Pictures of things starting with the letter q

100+ Objects That Start With Q

Activities | Elementary | Homeschool | Kindergarten | Preschool


Looking for some objects that start with Q? While letter Q can be a bit tricky and a little limited on its word options, we’ve managed to come up with over 100 items that start with Q.

Granted, a few of these items aren’t in the everyday vernacular, but there is still a large handful of them that are. From quesadillas and queso dip, to quarters and Q-tips there are quite a few Q objects for us to choose from.

Therefore, without delay, here are 100+ objects that start with Q:

Ultimate List of Objects that Start with Q

Foods that start with Q:

  • Quesadilla
  • Quark (cheese)
  • Qatayef
  • Quail
  • Quahog
  • Quail eggs
  • Quadrettini (pasta)
  • Queso dip
  • Queso cotija
  • Queso blanco
  • Quandong
  • Quavers
  • Quest (protein bar)
  • Quaker Oats
  • Quarter pounder
  • Queen cake
  • Queensfish
  • Quenelle
  • Quick bread
  • Quindim
  • Quince
  • Quiche
  • Quinoa
  • Quinoa flour


  • Quail
  • Quahog
  • Quagga
  • Quarter horse
  • Queen snake
  • Quetzal
  • Queen Angelfish
  • Queen Snapper
  • Queen Butterfly
  • Queen Triggerfish
  • Queensland Lungfish
  • Qinling Panda
  • Quokka
  • Quoll

Household Objects that start with Q:

  • Q-tip
  • Quarter
  • Quarter-cup measuring cup
  • Quart saucepan
  • Quart jar
  • Queen sized bed
  • Queen of hearts (play cards)
  • Queen doll
  • Quern (hand mill)
  • Quill
  • Quilt
  • Quilt batting
  • Quoin
  • Quotes
  • Quilting needle
  • Quest game


  • Quick dry shirt
  • Quick dry swimwear
  • Quiksilver T-shirts
  • Quilted jacket
  • Quarter length sleeves
  • Quarter strap shoes

Outdoor items that start with Q:

  • Quartz
  • Quarry
  • Quagmire
  • Quadricolor Agave
  • Quaking Aspen Tree
  • Quercitron
  • Quercitron Oak
  • Quicksand
  • Quackgrass
  • Queen Anne’s Lace
  • Quillwort (plant)
  • Queen bee
  • Queen Coralbead (plant)
  • Queen poppy
  • Queen’s cup
  • Quince


  • Queue
  • Quad bike
  • Quarterdeck


  • Quark star
  • Quasar
  • Quaoar


  • Quarish (Asian flute)
  • Quinto drum
  • Quiribillow (clappers)
  • Quartet
  • Quintet
  • Quintuplet (group of five notes)


  • Quadriceps
  • Quadratus muscle
  • Quick
  • Quiet mouth
  • Questioning brain

Random objects that start with Q:

  • Quiver
  • Quiz
  • Quantimeter
  • Quadrant
  • Quinine (medicine)
  • Question mark
  • Quotation mark
  • Quoit
  • Quarterstaff (medieval weapon)

Objects that Start with Q for Kindergarten and Preschool 

As Preschoolers and kindergartners are learning the alphabet it’s nice to have a list of familiar words and objects you can draw from, that corresponds with each letter.

And while Q is a little bit of a tricky letter to get objects that preschoolers would know, there are a few that typically work. Here are a few objects that start with Q for kindergartners and preschoolers:

*Note: For practice with letter recognition and beginning reading check out the  Preschool Daily Skill Builder OR the Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder for daily skill-building in six different areas.

Objects that start with Q for Kindergarten and Preschool:

  • Quiz – He took the quiz, and did his best job.
  • Queen – The queen stood on the balcony and looked out over her kingdom.
  • Quilt – My grandma make be a colorful quilt for my bed.
  • Quarter – I have three dimes, two nickels, and one quarter.
  • Quail – We raise quail for their eggs.
  • Quartz – We discovered that the rock was quartz and it was worth a lot of money.
  • Quesadilla – We had quesadillas with salsa for dinner.
  • Question Mark – You put a question mark at the end of a question.
  • Quill – She dipped her quill in the ink and then started to write.
  • Queen Snake – We saw a queen snake while we were hiking through the woods.
  • Quicksand – The hikers were very careful around the quicksand.

