Read write grow
Literacy Facts & Strategies :: Read. Write. Grow!
My name is France Di Vitto, and I love working with children to improve their reading and writing skills!To be able to read with fluency and comprehension is the basis for all learning. To be able to write with accuracy, clarity, and creativity provides the wondrous means to communicate with the world around us. These are the ultimate end-goals.
The NICHD-led National Reading Panel, formed by Congress in the late 1990's, reviewed decades of research about reading and reading instruction to determine the most effective teaching methods. The panel found that specific instruction in the major parts of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) is the best approach to teaching most children to read.
Instruction should also be systematic (well-planned and consistent) and clear. These findings on reading instruction are still relevant today.
Phonemes are the smallest units composing spoken language. For example, the words "go" and "she" each consist of two sounds or phonemes. Phonemes are different from letters that represent phonemes in the spellings of words. Instruction in phonemic awareness (PA) involves teaching children to focus on and manipulate phonemes in spoken syllables and words. Correlated studies have identified PA and letter knowledge as the two best school-entry predictors of how well children will learn to read during the first 2 years of instruction.
Students with learning disabilities in reading usually have problems in spelling as well. Spelling can be especially difficult for these students, for several reasons. First, the core deficit in reading disability (RD) typically involves word decoding, and many of the same weaknesses that impact word decoding in individuals with RD - such as poor phonemic awareness or poor knowledge of letter-sound relationships - also influence spelling.
The primary focus of phonics instruction is to help readers understand how letters are linked to sounds (phonemes) to form letter-sound connections and spelling patterns and to help them learn how to apply this knowledge in their reading. Research reveals that systematic phonics instruction produces significant benefits for students K-6, and for children having difficulty learning to read. The goals of phonics instruction are to provide children with key knowledge and skills, and to ensure that they know how to apply that knowledge to their reading and writing.
Fluency is one of several critical factors necessary for reading comprehension. Fluent readers are able to read orally with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. If text is read in a laborious and inefficient manner, it will be difficult for the child to remember what has been read and to relate the ideas expressed in the text to his or her background knowledge.
The importance of vocabulary knowledge has long been recognized in the development of reading skills. As early as 1924, researchers noted that growth in reading power means continuous growth in word knowledge. Vocabulary is critically important in oral reading instruction. There are two types of vocabulary-oral and print. A reader who encounters a strange word in print can decode the word to speech. If it is in the reader's oral vocabulary, the reader will be able to understand it. If the word is not in the reader's oral vocabulary, the reader will have to determine the meaning by other means, if possible. Consequently, the larger the reader's vocabulary (either oral or print), the easier it is to make sense of the text.
Comprehension is critically important to the development of children's reading skills and therefore to the ability to obtain an education. Reading comprehension has come to be essential not only to academic learning in all subject areas but to lifelong learning as well.
Research suggests that a combination of reading comprehension techniques is the most effective. When used appropriately, they assist in text recall, question answering, question generation, and the summarization of texts.
- Basic writing skills: These include spelling, capitalization, punctuation, handwriting/keyboarding, and sentence structure (e.g., elimination of run-on and sentence fragments). Basic writing skills are sometimes termed "mechanics" of writing.
- Text generation: Text generation involves translating one's thoughts into language, what might be thought of as the "content" of writing. Text generation includes word choice (vocabulary), elaboration of detail, and clarity of expression.
- Writing processes: Especially beyond the earliest grades, good writing involves planning, revising, and editing one's work. These processes are extremely important to success in writing, and increasingly so as students advance into the middle and secondary grades.
- Writing knowledge: Writing knowledge includes an understanding of discourse and genre - for example, understanding that a narrative is organized differently than an informational text. Another example of writing knowledge includes writing for an audience, that is, the writer's understanding of the need to convey meaning clearly and appropriately to the people who will be reading a particular piece of writing.
Learning to write well is challenging to most students, but students with reading difficulties often have particular difficulty with writing. Underlying weaknesses that affect reading - such as limited vocabulary knowledge, lack of understanding of text structure, poor phonemic awareness, lack of letter-sound knowledge - typically affect writing as well.
National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction. NIH Pub. No. 00-4769. Retrieved August 19, 2019, from
Spelling and Students with Learning Disabilities, by Louise Spear-Swerling, 2005, Courtesy of Reading Rockets.
Reading 101: In collaboration with the Center for Effective Reading Instruction and The International Dyslexia Association. Developed by Reading Rockets.
