Silly words for kindergarten
funny words | Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)
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June 9, 2014 in Writing, Writing for Children | Tags: ABSURD WORDS, american slang, Cool Words, crazy words, dictionary, Fun Words, funny words, Interesting Words, Language, Lexicon, random words, slang, thesaurus, tongue-twisters, unusual words, vocabulary, weird words, Words, words for kids | 95 comments
All writers love language. And we especially love fun, amazing words, don’t we? Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying “ooh”…and some sound too hilarious to be true! So I’ve put together a list of favorite fun words that I’ll add to periodically. Have fun, lexicon lovers!
It’s a book! More words & super cool facts! Click to order!
- abracadabra
- accoutrements
- adagio
- aficionado
- agita
- agog
- akimbo
- alfresco
- aloof
- ambrosial
- amok
- ampersand
- anemone
- anthropomorphic
- antimacassar
- aplomb
- apogee
- apoplectic
- appaloosa
- apparatus
- archipelago
- atingle
- avuncular
- azure
- babushka
- bailiwick
- bafflegab
- balderdash
- ballistic
- bamboozle
- bandwagon
- barnstorming
- beanpole
- bedlam
- befuddled
- bellwether
- berserk
- bibliopole
- bigmouth
- bippy
- blabbermouth
- blatherskite
- blindside
- blob
- blockhead
- blowback
- blowhard
- blubbering
- bluestockings
- boing
- boffo (boffola)
- bombastic
- bonanza
- bonkers
- boondocks
- boondoggle
- borborygmus
- bozo
- braggadocio
- brainstorm
- brannigan
- breakneck
- brouhaha
- buckaroo
- bucolic
- buffoon
- bugaboo
- bugbear
- bulbous
- bumbledom
- bumfuzzle
- bumptious
- bumpkin
- bungalow
- bunkum
- bupkis
- burnsides
- busybody
- cacophony
- cahoots
- calamity
- calliope
- candelabra
- canoodle
- cantankerous
- catamaran
- catastrophe
- catawampus
- caterwaul
- chatterbox
- chichi
- chimerical
- chimichanga
- chitchat
- clandestine
- claptrap
- clishmaclaver
- clodhopper
- cockamamie
- cockatoo
- codswallop
- collywobbles
- colossus
- comeuppance
- concoction
- conniption
- contraband
- conundrum
- convivial
- copacetic
- corkscrew
- cornucopia
- cowabunga
- coxcomb
- crackerjack
- crescendo
- crestfallen
- cryptozoology
- cuckoo
- curlicue
- curmudgeon
- demitasse
- denouement
- derecho
- desperado
- diaphanous
- diddly-squat
- digeridoo
- dilemma
- dillydally
- dimwit
- diphthong
- dirigible
- discombobulated
- dodecahedron
- doldrums
- donkeyman
- donnybrook
- doodad
- doohickey (this is what I call a library due date card)
- doppelganger
- dumbfounded
- dumbwaiter
- dunderhead
- earwig
- eavesdrop
- ebullient
- effervescence
- egads
- eggcorn
- egghead
- elixir
- ephemeral
- epiphany
- ersatz
- eucatastrophe
- extraterrestrial
- finagle
- fandango
- festooned
- fez
- fiasco
- fiddle-footed
- fiddlesticks
- finicky
- firebrand
- fishwife
- fisticuffs
- flabbergasted
- flapdoodle
- flibbertigibbet
- flimflam
- flippant
- floccinaucinihilipilification
