Sentences with turn
Use turn in a sentence
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of
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Words near turn in the Dictionary
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- turn
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- turnability
- turnable
- turnably
English example sentences with "turn"
Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.
Could you turn on the light, please?
Turn right at the crossroad.
You have to turn in the reports on Monday.
I hope you'll never turn Communist.
I didn't expect you to turn up here.
Banks will try to lend you an umbrella on a sunny day, but they will turn their backs on a rainy day.
Even the smallest worm will turn if trodden on.
Turn on your back.
Please turn over.
Take it easy. I can assure you that everything will turn out fine.
Low temperatures turn water into ice.
Turn off the television. I can't concentrate.
Please turn out the lights when you leave.
I seize the moment and turn it to my advantage.
No one can turn the clock back.
Turn your face this way.
Students are supposed to turn in reports at the end of the school year.
Each student received his diploma in turn.
Students often study with music playing in the background, and people working around the house will usually turn on the television or radio to keep them company.
Make sure to turn off all the lights before going out.
If you turn on me like that, I cannot talk any more.
I will see you, each in your turn.
I order you to turn right.
Whoever leaves the office last should turn off the light.
We took a turn around the city in our car.
Don't forget to turn off the gas before you leave the house.
Turn down the volume, please.
Turn the flame down low.
The rain began to turn into snow.
Turn to the right, and you'll find my office.
Turn to the right.
If you turn right, you will see a big building.
Turn to the right, and you'll find the hotel.
OK, now turn to your right, a little further, a little further... good. Now lie still on your back.
Let's turn back.
Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself.
The weak-willed are prone to go to the dogs; the strong-willed turn failure into success.
It's getting dark. Please turn the light on for me.
I couldn't help but turn down his offer.
Robert was so busy he had to turn down an invitation to play golf.
When must I turn in the report?
You should turn in your term papers by the end of April.
The record is finished. Turn it over to the other side.
The record is finished. Turn it over.
Unless you turn the radio off, I will go mad.
Turn off the radio, please.
Will you please turn down the radio?
Will it bother you if I turn on the radio?
Do you mind if I turn on the radio?
Turn on the radio.
Please turn on the radio.
Please turn down the radio.
Turn the radio up a little.
Turn up the radio. I can't hear it.
Turn down the radio.
Could you turn down the radio?
The radio is too loud. Can't you turn it down a little?
Turn the radio down.
The radio is too loud. Turn the volume down.
Please turn off the light.
At last, my turn came.
As it is late, turn off the TV.
It's time to go to bed. Turn off the radio.
Please turn down the volume a little bit more.
Would you like to turn it down a little?
Turn the radio down a little.
Let's turn and go back now.
It is time you went to bed. Turn off the radio.
If you drive carelessly, you will miss your turn.
Fully booked for the night, the hotel had to turn away some late guests.
Helen did me a good turn.
The very thought of snakes makes her turn pale.
Could you turn on your headlights?
Please turn over the page.
Please turn the page.
Press the brake pedal to turn on your brake lights.
Bill didn't turn up at the party.
Turn the knob and open the door.
Why did you turn down his offer?
Why did you turn down his request for a pay rise?
The truck made a sharp turn to the left.
The truck made a sharp turn to the right.
Please turn on the television.
Please turn it on.
Why did they turn down your proposal?
Turn on the light, please.
Turn off the light, please.
Please turn the television on.
Would you please turn down the TV?
Can I turn off the TV?
May I turn on the TV?
Please turn on the TV.
May I turn on the television?
Please turn off the TV.
Turn off the TV.
Please turn off the television.
Will you turn on the TV?
Will you turn on the television?
Turn up the TV.
Do you mind if I turn down the TV?
Sentences with "turn"
We found 80 sentences with the word "turn". Synonyms for turn. Meaning of the word. Characters. "turn" - morphemic analysis.
- My mother was terribly disappointed with this turn in my life, and I understood why much later.
- Behind turn there is a toy train on the road.
- It was a real labyrinth, where any turn could lead to danger.
- He was sure that luck was waiting for him at the next turn .
- He smiled benevolently and seemed very pleased with the turn of public moods.
- When, for example, the “mini” fashion appeared, I, admiring it on girls, could not use the turn of the fashion.
