Pictures that begin with c
Many Words Begin With Letter C - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken
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many words begin with letter clizenzfreie Stock- und Vektorgrafiken. Oder starten Sie eine neue Suche, um noch mehr faszinierende Stock-Bilder und Vektorarbeiten zu entdecken.erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. buchstabe c. rückverfolgung von briefen. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Buchstabe C. Rückver
erlernen des englischen alphabets für kinder. brief c. niedlicher kawaii-taschenrechner. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleErlernen des englischen Alphabets für Kinder. Brief C....
Vektorabbildung von Chicken mit Alphabetbuchstaben C Großbuchstabe
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vektorillustration zum erlernen des alphabets für kinder mit cartoon-bildern.
Vektorillustration zum Erlernen des Alphabets Für Kinder mit...
buchstabe c wörter pädagogisches set mit zeichentrickfiguren - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabe c Wörter pädagogisches Set mit Zeichentrickfiguren
englisch alphabet lernen für kinder. brief c. niedliche cartoon-raupe. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleEnglisch Alphabet lernen für Kinder. Brief C. Niedliche Cartoon-Ra
buchstabenerkennung für kinder. schneiden und kleben. buchstabe c. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleBuchstabenerkennung für Kinder. Schneiden und kleben. Buchstabe C.
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Kreisen Sie alle Objekte ein, die mit dem Buchstaben C beginnen. Arbeitsblatt für Kinder.
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Schneiden Sie Bilder aus und sortieren Sie sie in Spalten. Buchstabenerkennung. C oder K.
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englisch alphabet lernen für kinder. buchstabe c. - many words begin with letter c stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleEnglisch Alphabet lernen für Kinder. Buchstabe C.
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erster Buchstabe eines Wortes Cartoon Pädagogische Aufgabe für...
Cartoon-Illustration des Auffindens von Bildern, beginnend mit dem Arbeitsblatt für Vorschul- oder Grundschulkinder mit Comicfiguren
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Veränderung und Zufall. Handwechselnde Buchstaben C und G. Vektor
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Moderne glänzende Drei-Schritte-Karte Zeiger Infografik-Elemente.
Meet the Letter C
None Carl, the cute cat, and Camilla, the camel, want to make colorful Christmas cards using crayons, but it’s not so easy to do and surprising events interfere. The story ends with both Carl and Camilla content with their creative cards. The short tale is full of fantasy and fun and gives children plenty of opportunities to listen for words that begin with the letter C! Carl, the cute cat, and Camilla, the camel, want to make colorful Christmas cards using crayons, but it’s not so easy to do and surprising events interfere. The story ends with both Carl and Camilla content with their creative cards. The short tale is full of fantasy and fun and gives children plenty of opportunities to listen for words that begin with the letter C! show full description Show Short DescriptionKindergarten
Find short stories with pictures that are great for kindergarten reading level. Your child can learn about all the letters in the alphabet in the Meet The Letter series and learn to count in Monster Birthday Surprise.
view all
Meet the Letter A
Meet the Letter B
Meet the Letter C
Meet the Letter D
Meet the Letter E
Meet the Letter F
Meet the Letter G
Meet the Letter H
Meet the Letter I
Meet the Letter J
Meet the Letter K
Meet the Letter L
Meet the Letter M
Meet the Letter N
Meet the Letter O
Meet the Letter P
Meet the Letter Q
Meet the Letter R
Meet the Letter S
Meet the Letter T
Hamsters Holding Hands
Monster Music Factory
Monster Birthday Surprise
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
Full Text
Here’s a story about the letter C. To make uppercase C, you start here and make a big curve like this. To make lowercase c, you start here and make a smaller curve like this. Some words that start with the letter C are . . . camel, cat, crayons, cardboard. Okay, here’s our story. One time, Carl the cute cat, who was creamy white and orange, and his best friend, Camilla the camel, were going to do a craft together, making colorful Christmas cards. So Carl was carrying the cardboard and crayons, but he was very clumsy. So he dropped them, and all the crayons and cardboard got crammed into a corner, fell in the crack, and they couldn’t get them out. And that’s when Carl saw a castle outside the window. So they climbed to the castle to get more crayons and cardboard. When they were done coloring, they got super-duper hungry, so they decide to celebrate their crafts with some cheese and crackers. The end. C What C words did you find in the story?
