Reading level test free
Assess Your Child's Reading ~ Learning Abled Kids®
Using a Free Reading Test Can Help You Help Your Child!
Do you need to know your child’s reading level, his decoding skills level, reading fluency and reading comprehension?
Using these free online reading tests for kids can help you assess your child’s current reading level. Below, I’ll break down the types of reading test types you may want to use.
You can use these reading tests for kids as a screening for the possible presence of dyslexia in your child, a reading grade-level placement test, or to assess your child’s current level of reading fluency. Just pick the free reading test(s) that will provide with the information you are seeking.
Assessing your child’s reading level may provide you with information to determine the type of reading help your child may need and determine how far behind your child may be.
If you find your child is far behind, you will want to seek a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation to determine the root cause of your child’s reading difficulties. Having an evaluation will help you provide the best reading program to meet your child’s needs.
Reading skill involves reading decoding, fluency, and comprehension. You’ll need to decide which aspect of reading concerns you. Select an appropriate reading test based upon your child’s individual needs.
Reading decoding is the ability to understand or decipher the sounds represented by each letter or combination of letters in a word. This is the first, and most basic, skill required for a child to be able to read. It is the core problem area for children with dyslexia.
For an overall snapshot of your child’s reading abilities, there is a Free Reading Test at K5 Learning (includes a math assessment too). This test will provide you with your child’s current grade level in the following areas:
- Phonemic Awareness – individual sounds within the spoken language
- Phonics – understanding letters and sounds in the written word
- Sight Words – high frequency words
- Vocabulary – the meanings of words in context
- Reading Comprehension – understanding what is read
- Math Numbers and Operations – adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, fractions
- Measurement Concepts – time, money, measuring
- Geometry – characteristics and properties of geometric shapes.
I like the K5 Reading and Math Assessment because it gives you a visual bar with your child’s performance level. It also gives the “Mastery Range,” so you can easily see what level of performance your child has within his or her current performance level.
Additionally, this assessment also gives you your child’s “Placement Level,” which is ideal for knowing exactly where to START working with your child.
The K5 Reading assessment is free, but you do have to sign up for an account to use the assessment. At the time I’m writing this, NO credit card info is required and there are no obligations for the free trial. Your first 14 days are free, so you can even try out their lessons to see if your child likes them.
The first area of reading test you may need to use is a reading decoding test
If you suspect your child has dyslexia, you may want to begin with a free online reading test for dyslexia available through the **Reading Success Lab. “The Reading Success Lab’s tool is a quick assessment that indicates whether a basic reading decoding problem might be present. ” Since an inability to decode words is at the heart of true dyslexia, it is very important to understand issues which may be involved in poor reading abilities if your child shows signs of dyslexia.
The Sound Reading program is backed by research showing it to be an effective instructional program for reading. They offer a free reading test that your child can take to determine his current reading skill level. Given this free test is related to the Sound Reading program, of course they’d love it if you’d buy their program, but you’ll want to check out a variety of program options prior to choosing a program.
If you would like an informal, free, online reading test without having to register (like is required for the Reading Success Lab), you may find the **”Red Flag Reading Screening” to be helpful. This test is only a screening test. It is best used to gauge how well, or if, your child is progressing in reading. You can also use it to determine if your child is indeed reading at or near grade-level. The Red Flag Reading Screening is “not designed to be a comprehensive evaluation or placement tool. It is merely a ‘snapshot’ indicator, and poor performance indicates the need for further investigation of a student’s academic skills and deficiencies.”
Another free online reading test for kids is called “Abecedarian” and it’s available through Balanced Reading’s Assessments page. Written by two reading researchers, Sebastian Wren and Jennifer Watts, the Abecedarian is available for you to download and use for free. This is a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of several different important skills for reading which will give you a solid indication of your child’s short-comings when it comes to reading. By using this reading test, you’ll know which skills require direct instruction and which ones your child has already mastered. This is an excellent reading test to use at any time to get a solid snapshot of your child’s reading abilities.
If your child can decode words fairly well, you may want to determine what grade-level your child currently reads at, whether he reads fluently, or whether his comprehension is good.
