Math end of year projects
10 Awesome End of Year Math Project Ideas — Mashup Math
The following list of math project ideas are perfect for keeping your students engaged during the final weeks of the school year (or at any other time as well). These activities can be adapted to all grade and ability levels and are included in my 21 Time-Saving Strategies, Activities, and Ideas All Math Teachers Should Know.
The final weeks of the school year have arrived and finding ways to keep your kids actively engaged in the math classroom is more challenging than ever.
Having students work on math-related projects is a great way to keep their attention and break up the monotony of the normal classroom routine.
The following list of project ideas can be modified to appropriately challenge and engage math students at the elementary and middle school levels.
So, which project are you going to share with your kids? Jenna via
Description: Students use area and perimeter skills to design the layout of the perfect theme park.
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2.) The Ultimate Paper Airplane Competitionby Michael at
Description: Working in groups, students must design and construct a paper airplane that can survive four rounds of performance tasks, including hang-time and distance.
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4.) Pirate-Themed Escape Roomby Teresa at
Description: Your class has been captured by a group of swashbuckling pirates! They must use their math skills to escape.
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5.) STEM Parachutesby Amy at
Description: Design and construct a parachute that will stay in the air the longest.
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Are YOU looking for some super fun daily math puzzles for your students in grades 3-8? Our best-selling 101 Daily Math Challenges workbook is now available as a PDF download!
6.) Plan Your Dream Vacationby Jennifer at
Description: Students work in groups using a budget to plan all aspects of their dream vacation.
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by Anthony at
Description: Help your kids gain a deeper understanding of equivalent fractions with this fun hands-on activity!
Click here to learn more about this fun activity!
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8.) Extreme Playground Makeoverby Jennifer at
Description: Modeled after the T.V. show, students are in charge of designing an extreme playground design using geometric shapes, elements, and properties.
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9.) End of Year Reflection Infographicby Brain Waves Instruction
Description: As the calendar year draws to a close, engage your students with this fun and creative personal reflection and infographic activity.
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10.) Outdoor Math Gamesby
Description: The fresh air and change of scenery can be just what children need to get excited about playing with and practicing math concepts.
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Do you have any more ideas for fun and engaging math project ideas to share with our community? Share your suggestions in the comments section below. Subscribe to our mailing list here to get more free daily resources, lessons, and tips in your inbox every week.
Anthony is the lead educator and founder of Mashup Math. He lives in Denver, Colorado and is also a YouTube for Education partner. Follow him on Twitter at @mashupmath.
10 Awesome End of Year Math Activities for Grades 1-8 — Mashup Math
Looking for Effective and Easy End of Year Math Activities?
The final weeks of the school year have arrived and keeping your students engaged in learning math is no easy task.
You can mix up your instruction and keep your students interested in learning math by incorporating a few awesome end of year math activities and projects into your upcoming lesson plans.
The following end of year math activity ideas are perfect for implementing during the final weeks of the school year, an extremely hectic time when sticking to your usual routine is nearly impossible.
And each end of year math activity is easy to modify to best meet the needs of your students! The activities can be modified for students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
So, which end of year math activity will you share with your students this spring?
(Tags: end of year math projects, end of year math activities, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8)
1.) Math Book ReportDescription: Standard math curriculums hardly ever make time for students to actually read about math. The end of the school year is the perfect time to give your students an opportunity choose a book about math and create and share a book report.
One option is to have your students research a famous mathematician. I also like having students choose a math-related fiction book, like any of the ones included on this list of 13 STEM Fiction Books Your Kids Will Love.
There are tons of excellent math-fiction books available for students of all grade levels.
Description: This project blends elements of the history of math, geometry, and art/design into an engaging learning experience where students use mathematical thinking to manipulate shapes to create “Escher tiles” and use them to create geometric works of art!
Tessellation Monsters via
Description: The Barbie Bungee data collection activity may be the most underrated math activity ever. Ideal for pre-algebra students, this activity gives students a fun and engaging opportunity to make predictions, collect real-world data, and then analyze the results within the context of their initial hypothesis. This activity is even endorsed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), who share free lesson resources for any teacher interested in trying the Barbie Bungee in their classroom.