Full Q Word list Plus a Free Learning Printable

To get the full Q Word list which includes other nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives, check out the complete Q Words for Kid List. Also, while you are there get the free Q Words for Kids free learning pack which includes Q tracing cards (print and cursive), as well as, handwriting and vocabulary worksheets.

Note: Need another letter of the alphabet? Get ALL the  Words for Kids by Alphabet Resources! Visit the Words for Kids by Alphabet list and check out the word lists and free printable learning resources for each letter of the alphabet!

Objects that Start with P Vocabulary Activities

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You can use this ‘objects that start with Q’ list for planning activities that help to build skills in reading, writing, letter recognition, vocabulary, and spelling. Here are a few different activities you can do with this list:

  • Read Books That Feature Objects or Words That Start with Q– a letter Q book list, and see if you have any on your book shelves at home, or take a trip to you local library. Look for books that feature an object or word that starts with Q, and repeats it throughout the text. Not only is reading aloud something great to do with your kids, it is a fun and easy way to learn new Q words! (Note: Here are a two examples for W word books to start with: The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carl and An Egg is Quiet by Diana Hurts Aston
  • Play the Blindfolded Object Guessing Game – To play the blindfolded object guessing game, gently blindfold your child and explain that you are going to hand them an object that begins with the letter Q, and that you want them to guess what the object is. Give them a couple examples saying, “I might hand you a quarter or a quill.” This type of game is great, because it really challenges kids to think through all the Q words that they know, and connect it to what they are feeling in their hands.
  • Play the Q Word Categories Game – To play the categories game, start by writing a few different categories up on a board for everyone to see. (These categories can include things like: animals, foods, clothes, music, household objects, etc.) Next, set a timer and have your students see how many Q words they can assign to each category before the timer goes off. To really build vocabulary, play it a few different times, suggesting new words and objects for each round.

What would you add to this ‘Objects that start with Q’ list?

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Post Tags: #alphabet#elementary#Homeschool#kindergarten#Preschool

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Show and Tell Letter Q [40 Ideas!] – Mary Martha Mama

By: Author Cat

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Hello!  I’m back today with more show and tell letter of the week ideas and today I’m sharing all my show and tell letter Q ideas with you all! Q is definitely a harder one but I’ve hopefully got you covered with 40 ideas below!

Beyond just giving you letter Q show and tell ideas I wanted to be sure to mention a few show and tell tips that apply for every letter.

  • Look through your kid’s stuffed animals and action figures.  Sometimes you can find a character whose name starts with the letter that you need.
  • Look through your child’s books.  You might find a book with a title that begins with the letter that you need
  • When all else fails have your kiddo take in an alphabet block with the letter on it or a an alphabet letter magnet.
  • My son once took in a picture that he colored from a coloring book.  The picture was of something that started with the letter of the week and he loved showing off his artwork during share time.

And this won’t help you think of anything but this last tip will help keep you out of a bind- 

My #1 Show and Tell Tip

Set a reminder on your phone for the night before show and tell.  

That way you won’t forget and scramble to find something for Q show and tell in your car while you wait in the drop off line for school.  Yes, yes that did happen to me.  Don’t be me.  You’re better than that!

Show and Tell Letter Q Ideas:

  1. queen doll
  2. queen bee
  3. Queen Poppy (Trolls)
  4. Queen of Hearts (playing card)
  5. Queen of Hearts (from Alice in Wonderland)
  6. Queen Iduna (from Frozen & Frozen 2)
  7. Queen Elsa (from Frozen & Frozen 2)
  8. Queen Anna (from Frozen 2)
  9. evil queen (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
  10. queen from a chess set
  11. Q*Bert (from Wreck-It Ralph)
  12. quarter
  13. quilt
  14. quail
  15. quart (quart of cream, juice, etc from toy food set)
  16. Q-tip
  17. Queen Miranda (from Sofia the First)
  18. Quasimodo (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame)
  19. quill
  20. quarterback (maybe you have a toy football player or a football card of a quarterback?)
  21. Quaker Oats
  22. quinoa
  23. quote (maybe something with a famous or favorite quote on it?)
  24. quince
  25. quiche
  26. quesadilla
  27. Quest Protein Bar
  28. question mark (draw a picture of one and have your child color it in)
  29. quartz (maybe you have a rock collection?)
  30. Quirkle
  31. quarter horse
  32. quiet book
  33. quadcopter
  34. Quick Cups game
  35. Brain Quest set
  36. Quelf Jr. board game
  37. Q-bits Jr. board game
  38. Quiddler card game
  39. Qwixx game
  40. Queen Domino board game