You can check these higher-level reading skills of your child’s by picking a free reading test from the list below. These Free Reading Test options are primarily used for grade-level placement or screening for reading disabilities, so they may or may not provide you the specific information you are seeking.
- Sonlight Curriculum’s Reading Assessments
- K12’s Reading Placement Tests
- National Right to Read Reading Competency Test
The second component of reading skill is called “Reading Fluency”
Reading fluency is a demonstrated ability to read smoothly in a rhythmic, and expressive manner. If your child is reading fluently, he will be able to read through a passage without stopping for more than a second or two to figure out words. Your child will generally read the passage as if he were a smooth talker. A child may falter briefly every few paragraphs and still read fluently. It is the degree and frequency of hesitations that determine if a child reads fluently.
For children with reading decoding difficulties, reading smoothly with understanding can be a significant issue. When you have your child practice Reading Fluently, it will be helpful to measure your child’s fluency level.
A great free Reading Test to use is DIBELS. The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) is a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They Reading Test is designed to provide short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills. You can use the DIBELS Reading Test when you begin working on fluency and at regular intervals to measure progress. DIBELS is offered by the University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning.
The third component of successful reading is “Reading Comprehension”.
There is a comprehension Reading Test available for free at:**Pearson Longman, which is a textbook publisher. There are Reading Tests for grades 1-8, and each grade level has multiple reading tests to choose from.
If you used a Reading Test to determine your child’s reading level and found your child has significant issues with reading decoding, reading fluency, or reading comprehension, I HIGHLY recommend seeking a comprehensive evaluation for learning disabilities, like dyslexia. If your child has dyslexia, he will need special help to learn how to read well.
You may also wish to check out our information on Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary since these aspects of reading skill can have a significant influence on Reading ability as well. Our information on Speed Reading may be of interest once your child reads fluently beyond a third grade level.
Best Wishes in helping your child learn to read well!
Table of Contents
- 1 Using a Free Reading Test Can Help You Help Your Child!
- 2 The first area of reading test you may need to use is a reading decoding test
- 3 The second component of reading skill is called “Reading Fluency”
- 4 The third component of successful reading is “Reading Comprehension”.
Free Speed Reading Test by AceReader
Quickly determine your reading speed and comprehension using themed and leveled reading comprehension tests.
Your ability to read at higher speeds with good comprehension can dramatically affect your ability to succeed in school and in your career. Efficient reading leads to efficient learning. In today's information world there is no skill that is more important.
AceReader includes progress tracking and reading improvement activities to help you reach your reading goals. It also includes over 900 themed and leveled reading comprehension tests with longer stories, more questions and more choices. Learn more about AceReader at
Select ThemeGeneralAmerican HistoryEarth & Space ScienceFamous People (Long)Fun FactsSelect Text Complexity LevelLevel 01Level 02Level 03Level 04Level 05Level 06Level 07Level 08Level 09Level 10Level 11Level 12Level 13Select StoryStory 01Story 02Story 03
Select Theme, Text Complexity Level and Story, then click on the Begin button.
Question 1?
A.choice a?
B.choice b?
C.choice c?
Question 2?
A.choice a?
B.choice b?
C.choice c?
Question 3?
A.choice a?
B.choice b?
C.choice c?
Question 4?
A.choice a?
B.choice b?
C.choice c?
Your Speed was:
Your Comprehension was:
The average adult reading speed is between 200 and 300 words per minute (same reading rate you want to achieve by the 6th grade). For success in college you should be able to read 350 to 450 words per minute if you want to have any extra time. Speeds above 575 words per minute are typical for successful high level executives and people who enjoy reading. The world champion is off the chart at an amazing speed of 4700 words per minute with 67% comprehension.
Consider AceReader to help you achieve your reading goals. With a modest 33% increase in your reading speed you would be reading at words per minute and you would save 15 minutes per hour of reading. Visit to learn more.
You want to consistently achieve at least 75% or better comprehension the first time you take any of the provided tests in order to determine your true reading speed. Try taking a new test.
Consider AceReader to help you improve both your reading speed and comprehension. Visit AceReader. com to learn more.
Your speed appears to be outside of a valid range. Try taking a new test.
