Loud rhyming words
185 best rhymes for 'loud'
1 syllable
- Proud
- Crowd
- Cloud
- Bout
- Out
- Doubt
- Shout
- Drought
- Route
- Scout
- Pout
- Shroud
- Vowed
- Clout
- Bowed
- Sowed
- How'd
- Plowed
- Tout
- Wowed
- Sprout
- Cowed
- Stroud
- Round
- Sound
- Ground
- Drowned
- Found
- Pound
- Bound
- Spout
- Trout
- Wound
- Crowned
- Stout
- Count
- Snout
- Gout
- Lout
- Flout
- Crout
- Grout
- Fout
- Hout
- Hound
- Mount
- Mound
- Downed
- Doub
- Frowned
- Mouthed
- Gouged
- Fouled
- Housed
- Growled
- Roused
- Browned
- Howled
- Browsed
- Scowled
- Doused
- Crouched
- Joust
- Faust
- Oust
- Blount
- Couched
- Vouched
- Groused
- Proust
- Bounced
- Scrounged
- Pounced
- Trounced
2 syllables
- Allowed
- Throughout
- Without
- About
- Endowed
- Mccloud
- Avowed
- Enshroud
- Around
- Surround
- Blackout
- Knockout
- Fallout
- Dropout
- Amount
- Account
- Devout
- Workout
- Sellout
- Lookout
- Profound
- Hangout
- Handout
- Background
- Reroute
- Timeout
- Shootout
- Burnout
- Checkout
- Dugout
- Pullout
- Breakout
- Takeout
- Blowout
- Standout
- Layout
- Strikeout
- Hideout
- Tryout
- Payout
- Cutout
- Stakeout
- Bailout
- Turnout
- Rollout
- Cookout
- Walkout
- Wipeout
- Shutout
- Washout
- Lockout
- Holdout
- Phaseout
- Playground
- Rebound
- Compound
- Astound
- Aroused
- Renowned
- Inbound
- Newfound
- Abound
- Confound
- Unbound
- Greyhound
- Resound
- Bloodhound
- Spellbound
- Impound
- Earthbound
- Unwound
- Foreground
- Dumbfound
- Unsound
- Aground
- Homebound
- Eastbound
- Southbound
- Expound
- Campground
- Northbound
- Westbound
- Espoused
- Fairground
- Propound
- Discount
- Recount
- Surmount
- Miscount
- Headcount
- Pronounced
- Announced
- Denounced
- Renounced
3 syllables
- Disallowed
- Overcrowd
- Disavowed
- Underground
- Roundabout
- Turnabout
- Sauerkraut
- Runabout
- Hereabout
- Battleground
- Ultrasound
- Turnaround
- Runaround
- Paramount
- Tantamount
- Unannounced
- Mispronounced
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Words That Rhyme with Loud - Loud Rhymes
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We found 32 rhymes for Loud
You can browse the rhymes for Loud below. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
Rhyme | Len. | Syllables | PoS |
Abboud | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Allowed | 7 | 2 | noun? |
Aloud | 5 | 2 | adverb |
Avowed | 6 | 2 | adjective satellite |
Bowed | 5 | 1 | adjective satellite, adjective |
Browed | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Cloud | 5 | 1 | noun, verb |
Cowed | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Crowd | 5 | 1 | verb, noun |
Daoud | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Disallowed | 10 | 3 | noun? |
Disavowed | 9 | 3 | noun? |
Doud | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Dowd | 4 | 1 | noun? |
Endowed | 7 | 2 | adjective |
Enshroud | 8 | 2 | verb |
Froude | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Goude | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Houde | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Macleod | 7 | 2 | noun |
Mcloud | 6 | 2 | noun? |
Nowed | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Overcrowd | 9 | 3 | verb |
Ploughed | 8 | 1 | adjective |
Plowed | 6 | 1 | adjective |
Proud | 5 | 1 | adjective satellite, adjective |
Shroud | 6 | 1 | noun, verb |
Sowed | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Stroud | 6 | 1 | noun? |
Unbowed | 7 | 2 | adjective satellite |
Vowed | 5 | 1 | noun? |
Wowed | 5 | 1 | noun? |
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Card file of didactic games "Rhymes"
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Card file of didactic games
Prepared by:
Vidyapina Svetlana Anatolyevna
The process of development of objective and cognitive activity is directly related to the development of speech.
Rhyming games can be attributed to exercises on the semantic function of the phoneme.
Rhyming games form the clarity of word pronunciation, intonation expressiveness of speech,
enrich vocabulary, which ultimately encourages the child to independent creative
active thinking.
At the initial stage there is an acquaintance with rhymes. With children, we analyze the concept of "rhyme" and its
features, we find rhyming words in the text of poems.
At the 2nd stage - independent work with rhymes. Children select pictures that depict
rhyming objects in the games “Find a Pair”, “Friends or Not Friends”, “Tell a Word”,
“Tell a Word”, “Looking for Aunt Rhyme's Gifts”, in word games - agreeing the last
words in a line, pure phrases.
Gradually, the task became more complicated, and verbs and adjectives, adverbs were introduced for rhyming.
In order to expand the scope of vocabulary, we used the universal TRIZ manual “I
I know the world. When choosing a reference word, the zone of analyzers and features of objects with their
values were used. For example: a sign of the object "shape" - oval-sad; square-amusing, or
At the 3rd stage, work began on composing poems using a table.
