Sesame street letter day
The Letter of the Day | Muppet Wiki
in: Alphabet, Cookie Monster Sketches, Sesame Street Recurring Sketches
The Letter of the Day is a Sesame Street segment introduced in 2002, hosted by Cookie Monster. In 2004, Prairie Dawn appeared with Cookie Monster in the segments.
The original segments from 2002 all involved the letter written in icing on a cookie, which Cookie Monster constantly tried not to eat, but in the end, he gave in and ate the cookie anyway. Frank Oz performed Cookie Monster in some of these segments, and occasionally another character would help him, usually Grover or Prairie Dawn, as well as Ernie in an unaired segment.
Starting in 2004, when he was teamed up with Prairie Dawn, the letter presented was just a foam letter which Cookie Monster often wanted to eat. Prairie Dawn kept trying to get Cookie not to eat the letter, but Cookie Monster always managed to find a way to eat it anyway.
Some segments produced in 2005 involved "The Letter of the Day Games," a game show introduced by a very energetic off-camera announcer (voiced by Matt Vogel).
"The Letter of the Day" was a daily segment on the show until 2007. The 2004 segments with Cookie and Prairie Dawn appeared in some (but not all) episodes during that season. In season 39, new segments were made, commonly connecting to the street scene for that episode, featuring other characters instead of Cookie Monster. In season 40, Murray Monster began hosting the Letter of the Day, in addition to introducing various other show elements.
- 1 Sketches
- 1.1 Season 33
- 1.2 Season 35
- 1.3 Season 39
- 1.4 Season 40
- 2 Sources
- 3 See also
Segments are listed in alphabetical order. To view chronologically, select the appropriate arrow to re-sort.
Season 33
Picture | First Appearance | Segment | ||
A - Ernie Protects the Cookie Cookie Monster enlists the help of Ernie to protect the letter "A" cookie. | ||||
Episode 3985 | A - Safe Cookie Monster locks the letter of the day cookie in a small safe and puts the key into the safe's top slot. It turns out that even a steel safe can't protect the cookie from a monster's hunger.
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Episode 4025 | B - Cookie's Mother Cookie Monster and his mother talk about the letter B. Cookie's mother tries to get her son not to eat it, but finally gives in to temptation.
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Episode 4004 | C - Mumford's Trick Cookie Monster asks The Amazing Mumford to make the cookie with the letter of the day disappear so that he can't eat it. | |||
Episode 3990 | D - DON'T Sign Part 1: Cookie Monster makes a "DON'T" sign to prevent him from eating the Letter D cookie.
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Episode 4000 | E - Wild Animals Cookie Monster brings out several wild animals which are supposed to "eat" the letter E cookie, until he realizes that his plan will not work out and decides to eat the cookie himself. | |||
Episode 3997 | F - Drawing Cookie Monster plans to draw a picture of the letter F cookie so that he can eat the real one, yet still have a visual aid to teach with.
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Episode 4011 | G - Giant Cookie Part 1: Cookie Monster discovers there is no cookie for him ("That funny--propman usually here hand it to me") until a giant one lands into his paws. Trying to sustain himself, he eats the giant cookie a few nibbles at a time.
Part 2: After eating the giant cookie, Cookie Monster has grown much larger. He burps, then starts naming G words like "gassy" and "genius."
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Episode 4001 | H - Hide Cookie Monster decides to hide the letter H cookie. He then finds a place to hide it: In his tummy! | |||
Episode 4007 | I - Icing Rather than eating the cookie, Cookie Monster decides to eat the icing instead.
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Episode 3993 | J - Jumpin' J Cookie Monster jumps along with a jumping cookie with the letter J on it. Upon "tiring" the cookie out, Cookie Monster promptly eats it.
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Episode 3989 | K - Train Cookie Monster sends his K cookie away on the letter K train so he won't eat it. Unfortunately, it returns a few moments later. | |||
Episode 3981 | L - Singing Cookie Monster thinks that singing can help stop him from eating the "Letter of the Day" cookie. | |||
Episode 3984 | M - Disguise Cookie decides to disguise the letter M cookie in an effort to not eat it. | |||
Episode 4005 | N - Letter Cookie Eating Prevention Part 1: Cookie Monster tries to figure out how to not eat the cookie with an N on it.
Part 2: Super Grover tries to help keep Cookie Monster from eating it, but proves himself unsuccessful.
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Episode 3983 | O - Package Part 1: Cookie decides to send his cookie away so he can't eat it.
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Episode 4003 | P - Blindfold Since P begins the word "Prairie," Prairie Dawn does not want Cookie Monster to eat the letter of the day, so she puts a blindfold on him and leaves. While Prairie is gone, Cookie Monster smells the letter P cookie and eats it, remarking "Piquant." When she comes back to check, Prairie Dawn sees that the letter P cookie is gone. Cookie Monster burps and covers his mouth; then an annoyed Prairie Dawn remarks "Pathetic." | |||
Episode 3982 | Q - Missing Part Cookie Monster eats the little stemmy part off a Letter Q cookie, and Prairie Dawn thinks it’s the letter O. She worries that the viewers will be confused, urging Cookie Monster to "do something quickly. | |||
Episode 3995 | R - Rap Song Cookie Monster sings a rap song about the letter R, naming R words and singing about how he shouldn't eat the letter of the day while singing the song, but then he finishes the song (and after that, he finishes the cookie).
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Episode 4006 | S - Super Plan Super Grover has a super plan to keep Cookie Monster from eating the letter of the day. He puts the cookie into a basket, and pulls it up with a rope. However, Cookie Monster pulls down on and eats the basket, sending Super Grover flying.
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Episode 4023 | T - Hat Cookie Monster makes a hat from a letter T-shaped cookie. | |||
Episode 3994 | U - Rocket Cookie Monster puts the letter of the day, U, on a rocket and sends it away, but it comes back. | |||
Episode 3987 | V - Bricks Cookie Monster carries a heavy load of bricks in an effort to not eat the letter V cookie. However, after he falls down, he eats it anyways. | |||
Episode 3992 | W - Naming Words Cookie Monster decides to take his mind off eating the letter of the day cookie by naming words that begin with W. Prairie Dawn shows up, but Cookie Monster is too deep in thought to notice her. When she finally gets his attention, he eats the cookie.
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Episode 4018 | X - X-Ray Cookie Monster eats the cookie with the letter of the day before he can introduce any words beginning with X ("Oh, me feel tremendous guilt.
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Episode 3988 | Y - Suitcase Cookie Monster locks the letter Y cookie in a suitcase so he won't eat it, but the suitcase has no bottom. "Me wonder how that happened." | |||
Episode 3986 | Z - Great Wall of Cookie Part 1: Cookie Monster avoids eating the "Letter of the Day" cookie... for now. |
Season 35
Picture | First Appearance | Segment | |
Episode 4064 | A - Aggravating Prairie Dawn encourages Cookie Monster to think of words that begin with "A. | ||
Episode 4106 | C - Cookie Prairie Dawn and Cookie Monster introduce the letter of the day. While he doesn't intend to eat the letter, Cookie Monster does note that "C" stands for cookie... eventually leading him to do just that.
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Episode 4061 | E - Pretending Letter E is a Cookie Prairie Dawn begins to introduce the Letter of the Day segment, when Cookie Monster comes in, saying the green letter E is a cookie. Prairie tries to correct Cookie, and is relieved when Cookie says he pretending. He cites "Eat," "Egg," and "Elephant" as E-words. Prairie compliments him, saying that it's "Excellent." The cookie Cookie imagines has chocolate chips, delicious sprinkles, and vanilla icing. Cookie's eats the letter E, stating "Me have good imagination. | ||
Episode 4097 | H - Role Reversal After Cookie Monster promises not to eat the letter H, Prairie Dawn retorts that he will eat it: she mimics his typical speech and behavior in these segments, even eating the H herself after losing control. | ||
Episode 4067 | K - Kowabunga Cookie Monster teaches Prairie Dawn a new K word, "Kowabunga."
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Episode 4069 | M - The Sound of Mmmm Prairie Dawn convinces Cookie Monster that the letter M is not a cookie, but is for "Mmm-Monster" and other M words. Cookie Monster says that "Mmmm" is the sound he makes after eating a cookie. He proceeds to demonstrate by eating the letter "M," which Prairie Dawn declares "Mmm-Messy.
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Episode 4059 | N - Horn of Dilemma Prairie Dawn tells Cookie Monster that the letter N is not a cookie, but Cookie Monster finds himself on “horn of dilemma” and eats the letter N.
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Episode 4070 | O - Oh Prairie Dawn assures Cookie Monster that the letter O is not a cookie and does her best to intervene, but he eats it anyway as a means of "making sure." Oh! | ||
Episode 4063 | T - Tasty Cookie Monster looks intently for cookies, but according to Prairie Dawn, there are none in the vicinity. He eventually comes to the same conclusion, but only after eating the letter "T. | ||
Episode 4082 | Z - Cookie Distraction Prairie Dawn decides to give Cookie Monster a plate of cookies so he doesn't eat the letter Z, but alas, as Prairie lectures, Cookie Monster eats all the cookies and then proceeds to eat the Z. |
Season 39
Picture | First Appearance | Segment |
Episode 4169 | A - Vote Elmo, Zoe, and a letter A Muppet vote to see a film about the letter A. | |
Episode 4173 | B - Back In a parody of The Tonight Show, Big Bird introduces Snuffy, who will present the letter B on his back. However, Big Bird sees no B, until he spots Slimey on Snuffy’s back, wearing a hat with a B on it. | |
Episode 4166 | C - Magician While Chris washes the counter at Hooper's, Elmo shows up as a magician. | |
Episode 4177 | D - Dance Abby and Big Bird watch as Maria and Luis continues to dance. They receive a knock at their door from the letter D, who has come to dance with them. | |
Episode 4178 | E - E in the Mail Big Bird finds the letter of the day, E, in his mailbox, which transitions into the next segment. | |
Episode 4165 | F - Firefly Chris realizes that he forgot to show the letter of the day, and the fireflies help him out by forming a letter F. | |
Episode 4181 | G - Laundromat Chris planned on showing the view the letter of the day, but it was dirty so he’s washing it. In lieu of that, he shows the viewer the letter G in the washing machine. | |
Episode 4170 | H - Birthday Present Baby Bear opens one of his presents, and finds the letter of the day, H, inside, which transitions to the next sequence. | |
Episode 4180 | I - Vest Telly shows Baby Bear his new vest, which has letters all over it. On the back is the letter of the day, I. | |
Episode 4167 | J - Vest Telly shows Baby Bear his new vest, which has letters all over it. On the back is the letter of the day, J. | |
Episode 4163 | K - K Sold at a Nest Sale Big Bird and Snuffy host a nest sale. Rosita comes rushing in, looking for the letter of the day, K, and finds it in Big Bird's nest. | |
Episode 4161 | L - Laundromat Still at the laundromat, Murray Monster displays the letter of the day, L, and asks Gordon to give some L words. Gordon does so, even though he's busy with his load of lots of laundry. | |
Episode 4176 | M - Stuck At the Laundromat, Leela asks Horatio to help her show the letter of the day, M. | |
Episode 4186 | N - Blocks Gina shows the Letter of the Day block to Marco; the block says "N." | |
Episode 4164 | O - O in the Mail Big Bird finds the letter of the day, O, in his mailbox, which transitions into the next segment. | |
Episode 4171 | P - Talent Show Big Bird and Snuffy present the letter of the day, P, who displays its talent by making its own sound. | |
Episode 4172 | Q - Spaghetti Stain Gina tries to eat her lunch, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, in the garden, but is spooked by the cheerleaders, leaving a Q-shaped stain. | |
Episode 4184 | R - Book Big Bird finishes reading a book about a dinosaur to Connor and Tiffany, and picks up another book: the "Letter of the Day" book. | |
Episode 4162 | S - Shoes and Socks Gabi reveals the letter of the day, S, by showing what she wears on her feet: a sneaker, a sandal, and socks. | |
Episode 4183 | T - Laundromat Chris planned on showing the viewers the letter of the day, but it was dirty so he’s washing it. In lieu of that, he shows the viewers the letter T in the washing machine. | |
Episode 4168 | U - Book Big Bird finishes reading a book about a dinosaur to Connor and Tiffany, and picks up another book: the "Letter of the Day" book. He opens it, revealing the letter U, and sees the next segment... | |
Episode 4179 | V - Transform Leela jogs by and runs into the letter V, who tells her that he’s playing hide and seek with Rosita. | |
Episode 4175 | W - Digging Dirt Slimey and Oscar watch as Dirty digs a letter W in the dirt. | |
Episode 4174 | X - X Sold at a Nest Sale Big Bird and Snuffy host a nest sale. Rosita comes rushing in, looking for the letter of the day, X, and finds it in Big Bird's nest. | |
Episode 4185 | Y - Robots The Alpha-Beta Bots introduce the letter of the day, Y. |
Season 40
Picture | First Appearance | Segment | |
Episode 4197 | A - Rap Murray and the kids rap about A words. | ||
Episode 4194 | B - What's on Me That Starts with B? Murray and the kids play plays "What's on Me That Starts with B?" Kids identify the B words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4196 | C - What's on Me That Starts with C? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with C?" Kids identify the C words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4190 | D - What's on Me That Starts with D? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with D?" Kids identify the D words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4188 | E - What's on Me That Starts with E? Murray and the kids play "What's on Me That Starts with E?" Kids identify the E words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4189 | F - Bring Out Your F Murray plays "Bring Out Your F" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4207 | G - What's on Me That Starts with G? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with G?" Kids identify that Murray wears glasses, gloves, and two green things: a hat and a scarf. | ||
Episode 4187 | H - Bring Out Your H Murray plays "Bring Out Your H" with some New York citizens.
