Reading lesson for 1st grade
First Grade Reading Comprehension Activities
First grade is an exciting time of discovery for early readers. They’re spending less time decoding and word solving and more time comprehending and making sense of the texts they’re reading. Early readers are building reading identities and reading for meaning and joy. Explicitly teaching reading comprehension strategies like making predictions, asking questions, retelling, and inferring helps young readers build the skills they need. These first grade reading comprehension activities are a good place to start.
1. String up a retelling rope
Learning how to retell a story helps young learners as readers and thinkers. It helps them organize their thoughts as they read and recognize when their thinking changes. Using these symbols representing different elements of a story, students can string up a cute retelling rope while gaining valuable comprehension skills.
Learn more: First Grade W.O.W.
2. Visualize the story with illustrations
Visualizing is an important skill for understanding what you’re reading. This blog includes two fun visualizing activities. In the first, students are given a title and are asked to draw an illustration that matches that title. In the second, students are given clues about an object and are asked to draw the object the clues are hinting at.
Learn more: You Clever Monkey
3. Make predictions with a graphic organizer
Making predictions is a just-right reading strategy for emerging readers. During a read-aloud, find a few good stopping points to ask students what they think will happen next.
Learn more: Brown Bag Teacher
4. Make a “beginning, middle, and end” flip chart
One tried-and-true way to teach summarizing to early readers is instructing them to identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story. This easy-to-make flip chart is just an 8 x 11 piece of plain paper folded vertically then divided into thirds. On the front half, students will draw a picture of what happens in the three sections of the story. Underneath each flap is a short written description.
Learn more: Bishop’s Blackboard
5. Ask questions with story sticks
Good readers ask questions before, during, and after they read. These cute story sticks make a game of first grade reading comprehension. Perfect to use with small reading groups or with partners.
Learn more: The Happy Teacher
6. Master the five-finger retell
One strategy you can teach students is the five finger retell. Each finger stands for a different part of the story. Assigning a different finger for each part gives students a kinesthetic connection and makes it easier for them to remember.
Learn more: Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade Tidbits
7. Summarize using simple signal words
Sometimes with early readers, simpler is better. Start with these basic questions—who?, what?, when?, where?, how?, and why?—to help kids go deeper into their understanding.
Learn more: This Reading Mama

There are tons of fun tools to help students build reading comprehension, and story maps are one of them. Here are 15 free downloadable story maps to help your first graders practice going beyond just the words when they read.
Learn more:
9. Figure out problem and solution with a graphic organizer
Every fiction story has, among other elements, a problem and solution. This lesson helps students understand that a story’s problem and solution fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
Learn more: My Primary Paradise
10. Retell the story using LEGO bricks
Put two things that first graders love together: reading and building. Read a story together, then allow students to use blocks to build a scene from the story. As they build, they can describe details from the story.
Learn more: The Educators’ Spin On It
11. Retell using story cubes
Retelling is a helpful comprehension skill for readers.
These six cubes encourage readers to retell the story in different ways. They are prefect for reading partners and to use with small groups.
Learn more: Every educaid
12. Play the Oh Snap! word game
Sight words (aka high-frequency words) are words readers encounter most frequently in texts. Early readers benefit from knowing a large bank of sight words, which encourages fluent reading. This fun sight word game is a great way to improve reading skills and build reading fluency.
Learn more: School Time Snippets
13. Use scooping phrases
The goal of reading fluency is better comprehension. To read with fluency or expression, readers must comprehend the story events. Teach early readers to use “Scooping Phrases” to scoop up words to form phrases within sentences. This effective strategy also works well with struggling readers.
Learn more: This Reading Mama
14. Introduce wordless picture books
As readers encounter more-difficult texts, character traits become less explicit. To determine what the character is like, the reader has to do more inferential work. Using wordless picture books is a great way to introduce early readers to making inferences.
Learn more: Ashleigh’s Education Journey
15. Inference using thought bubbles
Foundational inference activities give first graders an opportunity to practice their inferring skills. As they move into texts, first graders can infer what a character is thinking in the story and then add a thought bubble to explain it.
Learn more: The Teacher Next Door
If you like these first grade reading comprehension activities, check out our fun, printable first grade writing prompts.