The Read Write Grow Team
Read Write Grow’s educational therapists, tutors and teachers bring their skills and compassion to meet students exactly where they are at emotionally and academically to build relationships and provide tailored and thoughtful instruction!
Malorie Stuart, Owner
LamorindaMalorie holds a bachelor’s degree in Art History and Women’s Studies from UC Santa Barbara, California, Cleared Multisubject teaching credential from California State Monterey Bay, and is an Orton Gillingham practitioner utilizing Wilson.
Malorie’s one-on-one sessions are designed to promote and inspire self-confidence, increase perseverance and coach children towards independence in reading, writing, and math.
Thurston, MA SPED
OaklandThurston is a New Jersey native that has been working in education for over 10 years. Over that time, he has worked in both public and independent schools while tutoring students of all ages, in a variety of subject matter. Thurston earned a M.A. in Teaching of Students with Disabilities from Georgian Court University in Lakewood, New Jersey, and uses many of the strategies he learned during his studies to assist all of the learners he works with each day.
Lisa, MA ED, ET
LamorindaLisa holds a master’s degree in education, is a trained Educational Therapist, and an Orton Gillingham practitioner.
She has over 14 years of classroom experience across the elementary grades in both the public and private sector, five years of private middle school experience, and maintains a California Cleared Multi-subject teaching credential.
Lisa’s one-on-one sessions are designed to promote metacognition, independence, and essential executive functioning skills to support academic success in reading, writing, and mathematics.
Lauren, MA ED
Online, Based in ColoradoLauren holds her masters in reading science from Mount Saint Joseph University and bachelors from Texas A&M San Antonio. As a virtual literacy tutor I utilize explicit, direct, systematic, and multisensory instruction to remediate students in grades K-6th who are in a variety of school settings. Using an Orton Gillingham lesson structure, and ensuring instruction is prescriptive and individualized for each student.
Margaret, MA
OnlineMargaret has a bachelor’s degree in Child Development and Special Education. She taught 2nd grade for 3 years and elementary special education for 5 years. She is currently working on her master’s degree in Education with focus on Reading and Language Arts in Fresno State, California.
-East Bay
-In schools: private, public and independent
Operating Hours:Monday to Friday: 8:00 to 5:00
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Program for children of early preschool age "Grow up, baby!"
- Target section
1.1. Explanatory note
1.2. Goals and objectives of the Program
1.2.1. Interaction of specialists
1.2.2. Interaction with families of pupils
1.3. Targets of the Program
- Content section
2. 1. Characteristics of children of early preschool age (from 2 to 3 years)
2.2. The content of educational and correctional activities in the educational areas of the Program
2.2.1. Educational area "Speech development"
2.2.2. Educational area "Cognitive development"
2.2.3. Educational area "Social and communicative development"
2.2.4. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"
2.2.5. Educational area "Physical development"
2.3. Planning of correctional, educational, gaming activities
2.3.1. Approximate thematic planning of the work of a speech therapist on the formation of the lexical composition of the language
2.3.2. Comprehensive thematic planning of correctional, educational, gaming activities
2.3.3. Approximate long-term planning of outdoor sports games on the street and in the gym
2.4. Approximate list of games, game exercises, literary and musical works
2.5. Cultural and leisure activities
- Organizational Section
3. 1. Daily routine, organization of sensitive moments
3.2. Organization of the subject-spatial developing environment. Play equipment
3.3. Methodological kit for the Program
Read the entire program...
Explanatory Note
Explanatory Note
I. M. Sechenov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor E. P. Kharchenko states: “The function of the brain (and, in particular, speech) that has not been formed at the appropriate moment in the early development of the child often does not develop normally or does not develop at all at a later date, since the brain turns out to be already at a different stage of development, and it is impossible to reproduce the previous stages of structural-functional relations corresponding to the development and formation of this function... and in Treatment, and in speech therapy Correction Any Development Children NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NO. Danger of delay is fraught with the fact that that defect development will be impossible to reverse 0079 or reduce" .
One of the founders of Sony Corporation, Masuru Ibuka, in his sensational and world-famous book “After Three It's Too Late” writes: “We pay a lot of attention to the question of what to teach children over three years old. But, according to modern research, by this age, the development of brain cells has already been completed by 80%. Doesn't this mean that we should focus our efforts on the early development of the child's brain - before the age of three? .. Main — introduction new experience “on time” . Studies by Russian scientists confirm these statements.