The game "Folding pictures" (Rings of Lull)
Purpose: to teach children to work with the rings of Lull; choose rhyming words.
Move: On a small circle in the sector of the picture, and we will select rhyming words for them,
which are located on the big circle.
Variant of the game: on the middle circle we add pictures of names of features of objects.
Purpose: to teach children to select pictures depicting objects whose names
rhyme, to develop coherent speech, to activate and develop vocabulary.
Move: the teacher lays out 30-40 images, the names of which
rhyme. The teacher raises a picture and asks to find
a steam room in rhyme. The game is considered over when 20 pairs are stacked. nine0025 I am a funny rhyme!
Find me soon.
And pair your friends together.
Game "Hedgehog with apples".
Objectives: to form the ability to select rhyming words, to contribute
to the development of phonemic perception, to contribute to the replenishment and
activation of vocabulary.
Move: The presenter puts a picture on an apple near a hedgehog and invites the participants of the game
to pick up card-pictures on apples in turn:
The hedgehog is crawling,
The rhyme is lucky.
Find an apple,
pick a rhyme.
Players select pictures of rhyming words, for example:
The hedgehog crawls, the rhyme is lucky: titmouse.
Find an apple, pick up a rhyme - the players lay out in turn: a pigtail,
a mitten, a match, an eyelash, an electric train and other cards.
The one who picks up the most wins.
The game "Train with rhymes"
Purpose: to form the ability to select rhymes.
Move: The host puts a picture in the train window, the players pick up pictures - rhymes
and put them in the windows of the trailers. nine0025 We played rhymes - we picked up words.
Let's play with you now.
We will show the picture and suggest the word which we will take with us.
Game "Daisies"
Purpose: Formation of the ability to rhyme words, promote the development of
phonemic perception.
Stroke:. The teacher picks up a picture, places it in the middle of chamomile
and asks to find a pair of rhymes. Children find pictures and lay out
on flower petals.
We love to play rhymes,
So that we don't get bored with friends. nine0025 The game "Paired pictures"
Purpose: Purpose: to teach children to select pictures depicting objects whose names rhyme,
to develop coherent speech, to activate and develop vocabulary.
Move: the teacher lays out cards on the table, the names of which rhyme. The teacher or
presenter rolls a die with pictures on the faces, names the picture and asks to find a pair of rhymes.
The game "Fish - girlfriends"
Purpose: Objectives: to form the ability to select rhyming words, to promote
development of phonemic perception, contribute to the replenishment and activation of
Move: The presenter puts a picture of a fish in an aquarium and invites the participants in the game
to pick up card pictures of fish girlfriends in turn.
Game "Connect rhyming words"
Purpose: to form the ability to select rhyming words.
Move: The teacher offers to complete the task - connect the pictures with a marker with
the picture in the middle.
Thank you for your attention!
English Russian Rules
prankster — LiveJournal
ABSOLUTE RHYME - a rhyme consisting of words identical in their sound composition, with the exception of a stressed vowel (hard in one word and soft in another).
Syllable - laid down, withered - littered, quitrent - doomed, soap - cute, blouse - blues, languid - dark, forget - score, bed - lying, meter - master, thunderstorms - dreams, miner - minor, descendants - darkness, caught a cold - forgave, tomen - dark, repute - merge, move out - gallows, clone - maple ..
I wouldn't stain my fingers with ink,
I wouldn't litter the attic with paper,
And behind the bureau, like a girl on a hoop,
I wouldn't sit down to write poetry.
(A.S. Pushkin) Dear comrades, descendants!
Rummaging in today's petrified shit,
studying the darkness of our days,
you may ask about me.
(V. Mayakovsky)
Forward alone in languid hope
Do not wait for me in the middle of the dark night.
(AS Pushkin)
ABSTRACT RHYME - rhyme not tied to any particular verse; rhyming words themselves. nine0003
AUTHORHYTHM - random rhyme; consonance of words, unintentionally inserted by the author into a text or literary work and not affecting its artistic value and perception. Autorhyme is inherent in both colloquial speech and literary prose and poetry. In verses with the usual final rhyme, autorhyme can only be at the beginning or inside the line. Unlike the initial and internal rhymes deliberately inserted into the work by the author, random consonance is born spontaneously and is not a device. "Such a rhyme may or may not exist" (D. Samoilov). Autorhymes can be found both among ancient Greek poets who did not know regular rhyme, and in classical and modern European (including Russian) poetry and prose. Most often, such a rhyme is found in blank verse. In the examples below, "relentless - incomprehensible" and "spring - needed" are autorhymes, the absence of which would not affect the perception of poetry. nine0114 I knew inaccessible beauties,
Cold, pure as winter,
Relentless, inaccessible,
Incomprehensible to the mind.
(A.S. Pushkin)
No wonder our wanderers
Scolded the wet,
Cold spring.
The peasant needs spring
Both early and friendly,
And here - at least howl like a wolf!
(N. A. Nekrasov)
AUTHOR'S RHYME - author's find; original compound rhyme using non-standard combinations of words or their parts. As a rule, it is the only one of its kind: confession - huts, after all, Bolsheviks - more than centuries, life from whom - Dzerzhinsky, again I - banana, Caesar - the face of the dawn, Kyiv - his old people - crucify him, ice cheeks - pilots, whether I am the waist, why not - services, they beat their foreheads on the door - I wouldn’t believe it ...