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Episode 4199 | I - Rap Murray and the kids rap about I words. | ||
Episode 4204 | J - Bring Out Your J Murray plays "Bring Out Your J" with some New York citizens.
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Episode 4193 | K - Bring Out Your K Murray plays "Bring Out Your K" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4203 | L - Bring Out Your L Murray plays "Bring Out Your L" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4210 | M - Bring Out Your M Murray plays "Bring Out Your M" with some New York citizens.
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Episode 4201 | N - Bring Out Your N Murray plays "Bring Out Your N" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4200 | O - Old MacMurray Murray sings "Old MacMurray Had an O" and names some O words, including orange and octopus. | ||
Episode 4212 | P - What's on Me That Starts with P? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with P?" Kids identify the P words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4198 | Q - Rap Murray and the kids rap about Q words. | ||
Episode 4205 | R - Bring Out Your R Murray plays "Bring Out Your R" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4209 | S - Rap Murray and the kids rap about S words.
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Episode 4202 | T - What's on Me That Starts with T? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with T?" Kids identify the T words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4191 | U - Rap Murray and some kids rap about U words. | ||
Episode 4208 | V - What's on Me That Starts with V? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with V?" Kids identify the V words Murray wears.
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Episode 4195 | W - Bring Out Your W Murray plays "Bring Out Your W" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4206 | X - Rap Murray and the kids rap about X words. | ||
Episode 4192 | Y - Rap Murray and some kids rap about Y words. | ||
Episode 4211 | Z - What's on Me That Starts with Z? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with Z?" Kids identify the Z words Murray wears.
- ↑ Tape slate
See also
- The Letter of the Day Games
- Letter of the Day (song)
Ernie and Bert sketches
Cookie Monster sketches
Kermit the Frog sketches
Grover sketches
Herry Monster sketches
Count von Count sketches
Elmo sketches
Big Bird sketches
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
The Letter of the Day | Muppet Wiki
in: Alphabet, Cookie Monster Sketches, Sesame Street Recurring Sketches
The Letter of the Day is a Sesame Street segment introduced in 2002, hosted by Cookie Monster. In 2004, Prairie Dawn appeared with Cookie Monster in the segments.
The original segments from 2002 all involved the letter written in icing on a cookie, which Cookie Monster constantly tried not to eat, but in the end, he gave in and ate the cookie anyway. Frank Oz performed Cookie Monster in some of these segments, and occasionally another character would help him, usually Grover or Prairie Dawn, as well as Ernie in an unaired segment.
Starting in 2004, when he was teamed up with Prairie Dawn, the letter presented was just a foam letter which Cookie Monster often wanted to eat. Prairie Dawn kept trying to get Cookie not to eat the letter, but Cookie Monster always managed to find a way to eat it anyway.
Some segments produced in 2005 involved "The Letter of the Day Games," a game show introduced by a very energetic off-camera announcer (voiced by Matt Vogel).
"The Letter of the Day" was a daily segment on the show until 2007. The 2004 segments with Cookie and Prairie Dawn appeared in some (but not all) episodes during that season. In season 39, new segments were made, commonly connecting to the street scene for that episode, featuring other characters instead of Cookie Monster. In season 40, Murray Monster began hosting the Letter of the Day, in addition to introducing various other show elements.
- 1 Sketches
- 1.1 Season 33
- 1.2 Season 35
- 1.3 Season 39
- 1.4 Season 40
- 2 Sources
- 3 See also
Segments are listed in alphabetical order. To view chronologically, select the appropriate arrow to re-sort.
Season 33
Picture | First Appearance | Segment | ||
A - Ernie Protects the Cookie Cookie Monster enlists the help of Ernie to protect the letter "A" cookie. | ||||
Episode 3985 | A - Safe Cookie Monster locks the letter of the day cookie in a small safe and puts the key into the safe's top slot. It turns out that even a steel safe can't protect the cookie from a monster's hunger.
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Episode 4025 | B - Cookie's Mother Cookie Monster and his mother talk about the letter B. Cookie's mother tries to get her son not to eat it, but finally gives in to temptation.
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Episode 4004 | C - Mumford's Trick Cookie Monster asks The Amazing Mumford to make the cookie with the letter of the day disappear so that he can't eat it. | |||
Episode 3990 | D - DON'T Sign Part 1: Cookie Monster makes a "DON'T" sign to prevent him from eating the Letter D cookie.
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Episode 4000 | E - Wild Animals Cookie Monster brings out several wild animals which are supposed to "eat" the letter E cookie, until he realizes that his plan will not work out and decides to eat the cookie himself. | |||
Episode 3997 | F - Drawing Cookie Monster plans to draw a picture of the letter F cookie so that he can eat the real one, yet still have a visual aid to teach with.
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Episode 4011 | G - Giant Cookie Part 1: Cookie Monster discovers there is no cookie for him ("That funny--propman usually here hand it to me") until a giant one lands into his paws. Trying to sustain himself, he eats the giant cookie a few nibbles at a time.
Part 2: After eating the giant cookie, Cookie Monster has grown much larger. He burps, then starts naming G words like "gassy" and "genius."
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Episode 4001 | H - Hide Cookie Monster decides to hide the letter H cookie. He then finds a place to hide it: In his tummy! | |||
Episode 4007 | I - Icing Rather than eating the cookie, Cookie Monster decides to eat the icing instead.
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Episode 3993 | J - Jumpin' J Cookie Monster jumps along with a jumping cookie with the letter J on it. Upon "tiring" the cookie out, Cookie Monster promptly eats it.
