Shared reading book
Shared Reading | Classroom Strategies
Shared Reading is an interactive reading experience that occurs when students join in or share the reading of a book or other text while guided and supported by a teacher. The teacher explicitly models the skills of proficient readers, including reading with fluency and expression. The shared reading model often uses oversized books (referred to as big books) with enlarged print and illustrations.
When to use: | Before reading | During reading | After reading |
How to use: | Individually | With small groups | Whole class setting |
More fluency strategies
Why use shared reading?
- It provides struggling readers with necessary support.
- Shared reading of predictable text can build sight word knowledge and reading fluency
- Allows students to enjoy materials that they may not be able to read on their own.
- Ensures that all students feel successful by providing support to the entire group.
How to use shared reading
- Introduce the story by discussing the title, cover, and author/illustrator. Ask the students to make predictions regarding what they think the story might be about.
- Read the story aloud to the students using appropriate inflection and tone. Pause and ask the students to make predictions. Ask brief questions to determine students' comprehension level.
- Conclude the reading by reserving time for reactions and comments. Ask questions about the story and relate the story to the students' similar experiences. Ask the children to retell the story in their own words.
- Re-read the story and/or allow time for independent reading.
- Conduct follow-up activities such as making crafts related to the story.
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom: Shared Reading in Kindergarten
Give students with an opportunity to practice reading fluency and expression through a shared reading with the class. The teacher asks questions as she reads to help students stay engaged. See the lesson plan.
This video is published with permission from the Balanced Literacy Diet. See many more related how-to videos with lesson plans in the Reading Fluency and Expression section.
Collect resources
Language Arts
This site gives teachers some ideas for using shared reading with younger students and less skilled readers. See example >
This site offers several examples of how activities related to learning about science topics can be centered around the shared reading strategy. Downloads of several different poems are provided. See example >
Social Studies
This site provides five examples of shared reading lessons based upon the book Map It! by Elspeth Leacock. See example >
Shared Reading Booklists
Differentiated instruction
For second language learners, students of varying reading skill, and for younger learners
- Teachers may wish to have Spanish copies of the shared reading books.
- Books can be kept in an area accessible to students for independent and familiar rereading by students.
- Ask students to write their own similar story using the same theme or sentence/language pattern of the book that has been shared.
- Teachers can use sentence strips and have students can retell or build the story by putting the strips in order.
- Have students write their predictions based upon what would happen next if the story were to continue.
Related resources
See the research that supports this strategy
Fountas, I. C., & Pinnell, G. S. (1996). Guided Reading, Good First Teaching for All Children. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
Children's books to use with this strategy
Weather: Poems for All Seasons
By: Lee Bennett Hopkins
Genre: Poetry
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Easier to read poems focus on weather and seasons.
The Tree that Time Built: A Celebration of Nature, Science and Imagination
By: Mary Ann Hoberman
Genre: Poetry
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
Clearly organized with lucid introductions to each section as well as for select poems, this handsome anthology includes a range of poems and poets for an evocative, informative, and often inspiring look at science and nature.
Honey I Love and Other Poems
By: Eloise Greenfield, Diane Dillon
Genre: Poetry, Fiction
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Independent Reader
A collection of poetry conveys the joys of a young girl.
Emma's Yucky Brother
By: Jean Little, Jennifer Plecas
Genre: Fiction
Age Level: 6-9
Reading Level: Beginning Reader
Emma is thrilled that her family is adopting a 4-year old boy. She soon learns, though, that being an older sister isn’t what she thought it would be at all. Gradually, Emma and Max start to feel like siblings as each child begins to adapt to their family's new configuration. Expressive, simply drawn illustrations extend the smooth text.
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading Collection
Home / Explore / Classroom Resources / Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ / Shared Reading Collection
The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading Collection
Build a strong early reading foundation with books that engage and excite.
Shared Reading is an enjoyable experience for your classroom community and an important opportunity for children to “step up together” into more challenging texts while also beginning to notice and acquire the processes they need to read texts independently. Now available in English and Spanish.
What is
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading?The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading Collection is made of up of exquisite texts which include a collection of original big books in grades PreK through 4 in a variety of genres, with accompanying lesson folders.
Six small copies of each book, as well as audiobooks, are provided for children to revisit during independent reading. Some of the books have special features such as flaps, cutouts, and foldouts to engage and excite children.
- English language, PreK-4
- Spanish language, PreK-2
Who is
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading for?The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading Collection is for the classroom teacher who wants to expand and refine children’s reading and writing powers in grades PreK–4. This context is implemented during whole-group literacy instruction where the teacher engages students in shared reading using enlarged print books and shared poetry charts and often leads to shared/interactive writing.
What is inside
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading?
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading Collection Guide
A brief guide that provides an overview of the components and implementation of the FPC Shared Reading Collection.
Shared Reading Books
Original titles, 1 copy of the big book and 6 copies of each accompanying small book.
An exquisite collection of original titles that nurture students’ ability to construct meaning in a supported context so they can enjoy reading and learn critical concepts of how print works.
Shared Reading Lesson Folders
Lesson folders to support teachers in providing high-quality, cutting-edge lessons that boost, engage, and extend students’ reading, writing, and language skills.
FPC Shared Reading Online Resources
The resources needed for each lesson, including:
- PDFs of each lesson
- Video Library
- Shared Reading audiobooks
How is
Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading implemented?The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Shared Reading Collection is implemented during whole-group instruction. During shared reading, teacher and children read aloud a large version of an engaging text that is beyond children’s ability to read independently. These texts provide early experiences with print and promote the development of reading processes. These texts also serve as mentor texts.
After the first reading, children take part in multiple, subsequent readings of the text. They also discuss the text and the teacher selects teaching points based on children’s needs.
Shared Reading Resources
Extend your expertise by visiting the Resource Library for Study Guides, Samplers, Webinars, Tools and more or by checking out the Fountas & Pinnell Blog.
View Resources View Related Blog Posts
Next Steps
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Lock or unlock a book to make it read-only
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Click "Protect workbook " and select "Always open as read only" .
Locking a book to make it read-only
Note: If the workbook is shared, any user with write access can clear the read-only state. Stricter security methods involve the use of a password to save changes.
Open Finder and select the book you want to protect.
In the pop-up menu " Action, click the button " Get Details" .
On panel General , check the box Blocked .
Clearing the status of a read-only workbook
Note: The owner of the file or a user with Write permission can clear the Read-Only status.