Shapes all around us
Shapes All Around Us Game - Math Games
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Take a look at the shapes all around us with this fun game.
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Kids often develop misconceptions in mathematics, and the concepts of geometry are no exception. It is important to help the students get over those misconceptions. This game encourages students to apply their understanding of shape identification to select the real-world object that looks like a particular 3D shape. Your kindergartener will have an exciting time playing this game.
Explore Amazing Games on 3d Shapes
View all 10 Games
Sort Real-World Shapes Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by sorting real-world shapes.
Find Shapes All Around Us Game
Ask your little one to find and identify the different shapes around us to play this game.
Match Triangles and Squares Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by exploring how to match triangles and squares.
Match Rectangles and Circles Game
Learn to solve math problems by matching rectangles and circles.
Identify Triangles and Squares Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by identifying triangles and squares.
Identify Circles and Rectangles Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by exploring how to identify circles and rectangles.
Identify Shapes by Their Names Game
Ask your little one to identify shapes by their names to play this game.
Shapes Around Us Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning the shapes around us.
Match Shapes Game
Take a deep dive into the world of math by matching shapes.
Sort 2D Shapes by Their Name Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by exploring how to sort 2D shapes by their name.
Identify Objects Above and Below Game
Learn to solve problems by identifying objects 'above' and 'below'.
Counting Objects Above and Below Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by counting objects 'above' and 'below'.
Place Objects on Different Positions Game
Take a deep dive into the world of math by placing objects on different positions.
Identify Position of Object Game
Kids must identify the position of the object to play this game.
Identify the Object Next To Game
Help your child master geometry with this 'Identify the Object Next To' game.
Discover Fun Games on Shapes
View all 92 Games
Identify and Match 2D Shapes Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to identify and match 2D shapes.
Identifying Sides and Corners Game
Enjoy the marvel of math-multiverse by learning to identify sides and corners.
Counting Corners of Shapes Game
Use your geometry skills to count corners of shapes.
Counting Sides of Shapes Game
Shine bright in the math world by learning to count sides of shapes.
Identify Shapes from their Attributes Game
Kids must identify shapes from their attributes.
Count the Sides Game
Kids must count the sides to practice geometry.
Count the Corners Game
Ask your little one to count the corners to play this game.
Count Sides and Corners Game
Use your geometry skills to count sides and corners.
Sort Shapes Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning how to sort shapes.
Sort 2D Shapes Based on Sides and Corners Game
Enjoy the marvel of mathematics by exploring how to sort 2D shapes based on sides and corners.
Sort Shapes based on Attributes Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to sort shapes based on attributes.
Match Objects with Shapes Game
Enter the madness of math-multiverse by exploring how to match objects with shapes.
Identify Cones and Cubes Game
Dive deep into the world of geometry by identifying cones and cubes.
Identify Cylinders and Spheres Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to identify cylinders and spheres.
Shapes All Around Us Game
Take a look at the shapes all around us with this fun game.
Find Engaging Games on Geometry
View all 128 Games
Sort Flat and Solid Shapes Game
Learn to solve math problems by sorting flat and solid shapes.
Compare Flats and Solids Game
Begin the exciting journey of becoming a math wizard by learning how to compare flats and solids.
Match the Shapes with their Names Game
Take the pressure off by simplifying geometry by matching the shapes with their names.
Identify Examples and Non-examples Game
Ask your little one to identify examples and non-examples to play this game.
Identify Shapes in Different Orientation Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to identify shapes in different orientations.
Identify the Shapes in Different Orientations Game
Add more arrows to your child’s math quiver by identifying the shapes in different orientations.
Compose Objects from Shapes Game
Unearth the wisdom of mathematics by learning how to compose objects from shapes.
Squares and Trapezoids Game
Take a look at squares and trapezoids with this geometry game.
Triangles and Rectangles Game
Take a look at triangles and rectangles with this geometry game.
Identify Shapes by Name Game
Practice the superpower of mathematics by learning to identify shapes by their names.
Match Shapes to Their Name Game
Dive deep into the world of geometry by matching shapes to their names.
Identify Triangles and Rectangles Game
Have your own math-themed party by learning how to identify triangles and rectangles.
Identify Squares and Trapezoids Game
Shine bright in the math world by learning how to identify squares and trapezoids.
Find the Odd One Out Game
Practice your geometry skills by finding the odd one out.
Count Sides and Vertices in a Shape Game
Apply your knowledge of geometry to count sides and vertices in a shape.
Related Worksheets
View all 59 Worksheets
Shapes in Everyday Life Worksheet
Pack your math practice time with fun by exploring shapes in everyday life.
How Many Corners and Sides Worksheet
Learn geometry at the speed of lightning by practicing all about corners and sides.
Identify the Flat Shapes Worksheet
Reinforce math concepts by practicing to identify the flat shapes.
Squares and Circles Worksheet
Practice squares and circles by printing this playful worksheet.
Rectangles and Triangles Worksheet
This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice rectangles and triangles.
Shapes in Our Surroundings Worksheet
Put your skills to the test by practicing to identify shapes in our surroundings.
Identify Solid Shapes Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by solving to identify solid shapes.
Cones and Spheres Worksheet
Learn geometry at the speed of lightning by practicing cones and spheres.
Cylinders and Cubes Worksheet
Combine math learning with adventure by practicing cylinders and cubes.
Classify Shapes as Flats or Solids Worksheet
Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by classifying shapes as flats or solids.
Identify and Count the Shapes Worksheet
Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to identify and count the shapes.
Create Shapes from Other Shapes Worksheet
Solidify your math skills by practicing to create shapes from other shapes.
Make a Fish using Shapes Worksheet
Help your child revise geometry by making a fish using shapes.
Make a Rabbit using Shapes Worksheet
Make a rabbit using shapes by printing this playful worksheet.
Make a Duck using Shapes Worksheet
Kids must make a duck using shapes in this worksheet.
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"Geometric shapes around us" | Plan-summary of the lesson in mathematics (senior group):
V . : I suggest you go and sit at the tables and check if we can build figures from counting sticks. "Make a figure" game Q.: In front of each of you is a box with counting sticks. I suggest counting three sticks and making a triangle. Now count two more sticks and make another triangle. Questions: - How many sticks were counted? - How many triangles did you learn? - How many quadrilaterals? - Count two more sticks and make another triangle. - How many triangles did you get? - How many sticks did it take to make this figure? - How many quadrangles are there? Name them. (one trapezoid and two rhombuses). Collect counting sticks in boxes. - You see a set of geometric shapes in front of you. Now we will play with shapes. The game is called "Clean up". Children sit in pairs at tables. Q: I propose to arrange the geometric shapes in a certain order: red circle, yellow square, blue rectangle, orange square, green triangle, red trapezoid. Did everyone complete the task? Q: Now, one child from the pair closes his eyes, the other one removes one of the figures from the table. Opening his eyes, the child says which figure is gone, restores order, and the children change roles. The game continues. Physical education: “We have been doing a great job We are not averse to having a rest now We are accustomed to exercise We are leaving now”. V.: get up in the “loose” position on the carpet, I will show you cards with the image of the figures, and you must perform the appropriate exercises: - tilts to the side. Q.: Rested, warmed up? Sit on the carpet around. I suggest you play with Lull's Magic Rings. Game variant 1. C.: On the rings there are pictures of numbers (upper ring), on the second ring there are contours of geometric shapes, and on the lower, largest ring there are pictures of colors. You need to spin the circles and then look at the pictures that accidentally fell into the segment with different images: a number, a geometric figure and a color. And after analyzing the segment, make a proposal explaining what happens when they interact. (Example: “I untwisted the rings and 3 green circles fell into my segment” - number 3, figure - circle, color - green.) Game option 2. Q: Now let's complicate the task. Instead of numbers, we will place pictures with the image of objects. Task: You need to select an object and rotate the circles in such a way that you can choose a real combination of pictures in the dividing segment (For example: for a picture of a Christmas tree, you need to choose a figure that fits the shape - a triangle, and the color is green, because the spruce is green ). V.: Please divide the children into two teams. Which team has more children? (which is on your left). What should be done to make the number of children the same? (one person must move from the team on the left to the team on the right). How else can you say this? (Equally. How many in one team, so much in the other). Q.: Now I propose to play the game "Who will name more". Rules of the game: “First, consult and come up with a name for your team, but one that relates to the theme of geometric shapes. (Children will come up with names and announce them. For example, Rubik's Cube, Pyramids, Diamonds. Q.: Task: name the square objects in the group room. For each correct answer you will receive a chip (token). For example, a square picture. Then name the rectangular objects. In conclusion, the teacher asks the children: “Which team named more objects? How to find out about it? | The space of the group room is organized in such a way that children can play at separate tables, sit in a circle on the carpet and move freely in the group room during physical education. Children should be given the opportunity to independently determine who closes their eyes first and who removes the figure. Tasks in the game can be changed: swap geometric shapes; name not only the figure, but also its color. This manual can be used both on the carpet and at the table. I assume that the game takes place sitting in a circle on the carpet. It is important that each child play, analyze and answer with a complete answer. If the respondent has difficulties, the teacher can ask the children to help him. Children should be given the opportunity to decide for themselves which image of the object they will choose. Just like in the previous version of the game, every child must lose. The instructions do not say that the number of people in teams should be the same. If the task with the name for the children caused difficulty, the educator helps with leading questions. In this game, you can give tasks with any geometric shapes. (You can count, but if there are a lot of chips: you need to put the chips of one team next to the chips of the other team and compare them, which stack of chips will be higher, then that team won. But children should come to this conclusion on their own!). |
Geometry around us - mathematics, presentations
We are used to thinking that various intricate lines, shapes, surfaces can only be found in textbooks on mathematics, special literature or computer graphics. However, it is worth looking around, and we will see that many objects have a shape similar to geometric shapes already familiar to us. There are quite a few of them. We just don't always notice them.