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29 Fun and Easy 1st Grade Reading Comprehension Activities
First grade is such an important time for a child. They are becoming more independent in a variety of ways! One of the most important aspects of this independence is their reading. Reading will be the foundation for everything they do in the future. This is why reading comprehension comes in full force during these pivotal developmental years.
Building comprehension skills can be a daunting experience for parents, caregivers, and educators. This is most likely why you ended up here. Keep reading for a total breakdown of some of the best comprehension strategies that can be both used at home and in the classroom!
Keeping It Fun
1. Puzzle Retelling
In first grade, we LOVE puzzles. This is why puzzle retelling builds such excellent comprehension skills. Using background knowledge helps kids to be confident and excited about a comprehension activity. Puzzle retelling is also super easy to set up!
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2. Five Finger Retell
Any elementary teacher will tell you how much they love the 5-finger retelling comprehension activity. This activity gives students the visual of retelling a story. It’s also, so much fun! Teachers have been known to incorporate finger puppets, a comprehension worksheet, and many different creative comprehension strategies.
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3. Sight Word Practice
Sight word practice is one of the all-important reading and comprehension skills for Grade 1. Creating active readers by building vocabulary through an active vocabulary game is one of the best ways to keep your children engaged. Here are a few great sight word comprehension activities.
Cute story sticks are always a great way to teach sight words! This is something you can easily make for your classroom and at home!
4. Sight Word Bingo
Bingo is always a favorite! It is great and always a highly rated vocabulary game. Here you'll find a FREE resource that allows you to generate a bingo card based on the sight words students are learning and the basis of their background knowledge.
5. Color By Sight Word
There are so many colorful reading comprehension reading worksheets that go along with sight word vocabulary. There are tons of these worksheets throughout the web, here is a FREE resource to see how your students and children will respond.
6. Mental Images
First grade is a time of discovery for children. Visualizing and making mental images is an exciting time for young learners. Providing them with the comprehension skills they need for a love of reading. Mental images can be a great way to incorporate writing prompts into your child’s reading comprehension activities.
Mrs. Jump’s class has some great comprehension activities. Here are some mental image comprehension activities!
7. Comprehension Checks
Comprehension checks may not sound that exciting BUT they can always be fun! Your children will love all of the colorful reading comprehension worksheets that come with comprehension checks. You can make them yourself quite easily, which makes them perfect for at home or in the classroom. Here are some resources for your classroom!
8. Brain Movies
Brain Movies are a great way to build student comprehension skills. Making a Brain Movie is easy for you and for your students. Here is a great way to incorporate it into your classroom.
During a read-aloud, pause when you come across a descriptive passage. Have students close their eyes and picture what is happening, while you are reading! This blog gives a great breakdown of how to incorporate this in your classroom and the importance of Brain Movies incorporation.
9. Printable Story Mats
Printable story mats are easy to make and great for comprehension! You can make them any size that fits your needs. You can find a free download online here.
10. Puppets Steal the Show
Puppets are a great way to get your students engaged, active, and laughing. Puppets can be used for a variety of comprehension activities. Here is a blog that gives an amazing breakdown for using puppets to build comprehension skills.
11. Active Reading
Modeling active reading with your students is extremely important when reading anything. It is important to discuss what is happening in the story as you read. This will help your child to understand and empathize with the characters.
Make sure to ask questions that the child can relate to - Have you ever felt this way? What do you think happened? How do you think he/she/it feels? - Provoking and furthering a child’s thinking process will most definitely help their comprehension skills.
Here is a great blog post to help you practice active reading in the classroom and at home.
12. Think-Aloud
Think-alouds are one of the most amazing comprehension tactics! Think-alouds give students the space to make connections in their lives. When practicing the think-aloud comprehension strategy you should always connect a book back to a time that the child can relate to.
By connecting the book to other book’s the child has read, the child’s life experiences, and the ideas and lessons in the book you are helping to build a relationship with books. Here is a great blog that will help you use this comprehension strategy.
13. Read and Answer!
Incorporating media into the classroom has long been a part of the newest curriculum. It can sometimes be difficult to use media effectively in your ELA curriculum. This video can be used as an entire class, or in small groups. Either way, it will help you to assess students on their knowledge of reading aloud or in their heads and answering questions.
Learn more: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
14. Listen and Comprehend
This is another video that will be perfect for your kiddos to complete on their own or in small groups. Listening to others read is very important for first grade, language development. In this video, students will listen to the story and answer the questions that follow.