Have any other show and tell letter Q ideas?  Please be sure to share them in the comments below!  Need show and tell ideas for another letter?  Check out my full post of Show and Tell Ideas for letters A to Z.

More Fun with Letter Q

Letter Q Tracing Worksheets

I also came across this super fun Sesame Street Letter Q video on youtube that your kiddo might enjoy for their show and tell Q week.

Tags show and tell letter q

Literacy lesson in the 1st grade. Lesson-journey "Introduction to the consonant sound [ts] and the consonant letter Ц


  • introduce students to the consonant letter “C”,
  • continue acquaintance with consonants and their lettering;
  • to form the skill of reading words with the letter “C”;
  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • to teach to highlight a given sound in a word in the right positions, characterize him, teach compare it with other sounds; nine0008
  • to form the ability to compose words from given letters,
  • to develop students' speech.

Equipment and materials: tables with letters for a crossword puzzle, pictures with the letter "C" and with objects, what it looks like, a lock with a chain, pictures-tasks, leaflets for compiling phrases, magnetic letters, cards with syllables for each student.

Lesson 9 progress0029

1. Organizational moment


The bell has already rung.
We start the lesson.

2. Familiarization with the topic of the lesson and staging lesson objectives

- Today we will meet a new letter, but in an unusual way. We will go to journey. You will need to decide a lot crosswords, riddles, puzzles and interesting assignments. nine0005


Acquaintance with the sound and letter “Ts, ts”

you have to open this lock. And for this listen to 1 task: I will read the words, and you listen carefully and name them the same sound in all these words.

Towel, hare, chicken, price, sheep, purpose. nine0005

Children. This is the sound [C].

Teacher: Right, now let's open the first ring chains.

- Say the sound [C] all together. Which one is this sound? What can you say about him? let's follow him let's watch. (It is pronounced with noise, air encounters obstacles, it does not stretch or sing.)

– So, what is this sound? (Agreed.)

- Right. We will open the next chain. What else do you can you tell me about this sound? nine0078 (He is deaf, not sounds and does not ring.)

- That's right, let's open the third chain. What else do you you can tell about him if you hear the words: heron, purpose? (It is solid, regardless of the next followed by a letter. )

– Does he have a soft pair? (No.)

– So what shall we say about him? (He always hard.)

- Right. Let's open the last chain.

- So, to summarize: [C] - consonant, always hard, hollow sound. nine0005

- What letter denotes the sound [C]? (letter “Tse”.)

– What does the letter [Ts] look like? Now about it to us children will read in a poem.

The chair was repaired today by a master.
He glued it and painted it.
Master chair overturned –
Became like a chair.

This is the letter C:
With a claw at the end. nine0041 Claw - scratch,
Like a cat paw.

Letter C -
Bottom hook,
Exactly with a faucet tank.


Sound workout

1. Repeat the sounds.

- But we are not the whole castle opened. We need to conduct a sound charging. nine0041 How do you call the chickens? Chick, chick, chick, chick.
How does a horse hoof? tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok.
How to say with a gesture and sound that a person did you speak loudly? Chits, chits, chits.
How do shoes and boots knock with heels? Tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok.
So we opened 1 part of the lock.

2. Reading a tongue-twister.

- And now we Practice reading and pronunciation of words sound [C].
– Open “Learning to read” on page 59. Read line by line. Now let's read it rows. Then 2 students read expressively.
- Well, we opened the lock. We can to go on a trip. (The teacher opens board.)