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Episode 3989 | K - Train Cookie Monster sends his K cookie away on the letter K train so he won't eat it. Unfortunately, it returns a few moments later. | |||
Episode 3981 | L - Singing Cookie Monster thinks that singing can help stop him from eating the "Letter of the Day" cookie. | |||
Episode 3984 | M - Disguise Cookie decides to disguise the letter M cookie in an effort to not eat it. | |||
Episode 4005 | N - Letter Cookie Eating Prevention Part 1: Cookie Monster tries to figure out how to not eat the cookie with an N on it.
Part 2: Super Grover tries to help keep Cookie Monster from eating it, but proves himself unsuccessful.
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Episode 3983 | O - Package Part 1: Cookie decides to send his cookie away so he can't eat it.
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Episode 4003 | P - Blindfold Since P begins the word "Prairie," Prairie Dawn does not want Cookie Monster to eat the letter of the day, so she puts a blindfold on him and leaves. While Prairie is gone, Cookie Monster smells the letter P cookie and eats it, remarking "Piquant." When she comes back to check, Prairie Dawn sees that the letter P cookie is gone. Cookie Monster burps and covers his mouth; then an annoyed Prairie Dawn remarks "Pathetic." | |||
Episode 3982 | Q - Missing Part Cookie Monster eats the little stemmy part off a Letter Q cookie, and Prairie Dawn thinks it’s the letter O. She worries that the viewers will be confused, urging Cookie Monster to "do something quickly. | |||
Episode 3995 | R - Rap Song Cookie Monster sings a rap song about the letter R, naming R words and singing about how he shouldn't eat the letter of the day while singing the song, but then he finishes the song (and after that, he finishes the cookie).
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Episode 4006 | S - Super Plan Super Grover has a super plan to keep Cookie Monster from eating the letter of the day. He puts the cookie into a basket, and pulls it up with a rope. However, Cookie Monster pulls down on and eats the basket, sending Super Grover flying.
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Episode 4023 | T - Hat Cookie Monster makes a hat from a letter T-shaped cookie. | |||
Episode 3994 | U - Rocket Cookie Monster puts the letter of the day, U, on a rocket and sends it away, but it comes back. | |||
Episode 3987 | V - Bricks Cookie Monster carries a heavy load of bricks in an effort to not eat the letter V cookie. However, after he falls down, he eats it anyways. | |||
Episode 3992 | W - Naming Words Cookie Monster decides to take his mind off eating the letter of the day cookie by naming words that begin with W. Prairie Dawn shows up, but Cookie Monster is too deep in thought to notice her. When she finally gets his attention, he eats the cookie.
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Episode 4018 | X - X-Ray Cookie Monster eats the cookie with the letter of the day before he can introduce any words beginning with X ("Oh, me feel tremendous guilt.
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Episode 3988 | Y - Suitcase Cookie Monster locks the letter Y cookie in a suitcase so he won't eat it, but the suitcase has no bottom. "Me wonder how that happened." | |||
Episode 3986 | Z - Great Wall of Cookie Part 1: Cookie Monster avoids eating the "Letter of the Day" cookie... for now. |
Season 35
Picture | First Appearance | Segment | |
Episode 4064 | A - Aggravating Prairie Dawn encourages Cookie Monster to think of words that begin with "A. | ||
Episode 4106 | C - Cookie Prairie Dawn and Cookie Monster introduce the letter of the day. While he doesn't intend to eat the letter, Cookie Monster does note that "C" stands for cookie... eventually leading him to do just that.
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Episode 4061 | E - Pretending Letter E is a Cookie Prairie Dawn begins to introduce the Letter of the Day segment, when Cookie Monster comes in, saying the green letter E is a cookie. Prairie tries to correct Cookie, and is relieved when Cookie says he pretending. He cites "Eat," "Egg," and "Elephant" as E-words. Prairie compliments him, saying that it's "Excellent." The cookie Cookie imagines has chocolate chips, delicious sprinkles, and vanilla icing. Cookie's eats the letter E, stating "Me have good imagination. | ||
Episode 4097 | H - Role Reversal After Cookie Monster promises not to eat the letter H, Prairie Dawn retorts that he will eat it: she mimics his typical speech and behavior in these segments, even eating the H herself after losing control. | ||
Episode 4067 | K - Kowabunga Cookie Monster teaches Prairie Dawn a new K word, "Kowabunga."
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Episode 4069 | M - The Sound of Mmmm Prairie Dawn convinces Cookie Monster that the letter M is not a cookie, but is for "Mmm-Monster" and other M words. Cookie Monster says that "Mmmm" is the sound he makes after eating a cookie. He proceeds to demonstrate by eating the letter "M," which Prairie Dawn declares "Mmm-Messy.
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Episode 4059 | N - Horn of Dilemma Prairie Dawn tells Cookie Monster that the letter N is not a cookie, but Cookie Monster finds himself on “horn of dilemma” and eats the letter N.