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4.) Escape Room!Description: Classroom ‘escape room’ lessons are growing in popularity. Why? Because classroom escape rooms boost student excitement and engagement while helping your kids apply and improve their mathematical problem-solving skills.
If you are new to the idea of classroom escape rooms (sometimes called breakout challenges), check out this blog post So You Want to Build a Classroom Escape Room… by We Are Teachers.
Are you ready to turn your classroom into an escape room for a day?
5.) The Parachute Projectby Amy at
Description: Students use their math skills to design and build a parachute that will stay in the air the longest. This STEM activity is a great opportunity for math and science teachers to collaborate—and it’s a great activity to do outdoors!
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Are YOU looking for some super fun daily math puzzles for your students in grades 3-8? Our best-selling 101 Daily Math Challenges workbook is now available as a PDF download!
6.) Plan and Budget Your Dream Vacationby Jennifer at
Description: Students are given a budget and have to work groups to plan all aspects of their determined “dream vacation.” This end of year math activity allows students to learn more about budgeting, personal finance, and real-world math applications. Aside from vacation planning, this activity can be modified to budgeting things like personal finances, events, starting a business, etc.
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7.) Build Fraction Kitsby Anthony at
Description: Many students struggle with fractions and never really grasp the important concepts. Whether you want to help fortify your students’ understanding of fractions before the school year ends or you want to expose them to fractions a little early, this simple hands-on activity is highly effective and is definitely worth giving a shot!
Click here to get your Free Fraction Kit Lesson Guide!
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8.) Area and Perimeter ArchitectureBy Glimmersnaps Homeschool
Description: Students explore and apply the concepts of area and perimeter by building a city using LEGO bricks! This hands-on activity is another great example of how math teachers can use LEGO to teach challenging concepts.
If you don’t have access to Lego bricks, check out this free STEM: Area and Perimeter City activity guide by
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“I always look forward to getting my Mashup Math newsletter email every week. I love the free activities!”
-Christina R., 5th Grade Math Teacher, Dallas, TX
Do YOU want free math resources, lesson activities, and puzzles and games for grades 1-8 in your inbox every week? Join our mailing list and start getting tons of free stuff (including a free PDF eBOOK)!
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9.) Year End Reflection Activityby Brain Waves Instruction
Description: In this activity, students take time to reflect on what they learned in math this past school year, what challenges they overcome, and how they’ve grown as problem solvers. This activity is perfect for teachers who have students complete a math portfolio over the course of the school year.
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10.) Math Puzzles and Brain TeasersDescription: The end of the school year is a great time to let your students apply their mathematical problem-solving skills to fun puzzles, brain teasers, and challenge questions.
You can access dozens of free math puzzles for all grade levels by visiting our Free Math Puzzles page.
Shop now
Have any more ideas for awesome end-of-year math project ideas? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
(Never miss a Mashup Math blog--click here to get our weekly newsletter!)
By Anthony Persico
Anthony is the content crafter and head educator for YouTube's MashUp Math and an advisor to Amazon Education's 'With Math I Can' Campaign. You can often find me happily developing animated math lessons to share on my YouTube channel . Or spending way too much time at the gym or playing on my phone.
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how to get there and what kind of project it is, entrance exams
Victoria Zorina
approves profile education
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I’ll tell you what this project is, how the selection for classes is carried out, and why this is a great opportunity to get a quality education for children who study in ordinary Moscow schools.
What kind of project
"Mathematical Vertical" is a Moscow project of pre-profile training for students from the seventh to the ninth grade.
Description of the project on the official website
As part of the project, classes with a special program are formed at the school: more teaching hours are allocated for mathematics, and in addition to algebra and geometry, new disciplines appear in the schedule: for example, probability theory and statistics. Such in-depth studies over several years should help schoolchildren enter specialized mathematical, natural science or engineering senior classes.
The peculiarity of the project is that it works in ordinary district schools : in order to give a child a high-quality mathematical education, one does not need to participate in a huge competition for top mathematical schools and take the child to study on the other side of the city.