- But Senna just flashed past Wendlinger in the corner and managed to get into position before the next right corner .
- The artist arrived there on 17 February 1917 years, without even assuming that this journey, will be the turn of in his work.
- The gray turn of the giant cycle track curves the lateral moraine.
- But behind them, behind turn of the road, there was a crowd, about 60 people.
- With each new turn of the road, there were fewer of them.
- Flags disappear with red spots in by turning .
- Indeed, before our eyes, something sweet and indistinct turns into a strong one, with a sharp turn at the end , a poem.
- The commander or officer of the watch must be the last to descend, deftly closing the hatch by turning the lever .
- Behind the next turn instead of a flash of spotlights, daylight appears.
- It's a very interesting feeling when you know what is behind the turn of street.
- For every turn of , for every headland, they were sure that they would see this sacred Buddhist city.
- With the turn of people's life from east to west, the autocracy assumes the forms of European statehood.
- When Yura found himself in the water, he and Kostya Raikin were dragged downstream so quickly that we didn't have time to look back as they disappeared behind turn .
- When he disappeared behind turn , I also joined the carriage.
- Consequently, the new relations established by Solomon with Egypt seemed to his contemporaries an amazing political turn .
- They stand so that at any moment, without noise, without rearrangement, by turning the switch you can give light from any place.
- All the fighters took cover behind turn , and only Artur, Molina and I remained near the pit.
- I was walking, with each turn more and more step, and did not know that this night I was already tearing up with music.
- Taking advantage of this turn in a conversation, the English publisher suggested that Rezun also "for the same purpose" give information about Soviet tanks.
- The role of Melnikov for Tikhonov and me was like a turn by 180 degrees from Matvey Morozov from “It was in Penkovo”.
- It was necessary to switch to the front step with turn of the head in no more and no less than six steps.
- The road behind the turn is crowded with wagons, a long convoy.
- Turn after turn after turn turn , slow down.
- The whole of Nishapur was in motion, and people speculated about the sharp turning of the Wheel of Destiny.
- Behind the new turn Tamara thought that she was catching up with the queen, there was very little left, and they would be close.
- After turn I had to rush towards the finish line again in the middle of the track.
- But now they sparkled for turning cold streams Stryanka.
- I watched the Green boxcar move away and then completely disappear behind the turn .
- Just before the turn to the Leningradskoe shosse, a milk truck, fiery red like an ominous ghost, hit the side of the trunk.
- And this appointment turned out to be an amazing and happy turn of my father's fate, and of course mine too.
- We watched this procession until it disappeared behind turning and then went further.
- Elizabeth failed to take advantage of this turn of happiness, although it was entirely within her power to do so.
- Disappeared behind turn military enlistment office, friends, mother.
- Finally, behind the next turn , a beautiful green valley, freely stretched in the bowl of mountains, opened before us.
- After a small turn we found ourselves in a fairly spacious room full of people.
- He considered it a critical, unforgivable turn one hundred and eighty degrees.
- Ahead of turn I finally see what I need.
- A minute later a soldier with my passport went to the corner of the building and disappeared behind turn .
- You wait on the side of the road in front of the closed turn God knows where, until the radio announces that the road is clear.
- Prince Meshchersky, of course, did not agree with such a turn of the case, but wrote a new complaint, this time to the Senate.
- Hope flared up and then faded with each new turn of the fjord in silent foggy shores.
- Behind the turn of the channel, two men with shovels were standing under the cliff, extracting clay and loading the wagon with it.
- Valentina, who passionately dreamed of her daughter, was not going to put up with such an unexpected turn of the case and raised Ilya as a girl.
- They went out and put everything in its place: with a look, a gesture, or simply a turn heads.
- After another sharp turn , the majestic image of Feldenstein Castle finally appears.
- Turn, around turn gray concrete wall, metal gates, guardhouse with a sign "Scientific Research Center".
- Mortal danger lay in wait for him behind every bush, every turn of the road.
- From a distance we could see how the last motorcyclists disappear behind the turn .
- They watched the move and turning his thoughts, for well-aimed judgments, jokes.
- Behind the sharp turn the way was blocked by riders on black horses.
- Metternich rejoiced at this turn of events.