Gentlemen, poets, aren't you bored with
pages, palaces, love, lilac bushes?
If people like you are creators -
I don't give a damn about any kind of art.
(V. Mayakovsky) Millions, billions, unpronounceable numbers,
Not versts, not miles, the sun - radii, light years!
Our dreams and thoughts, miserable goods, and you, and we, and I, -
No one ever threw them to the stars!
(V. Bryusov)
ACOUSTIC RHYME - a rhyme consisting of words, the rhythmic endings of which are different in spelling, but the same in sound: sinful - of course, beauty - curl, box - rigger, rummage - angry, creature - nothing, again - young . ..
Acoustic rhymes include the majority of rhymes in Russian - from exact to approximate. Acoustic rhymes are divided into objective and subjective. Objective acoustic rhymes are strictly subject to the laws of pronunciation and are perceived by everyone in the same way: a mouse is red, servants are a knock, cheese is a feast, here is a chest of drawers, pop is a forehead, elbows are claws, glad is a row, we are one ...
Also: Children's - German, injection - wells, passionate - red, catchy - grove, multiplies - skin ...
“I can't sleep, nanny: it's so stuffy here! nine0003
Open the window and sit next to me.” -
"What, Tanya, what's the matter with you?" - “I'm bored,
Let's talk about antiquity” ...
(A. Pushkin)
Things and people surround us
. And those
and these torment the eye.
Better to live in the dark.
(Y. Brodsky) How illusory is my existence!
And then what? And then - nothing ...
The body will forget the name and nickname -
Not a creature, but only a substance.
(S. Marshak)
Subjective acoustic rhymes - consonances of words based purely on individual perception. nine0114 Such rhymes may seem consonant to some and unacceptable to others.
A stupa is a mouthpiece, yours are false, they are vulnerable, sweetness is happiness, a long one is wondrous...
Objective acoustic rhymes mostly refer to exact rhymes, subjective ones to approximate ones.
ASSONANIC RHYME - consonance in words of vowel sounds with complete or partial mismatch of consonants.
Exactly - late, wind - swan, star - grass ... People's rumor that the sea wave. nine0003
I will get up before dawn today,
I will walk across a wide field.
Something happened to my memory
I remember everything that was not with me.
(R. Rozhdestvensky)
BASIC RHYME is the most numerous group of rhymes in the Russian language. All rhymes are divided into basic and final. More than 99% of all rhymes belong to the basic ones, less than 1% to the final ones. The final rhymes are rhymes with an accent on the last sound in the word (the gun is mine, the dream is vanity, the window is dark, I sing - yours ...) The final rhymes do not have post-impact sounds. Basic rhymes - rhymes with post-stressed sounds or syllables: fur - laughter, field - share, tractor - reactor, stormy - bravura, plain - sadness, quieter - I will hear, joyful - sweet ... Both types of rhymes are present in the verses below: basic "fatherland - humanity" and the final "battle-sing". For details on basic and final rhymes, see Laboratory. nine0003
And I, like the spring of mankind,
born in labor and battle,
sing my fatherland,
my republic!
(V. Mayakovsky)
BANAL RHYME (eternal rhyme) - a bunch of words most often used in poetic practice. Often such rhymes are treated as hackneyed, familiar and long lost their freshness. Nevertheless, due to the often extremely small rhyming vocabulary of such words and, at the same time, their irreplaceable semantic load, such rhymes, despite their "hackneyedness" and banality, are doomed to eternal use in Russian poetry. nine0003
Again - love - blood. Night - daughter - away. You are loving. Difficult - wonderful. Congratulations - wish. Joy is youth.
Evening - meeting - candles. Tears - frosts - dreams - roses. Fight is destiny. Vek is a person. Feeling is art. Nights - eyes ... etc.
The ancient sound made me happy and again
I sing dreams, nature and love.
(A.S. Pushkin)
Night in my huge city.
I'm going from the sleepy house - away
And people think: wife, daughter, -
And I remember one thing: the night. nine0114 (M.I. Tsvetaeva)
Don't sing! Don't sing to me! Have mercy.
And so the fire burns in the chest.
She came to rhyme "again"
Inseparable love.
(S. Yesenin)
Banal rhymes have been widely used in folklore since time immemorial. They appeared in Russian poetry at the dawn of its development - in the 17th century, and since then they have been invariably present in the verses of almost all poets.
The good house lets in every person
and fulfills goodness until the end of time.
Guilt for all virtues - love,
Bosya never sheds blood from her...
(Aleksey Romanchukov, 1638)
POOR RHYME - insufficient rhyme in which only stressed vowels are consonant, for example: star - wave, wine - easy, sing - love, dawn - ringing, share - the sea, etc. In fact, the same as assonance.
Your rays by heavenly power
My whole life is illuminated.
Will I die, you are over the grave
Burn, burn, my star!