Another important nuance is that there is no need to pay for participation in the project: it is fully funded from the city budget. But the child will need to write an introductory work: capable and motivated students are recruited into the classes.
What students can get for good studies
Which schools participate
In the 2020/21 academic year, 436 Moscow schools participated in the project. Among them there are both strong schools like No. 1543 in the South-West and No. 1329, as well as ordinary ones - for example, No. 629 in the Yuzhnoye Chertanovo district and No. 1987 in Maryino.
Another 27 schools were candidates for participation: the seventh grades in them were not considered classes of the "Mathematical Vertical", but if the students write the final control well, then from the eighth grade they will join the project.
To find out if your child's school has these classes, visit the school website or call the school administration.
Each school that joins the project is assigned to one of the 20 resource centers. Top schools became such centers: "Intellectual", No. 57, 1514, 1543 - and some universities: Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MIREA - Russian Technological University.
Schools participating in the Math Vertical projectPDF, 226 KB
Resource centers of the Mathematical Vertical projectPDF, 112 KB
Specialists of resource centers help schools: provide consultations and methodological support, organize mathematical holidays and Olympiads for schoolchildren, as well as advanced training courses for teachers. Resource centers do not interact directly with students and their parents, so you should find out about all the details of the project at school.
Some schools use the program on their own: they buy textbooks and conduct lessons, but do not officially participate in the project. Resource centers do not support them - this may affect the quality of education.
How selection works
To enter the seventh grade of the Mathematical Vertical, sixth graders need to write an entrance paper. It is performed on computers on a certain day, usually in March-April. In 2021, it was held on April 27 and 28.
Test Archive - Intellectual Resource Center
This year, the introductory work in the "Mathematical Vertical" for sixth graders is scheduled for March 2 and 3. It is written by students of the school that participates in the project, or other Moscow schools who want to transfer to the classes of the "Mathematical Vertical". Reserve day - 19April: students from non-public schools and from other cities, as well as those who missed the first attempt for a good reason, such as illness, will be able to write the work.
Students who did not have enough points will be able to retake their work in August - the exact date in 2022 has not yet been announced.
Based on the results of the introductory work, the level of knowledge of the student is determined: high, advanced or basic. All children with a high level of mathematical literacy are enrolled in the classes of the "Mathematical Vertical" based on the results of the introductory work. In 2021, to get a high level, you had to score at least 14 points out of 19.
Schools can also set their own passing score and enroll sixth graders with an increased level of knowledge in the project classes. But it should not be lower than the citywide - 10 points in 2021.
A few months before the entrance work, in December, an invitational test is usually held so that children can try their hand and evaluate the format of the assignments. The results of this work are not taken into account upon admission. In December 2021, a trial job was also offered to fifth grade students who will enter the Mathematical Vertical in 2023.
In our school in 2021, the passing score was equal to the city one: for admission, it was enough to score 10 points out of 19. The school scored one class of the "Mathematical Vertical" on the basis of the Olympiad, in which my daughter studied. The daughter entered the class of the project with almost all her classmates, but several people went to other schools or to a parallel class with a specialization in natural sciences. Instead, 13 students from other school buildings came to the class.
Entering a university without exams: 8 Olympiads that guarantee a budget place
Since 2020, two more opportunities have appeared to enter an advanced level class - mathematical holidays. These are two Olympiads that are held on the same day. In one task, it is simpler - for those who do not have experience in participating in olympiads - but only the diploma of the winner is taken into account when applying. In the Olympiad with more complex tasks, winners and prize-winners receive an invitation to the project classes.
In 2021, Mathematical Holidays took place on April 18, and on April in 2022 they will be held on February 27.
4 types of school competitions that will help you enter a university vacancies. The final work for the seventh grade is planned to be held on April 6 and 8, the reserve day - May 17, for the eighth grade - April 20 and 21, the reserve day - May 18. But schools can set additional requirements for applicants: for example, the presence of diplomas from mathematical Olympiads.