- flophouse
- flotsam
- flummery
- flummoxed
- flyaway
- flyspeck
- folderol
- foofaraw
- foolhardy
- foolscap
- footloose
- fopdoodle
- fortuitous
- fracas
- frangipani
- freewheeling
- fricassee
- frippery
- frogman
- froufrou
- fuddy-duddy
- fussbudget
- futz
- gadfly
- gadzooks
- gallimaufry
- gambit
- gangplank
- gangway
- gargoyle
- gasbag
- gazebo
- gazpacho
- gewgaw
- genteel
- ghostwriter
- gibberish
- gimcrack
- gizmo
- glabella
- glitch
- globetrotter
- gobbledygook
- gobsmacked
- goosebump
- gooseflesh
- gorgonzola
- gossamer
- grandiloquent
- greenhorn
- guffaw
- gumshoe
- guru
- gussied
- guttersnipe
- haberdashery
- haboob
- hairpin
- halcyon
- halfwit
- hangdog
- haphazard
- harebrained
- harumph
- harum-scarum
- headlong
- heartstrings
- heebie-jeebie
- heirloom
- helter-skelter
- hemidemisemiquaver
- heyday
- higgledy-piggledy
- highfalutin
- hijinks
- hillbilly
- hippocampus
- hippogriff
- hobbledehoy
- hobnobbed
- hocus-pocus
- hodgepodge
- hogwash
- hokum
- hoodoo
- hoodwink
- hooey
- hooligan
- hoopla
- hootenanny
- hornswoggle
- horsefeathers
- hotbed
- hotfoot
- hothead
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- humbug
- humdinger
- humdrum
- hunky-dory
- hurly-burly
- hushpuppy
- huzzah
- hyperbole
- idiom
- idiosyncrasies
- igloo
- ignoramus
- impromptu
- incognito
- incorrigible
- incredulous
- indomitable
- indubitably
- infinitesimal
- interloper
- interrobang
- ironclad
- izzard
- jabberwocky
- jacuzzi
- jalopy
- jamboree
- jargogle
- jawbreaker
- jetsam
- jibber-jabber
- jink
- jitney
- jubilee
- juggernaut
- jujubes
- jumbo
- junket
- juxtaposition
- kaleidoscope
- kaput
- kerfuffle
- kerplunk
- kibosh
- killjoy
- kismet
- knickerbocker
- knickknack
- kowtow
- kumquat
- kvetch
- lackadaisical
- lagoon
- lambasted
- lampoon
- landlubber
- laughingstock
- lexicographer
- limburger
- lingo
- loco
- loggerhead
- logjam
- logophile
- logorrhea
- lollapalooza
- lollygag
- loofah
- loony
- loophole
- lugubrious
- lummox
- machinations
- madcap
- maelstrom
- magnificent
- majordomo
- malapropism
- malarkey
- manifesto
- mastermind
- mayhem
- mealymouthed
- mellifluous
- menagerie
- miasma
- miffed
- milquetoast
- misanthrope
- mishmash
- moocher
- mojo (also a character in THE MONSTORE)
- mollycoddle
- mondegreen
- moniker
- monkeyshines
- monsoon
- mnemonic
- moonstruck
- muckety-muck
- mudpuppy
- mudslinger
- muffuletta
- mufti
- mulligatawny
- mumbo-jumbo
- murmuration
- muumuu
- nabob
- namby-pamby
- nimrod
- nincompoop
- nitwit
- nomenclature
- nonplussed
- noodge
- nudnik
- numbskull
- onomatopoeia
- oomph
- orotund
- outfox
- outlandish
- oxymoron
- pachyderm
- pagoda
- palindrome
- palomino
- panache
- pandemonium
- pantaloons
- papyrus
- parabola
- parallelogram
- parapet
- paraphernalia
- peccadillo
- pedagogue
- peewee
- pell-mell
- persimmon
- persnickety
- pettifogger
- phalanx
- phantasmagorical
- phantonym
- phylactery
- piffle
- pizzazz
- plethora