(folk words)
Rhymes composed of words of the same parts of speech in the same grammatical forms are also considered poor, especially if the rhyming vocabulary of such words is very large. So, due to its simplicity - picking up such a rhyme is not difficult - verbal rhymes are called poor rhymes, such as, for example, on "at" (there are more than 5500 words in the dictionary): fly - moan - read - know - play - write - hold. ..; rhymes from adjectives with "oh" (over 1200 words): big - simple - dry - mute - steppe - mischievous...; rhymes from nouns to "any" (more than 1000 words): divination - desire - knowledge - wedding - sparkling - radiance - chirping ... Tautological and semi-tautological rhymes are considered extremely poor. nine0003
Paradoxically, but among the poor rhymes there can be rich ones, if pre-stressed sounds or syllables are consonant in the words:
breathe - interfere, want - fly, forest - spare, singing - sniffing, walkie-talkie - federation, title - vocation ..
RICH RHYME - a rhyming combination of words with the coincidence of reference pre-shock sounds. The greater the similarity, the richer and more consonant with the rhyme. A slave is an Arab, I will - I will forget, charms are Janissaries, an uncle is a tub, after all - a bear, a bug - a cyclops, a living one - calling, the world is an idol, a look - a shame, free - satisfied, a friend - suddenly, a reward - grapes, a threshold - road, tya - child . ..
So connected, united from time immemorial
Union of consanguinity
Reasonable genius of man
With the creative power of nature.
(F. Tyutchev) The golden grove dissuaded
With birch trees, with a cheerful tongue
And the cranes, flying sadly,
They no longer regret about anyone.
(S. Yesenin)
INTERNAL RHYME - a rhyme formed within a verse or several verses within a stanza.
“I waited, I called, I believed in a miracle…”
There was a voice for me, it called consolingly,
He said: “Come here”…
( A. Akhmatova)
EIGHT-SYMBOL RHYME - a rhyme consisting of words with stress on the eighth syllable from the end.
The second name is superhyperdactylic rhyme. In poetic practice is not used.
Trained - engraved....
HYPERDACTYLIC RHYME - a rhyme of words with stress on the fourth or fifth syllable from the end. The second name for four-syllable and five-syllable rhymes. Capitalized - mutilated, snoring - digging, replicating - quoting . ..
and again they groan:
like the barking iambs of the editor.
And try
in iambic
go and shove
some word,
for example, "mammal" ...
(V. Mayakovsky)
Balda is walking, grunting,
And the pop, seeing Balda, jumps up ... (
AS Pushkin)
Snow spreading in nets
Viet over the forgotten days...
(Valery Bryusov)
VERB RHYME – a kind of homogeneous rhyme; a rhyme consisting only of verbs: I swim - I call, live - speak, play - we suffer, try - worry ... Due to the fact that it is not difficult to come up with such a rhyme (especially for verbs of an indefinite form, of which there are thousands in Russian), such rhymes are also called poor: sing - burn - make noise - fly ..
Science nourishes young men,
Gives joy to the old,
Decorates in a happy life,
Protects in an accident.
(M.V. Lomonosov) Once a Epiphany evening
The girls were guessing;
A slipper over the gate,
Taking it off their feet, they threw it. ..
(V.A. Zhukovsky)
And here is a paradox: among such poor people there can be rich rhymes, if pre-stressed sounds or syllables coincide in words:
soar - speak, graze - stock up, return - wrap ...
Who was sitting on the bench,
Who looked at the street,
Tolya sang,
Boris was silent,
Nikolay shook his leg.
(Sergey Mikhalkov)
VOICE RHYME - a kind of final rhyme, consisting of words with an accent on the last sound. In vowel rhymes, the last stressed vowel is preceded by a vowel sound or a soft sign:
I give - pour, yours - I, fights - nightingales, portier - necklace, gun - mine, boa - role ...
Vowel rhymes also include the words "foyer" and " Raya."
Vowel rhymes are the smallest group of rhymes in the Russian language (only about 1000 words). nine0003
DEEP RHYME - a rhyme of words in which, in addition to endings, whole pre-stressed syllables coincide.
Water - wires, fields - poplars, to be - to forget, it's time - an ax, drink - epic, motive - a locomotive, I go - I find, in half - in half, laboratories - about the oratorio, ethical - poetic . .. In a broader sense, deep rhyme can be considered as a rhyme of words, the prestressed parts of which have a greater sound similarity and can compensate for the insufficient consonance of the superstressed parts of words. nine0114 God bless you;
That's for you, catch!
(A.S. Pushkin)
GRAMMATICAL RHYME - see Parallel rhyme.
GRAPHIC RHYME - a rhyme of words whose endings match in spelling but do not match in sound. Without forming auditory harmony, graphic rhyme is purely conditional (rhyme for the eyes) and is almost never used today. Big - a little (ovo-oh), cliff - forest (eu - eu), urgently - on purpose (full-time), forever - of course (very-echno), bold - cheerful (white - white) ...
When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
(I.A. Krylov)
He wandered the world with a lyre;
Under the sky of Schiller and Goethe.
(A.S. Pushkin)
Our doctor pours drops into the mouth of patients
without counting,
However, there is not a drop of benefit from that.
(MM Kheraskov)
Long live walks at half past one,
moonlit country road,
gray and dry from frost
black cow dung roses!
