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Pterodactyl Pictures & Facts - The Dinosaur Database
Pterodactyl was a pterosaur, a type of flying reptile. It was not a dinosaur, though it lived during the same period. Pterodactyl lived during the Late Jurassic and resided in Africa and Europe. The first Pterodactyl fossil was discovered in 1815.
Probably the most well-known flying dinosaur, the Pterodactyl is not actually a dinosaur at all, but a pterosaur! Pterosaurs were airborne reptiles of the Late Jurassic period, and they are frequently associated with dinosaurs in the popular imagination. It soared through the pre-historic skies of what is now Europe and northern Africa.
In art, the pterodactyl is usually portrayed with bat-like wings, the membranes of which are stretched taut between its elongated fingers. It is also frequently shown with a crest on its head, although there is some debate as to whether this crest was extant in the Pterodactyl as with other Pterosaurs. In fact, many artistic portrayals of the Pterodactyl seem to be heavily influenced by the physiology of the Pteranodon.
The majority of specimens of Pterodactyl have been approximately the size of modern large birds such as hawks and eagles, considerably smaller than the Pteranodon and smaller than many artistic portrayals. Pterodactyls are more correctly known by the scientific term Pterodactylus, and images associated with that term tend to be more accurate and distinct from the Pteranodon.
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Source: http://fineartamerica. com/featured/pterodactyl-adrian-chesterman.html
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von 63How to draw a dinosaur Pterodactyl step by step
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Step 1.
Let's start the first step by drawing a small circle for the head, and then draw the guidelines for the face. Draw a line for the neck and then a circle for the body. Draw a rounded triangle for the tail and then draw the line for the legs and then draw the guide lines for the wings. nine0003
Step 2.
In this step, you need to outline the shape of the beak. Add detail to the front of the beak by adding a hole for the nostril. Draw the crest on the head then start drawing the neck as shown here.
Step 3.
In this step you will draw the underbelly of the pterodactyl. Next draw the eye, then the hand and three fingers of this flying reptile.
Step 4.
You need to draw the wings, tail, legs and feet. When that is done draw the wrinkled folds for the neck and then move on to the next step. nine0003
Step 5.
This is your last drawing step and all you have to do now is shade the body and wings so they look leathery and realistic. But first you need to erase the auxiliary lines and shapes that you drew in the first step.
Step 6.
When you are done your flying pterodactyl should look like the one you see here. Good luck to you.
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30 ways to draw different dinosaurs
March 12, 2020 Likbez Do it yourself
Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and other unusual creatures.
How to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex
Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- pencil or marker.
How to draw a dinosaur
Draw a small slash down to the left. Drop it down and turn to the right. This will be the front of the animal's mouth.
Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTubeDraw a smooth checkmark at the top. Under it draw an oval eye, and inside it is a dark pupil. Draw a slash down from the left corner of the eye.
Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTubeAt the top of the mouth, add a small drop nostril. Draw a horizontal line above the lower border of the mouth, lift it up and draw a small corner at the end. nine0003 Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube
Finish the head by drawing a smooth line at an angle from the top of the check mark. Extend the lower border of the mouth slightly and round the line upwards. Add some triangular teeth to the dinosaur.
Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube Draw a smooth sloping line from the lower right edge of the head - this will be the back of the animal. Round it and bring it up to the right, depicting part of the tail.
From the mouth down, draw a small line. At the bottom, add a perpendicular rounded line. Draw a stroke up from its right edge. From the left edge down, draw two checkmarks - dinosaur fingers. Draw the right side of the paw with a zigzag line. nine0003 Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube
Behind this paw, add another one, drawing only the fingers. Draw a curved belly under the paws. Under the back, draw something like an inclined bowl - the thigh of an animal.
Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTubeDraw another similar line next to the belly line. From the hip, draw a dash to the side, draw a smooth curved line down from it. Add another one on the right.
Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTubeDraw a few fingers between these lines with checkmarks. On the left, draw another paw, as in the photo and video below. nine0003 Frame: @EasyPicturesToDraw / YouTube
Draw the tail by drawing a curved line to the right paw. In the master class, all the outer contours of the drawing were additionally outlined in fatter, but this is not necessary.
What other options are there
Of course, the T-Rex was not as cute as in the simple picture above. But this dinosaur is already more like a real one:
Here you can see how to color a Tyrannosaurus Rex:
Here is an animal from a different angle:
And another very realistic pencil drawing:
How to draw a Triceratops
Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- pencil or marker.
How to draw a dinosaur
Draw a smooth zigzag line from the bottom up. From the top end, draw down a regular, slightly rounded line.
Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTubeBelow it, add a long narrow horn with a rounded base. nine0003 Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube
From it down to the right draw a curved forehead line and draw another small triangular horn. Lower the line down from it and turn it to the left, drawing an acute-angled mouth. Approximately from the middle of this line, draw a curved lower part of the head to the left.
Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube Draw an arc under the big horn and an oval eye under it. Color it in leaving a white dot. Behind this horn draw another one of the same. On the teeth of the collar, add a small corner. nine0003 Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube
From the neck, draw a short line down to the left, lower it down and draw a few fingers in a zigzag. Finish the leg by lifting the line up. Add another one on the right.
Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTubeApproximately from the middle of the collar, bring the line of the back to the left and round it down. From the front leg, draw up another curved line. To the left of her draw a big leg, as in the photo below.
Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTubeDraw an oblique line under the belly, depicting part of the other hind leg. Continue the line of the back, draw another one from the leg and connect them so that you get a pointed tail. nine0003 Frame: @Drawing with Diego / YouTube
Draw a few slanted strokes on the tail. Draw small vertical lines along the edge of the back and on the legs and add a few on the side of the animal. Draw short lines on the collar, add an arc next to the horn and a small nostril.
What other options are there? At the end of the video it is explained how to color the drawing:
In this master class, a dinosaur is drawn with a pencil:
How to draw a Velociraptor
Frame: @FishWhale / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- pencil or marker.
How to draw a dinosaur
On the left side of the sheet, draw a semi-oval without a bottom border. Inside, on the right side, add a circle, and in it - a bold dot. This will be the eye.
Frame: @FishWhale / YouTubeFrom the drawn part of the head, draw a long wavy line to the right, as in the photo. nine0003 Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube
Draw the bottom border of the head. Below it, add a flat, elongated shape. Draw a smooth line down from the right edge of the head and round to the right - this is the neck of the animal.
Under the rise in the center, draw a vertical line that bulges to the left. At the end, round it in the other direction. To the right of the line, draw another one so that the outline resembles a dinosaur paw.
Frame: @FishWhale / YouTubeBelow, draw two small claws, and above them - one large pointed one. They should look like crescents. nine0003 Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube
From the upper right part of the paw, draw a line to the side and connect it with the upper one so that you get a sharp tail. Draw another line under it.
Shot: @FishWhale / YouTubeTo the right of the neck, draw a short curved foot with ticked claws, as in the photo and video below. From it to the hind paw, draw a line, and under it - another one, drawing the belly.
Frame: @FishWhale / YouTube Add another hind leg and complete the line of the abdomen under the neck. nine0003
What other options are there? Here are more realistic Velociraptors. In this video, there are two master classes at once, as well as the technique of coloring animals:
And here's how to draw a dinosaur with a pencil:
How to draw a stegosaurus
Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper;
- pencil or marker.
How to draw a dinosaur
On the left side of the sheet, draw a small line at an angle. Draw a wavy line from its lower end to the right. This will be the dinosaur's mouth.
Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube In front of the lower part of the mouth, add a small line - the mouth. Put a thick dot on top - the eye. Draw a smooth rounded line above it.
Draw a small straight line up to the right from this line. At the bottom, draw an expanding neck. In front, depict the nostril as a small dot. Also add small dashes on both sides of the eye. nine0003 Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube
Under the neck, add a small patch of skin by drawing a curved line. To the right of the lower border of the neck, draw a smooth vertical line, and from it down to the left draw another straight line. Draw the right side of the paw with a wide daw.
Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTubeOn the right, draw the belly of the animal with a horizontal line. Up and down from the end of this line, draw another one at an angle. Draw the right side of the curved paw as shown in the photo. nine0003 Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTube
Extend the top line of the neck and round it down to about above the hind leg. From the middle of this paw, draw a rounded line down. Connect the two lines together to make a pointed tail.
Draw a small corner on top of the neck, add another larger one next to it. Draw a few more angular “petals” on the back of the dinosaur, increasing the size of each subsequent one.
Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTubeDraw the paws with two rounded lines. Add another row of plates between the already drawn ones.
Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTubeBehind the back paw, draw another one, as in the photo below. In front of the front paw, draw a part of the other, drawing parallel lines. On the tail, add a couple of small plates, draw similar shapes on the other side.
Frame: @Art for Kids Hub / YouTubeDraw in curves at the bases of the paws and knees, separate the toes and add some kind of spikes on both sides at the end of the tail. nine0003
What other options are there
Here is a simpler, very childish drawing:
This tutorial shows how to color a stegosaurus:
This dinosaur is drawn in pencil. The hardest part is shading:
Here's another more realistic option:
How to draw a Brachiosaurus
Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTubeWhat you need
- Paper; nine0120
- pencil or marker.
How to draw a dinosaur
The author of the master class at the beginning made a pencil sketch for convenience. But you can do without it.
Draw an arc, to the right of it draw a longer arched line down.
Under the first arc, draw two rounded lines next to each other - this will be the thigh. From each line, bring down one more, slightly narrowing the leg down. Draw the paw and outline the triangular claw. nine0003 Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube
On the right, draw another tilted thigh. Draw the bottom of the leg straight. Add paw and claw.
Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTubeConnect the legs with a curved line - this will be the abdomen. From the left leg, bring up small arcs to the right and left. Add a similar one to the left of the right leg.
Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTubeDraw a long, curved line up to the left of the back. Draw the neck from the opposite side, bringing the line to an arc next to the leg. nine0003 Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTube
Draw an arc on top, and below it - an oval eye with a black dot in the corner. From the arc, draw a line to the left, round it down and draw an open mouth with a daw. Smoothly bring out the lower part of the mouth, and next to the neck - another arc.
Continue the line of the back down, then lift it up. Draw a line from the thigh of the back leg and connect it upwards with the previous one so that you get a pointed tail.
Frame: @Cool Kids Art / YouTubeDraw the other two legs and draw a line along the lower border of the neck, belly and tail.
What other options are
This video shows how to paint a brachiosaurus:
Pencil drawing:
Bonus: how to draw other dinosaurs
This instruction will help you port pretty realistic allosaurus. At the end it is shown how to color it: