Small letter q words
Qi Definition & Meaning |
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[ chee ]
/ tʃi /
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noun Pinyin.
(in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy) the vital life force that flows through the body and is supposedly regulated by acupuncture.
Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!
Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Also (Wade-Giles) chi .
Origin of qi
First recorded in 1845–55; from Chinese qì “breath, air, spirit, gas”
Words nearby qi
Q-factor, QFD, Q fever, QFT, q. h., qi, Qiana, Qian Long, qibla, q.i.d., Qigong
Other definitions for qi (2 of 2)
[ chœ ]
/ tʃœ /
noun Pinyin. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
How to use qi in a sentence
MAGIQPAD combines a sleek, modern design with a high-power coil to wirelessly charge any of your Qi devices.
Enjoy a safer and more efficient way to charge your phone for only $29.99|Quinn Gawronski|July 18, 2021|Popular-Science
It has smart output optimized max wireless power for all Qi devices.
Enjoy a safer and more efficient way to charge your phone for only $29.99|Quinn Gawronski|July 18, 2021|Popular-Science
The case is wide enough to sit upright, so the USB-C port is located around the back — or you can charge it up wirelessly with a Qi pad.
Sony sets a new standard with the WF-1000XM4 earbuds|Brian Heater|June 11, 2021|TechCrunch
Theoretically, you can make bubble tea out of any tea you want — so if you’re looking for something a little fancier, the Qi founder Lisa Li wrote about her favorite teas for the Strategist.
From the Strategist: The Best Boba for Making Bubble Tea at Home, According to a Bubble Tea Fanatic|Kathy Li|April 21, 2021|Eater
Companies wishing to introduce air charging to the world also face an uphill battle against Qi, a wireless charging standard that’s already been adopted globally.
One innovation we won’t be seeing soon: Over-the-air charging|Dalvin Brown|March 5, 2021|Washington Post
Fans of the drink believe that it can boost qi, improve circulation, cure arthritis, and strengthen the body in general.
China Is Brewing Wine From Tiger Bones|Brendon Hong|July 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Qi could not post the $1,000 bond and was assigned a May 22 date to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford.
Harry Stalker Locked Up In Greenwich!|Tom Sykes|May 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“People who want to get into the Beijing Film Academy need guanxi [connections],” says Yu Qi, a book editor in Beijing.
Chinese Not Surprised By Zhang Ziyi Scandal|Paul Mooney|June 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Caita qi means 'a written book' and caita is the preterit of the verb caqi,u I write.
Diego Collado's Grammar of the Japanese Language|Diego Collado
Given this misunderstanding Collado begins his list with an explanation of the irregularities of qi,uru.
Diego Collado's Grammar of the Japanese Language|Diego Collado
As he went, he pondered gloomily on the fate of this great city under the heartless and ignorant So-qi.
The Sun King|Gaston Derreaux
And So-qi preyed upon them all ruthlessly, knowing they could never stop warring interiorly long enough to attack him.
The Sun King|Gaston Derreaux
Yet if he went at all to So-qi, he had to tell something, and either way someone would be doomed, if not himself.
The Sun King|Gaston Derreaux
British Dictionary definitions for qi
/ (tʃiː) /
a variant of chi 2
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words That Start With Q For Kids
Don't quit on Q! It may be one of the more challenging letters of the alphabet, but there are lots of Q words for kids to add to your vocabulary list. For students inclined to be curious about language, here are several lists of things that start with Q as well as engaging class activities.
Q words for kids example of queen
Beginning Readers: Words That Start With Q
Despite the challenging nature of Q words, vocabulary for preschoolers and kindergartners should be simple, straightforward and meaningful. The key at this grade level is to link common sight words to clear, concrete images and concepts. Use these Q words for kids in your next reading or vocabulary lesson.
- Quack: Sound a duck makes
- Queen: Female ruler
- Quick: Fast
- Quiet: Not making noise
- Quilt: Blanket made of smaller pieces of cloth
- Quit: Stop doing something
- Quiz: Short list of questions
Printing the Letter Q Printable
For your youngest learners, our Q letter activities will be blessedly easy. Try out a trace-the-letter activity focusing on Q-words. Download it below and print it off for your students.
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Quickly Match Q Words With a Printable
Young learners can practice their Q word vocabulary with a fun printable worksheet. They match common Q words to the corresponding pictures, which they can also color. Download and print the worksheet below.
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Early Elementary Words That Start With Q
Many of your 1st and 2nd grade students will likely have never encountered any of these words before. Visual aids, such as a picture of a quail or an online animation of a quivering bowl of Jell-O, can help your younger students make key linguistic connections.