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30 words starting with U for kids with bright pictures
Russian alphabet for kidsComments: 0In this article we have selected words starting with the letter U for children to make it easier for them to remember the letter U. We took nouns starting with the letter U for children because it is easy to come up with a visual image for them - a picture. And the picture remains in the memory of the child for a long time and turns into an association.
Contents of the article:
- What does the letter U look like?
- 30 bright pictures for the letter U
- Letter Y coloring book
- Poems about the letter Y for children
- Cartoon for the letter Y
What does the letter U look like?
y words for children On a slingshot? On a branch with a tree? And look, the snail is crawling! And she, along with the tree, also looks like the letter U! And there is a cactus growing in the shape of the letter U! Pay attention to such objects in everyday life and the child will easily remember the letter y.
30 bright pictures for the letter Y
Scroll through our magazine, which contains words for the letter y for children with pictures, repeat the words with the letter U so that the child remembers the letter U better.
Examples of nouns starting with the letter U: Snail, Corner, Coal, Eel, Boa constrictor, Already, Knot, Pattern, Vinegar, Pointer, Prick, Dill, Beehive, Street, Smile, Toilet bowl, Catch, Urn, Lesson, Hooray, Mustache, Duck , Iron, Ear, Pupil, Uchuva, Platypus, Barbel, Ukulele, Sweeper.
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See also:
Pictures with words starting with the letter A for children at the beginning of a word
Words starting with the letter O for children at the beginning of a word
Words for the letter E and Y for children - 15 colorful pictures
Coloring for the letter Y
To make memorization of words beginning with the letter Y even more effective, we suggest using a creative method - coloring letters and pictures of words starting with the letter Y for children.
Poems about the letter U for children
The letter U in a cool morning
Smiled at the colorful ducks,
And at the ducklings, who quacked together,
And at the snail in a round shell.
Author: Magfish A.
Letter U — Boa Constrictor Plato
Meryl has a new coat.
A very big Boa constrictor -
Will not fit in a sleeve
Author: Zelenaya K.
The letter U is in the corner.
She has a dull look.
It looks like the letter was punished.
Why? They didn't tell us…
Author: Manzhos N.
To have time for the letter U
Learn a lesson in the morning.
Author: Krasnikova I.
See ALL poems about the letter U for children.
Cartoon with the letter U
Did you like our selection: words with the letter U for children? Write what other words for the letter U for children you know!
Tags: Letters of the Russian alphabetLetter assignments for preschoolers. Electronic physical exercise for the eyes “Dance” L.G.Masko
Picture games for children 4-5 years old
Tasks for children of the middle group of the kindergarten on the topic "Learning to read"
Task 1
Name the items in each group. Match them with the letter that their names begin with.
Task 2
What letter do these words begin with? Draw an object whose name begins with the desired letter in each group.
Task 3
Match the objects whose names begin with the same letter.
Task 4
Match the objects whose names end with the same letter.
Task 5
Color the extra picture in each group. What letter do the names of the pictures begin with?
Task 6
Select and color only those pictures that have the letter "SH" in their names.
Task 7
Color only those items that have the letter "L" in their names.
Task 8
Color only those items that have the letter “P” in their names.
Task 9
Color only those items that have the letter "K" in their names.
Task 10
Name the pictures. Connect them in a chain: in the first word - the name of the picture, the sound [M] is at the beginning of the word, in the second the sound [M] is in the middle of the word, in the third the sound [M] is at the end of the word.
Task 11
In the name of which object is the sound [D], and what is the sound [T]?
Task 12
In the name of which object is the sound [B], and what is the sound [P]?
Task 13
In the name of which object is the sound [Z], and what is the sound [S]?
Task 14
Where is the sound [P] in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word? Match the diagrams with the right words.
Task 15
How many sounds are in each word - the name of the picture? Name them. Match the pictures with the correct numbers.
Task 16
What sounds do the names of these objects begin with? If you remove the first sounds in these names, you get other words. Which?
Check yourself.
Fishing rod - daughter; fly - ear; beads - mustache; thunderstorm - rose.
Task 17
Say the names of these items. In which words is the first sound pronounced? Color the box next to this word blue. Which words have the first sound soft? Color the square green.
Task 18
Match each picture with the syllable that begins its name.
Task 19
Match the words with one syllable with one square, the words with two syllables with two squares, and the words with three syllables with three squares.
2. "Gifts" (idea peeped)
Pumps are very fond of inflating bicycle tires. When the pumps are running, they "sing" their favorite song - the sound [S]: S-S-S. Pumps have a birthday today! Let's give them those gifts, in the name of which there is a sound [C]! What will you give?