What is special about the program
The program in the Mathematical Vertical is much more complicated than the general education program in mathematics There are only five hours of math per week in a regular class. In the vertical - 4-5 hours of algebra, 1-2 hours of geometry, 1-2 hours of statistics and 1-2 hours of other classes at the choice of the school.
For example, my daughter in seventh grade has 9 hours of math per week: 5 hours of algebra, 3 hours of geometry, and 1 hour of probability and statistics. In addition, once a week a special course is held, where schoolchildren solve problems of an increased level. My daughter loves the program even though it is not easy.
Summer math camps for schoolchildren
The lessons use textbooks and problems designed for the "Mathematical vertical", as well as an advanced level textbook in algebra: they are more complicated than mathematics textbooks in regular classes.
This is what a pile of textbooks and task books looks like in the seventh grade of the Mathematical Vertical. In an ordinary class of textbooks, there are most often two - algebra and geometryProblems of increased complexity from the textbook on geometry edited by M. A. Volchkevich for grade 7 "Mathematical vertical" | And a textbook on geometry for grades 7-9 of secondary schools. In an ordinary school, such tasks are included in the 8th grade program and they are not so interesting |

Lessons are taught by teachers who have completed courses and tests at the resource centers of the Mathematical Vertical. When the project was just starting, there were few qualified teachers in ordinary schools and they had to improve their level at the same time as teaching children. Now there is no such problem.
During the school year, each class conducts several tests in algebra, geometry and statistics. Based on the results of the final test at the end of the school year, those who received few points can be transferred to a regular class. To remain in the class of the project, you need to score at least 13 points, of which at least 4 in algebra and geometry, at least 3 in statistics. Those who scored less will have the opportunity to rewrite the test in September.
Parents' rights at school
What happens after the ninth grade
The Mathematical Vertical project is designed for three years: from the seventh to the ninth grade. Enhanced preparation at this time should make it easier for schoolchildren to enter specialized senior classes.
After the ninth grade, students receive certificates of study in the project. Considering that the first release of the project took place in 2021, it is too early to talk about the specific privileges of the certificate, but we can expect, for example, that when entering another school, a student with such a document will receive priority over guys who score the same points in exams, but did not study in "Mathematical vertical".
A regular certificate is issued subject to three conditions:
- The student graduated from the ninth grade in the project.
- He received a positive grade in the subject "Theory of Probability and Statistics" - 8 points and above.
- Passed the exam with at least 13 points. This is more than the minimum for a "satisfactory" grade in the exam - 8 points.
Certificates for the ninth grade - resource center "Intellectual"
The most successful graduates receive a certificate with honors:
- They graduated from the ninth grade in the project.
- Received an excellent mark in the subject "Theory of Probability and Statistics" - 17 points and above.
- Passed the OGE with at least 25 points. This is more than the minimum for an "excellent" mark in the exam - 22 points.
For those who want to enter specialized humanities classes or stay in general education, but at the same time continue in-depth mathematics, the program "Mathematical Vertical Plus" is provided. It will help you prepare for the profile exam in mathematics and participate in mathematical olympiads. In addition to algebra, geometry and statistics, the program "Mathematical Vertical Plus" includes an in-depth study of one of the subjects of the natural science cycle, such as chemistry or biology.
How much does it cost to prepare for the Unified State Examination
An important feature of the "Mathematical Vertical Plus" is that it is not an independent profile, but is combined with any other, for example, medical or philological.
To enter the "Mathematical Vertical Plus", studying in the "Mathematical Vertical" is not necessary: it is enough to pass the OGE in mathematics with 19 points or higher - for a strong four.
- The project "Mathematical Vertical" involves an in-depth study of algebra, geometry and statistics in grades 7-9 in Moscow schools. In grades 10-11, the program "Mathematical Vertical Plus" operates.
- To get into the classes of the project, you need to write a good introductory work in the sixth grade or get a diploma from the Olympiad in mathematics. For preparation, you can use the invitation and introductory works of past years.
- In case of poor results of the final work, the student can be transferred to a regular class.
