Rhyming words for few

232 best rhymes for 'few'

1 syllable

  • You
  • To
  • Do
  • Who
  • Through
  • New
  • True
  • Crew
  • Blue
  • Grew
  • Que
  • View
  • Jus
  • Screw
  • Due
  • Clue
  • Boo
  • Ooh
  • Shoe
  • Chew

  • Flew
  • Glue
  • Soo
  • Spew
  • Zoo
  • Drew
  • Poo
  • Brew
  • Wu
  • Fu
  • Stew
  • Ku
  • Vu
  • Mu
  • Goo
  • Pew
  • Lou
  • Hue
  • Rue
  • Slew

  • Liu
  • Skew
  • Whew
  • Mew
  • Thew
  • Gue
  • Tsu
  • Strew
  • Zhou
  • Schewe
  • Frew

2 syllables

  • Into
  • C2
  • M2
  • Onto
  • Issue
  • Pursue
  • Value
  • Argue
  • Tissue
  • Tattoo
  • Eu
  • Voodoo
  • Rescue
  • Statue
  • Undo
  • Iq
  • Menu
  • Debut
  • Unto
  • Review

  • Virtue
  • Todo
  • Untrue
  • Redo
  • Andrew
  • Taboo
  • Curfew
  • Anew
  • Venue
  • Bamboo
  • Withdrew
  • Shampoo
  • Preview
  • Matthew
  • Renew
  • Breakthrough
  • Nephew
  • Subdue
  • Guru
  • Igloo

  • Thankyou
  • Rearview
  • Hindu
  • Achoo
  • Ensue
  • Adieu
  • Haiku
  • Tofu
  • Cuckoo
  • Askew
  • Ginsu
  • Canoe
  • Mildew
  • Abu
  • Zulu
  • Peru
  • Goto
  • Fondue
  • Ru
  • Outdo

  • Hebrew
  • Bayou
  • Tutu
  • Badu
  • Outgrew
  • Construe
  • Beaucoup
  • Yahoo
  • Cashew
  • Accrue
  • Abou
  • Juju
  • Worldview
  • Imbue
  • Corkscrew
  • Urdu
  • Eschew
  • Vishnu
  • Manu
  • Shamu

  • Hairdo
  • Hulu
  • Miscue
  • Kazoo
  • Depew
  • Wahoo
  • Tatu
  • Snafu
  • Reto
  • Lulu
  • Horseshoe
  • Ragu
  • Radu
  • Mchugh
  • Carew
  • Bantu
  • Babu
  • Tanu
  • Revue
  • Perdue

  • Meiyuh
  • Mcgue
  • Lemieux
  • Ketou
  • Jammu
  • Fitzhugh
  • Fairview
  • Compu
  • Bellevue
  • Wenzhou
  • Tobu
  • Snowshoe
  • Ratu
  • Ramu
  • Marrou
  • Luu
  • Heroux
  • Cebu
  • Brandnew
  • Ballou

  • Baku
  • Ague
  • Abreu

3 syllables

  • Continue
  • W
  • Overdue
  • Avenue
  • Interview
  • Revenue
  • Residue
  • Barbecue
  • Kangaroo
  • Malibu
  • Bbq
  • Subaru
  • Misconstrue
  • Rendezvous
  • Jujitsu
  • Klu
  • Timbuktu
  • Overthrew
  • Keanu
  • Overview

  • Caribou
  • Angelou
  • Cpu
  • Waterloo
  • Impromptu
  • Cockatoo
  • Isuzu
  • Byu
  • Montague
  • Edu
  • Devalue
  • Bugaboo
  • Xanadu
  • Iou
  • Hitherto
  • Apercu
  • Amadou
  • Ubuntu
  • Suu
  • Lhommedieu

  • Katmandu
  • Telugu
  • Overdrew
  • Oahu
  • Donahue
  • Cmu
  • Carilou
  • Benhamou
  • Ballyhoo

4 syllables

  • Discontinue
  • Hullabaloo
  • Honolulu
  • Tiramisu
  • Kalamazoo
  • Overvalue
  • Netanyahu

5 syllables

  • Bmw
  • Yabbadabbadoo

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Words That Rhyme with Few - Few Rhymes

We found 364 rhyming words for Few. These rhymes are great for any poet, rapper, singer, songwriter,etc who is struggling to find words that rhyme with few. You can click on the word you like for more information or for fun you can Unscramble few