3. Gymnastics.
It's cold outside, the wind is blowing, it's snowing. Show me how you're frozen, shrunken! Let's imagine how we sculpt a snowman on the street (simulate movements). Worked, warmed up, relaxed.
4a. "Traps" (very good!)
I will name different sounds, but if you hear the sound [C] among them, you must "catch" it by clapping your hands.
= mm-rrr-sss-t-s-p-f-sh-f-s
= mma-rrra-ta-ssa-fo-tu-pu-ky-su
4b. When you hear the words with the letter "C" - clap your hands!
= pine, vase, fox, Vasya, hare, lake, aspen
5. Ball game "Echo" (peeped)
I will "throw" you the letters, and you return the syllables to me!
= s, a - ca
= s, u - si
= s, y - su
= s, o - co
6. Hard and soft "C"
* Read the syllables! ()
* Determine for yourself in which words C is hard, and in which - soft! (you can ask the child to knock hard and weakly on the table, or stomp your foot and clap your hands, or place balls in different cups, or build a pyramid out of cubes, etc.)
- garden, crucian carp, rice, beads, blue, soup, titmouse, bullfinch, fox, Seryozha, forest, lilac, sour cream, middle, meat
7. Find the hidden letters "C". Circle them. ()
8. Color the bell with the letter "C" .()
9a. Outline the letters "C" .()
9b. Letter "C" ()
9c. Capital letter "C" ()
10. Find the letters "C" (taken)
11a. Worksheet about the letter "C" ()
11b. Worksheet from "Memorize Letters" (found)
11c. Worksheet from "Speak Right"
11g. Worksheet from "Learning letters by playing"
12. Echo Game (peeped)
I will pronounce the words, and you will end the words (these individual words will begin with the letter C) (it is best to prepare slides).
= badger (bough), spot (one hundred), sand (sap), barrier (elephant), sucker (nipple), eight (seven).
13. Game "Snail"
You can simply ask the child to name all the words in the snail in order, paying due attention to the C sound, or you can roll the die and advance the appropriate number of cells, naming objects along the way.
14. Game "Magic Figures".
Invite the child to look at pictures of objects, name these objects. Then circle the items in the name of which the sound "Sh" is heard, in the SQUARE those items in the name of which the sound "C" is heard, in the TRIANGLE - with the sound "F". (peeped)
15. C words
Let him name those words with an asterisk in the plural.
16. "What do you see in the picture?" ()
Answer: mask, helmet, bowl, pussy
17. Game "Traces".
Determine whose footprints are in the picture.
18. Find 20 words in the picture that begin with the letter "C" (taken)
What is the fastest way to learn letters with a child? The easiest way is to hang a poster with the alphabet on the wall and regularly voice it to the child ... But ... this method does not work for all children! Unfortunately, many children get bored very quickly, and they simply “run away” from such activities.
If you find yourself in such a situation, don't despair! There are many fun letter learning games that your child will love!
Before you start learning letters, it is important to remember:
Most preschool teachers agree that it is best to teach children the “sound” interpretation of letters (not “Ka” but “K”, not “Be”, but “B”, etc.).
This is done to make it much easier for the child to learn how to add syllables later on.
Compare in which case it will be easier for a child to “figure out” how to compose a syllable:
Sound version: "B" + "A" = "BA"
Letter variant: "Be" + "A" = ????? - logically, children often want to say “BeA” in this place, and this is where the main problem faced by many parents who taught children the "classic" letter names (such as "Be", "Ve", etc.) - when reading syllables, it is difficult for a child to mentally discard the sound "a" from "Ka", from "Ve" - the sound "e", etc. (they want to read not “VA”, but “VEA”, not “BU”, but “BeU”, etc.)
And this complexity becomes a serious obstacle to teaching a child the skill of combining individual letters into syllables.
Therefore, the study of the "sound" interpretation of letters will be much more preferable.
1. Coloring.
Everything is simple here! You can download coloring pages with letters from the Internet and invite your child to color them. The child will be interested in creativity, and at the same time consolidate knowledge about the new letter.
So that the child does not get bored with coloring, you need to use different interesting techniques for this:
Color letters not only with pencils, but also with paints, wax crayons, stamps;
Finger paint using finger paints;
Use non-traditional drawing techniques ( cotton swabs, crumpled paper, blots , etc.).
