Short stories for kindergarten pdf

[Online] Kindergarten Short Stories in PDF with Pictures to Read

by Shikha Thakur

Kids are the most precious gift in a human’s life and we can shape them in our desired way. Kindergarten short stories online in PDF with pictures is the best way to nourish their mind.

These Kindergarten stories can be moral stories, inspirational stories, and fairy tale stories. The story for Kindergarten with pictures is the best way to teach them. Children can read kindergarten stories online here.

Kindergarten Short Stories with Pictures

1 Easy Kindergarten Stories to Read

1.1 The Little Red Riding Hood Short Story

2 Easy Short Story for Kindergarten

2. 1 The Monkeys and The Cap Seller Story

3 Kindergarten stories with moral

We all know stories play important role in developing the brain of kids at a very young age. The kindergarten kids need to read stories as this will develop the reading habit. Reading stories will develop imagination in their minds and that will boost their brainpower.

Easy Kindergarten Stories to Read

The Little Red Riding Hood Short Story

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lives with her mom in a hut near the forest. She always wears a  red riding hood while going out.

One day she went to see her grandmother and on her way, she met a wolf.

The Wolf asked where are you going? She said, ” I am going to see my granny, she lives behind that hill.” After listening this wolf got a wicked idea.

The wolf ran to granny’s house and swallowed her up.

Then he wore granny’s clothes and got into granny’s bed.  After some Little Red Riding Hood reached granny’s house.

She saw the wolf lying in her granny’s bed.

She asked Oh granny, what big eyes you have!

The wolf said,” So that I can see you better,”

She asked,” Granny what big ears you have!

Wolf said,” So that I can hear you better.”

She asked,” Granny what big nose you have!

Wolf said,” So that I can smell you better.”

She again asked,” Granny what big teeth you have!

Wolf said,” So that I can eat you better.”

Then she got scared and starting shouting for help. Help Me! Help Me! The woodsman was chopping the trees heard the scream and ran toward to help her.

He ran to the house and saw the wolf attacking the girl.

He hit the wolf over the head and this made the wolf open his mouth and shout. And the granny jumped out!

The wolf ran away and the girl never saw that wolf again. The grandmother and the Red Riding Hood Girl had a great lunch and long chat.

Moral: Be brave

Download Here : The little red riding hood story in PDF with pictures

These kindergarten stories in pdf are a must download and read.  We have shared the story in the easiest way so that kids can understand easily. There are many kindergarten storybooks and we have chosen the best stories for children.

You can also visit for short moral stories i.e Kindergarten short stories with morals.

Easy Short Story for Kindergarten

Now let us continue to our next kindergarten stories to read.

The Monkeys and The Cap Seller StoryMonkey and cap seller story with pictures

Once a cap seller was going to sell his caps in a village market. He was going through the forest and was carrying a basket of red caps on his head.

He got tired in the heat of the sun and thought of lying down under the tree for some time. He put his basket on the ground and fall asleep.

There were monkeys on that tree, they came down and one by one took all the caps from the cap seller’s basket. Then they climbed onto the tree.

When the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty. He searched for his caps everywhere. To his surprise, he saw the monkeys were wearing them.

He thought for a while and he started throwing his cap down and monkeys did so.

The cap-seller collected all his caps and put them back in his basket and went away happily.

Moral: We should deal with wisdom in tough situations because wisdom helps during difficult times.

Download Here: The monkey and cap seller story PDF

Kindergarten stories with moral

Here we have shared two kindergarten short stories in pdf but on our website, we have a lot of more interesting stories for the kids. We have also shared the Moral of the stories and these morals will teach a good lesson to kids.

Read Also: 10 lines short stories with Moral

Kindergarten short stories with sight words are what many parents are looking and we are bringing more stories for your kids. So keep visiting our website if you like our stories then Please Share!! 🙂

*Very Short Stories with Morals in English | pdf - Kids Special !!

by Shikha Thakur

Very Short Stories with Morals in English are the best ways to teach moral education for kids and adults. You can teach short stories with moral values in a very short time.

In this story page, very short stories in English with moral are given with pictures and PDFs to download. 

These 10 Lines/5 Lines short stories with moral are best described in the shortest form. Very short stories for kids are given below.