Learn more: Hand 2 Mind
15. Reading Comprehension Check-in
Wordwall provides some of the most entertaining lessons on the web! These lessons are created and shared by other teachers. The activity below can be used in both small groups or as a whole group lesson to assess where your students are in their level of comprehension!
Learn more: Worldwall
16. The Random Story Wheel!
The random wheel is such a fun classroom integration. Project this wheel on a smartboard and have students spin on their turn. Whether students answer these questions in small groups or individually, they will love to play. The best part about this random wheel is that it can be used with any story.
Learn more: Worldwall
17. Open the Box Activity
Another amazing activity offered by Word Wall is "Open the Box". This activity resembles a bit like the random wheel, but students are asked to click on a box instead of spinning the wheel. Put a twist on this game and use the questions to make your very own classroom board!
Learn more: Worldwall
18. Teach to Understand
Giving even our youngest learners a clear understanding of exactly what is expected from a lesson is vital to their success. This video provides students and teachers with a better understanding of what it means to visualize. Understanding vocabulary can make explanations and student understanding that much stronger at the end of the day.
Learn more: Shannon McGilloway
19. Visualize Through the Senses
It's important to note that most stories that are aimed at younger students have some sort of connection to their feelings. Therefore, using a visualization strategy that connects the story to different feelings a child might have, could be vital to helping them better understand and comprehend the story.
Learn more: Toni Allen
21. Visualize Song
Any teacher knows that songs help students to remember and understand different strategies and lessons. Just like with anything else, making a song for visualizing a story will help students refer back to their understanding. This song is great for exactly that and it's definitely one to get stuck in your head!
Learn more: Teacher Friend
22. Story Retell
Being able to retell the story is part of the common core curriculum in first grade. It's important to provide students with a variety of different stories throughout your lessons. With some being ones they know by heart and others being totally new. Use this short Tortoise and the Hare read aloud and have students reenact it!
Learn more: Get Set Parents
23. Parts of the Story Song
Well, just like with visualizing, it's pretty evident that teachers know how important songs are to students' understanding and comprehension. This song is perfect for being able to retell the story. Students will have a better understanding of the different parts of the story, making it easier for them to understand and retell the story.
Learn more: Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel
24. Retell the Story
In a world that is centralized around distance learning and working from home, it's important to have materials ready to go in an event that students won't be in school. This video does just that and provides details for both students, teachers, and even parents to have a full grasp of the learning objective.
Learn more: Mandy Yates
25. Character Traits
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A post shared by Life Between Summers (@lifebetweensummers)
Another very fun activity for reading comprehension is understanding different character traits! A simple and fun way to do this in first grade is to make a poster together about one of the student's favorite stories. First, read the story together and then create a poster that can be displayed in the classroom.
Learn more: Life Between Summers
26. Dot to Dot
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A post shared by Invitation to play and learn (@invitationtoplayandlearn)
This is a pre-reading comprehension strategy that can really be tailored for any grade, age, or story! This dot to dot activity with help to activate prior knowledge and build vocabulary that may arise in the story.
Learn more: Invitation to Play and Learn
27. Christmas Word Families
There's no doubt that reading comprehension and fluidity go hand in hand. Constant practice with students' reading skills, will ultimately help them to improve their comprehension skills.
Learn more: Invitation to Play and Learn
28. Retell Activity
This video will walk students through a read-aloud and retelling activity. The best part about this video is that you can take it and complete it with students or send it home for an at-home distance learning activity. Tailor is to your curriculum and enjoy!
Learn more: The Elementary ELL Teacher, Mrs. Brenda Pearson
29. Brown Bear Brown Bear, Game Show Quiz
In all honestly, bringing a game show on the computer into the classroom can be a total hit or miss. Although, this particular game show is right at the level of most first graders! Making it that much more engaging. At the end have your students join the leaderboard and see if you can get to #1.
Learn more: Worldwall
"How to make reading lessons interesting?"
Modern life requires a quality education, high intellectual and physical development, deep knowledge of the surrounding world, a conscious, creative approach to nature and society from a person entering into it.