- pogo
- pogonip
- pollex
- pollywog
- poltroon
- pomposity
- poppycock
- portmanteau
- potpourri
- pseudonym
- pugnacious
- pulchritudinous
- pusillanimous
- pussyfoot
- quibble
- quicksilver
- quicksticks
- quiddle
- quinzee
- quirky
- quixotic
- quizzity
- rabble-rouser
- raconteur
- rainmaker
- ragamuffin
- ragtag
- ramshackle
- ransack
- rapscallion
- razzle-dazzle
- razzmatazz
- rejigger
- rendezvous
- resplendent
- rickrack
- ricochet
- riffraff
- rigmarole
- riposte
- roundabout
- roustabout
- rubberneck
- ruckus
- ruffian
- rugrat
- rumpus
- sabayon
- sashay
- sassafras
- scalawag (also scallywag)
- scatterbrain
- schadenfreude
- schlep
- schluffy
- schmooze
- schmutz
- scintillating
- scrofulous
- scrumdiddlyumptious (Dahlism)
- scuttlebutt
- serendipity
- sesquipedalian
- shabang
- shenanigans
- skedaddle
- skirmish
- skullduggery
- slapdash
- slapstick
- slipshod
- smithereens
- smorgasbord
- snollygoster
- sobriquet
- sojourn
- spellbind
- splendiferous
- squeegee
- squooshy
- staccato
- stupefaction
- succotash
- supercilious
- superfluous
- surreptitious
- Svengali
- swashbuckler
- switcheroo
- swizzlestick
- synchronicity
- syzygy
- talisman
- taradiddle
- tchotchke
- teepee
- telekinesis
- thingamabob
- thingamajig
- thunderstruck
- tidbit
- tintinnabulation
- toadstool
- toady
- tomfoolery
- tommyrot
- toothsome
- topsy-turvy
- trapezoid
- tub-thumper
- tumultuous
- turducken
- typhoon
- ululation
- umlaut
- umpteen
- usurp
- uvula
- vagabond
- vamoose
- verboten
- verisimilitude
- vermicious (well, if I included one Dahlism, why not another?)
- vertigo
- verve
- virtuoso
- vivacious
- vuvuzela
- wackadoodle
- wallflower
- wanderlust
- whatchamacallit
- whatsis
- whimsical
- whippersnapper
- whirligig
- whirlybird
- whizbang
- whodunit
- whoop
- widget
- wigwam
- willy-nilly
- windbag
- wipeout
- wiseacre
- wisecrack
- wisenheimer
- wishy-washy
- woebegone
- wonky
- woozy
- wordplay
- wordsmith
- wunderkind
- wuthering
- xylophone
- yahoo
- yokel
- yo-yo
- zaftig
- zeitgeist
- zenzizenzizenzic (yes, this is a word!)
- zephyr
- zeppelin
- ziggurat
- zigzag
- zonked
- zoom
- zydeco
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Little, Brown
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List of 500+ Fun, Cool and Interesting Words
June 9, 2014 in Writing, Writing for Children | Tags: ABSURD WORDS, american slang, Cool Words, crazy words, dictionary, Fun Words, funny words, Interesting Words, Language, Lexicon, random words, slang, thesaurus, tongue-twisters, unusual words, vocabulary, weird words, Words, words for kids
All writers love language. And we especially love fun, amazing words, don’t we? Some have funky spellings, tongue-twisting turns, a satisfying “ooh”…and some sound too hilarious to be true! So I’ve put together a list of favorite fun words that I’ll add to periodically. Have fun, lexicon lovers!
It’s a book! More words & super cool facts! Click to order!
- abracadabra
- accoutrements
- adagio
- aficionado
- agita
- agog
- akimbo
- alfresco
- aloof
- ambrosial
- amok
- ampersand
- anemone
- anthropomorphic
- antimacassar
- aplomb
- apogee
- apoplectic
- appaloosa
- apparatus
- archipelago
- atingle
- avuncular
- azure
- babushka
- bailiwick
- bafflegab
- balderdash
- ballistic
- bamboozle
- bandwagon
- barnstorming
- beanpole
- bedlam
- befuddled
- bellwether
- berserk
- bibliopole
- bigmouth
- bippy
- blabbermouth
- blatherskite
- blindside
- blob
- blockhead
- blowback
- blowhard
- blubbering
- bluestockings
- boing
- boffo (boffola)
- bombastic
- bonanza
- bonkers
- boondocks
- boondoggle
- borborygmus
- bozo
- braggadocio
- brainstorm
- brannigan
- breakneck
- brouhaha
- buckaroo
- bucolic
- buffoon
- bugaboo
- bugbear
- bulbous
- bumbledom
- bumfuzzle
- bumptious
- bumpkin
- bungalow
- bunkum
- bupkis
- burnsides
- busybody
- cacophony
- cahoots
- calamity
- calliope
- candelabra
- canoodle
- cantankerous
- catamaran
- catastrophe
- catawampus
- caterwaul
- chatterbox
- chichi
- chimerical
- chimichanga
- chitchat
- clandestine
- claptrap
- clishmaclaver
- clodhopper
- cockamamie
- cockatoo
- codswallop
- collywobbles
- colossus
- comeuppance
- concoction
- conniption
- contraband
- conundrum
- convivial
- copacetic
- corkscrew
- cornucopia
- cowabunga
- coxcomb
- crackerjack
- crescendo
- crestfallen
- cryptozoology
- cuckoo
- curlicue
- curmudgeon
- demitasse
- denouement
- derecho
- desperado
- diaphanous
- diddly-squat
- digeridoo
- dilemma
- dillydally
- dimwit
- diphthong
- dirigible
- discombobulated
- dodecahedron
- doldrums
- donkeyman
- donnybrook
- doodad
- doohickey (this is what I call a library due date card)
- doppelganger
- dumbfounded
- dumbwaiter
- dunderhead
- earwig
- eavesdrop
- ebullient
- effervescence
- egads
- eggcorn
- egghead
- elixir
- ephemeral
- epiphany
- ersatz
- eucatastrophe
- extraterrestrial
- finagle
- fandango
- festooned
- fez
- fiasco
- fiddle-footed
- fiddlesticks
- finicky
- firebrand
- fishwife
- fisticuffs
- flabbergasted
- flapdoodle
- flibbertigibbet
- flimflam
- flippant
- floccinaucinihilipilification
- flophouse
- flotsam
- flummery
- flummoxed
- flyaway
- flyspeck
- folderol
- foofaraw
- foolhardy
- foolscap
- footloose
- fopdoodle
- fortuitous
- fracas
- frangipani
- freewheeling
- fricassee
- frippery
- frogman
- froufrou
- fuddy-duddy
- fussbudget
- futz
- gadfly
- gadzooks
- gallimaufry
- gambit
- gangplank
- gangway
- gargoyle
- gasbag
- gazebo
- gazpacho
- gewgaw
- genteel
- ghostwriter
- gibberish
- gimcrack
- gizmo
- glabella
- glitch
- globetrotter
- gobbledygook
- gobsmacked
- goosebump
- gooseflesh
- gorgonzola
- gossamer
- grandiloquent
- greenhorn
- guffaw
- gumshoe
- guru
- gussied
- guttersnipe
- haberdashery
- haboob
- hairpin
- halcyon
- halfwit
- hangdog
- haphazard
- harebrained
- harumph
- harum-scarum
- headlong
- heartstrings
- heebie-jeebie
- heirloom
- helter-skelter
- hemidemisemiquaver
- heyday
- higgledy-piggledy
- highfalutin
- hijinks
- hillbilly
- hippocampus
- hippogriff
- hobbledehoy
- hobnobbed
- hocus-pocus
- hodgepodge
- hogwash
- hokum
- hoodoo
- hoodwink
- hooey
- hooligan
- hoopla
- hootenanny
- hornswoggle
- horsefeathers
- hotbed
- hotfoot
- hothead
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- humbug
- humdinger
- humdrum
- hunky-dory
- hurly-burly
- hushpuppy
- huzzah
- hyperbole
- idiom
- idiosyncrasies
- igloo
- ignoramus
- impromptu
- incognito
- incorrigible
- incredulous
- indomitable
- indubitably
- infinitesimal
- interloper
- interrobang
- ironclad
- izzard