Geometry is everywhere,
You can only look with your eyes
And there are a lot of examples at once
You will find around you
People often meet in life with various geometric shapes. And what are they for? We will try to find out about it.
Initial information about the properties of geometric bodies people found by observing the world around them and as a result of practical activities. Geometry in the early period of its development reached a particularly high level in Egypt.
The centuries-old work of the Greek geometers during this period was summed up by Euclid in his famous Elements.
In ancient times, the Egyptians, starting to build a pyramid, a palace or an ordinary house, first marked the direction of the sides of the horizon (this is very important, since the illumination in the building depends on the position of its windows and doors in relation to the sun). They acted in the following way. In order to find the north-south direction, they stuck a stick vertically and followed its shadow. It became smallest when its end pointed to the north.
Look around and you will see that almost all objects are shaped: honeycombs - small hexagons, starfish, oranges, tomatoes, apples, rainbows. The simplest geometric figures, such as a circle, a square, a trapezoid and others, were known to people in the most remote times.
To learn shapes
Go out to the garden
Here, around you everywhere
Geometry lives
Here is a red ball of radishes,
Cucumber is a funny oval
Tomatoes of different shapes
Peppers of all shapes selection!
The triangle was filed
And the figure was obtained:
Two obtuse angles inside
And two sharp ones - look.
Not a square, not a triangle,
A looks like a polygon (Trapezoid)
Of course we are talking about a trapezoid. We can see it around: this is a table and a chair, and trousers and a skirt and a dress and a bag, a table lamp, a longitudinal mirror and much more
Here is a cap on his head -
This is a clown on the grass.
But the cap is not a pyramid
You can see it right away, brothers:
The circle at the base of the cap.
What is his name then? (Cone)
Cone from lat. means "pine cone". And Indeed, a pine cone really looks like a cone, marine inhabitants such as shells, mollusks have the shape of a cone, everyone's favorite ice cream cone and much more. Flower pot, table lamp have the shape of a truncated cone.
Take a closer look, there is a bucket -
Top cover, bottom bottom.
Two circles connected
And got the figure.
What is the name of the body?
We must quickly guess. (Cylinder)
A piece of pipe, a log, a tin can, a wall paint roller are in the shape of a cylinder. Cylindrical objects made of metal or wood are turned on a lathe.
The Egyptians stacked them
And so cleverly crafted,
What are they worth for centuries.
Guess, children, yourself
What are these bodies,
Where is the peak visible to everyone?
Guess? Because of the view
Everyone knows… (Pyramid).
Indeed, even in Ancient Egypt they already had the concept of such a figure as a pyramid. Today we can also observe it in various kinds of architecture, pyramid tea bags, pyramid-shaped table figurines.
It looks like a circle, but the fact is
What else do we call
A drawn circle.
What is the secret? Tell me friend!
This strange appearance
Is called…. (Circle)
A circle is the boundary of a circle. The bottom of a glass or plate has the shape of a circle (in Latin, "circus" means circle). Many things resemble a circle - a hoop, a ring, a path along the circus arena, a bicycle wheel, a life buoy. The orbits of the planets, that is, the lines along which they move around the Sun, are slightly flattened circles.
A wheel has rolled,
After all, it is similar,
Like a visual nature
Only for a round figure.
Guessed, dear friend?
Well, of course, this is … (Circle)
Since the invention of the potter's wheel, people have learned to make round dishes - pots, vases, amphorae. The columns supporting the buildings were also round. Among round bodies, the most important is the ball. The distance of all points on the surface of a sphere from its center is the same. Like a geometric ball, a globe, a soccer ball. Huge clumps of matter - stars and, in particular, the Sun - also have the shape of a ball. The surface of the ball is called sphere.