1 Very Short Stories with Morals

1.1 1. The Lion and the Rabbit

1.2 2. The Hunter and the Pigeons

2 Very Short Stories for Kids

2.1 3. Two friends and the Bear

2.2 4. The Crow and the Peacock – Who is Happy?

Short stories in English with moral values can give you great inspiration. We have a collection of good moral stories that can also be helpful for students from middle/high school.

Very short stories for kids are great as these stories are available to download in PDF. And these short stories with English in morals are with pictures also.

Now let us move on to our very short stories in English with moral. You can also download very short stories with morals pdf.

Very Short Stories with Morals

1. The Lion and the Rabbit

Once there was a Lion in the jungle who used to kill 2-3 animals daily for his meal. All animals went to him to tell, that daily one of them will come to him for his meal.

So, the Lion agreed and this started going for many days. One day, it was Rabbit’s turn. When he was on his way he saw a well.

Now he plans to kill the lion and save himself. He went to the lion and told him that, there is another lion who claims to be more powerful than him.

Then the lion asks the rabbit to take him to that lion. The rabbit takes him to the well and said he lives here. When the lion looked in the well he saw his own reflection and jumped in the well and dies.

Moral: Wisdom wins might.

Download Here :The Lion and the Rabbit pdf

2. The Hunter and the Pigeons

One day a hunter sets a net to catch birds and placed grains and rice over the net. After some time a flock of pigeons comes by and start eating grains and get caught in the net.

After some time they started losing hope, then their leader asks them to fly together up in the sky. They did as they were told and carried the net away.

The hunter runs after them but they flew away to their friend’s mouse hole. Then the mouse cuts the net and freed the pigeons.

the wise pigeons and the hunter story

Moral: Unity is strength.

Download Here:The Hunter and The Pigeons pdf

The above two Very Short Stories with Morals are great short moral stories for kids. These very short stories for kids are very inspirational to their pure minds. Good moral stories are the best way to enhance moral values.

Read Also: Kindergarten Short Stories with Pictures and PDF

Short moral stories with pictures and PDF will increase moral values in kids as well as in adults. So we will continue to our next good moral stories. 

Read Also : 10 Lines Short Moral Stories

Below one is the bear and the two friends story with pictures and pdf.

Very Short Stories for Kids

3. Two friends and the Bear

Once there were two friends who were crossing the jungle. After some time they saw a bear coming towards them. 

Then, one of the friends quickly climbed the nearby tree and the other one did not know how to climb the tree. So he lays down on the ground holding his breath.

The bear reaches near him and sniffs him in the ear. After some time bear left the place, thinking the man is dead.

Now the other friend climbs down and asked his friend, what did bear said to him in his ear? He replied,” to be safe from the fake friends.

Moral: Beware of fake friends.

Download Here:  Two Friends and the Bear story pdf

4. The Crow and the Peacock – Who is Happy?

Once there was a crow who wishes to be colorful and beautiful like other birds. He then went to the parrot and shared his thoughts. 

But parrot said peacock is most beautiful bird so talk to him. Then the crow went to the peacock and told him about his looks. 

Then the peacock replied,” You are the luckiest bird that has been never caged in life and we because of our beauty stay caged, and you are always free.”

Crow and Peacock story pictures

After listening to this, crow realized his mistake and thanked God for making him like this and he flew away happily. 

Moral: Never compare yourself to others. Be happy with what you have and what you are.

Download Here: Crow and Peacock story in English pdf

In this article, we have provided very short stories with morals. These short stories for kids are the perfect dosage to increase their moral values.

Read Also : Hindi moral stories for Kids

Short stories in English with moral is a great way to learn moral values for students. Our aim is to provide every story with pictures and PDF.

We will continue our work by bringing more and more interesting stories here. So keep visiting and sharing

Stories for children - read online for free! More than 500 pcs.

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A funny story about Mishutka and Stasik, who told each other all sorts of fables - they competed who would lie to whom. One day neighbor Igor sat down on the bench. The boy told how he really deceived his mother by eating half a can of jam ...