(A. Voznesensky)
GRAPHIC-ACOUSTIC RHYME - coincides both in spelling and in sound. The main property of graphic-acoustic rhymes is the irreproachable coincidence of clauses. Exceptionally accurate rhymes belong to this type:
lunar - stringed, light - carriage, we carry - we will leave, the sea - sorrow, exact - vicious, we know - paradise ..
DACTYLIC RHYME - the second name of a three-syllable rhyme. Words in such rhymes are stressed on the third syllable from the end. Operation - demonstration, ordered - whitewashed, felt boots - small, to see - to envy, recognition - weddings, chatting - dying ...
Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
Steppe azure, a chain of pearls
You rush, as if like me, exiles
From the sweet north towards the south.
(M.Yu. Lermontov) The West is fading in the pale pink distance
The stars dotted the clear sky,
The nightingale whistles in the birch grove,
And the smell of fragrant grass.
(A.K. Tolstoy) People's strength,
Mighty strength -
Calm conscience
Truth tenacious!
(N.A. Nekrasov)
The term "dactylic rhyme" comes from a three-syllable poetic meter - dactyl (–ÈÈ), consisting of one stressed and subsequent two unstressed syllables. Thus, the words "singing", "motherland", "special", "in the evening" due to their trisyllabic nature are in themselves one-footed dactyls. nine0003
Since ancient times, dactylic rhyme has been widely used in Russian folk songs and epics, therefore, until the end of the 18th century, it was considered ignoble and unsuitable for high-style lyrics. This attitude towards dactylic rhyme was also promoted by the influence of European poetry, where dactylic rhymes were not in use. The first examples of dactylic endings appeared among Russian poets in imitation of folk epos and folklore. In high lyrics, dactylic rhyme was recognized only in 19century - first thanks to the work of Zhukovsky, and later other poets. But N.A. used dactylic rhyme especially often. Nekrasov, who firmly fixed three-syllable clauses in Russian versification. Unbelievable, but true: in the verses of A.S. Pushkin has no dactylic rhymes at all.
DOUBLE RHYME - a rhyme of two words in a stanza. The most common rhyme in poetry. In the example below, there are two double rhymes "banner-flame" and "sword - burn".
You must be proud as a banner;
You must be sharp as a sword;
Like Dante, the underground flame
Should burn your cheeks.
(V. Bryusov)
There are also rhymes of three words, four, five, etc. See also triple, quadruple, five, six rhyme.
Cousin rhyme - the rhyme closest in sound to native ones. In such rhymes, word clauses have minor differences - the opposition of deaf and voiced sounds of one generic pair (homophonic rhymes), the opposition of hard and soft sounds (hard-soft rhymes). So, the word "red" has exact rhymes, such as: loud, hourly, etc. These are exact native rhymes (complete coincidence of spelling and sound). The word "red" also has various approximate rhymes: important, main, passionate, idle, early, dirty, etc. However, the degree of accuracy of these words in relation to the word "red" is different. Cousin rhymes, by definition, are closest in sound to native rhymes and are combined in the dictionary: the words "dirty, passionate, idle" are on the same row with the words "red, loud ...". Thus, despite the differences within the clauses, similar words are related in terms of rhyme, and combining them in a dictionary allows you to see the full picture of rhyming words. More examples: "thunderstorm - eyes" - native rhyme, and "thunderstorm - dew" - cousin. Additional examples of cousin rhymes: proest - passage, full - capital, hill - bitterly, apparently - together, I walk - I'm in a hurry, lie down - torment, muses - I fight, cry - executioner, mouth - bridle ... Such words are also served in the neighborhood ( in adjacent rhymes) due to their close family ties. nine0003
I see a lot of kindness in the area:
The rivers of your stream are light and clean
The air is cold, but its whole family is healthy:
The moss is almost drained.
(V.K. Trediakovsky) How frosty ones melt
Blue snows,
Spring waters, formidable
The river takes.
(Vladimir Soloukhin) The girl is freezing in the machine,
Hiding in a chilly coat
All in tears and lipstick
Smeared face.
(Andrey Voznesensky) Stretch out in full length,
Full height
On the field camp
In the company of stars.
(Boris Pasternak)
Conventionally, truncated/superstructure and added rhymes belong to cousins: spit - sails, dark - one ... The words forming such rhymes have slight discrepancies at the ends of their clauses and can be located in different rhyme sequences. Classification by kinship.
DOUBLE RHYME - a kind of superstructure (truncated) rhymes. A characteristic feature of double rhymes is two fixing consonants at the end of one of the words, which gives such a word the potential to rhyme in two ways (in addition to the main one, when the clauses coincide completely). nine0003
1. Tabor - report. In this rhyme, "t" can be hidden.
2. West - report. In this rhyme, "r" drops out.
Veres - Xerox, tablecloth - Mother of God, cross - registry, lathering - mercy, courage - sung ... For more details, see "Polyrhyme".
Quiet charm of a Russian woman,
And where do you get your strength from?
So with you to the end and not sang
Foreign fashion and lies.
(I. Utkin)
TWO-SYMBOL RHYME - rhyme from words with stress on the penultimate syllable. The second name is female rhyme. nine0003
New - ready, mountains - eyes, joy - youth, believe - loss, sound - glory, unarmed - necessary, quietly - famously,
beats - rushes, news I - estate ...