In the Concept of Modernization of Education in the Russian Federation, school theorists and practitioners are tasked with improving the teaching of schoolchildren as the leading type of their activity, finding ways, conditions, and a system of didactic tools in order to increase the cognitive activity of children in the educational process. As you know, the educational process proceeds more efficiently and gives better results if the teacher uses various methods of stimulating educational and cognitive activity in his work. Stimulation methods are conditionally divided into subgroups: methods of emotional stimulation; methods of development of cognitive interest; methods of formation of responsibility and obligation; methods of development of creative abilities and personal qualities of students.
Knowledge of the methods of stimulating cognitive activity is especially important at the initial stage of training. The psychological characteristics of younger students, their natural curiosity, responsiveness, special disposition to learn new things, readiness to perceive everything that the teacher gives, creates favorable conditions for the development of cognitive interests and activity in children. When learning is interesting, learning is easy. Therefore, every teacher thinks: “What can and should be done so that children go to school with a great desire? How to form and direct their desire to acquire knowledge?”
I also asked myself these questions. As a result of studying the psychological and pedagogical literature, the experience of teachers and its analysis, I came to the conclusion that it is possible to instill in children a cognitive interest in learning if you systematically accumulate and thoughtfully select fascinating didactic material that can attract the attention of each student. After all, what attracts children, makes them think, concentrate, is easier to remember, causes a feeling of joy and satisfaction. No wonder Sh.A. Amonashvili in his works noted that "the pedagogical process should provide the child with the joy of life, so that this process captivates him completely, with all his life aspirations and needs."
Literary reading is one of the main subjects in elementary school. After all, well-read children with a high level of speech development are successfully trained not only in primary grades, but also in the middle level. Without reading, a person cannot comprehend the world around him. Therefore, every teacher strives to make reading the most favorite lesson for children.
Children go to school with a great desire to learn to read first. Therefore, already from the first lessons, I begin to get acquainted with the letters. At the first literacy lesson, we get acquainted with the magical land of Bukvaria and its inhabitants: the gnomes Tim and Tom, the little fairies Irishka and Nastenka, the little man Emphasis. Next comes the block study of letters. When working on each letter, we work on articulation, learn poems for the studied letters. Thus, by the beginning of the letter period, children are practically familiar with all the letters of the alphabet. By the time they are introduced to consonants, children are quite good at classifying vowels and consonants. It is at this point that the process of learning to read begins.
I start each lesson with a warm-up. In the process of warming up, I pay great attention to work on diction, a clear pronunciation of words and phrases. Here, tongue twisters help me. In tongue twisters, you need to overcome all difficult sound combinations. It is very important to pronounce a complex word syllable by syllable, albeit at a slow pace, but pronounce it without any difficulties or reservations. Working on a tongue twister, I work out the purity of sound, intonation with the help of tasks: “Read the tongue twister with surprise, with joy, with indignation.” The warm-up also includes reading open and closed syllables, composing words according to the syllable table, playing tricks "Tell a word", "Syllable lost", "Syllabic cloud", "Guess which letter is missing", "Day-night" and others. The collection of game exercises by V.V. is very helpful in the work. Volina "Entertaining ABCs".
To read consonant syllables with the studied consonant sound, repeat the vowels with the help of a manual that shows articulation when pronouncing vowels. Then, in front of the vowel, the studied consonant sound is placed in the pocket, the letters are “taken by the handles” - we read the resulting merging syllables. With the help of this manual, we conduct the game "Guess by my lips, to pronounce what syllable I have prepared."
Children come to grade 1 with a rather modest vocabulary. From the first steps I teach children to express their thoughts accurately, clearly, in a moderately loud voice. Proverbs and sayings help to replenish the vocabulary of words. In my lessons I use some of the techniques and methods developed in the manual by G.A. Bakulina "Intellectual development in the lessons of literacy."
Games, game techniques, riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles used in the classroom make the process of learning to read and write more interesting, entertaining, and make it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material. Various types of reading in the classroom do not let children get bored. But the most important thing is that the work is carried out systematically and regularly.
I will give an example of one of the lessons.
Literary reading lesson in grade 1
Topic: "Reading syllables, words and texts with the letters M, m"
- to learn to distinguish sounds from words, to characterize them, to recognize learned letters; to form the skill of reading combinations of letters, words, sentences;
- develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, ability to work with text, clearly answer the questions;
- to cultivate the desire for a healthy lifestyle, proper and rational nutrition.