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We found 364 rhymes for Few

You can browse the rhymes for Few below. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
Abou 4 2 noun?
Abreu 5 2 noun?
Accrue 6 2 verb
Adieu 5 2 noun
Ado 3 2 noun
Aircrew 7 2 noun
Amadou 6 3 noun?
Anew 4 2 noun?
Askew 5 2 adjective satellite
Avenue 6 3 noun
Babu 4 2 noun
Baku 4 2 noun
Ballyhoo 8 3 noun, verb
Bamboo 6 2 noun
Barbecue 8 3 noun, verb
Barbeque 8 3 noun, verb
Bartholomew 11 4 noun?
Bbq 3 3 noun?
Bellevue 8 2 noun?
Bellew 6 2 noun?
Belyeu 6 3 noun?
Benhamou 8 3 noun?
Beu 3 1 noun?
Bleu 4 1 noun
Blew 4 1 noun?
Blue 4 1 noun, adjective satellite, verb
Boo 3 1 verb, noun
Breakthrough 12 2 noun
Breaux 6 1 noun?
Brew 4 1 verb, noun
Broadview 9 2 noun?
Brue 4 1 noun?
Bugaboo 7 3 noun
Bukavu 6 3 noun?
Byu 3 3 noun?
C2 2 2 noun?
Canoe 5 2 noun, verb
Caribou 7 3 noun
Cashew 6 2 noun
Cat-2 5 2 noun?
Cebu 4 2 noun
Chaloux 7 2 noun?
Champoux 8 2 noun?
Chengdu 7 2 noun?
Chew 4 1 verb, noun
Chiu 4 1 noun?
Choo 4 1 noun?
Chou 4 1 noun
Chough 6 1 noun
Clue 4 1 noun, verb

Previous 1 2 3 4 5  . .. Next 


Synonyms of Few

  • A Few(Prenominal)
  • A Couple Of(Prenominal)
  • Hardly A(Prenominal)
  • Fewer
  • Some
Antonyms of Few

  • Galore(Ip)
  • Umteen
  • Legion(P)
  • Many
  • Some(A)
  • Many An(A)
  • Many A(A)
  • Many Another(A)
  • Numerous
  • Umpteen
Homophones of Few

  • Feu
  • Phew

Helpful Info

These are word lists that we think you may find interesting.

  •  Longest English Words
  •  Most Common English Words
  •  History Of Rhymes
  •  How To Find Rhymes

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Random Words with Homophones

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  • ok

LitKult - Squares are not for battle.

Alternative classification of rhymes

Yesterday I was told that I rhyme with squares, and this is so bad that I should forget about it forever. Naturally, I began to google, because the square rhyme in my mind is abcd abcd, which I never used, and the unfortunate squares were found in texts with adjacent rhyme (aabb). Quite quickly, a suitable article was found that clarified where the legs grow from.

“Squares are rhymes where rhyming words have the same endings (hand=torment, mountain=time). There are a lot of such words, as well as verbs, in the language, so it’s not at all difficult to come up with such a rhyme. True, there are several nuances, which will be described below. I do not advise using such rhymes in texts, unless, of course, you want to quickly fly out of the battle and go for a walk. nine0003

I am not familiar with the traditions of rap battles at all, so the article seemed interesting. First of all, the given examples.

The author/authors did not bother with the already existing conceptual apparatus and proposed their own designations - and this invention of the bicycle sometimes raised questions, and sometimes amused. For example, to consider as a square only a grammatical exact rhyme or any adjacent exact one? “Square divisions”, for example, “pine - from sleep”, “arguments - to water” or “pistol - sleep a hundred years”, “which are no better than squares in their pure form”, - why couldn’t they be called punning rhymes? We open Kvyatkovsky’s dictionary and observe examples no worse: “I’ll beat you on a kalach”, “negligent - without giving birth”, “brown rocks - with a pun” and, of course, “element - I am poetry”. nine0003

I don't know how common the following classification is among battle participants, but if someone brought it closer to a long-standing conceptual base or justified the need for a separate system of terms, then it would be more logical, in my opinion, than to stagnate in the middle. Well, or more clearly, or something, they would inform novice authors that there were also rhymes in poetry, and even compound, and assonant ones, and a lot of things already existed in written culture. And that even the squares will live a little longer.