- jabberwocky
- jacuzzi
- jalopy
- jamboree
- jargogle
- jawbreaker
- jetsam
- jibber-jabber
- jink
- jitney
- jubilee
- juggernaut
- jujubes
- jumbo
- junket
- juxtaposition
- kaleidoscope
- kaput
- kerfuffle
- kerplunk
- kibosh
- killjoy
- kismet
- knickerbocker
- knickknack
- kowtow
- kumquat
- kvetch
- lackadaisical
- lagoon
- lambasted
- lampoon
- landlubber
- laughingstock
- lexicographer
- limburger
- lingo
- loco
- loggerhead
- logjam
- logophile
- logorrhea
- lollapalooza
- lollygag
- loofah
- loony
- loophole
- lugubrious
- lummox
- machinations
- madcap
- maelstrom
- magnificent
- majordomo
- malapropism
- malarkey
- manifesto
- mastermind
- mayhem
- mealymouthed
- mellifluous
- menagerie
- miasma
- miffed
- milquetoast
- misanthrope
- mishmash
- moocher
- mojo (also a character in THE MONSTORE)
- mollycoddle
- mondegreen
- moniker
- monkeyshines
- monsoon
- mnemonic
- moonstruck
- muckety-muck
- mudpuppy
- mudslinger
- muffuletta
- mufti
- mulligatawny
- mumbo-jumbo
- murmuration
- muumuu
- nabob
- namby-pamby
- nimrod
- nincompoop
- nitwit
- nomenclature
- nonplussed
- noodge
- nudnik
- numbskull
- onomatopoeia
- oomph
- orotund
- outfox
- outlandish
- oxymoron
- pachyderm
- pagoda
- palindrome
- palomino
- panache
- pandemonium
- pantaloons
- papyrus
- parabola
- parallelogram
- parapet
- paraphernalia
- peccadillo
- pedagogue
- peewee
- pell-mell
- persimmon
- persnickety
- pettifogger
- phalanx
- phantasmagorical
- phantonym
- phylactery
- piffle
- pizzazz
- plethora
- pogo
- pogonip
- pollex
- pollywog
- poltroon
- pomposity
- poppycock
- portmanteau
- potpourri
- pseudonym
- pugnacious
- pulchritudinous
- pusillanimous
- pussyfoot
- quibble
- quicksilver
- quicksticks
- quiddle
- quinzee
- quirky
- quixotic
- quizzity
- rabble-rouser
- raconteur
- rainmaker
- ragamuffin
- ragtag
- ramshackle
- ransack
- rapscallion
- razzle-dazzle
- razzmatazz
- rejigger
- rendezvous
- resplendent
- rickrack
- ricochet
- riffraff
- rigmarole
- riposte
- roundabout
- roustabout
- rubberneck
- ruckus
- ruffian
- rugrat
- rumpus
- sabayon
- sashay
- sassafras
- scalawag (also scallywag)
- scatterbrain
- schadenfreude
- schlep
- schluffy
- schmooze
- schmutz
- scintillating
- scrofulous
- scrumdiddlyumptious (Dahlism)
- scuttlebutt
- serendipity
- sesquipedalian
- shabang
- shenanigans
- skedaddle
- skirmish
- skullduggery
- slapdash
- slapstick
- slipshod
- smithereens
- smorgasbord
- snollygoster
- sobriquet
- sojourn
- spellbind
- splendiferous
- squeegee
- squooshy
- staccato
- stupefaction
- succotash
- supercilious
- superfluous
- surreptitious
- Svengali
- swashbuckler
- switcheroo
- swizzlestick
- synchronicity
- syzygy
- talisman
- taradiddle
- tchotchke
- teepee
- telekinesis
- thingamabob
- thingamajig
- thunderstruck
- tidbit
- tintinnabulation
- toadstool
- toady
- tomfoolery
- tommyrot
- toothsome
- topsy-turvy
- trapezoid
- tub-thumper
- tumultuous
- turducken
- typhoon
- ululation
- umlaut
- umpteen
- usurp
- uvula
- vagabond
- vamoose
- verboten
- verisimilitude
- vermicious (well, if I included one Dahlism, why not another?)
- vertigo
- verve
- virtuoso
- vivacious
- vuvuzela
- wackadoodle
- wallflower
- wanderlust
- whatchamacallit
- whatsis
- whimsical
- whippersnapper
- whirligig
- whirlybird
- whizbang
- whodunit
- whoop
- widget
- wigwam
- willy-nilly
- windbag
- wipeout
- wiseacre
- wisecrack
- wisenheimer
- wishy-washy
- woebegone
- wonky
- woozy
- wordplay
- wordsmith
- wunderkind
- wuthering
- xylophone
- yahoo
- yokel
- yo-yo
- zaftig
- zeitgeist
- zenzizenzizenzic (yes, this is a word!)
