exciting and adventurous story to her class.
  • Enthusiastic – the enthusiastic cheerleaders kept the crowd entertained.
  • Experienced – He is an experienced writer.

E Word Activities for Kids

(This list of ideas contains Amazon Affiliate Links.)

  • Print the Free E Words Learning Pack: If you are looking for a resource that helps to teach the letter E and words starting with E, l’ve got you covered. The Free E Words for Kids Learning Pack offers letter E tracing cards, E vocabulary words, E practice handwriting pages, and a full list of words that begin with E. (The info for this free E Words for Kids Learning Pack is at the end of this post.)
  • Build E Words With Scrabble Letters: Get the game of Scrabble or purchase some scrabble letters. Give your kids words from your E words list and have them practice spelling the words by using the letters given. For older kids, you can say the word out loud and have the child spell it. However, if your kids are younger, you can write it down and have them copy what they see.
  • Have Fun with Foods That Begin with E: Brainstorm a list of foods that start with the letter E and then see if you can make a snack or meal with those items. What did you come up with? Eggs on an English muffin? Eggnog with an Eclair? Enchiladas with a side of Eggplant? There are lots of possibilities with foods that being with e. So, get creative and have fun!
  • Read Books With E Words: Find your favorite Letter E Book List and make a trip to the library! If you don’t have a list, look for alphabet books or books that highlight words that begin with E, for example, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, or The Empty Pot by Demi

FREE Letter E Learning Pack 

Interested in a free E Words for Kids Learning Pack? This resources contains letter E learning pages for preschool through elementary, including a printable e word list!  To get this printable, join our community by signing in with Grow for this exclusive content!

Get it Now!

Free Printable:

Download the Free Printable E Word Learning Pack!

More Words for Kids

Check out these other words for kids resources, activities, and word lists, as well as, free printable learning packs:

  • G Words for Kids
  • Q Words for Kids
  • V Words for Kids
  • X Words for Kids
  • Y Words for Kids
  • Z Words for Kids

What are you favorite E words for kids?

This post contains Amazon Affiliate Links.

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Words starting with the letter E and Yo for children

The letter E is the second vowel in the Russian alphabet. Can you think of E words for kids right off the bat? It turns out there are not so many of them, but there are words for the letter E! In order to make it easier for conscious parents to teach their children the alphabet, we are collecting various materials that will help your child remember the letter E.

Contents of the article:

  • What does the letter E look like?
  • Pictures of words with the letter E and Y for children - 15 pictures
  • Tongue phrases with the letter E
  • Coloring for the letter E
  • Coloring for the letter Y
  • Poems for the letter E for children
easy and easy for a child to remember the letter E?

It is best to speak and show words to the child that he can see in everyday life. Preferably nouns, because it is easy for them to choose an image and a picture. And what we see, feel, carry through our experience, remains with us forever. The letter Yo is similar to the letter E, but it is a different separate vowel, its difference is two dots on top. Like little eyes. What do these dots remind you of?

What does the letter E look like?

Does the letter E look like a broken ladder without one stick?
Or maybe the letter E looks like a comb-comb with three teeth?
And if the forks are placed sideways, do they also look like the letter E?

Pictures of words for the letter E and Yo for children - 15 pictures Raccoon, Echidna, Spruce, Hedgehog, Elovik, Yelets, Hedgehog, Hedgehog-fish, Capacity, Ruff, Yorshik.


More details on the page: https://academy.multi-mama.ru/product/multi-predlozhenie/

Scroll through our magazine so that the child can better remember the letter E and the letter Yo

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Clean tongues with the letter E

It is important that the child not only memorize the letter E, but also be able to pronounce it correctly. For such purposes, clean words are suitable.

Be-be-be, the trumpeter plays the trumpet.
De de de de, we are interested everywhere.
Well, well, where's daddy? In the garage.
Ze-ze-ze, take care of the goat.
Ke-ke-ke, walking light.
Le-le-le, got dirty in the ashes.
Me-me-me, we are ready for winter.
No-no-no, we stand aside.
Pe-pe-pe, let's look for moths in the groats.
Re-re-re, the fox lives in a hole.
Se-se-se, everyone loves cartoons.
Te-te-te, take care of the cat.
Fe-fe-fe, and who lives in Ufa?
Hehehehe, you can eat in the ear.
Tse-tse-tse, there is a fly tse-tse.

Che-che-che, do you remember the doctor?
She-she-she, what do you know about noodles?
More-more-more, what's in the borscht?

Coloring on the letter E

Painting for the letter Yo

Poems for children

Rhymes help us to remembered everything that is possible, and of course, and of course , learn the letter e with the child.

"E" looks like a comb,
Learning, learning the letter "E" -
That's all learned.

V. Anoshina


it's just delicious!
This bush is very sharp...
Beware! needles everywhere.

V. Anoshina

A complete list of poems starting with the letter E and poems starting with the letter Y

Did you like our selection: words starting with the letter E for children? Write what other words starting with the letter E for children or words starting with the letter Y for children you know!

Learn the letter Y - funny poems and memos

A selection of children's poems about the letter Y. It will help you learn the letters of the Russian alphabet faster and will be useful for scenes and holiday scenarios related to the study of literacy at school and kindergarten.

The letter E rested,
As I immediately fluttered on it -
turned out to be the letter Y.

LETTER E and the letter E

very cheerfully in the WWII.
They can outwit anyone -
Hide the dots and you're done:
E and Yo - one face
Like a pair of twins!

Vtorova T.

The letter Yo is always with eyes
And with prickly Hedgehogs.
Hedgehog carries her on the back
With blackberry and blade of grass.

Mishutin A.