An employee of the Vozrozhdeniye Center for Speech Correction (Yaroslavl), candidate of pedagogical sciences I. B. Karelina, who has been dealing with the problem of habilitation of non-speaking young children for twenty years, writes: “The sooner the cause of speech delay is established and habilitation measures are started with child, the more favorable the result will be, even with severe speech (alalia) and mental disorders (ZPR, U / O, autism) ... Doctors and teachers who have knowledge of the normal speech development of children and speech pathology can provide real help to the child. .." [ Karelina I. B . Comprehensive habilitation of non-speaking young children. - Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2017.]
We remember that L. S. Vygotsky also wrote: the period of formation of all systems, that the sensitive period of speech development falls precisely on the first three years of a child's life.
According to official data, currently more than 85% of children of early preschool age in Russia have specific disorders of speech development of varying severity. This Program was created to organize correctional and educational activities with these children. It can be used as a basis for writing both the main educational program of preschool education for groups of children of early preschool age (from 2 to 3 years old), and an adapted educational program of preschool education for compensatory groups for children of early preschool age (from 2 to 3 years old). ). Under the Program, educational and correctional work can be carried out in early intervention centers.
The program is an innovative document for groups of compensatory and combined orientation for children of early preschool age (from 2 to 3 years old) DOE and is compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child , the World Declaration on Ensuring the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Device, Content and Organization of the Working Mode in Preschool Organizations, as well as the developments of domestic scientists in the field of general and special pedagogy and psychology.
The program contains a description of the tasks and content of work in all five educational areas for all teachers working in groups for children of early preschool age (from 2 to 3 years old) with speech development disorders, and takes into account the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers in this group. The Program developed "Differential Express Diagnosis of Speech and Intellectual Insufficiency in Children 2-3 Years" [18]. The Program includes thematic planning of correctional activities of a speech therapist teacher, comprehensive thematic planning of the work of all teachers in five educational areas, approximate planning for outdoor sports games on a walk and in the gym, an approximate list of games, game and developmental exercises, a list of children's literature, a list of musical works, the content of cultural and leisure activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
The Program provides recommendations on the creation and equipping of a subject-spatial developmental environment in a speech therapy room, group room, music and sports halls, which ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential of space and materials, equipment and inventory for the development of children of early preschool age with speech development disorders in accordance with the characteristics and needs of each child, the protection and promotion of health, the correction of developmental deficiencies. The developing subject-spatial environment provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of the teacher with the whole group, in small groups, the motor activity of children, as well as opportunities for solitude.
The Program provides methodological recommendations for the implementation of interaction between teachers and parents of preschoolers, describes the conditions for cooperation with the families of pupils, presents a list of manuals of the methodological set, work on which is currently ongoing, methodological and visual-didactic manuals are being created for organizing correctional and educational activities during all educational areas.
complex-thematic approach providing a concentrated study of the material: daily multiple repetition allows you to organize the successful accumulation and updating of the dictionary by children, is consistent with the tasks of the comprehensive development of preschoolers, ensures the integration of the efforts of all specialists who work throughout the month within common lexical topic.
The program provides for the need to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, to ensure emotional well-being. The program allows you to form an optimistic attitude of children to the environment, which enables each child to live through all stages of childhood and develop, provides a positive emotional, personal and social and communicative development.
The volume of educational material is calculated in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladjustment of children of early preschool age with speech development disorders. The Program proposes an optimal combination of independent, individual and joint activities, a balanced alternation of specially organized and non-regulated educational activities; free time for games and recreation of children is allocated both in the first and in the second half of the day.
The main form of work in all five educational areas in accordance with the Program is play activity - the main activity of children of early preschool age. All correctional-developing individual, subgroup, group, integrated classes in accordance with the Program are of a playful nature, saturated with a variety of games and developing game exercises and do not duplicate school forms of education. A correctional and developmental lesson in accordance with the Program is not identical to a school lesson and is not its analogue. Abstracts of gaming correctional and developmental classes of a speech therapist teacher, educator, music director, physical education instructor are given in the collections included in the methodological set of the Program.
Read the entire program...
The Tale of Tsar Saltan - Pushkin. The full text of the poem is The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Three girls under the window
Spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says, -
Then for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."
“If I were a queen,”
Her sister says, “
Then there would be only one in the whole world
I would weave cloth. ”
"If I were a queen, -
The third sister said, -
I would for the father-king
I gave birth to a hero.
She only managed to say it,
The door creaked softly,
And the king enters the room,
From the side of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He was standing behind the fence;
The last speech in everything
He fell in love with him.
“Hello, fair maiden,”
He says, “be a queen
And give birth to a hero
Me by the end of September.