Consider AceReader to both assess and improve your reading skills. Visit to learn more.
Good job! Try taking more tests to validate your speed while maintaining good comprehension.
Consider AceReader to reach the next level with your reading skills. Visit to learn more.
Read speed test. Online simulator for developing reading speed and awareness skills in 2021!
Reading speed is an important indicator not only for schoolchildren, who regularly check it. It is very important for an adult in the modern world to be able to navigate in huge flows of information. A reading speed test will help you determine your current level and see if you need to work on improving this skill or if you are reading fluently enough.
1. How to check reading speed?
2. How can I check my reading speed myself?
3. How to test a child's reading speed?
4. What reading speed is considered normal for adults and children?
5. How to choose the right text to test reading speed?
6. The book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask"
How to check reading speed? nine0029
The easiest way is to take a stopwatch (you can use the application on your phone), a text to check your reading speed and read it at a normal pace for one minute. It is important that the text is non-technical, does not contain highly specialized terms and concepts, and is not familiar to the reader. The text should not be too primitive. The testee must see the text for the first time so that the results are not artificially inflated.
But what do you care about speed, if you don't understand with what awareness you absorb the text? :) nine0003
A much better way to find out your reading speed is to take a free online test. To do this, sit back, enter your name in the form above, press the button and you will immediately see the text that you need to read, slowly, trying to understand everything that is written.
When the entire text is read - click on the button at the very bottom. The program will automatically determine the reading speed and prompt you to answer a few questions to understand the degree of assimilation of the material. As a result of testing, you will receive not only the result of your reading speed and awareness, but also recommendations for improving your reading technique in the format of the book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask." Enter a name. Click the button and find out your real reading speed. Have a nice day. nine0003
How can I test my reading speed myself?
We have prepared for you a tool with which you can independently check the speed of reading. Our tool include a certain amount of text that you need to read as quickly as possible. You will then have the opportunity to answer a series of questions about the text, allowing the program to determine your level of understanding. Based on the data received, a result and a certificate are issued. This certificate can be shared with your friends on social networks and challenge them to a battle to test the speed and awareness of reading :). nine0003
If you want to do it yourself, you can do it according to the following scenario. A text of medium complexity is taken, located on one sheet. You will need an assistant who will keep track of the time and will be able to test the level of your understanding of the information. Check algorithm:
Simultaneously with the start command and the start of the stopwatch, you begin to silently read the text.
When the text is finished, you say stop - time stops.
Then you need to answer a few questions regarding the content (reading speed implies a full reading comprehension). nine0003
The last step is to count the words in the text and determine the average number of words per minute (words in the text can be counted before reading).
This is the certificate you can get based on the results of passing the test
How to check the reading speed of a child?
A child's reading speed can be tested in a similar way. The child should read aloud, at least in elementary school. Then you can switch to the usual way of checking for adults. nine0003
Schools often test reading skills by counting the number of words read per minute. This gives a small error, since words come in different sizes, but a similar verification method can also be used.
What reading speed is considered normal for adults and children?
The average reading speed for an adult is 200-230 words per minute. Below average, but an acceptable rate is 150-200 words per minute. Adults who read more than 230 words per minute are considered fast readers. For the speed reading technique, the optimal speed is 350-400 words per minute. nine0003
In children, the indicators are dynamic and change depending on age. Approximate norms used in elementary school:
20-30 words per minute for first grade;
45-60 words per minute for second grade;
70-85 words per minute for third grade;
90-125 words per minute for fourth grade.
How to choose the right text to test reading speed?
The criteria for selecting text to test reading speed are identical for adults and children. The only difference is the volume and complexity of the information. The text must match the following parameters: nine0003
medium difficulty appropriate for age;
the absence of specific unfamiliar words or their minimum number;
no dialogs;
location on one page;
large, comfortable to read font;
lack of pictures and other distracting elements.
In our tool for testing reading speed and comprehension, we tried to take into account all these factors so that the resulting tool would be convenient for both adults and children. At the same time, he gave a fairly clear answer to the question about the real reading speed. nine0003
It should be remembered that reading speed is a variable parameter, which decreases if a person rarely sits down at a book, and increases with constant reading. There are many special techniques aimed at significantly increasing the speed of reading text information.