- Surprised by such a turn , his friends asked why he decided to become a doctor, because his literary career was developing so successfully?
- I expected to meet them ready to sting every turn of .
- Before by turning , the instructor warned about this, introducing the aircraft into a turn.
- Here, a group of landing "beemdashes" separated from the column and disappeared behind turn .
- Starting from here, together with the turn of the Amur to the south, the very nature of its current changes.
- With Barras he remained as before in close, friendly relations, and to him he owes the new turn in his life.
- Behind the turn of the road we saw the French hastily erecting a fence of agricultural vehicles.
- Having passed another small village, right after turn , I noticed a car leaving on the road, driving at full speed to the estate.
- Iliodor wrote: "Lokhtina resigned herself to such a turn in her fate."
- Then, jumping from turn , you find yourself on the Second and Eighth.
- Blavatsky seemed to me behind every turn of the path, behind every tree in the park.
- With each turn of the road, new landscapes opened up before us in all their beauty.
- The reign of Princess Olga was a turn in the history of Kievan Rus.
- Vasily was stunned by a similar turn , became shy.
- I'm afraid that Zhofrey will be very disappointed with this turn of affairs.
- The escort in front of the turn disappeared, and the rear one ran across to the other side.
- Suddenly, I saw, right in front of me, about eight hundred meters, behind the hidden trees turn , endless columns of soldiers.
- Incredibly disappointed by this turn of fate, Heinrich lost interest in Anna, whom he had previously passionately loved.
- For a growing number of parliamentarians, the new policy appeared to be a one hundred and eighty-degree turn too far gone.
- I was offended and disappointed by this turn of events.
- Here they doused the soldiers with raised snow dust and disappeared behind turn .
- As soon as the cab disappeared behind turn , he called the servant and ordered to inspect the park.
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We found 90 802 sentences with the word “turn” sentences with the word "turn".

- The artist, as in a snapshot, stopped a random gesture or a turn of the head, a special look, or a sunbeam falling on the face.
- At the same time, fate was preparing for Vysotsky that very steep turn , which would seriously change his entire creative life.
- Every intonation, every gesture, glance, smile, turn of the head spoke of everyday life.
- The first turn from a strict specialty took shape in the form of a betrayal of my university "study".
- Forced to make a sharp turn , in the fall of 1920 he enrolled as a student in the architecture class at the school of fine arts.
- This rotation of by 180° is also a very unfortunate solution from a technical point of view.
- We were just approaching Delitzsch, having passed the sharp turn , when we noticed that the road was blocked by a detachment of communist militia.
- And any such turn necessarily includes violence.
- And the advanced units of our army rushed to the Vistula, which made a turn to the north, to the Baltic Sea, and crossed it on the move.
- At full speed we made a turn to intercept the target.
- Thirdly, at a certain height, the rocket must make the calculated turn of the trajectory at a certain angle.
- An unexpected turn of fate he met with dignity, as befits a philosopher.
- Not every person is capable of such a sharp turn in your life.
- Suddenly, both strangers completed the turn agreed upon and moved in our direction.
- But Marchenko gave Pyryev “turn from the gate ”, after which he noticeably lost interest in staging “War and Peace”.
- Such a turn of events did not suit me at all.
- The same tank fired again at the moment when the group had already passed turn of the road to the north.
- Another turn , and behind the forest a stable made of stones opened, at the gate of which a lone horse snorted wearily.
- When the train makes turn and the familiar village and castle disappear from view, an inner voice says: this was the last time.
- However, there was another curious twist in this story : in 1988, Klingberg almost became the subject of a triple exchange.
- The only salvation is turn towards Soviet democracy, starting with the opening of the last trials.
- At that time the young father could not even imagine what a sharp turn awaits him in his life in three years.
- But it was just that turn of my life path that I was waiting for.
- The last of them marks turn in the general direction of events.
- That is, until a new sharp turn took place in her life, and she found support where she did not like it.
- Thus, starting around 1508, the turn gradually begins in Luther's theological ideas.
- At 200 yards, the 640th made a turn to the right and increased speed.
- Save the country, as already mentioned, could only a radical turn to the state course and a decisive disengagement from the liberals.