You, dear sisters,
Get out of the room,
Follow me,
Follow me and my sister:
Be one of you a weaver,
And the other cook.
The tsar-father came out into the canopy.
Everyone rushed to the palace.
The Tsar did not gather for long:
He got married the same evening.
Tsar Saltan for an honest feast
Sat down with a young queen;
And then honest guests
On an ivory bed
They laid the young
And left them alone.
The cook is angry in the kitchen,
The weaver is crying at the loom,
And they are jealous of her
The sovereign's wife.
A young queen,
Without putting things off,
I suffered from the first night.
There was a war in those days.
Tsar Saltan, saying goodbye to his wife,
Sitting on a good horse,
Punishing himself
Take care of him, loving him.
Meanwhile, as he is far away
Beats long and hard,
The term of homeland is coming;
God gave them a son in arshin,
And the queen over the child
Like an eagle over an eagle;
She sends a messenger with a letter,
To please her father.
A weaver with a cook,
With a mother-in-law Babarikha,
They want to exterminate her,
They order to take over the messenger;
Themselves send a messenger to another
Here’s what from word to word:
“The queen gave birth on the night
Not a son, not a daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog,
But an unknown little animal.
When the king-father heard,
What the messenger brought him,
In anger he began to perform miracles
And he wanted to hang the messenger;
But, relenting this time,
gave the messenger the following order:
"Wait for the return of the king
For a legal decision."
A messenger rides with a diploma,
And finally arrived.
A weaver with a cook,
With a fiancé Babarikha,
They tell him to be robbed;
The drunken messenger is drunk
And in his empty bag
They put another letter -
And the intoxicated messenger brought
On the same day the order is as follows: abyss of waters."
Nothing to do: the boyars,
Having mourned the sovereign
And the young queen,
A crowd came to her bedroom.
Announced the royal will -
She and her son had an evil fate,
They read the decree aloud,
And the queen at the same hour
They put her in a barrel with her son,
They pitched it, rolled it
And let it go to Okyan -
Tsar Saltan ordered so.
The stars are shining in the blue sky,
The waves are lashing in the blue sea;
A cloud is moving across the sky,
A barrel is floating on the sea.
Like a bitter widow,
Cries, beats in her queen;
And a child grows there
Not by the day, but by the hour.
The day has passed, the queen cries out...
And the child hastens the wave:
“You, my wave, wave!
You are naughty and free;
You splash wherever you like,
You sharpen sea stones,
You sink the coast of the earth,
You raise ships -
Do not ruin our soul:
Throw us out onto land!
And the wave obeyed:
Right there on the shore it
Lightly carried the barrel
And quietly receded.
Mother and baby rescued;
She feels the earth.
But who will take them out of the barrel?
Will God really leave them?
The son got up on his legs,
He rested his head on the bottom,
He strained a little:
"How can we make a window here in the yard
?" - he said,
Kicked the bottom out and went out.
Mother and son are now free;
They see a hill in a wide field,
The blue sea all around,
Green oak above the hill.
The son thought: a good supper
We would, however, need it.
He breaks the bough at the oak
And bends the bow into a tight one,
From the cross a silk cord
Pulled an oak bow over the bow,
Broke a thin cane,
Sharpened it with a light arrow
And went to the edge of the valley
Look for game by the sea.
He just comes up to the sea,
He hears like a groan...
It can be seen that the sea is not quiet;
Looks - sees the deed famously:
The swan beats among the swells,
The kite rushes over it;
That poor thing is splashing like that,
The water is muddying and whipping all around...
That one has already spread its claws,
The bloody nibble sharpened up...
But just the arrow sang,
It hit the kite in the neck -
The kite shed blood in the sea,
Luk lowered;
Looks: a kite is drowning in the sea
And moaning not like a bird's cry,
A swan swims about,
Pecks an evil kite,
Hurries near death,
Beats with its wing and drowns in the sea -
And then to the prince
Says in Russian:
"You, prince, are my savior,
mighty redeemer,
Do not grieve that for me
You will not exist for three days,
That the arrow was lost in the sea;
This grief is not grief.
I will repay you with kindness,
I will serve you later:
You did not deliver the swan,
You left the girl alive;
You didn't kill a kite,
You shot a sorcerer.
I will never forget you:
You will find me everywhere,
And now you come back,
Do not grieve and go to bed.
The swan bird flew away,
And the prince and the queen,
Having spent the whole day like this,
They decided to lie down on an empty stomach.