Slide 16.17
We stretched the square
And presented at a glance,
Whom did he become like
or very similar to something?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
Became a square… (Rectangle)
Walls, floor and ceiling are rectangles (we will not pay attention to the openings of windows and doors). Rooms, bricks, a closet, reinforced concrete blocks, resemble a rectangular parallelepiped in their shape. Let's look at the parquet floor. Parquet planks - rectangles or squares. Floor tiles in the bathroom, metro, and train stations are often regular hexagons or octagons, between which small squares are laid. Refrigerator, microwave oven, stove and much more are also rectangular cuboids.
Slide 18.19
Look at the figure
And draw in the album
Three corners. Three sides
The result is not a square,
A beautiful one ... (Triangle)
Starting a game of billiards, you need to arrange the balls in the form of a triangle. To do this, use a special triangular frame. For baking cookies, you can use various molds: triangles, squares, diamonds, circles and much more.
Slide 20
And here are the adjacent angles
Neither small nor large
by their amount, they praise
180 degrees, it is equal to the adjacent corners. Photo frame and stand - form adjacent corners Phone stand - form adjacent corner with phone book stand, etc.
Slide 21
Two vertical corners
Two friends
Their sides
Continuing each other
The grille at the entrance, on the windows contains many vertical angles. Aircraft tracks in the sky are two intersecting straight lines.
“Geometry is full of adventures, because every task hides an adventure of thought. To solve a problem is to experience an adventure….”
Around us there is a large number of objects in the form of geometric shapes. Angles, segments and planes are objects of artificial origin and are made by man. Objects of natural origin have rounded shapes, such as a ball, circle, arc.
Geometry, like the rest of mathematics, originated from practical considerations and was lovingly developed to study shapes. Geometry is associated with such sciences as physics, biology, astronomy. Today it has a huge number of practical applications, which we have clearly demonstrated in our work.
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Geometry around us
"Geometry around us"
The work was done by
a group of students of grades 6-8
MKU secondary school No. 5, Alzamay
Head: Solodovnikova E. Alodovnikova
The purpose of our work is to explore what geometric shapes, bodies are found around us.
Based on the goal, the following tasks :
- to study the use of geometric shapes and lines in practical human activities;
- to study some natural creations in the form of geometric figures;
- to study the use of geometric shapes by animals.
Relevance of this topic
Research methods :
- study of additional literature on this issue
- observation in everyday life:
- Where do you find geometric shapes in practice and what is their connection with life?
- What geometric shapes are most common in everyday life?
- Examples of geometric figures in nature, environment.
Historical information
The centuries-old work of Greek scientists from the 7th to the 3rd centuries BC was summed up by Euclid in his famous work "Beginnings".
EUCLID (330-275 BC)
Egyptian pyramids
The ancient Egyptians were great engineers. Until now, they cannot fully unravel the mysteries of the huge tombs of the Egyptian kings - the Pharaohs.
Egyptian pyramids
"Everything is afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramids."
Tower of Babel
During excavations in Babylon, scientists also discovered the remains of stone walls several tens of meters high.
The world around us
Honeycombs are small hexagons.
Starfish, oranges
Rainbow - on an arc of a circle.
To learn shapes
Go out to the garden
Here, all around you
Geometry lives…
TRAPEZE comes from lat. the words "trapezium" - a table.
From the same word comes our word "meal", meaning a table.
CONE is the Latin form of the Greek word "konos" which means pine cone.
CYLINDER - comes from the Latin word "cylindrus", meaning "roller", "skating rink".
PYRAMID – lat. a form of the Greek word "pyuramis", which the Greeks called the Egyptian pyramids;
PYRAMID - comes from the ancient Egyptian word "purama", which the Egyptians themselves called these pyramids.
If you place a round glass on a sheet of paper and draw around the bottom with a pencil, you will get a line that looks like a circle.
Circle, ball
Since the invention of the potter's wheel, people have learned to make round dishes - pots, vases, amphorae.
The columns supporting the buildings were also round.
Among round bodies, the ball is the most important.
SPHERE - Latin
form of the Greek word " sfire " - ball.
The surfaces of a brick, a matchbox, a bar of soap consist of six rectangular faces. Of course, these faces are rough, they may have potholes or cracks, but with a sufficient degree of accuracy, their areas can be calculated using the rectangle area formula S = ab .
Rectangular parallelepiped
Rooms, bricks, reinforced concrete blocks resemble a rectangular parallelepiped in their shape.
you need to arrange the balls in the form of a triangle.
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