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Episode 4070 | O - Oh Prairie Dawn assures Cookie Monster that the letter O is not a cookie and does her best to intervene, but he eats it anyway as a means of "making sure." Oh! | ||
Episode 4063 | T - Tasty Cookie Monster looks intently for cookies, but according to Prairie Dawn, there are none in the vicinity. He eventually comes to the same conclusion, but only after eating the letter "T. | ||
Episode 4082 | Z - Cookie Distraction Prairie Dawn decides to give Cookie Monster a plate of cookies so he doesn't eat the letter Z, but alas, as Prairie lectures, Cookie Monster eats all the cookies and then proceeds to eat the Z. |
Season 39
Picture | First Appearance | Segment |
Episode 4169 | A - Vote Elmo, Zoe, and a letter A Muppet vote to see a film about the letter A. | |
Episode 4173 | B - Back In a parody of The Tonight Show, Big Bird introduces Snuffy, who will present the letter B on his back. However, Big Bird sees no B, until he spots Slimey on Snuffy’s back, wearing a hat with a B on it. | |
Episode 4166 | C - Magician While Chris washes the counter at Hooper's, Elmo shows up as a magician. | |
Episode 4177 | D - Dance Abby and Big Bird watch as Maria and Luis continues to dance. They receive a knock at their door from the letter D, who has come to dance with them. | |
Episode 4178 | E - E in the Mail Big Bird finds the letter of the day, E, in his mailbox, which transitions into the next segment. | |
Episode 4165 | F - Firefly Chris realizes that he forgot to show the letter of the day, and the fireflies help him out by forming a letter F. | |
Episode 4181 | G - Laundromat Chris planned on showing the view the letter of the day, but it was dirty so he’s washing it. In lieu of that, he shows the viewer the letter G in the washing machine. | |
Episode 4170 | H - Birthday Present Baby Bear opens one of his presents, and finds the letter of the day, H, inside, which transitions to the next sequence. | |
Episode 4180 | I - Vest Telly shows Baby Bear his new vest, which has letters all over it. On the back is the letter of the day, I. | |
Episode 4167 | J - Vest Telly shows Baby Bear his new vest, which has letters all over it. On the back is the letter of the day, J. | |
Episode 4163 | K - K Sold at a Nest Sale Big Bird and Snuffy host a nest sale. Rosita comes rushing in, looking for the letter of the day, K, and finds it in Big Bird's nest. | |
Episode 4161 | L - Laundromat Still at the laundromat, Murray Monster displays the letter of the day, L, and asks Gordon to give some L words. Gordon does so, even though he's busy with his load of lots of laundry. | |
Episode 4176 | M - Stuck At the Laundromat, Leela asks Horatio to help her show the letter of the day, M. | |
Episode 4186 | N - Blocks Gina shows the Letter of the Day block to Marco; the block says "N." | |
Episode 4164 | O - O in the Mail Big Bird finds the letter of the day, O, in his mailbox, which transitions into the next segment. | |
Episode 4171 | P - Talent Show Big Bird and Snuffy present the letter of the day, P, who displays its talent by making its own sound. | |
Episode 4172 | Q - Spaghetti Stain Gina tries to eat her lunch, a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, in the garden, but is spooked by the cheerleaders, leaving a Q-shaped stain. | |
Episode 4184 | R - Book Big Bird finishes reading a book about a dinosaur to Connor and Tiffany, and picks up another book: the "Letter of the Day" book. | |
Episode 4162 | S - Shoes and Socks Gabi reveals the letter of the day, S, by showing what she wears on her feet: a sneaker, a sandal, and socks. | |
Episode 4183 | T - Laundromat Chris planned on showing the viewers the letter of the day, but it was dirty so he’s washing it. In lieu of that, he shows the viewers the letter T in the washing machine. | |
Episode 4168 | U - Book Big Bird finishes reading a book about a dinosaur to Connor and Tiffany, and picks up another book: the "Letter of the Day" book. He opens it, revealing the letter U, and sees the next segment... | |
Episode 4179 | V - Transform Leela jogs by and runs into the letter V, who tells her that he’s playing hide and seek with Rosita. | |
Episode 4175 | W - Digging Dirt Slimey and Oscar watch as Dirty digs a letter W in the dirt. | |
Episode 4174 | X - X Sold at a Nest Sale Big Bird and Snuffy host a nest sale. Rosita comes rushing in, looking for the letter of the day, X, and finds it in Big Bird's nest. | |
Episode 4185 | Y - Robots The Alpha-Beta Bots introduce the letter of the day, Y. |
Season 40
Picture | First Appearance | Segment | |
Episode 4197 | A - Rap Murray and the kids rap about A words. | ||
Episode 4194 | B - What's on Me That Starts with B? Murray and the kids play plays "What's on Me That Starts with B?" Kids identify the B words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4196 | C - What's on Me That Starts with C? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with C?" Kids identify the C words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4190 | D - What's on Me That Starts with D? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with D?" Kids identify the D words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4188 | E - What's on Me That Starts with E? Murray and the kids play "What's on Me That Starts with E?" Kids identify the E words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4189 | F - Bring Out Your F Murray plays "Bring Out Your F" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4207 | G - What's on Me That Starts with G? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with G?" Kids identify that Murray wears glasses, gloves, and two green things: a hat and a scarf. | ||
Episode 4187 | H - Bring Out Your H Murray plays "Bring Out Your H" with some New York citizens.
| ||
Episode 4199 | I - Rap Murray and the kids rap about I words. | ||
Episode 4204 | J - Bring Out Your J Murray plays "Bring Out Your J" with some New York citizens.
| ||
Episode 4193 | K - Bring Out Your K Murray plays "Bring Out Your K" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4203 | L - Bring Out Your L Murray plays "Bring Out Your L" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4210 | M - Bring Out Your M Murray plays "Bring Out Your M" with some New York citizens.
| ||
Episode 4201 | N - Bring Out Your N Murray plays "Bring Out Your N" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4200 | O - Old MacMurray Murray sings "Old MacMurray Had an O" and names some O words, including orange and octopus. | ||
Episode 4212 | P - What's on Me That Starts with P? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with P?" Kids identify the P words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4198 | Q - Rap Murray and the kids rap about Q words. | ||
Episode 4205 | R - Bring Out Your R Murray plays "Bring Out Your R" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4209 | S - Rap Murray and the kids rap about S words.
| ||
Episode 4202 | T - What's on Me That Starts with T? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with T?" Kids identify the T words Murray wears. | ||
Episode 4191 | U - Rap Murray and some kids rap about U words. | ||
Episode 4208 | V - What's on Me That Starts with V? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with V?" Kids identify the V words Murray wears.
| ||
Episode 4195 | W - Bring Out Your W Murray plays "Bring Out Your W" with some New York citizens. | ||
Episode 4206 | X - Rap Murray and the kids rap about X words. | ||
Episode 4192 | Y - Rap Murray and some kids rap about Y words. | ||
Episode 4211 | Z - What's on Me That Starts with Z? Murray and some kids play "What's on Me That Starts with Z?" Kids identify the Z words Murray wears.
- ↑ Tape slate
See also
- The Letter of the Day Games
- Letter of the Day (song)
Ernie and Bert sketches
Cookie Monster sketches
Kermit the Frog sketches
Grover sketches
Herry Monster sketches
Count von Count sketches
Elmo sketches
Big Bird sketches
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
An Asian character first appeared in Sesame Street
An Asian character appeared for the first time in Sesame Street
An Asian character appeared for the first time in Sesame Street - RIA Novosti, 11/17/2021
An Asian character appeared for the first time in Sesame Street .2021
2021-11-11-17T07: 29
2021-11-11-17T07: 29
2021-11-11-17T07: 29
Culture News
South Korea
Cinema and series
/HTML/Head/HEAD/HEAD/HEAD/HEAD meta[@name='og:title']/@content
/html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content /07e5/0b/10/1759264769_0:0:3072:1728_1920x0_80_0_0_e7aa76921561d8c0db7408de59491dd5.jpg
MOSCOW, November 17 - RIA Novosti. The first Asian character was added to the children's educational program "Sesame Street" - a doll of Korean origin named Ji-Yang, reports the Associated Press. The agency notes that the new "actress" is only seven years old, she is an American of Korean origin, and she also passions. Ji-Yang loves to play the electric guitar and ride a skateboard. Initially, this muppet was created in order to counter anti-Asian sentiment. However, Ji-Yang will not only appear in episodes related to racial justice. Like the rest of the Sesame Street characters, she is involved in other projects, including animation. The new heroine will be officially introduced in a special episode of the program, which will be released on HBO Max, the official Sesame Street social media pages and other platforms on Thanksgiving November 25th. Together with Ji-Yang, viewers will see actor Sima Liu, the star of the Marvel blockbuster Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021), actress and TV presenter Padma Lakshmi, Japanese tennis player Naomi Osaka and others. In the future, the new muppet will often appear in 53- season of the show, which will air next year.