- zephyr
- zeppelin
- ziggurat
- zigzag
- zonked
- zoom
- zydeco
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0003 Nanny: "Is he the bravest?"Me: "No, the most stupid one!"
sent by Valera, now almost 11 years old
Ilyusha, 3 years old
Mom: "Ilyusha, kiss mom"
Ilyusha: "No!"
Mom: "Why?"
Ilyusha: "I'm a bad kisser!"
sent by Lilia
Lyova's cat meows and Ilyusha says: "Lyova, why are you meowing, you speak, speak!"
Ivan, 2 years old
On the beach, he plays with his new toy, a bow and arrow. He fired and went to look for an arrow, he returns back with an arrow, but sad.
Mom asks: "What happened?"
Ivan: "There, aunt, I got into the room, saying stio, I must zenith on her." He thought a little and said: "No, mom, I'm happy with you."
sent by Anna
Danilka, 4.5 years old
"Grandfather, look - a rope! This is the beginning, but the end."
sent by Alexander
Arina carries a huge bag of toys from one corner to another and cannot leave it to go have tea. Mom says to her: "Let me guard your package, and you go."
Arishka answered: "Mommy, you can't guard, you're not a dog!"
sent by Ekaterina
Vika, 1.5 years old
For the first time I left my grandparents to spend the night. At home I ask
- Did your grandparents like it?
Vika: - Grandfather biu, biu, baba biua, biua ... (words from a fairy tale)
sent by Svetlana
Roma, 5 years old
Roma: - When I grow up, I won't work.
Mom: - Romochka, a man has to work, earn money, he's a breadwinner.
Roma: - Yeah, a breadwinner... a man is a woman's prey!
sent by Alina
Carolina, 11 years old
Karolina is standing and looking at the box of tissues with a philosophical air. I think patterns are considering (on the box are origami samples). And then she solemnly declares: “Tse rectangular parallelepiped!”
sent by Xenia
Natasha, 3 years old
I was at the dentist's with my mother, after which she said: "We were at the toothy doctor!"
sent by Elena
Tanya, 2.5 years old
Grandmother complains of abdominal pain. Tanya tells her: "Grandma, drink animal pills!"
sent by Elena
Stepan, 4 years old
- Mom, I will marry!
- On whom?
- On Margarita - she doesn't beat me anymore!
sent by Lyudmila
Margarita, 3 years old
- Margot, do you have a friend in the kindergarten?
-What's her name?
- Seryozha!
sent by Lyudmila
Kiryusha 1.

Dad calls and asks to give the phone to Kirill. And Kiryusha says: "Someone from daddy avayat!"
sent by Olesya
Sasha, 4 years old
Fell ill, does not go to kindergarten. Rehearsal for the holiday of March 8 in the garden. I tell my son: "Now let's go to the garden and come home." Sasha joyfully: "Hurrah! Let's go to the resignation!"
sent by Natalia
Sasha, 2 years old
Watching the program "Good night, kids!", carefully listening to the words of the final song. After the words: "We were very tired during the day," he declares: "But I was not tired, neither behind nor in front."
I'm at a loss. Synulya explains: "Mom, uncle sang: Behind we are very tired!"
Sent by Natalia
Denis, 3 years old
We are going in the car. I say: "Denis, sit still, you see - the traffic police inspector is standing, watching the violators. "
The child made a smart face, we drive on - at the bus stop again the car with the inspector. Denis, without thinking for a long time, says: "Mom, sit still, Inspector GaGaBeBe!"
sent by Olga
Artyom, 6 years old
For the first time I put on skates on a skating rink, tried to run and said: "Dad, let's go to another rink, the ice is very slippery here!"
sent by grandmother
Katya, 4 years old
- Daughter, what kind of yogurt do you want?