The text of the article from the site RapForce.net

Author: 15-183-2

My dictionary of rhyme Version 2.0

1) verb rhyme
widely used by famous poets, in text battles its use reduces your chances of success to a minimum. This type of rhyme is the simplest of all existing because of the great variety of verbs in Russian. You can rhyme with verbs a whole text in fifteen minutes without any problems. nine0003

I advise you to read this, look at examples, and then forget about the existence of verbal rhymes.


“Who was sitting on the bench,
Who was looking at the street,
Tolya sang, Boris was silent,
Nikolai shook his foot.” © Mikhalkov

“We heard their clatter in parallel while we were going up,
And we were terribly frightened” © Guf

). There are a lot of such words, as well as verbs, in the language, so it’s not at all difficult to come up with such a rhyme. True, there are several nuances, which will be described below. I do not advise using such rhymes in texts, unless, of course, you want to quickly fly out of the battle and go for a walk. nine0003

a) Standard square


“In the archive of the 15th psychiatric hospital
His case history is 183 pages.
And once every 2 years, as per instructions,
He comes here with an obsession with the hip-hop revolution ”© Guf

b) Modified square
Many novice lyricists believe that a square with a modified ending is not a square. It's not like that at all. If punishment=indication is a square rhyme, then changing the case or number of one of the rhyming words will not make the rhyme non-square (punishment=indication is also a square). I ask you to pay serious attention to this point, so as not to enter into stupid disputes with the judges later. nine0003


“The game is slowly getting serious.
I can attack without leaving the secret headquarters" © Guf

"And he says menacingly, don't be afraid to be wounded,
Learn to wait, the will must be made of stone." © Grotto and 25/17

c) Adverb-adjective square
Adjectives are almost always squares. Long=strong, bad=deaf and so on. But let's not forget about such a part of speech as adverbs. After all, the word "strongly" can not be called an adjective, is it? But the rhyme long = strong cannot be called anything other than a subspecies of a modified (sorry for the tautology) square. The same applies to any similar rhymes, such as fast=sour, cramped=possessed, etc. nine0003


We have dealt with the types of rhymes that are discouraged in text battles. Now let's move on to those that are considered prestigious and give you a chance to become a winner.

3) Accent/Consonance
The foundation of all texts. Both double and triple rhymes should be accented. Usually, after partially getting rid of the squares, the text writer switches to inaccurate accent rhymes, or accurate, but for one or two syllables.

a) Fine
A rhyme for consonances is a rhyme with different endings and consonant syllables. Their number determines the volume of the rhyme. The more syllables are consonant - the more voluminous (and therefore more difficult) the rhyme. The exact rhyme for consonances has a rhyming ending, but it is not square. The meaning of this type of rhyme lies in the vowel sounds. For example, the word "milk". It sounds like "ma-la-ko". We need a word where there are syllables consonant with "ma" or "la" or "mala". The word "young" came to mind (ma-la-doi). It turns out an accent rhyme for three syllables, and exact (the last syllable also rhymes, but not with a square). Or a simpler word, just one syllable - "a rogue." We need a word with one syllable and the vowel "y", while at the end there should not be the letters "t" or "d". For example, the word "Louvre". It suits us just fine. rogue = Louvre - one syllable accent rhyme. nine0003

b) Inexact
Now consider an example of an inexact rhyme for consonances. This is a rhyme where the last syllables do not rhyme. Suppose we have the word “balcony” in the text, while we cannot change its form because of the meaning of the line. We need rhyme. The transcription will be "bal-con-ny." We need a word where there are syllables consonant with "bal", "ko", or "balko". For example, the word "parking". Two syllables rhyme well, but the endings are inaccurate "ny" = "ka". But in general, it turned out to be an accent rhyme for two syllables balcony = parking. For a beginner, this is a good option. I think you should not give up inaccurate rhymes, this is definitely better than squares. nine0003

We have dealt with the very technique of composing rhymes for consonances, now let's look at examples. I think you should not look for specific lines, you yourself will be able to find them when you understand what it is using the example of the performers.

a.1) on one syllable

“Waiting = cord” © Oxxxxymiron

A.2) for two syllables

“BORNE” © Oxxxymiron
“ Jason = face" © Oxxxymiron

a.3) three syllables

“xenophobe=xylophone=semaphore” © Oxxxymiron
“metaspam=Herostat” © Oxxxymiron
“Titanic=wanderer” © Oxxxymiron