Dragunsky's story about Denis and Mishka doing their homework together. At the same time, Deniska tells a friend about lemurs. Then the boys decide to check each other's work and find many mistakes - everything needs to be redone. After…

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A funny story about a boy who didn't want to eat semolina. Mom promised to take him to the Kremlin if he ate all the porridge. Deniska adds sugar, salt, water and even horseradish to the porridge to make it more…

Dragunsky's story about three guys who didn't pronounce the letter Sh. It all started when a truck with a Christmas tree drove into the courtyard of the house. Alyonka says: “Look, there are detectives hanging on the Christmas tree.” This is where it started…

Dragunsky's story about Denisk, who came to visit his friend Mishka. Mishka gathered a lot of guys. And then it was decided to play hide and seek. Deniska decided to outsmart everyone and hide in one of the communal rooms…. nine0003

An instructive story about shame, about not taking other people's things, about the fact that a misdemeanor will be punished. Read the story about Lyola and Minka, who ate candies from the New Year tree and opened the presents… Read the tree…

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A story about rescuing a dog and a kitten on a river during an ice drift. The guys threw a board on the ice floe and the dog in its teeth with the kitten moved to the shore. She missed her master very much and was very happy when he ...

An instructive story about the blacksmith's son Vasya. The boy was very fond of riding a cart drawn by his father's horse. The blacksmith did not approve of this. Once Vasya took a cart and went to the forest. A branch got into the wheel and started whipping the boy…

A story about how a teacher wittily taught Fedya Rybkin to stop laughing in class. The boy was smeared with mascara, the whole class could not look at him without laughing. This made Fred very happy. The teacher, having discovered the reason for the fun, said that on ...

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Nosov's instructive story, which teaches that you shouldn't take someone else's. Pavlik and Kotka once picked cucumbers in the collective farm garden. Kotka's mother saw cucumbers in her son's pocket and found out how he got them. This is strong for her…

A story about a boy, Kotka, who was sitting at home and did not want to build a hill. However, when the guys built a slide and went home, Kotka went out into the yard to skate. And he wanted to ride from a new mountain. Climb up…

A cautionary tale about honesty. Minka got an A at school and got so upset that he forgot his diary on a park bench. They brought him a new diary and again put a unit there. In the evening a guest came and brought a forgotten diary...

A humorous story about Denisk and Mishka, who were assigned to sing a duet with satirical verses at a concert. The boys rehearsed for a long time, but during the performance Mishka got excited and repeated the first verse three times. The whole hall fell from ...

Interesting and exciting stories for children of preschool and school age are collected in this section. Read the best stories of Russian and foreign writers. Funny dialogues, unusual plots and bright illustrations will surely appeal to girls and boys.

Here you will find works from the school curriculum and for additional reading. Each book is accompanied by illustrations, which increases the interest in reading. You can read any of the works online at any time at your request or on the instructions of the teacher for free. nine0003

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  • 19 - The Fox and the Crane

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  • 20 - Thumbelina

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  • 21 - Crocodile Gena and his friends

    Uspensky E.N.

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  • 22 - The Little Mermaid

    Hans Christian Andersen

    A touching tale about the Little Mermaid's strong love for the prince. The little mermaid is ready to give up everything that is dear to her for the sake of the human soul and the love of the prince . .. The fairy tale formed the basis of the plots of many films, cartoons and musicals. Little Mermaid read In the open…

  • 23 - Sleeping Beauty

    Charles Perrault

    A fairy tale about a beautiful princess who was cursed by an offended fairy at a celebration in honor of her birth. The old fairy predicted the girl's death from a spindle prick, but the good fairy was able to commute the sentence. The girl did not die, but fell asleep on…

  • 24 - Porridge from an ax

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  • 25 - The Ugly Duckling

    Hans Christian Andersen

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  • 26 - The Princess and the Pea

    Hans Christian Andersen

    A short story about how the prince wanted to marry a real princess. One day, a girl knocked on the gate, who was soaked to the skin, but assured that she was a real princess. She was allowed to sleep, and the old queen gave her a check……

  • 27 - Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

    Russian folk tale

    Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka is a fairy tale about how the younger brother disobeyed his sister, got drunk from a hoof and turned into a kid… Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka read Once upon a time an old man and an old woman, they had…

  • 28 - Bean seed

    Russian folk tale

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  • 29 - Fear's eyes are big

    Russian folk tale

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  • 30 - Teremok

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  • 31 - Twelve months

    Samuil Marshak

    Do you know how many months there are in a year? - Twelve. And what are their names? — January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. As soon as one month ends, another immediately begins. And…

  • 32 - Sivka Burka

    Russian folk tale

    Sivka-Burka is a fairy tale about the adventures of Ivan the Fool and his gallant horse. Sivka Burka read The old man had three sons: two smart ones, and the third Ivanushka the Fool; day and night the fool is lying on the stove. The old man sowed wheat, and it grew ...