https://ria. ru/20211111/eilish-1758413323.html
South Korea
RIA Novosti
49000 7 645-6601
Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA “Russia Today”
https: //xn---c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/Awards/
RIA Novosti
5 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 [email protected]
7 495 645-6601
FSUE MIA Rossiya Segodnya
https: //xn---c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/
RIA Novosti
49000 645-6601
FSUE MIA Rossiya Segodnya
RIA Novosti
7 495 645-6601
Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA “Russia today”
https: //xn---c1acbl2abdlkab1og.xn--p1ai/Awards/
RIA Novosti
9000 7 495 645 601Rossiya Segodnya
culture news, South Korea, movies and series
Culture, culture news, South Korea, Cinema and series
MOSCOW, November 17 - RIA Novosti. The children's educational program "Sesame Street" has added the first Asian character - a doll of Korean origin named Ji-Yang, reports the Associated Press.
The agency notes that the new "actress" is only seven years old, she is Korean-American, and she also has two passions. Ji-Yang loves to play the electric guitar and ride a skateboard.
This muppet was originally created to counter anti-Asian sentiment. However, Ji-Yang will not only appear in episodes related to racial justice. Like the rest of the Sesame Street characters, she is involved in other projects, including animation.
The new heroine will be officially introduced in a special episode of the show, which will be released on HBO Max, the official Sesame Street social media pages and other platforms on Thanksgiving November 25th.
Together with Ji-Yang, the audience will see actor Sima Liu - the star of the Marvel blockbuster Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021), actress and TV presenter Padma Lakshmi, Japanese tennis player Naomi Osaka and others.
Going forward, the new muppet will make frequent appearances on the show's 53rd season, which airs next year.
November 11, 2021 06:36 AM Culture
Billie Eilish came to Sesame Street and sang her hit with Count Dracula every month you are concerned that you need to make a plan for the month for all marketing activities. In case the planned promotions are not enough to engage with customers, use our mailing ideas for November 2020.
- Interesting reasons for mailing
- Travel card
- A day in history
- Birthdays
Popular Holidays
There are holidays this month that you should pay special attention to. For example:
And even though it is not celebrated as magnificently as in the USA, this is not a reason to ignore such an informational occasion. Say thank you to your customers on this day for choosing you, please with a nice discount, or just tell interesting facts about this day.
Black Friday is a great opportunity to promote exclusive offers to your subscribers. A little reminder:
✅ Check out our article “Getting Ready for Black Friday and 100+ Email Subjects” to find interesting ideas.
✅ Get inspired by the Black Friday email examples section to create a unique design for your emails.
✅ Use limited time promo codes that your customers receive via email and use in the store.
✅ If you want to invite to offline stores - add maps and navigation to find you in the letter.
✅ Use web and mobile push notifications to trigger daily offers, and collapse expired offers for those who just saw the message.
✅ Add timers, animations, etc. to make your emails stand out from the competition.
Family holidays
There are already four of them this month: Sons' Day, Mother's Day, Men's Day and Children's Day. How can you congratulate everyone? See examples in our inspirational selection for family holidays.
- International Vegan Day
- All Saints Day for Western Christians
- Day of divination on coffee grounds
- Kitchen Drinking Day
- Grooms day (Seeing off autumn)
- Author's Day
- International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
- Oatmeal Bird Feeding Day
- World Cosplay Day
- Cult celebration
04. 11
- Self Care Day
- Cash register birthday
- Stress Awareness Day
- Day of looking at old photos
- International Project Manager Day
- International Volunteer Managers Day
- World Paper Free Day
- City Center Search Day
- International Science and Peace Week
- World Men's Day
- International Merlot Wine Day
- Wish Fulfillment Day
- World Wi-Fi Free Day
- International KVN Day
- World Radiography Day
- International Day of Radiology
- International tongue twister day
- World Urban Day
- International Science and Peace Week
- International Piano Day
- World Lease Day
- Day of ever-living chaos
- Guinness World Records Day
10. 11
- World Science Day
- Black and white film viewing day
- International Accounting Day (Accountant's Day)
- World Youth Day
- World Shopping Day
- International Energy Saving Day
- Fitness Day
- Paper Letter Day
- World Origami Day
- World Chicken Day
- World Quality Day
- Ecological holiday "Sinichkin day"
- Creative Achievement Day
- A day of visible breathing in the cold
- World Usability Day
- World Quality Day
- World Kindness Day
- Sausage birthday
- Day of collecting keys and coins
- Day of Trouble "Friday the Thirteenth"
- International Day of the Blind
- World Diabetes Day
- International Day of Speech Therapist
- A day of relaxation and carelessness
- Wine Tourism Day
- Day of communion with the spirit of the evening
- Endocrinologist Day
- Broken Lantern Festival
- Milkshake Day
- Chocolate Cake Day
- Recycle Day
- International Day for Tolerance
- Daily Feast
- World Handicraft Day
- Beading Day
- International Students Day
- International Children's Day
- New Tea Introduction Day
- Father Frost's birthday
- Day of making secrets
- Feature Phone Day
- Mickey Mouse Day
- World Antibiotic Awareness Week
- World Geographic Information Systems Day
- International Zinfandel Wine Day
- International Men's Day
- World Toilet Day
- Fresh Bread Smell Day
- No Smoking Day
- World Plumbing Day
- Hand Forged Blacksmith's Day
- Spray Day
- World Philosophy Day
- Women's Entrepreneurship Day
- Glassworker's Day
- World Children's Day
- Microsoft Windows Day
- Reincarnation Day
- Pediatrician's Day
- Tram day
- Transport Worker's Day
- Geographic Information Systems Day (GIS Day)
- World Fish Day
- World Hello Day
- Glowing Windows Day
- World Television Day
- A day without music
- World Television Day
- World Hello Day
- World Philosophy Day
- No Smoking Day
- Sons Day
- Psychologist's Day
- Coffee House Warm Up Day
- Rosin Day
- Day of dictionaries and encyclopedias
- International Watercolor Day
- Day of getting up from that foot
- Fibonacci day
- International Day Against Impunity
24. 11
- Day of brownies with milk
- Walrus Day
- Evolution Day
- International Carmenère Wine Day
- Blurry Face Day
- Day of looking around
- World Information Day
- International Shoemaker's Day
- International Shoemaker's Day
- World Turning Day
- Anti-Obesity Day
- Black Friday
- World No Shopping Day
- Evening City Music Listening Day
- Appraiser's Day
- Drunk Hedgehog Day
- Professional Accountant's Day
- Beginning of Advent
- Invention Day
- World Compassion Day
- Red Planet Day
- Geomorphologist's Day
- International Aura Awareness Day
- Mother's Day
- Yo Day
- Thriller's Day
- Hulk Festival
- Mostoday
- World Pet Day
- International Data Protection Day
- Negligee holiday
- World Elephant Day
- International Cities for Life Day
- Cyber Monday
Find interesting informational occasions for email newsletters in November >>
Travel card
Embark on a fabulous journey without leaving your home! Use topics that your subscribers will definitely like and will be interested in going to the site no less than a nice discount.