Equipment: subject drawings, split alphabet, "Russian alphabet" V.G. Goretsky
Lesson progress.
1 . Organization for work.
Greeting, checking the readiness of the class and students for the lesson, setting them up for a good job.
2. Preparation for active educational and cognitive activity at the main stage of the lesson.
a) Actualization of students' knowledge
Drawings of the following items are placed on the board: a cat, a whale, a car, a ball, a house, a tree.
-Name the items on the board, try to remember them.
-Close your eyes. (the teacher makes 3 permutations).
-Open your eyes. In what order were the objects originally depicted? What items have changed places?
The teacher divides the depicted objects into 2 groups.
In the 1st group: whale, cat, car. In the 2nd group: ball, house, tree.
- Find the "extra" word in the 1st group, in the 2nd group (car, ball).
- On what basis did you exclude these words?
b) Formulating the objectives of the lesson together with the students.
- Let's pronounce the first sounds of "extra" words. Let's formulate the topic of today's lesson. (The word machine begins with the sound [m], the word ball - with sound [m`], so the topic of today's lesson is "Reading syllables, words and texts with the letter" m ".) In accordance with The topic of the lesson is to formulate the objectives of the lesson.
c) Phonetic charge:
- Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home by myself.
Mu-mu-mu - milk to whom?
Mo-mo-mo - eat popsicle.
We-we-we - we read.
Mi-mi-mi - sing the note mi.
-Which syllable is extra? Why? Whose syllable is it - Tim or Tom? Think of words that begin with this syllable.
- day-night game:
Words are displayed alternately on the typesetting canvas: frames – soap shovel. - work on a tongue twister:
the cat lapped milk,
A Borya dipped a roll in milk.
-Who drank milk?
-Who dipped the roll into milk?
-What was the cat doing?
-What did Borya dip into milk? (when answering questions, children read the tongue twister with a logical stress on the right word)

1) Reading the texts on p.91:
a) reading the text "Murka" in a "chain".
-What proper names are there in the text?
b) dictionary work:
-This text contains the dictionary word milk.
- How many syllables are there in this word? (3)
-Name the 1st syllable (mo), 2nd (lo), 3rd (ko).
-What interesting things have you noticed? (in each syllable the letter about ).
- The dictionary word milk is written with three letters about .
- Milk is a very important product. It contains many useful elements, including calcium. A lack of calcium in the body leads to a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, bone fractures, caries and many other diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink milk, at least two glasses a day.
If you want to become healthy, cheerful, cheerful,
Drink fresh milk - it gives us strength!
c) reading the text "Rabbits" with buzzing reading;
d) reading - intelligence:
-Find the sentences that say:
-What does Maxim have in the shed?
-What did Maxim feed the rabbits?
-What did Ira do?
-How many times the word 9 is used in the text0068 rabbits ?
- What are the words with the letter "m ".
Together we help mom,
We wash our own laundry.
One, two three, four -
Stretched, bent over -
Well, we've worked hard.
e) reading the text "Mom" in pairs.
-Read the last sentence with proper intonation.
-What song did mother sing?
2) Word drawing according to fig. on p.92.
- Read the words and tell what picture the cheerful artist drew.
4. Primary check of understanding of new material.
Curious teacher game
-I will ask questions, you can only answer with words with sounds [m] and [m`].
-What is your favorite food? (ice cream, milk)
-Where do you like to go? (to the museum)
-Where are you going to go in the summer? (by sea)
- What type of transport do you prefer? (car)
- What professions, specialties do you know? (painter, policeman, nurse).
5. Consolidation and application of knowledge.
a) typing words.
-I will read the riddle, and you will print the answer in your notebook:
The white stone has melted,
Left footprints on the board. (chalk)
Escapes like a living thing,
But I won't release it.
Foams with white foam,
Don't be lazy to wash your hands.(soap)
Over the river across,
The giant stretched out.
Across the river, on the back,
He let me walk. (bridge)
What kind of master did it on the glass,
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses . (frost)
b) work on word schemes
-For any word, make a scheme, prepare to analyze the word according to the scheme.
6. Summing up the lesson.
The teacher gives a description of the work of the whole class in the lesson, as well as individual students.
7. Reflection.
On the board:
When leaving the class, students put a “+” next to any face, expressing their attitude to the lesson.