2. Decorate the letter.
Children will be happy to decorate letters!
You can decorate them with plasticine, appliqué, colored glass pieces, designer parts… and whatever you want!
Try decorating the letter "A" with watermelons, the letter "B" with bananas, etc.
3. Sculpt.
A very useful activity is to sculpt letters from colored dough or plasticine. And if you combine modeling with listening to songs by Ekaterina Zheleznova from the album "Musical Primer" (in which the whole process of modeling is very interestingly “sung”) - then sculpting will be even more fun.
Wonderful mothers, passionate about the development of children, have long made funny videos of these songs and posted them on the net.
For example, while playing and watching a funny video, you can make the letter A in a fun and interesting way:
Tilt two sticks,
Connect at the top,
Single bar –
Like a tent letter A!
4. Halves - a game to consolidate knowledge about already familiar letters.
In the process of learning the alphabet, the process of repetition is important. Still would! After all, until you get to "I" - you must try not to forget the letter "A".
The process of repeating already learned material will be more fun with the game "Halves"!
Cut out beautiful letter cards, cut them in two, shuffle them.
Invite the child to “fold” the letters from two halves.
5. Memory.
To consolidate the material covered, the well-known game "Memory" is also suitable for everyone (at the same time, attention and memory are trained). You will need a set of cards in which each of the pictures with a certain letter is presented in duplicate.
Shuffle the cards and place them white side up in front of the child.
Ask him to turn over any of the cards, name the sound that means an open letter. Then the player needs to find exactly the same card among the rest not yet turned over. The player looks for the desired letter by turning over the rest of the cards and checking what is drawn on them.
Opened the wrong letter? Flip it back white side up and look for a pair further!
When the required card is found, the player takes two cards for himself and the game continues until a pair is found for each card.
6. We write on semolina.
Children love to draw on semolina! Without exception, everything - from small to large! Even if your child is already 10 years old and already seems “so big”, believe me, he will be delighted with drawing on semolina!
7. Lotto and foil.
Another way to learn and repeat letters is lotto.
Not all children are enthusiastic about letter lotto. In order to interest the child in this game, you can use foil or paper.
Prepare the playing field and wrap the letter figures in foil or paper.
Have the child unfold the letter and put it in its place on the bingo board.
Lotto can be sound - in this case, you need to put a letter on a card on which an object is drawn that begins with this letter.
8. Letterhead.
You may have a cheerful Little Letter at home. The easiest way to do this is to take a glove doll or soft toy.
For example, this cockerel -
is very unusual! He eats letters! Come on! Let him eat the letter B! And now he wants the letter A! Oh, how tasty you feed the cockerel!
You can play the letter box in another way:
Funny people live in this box. They eat nothing but letters. Let's feed them, shall we? (Mouths of little men - slots in the box).
Here is their food (draw letters on beans with felt-tip pen):
We feed the little men (each little man has his own letter, if the baby makes a mistake - the little men spit cheerfully, close their mouths and demand that they be fed with other food that suits them better (beans with "their" letter):
9. We design.
Laying out silhouettes of letters from counting sticks, matches, Lego bricks and anything else that comes to hand:
Some children may find it difficult to build letters from scrap materials (especially if the baby is under 3.5 years old).
Such children can be constructed using the “overlay” method.
To do this, you can draw these simple diagrams:
Also, in order to build letters, you can use the Zheleznovs' musical primer, which was already written about in paragraph 3 of this article.
For example, poems and a song, which is described in paragraph 3 for "A" can also be used to construct this letter from sticks ( Tilt two sticks, connect at the top, one crossbar - as a tent letter A! )
11. Piercer.
Draw a letter on paper. Put a sheet of paper on a carpet or a soft sofa and hand the child a toothpick (the subject is certainly sharp ... but in 90% of cases, children are easily trained in safety precautions and there are no problems). Ask him to decorate the letter with holes (pierce the letter along the contour).
12. Liner.
This is a great game to learn how to write letters.
Draw the letter with paints. And then ask your child to circle it in a different color...or several colors. Of course, it is better to draw a letter on an A4 sheet.
In this way, you can even “write” whole words:
13. Connection of letters and sounds.
Look, these animals have lost their letters:
What sound does “Elephant” begin with? That's right, "C". Where is our letter "C"? Let's give her back to the elephant!
14. “Find!”
Find all the letters "K" in this picture and circle them!