There are speeches - meaning
Dark or insignificant,
But it is impossible for them to listen without excitement
(M.Yu. Lermontov)
NINE-SYMBOL RHYME - the most voluminous rhyme in the Russian language, which consists of nine syllables starting with stress. The second name is superhyperdactylic rhyme. Crystallized - balloted. Does not apply to poetry. nine0003
DISSONANCE RHYME - conditional rhyme, in which words consonants completely or partially coincide, but stressed vowels are different (belong to different species pairs): sail - sang, bagels - apples, passionate - formidable, burrows - communards, smoothly - as if, listen - a horse ... Rhymes in which only stressed vowels are different are often used as a play on words: hammer - grinds, soot - drip, pink - one-time, Socrates - hidden, mosques - toss, shelf - nail file ... Mushroom-rob-coffin -rude (V. Mayakovsky). One of the oldest Russian consonances: semo and ovamo. nine0003
It used to be: socialism is an enthusiastic word!
With a flag, with a song, they stood on the left,
and glory itself descended on their heads.
They passed through the fire, through cannon muzzles.
Instead of mountains of delight - the mountain of the valley.
It has become: communism is the most common thing.
(V. Mayakovsky)
Melting in the brilliance of the winter night,
Turn your face to me.
You, softly blowing snow,
Give me light snow.
(A.A. Blok) When the earthly things incline laziness,
The doe comes out like a wall of shadow
The harrier glides from the branches, turning white,
The line will angrily blow up the wave.
(N.N. Aseev)
ADDED RHYME – a kind of cousin rhymes; the stressed vowel in the passive word is the last one, and in the active word, a consonant sound (often deaf) is added to it, which is hidden (muffled) during pronunciation.
Say - a clamp, a dressing table - with the mind, a stanza - a fact, poplars - fields, a little world - sparkling, spring - to dreams, read - hot, hood - good, for the radar, the end - a concert, a log - zero, absenteeism - to the enemy ...
The added rhymes are interesting combinations of words belonging to opposite rhyme types: basic-closed and final-open. nine0003
Every absenteeism -
Joy to the enemy.
(V. Mayakovsky)
Quiet guitars,
be quiet, trembling:
blue hussars
lie under the snow!
(N.N. Aseev) I almost traveled all over the globe -
and life is good, and life is good.
(V. Mayakovsky)
SUFFICIENT RHYME - see Insufficient rhyme
FRIENDLY RHYME - the second name of pseudo-rhyme; rhyme consisting of words with common stressed vowels and characteristic endings, but different post-stressed consonants or syllables. Words in such rhymes are not related to each other, but are close in sound. The bulk of friendly rhymes are three-syllable and four-syllable. A kind of assonance. See Pseudorhythm for details. nine0114 Devotion - confidence, grandmother - oak tree, girl - time, creative - military ...
It's easier for me than everyone else -
I am Mayakovsky.
I sit and eat
A piece of horse.
(V. Mayakovsky)
FEMALE RHYME - the second name for two-syllable rhymes; words with stress on the penultimate syllable.
Faith - a measure, even - excites, the word - steel, to do - servants, the scenes - I will dress, the sorceress - the full moon, the abyss - long, the genius - bolder, the chambers - aloe, glory - bloody ...
The terms "feminine rhyme" and " male rhyme "passed over to European (including Russian) versification from medieval French poetry. In Old French, feminine words (adjectives and some nouns) ended with an unstressed "e" sound, while masculine words, respectively, did not have such an ending. Since then, in European poetry, words with an accent on the last syllable are called masculine rhyme, and words with an accent on the penultimate syllable are called feminine rhymes. In the first example below, the first and third verses are combined with a masculine rhyme, and the second and fourth with a feminine rhyme. In the second example, there are only feminine rhymes. nine0114 See also masculine rhyme
He looked up,
Natasha looked,
He flew by in a whirlwind,
Natasha flew by.
(A.S. Pushkin) A golden cloud spent the night
On the chest of a giant cliff;
In the morning, she rushed off on her way early,
Playing merrily across the azure...
(M.V. Lermontov)
Almost until the middle of the 18th century, Russian syllabic poetry was built only on female rhymes. This tradition arose under the influence of Polish versification and did not take into account the differences and features of the Russian and Polish languages. The dominance of female rhymes was put to an end by the reform of Lomonosov-Trediakovsky, who "decided" to use female and male rhymes alternately in Russian poetry. (See also Alternans.) In European literature, only Polish and Italian poetry operates exclusively with female rhymes - due to the specific prosodic properties of their languages (stress of words on the penultimate syllable). nine0003
VEILED RHYME - a kind of butt rhyme, in which the stressed syllable (often with a reference sound) of the last word in a line is the first word of the next line. When this syllable is repeated twice, the rhyme becomes clear. This type of experimental rhyme is more interesting to the eyes than to the ears.
What is your strength and your beauty -
tame with invisible threads -
and sad, it can explode then -
Again reason and feelings will challenge your right-
that may settle in hot hearts for a long time -
Maybe you know her secret, Pegasus?
Fluff - rumor, night - drag, shore - Terek, wagon train - frost, fashion - to please, sheet - economist, paradise - know, tramp - whisper,
fell asleep - hum ...
SUBSTITUTED RHYTHM - a variant of pseudorhyme; rhyme from similar words, but with a different post-stress consonant:
evening - wind, story - honor, leg - night ...