- Day of the Dead in Mexico
- Day of Folk Awakeners in Bulgaria
- Bailiff's Day in Russia
- Day of Civil Aviation Workers in Belarus
- Day of the militia worker of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Day of Social Worker of Ukraine
- USA Calzone Day
- USA Toothbrush Day
- Cooking for Your Pets Day
- Fried Clams Day USA
- Memorial Day (Autumn Grandfathers) in Belarus
- Day of Cultural Worker of Kyrgyzstan
- Stuffed Egg Day USA
- Labor Thanks Day USA
- Pantyhose Day in Japan
- Housewife Day in the USA
- Victory Day - Maldives
- Flag Day - UAE
- Independence Day of Panama, Micronesia, Dominica
- Day of Engineering Troops of Ukraine
- Day of rocket troops and artillery of Ukraine
- National Sandwich Day in USA
- Culture Day in Japan
- Melbourne Cup Australia
04. 11
- Panama Flag Day
- National Unity and Armed Forces Day in Italy
- National Unity Day in Russia
- Day of the railwayman of Ukraine
- Social Worker's Day in Armenia
- Military Intelligence Day in Russia and Armenia
- Melbourne Cup Australia
- Guy Fawkes Day in England
- Puno Day in Peru
- Birthday of the Ostankino TV Tower
- USA Redhead Day
- The Day Men Cook Dinner in USA
- Married Women's Day in India
- American Football Day
- Thanksgiving in Liberia
- National Saxophone Day - USA
- National Nachos Day - USA
- Arbor Day - Samoa
- Constitution Day - Dominican Republic
- Cultural Worker's Day - Uzbekistan
- Swedish Cultural Day - Finland
- Green March Day - Morocco
- Banker's Day - Argentina
- Constitution Day of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Swedish Cultural Day in Finland
- Gustav Adolf Day in Sweden
- Blessed Nuno's Day in Portugal
07. 11
- New Era Day (updates) in Tunisia
- Information and Press Day of Kyrgyzstan
- US Giant Omelette Days
- Baku Metro Workers Day
- Statistics Day in Kazakhstan
- Journalist's Day in China
- Spain Kitesurfing Festival
- Seville European Film Festival
- USA Cappuccino Day
- USA Chump Day
- Cook Something Unusual and Savory Day in USA
- Spain International Kite Festival
- Father's Day in Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland
- Journalist's Day in China
- Harvest Festival in Turkmenistan
- Tunisia Tree Festival
- Harvey Wolbanger Cocktail Day in USA
- Statistics Day in Kazakhstan
- Mother's Day in India
- Winegrower and Winemaker Day in Ukraine
- Spanish Olive Festival
- Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language
- All-Ukrainian Day of Cultural Workers and Masters of Folk Art
- San Miniato White Truffle Festival
- World Freedom Day in USA
- Olive Festival in Spain
- USA Chickenburger Day
- "Go to the Museum of Art" Day in the USA
- Inventor's Day in Switzerland, Germany, Austria
- US Meatloaf Day
- State Flag Day in Azerbaijan
10. 11
- Panama First Independence Day
- Youth Day of Kyrgyzstan
- Harvest Festival in Turkmenistan
- Father's Day in Estonia
- Ataturk Memorial Day in Turkey
- Tradition Day - Argentina
- Vanilla Cupcake Day USA
- Police Day in Cuba
- Cambodia Water Festival
- Heroes Day in Indonesia
- Forget-me-not Day USA
- US Sesame Street Day
- US Area Code Day
- Economist Day in Russia
- Day of the recovery train worker in Russia
- Lachplesis Day in Latvia
- Singles Day in China
- Day of the ophthalmologist in Russia
- Poland Independence Day
- USA Happy Hour Day
- Health Day - Indonesia
- Pride Day - Mongolia
- Father's Day - Indonesia
- Constitution Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan
- Juana Ines de la Cruz's birthday in Mexico
13. 11
- Loi Krathong in Thailand
- Tree Planting Day in Macedonia
- USA Rumor Day
- Indian Pudding Day
- Sociologist's Day in Russia
- Blacksmith's Day in Belarus
- Bal Diwas - Children's Day in India
- US Pickle Day
- Luxembourg Arbor Day
- Blacksmith's Day in Belarus
- American Teddy Bear Day in USA
- Italian White Truffle Festival
- Book Day in Iran
- Children's Day in India
- Colombian Women's Day in Colombia
- US Guacamole Hot Sauce Day
- Diwali Fire Festival in India
- Dobruja Day in Romania
- San Miniato White Truffle Festival
- National currency day - tenge in Kazakhstan
- Proclamation Day of the Republic of Brazil
- Royal Dynasty Day in Belgium
- Shii-Go-San - children's holiday in Japan
- St.