5. Ladder. Lexical meaning of words

- Our path passes through a city called "Letter C"

We learned a lot of letters,
We got to the letter [C].
There are words where C is at the beginning,
Where - in the middle,
Where is at the end.

Guess the words hiding in the stairs?

A place where trained people perform animals. CIRCUS.
A place in a theater where actors perform. STAGE.
What did Ryaba the hen lay down? EGG.
The character of Suteev's fairy tale "The Magic Wand". HARE.
What do you put a cup of tea on? SAUCER.
A vegetable that loves to be in a salad with tomato. nine0078 CUCUMBER.
Praise for good work. well done.

6. Working with the riddle

- Now let's go along the path to the next stations. And for this we must solve the riddle.

In the garden, long and green,
And in the tub it's yellow and salty. What is it? (Cucumber)

– What is a tub, a tub? ( Barrel.)
- Flip the track and check. That's right, this cucumber.

7. Game “Live Words”

There is an end to the line,
And at the beginning - dots.

My words broke into syllables. They need collect. To do this, connect your beginning of the word and end so we can read the words. the end words will be those children who have cards with syllables: CA , nine0277 ZO , ZY . So split up into groups.

We need to read the composed words.


- And you did it with this task.

8. Physical education minute

- “Ends” of words will show movements, and you will repeat after them. nine0005

9. Working with riddle

- To go further, we must guess riddle.

There was a white house, a wonderful house,
And something pounded in him,
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy and golden.

- Who is this? .. (Chicken.)
- Check, turn the track and find out correct answer.

10. Working with the fairy tale “Chicken Chick”

- Our next task will be to read a fairy tale just about this chicken. Open textbook "Learning to read" on page 58. (Children read text aloud in turn.)
- Who is the main character of the story?
Prove that this is a fairy tale. nine0041 - Whom did the chicken meet and with whom did he talk? (C chicken, with a flower, with a caterpillar, with a heron.)
– Underline the words with the letter [C]. Let's check what you highlighted.

11. Professions and their appliances and tools. Making sentences

- In order to walk along the path, we must do right choice. Before you are pictures in which people of different professions are depicted. Name them. I AM I will take the item out of the box and show you. Are you in the answer must be said to people of what profession this item is required. And come up offer. nine0005

Doctor - syringe, tailor - scissors, the cook - an egg, the seller - a check, the teacher - a compass.

The item left in the box will be be our path.

12. Composing a pair of words (phrases), with taking into account the characteristics of the heroes

- Remember the heroes of today's fairy tale about chicken. Now on the leaves you need make the right pairs of words tell us about the characters in the story. nine0005

Silent flower, stupid chicken, green frog, curious caterpillar, smart heron.

13. Scattered word

- And in order to find out the last track, we must remember the popular saying ...
Everything has a beginning and ... an end.
And now let's collect the scattered word and find out What does the letter “C” think about us?


14. Summary of the lesson

– What new did you learn at the lesson today?
– What have we learned?
- What did we do in class?
- What did you especially like?

Words starting with the letter A for children

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of the picture word. Do you want your child to be easily given schooling and you do not have to constantly supervise him? Then it is necessary to make sure that he learns all the letters before he goes to school. In order for them to gain a foothold at the level of automatisms, you need to start getting to know them correctly and further study, memorizing letters will be easy and enjoyable, like a game. nine0005

Contents of the article:

  • How easy is it to learn the letter A to a child of 3-4 years and 5-6 years?
  • Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?
  • Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?
  • Words with the letter A for children at the beginning of the word - 23 pictures
  • Pictures for coloring with the letter A
  • Cartoon about the letter A
  • Cartoon about the letters A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z , And from Teremok TV
  • Poems about the letter A

How easy is it to learn the letter A for a child aged 3-4 and 5-6?