  • 33 - Baba Yaga

    Russian folk tale

    A fairy tale about a girl who was able to get out of the clutches of Baba Yaga, thanks to the advice of her own aunt and a kind cat ... Baba Yaga read Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and she was their daughter. The wife fell ill and died. Grieved, grieved…

  • 34 - The tale of the priest and his worker Balda

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  • 35 - Little Humpbacked Horse

    Ershov P.

    There was an old man in a village who had three sons. They grew wheat and sold it in the market. But then someone got into the habit of trampling wheat in the field at night ... Table of contents: Part one. A fairy tale begins...

  • 36 - Alice in Wonderland

    Carroll L.

    An exciting story about a girl Alice, who met a talking White Rabbit and ended up in amazing worlds where she met very unusual characters... Chapter 1. Down the rabbit hole Alice got bored sit with my sister idle on the shore ...

  • 37 - The Little Prince

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

    A fairy tale about how a pilot, who remained a child at heart, met the Little Prince in the desert, who arrived from another planet. Table of contents: Dedication Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter…


Electronic collection of articles No. 1 of practicing teachers in the field of preschool education. Prospects for the introduction of innovative technologies in the work of a preschool teacher, ways to solve problems related to the upbringing of the younger generation, practical experience.

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The manual contains practical materials on the organization of the adaptation period in the kindergarten of a child of early preschool age. The book presents long-term planning for a flexible mode, summaries of game-workouts.

Download (3.3 Mb, DJVU)

Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E.O. nine0358

Educational games for preschool children

The book was created on the basis of many years of psychological and pedagogical research and is addressed to kindergarten teachers and parents. The games presented in the book are for children 3-4 years old. They are fascinating in form and content, aimed at developing preschoolers' mental, volitional and creative abilities, educating them in a culture of communication in joint activities.

nine0373 Download (54.8 Mb, PDF)


Grinchenko I.S.

Game in theory, education, upbringing and correctional work

The game has essential features: the purpose, the relevant content, the activities of its participants and the result. The manual reveals the theoretical aspects of the game and the methodology for their organization. Games are proposed for use in the learning process, in educational work and for identifying deviations from normative behavior and subsequent correction. The book is addressed to teachers of various types of institutions, including additional education, educators, teachers and students of pedagogical colleges and universities. nine0003

Download (25 Mb, PDF)


Child and the world around. Program and methodical recommendations. For children aged 2-7

The manual presents a program and guidelines for familiarizing children aged 2-7 years with the outside world. In each age group, the types, tasks and content of work with children are determined, and exemplary summaries of didactic games and activities are given. nine0003

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Team of authors Heads of the team of authors and scientific editors of the program: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T. I. Babaeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.G. Gogoberidze, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor O.V. Solntseva Authors: O.V. Akulova, T.I. Babaeva, T.A. Berezina, A.M. Verbenets, A.G. Gogoberidze, V.A. Derkunskaya, T.A. Ivchenko, N.O. Nikonova, L.K. Nichiporenko, V.A. Novitskaya, Z.A. Mikhailova, M.N. Polyakova, O.V. Solntseva, O.N. Somkova, R.I. Yafizova


Model Preschool Education Program

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The book reveals the peculiarities of the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. The forms and methods of organizing partnerships between teachers and parents are considered. nine0003

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Zatsepina M.B.

Musical education in kindergarten

The book presents all the main content lines of education, training and development of a child from 2 to 7 years old. Musical education begins in the younger group. The purpose of musical education for children of this age is to cultivate interest in music, the desire to listen to music and sing along, to perform simple dance movements. In the second younger group, the tasks are as follows: to cultivate emotional responsiveness to music, to introduce children to three musical genres: song, dance, march; promote the development of musical memory. The book tells about the goals of musical education in older groups, given an exemplary repertoire of musical works. Examples of musical lessons are described. nine0003

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Zatsepina M.B., Antonova T.V.