Petersburg Accountant's Day
- Day of the Caspian Flotilla
- USA Manhunter Day
- US Refrigerator Cleanup Day
- Day of Agricultural Workers - Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus
- Spice Cookie Day USA
- Peace Day - Côte d'Ivoire
- Drummer Day USA
- Arbor Day in Sri Lanka
- US Philanthropist's Day
- USA Bandt Cake Day
- USA I Love to Write Day
- Children's Day in Japan
- Saint Leopold's Day in Austria
- Palestine Independence Day
- Day of Radio, Television and Communications Workers of Ukraine
- Saint Cristobal's Day in Cuba
- Day of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
- All-Russian Designer's Day
- Cabbage Day in the Tver Region
- Day of the Moscow accountant
- USA Fast Food Day
- Party with Your Bear Day in USA
- Pride Day in Mongolia
- Mother's Day in the DPRK
- Mexican Revolution Day
- President's Day in Tajikistan
- Marine Corps Day in Ukraine
- Belarusian Doll Day
- US Button Day
- National Sovereignty Day in Argentina
- Icelandic Language Day
- National Press Day in India
- Black Cat Day in Italy
- Day of struggle for freedom and democracy in the Czech Republic
- Kyrgyz Cinema Day
- Day of the military medical worker of Armenia
- Day of Agricultural Workers of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus
- Azerbaijan National Revival Day
- Day of district police officers of the Russian Federation
- Black Cats Day - Italy
- US Homemade Bread Day
- US Walking Day
- US Baklava Day
- USA Entrepreneur's Day
- National Revival Day in Azerbaijan
- USA Unfriendliness Day
- Day of struggle for freedom and democracy in the Czech Republic, Slovakia
- Day of the military medical worker in Armenia
- Kyrgyz Cinema Day
- Father Frost's birthday in Russia
- Latvian Independence Day
- Princess Day USA
- Day of the Sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Ukraine
- Flag Day in Uzbekistan
- US Onion Soup Day
- Independence Day in Latvia
- USA Occult Day
- Morocco Independence Day
- Day of Repentance and Prayer in Germany
19. 11
- Russian Glass Industry Worker Day
- Day of workers of the hydrometeorological service of Ukraine
- International Flamenco Festival "¡Viva España!" in Russia
- Beaujolais Nouveau New Wine Festival in France
- Bad Day Wish USA
- US Caffeinated Drinks Day
- Monaco National Day
- Mali Liberation Day
- Glassmaker's Day in Ukraine
- Day of workers of the hydrometeorological service in Ukraine
- Flag Day in Brazil
- Equal Opportunity Day USA
- Belize Garifuna People's Day
- Puerto Rico Opening Day
- USA Camp Day
- Myanmar National Day
- Mexican Revolution Day
- Africa Industrialization Day
- Vietnam Teachers' Day
- Absurd Day in USA
- Queen Elizabeth II's wedding day in the UK
- Peanut Butter Day USA
- US Computer Name Day
- USA Global Runner Hug Day
- Mexican Revolution Day
- Day 20-N in Spain
- Future Teachers Day of America
- Thai Navy Day
21. 11
- Accountant's Day in Russia
- Day of Dignity and Freedom in Ukraine
- Day of an employee of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation
- Greek Armed Forces Day
- General Peace Treaty Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- New Beaujolais Celebration
- Madonna della Salute in Italy
- Psychologist's Day in Russia
- Azerbaijan Justice Workers Day
- Armenian banker's day
- Day of the worker of the prosecutor's office of Kyrgyzstan
- Saint Cecilia's Day in Mexico
- Cannabis Bowl International Cannabis Festival
- Singapore Grandparents Day
- Day "Let's go for a ride!" in the US
- Teacher's Day in Costa Rica
- US Cranberry Snack Day
- JFK Memorial Day USA
- Good Couples Day
- USA Espresso Day
- USA Cashew Day
- US Corn Day
- Eat Cranberry Day in USA
- Japan Labor Day
- Day of the traffic police of Kazakhstan
- Rudolf Meister Day in Slovenia
- Mother's Day in Russia
- Friends Day in the USA
- Teacher's Day in Turkey
- Flag Day in Tajikistan
- Your Unique Talent Day USA
- Congo Revolution Day
- USA Sardine Day
- US Brown Hair Day
- USA Day for Winning Friends and Influencing People
25. 11
- Bosnian Statehood Day
- Kadrin day in Estonia
- Teacher's Day in Indonesia
- Railway Worker's Day in Poland
- King's Day in Thailand
- Kadrin day (Kadripaev) in Estonia
- Independence Day in Suriname
- US Parfait Day
- USA Rugby Day
- US Thanksgiving
- US Cake Day
- US Shopping Reminder Day
- Constitution Day in Abkhazia
- Proclamation Day of the Republic of Mongolia
- Indian Constitution Day
- USA Family Health History Day
- Russian Marine Corps Day
- Appraiser's Day in Russia
- Accountant's Day in Tatarstan
- Day of the worker of the veterinary service of the Kuban
- Bavarian Cream Pie Day USA
- USA Teeth Brushing Day
- Teacher's Day in Spain
- Aviation Day in Venezuela
- Family Day in Palau
- Great Heroes Day in Sri Lanka
- Health Day in Thailand
- US Thanksgiving
- Memorial Day for Medical Students in Cuba
- US Hearing Day
- Independence Day in Albania
- Panama Independence Day
- French Toast Day USA
- US Small Business Saturday
- Panama Independence Day
- Republic Day in Congo
- Albania Independence Day
- Chocolate Day USA
- US Lemon Cream Pie Day
- Cotton Harvest Festival in Turkmenistan
- Throw Your Leftovers Day in USA
- Day of an employee of a defense sports and technical organization in Kyrgyzstan
- US Electronic Greeting Card Day
- Maldives Adoption Day
- Liberation Day in Albania
- USA Square Dance Day
- Tazaundain Paper Lantern and Balloon Festival in Myanmar
- US Can Day
- Martyrs' Day in the UAE
- St.
Andrew's Day in Scotland
- USA Mousse Day
- Day of radio engineering troops in Ukraine
- Independence Day in Barbados and Yemen
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A Day in History
If you don't support the Black Friday and Cyber Monday frenzy, arm yourself with a calendar and interesting historical dates. Isn't the invention of dynamite a holiday? )
11/01/1897 - The Italian football club Juventus is founded
11/01/1941 - The bridge between the USA and Canada over Niagara Falls ("Rainbow Bridge") was opened
11/04/1879 - The first cash register
is patented 11/04/1890 - The first electric underground line
opens in London 11/04/1922 - Pharaoh Tutankhamen's tomb discovered in Egypt
11/05/1967 - Birthday of the Ostankino TV tower
11/06/1492 - Christopher Columbus was introduced to smoking
11/06/1919 - Confirmation of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity
announced in London 11/07/1902 - Detoxification tank's birthday
11/08/1895 - Physicist Wilhelm Roentgen discovered "X-rays"
11/11/1983 - The prototype of the first computer virus
appeared 11/15/1971 - Intel released its first microprocessor
11/18/1870 - First official pigeon mail line linked Tours and Paris
11/21/1783 - The first human flight in the balloon
took place 11/23/2004 - Birthday of the computer game "World of Warcraft"
11/25/1867 - Day of the invention of dynamite
11/29/1783 - Day of the letter Yo - the letter Yo
was introduced into the Russian alphabet 11/29/1899 - Barcelona football club founded
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