Small word with q
Qi Definition & Meaning |
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[ chee ]
/ tʃi /
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noun Pinyin.
(in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy) the vital life force that flows through the body and is supposedly regulated by acupuncture.
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Also (Wade-Giles) chi .
Origin of qi
First recorded in 1845–55; from Chinese qì “breath, air, spirit, gas”
Words nearby qi
Q-factor, QFD, Q fever, QFT, q. h., qi, Qiana, Qian Long, qibla, q.i.d., Qigong
Other definitions for qi (2 of 2)
[ chœ ]
/ tʃœ /
noun Pinyin. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
How to use qi in a sentence
MAGIQPAD combines a sleek, modern design with a high-power coil to wirelessly charge any of your Qi devices.
Enjoy a safer and more efficient way to charge your phone for only $29.99|Quinn Gawronski|July 18, 2021|Popular-Science
It has smart output optimized max wireless power for all Qi devices.
Enjoy a safer and more efficient way to charge your phone for only $29.99|Quinn Gawronski|July 18, 2021|Popular-Science
The case is wide enough to sit upright, so the USB-C port is located around the back — or you can charge it up wirelessly with a Qi pad.
Sony sets a new standard with the WF-1000XM4 earbuds|Brian Heater|June 11, 2021|TechCrunch
Theoretically, you can make bubble tea out of any tea you want — so if you’re looking for something a little fancier, the Qi founder Lisa Li wrote about her favorite teas for the Strategist.
From the Strategist: The Best Boba for Making Bubble Tea at Home, According to a Bubble Tea Fanatic|Kathy Li|April 21, 2021|Eater
Companies wishing to introduce air charging to the world also face an uphill battle against Qi, a wireless charging standard that’s already been adopted globally.
One innovation we won’t be seeing soon: Over-the-air charging|Dalvin Brown|March 5, 2021|Washington Post
Fans of the drink believe that it can boost qi, improve circulation, cure arthritis, and strengthen the body in general.
China Is Brewing Wine From Tiger Bones|Brendon Hong|July 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Qi could not post the $1,000 bond and was assigned a May 22 date to appear in state Superior Court in Stamford.
Harry Stalker Locked Up In Greenwich!|Tom Sykes|May 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
“People who want to get into the Beijing Film Academy need guanxi [connections],” says Yu Qi, a book editor in Beijing.
Chinese Not Surprised By Zhang Ziyi Scandal|Paul Mooney|June 9, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Caita qi means 'a written book' and caita is the preterit of the verb caqi,u I write.
Diego Collado's Grammar of the Japanese Language|Diego Collado
Given this misunderstanding Collado begins his list with an explanation of the irregularities of qi,uru.
Diego Collado's Grammar of the Japanese Language|Diego Collado
As he went, he pondered gloomily on the fate of this great city under the heartless and ignorant So-qi.
The Sun King|Gaston Derreaux
And So-qi preyed upon them all ruthlessly, knowing they could never stop warring interiorly long enough to attack him.
The Sun King|Gaston Derreaux
Yet if he went at all to So-qi, he had to tell something, and either way someone would be doomed, if not himself.
The Sun King|Gaston Derreaux
British Dictionary definitions for qi
/ (tʃiː) /
a variant of chi 2
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Scrabble Words with Q and no U
10 Letter Words
- qabalistic
9 Letter Words
- mbaqangas
- qabalisms
- qabalists
- qaimaqams
- qalamdans
- tsaddiqim
- tzaddiqim
8 Letter Words
- inqilabs
- kamotiqs
- mbaqanga
- qabalahs
- qabalism
- qabalist
- qaimaqam
- qalamdan
- qawwalis
- qindarka
- qintarka
- qwerties
- sheqalim
- tsaddiqs
- tzaddiqs
7 Letter Words
- inqilab
- kamotiq
- niqaabs
- qabalah
- qabalas
- qasidas
- qawwali
- qawwals
- qigongs
- qindars
- qintars
- qwertys
- sheqels
- tsaddiq
- tzaddiq
- yaqonas
6 Letter Words
- faqirs
- niqaab
- niqabs
- qabala
- qajaqs
- qanats
- qapiks
- qasida
- qawwal
- qiblas
- qigong
- qindar
- qintar
- qormas
- qwerty
- sheqel
- talaqs
- tranqs
- yaqona
5 Letter Words
- cinqs
- faqir
- fiqhs
- niqab
- qadis
- qaids
- qajaq
- qanat
- qapik
- qibla
- qophs
- qorma
- talaq
- tranq
- waqfs
4 Letter Words
- cinq
- fiqh
- qadi
- qaid
- qats
- qins
- qoph
- waqf
3 Letter Words
- qat
- qin
- qis
2 Letter Words
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English-Russian dictionary in Q - site of Igor Garshin
English-Russian dictionary in Q - site of Igor GarshinEnglish-Russian: A | b | c | D | e | F | G | h | I | J | K | l | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | v | w | x | Y | Z
Russian-English: A | B | In | G | D | E, Yo | F | W | I, Y | K | L | M | H | About | P | R | C | T | At | F | X | C | H | W | Щ | E | Yu | I
Home: | Rus | Eng | Ita | Use | Esp |
Vocabulary English with the letter Q with translation into Russian. Total - 88 words.