The child has an absorbent mind. This is confirmed by Maria Montessori, who devoted her life to raising children. The period of a person's special susceptibility to learning letters is from 0 to 6 years. However, the child must be ready to learn and tune in to it. There are children who, as soon as they start speaking, are already interested in letters, of course, if their parents offered them to study them and created a positive reinforcement for this event, that is, they were overjoyed when the child first began to show interest in letters. nine0005

There is an opinion that initially a child should master physical training, learn how to deftly control his body, that is, master climbing, crawling, walking on stairs - to develop large motor skills, as well as develop fine motor skills - movements with fingertips: modeling, drawing, sorting out small items. And only then can you teach letters. That is, by the age of 5-6 it will be just fine.

Based on my personal experience, I believe that everything should be done simultaneously and in parallel, following the desire and interest of the child. That is, you can start learning letters and show them even when the child is not even a year old. At 3-4 years old, a child should normally already have a fairly large vocabulary and keep up a conversation. Perhaps this period will be suitable for starting acquaintance with letters? nine0005

Learning the letter A by playing - What does the letter A look like?


More details on the page:

It is important to arouse interest in the child and support him on the path of knowledge. Start learning letters as early as possible in a simple game way. When walking with a child, talking, playing with him, pay his attention to the letters. They surround us everywhere. Pay attention to what the letter A looks like. It looks like a stepladder, two logs and one more between them. Maybe some kind of tree grows in the shape of a letter or something else? Eiffel Tower? nine0005

It is important that the child has positive emotions while learning letters. He may be glad that mom or dad tells him something important. Tell him how letters help people. What you can read yourself, determine which street you are on, find which cartoon to watch yourself.

Each person has several channels of information perception: auditory (by ear), visual (picture), kinesthetic (by touch) and motor (scheme, algorithm). Which channel of perception is more developed in each individual person will help to determine special tests. It is not yet clear whether this is genetically based or is formed depending on the environment surrounding the child. I agree with the opinion that a child can be helped to develop all channels of perception, so it is very important that he:
- heard a letter;
- saw an image - a picture;
- touched it in the real world;
- drew it.

Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered?

For a child, letters are an abstraction, something incomprehensible. It is important that in addition to the letter itself, he also remembers the image - the picture. We all remember our first alphabet, there was a picture next to each letter. It is even better if the child has a real-life example. For example, on our card there is the word Lampshade. Find it in your home and let your child see it. You can literally touch and check “by the tooth” something edible with the letter A, for example, watermelon, apricot, pineapple, orange. Astra can be smelled. Cars and buses surround city dwellers everywhere, and they drive on asphalt. Draw the letter A with chalk on the pavement while walking. nine0005

Actors and actresses act in films, acrobats and arena in the circus. Do you have an aquarium in your house? Find exactly the practical application of the abstract letter. Have your child paint with watercolors and note that the watercolor starts with A. Let him paint A with watercolors, with your help or on his own if he can. Such an experience will penetrate into the very depths of the child's consciousness and his brain will absorb this important information about the first letter of the Russian alphabet, which also begins with A.

Does your child like to look at animals: the words stork and shark are suitable. Modern houses on the street are full of antennas, pay attention to them and the child will automatically remember the letter A when he sees the antenna. There are also many inscriptions around containing the letter A, for example, Pharmacy. Or maybe your child likes to listen to music? Then draw his attention to musical instruments on A, for example, Harp, Viola. And what methods of easy memorization of information do you use yourself?

Words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of a word - 23 pictures

If the picture is bright, it will attract the child's attention more and remain in his memory forever. Check out our selection of pictures below.

In the magazine you will find words with the letter A: Lampshade, Apricot, Bus, Car, Stork, Watercolor, Aquarium, Acrobats, Actor, Actress, Shark, Alphabet, Album, Pineapple, Angel, Antenna, Orange, Pharmacy, Watermelon, Arena , Harp, Astra, Asphalt.

Flip through the magazine and study words starting with A.

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Pictures for coloring with the letter A

Creative work with letters will help you remember letters even better. If the child himself can color the letters, he will remember them better. Print ready-made stencils and color the letter A with your child!

A cartoon about the letter A

You can also show a video with pictures to your baby if you have absolutely no time to read to him on your own, but remember that live communication is most effective and preferable when communicating with your baby. When you tell something personally, parental authority and your relationship with the child are strengthened, which is an undoubted contribution to the future. And you can watch the video together! Teremok TV