And in this picture - all the letters "T":
Find all red the letters "M" ... And now blue … And now orange etc.
And now count - how many letters "M" did you find in total?
15. Mosaic games.
Lay out a letter from the mosaic according to the model:
A simpler and more interesting option:
Roll out the dough, draw a letter on it with a felt-tip pen ... and decorate it with a mosaic!
You can also decorate the letters on the dough with other items, such as cereals:
16. Movement game "Run to the letter"
This game is good because it is mobile - it is more like a fun game of "chase" than a learning process. It can be used instead of a mobile pause in class to take a break with benefit.
Hang pictures of various letters on the walls of the room (you can use letters that you "decorated" with your child).
And now we give the command to the child: “Fast, quickly run to the letter C!”.
And now to the letter "A"!
This game not only helps to learn letters in motion, it also develops attention and memory.
If a child refuses to run on your command, you can take his hand and run with him.
Natalya Chistokletova () came up with a very interesting variation of this game and offered it on her website. This is a game - "Cover the letter with your palm":
Feed the monster game:
17. Outdoor game "Jump-jump-team!"
This game is also mobile, so the kids love it too!
Do you remember the funny show "Jump-jump-team" on the channel "Carousel"?
You can play jump-jump-team with letters too!
We take a cube with letters! (if there is no ready-made one, you can make it .... Well, in extreme cases, just turn the cards with the letters down with the image and pull them out one at a time).
For example, this simple cube can be made using a children's cube, tape and paper:
Throw the die…. What did we get? Aha! "U".
What happens on "U" ... Snail? Let's show it (put a pillow on your back and start crawling on the floor).
Now what? The letter "C". On "C" we have an elephant! Let's show it too!
18. Sound poster.
My daughter learned the letters in a couple of months on her own, without any help from me...
And the sound poster helped me with this!
The meaning of its action is simple - the child clicks on the picture with the letter - the poster pronounces the sound that it denotes.
How much time and effort I saved thanks to this poster... And I spent it on other useful games with my daughter, which would not have taken place without my participation.
The only "But!" - it is better to buy posters that work in the mode of studying not the names of letters (for example, "Ka", "Sha", "Be", etc. ), but the names of the sounds that these letters stand for (not "Ka" but "K" , not "Be", but "B"). The expediency of such a study was already mentioned at the beginning of the article. There are quite a lot of posters that offer the "sound" sound of each letter.
Of course, this article does not list all possible ways to learn letters with a child - in fact, there are many more! Play, play and don't stop playing - there is no better way to teach your child!
Important : I will not mind if you post the text or photos from this article in full or in a revised form on your website or social network. But at the same time, please observe an important condition - provide a link to the source (in the absence of a reference, I will assume that you are violating my copyright, and this is serious ).
In the section "Teaching to read" you will find a lot of interesting educational materials for children of preschool and primary school age. Here are a variety of printable educational materials designed to teach preschoolers to read, as well as to test the child's level of knowledge in the humanities. These tasks are suitable for regular homework with the child, developing his speech and intellectual abilities, as well as fully preparing him for the school curriculum.
Also in this section you will find classes to develop reading skills and verbal-logical thinking. This category contains printable tasks that educators can use as didactic material for working with a group of children. Teaching reading to preschoolers is always faster and more effective when it sparks a child's interest. So do not neglect the variety of materials presented to make classes with your child more fun and interesting.
Games and tasks for learning to read for preschoolers:
In this section you will find many tasks, in each of which you need to make a word from letters. In some tasks, you need to compose words from given letters, and in some you need to learn the letters yourself (by the first letter of each word-picture). There are also tasks in which you need to make words from mixed letters or find hidden words among many letters.
Stories with pictures instead of words for children
Here you can download short stories for children with pictures instead of words for children of preschool and primary school age. When reading the presented stories, you need to insert the right words instead of pictures. This kind of learning to read is very interesting for children who are learning to read.
Here we will study the Russian alphabet in order, from the letter A to the letter Z. Two letters are given on each worksheet. Each letter corresponds to several pictures. You need to circle only those picture words that begin with a given letter.
In this section you can download materials that will help you learn the Russian alphabet easily and simply. There are special tasks for teaching the Russian alphabet, and cards with letters for printing, and much more ...
In these colorful tasks for teaching reading, the child needs, guided by pictures, to find the word by letter in a special square, where the letters are arranged in a chaotic manner . Each search word corresponds to one picture outside the square. The order of letters in words can be horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Here you need not only to be able to read the words, but also to be very careful to find them...