FOREIGN RHYME - a weak consonance of words that are not formalized among themselves by either family or friendship. Foreign rhymes consist of words with different kinds of rhymes and consonant only in a common stressed vowel. Elephant - scrap, measles - moth, I go - I call, water - the moon ... The same as assonance. Dictionary classification.
IOTED RHYME - the most common variant of truncated (superstructure) rhymes; an equally syllable rhyme of words with an open and closed syllable, the latter ending in "y" (j - yot). Field - will, this - summer, storms - furies, rested - a grave, fetters - new, thoughts - gloomy, waves - full, threatening - uplifting, ours - a bowl ...
Most often, adjectives act as a word with a trailing "iot".
Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds...
(M.Yu. Lermontov) We are growing, deploying our shoulders,
We are conquering the air, radio, cinema;
But - through a new human appearance
A different age will suddenly pass through.
(N. Aseev) A thunderstorm has passed. The forest smoked,
Thick, tarry and caustic,
And the smoke, raising branches,
As if pulling them up to heaven.
(Lev Ozerov)
PUN-RHYME - rhyme using a play on words. In their form, punning rhymes are composite and can be author's. Now I - those feathers, pineapple - she will chop us - for a ruble, Napoleon - he is on the field, to the canal - finished the canal, on a kalach - I will beat, sing May - catch ...
A year for three clicks on your forehead
Give me some boiled spelt.
(A.S. Pushkin)
He will say the word “for”
And he repents…
He constantly
(Emil Krotkiy)
RING RHYME - a kind of rhyme according to the relative position in the verse. It is formed with the ring (girdle) method of rhyming ABBA.
O thought of a poet! You are free,
Like the song of a free halcyon!
Your laws are in you,
You are slender by yourself! nine0114 (AP Maykov)
FINAL RHYME - the most common and popular rhyme in versification. The last words in the lines rhyme. In addition to the final, there are also initial and internal rhymes.
Wonderful picture
How you are related to me:
White Plain,
Full moon…
(A.A. Fet)
CONSONANCE RHYTHM – rhyme with coincidence of consonant sounds and inaccurate coincidence of consonant sounds. Consonant rhymes should be considered as dissonant. nine0003
CONFLICT RHYME - a rhyme consisting of words with unequal linking rhymes.
Darling - sad, looking like an idol, dressed in summer, guilty - a colonel, mouthpiece - to corpses...
Conflict rhymes are divided into soft and hard. Soft conflict rhymes are closed connecting rhymes.
In general, they sound consonant: blue - thrown, white - in deed, heap - holes, farm - confused ...
Like a faithful wolf, covered with bristles,
Like a good horse with a shod hoof ...
(A.S. Pushkin ) nine0003
In the everyday life of great construction sites,
In the merry roar, in fires and bells,
Hello, the country of heroes,
The country of dreamers, the country of scientists!
Rigid conflict rhymes - open connecting rhymes, having one syllable more, which exacerbates the dissonance: crows - to the city, sails to the old ones, they saw - issued, corkscrews - stayed . ..
ROOT RHYME - basic rhyme with the coincidence of only the root of the rhyme (stressed vowel and subsequent consonant sound): smooth - shop, right - first, new - like, hut - low, service - mug ...
The fewer post-stressed syllables in rhyming words, the more consonant the root rhyme.
Everything is quiet in the gloomy cell:
The latch on the door,
Silence, the enemy of fun,
And boredom on the clock!
(A. S. Pushkin)
MONORHYTHM - a rare variety of rhymes according to the relative position in the verse; all lines rhyme with each other - AAAA. Most often used in classical oriental poetry. In Russian poetry, verses with one rhyme (monorhyme) are rare; most often, individual stanzas are built on monorhymes. More examples...
Lights - like strings of golden beads,
Night leaf in the mouth - taste.
Release from daytime ties,
Friends, understand that I'm dreaming of you.
(M.I. Tsvetaeva) We walked breaking with a windbreak,
Sometimes falling on our foreheads,
But the thunder will be heard for a long time
And the rumble in which we live.
(D. Samoilov)
MALE RHYME - the second name of a monosyllabic rhyme; rhyming words with stress on the last syllable.
Doom - noise, friends - mine, news - honor, mustache - Frenchman, walked - woke up, small - played, there - hills, chest - path, wedge - family man, chamber - breeze, day - shadow ...
The terms "male rhyme" and "female rhyme" passed into European (including Russian) versification from medieval French poetry. In Old French, feminine words (adjectives and some nouns) ended with an unstressed "e" sound, while masculine words, respectively, did not have such an ending. For example: fly (zh.r.) - mouche, elephant (m.r.) - elephant. At the same time, in French poetry, the tradition of alternating in a stanza for a variety of masculine (masculine words with stress on the last syllable) and feminine endings (feminine words with stress on the penultimate syllable) arose. By the end of the 17th century, the sound "e" at the ends of words ceased to be pronounced, but remained in writing (like "e mute"), becoming a kind of atavism. Thus, purely acoustically (by ear) words of the feminine and masculine gender in modern French have become monosyllabic, but graphically feminine words have one more syllable. Since then, in European poetry, words with an accent on the last syllable are called masculine rhyme, and words with an accent on the penultimate syllable are called feminine rhymes. In the first example below, the first and third verses are combined with a masculine rhyme, and the second and fourth with a feminine rhyme. In the second example, there are only male rhymes. See also female rhyme
About dear companions who gave life to our light
With their companionship gave us life,
Do not speak with anguish: they are not;
But with gratitude: there were.