“promote = Moriarty” © Oxxxymiron
“Cost = rebuilt” © Sieg_Wanez

c) To hissing
There is one more small but generally accepted nuance in writing accent rhymes. On text battles, rhymes for hissing are not welcomed, the score is reduced for them. This category includes words whose rhyming syllables have the consonant "sh", "u", "c" or "g". These consonants make rhyming easier, and the prestige of rhyme disappears. nine0003


“After all, how can you convey this feeling,
When there is no one who would stand shoulder to shoulder.
I don't want to remember those days, but forgetting them is also blasphemy." © Oxxxymiron

d) Rhymes like "ts=tsa"
A very popular case. You can’t exactly call such rhymes a square, but it’s easy to come up with them. Therefore, they have found such a large-scale application in the texts. The move, which consists in the use of these consonances, is very hackneyed and of little interest. Hundreds of specific cases can serve as examples: try = pararazzi, outskirts = prick and others. nine0003


Now we will move on to different types of complex rhyme, that is, the one to strive for.

4) Internal rhyme
So, internal rhyme. This is a type of rhyme when not one word rhymes in a line, but several - in the middle of the line and at the end. It can be either ordinary two words or two double rhymes.

a) Ordinary internal
Standard version, when one word in the middle and one at the end rhymes.

“Your number is always number two, like on Maldini’s back
I injected myself with an injection of rhyme, here against Em “Fifty kopecks” ©

b) Double inner
At least three words are already rhyming here. Moreover, at the end there can be both a double-rim and a simple accent rhyme. The same is true in the middle. For example:

“Do not follow in my footsteps, I am an eternal outsider,
My goal is to burn down space, not a river and a manor” © Oxxxymiron

c) Multiple internal
Here the number of options is almost unlimited. All lines may consist of consecutive double or triple rhymes. Otherwise (if all words rhyme, but one at a time) - see paragraph 9.

“I climbed in on the go, and even if I disappear here,
The cross on my hump, flight is a taboo, no one knows
Reading the text of Vagabund, until there is a place in the coffin.” © Oxxxymiron

"Anatoly Wasserman himself gave us a monopoly on hasol,
In the radio tape recorder more than once at your mothers, the infidel spoke. " © Oxxxymiron

5) Initial rhyme
Different people call this method of rhyming differently, but let's focus on the term "initial rhyme". The bottom line is that words rhyme at the end of one of the lines, then at the beginning and at the end of the second line. Also, two lines can rhyme exclusively at the end, and the third will contain a rhyme relative to the ends of the two previous lines at the beginning.

For example :

“Not to sleep - they send me couplets on Skype - metaspam,
Pray for rap? I will come to this temple - Herostratus,
I don’t give a shit, it’s time for you to leave the fairway ... ”© Oxxxymiron

“From lobsters and coke on trays to gop-stop,
For nothing, oysterka, according to postcodes on crosses” © Oxxxymiron

The examples are not ideal, because a lot of unnecessary embarrassing rhymes. But exact examples of this type of rhyming, without improvising, are quite difficult to find.

6) Double rhyme/double-rhymes
Here, perhaps, we have come to the main and most popular type of complex rhyme. In battles, double rhymes have always been a success. Inventing them is not so difficult, while it is quite possible to keep the meaning. And they sound great both with a simple reading of someone else's text by a judge, and in audio. In a word, rhyme for all time. nine0031 Double-rims rhyme the last two words in a line. The complexity of a double rhyme depends on the sum of the rhyming syllables. The larger it is, the more voluminous and better. Here I will give not ideal examples, but without partitions and other factors that complicate perception.


"But don't be afraid, it's all very civil,
I'm a beggar, but like your Bentleys, I have eight cylinders." © Oxxxymiron

"Sweatpants, airmax, knife -
Any teenager can have strangers here" © Oxxxymiron

“Rage, like that of a green giant, slumbers at times,
But our couple - as if they entered the Cerberus dolphinarium” ©

A more complex and less common variant of the double rhyme. In the case of a triple-rhyme, not two, but the last three words in a line rhyme. Such examples are rarely seen among popular performers, but still.