Reading by syllables are activities and printouts in which children will learn how to form words from syllables. Here you can download various tasks, print on a printer and work with your child following the instructions for each task.
Here you have to complete semantic reading assignments. Working with text is a very important stage in teaching children to read. In these tasks, the child will practice finding synonyms and antonyms for words, understand and interpret the meaning and meaning of words and sentences, summarize and name the signs of objects, analyze the read text and answer questions asked about it, learn to compose sentences and stories, write dictations and much more other...
In this section teaching reading to preschoolers is presented in the form of interesting game tasks that you need to download and print on your computer. Here a child can train his ability to hear words and find their visual representation on paper, learn tongue twisters and tongue twisters, guess words, recognize words from pictures and much more...
Games with letters and words for children 6-8 years old
Games with letters and words for classes with children of preschool and primary school age with a presentation.
Kuznetsova Marina Alexandrovna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO "Kishertsky RCDT", p. Ust-Kishert, Kishertsky District, Perm Territory.
Purpose: learning the letters of the Russian alphabet in a playful way.
- consolidate knowledge of the letters of the Russian alphabet;
- expand vocabulary;
- to teach concentration and perseverance, concentration of attention;
- help in mastering reading;
- develop observation, auditory and visual memory, imagination, figurative and logical thinking, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, communication skills;
- to acquaint with the outside world.
Description: This methodological development is intended for parents, speech therapists, educators, teachers of additional education, elementary school teachers - for classes with children of senior preschool and primary school age.
The game is the leading activity of preschool children. In elementary school, it gradually gives way to learning activities, but games remain one of the most effective teaching methods.
These games can be played with one child or with a group of children. You can play games in the classroom, or in the family circle. Indoors or outdoors, on the road or traveling, at a party or at a children's themed party.
Equipment : cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, colorful, can be themed.
Game progress :
You can play together, at the table or on the floor.
All participants are given an equal number of cards. The first player to start is the one with the card with the letter "A". He places this card in front of the player on the left. Then he says: “Ah, - watermelon. What is stronger? The player takes out any of his cards, shows everyone the letter (for example, "X"). He says: "X, - the refrigerator, it is stronger, because it is larger and can store a watermelon in itself." After that, the player on the left takes both cards for himself, he has a point. Then he takes any of his cards and continues the game. And so on until the cards run out. If a player comes across cards with the letters "Y", "b", "b", "Y", then he skips the move. Only cards with already learned letters can be used in the game.
Variant of the game with a group of children: players sit in a circle, each with the same number of letter cards. The player with the "A" card goes first. Further similarly. Points are awarded to players for the correct answers "What is stronger?". Children are given tokens, which are counted at the end of the game. The cards remain with the players. The turn passes to the next player - moving counterclockwise. The game continues as long as the children remain interested in the game.
Equipment: wall alphabet.
Game progress: Ask the child to look around and name all the objects that surround him. But only in alphabetical order. You can use the wall alphabet with pictures or a printed version of the alphabet.
Sample responses from a child: A-alphabet, B-bank, V-hanger, D-curtains, D-sofa, etc.
Option: if a group of children is playing, you can pass the move to the next player if the answer is incorrect (or absent). You can come up with your own rules of the game. For example, handing out tokens for each correct word. Or add points (points).
Equipment: reproductions of paintings by famous artists.
Game progress:
Can be played with a group of children or with one child.
Take a picture, show it to a child. Read the title and artist's name. Tell your child a little about this picture, interest him. Ask to find on it all the objects with a certain letter. Let's say this is a reproduction of I.E. Repin's painting "They Didn't Wait".
Task 1:
you need to find all the items whose names begin with the letter "P" (floor, portrait, coat, apron, etc.).
Task 2: Ask your child to memorize all the words beginning with that letter. Close the picture, and offer to remember all these items.
Option: use other reproductions of paintings, not only Russian artists. Or a colored plot thematic picture. Or a photograph (illustration), which depicts many different objects.
reproductions of paintings by Russian artists: A.Plastov "The First Snow"; D. Ya. Alexandrov "Moscow courtyard"; E. G. Balakshin "On the sled", "From the hill"; F.V. Sychkov “Skiding from the mountain in winter”, “Snowman making”, “Troika”, “Return from school”.