Topics for projects for grade 4
This section contains topics of research papers and projects for grade 4 that help students develop their own research position and the skills to design an individual student project.
This section offers project topics for the 4th grade of elementary school, which contribute to the formation of a scientific position among students, the formation of their own opinion on the chosen topic, and are also designed to conduct independent research and analytical activities.
The presented topics of research papers for the 4th grade of primary school are of interest to students for the possibility of conducting a comparative, analytical and generalizing analysis, as well as a more in-depth study of the chosen topic.
The proposed topics of project work on literary reading in the 4th grade of primary general education school can be edited and expanded, individual and group research activities can be carried out on them.
Creating a research paper on any of the following topics helps to develop the child's research skills, develops thinking and involves the acquisition of new knowledge.
Sample research topics for grade 4 students:
How a man tamed the elements of nature: windmills and watermills.
History of a ballpoint pen.
The history of the camera.
Watch history
Telescope and microscope.
History of TV, radio, video.
The history of the steam engine.
Traditions of craftsmanship (local handicrafts).
Grandma's chest (history of family heirlooms).
History of our Kremlin.
Historical buildings of my city.
Growing a crystal from blue vitriol.
Growing crystals at home.
Why the planets do not leave their orbit.
As our ancestors thought
Children's musical instruments.
Professions of our parents
To sleep or not to sleep? That is the question
The effect of the Coca-Cola drink on the body.
Milk? This is great!
The impact of ecology on human life.
Why protect your eyesight.
Amazing table salt.
Can water flow upwards
Chewing gum - friend or foe to our health.
The effect of physical exercise on the biological age of a person.
Potato is the second bread.
Is the sun far from us?
How does the weight of a backpack affect posture?
Does toothpaste affect the strength of teeth?
Why is blood red?
Does man have a tail?
The harmful effects of microwave ovens on human health.
Chupa Chups - a favorite treat
Do teeth like chewing gum?
Where does summer go barefoot all year round? (no heat at the poles?)
Exploring the ways germs spread in the classroom.
Why do parrots talk?
Why are trees of different colors in autumn?
Do dinosaur relatives exist today?
Are all yoghurts healthy?
Russian weaving.
Topics of projects on the world around for grade 4
Sample research topics for students in grade 4:
Genealogical tree of my family.
Name in a person's life.
My family tree
Holidays of our family
Letter from my grandmother to her grandson
Family heirlooms
Sports life of my family
Our home. Our yard
Trees and shrubs
Poisonous plants of my land
New Year's beauty
Why do leaves change color in autumn?
About tops and roots, or why the branches reach for the sun, and the roots to the ground.
Portrait of an apple tree
Why don't seeds germinate in an apple?
Journey of the stone
Why do leaves on trees turn yellow in autumn, but not on indoor plants?
Why does the Christmas tree have sharp needles?
What do we know about tree bark?
What is birch bark?
What is leaf fall?
This Mexican stranger is an avocado
An apple tree and an apple
Amber - magical tears of trees
I was born a gardener
Visiting a white water lily
Can the dandelion plant be used as food?
My little world of wild plants.
A portrait of a strawberry
Why doesn't every seed give birth to a new life?
Why is the sunflower called the flower of the sun?
Why does a plant grow.
About tops and roots
The role of the plant in human life
What kind of raspberry is it?
What do we know about the sunflower?
Berry alphabet
Berry Watermelon
Green window sill at school
Cactus - prickly friend
Who are you, sour lemon?
Do houseplants cure colds?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
My miracle flower
Why do leaves on trees turn yellow in autumn, but not on indoor plants?
Grandma's Geranium Secrets
Violet for Mom
"Merry Beans"
Where do onions grow best?
Riddles about vegetables and fruits
How potatoes came to us
Onions from seven ailments
Observation of the development of onions.
Inhabitants of a personal plot.
Organic farming
Where did tomatoes come from and why they were called that.
Selection of plants for rock garden.
Health benefits of potatoes.
Senior tomato.
One pea, two peas…
Steps of life. The life story of the bean seed.
Medicines are weeds.
Tenderness of chamomile — for body and soul.