- Quail: A small, plump kind of bird
- Quake: To shake hard
- Quality: A characteristic, or something with good characteristics
- Quantity: Amount of something
- Quarrel: Argument
- Quart: Measurement of liquid; one-fourth of a gallon
- Quarter: One of four parts
- Quartet: Group of four, especially musicians
- Quartz: Rock crystal
- Quash: To stop, to make go away
- Quench: To put out or stop, especially a fire
- Quest: A job with a specific goal
- Question: A statement looking for an answer
- Queue: A line of people waiting for something
- Quicken: To speed up
- Quill: A feather or a narrow spine, as on a porcupine
- Quince: A fruit used to make jelly
- Quintet: Group of five, especially musicians
- Quip: A quick joke
- Quirky: Peculiar or unique, not like other people
- Quiver: To shake gently
- Quote: One person's words, said by another person
Quiz Kids With Word Forms
To improve retention, encourage learning by association. In explaining the words, connect quest with question and quicken with quick to help lay foundations for a fuller understanding of English. See if they can turn other Q words into different parts of speech.
Queue Up With Q Prefixes
To help your students with this challenging list, tell them about the meaning of the quad- and quint- prefix. Associate query with question in their minds. Ask if they've seen a quicksand scene in a movie, and show a non-scary video clip if you've got it. New words mean a blank slate. Make sure it's filled with something memorable.
Upper Elementary Words That Start With Q
Activities in upper elementary grades three, four and five should encourage students to consider the larger scope of the language they're learning. Vocabulary still begins with memorization, but grows through context and leads to lifelong literacy. Use these Q words for kids in your next vocabulary list or spelling activity.
- Quadrangle: A four-sided shape, such as a square or rectangle
- Quadruped: Animal that walks on four legs
- Quadruple: To do something four times
- Quadruplet: One of four babies born at once
- Quaff: To drink
- Quagmire: A problem with no obvious solution
- Qualify: To be judged ready for, to be entitled to
- Qualm: Concern, worry
- Quarantine: Isolation for medical reasons
- Quarterback: Leader of the offensive team in American football
- Quartering: Providing shelter to
- Quarry: A place where stone is dug up for building
- Quell: To stop something from happening
- Query: To ask questions of
- Quetzal: A long-tailed, brightly colored bird native to Central and South America
- Quibble: To argue over a minor detail
- Quiche: A French pastry made with egg and cheese
- Quicksand: Sand suspended in water
- Quinceañera: A celebration for 15-year-olds in Mexican culture
- Quintuple: To do something five times over
- Quintuplet: One of five babies born at once
- Quorum: Enough people to start a meeting
- Quota: The number of things needed for a task
A Quick Quest Into Q Etymology
Many of these words can serve as inspiration for creative tasks. In particular, if you have a very verbal group, their polysyllabic nature makes them perfect for spelling bees. Etymology trivia also fits here, with quad, quint and the direct import from Latin quorum all making appearances. Encourage students to consider how the words came to be what they are.
Printable Quiz on Q Words
This list is an excellent opportunity to introduce the most important rule for Q words: always followed by U — except when they aren't. Download and print a quiz to drive home this key rule of English spelling.
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Quizzes, Queries and Questions
You may not believe it, but there are even more Q words than featured above! Check our WordFinder's list of words that start with the letter Q. The advanced search fields let you search by word length or letters included.
Challenging vocabulary may not be an ideal match for every student, but it can also ignite a lifelong love affair with language. When your students are comfortable enough in their vocabulary to ask questions, pose queries and generally question this most quizzical of letters, you'll know you've got them hooked. For more enriching vocabulary and etymology, take a look at these words that start with R. They're reading, raring and really rigorous!
Staff Writer
Letter lower case q | Lesson plan in Russian (Grade 1):
Topic: Writing a lowercase letter d
Purpose: to learn to write a lowercase letter d; develop writing skills; develop attention, thinking, memory; improve the ability to make sound analysis of words; to cultivate accuracy in the performance of work, a friendly attitude towards their classmates.
Equipment: copybook, primer, cards - schemes, a poster with a sample of the letter Dd.
Planned learning outcomes, formation of UUD.
- to introduce the writing of the letter d
- the formation of the ability to determine the location of the letter in the syllable and word
- to develop phonemic perception
- to develop visual-auditory memory based on exercises
Regulatory mutual control of the results of writing
the ability to build statements
- education of positive motivation in educational activities; - to cultivate cognitive interest in lesson
Lesson progress
- Organizational moment.
- Updating the basic knowledge of students.