Here the prince opened his eyes;
Shaking off the dreams of the night
And marveling in front of him
He sees a big city,
Walls with frequent battlements,
And behind the white walls
Domes of churches shine
And holy monasteries.
He soon wakes up the queen;
She will gasp!.. “Will it happen? -
He says, - I see:
My swan amuses itself.
Mother and son go to the city.
They just stepped outside the fence,
A deafening chime
Rising from all sides:
The people are pouring towards them,
The church choir praises God;
In golden carts
Lush courtyard meets them;
All of them are loudly called;
And among your capital,
With the permission of the queen,
On the same day he began to reign
And he called himself Prince Guidon.
The wind walks on the sea
And the boat drives;
He runs to himself in the waves
On swollen sails.
Shipmen wonder,
Crowd on the ship,
On a familiar island
They see a miracle in reality:
A new golden-domed city,
A wharf with a strong outpost;
Cannons are fired from the pier,
The ship is ordered to land.
Guests are approaching the outpost;
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
And orders to keep the answer:
"What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?"
The sailors answered:
“We traveled all over the world,
We traded sables,
Silver foxes;
And now we are out of time,
We are going straight to the east,
Past the island of Buyan,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan ... "
The prince said to them then:
"Good journey to you, gentlemen,
By sea along Okian
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
I bow to him from me.
Guests on the way, and Prince Gvidon
From the shore with a sad soul
Accompanies their long-distance run;
Look - over flowing waters
White swan swims.
"Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? —
She tells him.
The prince replies sadly:
"Melancholy-sadness is eating me up,
Has overcome the young man:
I would like to see my father."
Swan to the prince: "That's the grief!
Well, listen: do you want to fly to the sea
to follow the ship?
Be, prince, you are a mosquito.
And waved her wings,
Noisily splashed water
And splashed him
From head to toe all over.
Then he decreased to a point,
Turned like a mosquito,
Flew and squeaked,
Caught up with the ship at sea,
Slowly descended
On the ship - and huddled in the crack.
The wind rustles merrily,
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It is already visible from afar.
Here the guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,
And after them, our daring fellow flew to the palace
Sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan is sitting in the chamber
On the throne and in a crown
With a sad thought on his face;
A weaver with a cook,
With a woman in law Babarikha,
They sit around the king
And look into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan seats guests
At his table and asks:
“Oh, you gentlemen,
How long did you go? where?
Okay, is it overseas, or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
Shipmen in response:
“We traveled all over the world;
Life is not bad beyond the sea,
In the light, this is such a miracle:
The island was steep in the sea,
Not free, not inhabited;
He lay an empty plain;
A single oak grew on it;
And now stands on it
A new city with a palace,
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens,
A Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow. "
Tsar Saltan marvels at a miracle;
He says: "If I live,
I will visit the Wonderful Island,
I will stay with Gvidon."
A weaver with a cook,
With a fiancé Babarikha,
They don’t want to let him in
To visit a wonderful island.
“It’s a curiosity, well, right,”
Winking at others slyly,
The cook says, “
The city stands by the sea!
Know that this is not a trifle:
Spruce in the forest, under a squirrel spruce,
Squirrel sings songs
And gnaws everything,
But nuts are not simple,
All golden shells,
Cores - pure emerald;
That's what they call a miracle.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,
But the mosquito is angry, angry -
And the mosquito stuck right in
Auntie right in the right eye.
The cook turned pale,
Died and crooked.
Servants, mother-in-law and sister
Catch a mosquito with a cry.
"You damned midge!
We love you!..” And he went through the window,
Yes, calmly to his destiny
He flew across the sea.
Again the prince walks by the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
White swan swims.
"Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
She says to him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness-longing is eating me up;
A wonderful miracle to start
I would like to. Somewhere there is
Spruce in the forest, under the squirrel spruce;
Miraculous, right, not a trifle -
Squirrel sings songs,
Yes, nuts gnaws everything,
But nuts are not simple,
All golden shells,
Cores - pure emerald;
But maybe people are lying.”
The swan replies to the prince:
“The light tells the truth about the squirrel;
I know this miracle;
Enough, prince, my soul,
Do not be sad; I am glad to serve
I will render you friendship.
With an encouraged soul
The prince went home;
Just stepped into the wide yard -
Well? under a high tree,
Sees a squirrel in front of everyone
Golden gnaws on a nut,
Emerald takes out,
And collects the shell,
Heaps equal heaps
And sings with a whistle
When honest in front of all the people:
Whether in the garden, in the garden.