(V.A. Zhukovsky)
I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.
A young eagle fed in captivity,
My sad comrade, flapping its wings,
Pecking bloody food under the window.
(A.S. Pushkin)
MULTIRHYTHM – central base rhyme with one post-stressed consonant.
Rock - bell, smoke - we fly, wonder - shrews, sing - funny, cloud - steep, day - shadow ...
The consonant can be doubled: gram - there, antenna - siren, ton - icon, son - finn ... , barking (laj)…
Multi-rhymes together with final rhymes are most commonly used in versification.
The universality of multirhymes lies in the fact that different parts of speech can take part in their formation. Example:
Shilo (n.) = rained (vb.) = dull (adj.) = half-heartedly (adv.) ≈ soap (Greek) ≈ or (conjunction). nine0003
There are 60 varieties of multirhymes in Russian, which are the main vocabulary sections
in the rhyming dictionary. All other varieties of rhymes are adjacent to multirhymes.
Examples of “non-multi-rhymes” (words in which the number of post-stressed consonants is more than one):
arch, wind, ruble, clean, complaint, pole, read (j and m), brain, cloudy, petition (c and j) ...
For more details on multirhymes, see Laboratory § 4.
SUPERSTRUCTURAL RHYME - a rhyme in which the passive word ends in a vowel, and the active word ends in a consonant (or two, the so-called "superstructure") with an equal number of post-stressed syllables: speech - broad-shouldered, kvits - shaved, ear - with hearing, hat - bast shoes, demonstration - operations, cobra - docker ...
Today I feel joyful to the point of pain
I myself don't know why.
The heart breathes with unprecedented will,
By the power of its flourishing.
(Olga Berggolts) They dropped the bear on the floor,
They ripped off the bear's paw.
I won't leave him anyway -
Because he's good.
(Agniya Barto)
Superstructure rhyme is actually the same as truncated rhyme, but it sounds more harmonious. By ear, a rhyme is always better perceived, in which an active word with a “superstructure” sounds after a passive one without it. So, with the sequence "freshness - less often" there is a feeling of incompleteness, brokenness (in this sense, such a rhyme can really be called truncated). However, in the reverse order, the rhyme "rarely - freshness" sounds more comfortable - superstructure consonants, slightly hiding, give the rhyme a fairly complete and harmonious look. nine0114 Closed rhymes are most indicative in this respect, in which one of the words has one more consonant: walked - debt, lie - rain, star - scarf, knock - fruit ... In the reverse order, dissonance in such rhymes is felt much sharper, therefore, such rhyming combinations are applied, as a rule, in the "superstructure" sequence. Additional examples: Evening - meeting Better: meeting = evening. New - word Better: word = new.
INITIAL RHYME - rhyme from the first words in lines. nine0003
Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,
Bow-legged and lame,
The washstand runs out
And shakes his head...
(K. Chukovsky)
As the snake is terrible with his whistle
so you, our prince, are formidable with many howls.
(Daniil Zatochnik's Prayer)
In Eastern poetry, consonance at the beginning of lines is an anaphoric rhyme. At the same time, there may not be a rhyme at the end of the lines. nine0003
INSUFFICIENT RHYME - a rhyme consisting of words in which the last common shock sound is preceded by various pre-stressed (supporting) consonants: broom - heat, take - look, dark - coat, I want - I sing (chu - ju), call - in the distance …
Insufficient rhyme is akin to assonance and is used mainly in blank verse. Unlike insufficient rhymes, sufficient rhymes consist of words in which the supporting consonants coincide or belong to the same generic pair (b-p, v-f, d-t, etc.). All the final rhymes are sufficient: broom - down, heat - it's time, take - ask, dark - cinema, coat - not right, call - love, I sing - yours (ju-ju) ... In the quatrain below, there are both types of rhymes "light -bucket" - insufficient and "star-water" - sufficient rhyme. nine0003
It's light in my room.
This is from the night star.
Mother will take a bucket,
Silently bring water.
(N. Rubtsov)
UNEQUISYLABLE RHYME - a combination of words with a different number of post-stressed syllables.
Nonequisyllabic rhymes are divided into rhymes with build-up and rhymes with expansion.
In rhymes with build-up, a syllable (syllables) is added at the end of one of the words: hats - smelling, poplars - alley, gathering dust - isolation, legs - many, time - pregnant, next - unknown, fledge - cooperation, buzzing - workers, put up - capitalists, shone - incorporeal, sharper - it seems, two hundred - news ...
There is a fire through the rustle of paper.
Prosecutors are trembling. How good!
(V. Mayakovsky) I don't regret, I don't call, I don't cry.
Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.
Withering covered in gold,
I will not be young anymore.
(S. Yesenin)
In rhymes with expansion, an "extra" vowel sound or syllable is interspersed in the clause of one of the words, as if pushing consonant sounds apart: brazenly - brazenly, descendants-tomics, pens-fellow travelers, weapons - revealing, suede - married, expensive - delight, important - well, polite - if you, handouts - contractors, lives - lies behind her .