1. Conversation based on reading lesson materials
Letter D among consonants
And, of course, not in vain!
It would not be without D trees,
December, rains, villages,
Kind souls, children and childhood.
Letter D, welcome.
- Name the words from the poem that you remember.
- What is the first sound we hear?
- What letter do they stand for?
2. Game "Who is more"
Children name words that have the sound [d] at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.
3. Syllabic and sound analysis of words (p. 50)
III. Reporting lesson objectives
- Tell us what you learned about the sounds [d] and [d'] letters Dd in the reading lesson?
-What else would you like to know about this letter?
Children, under the guidance of a teacher, draw up a plan for learning a letter. plan on the board.
1. How to write the written letter e.
2. How to write it in conjunction with other letters in syllables and words.
Physical education
IV. Primary perception and awareness of new material.
1. Comparison of the printed letter d with handwritten d.
2. Graphical analysis of the capital letter d
- Look at the handwritten letter d. What elements does it consist of?
- Which letter elements are used to write the letter d? (letters o, a, y)
- What are these elements called? (oval and elongated inclined stick with a loop)
- Can we write these elements, letters? So, it will not be difficult for us to learn how to write a lowercase letter d.
Finger gymnastics
3. Writing the elements of a letter and a lowercase letter d
- Remind me how the elements of the letter d are written?
- Write them on the dotted line.
- Look at the pattern of the letter d and tell me where we will start writing the letter from? Where shall we move our hand next?
Start writing an oval just below the top line of the working line, round to the left and lead down, then round to the right, touching the bottom line of the main line, then point the pen up to the top working line. Without taking your hands off, we lead the inclined stick down to the subline, round it to the left to the loop, lead it up and cross it with an elongated inclined stick on the bottom line of the working line.
- Now sit correctly, put the notebook at an angle, take the correct pen and write the letter e along the dotted lines.
- Underline the most beautiful letter in your opinion.
Finger gymnastics
4. Writing syllables and letter combinations with the letter q
- Look at the next line. Read only the syllables.
- Why are the letter combinations dd, dl, dm, dn not syllables?
- How will we connect letters in letter combinations and syllables? Write them down.
Physical education
V. Consolidation and comprehension of knowledge
1. Writing words along a dotted contour
- Read the words. What is their difference?
- Are these words related?
2. Composing words from syllables and writing them down
- Read the syllable at the beginning of the line. And now in a square. Connect them, what is the word? Write it down.
The rest of the words are worked in the same way. Words can be written down from dictation.
- What question do the words you wrote answer.
- Name words that mean many things.
- “Reduce” the words gardens, houses, ponds.
3. Copying sentences from the primer (p. 64)
VI. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.
- Have we solved all the assigned tasks, what do you think?
- What sounds did you get acquainted with at the lesson?
- What letter denotes these sounds?
- How do you rate your work? If it's good, then draw the sun in the fields.
- Who do you think worked best in our lesson today?
- What was interesting about the lesson?
*Additional material
The game "Who will remember the most words"
Village children together made a wooden house. A plank yes a plank, a door. Finished, finished, repainted. Kind house. House for the mongrel.
- How to say it in one word?
Generations, each of which is reborn. Communication of family members. (Genus)
Place of birth; land, state where he was born. (Motherland) The source of the river. (Spring)
- How can these words be called?
Lowercase letter d "(grade 1). Literacy lesson on the topic" Consonant sounds, letter d. Lowercase letter d "(grade 1) Funny tongue twisters for the letter D
OG in the first grade
Subject: “Sounds (d), (d`). Letter d. (1 slide)
1. Introduce the sounds [d], [d,] and lowercase letter d.
2. Continue work on the formation of reading skills, the development of students' speech, making proposals for the picture. Capital letter repetition.
3. Development of thinking, memory, attention.
4. Education of perseverance, independence, love of reading. (2 slide)
I. Org.
U. - Guys, recently we got acquainted with the work of V. Kataev "The Pipe and the Jug". Today the hero of this fairy tale came to visit us. Who is it? (Lesovichok). (A drawing of a forester with a pipe is hung on the board). (3 slide)
He says that with the onset of winter, the forest has become a little sad: bears and hedgehogs are sleeping, squirrels are sitting in hollows, and hares and foxes are hiding from a hungry wolf. And the forester decided to see what we were doing. Guys, let's show how we can read.
11. Checking e/Thu. 114.
1. Read sentences in a chain.
Explanation of capital letter spelling.
Lexical meaning (angina, tango, comics)
Repetition of prepositions (3 sentences.)