“Everything you heard about is right, sort of, but only
Your London is bounded by Dad's golf course." © Oxxxymiron

“We actually had to get out of zeros here,
Measuring the length of the distance by the number of cunts” © Oxxxymiron

All types of rhyming, where more than three words rhyme, but which are not full-line, are usually called half-line rhyme or under-pantorhyme.

8) Full line rhyme/pantorhyme
This is generally the most complex and prestigious rhyme. Very few can write in pure pantorhyme. Most often, such a rhyme happens interspersed, since the entire text written in pantorhyme usually turns into prr. nine0031 The essence of full-line rhyming is that all the words in each line rhyme.

However, there is some separation between true pantorhyme and full-line rhyme.
In the case of a pure pantorhyme, all vowels in both lines are the same, i.e. every rhyme is exact. With full-line rhyming, all the words in the lines simply rhyme, whether it's accurate or not.
As you understand, the first option is much more difficult and, therefore, more honorable.

See examples:
Pure pantorhyme (syllable to syllable):

"Waterfall in the heads. Packed the crowd,
Brought a hearse home. Typhoon
Matov attacked the farce. Dam rebellion,
While you were selling a caravan of high. Buuu!" © Lawanda

Full-line rhyme:
“The years are like an Odyssey along the outskirts,
The city of London against everyone, part two, man” © Oxxxymiron

“Not a sign of a schizo, a misanthrope and a homophobe,
psyche breaks over life brownie" ©

9) Tight rhyming
This is a special case of multiple internal rhyme. All words, or almost all words in the lines, must contain the same syllable, or several common syllables.

"My prediction - you will lose, bro, and just go home" ©


This ends the types of rhyming and the techniques of rhyming begin.

1) Partitions
In principle, half of all complex rhymes rest on partitions. This is a fundamental technique of rhyming, which, however, can also be a way of rhyming in itself. Let's consider all this in more detail. Partitions are:

a) Square
The simplest partitions, which are no better than pure squares. They are easy to come up with, and they do not represent much value.
Examples: pine tree = from sleep, arguments = to water, pistol = sleep a hundred years, etc.

b) Ordinary
These divisions are the most popular, they are used by all more or less strong rhymers and do their job well.
Splitting in general is a rhyming technique in which the syllables of one longer word rhyme with the syllables of several shorter ones. nine0003


“gimp=on the beat” © Oxxxymiron

“garden=paso doble” © Oxxxymiron

“Smoky Mo=pokemon” © Oxxxymiron.

Such divisions are used in double and triple rhymes:

“Still no dough, still with debts, rigmarole,
Still in the basement, still Parliament on the beat” © Oxxxymiron

“Among the discordant crowds, my simple initiative will be
I bring the concept to life with mercury or cyanide.” ©

c) Complicated
These divisions themselves can be a great alternative to complex rhymes, because they sound just great. To write in this way, you need to have a very high level of rhyme.


"You're not from the street, boy, you're just suicidal,
Because you're kissing my finger on the twenty-first" © Oxxxymiron

"Remember, no one believed that we were together and married?
But an inept prestidigitator confused our cards. © Oxxxymiron

"And the city is moored, floating on a long cable,
On the high seas, an aircraft carrier hawks the kraken" © Oxxxymiron

This is how one can describe such a rhyming technique as duplication. At first glance, these are nothing more than squares, sometimes even verbs, and square partitions. In fact, it takes great skill to make dubbing beautiful and unusual. Usually, homonyms (homophones, homographs, especially homoforms) are used for this technique. If duplication is carried out not for one, but for two or more words, this indicates the highest skill of the author. nine0003

Examples of beautiful correct duplication (so rare):

“You will not be loved like an Ema nation,
Boys, you are not Em, not even his emanation.
You are close to me, as if an emo Nazi, I
I have to come up with another rhyme - umm ... she is a cyan-
nid "© Oxxxymiron"

Your mother really gargled her own throat
After she caressed me” © Oxxxymiron

“You reforged swords into plowshares,
While your mother was plowing my rap,
Her love for me caused me to plow.”
I would be very happy if, after reading the article, a text writer finds motivation to write better and better.

Thank you for your attention!
Do not forget to comment.