Why does nettle sting?.
Distillation of hyacinth by March 8 - "Gift for Mom".
Let's grow tulips ourselves, and then give them to mom.
My favorite roses.
Observation of the growth and development of garden and varietal tulips.
Why do flowers smell?
Journey through the realm of flowers. Lily of the valley.
Journey through the realm of flowers. Lotus.
Journey through the realm of flowers. Dandelion.
Journey through the realm of flowers. Snowdrop.
Mushroom basket
His Majesty Boletus
What do the names of mushrooms tell us?
Mold is also a fungus!
You, fox, red mushroom!
The amazing kingdom of mushrooms.
Amazing find
Guess the fungus!
What is a mushroom with a thin stem?
Life and death of dinosaurs on planet Earth.
Who is building a house on the river?
Who are hedgehogs and what do we know about their life?
Who is an elephant?
Bear fabulous and real
World of funny animals
World of zebras
Whale World
My poodle
My cat
My pet is a German Shepherd.
My favorite animal is a dolphin.
Is it possible to make friends with a horse?
Our favorite zoo
Strange facts about the common hedgehog
Burrow is a home. Animal dwellings
Why do whales float to the surface and release a fountain of water?
Why does a cow give milk?
Why dinosaurs died out on Earth.
Who lives in the nest?
Who are birds?
Chicken is not a simple bird!
Swallow - a messenger of goodness and happiness.
Swallow's nest
Whose nest is this?
Who are snakes?
Frog with the soul of a princess.
My pet turtle.
The Frog Princess, or How I Raised a Frog Myself.
Aquarium and its inhabitants.
Who is a bear
Who are spiders?
The world of beetles
The world of dragonflies
My discovery about the fly
Ant life.
Observation of the life cycle of the peacock butterfly.
Why don't butterflies live in the city?
Why does a water strider walk on water?
Why doesn't the water strider sink?
About ants
The bee is man's friend
The bee family
Are ants intelligent?
How many dots does a ladybug have?
The wonderful world of butterflies
Praise bee!
Why spiders are interesting
A miraculous transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
Earthworm observation.
Is there water in the air?
How a snowflake is born
Why does the Earth's water never run out
Why do volcanoes erupt?
Why do waterfalls appear?
Colorful Seas
Snow research.
Reading project topics for Grade 4
Interesting topics for individual reading projects for Grade 4 students:
Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" in modern cinema.
Speaking surnames in the early stories of A.P. Chekhov.
The proverb speaks beautifully
The myth of Orpheus in the works of painting
Antique images in the poetry of AS Pushkin.
Sound images in F.I. Tyutchev about nature.
What riddles do modern schoolchildren know?
Literature and my land
Literary tale is a direct successor of the folk tale.
Small genres of folklore
My peers in literary works.
We are in the mirror of proverbs
The image of a wolf (fox) in folk tales and Krylov's fables.
The image of Hercules in paintings.
The image of the dragon in children's literature.
Writers, poets nearby
Feats of Hercules on antique vases.
Works interpreted by illustrators.
Folklore of my family
Folklore box
Comparative analysis of poems about autumn by A.S. Pushkin and A.A. Feta.
Russian language
Analysis of street names
Album of Russian language rules.
Fluent consonants
Magic words
Exclamatory sentences
Secondary members of a sentence.
Verb in Russian
To speak correctly, beautifully prestigious!
It is fashionable to be literate!
Russian verb in subject
Noteworthy punctuation marks.
We call to the verb
Borrowed words in Russian
Punctuation marks and their role in written speech.
Why are aliases needed?
Sounds argue: who is more important?
Proper names of 4th grade students
Numerals as a part of speech
Interesting ways of word formation
Historical phraseological units and their role in shaping the speech culture of a modern person.
What kind of tribe
Book and electronic dictionary. Pros and cons.
Vocabulary of the Russian language of our time
Analysis of street names
Linguistic magazine "Parade of letters of the Russian alphabet"
The place of the Russian language among other subjects in our school. №
Mini-collection of proverbs "About the Motherland". №
Mini-collection of proverbs "About the family". №
Mini-collection of proverbs "About friendship".