2. Drafting a proposal scheme. (1-3 offers)
U. - The Lesovik did not come to us empty-handed. What is the forester holding in his hand? (pipe) What is this? (Music instrument). Why do you think Lesovik brought the flute to class? That berries may appear in the class? Yes. If the pipe plays. Would you like to hear the voice of the flute? (The recording of the game on the pipe sounds) (4 slide)
A berry appears on the board. On the reverse side of the record D d [d]
Lesovik helps us. Offers to get acquainted with the sounds [d], [d`,] and the letter d.
111. New topic. ABC s. 118
1) Look at the picture, find the words starting with the letter d.
2) In the words house, smoke, oak, highlight the sound [d], in the word woodpecker - the sound [d,] - Determine what sound it is - a vowel or a consonant? (describe)
Voiceless or voiced (we put our finger on the throat...)
3) "We dress" the letter
4) - Let's listen to the lines where the sound [e] is heard, Masha: - Brownie lived under the stove
I was friends with my grandfather,
Yes, and helped the grandmother:
Sweeping the house at night
Alyosha: - The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, the Oak hollowed like a chisel.
5) - And now let's get acquainted with the printed letter D. What does it look like? (Staging) (Drawings are posted along the way)
Sasha: - There is a smoke blowing,
The letter D - stove pipe.
Igor: - This house is the letter D. There is a window in the house.
Nadia: - Smoke comes from the chimney,
And in the window - a cat.
Do you like this letter? (Rest) Let's make this letter out of cubes, grains, plasticine ...
Well done! For our good work, Lesovik gives us strawberries. Let's say "thank you" to him!
IV. (A pipe record sounds) A berry appears. Turn over. 32
1. We examine the drawing and name objects starting with the letter d. Select the sounds [d], [d,], determine tv / soft.
2. Comp. suggestions.
Who do we see in the picture? Who did the grandfather and granddaughter see? What is the woodpecker doing?
What is he looking for?
Woodpecker - a nurse in the forest.
3. Outline the bushes.
4. Gymnastics for the fingers. squeeze tap
"run" around the desk shake
acquaintance with d.
5. letter elements (W. showing on the board)
letter D. (show on the card, analysis of the elements) The forest man gives a berry.
U. (pipe recording) Berry - "Merry minute". Dance "Let's go to the garden for raspberries." (Recording of a pipe. Berry). (5 slide)
"ABC" .
And now we will work according to the ABC. Let's read. But first, let's learn how to pronounce the new sound correctly.
1) Clean tongues
yes - yes - yes - water is running from the pipe.
before - tree nest
dy - we went for berries
do - I'm going home with my mother
di - I hammer nails
de - pike swims in the water
du - we are very happy about the rain
2) Patter.
Woodpecker was chiseling a tree - quietly-loudly
Fast stretch
b) read where the sound [d,] is soft. Which vowel shows that the sound [d] is hard?
2 tbsp. – cheat.
Comp. with 1 pole.
4 tbsp. to a voiceless consonant.
Physical education minute (6 slide)
4) Reading words.
1 post - read the lexical meaning in a chain
Find a word with a spelling.
2 pole - Read in pairs, in a chain.
Find a small word for a large object and a large word for a small object
Sound-letter analysis of the word hole. (The word and sounds are written on the board) (Forester gives a berry)
VII . Recipe (Record sounds)
1) writing syllables. Do - od (repeat connections) yes-dy
2) writing words from a printed basis reading words.
stress is emphasized by unstressed vowels
(Forester gives a berry)
V II I. (Record sounds) ABC
1) Forecasting (-by illustration, title, keywords).
2) Independent reading Who knows how - everything
Those who do not know how - "subtle" words.
3) Reading by sentence
Answers questions while reading (Lesovik gives a berry)
IX. - The forester says that it is time for him to go to the forest. He needs to see if the bear is sleeping soundly, have the squirrels lost nuts, has the bunny gotten lost? Let's guys say thanks to Lesovik for this beautiful, magical lesson. And say goodbye! (Lesovik leaves)
And we will write down our homework
Let's read С.119 at home. 32 letters of syllables.
X. Total. - Guys, did you like the lesson?
What did you do? What do you remember?
Today, we worked hard, well done!
Thank you. I am very happy and satisfied with you. Goodbye!
- Introduce children to the sounds [d], [d"], learn the letter that denotes these sounds, develop phonemic hearing, form skills fluent reading.
- Develop attention, memory, cognitive interests and abilities, enrich students' active vocabulary.
- Cultivate love for the Russian language.
Equipment: cards, pictures.