Katya, pointing to a jar on which a pineapple is drawn, gives out:
- Big! (looks like a bump)
sent by Anna
Katya, 4 years old
I am taking my daughter from kindergarten. There is no sidewalk, we walk along the edge of the roadway. Katya worries about me: "Don't go, mommy, along the path where cars drive, otherwise they will crush you and you will be crumpled ..."
sent by Anna
Gleb, 7 years old
Sleeping is even cooler than going to the movies, because you don't need tickets!
Masha 6 years old, Edik 4 years old
Masha is playing a circus with trained animals, and Edik is busy with the cars.
Masha: - And now a bunny enters the arena by name ... by name ... Edik, what is the name of the bunny?
Edik (not looking up from the cars): - PINTAK!
Masha: - Bunny Pintak! And with him comes a hedgehog, whose name is ... Edik, what is the name of the hedgehog?
Edik (beeping intently): - PINTAK!!!
Masha: - And a hedgehog, whose name is Pintak!
Edik abruptly breaks away from his game and with an air of sincere surprise: - Why are they called the same???
Kira, 2 years old
Mom, affectionately: "You are my little daughter! .."
Kira in response with the same intonation: "You are my little mother!..."
Masha, 5 years old
Masha herself composed a fairy tale, which begins like this: "Once upon a time there was a bald grandfather ..."
Mom corrects:
- Not a bald man, but a forest man!
- No, ly-so-wik! He was bald!
Ksyusha, 4 years old
Once Ksyusha and I went for a walk with the dog. Our dog cannot walk freely. I saw a cat and ran after it. And Ksyusha says to me:
- Mom, go home Gosya (dog) is bad, she ran away from us, let's go faster, we don't need her. Let's go home.
sent by Evgeniya
Jokes about kindergarten and teachers
- Zaur, you came again unshaven?
Daughter comes from kindergarten and says:
— Well, there is no one to marry… Seryozhka is fighting, Vova is pissing.
A new teacher comes to the kindergarten.
Small kids, 3 years old, sitting, quieted down, looking at the new aunt attentively.
Hello kids. My name is Zhanna Gennadievna.
Silence. The kids are digesting a complicated name and patronymic, you can only hear how the eyelashes rustle ... And then quietly someone's timid voice:
- Greedy Beef?
The girl says:
— Mom, the doctor checked us in kindergarten today.
Mom asks:
— And what did he check?
The girl answers:
— He checked whether we were breathing or not…
Vovochka comes from kindergarten:
– Mom! And now I know who is pissing from what! Boys are made from faucets, girls are made from nothing, and the teacher Aunt Tanya is made from a big red brush!
I want to go to kindergarten. To bring me, feed me and put me to bed. You don't need to play with me, I'll sleep quietly and that's it!
Marilyn Manson gave a concert in Kindergarten #5 recently. He thought that he was a fiend, a spawn of Satan ... But it turned out that he was a banal woman!
A father comes to the kindergarten for his son. They ask him:
- Which one is yours?
- What's the difference? Anyway, back tomorrow.
In a kindergarten, savvy teachers during quiet hours came up with a competition for children: whoever falls asleep first, can stay awake.
Drawing lessons in kindergarten. The teacher approaches the girl, who is painting something with rapture:
— What are you drawing?
- God.
- But no one knows what he looks like!
- They'll find out right now.
A young mother says to her friend:
— You know, it seems to me that I bring up my Seryozha too strictly. Yesterday we went to sign up for kindergarten, and he told the teacher that his name was Serezha Stop it…
Wife to husband:
Do you see this man in the photograph?
- Yes.
- At six in the evening you will pick him up from kindergarten!
Teacher - for children, on a walk:
- Children, if we eat berries in the forest, then we pick two at a time: eat one, and the other - for a forensic examination.
A little boy comes from kindergarten all scratched up.
Dad asks:
- What's the matter?
- Yes, they danced round the Christmas tree.
— So what?
- The tree is big, but there are few children!
A kindergarten teacher put on a little girl's pants for half an hour. When she straightened up with a sigh of relief, the girl said:
— These are not my leggings.
Inwardly growling, the tutor pulled her pants back for fifteen minutes. When she finished, the girl said:
- These are my brother's leggings, my mother sometimes puts them on me.