The letter “Yo” is a prickly Hedgehog,
It has two pairs of legs.
Very fond of the Hedgehog Yolka,
After all, needles grow on it.
The hedgehog does not order to fidget,
The bell rings for the lesson.
We need to say hello,
With the letter "Yo" - get to know each other:
Capacity, Yorshik, Heart throb -
From the fact that the door creaks.
Miracles happen with "Yo",
Ruff floats, I catch Ruff.
The bell rang from the lesson,
We learned a lot about "Yo".
The letter "Yo" thank you,
"Goodbye!" we say.

Anna-Sofia Krymskaya

Let's write the letter E in the line,
Add two dots on top,
It looks like she has eyes,
We get the letter Y.

Rein S.

In adult books and newspapers
you won’t see this letter for me,
She has two dots on her forehead,
there are only troubles with her -
you need to put them all the time
and waste time on this.
But how easy it is to read!
The student has no questions!
Only for adults there is no law,
The letter "Yo" does not seem to know.
Why are dads and moms
So stubborn and stubborn?
Love this letter,
Return "Yo" to the newspaper!
Everything is in order with the alphabet,
The letter "Yo" lives in a notebook.

Vera Anoshina

The letter Yo sighs, cries,
The dots were stolen from her.

In magazines, books and newspapers
You won't see this letter again.

But the letter E is satisfied.
It is found everywhere.

Meanwhile, without the letter Yo
The world cannot live! Yo-mine!

Imagine. Under the green Christmas tree
Tears are shed Hedgehog with a quail.

Matryona, Pyotr and Semyon
Now they are left without names.

The eagle couldn't start the flight,
The plane interferes with it.

Can't cope with the actor.

Having overcome a steep ascent,
the donkey fell into the pond.

In vain we expect honey from bees,
A ferret has come to the apiary.

Give the people the letter Yo!
We can't live without her!

And in our Russian alphabet
There is such a letter! Please note!

Gusarov A.

I met a hedgehog in the thicket,
- Fresh.
And they went home, trembling,
hunched over, cowering, two hedgehogs.

Two twins with the letter “E” were walking in the yard,
And they played tag with the letter “J” with their girlfriend.
The sun hid behind a cloud, thunder struck in the sky,
Well, the letters "E" and "F" quickly disappeared into the house.

And the other, bolder, hid under the spruce,
Yes, lightly sat down in a coniferous bed.
The rain poured like a bucket, the tree trembled,
And a bump fell on a letter from a height.

Yes, another one fell off - and on the head,
There was one bump, it became two at once.
The rain ended a long time ago, the letters were proposed,
You are no longer the letter "E", you will be "Yo", they decided.

If there are two bumps on the letters “E”, they are paired,
So these letters “Yo” are forever percussive.
How many days have passed since then, years have flown by,
The letters "Yo" are more stressed, there were not and are not.

Zoya Kreps

Spruce looks like a hedgehog:
A hedgehog with needles, a Christmas tree too.

Samuil Marshak

E has a sister-Yo,
Only she has eyes.
I would give such an example:
Hedgehog under the Christmas tree Found honey.

Ivanov S.

Yo asked: “Listen, hedgehog,
Will you come to visit me?”

Krasnikova I.

The hedgehog said to the hedgehog:
“The Christmas tree is also a hedgehog!”
“The tree is a hedgehog? Here is the scandal -
Hedgehog without three legs!

Punko N.

The hedgehog and the brush are prickly, and yet
The hedgehog and the brush are not at all alike:

Lunin V.

- Hedgehog loves blackberries.
Let her eat, - Vika decided, -
Well, Marina and I
Let's eat raspberries.

Slutskaya L.

The hedgehog ran through the forest,
The letter Y, he lost,
Help me friends,
I can't live without Y!

The hedgehog was walking in the forest,
I was looking for a Christmas tree for the holiday.
Ruff shouts with all his might:
- The gray wolf cut down the Christmas tree!

Lavrova T.

Christmas tree the same as spruce,
And over the Christmas tree drops.
We add drops-dots,
Yo - we read the letter like this.

Christmas tree is a new year.
It's a holiday every year.
The Christmas tree is a fabulous outfit,
All the toys will stand in a row,
Thousands of lights will flash
On my beauty.

Goryunova I.

Fidgeting ball at the cliff -
Christmas tree-sticks, so wonderful:
Ruff - not like a hedgehog, so what -
a hedgehog.

Beshentsev A.

If there are two dots on top of “E”,
This is “Yo” – we know for sure.
If all points are removed from “E”,
“E” will turn out again.

Anoshina V.

You can name the letter Yo
Three words: tree, hedgehog and ruff,
And everything is terribly sharp.
They all have needles.

Picked up points deftly,
Like a ladybug,
The letter "Yo", my beauty,
And looks with all eyes.

Shiryaev N.

Father Hedgehog and Hedgehog son
Reading a book all day,
There are a lot of new words in the book,
Hedgehog is ready to read them.
The letter Yo is the most important of all letters,
Let's dwell on it.

Christmas tree sharp needles
Not for a hedgehog at all.
The Christmas tree will wave its paw,
The hedgehog will find a fungus under it.

Papa Hedgehog is proud of his son,
Quietly together
We will master this book,
Starting with the letter Yo!

Valentina Styopkina

Yo ran along the path,
Yo lost two dots,
Cries sitting on the ground:
— Now I am not Y, but Ye!
From the wings of a ladybug
Deftly brushed off two dots,
Secured them with grass
Letter Yo above the head.

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North Coast Community Services
710 Fraser Street, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1P9
Ph: 250.627.7166 | Fx: 250.627.7482

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