Work progress
I. Class organization
Who wants to talk,
He must pronounce
Everything is correct and intelligible,
To make it clear to everyone.We will talk
We will pronounce.
Everything is correct and intelligible,
To make it clear to everyone.
(Inhale. Pause. With vigorous gestures, pronounce the vowel sounds first silently, then, quickening the pace, in a whisper, softly, louder and louder.)
[a, o, u, s, and]
Reading syllables: on the table, a cone on a pine tree (3 times) ;
indignantly: three magpies on the threshold, three ravens on the gate.
II. Updating of basic knowledge
- Guys, imagine that you are in a magical forest. On the forest the clearing is a house. Let's see who lives in the house? ( Letters.) Take a closer look, what do you notice? Let's help the letters fall into place places:
- The letter of the voiceless consonant is on the wrong floor because there are voiceless consonant letters.
- The vowel letter O must be on the floor of the vowel letters.
- Letters (W and F must be swapped, because the letters W and W are letters paired consonants.
Eye charger.
III. Learning new material
- Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with new sounds
Not only letters, but also gnomes live in this house. What are their names, can you guess? themselves:
- The first sound you will find among familiar sounds in the word currant , (e)
- Second lip-read, (and)
- Third sound, consonant, soft, voiced, find in the word gooseberry, (n)
- What was the name of the first dwarf? Ding.
- The first sound is consonant, solid, voiced, find the house in the word . (e)
- Second lip-read, (o)
- The third sound is consonant, solid, sonorous, find in the word night , (n)
- What was the name of the second dwarf? Don.
- Dwarfs Dinh and Don came to you for help:
- We found sounds in the forest,
D-d-d everyone was knocking,
Early in the morning by the swamp.
D-d-d echo laughed,
We weren't laughing
You were scared in vain,
Everything immediately became clear to us.
- Guys, let's help the dwarves figure out the sounds. The first sound is [D]. What what happens to sound as it passes through the mouth? (Meets barrier, so he agrees.) How do we hear it with our ears closed? (Ring, means loud.)
Sound characteristic.
The first sound is a consonant, voiced
Firm, joyful and loud.![]()
Lumberjacks felled the forest
One after another felled the trunk.
And oaks grow in the forest.
Thrushes live on oak trees
Let's remember the second sound. What is he? (Consonant.) And how are we do we pronounce? (Softly.) What do we hear when we close our ears? (Voiced.) What can say about the sound [d "]? (Consonant, soft, sonorous.)
And the second, of course, soft
Also sonorous, also bright.
uncle Fedya sitting in a chair
told Vanya in the morning
About the viper on the path
And about the woodpecker on the bitch.
- Guys, the gnomes also brought their favorite word with them, let's listen to it. name, what's this word? (Recording rain.) Why do gnomes love him?
- Guys, we got two sounds. And what do you think, the sound [d] and [d "] marked with different letters or one? Consonant voiced hard [d] and consonant voiced soft [d "] in the letter are indicated by the letter D.
- Let's put this letter in a house, it's her birthday today. And where shall we put it in? (Above the letter T. Why? Because these are paired consonants and they are often confused when they are in a weak position.)
Physical pause.
Stand up, children, smile.
Bow down to your native land,
Stretch towards the sun,
Spin like a spindle.
Sit down once, sit down twice
And sit down at your desks again.
- Children, the artist drew two letters D, maybe he made a mistake? And what is needed big and small letters? What does the letter D look like?
This is a house - the letter D
There is a window in the house,
Smoke is coming from the chimney
And there is a cat in the window.
Reading syllables from tables.
Consolidation of the studied material
Let's play a word game,
Children, do you agree - yes,
Here's the combination
There will be the first task.![]()
Name a word with a syllable.
Yes - Dasha, cottage, task.
Do - daughter, house, brownie, doctor.
Du - oak, shower, rainbow, pillow.
Dy - smoke, smoke, melon, gardens, ponds.
Dee - sofa, Dima, disks.
Rhyme. Now we will turn into poets. Come up with a rhyme:
Yes-yes-yes - clear water in the river, (children played)
Doo-doo-doo - carp live in the pond, (we saw a goat)
Dee-dee-dee - it rains in autumn, (visit to us go quickly)
Do-do-do - how good it is, (the swallow made a nest)
- what numbers begin with the sound [d]? (2, 20)
- from the sound [d "]? (9, 10)
(One student per row.)
Reading words from the board.
Which word is superfluous? Why? Match each word with a sound scheme. How are these diagrams different?
Guys, I will now read the text, and you listen carefully and think about how it can be called.
Gifts. Choose words that are close in meaning to this word. More of these words called synonyms. Gift, offering, gifts, present.