Prince Gvidon was amazed.
"Well, thank you," he said, "
Oh yes swan - God forbid,
As for me, the same fun.
Prince for the squirrel later
He built a crystal house,
Guards assigned to it
And, besides, he forced the clerk
A strict account of the nuts is a message.
Profit to the prince, honor to the squirrel.
The wind walks on the sea
And the boat drives;
He runs in the waves
With sails raised
Past the steep island,
Past the big city:
Cannons are fired from the pier,
The ship is ordered to land.
Guests are approaching the outpost;
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
And he orders to keep the answer:
"What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?"
Shipmen in response:
"We traveled all over the world,
We traded horses,
All Don stallions,
And now we have expired -
And the path lies far for us:
Past the island of Buyan,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan . .."
Says to them the prince then:
“Good journey to you, gentlemen,
By sea along Okian
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, tell me: Prince Gvidon
Sends his bow to the king.
The guests bowed to the prince,
They went out and set off on their journey.
To the sea the prince - and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
The prince prays: the soul asks,
So it pulls and carries away ...
Here she is again
Instantly splashed everything:
The prince turned into a fly,
He flew and sank
Between the sea and heaven
On the ship - and climbed into the crack.
The wind rustles merrily,
The ship runs merrily
Past Buyana Island,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan -
And the desired country
Already visible from afar;
Here the guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,
And our daring fellow flew to the palace after them.
Sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan is sitting in the chamber
On the throne and in a crown,
With a sad thought on his face.
A weaver with Babarikha
Yes, with a crooked cook
They sit around the king,
They look like evil toads.
Tsar Saltan seats guests
At his table and asks:
"Oh, you gentlemen,
How long have you been driving? where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad,
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, this is such a miracle:
An island lies on the sea,
A city stands on the island
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
And under it is a crystal house;
A tame squirrel lives there,
What an entertainer!
Squirrel sings songs,
Yes, nuts gnaws everything,
But nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden,
Nuclei are pure emerald;
Servants guard the squirrel;
Salutes her army;
They pour a coin out of the shells,
Let them float around the world;
Girls pour emerald
Everyone in that island is rich,
Izob is not present, chambers are everywhere;
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow. "
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"If I'm only alive,
I'll visit the Wonderful Island,
I'll stay with Guidon."
A weaver with a cook,
With a fiancé Babarikha,
They don’t want to let him in
To visit a wonderful island.
Smiling surreptitiously,
The weaver says to the king:
“What is wonderful about that? Here you go!
Squirrel gnaws pebbles,
Throws gold and into piles
Rakes emeralds;
You won't surprise us with this,
You're telling the truth, no.
There is another wonder in the world:
The sea swells turbulently,
It boils, raises a howl,
It pours onto an empty shore,
It spills in a noisy run,
And they find themselves on the shore,
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes,
All handsome men are daring, young 902 ,
Everyone is equal, like a match,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
It's a marvel, it's so marvelous,
It's fair to say!"
Smart guests are silent,
They don't want to argue with her.
Tsar Saltan is amazed,
And Gvidon is angry, angry ...
He buzzed and just
Auntie sat down on her left eye,
And the weaver turned pale:
"Ai!" and immediately crooked;
Everyone shouts: “Catch, catch,
Yes, crush her, crush her ...
That's it! wait a little,
wait…” And the prince through the window,
Yes, calmly to your lot
He flew across the sea.
The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
White swan swims.
"Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? —
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
"Sadness-longing is eating me up -
I would like to be wondrous
I will be transferred to my lot."
"What a marvel this is?"
- Somewhere stormily swells
Okyan, will raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Splash in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore,
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes,
All handsome men0 young,
The giants are daring,
Everyone is equal, like a match,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The swan replies to the prince:
“Is this what, prince, that confuses you?
Do not grieve, my soul,
I know this miracle.
These knights of the sea
After all, all my brothers are my relatives.
Do not be sad, go,
Wait for the brothers to visit.
The prince went, forgetting grief,
He sat on the tower, and at the sea
He began to look; the sea suddenly
stirred around,
Splashed in a noisy run
And left on the shore
Thirty-three heroes;
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Knights are coming in couples,
And, shining with gray hairs,
Uncle goes ahead
And leads them to the city.
Prince Gvidon escapes from the tower,
Meets dear guests;
People flee in a hurry;
The uncle says to the prince:
“The swan sent us to you
And punished
Keep your glorious city
And go around on patrol.