Possible answers of children according to the plot picture
(slide #6)
C tol, table top, tablecloth, samovar, bench, net, dragonfly, chair, dump truck, scoop, bag, light, sandals, slates, sundress, sausages, dog, plane, scooter, sun, arrows, juice, magpie, pine, bundle , shooting, soldier, footprints, pages, grid, seat, heart, shines, shines, stands, sits, shoots, builds, walls, trunk, feet, looks, blue, happy, fairy tale
K olchan, Cap, Wheel, Chair, Easter cakes, Basket, Bushes, Pebbles, Pocket, Mug, Crane, Beak, Book, Mugs, Lid, Roof, costume, wings, scarf, hood, body, cabin, crown, knees, feeds , red, brown
M ashina, ball, bear, boy, kids, muzzle, peaceful, peace, wave, place, small
P esok, sandbox, package / juice /, fingers, panama, hairstyle, dress, scarf, playground, stripes, spots, mouth, sole, shoulders, stick, pack, story, bird, drink, soil
B edro, water, hair, branches, air, warrior, eyelids, lucky, cheerful
L api, face, rays, bow, shop, leaves, foliage, summer, catching, forehead, elbow, palm, palm, people, flies, lies
G orca, mushroom, voice, head, truck, eyes, stockings, cargo, lips, hot, peas
T string, slippers, shoes, torso, plates, straw, grass, shadow, text, warmth
Х east, tails, trunk, needles
N wasps, legs, legs, socks, inflatable ball, nails, spout, sky, elephant cape, insect
U shea, mustache, mustache, angles, street, treat, treats, packaging
Р eyes, hands, mouth, steering wheel, guys, eyelashes, belt, rubber bands, pink, red, joy, joyful, story, growing
D tree, oak, board, friends, children, hollow, day, friendship, doors, bottom, kindness, kind, girl, gives
And gras, toys, needles, plays
H shade, kettle, tea, tea drinking, cup, reads, black, person
F T-shirt, shape
B ukva, bandana, barefoot, butterfly, boots, runs, eyebrows, white
C ifriffs, whole sausages, center
O rest, clouds, rest, orange
Sh nurks, shorts, panties, neck, wool
I language
Z green, gold, golden, tea leaves, earth, teeth, pupils, sunbathing, tan
F macaw, hot, hot, yellow, iron, pity, pity, animal, waiting
Equipment: colored pencils, markers, sheets of paper. Or colored crayons for drawing on a blackboard, asphalt. Or sticks for drawing in the sand or in the snow.
Game progress: You can play with a group of children, or with several teams, giving them a task. At the signal of the facilitator, the children begin to draw beautiful letters "O" (large and small). After the leader says “Stop!”, the players stop drawing. They carefully consider their “drawing”, trying to guess, “For what?” or "To whom?" it all looks like. Then they finish the missing details and give a name to their "masterpiece".
Equipment: sheets of paper or an album containing at least 33 sheets. Simple pencil, eraser. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or paints with a brush / child's choice /.
Option: use the printed letter outlines on A4 white paper.
Game progress: During the study of letters, you can ask, "For what?" or "To whom?" one or another letter of the Russian alphabet is similar.
Let's say A - on the roof of a house, B - on a kangaroo, C - on a butterfly that folded its wings, F - on an owl, etc. For each letter, select a separate page (in the album). Let the child, as they get acquainted with the letters, draw their portraits. For example like this:
Equipment: wall alphabet.
Game progress : an adult asks the child (children) to name the words in turn, but in such a way that the first word starts with "A" and ends with "B", the second starts with "B" and ends with "C", the third starts with "C" ” and ended with “G”, etc. For example, Arab - Borov - Enemy - GraD, etc.
Game progress: can be played indoors, outdoors, on the road or travelling. With a group of children or with one child. An adult asks to carefully examine everything around and name all objects that begin with a certain letter. For example, the letter "K".
Option: if several people play, then the winner is the one who last names the object with this letter.
Option: the game can be held in the form of an auction. Words must not be repeated.
Sources used: Sinitsyna, E. I. Smart words / E. I. Sinitsyna. - M. : List, 1998. - 176 p. - (Sir. "Through the game - to perfection").
Summary of work experience: I studied, revised, supplemented the methodology underlying this book, taking into account the interests, capabilities and direction of the work of our children's association. This technique was successfully tested in the classroom in the children's association of social and pedagogical orientation "Read, study, play" (age of students - 6-8 years).
In particular, in one of the classes, the children completed tasks with interest, and then drew “portraits” of letters.