- where is the house?
- what bushes grow near the house?
- which word is superfluous?
- who has a birthday?
- who came to Taras?
- what did they give him?
Buzz text reading. How many words with the letter D? (10) on my board one of the gifts is encrypted. What word fits this pattern? Domino. Why not a cat, a car?
– What are dominoes? What other games do you know?
- Taras invited Dasha, Dima and Roman to his birthday. I whoever invited the gnomes? (Dash, Dima) Why? Which of the guys in our class would the gnomes be invited? A whom I would invite to my birthday letter D? (T), because they are letters of double consonants
Lesson summary.
What was our lesson? (Interesting, cheerful, sunny, bright. )
The dwarfs really liked what they were doing at the lesson. They also came from gifts. Lesovichki brought you flowers. What flowers would you decorate our lesson with?
Yellow - bright, cheerful
Red - colorful,
Blue - unusual,
Green is kind.
What color flower would you take?
Black - he is sad.
The letter D is an expensive, precious letter of the Russian alphabet. It looks like a house and is well remembered by a child. Learning the letters of the alphabet with children is very simple by reading them funny poems about the letter D. You can fix the result by guessing riddles about the letter D and tongue twisters. At the end of the page there is an opportunity to repeat other letters of the Russian alphabet.
Words beginning with D: tree, plank, house, palace, dinosaur …
The letter D in the middle of words: boa constrictor, snout, mess, victory …
The letter D at the end of words: dinner, chest of drawers, cheetah …
Several letters D in one word: pipe
Short poems for children about the letter D
This house is the letter D.
There is a window in the house.
Smoke comes out of the chimney,
And there is a cat in the window.
Here it stands, blowing smoke,
The letter D is a chimney.
Rhymes about the letter D
The letter D is like a house,
But with only one window.
The thing is, my friends,
You can't do without D.
Dima, Dasha and friends,
It is impossible to build a house without D!
Valor, friendship, kindness,
woodpecker, tree, hole.
Did you notice the letter D without difficulty
? Or not always?
D - this is a neat house,
With a high gable roof.
Poems about the letter D for children of grade 1
D stands, and very firmly!
She lifted her head proudly.
Visible outside the windows of the house
And children on paths
And here is the letter D itself
On samovar legs.
Funny riddles about the letter D
Everyone follows this letter,
Poets write poems for her,
And she grumbles from the stove,
Knocks on the trunk with her beak.
Answer: the letter D (road, girl, grandfather, woodpecker)
Dolphin, our cheerful dolphin,
Playing in the sea is not alone,
There are two dolphins on the water,
Playing, they learn the letter ... (D)
Funny tongue twisters for the letter D
Grandfather Dodon in the dudu dudel,
Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.
Oak oak, broad-leaved.
In our yard, farmstead,
The weather got wet.
Horse with rider,
Yes, without saddle and bridle, without girth and bit.
Let's repeat the letters of the alphabet? Choose and click!
Subject: Consonant sounds [d], [d`], letter d. Writing a lowercase letter d, observation of single-root words.
Lesson objectives:
Introduce the letter d;
Learn to characterize sounds;
To form the skill of reading words, sentences with learned letters;
Develop speech, phonemic hearing, creative imagination.
Equipment: BD diagram-table, signal cards (blue and green circles), subject pictures, puzzles, dictionaries, cards with vocabulary words, interactive whiteboard, cards with texts.
Lesson progress:
Updating knowledge. Isolation of sounds [d], [d`].
What do you see in the pictures? (teacher shows pictures to everyone)
girl, woodpecker, house, oak, door, smoke, hollow, road, grandfather
What do these words have in common?
What groups can these words be divided into?
Listen carefully to the words: house, oak, door, smoke, hollow, road.
What do these words have in common?
- What is the sound they start with.
Listen to the words: girl, woodpecker, grandfather.
What do these words have in common?
What is the sound they start with?
So, what sounds have we met? ([d],[d`])
What are these sounds? Why? (consonants)
Hard-soft game
Raise the blue circle if you hear the consonant [e] in the name of the object hard, and green if soft: tree, children, gardener, friend, day, valley, order, kindness.
Getting to know the letter d.
The sounds [d] and [d`] in Russian are denoted by the letter D.
What does this letter look like? (the teacher shows the diagram of the table b.D)
This house is the letter D.
There is a window in the house.
Smoke coming from the chimney,
And there is a cat in the window.
Count how many words with the letter q in this poem.
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
The oak was hammered like a chisel.
Day pecked, two pecked -
He punched a hole in the oak.