Folk holidays in kindergarten

The manual is devoted to an urgent modern problem - the preservation of national traditions, the establishment of links between the Church-Orthodox, peasant calendar-ritual and modern cultures. It includes scenarios of calendar and ritual holidays that will help teachers prepare and hold holidays with children aged 5-7, as well as a list of calendar holidays, folk meat books, folk games, etc. nine0003

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The book contains 32 game developmental activities for children 1-2 years old from September to May. The presented classes are held only in a playful way, they positively set up children, teach them to be independent, help them fully open up and learn about the world around them, develop perception, thinking, attention, memory, form cultural behavior skills, bring up a full-fledged and versatile personality. nine0003

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Teaching aid for the workbook "From A to Z". The main purpose of this book is to provide practical assistance to teachers in conducting classes to prepare children for literacy at the 2nd stage of education.

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The manual presents a program, brief guidelines, work planning and outlines of classes on visual activity with children 4-5 years old for a year.

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Kutsakova L.V.

Classes in designing from building materials in the senior group of kindergarten

Construction in kindergarten from building materials and designers fully meets the needs of children, their abilities and capabilities, since it is exclusively a children's activity. Thanks to construction in kindergarten, the child quickly improves in skills and abilities, in mental and aesthetic development. The fine motility of the hands is connected with the centers of speech, which means that an "advanced" child in the construction of a child develops speech faster. Dexterous, precise hand movements enable him to quickly and better master the technique of writing. nine0003

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In this book, teachers and parents of toddlers from one to three years old will find recommendations and exercises for developing children's motor skills, muscle strength, coordination, sense of balance, ability to control their own body and more. nine0003

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The manual provides a methodology for working with children to develop their elementary mathematical concepts, offers exemplary notes of classes in all age groups of the kindergarten.

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The manual, written in accordance with the author's program of environmental education of preschoolers, reveals the content and methods, specific pedagogical technologies of environmental education work with children of different age groups. Particular attention is paid to the personal development of preschoolers in connection with environmental education. nine0003

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The manual is devoted to the education of young children, which is the initial stage of the entire system of public preschool education.

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Novikova I.V. nine0358

Construction from natural materials in kindergarten

Designing from natural materials in kindergarten is not only exciting, but also a useful activity that is of great importance for the development of the child's personality. In the process of creating voluminous crafts, children develop fine motor skills of the hand, an eye, spatial orientation, the ability to use the gifts of nature expediently and carefully. Designing from natural materials in kindergarten helps preschoolers learn to plan their activities, select material for a product, choose ways to connect parts and design products. nine0003

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The book deals with the tasks, content and methods of pedagogical work on physical education in all age groups of the kindergarten, starting with the first junior.

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The book was prepared as a methodological manual on the culture of education, organization of life and childcare for nursery workers.

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Methodological guide for the development of mathematical representations of children 5-6 and 6-7 years old is part of a continuous course in mathematics. Includes a brief description of the concept, program for organizing practical classes with children.

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The book discusses topical issues of development and education of children in a preschool and family, methods of diagnosis and correction. Methodological developments for conducting classes on sensory, speech development, design with young children are presented. nine0003

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The manual talks about how to choose the right exercises for a preschool child, the correct sequence of exercises is indicated, with special attention paid to setting the correct breathing during exercise. The book gives specific and simple recommendations for building your own set of general developmental exercises. nine0003

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The manual reveals the content of teaching fine arts in all groups of kindergarten, provides recommendations for teaching children. In the appendix there are approximate plans and notes of individual classes.

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Tristapshon T.G.

Didactic and role-playing games. 3-4 years of life

This book is about how to organize work with children 3-4 years old in an interesting, fun, varied way, how to comprehensively develop kids. In this manual you will find practical and methodological recommendations on the organization of games (didactic, role-playing, construction, mobile, finger, etc.) for educators of children's educational institutions, parents. nine0003

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The book reveals a system of work to familiarize children aged 3-7 with fiction (fairy tales, stories, poems, works of small folklore forms) and the development of speech.

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The book presents games, exercises and class notes for the development of all aspects of speech - sound, lexical, grammatical - in conjunction with the development of coherent monologue speech. A separate section is devoted to enriching the emotional vocabulary of preschoolers.

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