Original here

45 words with “reminders” that will be useful for schoolchildren and adults – Teacher's newspaper

No matter how you learn stress, you can still get confused at the most inopportune moment. We tried to speak correctly, but many around speak differently, and we begin to echo them. "Gramotator" has repeatedly addressed the topic of stress. But questions from our readers keep coming. And today we decided to offer a mini-dictionary of the most problematic nouns with rhymes for memorization. They will be useful both in life and on the exam. And as a daily cheat sheet, you can use our cards. nine0016

Noun stresses

The letter A


The stress in this word falls on the last syllable. The “asymmetry” familiar to many is wrong. Although some dictionaries provide such an option as the only or alternative, they are in the minority. And it is asymmetry that corresponds to a strict norm. Our rhyme will help you remember this.

Allergy occurs,

When there is asymmetry all around


Stress in all forms, except for the prepositional case, falls on -port-. In the prepositional case, the stress falls on the ending when we talk about the place (where) - at the airport, and on - the port when we talk about the airport. Let's learn " memo " and never make a mistake.


Settled in comfort -

Satisfied with the airport.

At the airport (where, about the place)

How the liner is gaining altitude,

You will only see it at the airport.

On aeroPors (about which)

Read news about sports,

And read - about aeroPors

airpores (multiple production)

We love the resorts,

We hasten to airpoers.

Letter B


This is one of the few disyllabic nouns in which the stress in all forms and plural falls on the last syllable. Here, too, it is enough to remember the word "bow" and simply substitute endings for it, without changing anything. Well rhyme will help.

piping on the shirt,

bows on the head


The word came from the French language, which means that the stress falls on the last syllable. The main thing to remember is that the stress will stand when changing the word in cases and in the plural. And rhymes will help to fix.

Light and shine -

Just chic

This brand new boutique


Sign of the faceless

At a fashionable butter


I was surprised by 3,0003

on an expensive boutique

in Butik

We will give carpets to the seller

Buchi. Blueberries, lingonberries and strawberries

Do not sell beautiful fashion boutiques


Directors, professors have long turned into directors and professors, shifting the emphasis to the ending. But accountants are not one of those. The stress in this word is invariable and in all forms of the plural falls on the root. nine0003

A “Memill ” will help not to forget:

accountants (multi -d.), Accounters

Good harakters

have all accountants,

and there are no bad harakterers


Letter B


The stress in this word always falls only on the last syllable. It does not change with the declension of the noun.

You can't do without « memos »:

Magic for Christmas

Widowhood instantly crumbled.


Despite the fact that many stubbornly say religion, the correct option is only religion. And nothing else. Let's remember the word "know", it will help to correctly place the stress. And you can also come up with rhyme , so as not to make a mistake.

I know - I don't know,

What I confess.

I don't know at all



In the plural, as in "accountants", the stress in the word "age" remains unchanged, on the first syllable - ages. Saying and writing "age" is incorrect. And the classic will help to remember this:

All ages are submissive to love.

Download this flashcard to help you memorize complex accents faster. And we go further - before us are the words with the letter "g".

Letter G


When the word “rake” is changed, the stress will not move anywhere - it will remain on the first syllable, whether we rejoice at the rake, work with the rake or think about the rake.

Rhyme will help you remember easily:

Hands are already cold -

How can we hold the rake?


Forehead covered with drops

From working with a rake.

Rake or rake

There is no rake in the barn,

I had to work with a saber.


Amazing word! Most pronounce it incorrectly, and the emphasis here falls not on the second, but on the third syllable - corrugated. By analogy with "pleated". So let's remember, and rhyme will help in this.

Pleated skirt,

A pleated bow.

Corrugated can be not only a bow, but also hair tongs, and a hose, and metal. However, the emphasis will not change. nine0003

Letter D


When changing the word “door”, the accent almost always remains on the root. And only in one case - if we are talking about the door as a place - the emphasis will go to the ending.

To the door

At the door

But (hanging) on ​​the door.

And it’s better to remember and not get confused, it will help rhyme about wild animals:

Wild animals came to the door -

They knew that crackers

The owner left them on the door.


The word is of French origin, and therefore the stress falls on the last syllable. The word "dispensary" does not correspond to the norm. Only the dispensary is correct. The stress will not change when the word is declined. And “ memorizer

Engineer pronounces

The word is correct – dispensary.

Agreement and agreements

Frequently used “agreements and agreements” are strictly prohibited! Only contract and contracts. nine0003

Let's remember the rhyme and we won't make mistakes:

Have a conversation with a lawyer,

To conclude an agreement.