(11 words)
- You will meet a lot of words for d,
There are a lot of words for q around:
House, valley, day road,
Kindness, trust, friend.
Work with the scheme.
What colors will we paint over the shoes?
How to find out which headdress to draw a little man?
(We put our hand on the neck and make sounds. )
What did you notice?
What did we learn about the letter D?
Work in copybook.
Looking at the picture (p. 14).
Name words with sounds [d], [d`].
Circle the lines on the drawing.
Work with the scheme - "little man".
Fill in the scheme in copybook p. fourteen.
With what letters does the letter d make friends? Why? (p. 15)
Looking at the letter d on the scoreboard.
What elements does a letter consist of?
Which letters contain the first element?
Circle with red pen.
In which letters does the second element occur?
Circle with green pen.
The teacher shows the connection of the elements of the letter d on the board.
Circle the two d's in blue on the scoreboard.
Writing the elements of the lowercase letter d (p. 14).
Work in the primer. (p. 92).
Reading syllables.
On the board: yes do do do do do.
A cheerful a came running,
Children read: yes!
The fervent oh came running
Children read: before!
The gloomy one came running,
Children read: do!
Pot-bellied ran
Children read: dy!
Children read: di!
Reading syllables line by line on p. 92.
Read selectively only those syllables in which the letter d denotes a soft consonant sound [d`].
Read only those syllables in which the letter d denotes a solid consonant sound [d].
Reading aloud with the letter d - loudly, and with the letter t - quietly.
Work in copybook. (p. 14-15)
Reading syllables in cursive.
In what compound will the letter d be highlighted in green?
Compound analysis to and one.
How are the connections different?
Writing words with the letter d in different colored pens.
Work in the Primer. (p. 92)
Reading words in columns silently.
Selective reading.
Read only words that have one syllable.
Read only words that have two syllables.
Read only the words that have three words.
yes (ma) du (ma) house (hic) smoke (OK) dy (ra)
(p) (sha) dollars (ina) (shit)
(rit) (rka)
What is the difference between the words smoke and smoke.
What do the words in column 4 have in common? Name the common part.
How are the words of the 5th column similar?
Work in copybook. (p. 15)
Reading monosyllabic words, their difference, analysis of compounds circling words. (1 line)
How to convert house in smoke ?
Sound-letter analysis of words board, dragon, motherland, family, spring, friend, girlfriend (emphasis, division into syllables, selection of vowels and consonants).
Writing words according to the model.
Write single-root words from pictures ( house, house, little house ), highlighting the root and suffix.
Guessing the rebus.
What is the name of a small house?
Acquaintance with dictionary owls.
a) Onions grow and tomatoes,
Here is a carrot near the fence,
Beets live side by side.
Accommodates everyone... (garden)
What is the name of a large settlement? (city)
The teacher demonstrates illustrations on the interactive board:
o-city, city, out-of-city, city - it.
All words were formed from the word city, which meant "palisade-enclosed". These are words of the same root.
b) Writing words (in a notebook), stressing, highlighting unstressed vowels.
c) Recording words in dictionaries.
Rain clouds sailed:
- Lei, rain, lei!
Raindrops dance as if alive:
- Drink, rye, drink!
And the rye, leaning towards the green land,
Drinking, drinking, drinking.
A warm rain restless
It's pouring, pouring, pouring.
(Children stand with their arms extended forward, palms down. After the first line, they begin to shake their hands freely. Then, continuing to shake, turn their palms up, then again turn their hands with their palms down.)
Work on the offer.
Make a sentence from the given cards.
What words can we write with a capital letter? Why?
Name the “dangerous” place in the word girlfriend.
What needs to be done for this?
Write a sentence with a changed word order.
Work with texts.
Reading the text on p. 92.
a) The letter d is our friendly home,
We live happily in it.
Every day in the evenings,
Friends come to our house.
Look at the illustration and say, to whom is the letter d inviting us to the house?
And what is written about the grandfather?
Can we say that this is a text? Why?
b) Reading aloud from sentences.
What is missing from the test?
What is the title of this text?
Which words are highlighted
What do we know about prepositions?
c) Can you guess who it is?
He is dressed like a worker -
Comfortable, simple, smart.
He wears a crimson beret
And variegated peppercorns.
What do you know about this bird?
And now my assistants will tell you about this amazing bird.
(Pre-prepared (reading well) children read the texts on the cards).
Card 1.
Like an attentive doctor, the woodpecker examines, taps, listens to every tree! And if the tree is infected, there are harmful larvae in its body - the woodpecker begins to peck it. By the traces of work, it is easy to recognize whether the forest is infected or healthy.