Everything you wanted to know about speed reading but were afraid to ask test. So don't waste a second,
go back to the very top of the page and go take the test!Reading speed test online is simple, convenient and fast
We have already written so much here about how to correctly measure your reading speed, achieve awareness and interpret the results, that every second of delay before you pass the online reading speed test and receive a personal certificate is just like death. Return to the very beginning of the page, enter your name in the field under the video and go to the enchanting world of unfamiliar texts and tricky questions :). nine0003
📖 Reading speed Q&A section
📕 What formula is used to calculate reading speed?
If it’s very short, then the formula for calculating the reading speed is as follows: V = (Q / T) x K. This formula allows you to get a real figure for reading speed with a correlation to the coefficient of meaningfulness. You can read more about the formula here in this article .
📗 What books do you recommend reading to develop speed reading? nine0006
We have compiled a list of the most useful books for the development of speed reading and posted it in a separate post on the blog. The list is constantly updated and gives an idea of the main books with which you can develop speed reading skills.
📘 What if I want to increase my reading speed?
You can start by learning the theory, or you can download our workbooks , which we have created especially for those who who wants to start learning speed reading. There are two of them: one notebook for adults, the second for children. Contains some theory and practical exercises designed for several weeks of regular classes. nine0003
📙 How to check a child's reading speed?
The reading speed test, which is located on our website, is suitable for both adults, as well as for children. We specifically tried to choose mostly literary texts that will be easy to read. to understand the child. Just go to the reading speed test page from the link above, enter child's name and start reading. Then the program will do everything for you.
📔 I want to check my reading speed online for free. How to do it? nine0006
Easier nowhere. The tool, which is located at , was created just for this. You just enter your name, read the text and answer the questions. The program monitors the speed of your reading and its meaningfulness. After answering the questions, you will receive a certificate with your result. The certificate can be shared with friends in social networks :).
📓 What is the "Read Fast" project?
Read Fast is a project dedicated to the problem of fast and conscious reading. We believe that you can read 3-4 times faster. However, the quality of memory reading material will only increase. Let's try together :). nine0003
Online English test Wall Street English
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Beginner level test
Average time to complete the test - 7 minutes
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Pay attention! The results of the online test are approximate and do not reflect the completeness of your knowledge. To receive detailed course recommendations and a personalized lesson plan, it is important to take the academic Wall Street English test. nine0003
Do you like horror movies?
Yes, I am
Yes, I like
Yes, I do
Yes, it is
next one1/15
How old are you?
I have XX years old
I have XX years
I am fine
I am XX years old
next one nine0004 2/15 I usually have English classes ____.
on Mondays
at Mondays
on Mondays
by Mondays
next one3/15
There ___ troublemakers at the football match, for a change.
were any
were not
were no
weren't no
next one4/15
She won't be able to catch the train. There is ____ time!
too little
too much little
isn't enough
much few next one
5/15 nine0003
Have you finished your presentation ____?
next one6/15
If I didn't have to study, I _____ the summer camp.
will move to
have moved to
would join
would have moved to
next one nine0004 7/15He is _______ to New York tomorrow.
going flying
going to fly next one
The washing machine can't be out of order! He _____.
is just fixed it.
have just fixed it. nine0003
just fix it.
has just fixed it
next one9/15
That's the ____ of my worries. I'm sure she'll never do it.
next one10/15 nine0003
This is the ____ decision I've ever made in my life.
hardest next one
I told her _____ the doctor as soon as possible.
what she called
to call
she call
that she call
next one nine0004 12/15Let’s go to the beach right now, _____
don’t we?
let us?
shall we?
will we?
next one13/15
He ___ go to the dentist's yesterday.
had to
ought to
must to
next one14/15
You _____________ exhausted, everybody told you the route was too tough.
should have been
must have been
was to be
must be
show result15/15 nine0003
Please note! The results of the online test are approximate and do not reflect the completeness of your knowledge. To receive detailed course recommendations and a personalized lesson plan, it is important to take the academic Wall Street English test.
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