But talking won't help

Making contracts.

Letter I

Icon painting

Surprisingly, the stress in this word falls on the first syllable. And, although from the word “icon” one really wants to say “icon painting”, this should not be done. Rhyme :

Turned out today

What is right - iconography.


The word, although old, is used in modern speech, including in a figurative sense. As in the previous word, the stress here falls only on the first syllable. No games allowed! And " memorizer ":

Came in a monster costume

At the school for a game.

Letter K


Words ending in -log have different stresses. In the word catalog, as in the words dialogue, monologue, prologue, epilogue, the stress falls on the last syllable. There is no word catalog. nine0015 Rhyme will help you not to get confused.

We started a dialogue,

We are discussing the catalogue.


And somewhere, there are probably containers, because that's what they say very often. However, the stress here is stable and in all forms of the word falls on the second syllable - containers. It never carries over to the end.

Let's remember "accountants" and "ages" and just remember.

And again, our cheat sheet, which you can download and use to memorize difficult accents. nine0003

The letter M

In a glimpse

Another difficult word, who says “briefly”, and who says “briefly”. Unfortunately for many, the second option is wrong. The stress in the word "glimpse" falls on the first syllable. There are no exceptions. You can come up with your own associations to remember, or you can learn our rhyme :

They write very small,

0002 If we don't want to push garbage into the wires, then we shouldn't say garbage chute. Garbage can only be thrown into the garbage chute. The stress in this word falls on the last syllable. As in other "wires" - a gas pipeline, a pipeline, an oil pipeline. And it will help to remember rhyme :

The whole rather big passage

The garbage chute occupied.

Letter H


It would seem that this word should not cause difficulties. But it turned out that there is some professional slang - many knitters say nakid, throwing a loop on a knitting needle. However, there are no exceptions here. Only nakid is correct - in knitting and in other cases. "Memory" will help; nine0003

We are not very surprised:

In knitting, they make a crochet.


Where the word “intention” comes from is unknown, but it sneaks into our speech quite often. However, there is only intention. The stress in this word falls on the second syllable. The rhyme will help to remember, and to someone to get rid of incorrect pronunciation:

It is better to be more moderate

Talk about intentions.

Letter O


The stress in this word always falls on the third syllable - provision. And it doesn’t matter if we are talking about material support for someone, ensuring an obligation with something or ensuring someone’s safety. The stress will stand in any case. There is no word “providing”, which many dictionaries explicitly warn about.

A rhyme will help you remember this compound word:

is marked in the dictionary

The word provision


Do you remember the words of the song of the Lyube group: “... from the wide open windows ..”? Many will be surprised, but this is not the norm. In the genitive plural, the stress falls on the first syllable - windows. Not windows. Remember?

What is this cocoon

Do we see from the windows?

Letter П


The stress in this word always falls on the second syllable. It doesn't matter if it's a call to action or a call to the army. Often, when it comes to conscription for military service, you can hear the call. However, in the army, as well as for action, they are called. And there is no reason to change the stress in a word depending on the meaning. In all cases, the emphasis is the same - the call. A from rhyme easier!

The window is open,

We hear the call.


Not a half-over, not a pullover, but only a pullover. Dictionaries do not provide other options. In order not to accidentally put on a half-belt, remember rhyme :

A beautiful motor scooter.

And a pullover in his color.

Letter P


Perhaps, checking the word "shell", some put the stress on the first syllable - shell. And what? A large shell, and a small shell. However, the word "shell" is not a test word for a shell. And the stress in this word is placed on the second syllable - shell. And small, and large, and river, and sea. And to be remembered better, rhyme :

Beautiful toy

From a seashell.


The word has several meanings. This is both the temporary ruler and the conductor of the church choir. But the stress is one - on the first syllable. In M.A. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita, the “regent” is quite common: this is how Koroviev called himself at the beginning of the work. “Now the regent put on his nose an obviously unnecessary pince-nez, in which one glass was missing at all, and the other was cracked.” If anyone doubted how to pronounce Koroviev's position, now he will be sure that he is regent. Well, in addition to the classics, our " memo ":

Likes to listen to reggae

Hora former regent

And this is the third card from the dictionary. Download it and we will not make mistakes in pronunciation.