Card 2.
Woodpecker has a lot of work in the forest. He is not only a doctor, but also a kind of carpenter. Throughout his life, he hollows out dozens of hollows, and his doubles serve as houses for starlings, flycatchers, redstarts, tits and other very useful birds.
Card 3.
He will knock on the bough with his nose, shout abruptly, pick a cone from the branch and carry it to the forge. The forge is on his stump, there is a gap, the woodpecker will put a bump into it and let's hammer, peck.
Card 4.
At the time of sap flow woodpeckers like to eat maple, birch or aspen drink. To do this, they make holes in the bark with rows of thin holes - they ring.
What interesting things did you learn?
Reading the text of V. Khmelnitsky "Smoke".
a) Working with text before reading.
On the street with a post, in the hut with a tablecloth.
Read the title of the piece.
What is different smoke and smoke ?
Look at the illustration on p. 93.
How did you imagine the smoke?
Who wrote the work?
b) Reading in a whisper.
c) Reading by sentences with comments.
d) Word drawing of the protagonist's further journey.
Summary of the lesson.
The school bell rang,
The lesson starts.
Our ears are on top,
Eyes are wide open.
We listen, remember,
We do not lose a minute.
We will read, write,
The main thing here is not to be lazy,
Our guests will look now,
How the guys know how to work.
Read the motto of our lesson. It is written on the board.
Patience and work will grind everything.
How do you understand this proverb.
2. Statement of the educational problem. Determining the topic of the lesson.
- Help me complete the sentences.
C slide number 1
There is a stone... (house) in the clearing.
From the chimney comes ... (smoke)
Leads to the house ... (path).
Growing around the house ... (trees)
Sitting on a tree... (woodpecker).
... (grandfather) is coming to the house.
He is met by … (girl)
When a girl blows on a pipe, a sound is heard .... (doo-doo-doo)
What sound is heard when a girl rings a bell? (ding-ding-ding)
Which sound in words was repeated more often than others?
What do you think we will talk about today at the lesson? (Let's learn to distinguish sounds in words [d], [d , ], let's get acquainted with the letters D, d, learn to read words with these letters)
Slide #2 - The topic of the lesson
3. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity
1) Syllabic-sound analysis of words
- Let's do a little research and find out what sounds they are [d], [d , ]
Guess the riddle:
My relatives live in it,
I can't live a single day without them.
I aspire to it always and everywhere,
I will not forget the way to it.
I can hardly breathe without him,
My shelter, dear, warm ... (HOUSE).
Electronic application - HOUSE, WOODWORKER
Name the first sound in the word house.
What is he like? (Consonant, hard)
Why did you decide that? Prove (when pronouncing this sound, the air meets an obstacle, clinging to teeth and tongue)
Well done! Next riddle.
Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He does not look at me,
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.
What is the first sound in the word DOOPER
What is he like? (Consonant, soft)
Sounds [d], [d , ] voiced or deaf? (voiced)
We found out that sounds [d], [d , ] - consonants, voiced, the sound is hard and soft.
Draw diagrams for the words HOUSE, WOODWOPER
Electronic application - diagrams
2) Know the sound game
Listen to the words if they contain sounds [d], [d , ] clap your hands. Be careful!
House , plate, table, uncle, cubes, girl , tiger, daughter , Thumbelina , Dima , pencil case, friendship, kindness .
3) Acquaintance with the letter D
What letter denotes the sounds [d], [d , ]? (Letter De)
Look at her. (Card)
What does the letter D look like? (To the house)
Slide number 3 - A poem about D
Let's learn this poem. (Repeat one more time - perform movements)
This house is the letter D,
Window in the house
Smoke comes out of the chimney,
And there is a cat in the window.
Build it with sticks.
Write in your notebook
Electronic application - sample
When do we need a capital letter? (for writing names, surnames . ..)
Give examples.
Find the letter D in your textbook.
4) Reading confluent syllables
Read the syllables in the textbook (in chorus)
Read on the board - one at a time
Which vowels indicate the softness of a consonant? (I, E)
Let's check
Electronic application - game "Penguins"
Well done! We coped with the task, we continue to work on the topic.
Electronic application - picture with a girl
Find words with the letter D, determine where it is - at the beginning, end, or in the middle of the word
Guess the girl's name. (Dasha.)
5) Physical education minute
Handles to the side, on the barrel,
Head, cam,
Sit together, get up quickly,
Turn around and again….
4. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action
1) Reading words
Guys, remember our today's motto. (Patience and work will grind everything)
But people work in different ways.