- From that moment a decisive turn was noticeable in the thoughts and feelings of I.
V. [Kireevsky, I, 286]. - By the way, having received turn from Golubkina from gate , Mironov soon started an affair with one of the actresses of his own theater.
- It seemed that the further course of the matter was clear, and few people could foresee the unexpected turn of events that had taken place.
- And this turn the actor experienced even more than the persecution of restless fans.
- We arrived at the corner of the school, and there just turn to the right.
- Amazing turn fate, caused by the incident on the bridge, also affected the fate of the Ahsi fortress.
- In the fate of Shmelev during these years, a turn to happiness was brewing.
- Does this mean that this last turn is the final turn ?
- Here every turn , every gesture has its own meaning, and this should be studied.
- Suddenly a sharp turn towards the auditorium, emphasized by a musical accent.
- But here is Spiridon turn : sun for summer and winter for frost.
- However, the turning point of in the adventurer's career came only after real power appeared behind him.
- He told me to accurately note the circulation time at one hundred and eighty degrees at 15 knots, making turn to the left, and I forgot his words.
- Each turn guesses, admires each stitch.
- That's why 9 started0006 turn Stalin's regime to the traditional understanding of the motherland and patriotism.
- After saluting, I already started turning around.
- Turn in the fate of the Lieven family happened when the daughters of Pavel Petrovich and Maria Fedorovna needed a governess.
- Here it made turn , and we saw in front of us shreds of white foam escaping from under its stern.
- The aircraft crossed the runway at an altitude of approximately 1,000 meters and then approached turn and began to decline.
- But turn is so fast that I almost flip over the wing.
- Such a turn of events did not suit the coadjutor.
- This decisive turn onto the new road was made by St.
- This political turn also predetermined a change in church policy.
- Turn seemed incredibly long to everyone who was fascinated by the approaching torpedoes.
- Nevertheless, the mood of the Parisians turned in his favor.
- Such a turn of the theme was characteristic of the whole performance.
- If the target makes a turn or changes course, you constantly have to make new calculations.
- In less than two years, he made turn 180 degrees.
- A turn of events similar to , however, could have been foreseen, for everyone knew about the royal burial treasures.
- After Snowstorm, these were Shield and Sword (1968), Return to Life (1971), Dangerous Turn (TV/F, 1972), Nylon 100%, Turbin Days (t/f, 1976).
- A series of narrow corridors, turn , steps, another turn .
- This room, in which my fate made a new turn , brought down a stream of memories on me.
- The German pilot steered his plane into the desperate turn .
- Each plot turn Pecherin accompanies a quotation suitable for the occasion.
- He wrote about the significant successes of the collective-farm movement and that "the radical turn of the countryside towards socialism can be considered already secured."
- Having caught up with him, I continued my sharp turn .
- The trouble with his priority policy was that it was easily overturned by a simple turn of the course of events.
- Vlasik himself would probably be glad if life had prepared him just such a turn fate.
- Such a turn of events only made me happy.
- This road also turned out to be heavily fortified, and it was decided to make another turn to the west in order to bypass the fortifications.
- Not a single skillful artist has succeeded in depicting the turn of this monarch's head when he turns to someone.
- It was necessary to make a sharp turn in all work, resolutely reorganize in a new, military way.
- But it was not so easy to make this “ turn south”.
- Friedrich made a sharp turn , and Elizaveta heard only affectionate and encouraging words from him.
- In the summer of 1919 it was not difficult to foresee such a turn when the affairs would go to Baku.
- Among other characteristics, we note the "Russian turn " of the late 30s.
- They completed turn to the right and lay down on a new course at a right angle to the previous one.
- Hearing SOS calls from 485 Squadron, Muchot with Red and Blue squads rushed to the rescue and went to the upward turn .
- Exit to Gogolevsky boulevard along Sivtsev Vrazhka, turn to the right, turn to the left near Kropotkinskaya, and here they are, Borovitsky gates.
- Since then, turn in the direction of Mickiewicz's poetic work has been decided.
- Such a turn of affairs did not please the "victorious" partocrats.
- They themselves accepted such turn of events.
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Source - introductory fragments of books with LitRes.
Synonyms for "turn". Meaning of the word. Characters. "turn" - morphemic analysis.
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