Letter C


Remember the asymmetry? One might think that in the word "symmetry" the stress falls on the last syllable. The words are similar! But no, that would be too simple, so in the word "symmetry" the stress falls on the second syllable - symmetry. Here, as in the case of asymmetry, there are sometimes two options in dictionaries - symmetry and symmetry. But only the first one corresponds to a strict norm - symmetry. Remember with rhymes

Loves geometry,

So that there is symmetry.


Concentration can often be heard. But let's imagine how something gathers at one point, and easily remember what is right - concentration. And if the period does not help, then our rhyme will definitely do it:

The shutters are boarded up,

There is silence here

The insurer

For some unknown reason, this word is pronounced insurer. Perhaps, by analogy with some professions in the -man: crane operator, shoemaker. However, none of the modern dictionaries records the word "insurer". There is only "insurer". The emphasis on "o" remains in the derivative words "insurer", "reinsurer".

And it's easy to remember: remember the word insurance, the insurer also stresses the letter "o". And you can also come up with rhyme :

Lviv trainers

Always go to the insurer.


The correct stress in this word is on the last syllable. The profession of carpenter does not exist, no matter how often one hears this word. It's like saying not a painter, but a painter. However, they don’t say that, but for some reason the carpenter took root. And in vain, it does not correspond to the norm. The painter will help to remember :

We have a painter working,

But we really need a carpenter.

By the way, the correct plural is “carpenters”, not carpenters and not carpenters. As, however, and painters.

Letter T


Do you remember the word “bows”? "Cakes" from the same company. There are not many two-syllable words that have the stress on the first syllable. Cakes is one of them. The stress will remain unchanged when the word is declined. There are no cakes, not cakes, delicious cakes are welcome, but not cakes. When changing the word in the singular in cases, the stress will stand - there is no cake, I'm glad for the cake, I dream of a cake. A rhyme will help you remember:

We are going to resorts,

We can’t eat cakes,

We want to flaunt in shorts,

But they don’t get slim “on cakes”.


Despite the common pronunciation "transfer", it is correct to stress only the last syllable - transfer. And a "reminder":

Famous collector

Booked a transfer to the hotel.


Contrary to popular belief, the stress here falls on the first syllable. You can’t say “shoe” or “shoe”, only “shoe. And don't forget that the noun shoe is feminine.

Letter X


One of the annoying and often used options is petition. Let's spare the ears of those around us and never say that! Only intercession and intercession. And with rhyme is easier to remember. nine0003

Just a treat for the ear.

When they say "intercession".

Letter Ш


And one more of the few two-syllable words in which the stress falls on the first syllable. We already know about bows and cakes, and now scarves have joined them. It's only right, not scarves. The stress will be preserved when the word is changed both in the singular and in the plural - scarves, scarf, scarf, scarves. Rhyme will help you remember.

We play the harps

Scarves are uncomfortable.

We will sit down to the harps,

Let's take off our scarves

Double (variable) stresses in nouns

Good news. No, in all words it is not yet possible to put stress on different syllables at will. But there are a lot of words with variable stress. Let's present some of them.


It sounds amazing, but not so long ago only the pronunciation apartments was considered correct. And some dictionaries still fix this option as the only one. True, in some modern dictionaries you can see "apartment" as a colloquial option. But the majority still consider apartments and apartments to be equal. Both options are standard. nine0003


Until recently, only the bungalow was considered correct. Now, the stress depends on the choice of the speaker - both bungalow and bungalow correspond to the norm.


As in the previous cases, only pronunciation - croutons was allowed before. And in the singular - toast had a masculine gender. Over time, croutons also appeared, and in the singular feminine toast.

Both words are normative, and the choice is yours. nine0003


You might be surprised, but many dictionaries list both college and college as equals. True, more conservative dictionaries adhere to the college option. We would also recommend not to stress the second syllable. But in this case there will be no error either.


She stopped being only cookery a long time ago, having got herself a sister - cookery. Both cooking and cooking are recorded in dictionaries. nine0003


Here you can taste delicious pizza. And it can be pronounced differently. If strict dictionaries believe that only the pizzeria option is correct, then most dictionaries argue with them, fixing two options - pizzeria and pizzeria.


Don't be surprised. The correct options are meatballs and meatballs. But, if you are faced with a choice or preparing an official speech, then meatballs, of course, are preferable.

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