Write me a letter...
Our pets and Russian phraseology
Homonyms in Russian
Where did the letter in Russia come from
Believe me, it's not so complicated sentence
The proverb is said for good reason.
Vocabulary game
Portrait of one word "Horse"
Sentences with appeal
Prefixes that go in pairs
The origin of the Russian language and the first orthograms.
Journey to the country "Syntax"
Separating ь and ъ
Russian language warm-up
Collection of essays of our class about animals
Collection of poems and stories about animals
Slavic alphabets, their origin and relationship.
Dictionary of funny words
Dictionary of smells
Dictionary of a football player
Dictionary of colors
Empty words
Parasitic words, language viruses
Symbolic words in Russian
Creating a portrait of a word
Thematic groups of naming sweets of Russian origin
What connects sweets and Russian language lessons?
Encyclopedia of one word
Encyclopedia of the word "Bath"
Encyclopedia of the word "Frost".
Etiquette words of my family
Language portrait of a student of our school.
Mathematics project topics for grade 4
Author's tasks in mathematics for students of the 1st grade.
Author's tasks in mathematics for primary school students.
Arabic numerals.
Remainder arithmetic.
Arithmetic is the science of numbers.
In the realm of giant numbers.
Magnificent numbers
Funny puzzles
Funny math train
Funny forest math problems
Funny puzzles for young fishermen
Time, age, calendar
Time. Time measurement. Hour
All about the number 13
Division with remainder
Divisibility of natural numbers
Ancient units of length
Ancient measures of length
Units of measurement in Ancient Russia
Units of measurement of length in different countries and at different times
Tasks in drawings
Tasks for attentive and quick-witted
Tasks in the fresh air
Tasks -fairy tales
Entertaining tasks
The art of guessing numbers
How to quickly learn the multiplication table
How to learn to count quickly
How good it is to be able to count!
Magic number 7
Magic numbers in nature
Magic numbers 3, 11, 13
Math in the life of a cat
Math in my family
Math through the eyes of children
Math is interesting
Math proverbs
Math coloring books for the 1st grade Math 162
Mathematical kaleidoscope
Measures of length
Measures of length in Russia
Measures and their measurements
The world of numbers
The world of the number "three"
My homework
My favorite number is
My favorite number is 7
Can natural numbers be called amazing?
My wonderful friends are numbers
My summer meetings with mathematics
My favorite number is five!
At the lesson of mathematics
Natural numbers in human life.
Learn to solve equations
Our creativity in mathematics
Non-standard tasks
About inches, inches and centimeters.
From addition to division
Quick counting techniques.
Methods of oral counting.
Quick counting techniques.
Methods of mental counting
About the number zero
"One, two, three, four, five, we begin to measure"
Developing tasks in mathematics
Talk about zero
Different ways of multiplication.
Bracket opening
I solve problems with joy.
Roman numbering.
Russian system of measures.
Russian measures of length. №
Secrets of the multiplication table.
System of measures of length.
How much is a kilogram of potatoes from my garden?
Methods of multiplication
Methods of mental multiplications and divisions
Ancient monetary units
Ancient measures of length and weight
Ancient measures of length, volume and weight in Russian proverbs and sayings.
The country of good mathematics
Multiplication table
Multiplication table on fingers
Mysterious number 12
Mysterious number 7
Text tasks for movement.
Fascinating mathematics
Fascinating weighing
Can animals count?
Non-traditional ways to memorize the multiplication table for 9.
Multiplication with enthusiasm
Mental counting - gymnastics of the mind
Leading numbers in the phone numbers of my class.
Clock and time
Numerical giants
Miracle - problem book
Growing a crystal from salt.
Themes of projects on Physical Education and Fundamentals of Health for Grade 4
Healthy lifestyle.
History of skis
My diet.
Milk is good for children.
Prevention of caries in young children.
Is ice cream healthy?
Is yeast good or bad?
Useful properties of kefir
Use and application of vitamins.
Sports life of the family
What are vitamins?
Rhythmic gymnastics.