From now on, we will be daily
We will certainly be together
At your high walls
Leave the waters of the sea,
So we will see each other soon,
And now it's time for us to go to sea;
The air of the earth is heavy for us.
Everyone then went home.
The wind walks on the sea
And the boat drives;
He runs in the waves
With sails raised
Past the steep island,
Past the big city;
Cannons are fired from the pier,
The ship is ordered to land.
Guests are approaching the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
And orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for?
And where are you sailing now?”
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
We traded damask steel,
Pure silver and gold,
And now we have expired;
And we have a long way to go,
Past the island of Buyan,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan.
The prince then said to them:
“Good journey to you, gentlemen,
By sea along Okiyan
To the glorious Tsar Saltan.
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
Sends de his bow to the king.
The guests bowed to the prince,
They went out and set off on their journey.
The prince is to the sea, and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
Prince again: the soul de asks ...
And so it pulls and carries away...
And again she splashed him all over again
Then he shrunk a lot,
The prince turned into a bumblebee,
He flew and buzzed;
Caught up with the ship at sea,
Slowly sank
Aft — and huddled in the crack.
The wind rustles merrily,
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It is already visible from afar.
The guests came ashore.
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees, all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan is sitting in the chamber
On the throne and in a crown,
With a sad thought on his face.
A weaver with a cook,
With a fiancé Babarikha,
They sit around the king -
Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan seats guests
At his table and asks:
“Oh, you gentlemen,
How long did you go? where?
Okay, is it overseas, or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Life beyond the sea is not bad;
In the light, this is such a miracle:
An island lies on the sea,
A city stands on an island,
Every day there is a miracle:
The sea swells turbulently,
It boils, raises a howl,
It pours onto an empty shore,
It splashes in a quick run -
And they will stay on the shore
Thirty-three heroes,
In the scales of golden grief,
All young handsome men,
Daring giants,
All are equal, like a selection;
Old uncle Chernomor
With them comes out of the sea
And brings them out in pairs,
To keep that island
And bypass the patrol -
And that guard is not more reliable,
Neither braver nor diligent.
And Prince Guidon is sitting there;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at a miracle.
"If I'm only alive,
I'll visit the wonderful island
And I'll stay with the prince."
The cook and the weaver
No gugu - but Babarikha
Smiling, she says:
“Who will surprise us with this?
People come out of the sea
And they roam on patrol!
Whether they tell the truth or lie,
I don't see a diva here.
Are there such divas in the world?
Here comes the truthful rumor:
There is a princess beyond the sea,
What you can’t take your eyes off:
God’s light eclipses during the day,
It illuminates the earth at night,
The moon shines under the scythe,
A star burns in the forehead.
And she is majestic,
Swims like a peacock;
And as speech says,
Like a river murmurs.
One can speak fairly,
This is a marvel, so marvelous.”
Smart guests are silent:
They don't want to argue with a woman.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle -
And though the prince is angry,
But he pities the eyes of his
old grandmother:
He buzzes over her, spins -
Sits right on her nose,
The hero stung his nose:
A blister jumped on his nose.
And the alarm went off again:
"Help, for God's sake!
Guard! catch, catch,
Yes, crush him, crush him...
That's it! wait a little,
Wait!..” And the bumblebee through the window,
Yes, calmly into your destiny
Flew across the sea.
The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
White swan swims.
"Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? —
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness and longing are eating me up:
People are getting married; I look,
Only I go unmarried.
- And who do you have in mind
? - “Yes, in the world,
They say there is a princess,
That you can’t take your eyes off.
In the daytime the light of God overshadows,
At night it illuminates the earth -
The moon shines under the scythe,
A star burns in the forehead.
And she herself is majestic,
Appears like a peacock;
He speaks sweetly,
As if a river is murmuring.
Only, that's enough, is it true?
The prince fearfully awaits an answer.
The white swan is silent
And, after thinking, says:
“Yes! there is such a girl.
But a wife is not a mitten:
You can’t shake off a white pen,
Yes, you can’t plug it into a belt.
I will serve you with advice -
Listen: about everything about this
Think it over,
Do not repent later.
The prince began to swear before her,
That it was time for him to get married,
What about this about everything
He changed his mind along the way;
That he is ready with a passionate soul
For the beautiful princess
He walks away from here
At least far away.
The swan is here, sighing deeply,
Said: “Why so far?
Know that your fate is near,
After all, this princess is me.
Then she, flapping her wings,
Flew over the waves
And ashore from a height
She sank into the bushes,
Startled, shook herself
And she turned into a princess:
The moon shines under the scythe,
A star burns in the forehead;
And she herself is majestic,
Appears like a peacock;
And as speech says,
Like a river murmurs.
The prince embraces the princess,
Presses him to his white breast
And leads her rather
To his dear mother.
The prince at her feet, imploring:
"Dear Empress!
I chose my wife,
Obedient daughter to you,
We ask both permissions,
Your blessing:
Bless the children
Live in advice and love.
Over the head of their obedient
Mother with a miraculous icon
Sheds tears and says:
“God will reward you, children. ”
The prince did not gather for a long time,
He married the princess;
They began to live and live,
Yes, wait for the offspring.
The wind walks on the sea
And the boat drives;
He runs in the waves
On swollen sails
Past the steep island,
Past the big city;
Cannons are fired from the pier,
The ship is ordered to land.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
And orders to keep the answer:
"What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?"
Shipmen in response:
“We traveled all over the world,
We traded not without reason
Unspecified goods;
And we have a long way to go:
Go back to the east,
Past the island of Buyan,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan.
The prince then said to them:
“Good journey to you, gentlemen,
By sea along Okian
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, remind him,
to your Sovereign:
He promised to visit us,
But he has not yet gathered -
I send him my bow.
Guests on the way, but Prince Gvidon
Stayed at home this time
And did not part with his wife.
The wind rustles merrily,
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyan
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the familiar country
It is already visible from afar.
The guests came ashore.
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit.
Guests see: in the palace
The king is sitting in his crown,
And the weaver with the cook,
With the fiancé Babarikha,
They are sitting near the king,
All three of them are looking.
Tsar Saltan seats guests
At his table and asks:
“Oh, you gentlemen,
How long did you go? where?
Okay, is it overseas, or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Life is not bad beyond the sea,
In the light, this is a miracle:
An island lies on the sea,
The city stands on the island,
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
And under it is a crystal house;
A tame squirrel lives in it,
Yes, what a miracle!
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, it gnaws on nuts;
Nuts are not simple,
Shells are golden,
Kernels are pure emerald;
The squirrel is cared for and protected.
There is another wonder:
The sea will swell violently,
It will boil, raise a howl,
It will rush on the empty shore,
It will splash in a quick run,
And they will find themselves on the shore,
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes,
All handsome men are daring,
Young giants,
Everyone is equal, like a selection -
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
And that guard is not more reliable,
Neither braver nor diligent.
And the prince has a wife,
That you can’t look away:
In the daytime, the light of God overshadows,
At night, it illuminates the earth;
The moon shines under the scythe,
A star burns in the forehead.
Prince Gvidon rules that city,
Everyone zealously praises him;
He sent you a bow,
Yes, he blames you:
He promised to visit us,
But he has not yet gathered.
Here the tsar could not resist,
He ordered to equip the fleet.
A weaver with a cook,
With a fiancé Babarikha,
They don’t want to let the king in
To visit a wonderful island.
But Saltan doesn't listen to them
And just appeases them:
"What am I? king or child? -
He says not jokingly: -
Today I'm going! - Then he stomped,
went out and slammed the door.
Gvidon sits under the window,
Silently looks at the sea:
It does not make noise, does not whip,
Only barely, barely trembles,
And in the azure distance
Ships appeared:
On the plains of Okiyana
Tsar Saltan’s fleet is riding.
Prince Gvidon then jumped up,
He cried out loudly:
“My dear mother!
You, young princess!
Look there:
Father is coming here.
The fleet is approaching the island.
Prince Gvidon raises his trumpet:
The Tsar stands on deck
And looks at them through the trumpet;
With him a weaver and a cook,
With his wife Babarikha;
Surprised one
Unfamiliar side.
Cannons fired at once;
Bell towers rang;
Gvidon himself goes to the sea;
There he meets the tsar
With the cook and the weaver,
With the wife Babarikha;
He led the king into the city,
Saying nothing.
Everyone is now going to the wards:
Armor is shining at the gates,
And standing in the eyes of the king
Thirty-three heroes,
All young handsome men,
Daring giants,
Everyone is equal, like a match,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The Tsar stepped into the wide courtyard:
There, under a high tree
Squirrel sings a song,
Gnawing a golden nut,
Emerald takes out
And puts it in a bag;
And the great yard was sown
with golden shells.
Guests away - hastily
Watching - well? the princess is a marvel:
The moon shines under the scythe,
A star burns in the forehead;
And she herself is majestic,
Appears like a peahen,
And leads her mother-in-law.