- quack - quack, quack, medicine man, charlatan
- quackery - quackery
- quadrange - quadrant
- quadrilateral - quadrilateral
- quadruped - quadruped
- quadruple - four-piece
- quaff - drink in large sips
- quagmire - swamp, quagmire
- quail - quail
- quaint - strange, quirky
- quake - tremble, shake
- quaker - quaker
- qualification
- qualify - acquire a specialty, more precisely define, limit
- qualitive
- qualitively - qualitatively
- quality - quality, grade, dignity
- qualm - nausea, fear, doubt
- quandary - predicament
- quantify - quantify, quantify
- quantitative - quantitative
- quantitative assessment - quantitative assessment
- quantity
- quarantine - quarantine, quarantine
- quarrel - quarrel, quarrel
- quarrelsome
- quarry
- quart - quart
- quarter
- quarter - twenty-five cents, quartered, quartered
- quarterly - quarterly magazine published every three months
- quartermaster - quartermaster
- quartz - quartz
- quash - cancel
- quasi - as if
- quaver - quaver, trill, eighth note, tremble, vibrate
- quay
- queasiness - nausea
- queasy weak, nauseous, scrupulous
- queen
- queer - strange, suspicious
- quell - crush, crush
- quench - quench, extinguish, cool / dust /
- quenching - hardening /metal/
- querulous
- query - question, question, question
- quest - search, search item, search
- question
- question mark - question mark
- questionable - unreliable, doubtful
- questioning
- questionnaire - questionnaire
- queue - questionnaire
- quibble
- quick
- quick tempered
- quick witted - smart
- quicklime - quicklime
- quickly - quickly, soon
- quicksand - loose sand, quicksand
- quicksilver - mercury
- quid - pound sterling
- quiescent - motionless, inactive, at rest
- quiet
- quiet down
- quietly - quietly, quietly
- quiettude - silence
- quill - pen
- quilt - blanket
- quince - quince
- quinine - quinine
- quinsy - sore throat
- quip - eptgram, taunt, mock
- quirk - quirk
- quit - leave, leave, quit
- quite
- quits
- quiver
- quixotic
- quiz
- quizzcal
- quod - prison
- quondam - former
- quorium - quorum
- quota - quota, share, production rate
- quotation
- quotation marks
- quote quote
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Page updated 09/26/2022
words in P p, Q q, R r, S s » English for beginners. Online course
A a B b C c D d E E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z P pack - pack; packaging parliament parliamentary part participant participate participation particle particular particularly partly 4 partner 8 partner - partnership party - party; batch pass - pass, pass passenger - passenger passive passport past path patient patient pattern - model pause - pause pavement - pavement pay - pay peace - peace peasant - peasant peck - peck pen - pen penalty - punishment pence - penny - pension pension - pension pensioner - pensioner people - 9 people0418 per percent percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission - permission permit - pass; allow person - a person; person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet petrol phase phenomenon philosophy phone telephone; call photo photograph phrase physical piano pick picture piece pig pile pillow pilot pin pin pink - pink pint - pint pipe - pipe pity - pity place - place, place plain - simple, explicit plan - plan, plan plane - plane planet - planet plant - plant; factory; plant plastic plate platform play player pleasant please pleasure plenty plot story plus poem poet poetry point; meaning; indicate pole police policeman policy polite political politician politics poll pollution - pollution pool poor - poor popular - popular population - population port - port portrait - portrait pose - pose; posture position - position positive - positive possess - possess possession - possession possibility - possibility possible - possible possibly - possibly post - mail; post postal - postal postcard - postcard poster - poster pot potato potential possibility pound - pound pour - pour poverty - poverty powder - powder; powder; gunpowder power powerful practice practice pray prayer precede precisely predict prefer preference pregnant preparation prepare presence present present; real presentation - presentation preserve - preserve, protect president - president press - press pressure - pressure presumably - presumably; probably pretend pretty prevent previous previously price - price pride - pride; flock priest - priest primarily - originally primary - initial prime - primary prince - prince principal - head; basic principle printer prior priority prison prisoner private privilege prize probably problem procedure proceed process processor produce producer; director; producer product production profession professional; professional professor - professor profile - profile profit - income program - program progress - progress project - project promise - promise, promise promote - promote promotion - promotion prompt - prompt; urgent proof - confirmation, verification; impenetrable proper properly property proportion proposal propose prosecution prospect protect protection protest return proud prove provide province provision psychological psychology pub public - public; people, public publication - publication publicity - publicity; advertising; fame publish - publish publisher - publisher pudding - pudding, dessert pull - pull punish - punish punishment pupil purchase pure purpose pursue push put Q q qualification queue quick quickly quiet quietly quite quote r rabbit - rabbit rough - rough; rude round - around; round; circle route - route routine - regular order row - row royal - royal rub - rub (s) rubber - rubber rubbish - garbage rug - carpet rugby - rugby ruin - destroy; ruins rule - rule; manage ruler - ruler; lord run running rural rush S s sack - bag; fire schedule - schedule scheme - scheme, plan school - school science - science scientific - scientific account scout - scout; scout scrape - scrape scratch - scratch, scratch screen - screen screw - spin sea - sea search - search, search season - season; season seat - seat second secondary secondly secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek - look for seem - seem seldom - rarely select - choose selection - choice self - selfish - selfish sell - sell send - send senior - senior sense - sense; feeling; feel sensible sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously servant serve server service - service session - occupation set - set; set setting - environment; adjustment settle - settle settlement - settlement several - several severe - ferocious sew - sew sex - sex sexual - sexual shade - shadow, twilight shadow - shadow; shade shake - shake shall - auxiliary verb bud. ![]() shame - shame shape - shape; to give the form share - to share; action sharp - sharp she - she sheep - sheep sheet - sheet, sheet shelf - shelf shell - sink shift - move; shift shine ship shirt shit shiver shock shock shoe - shoes shoot - shoot shop - store shopping - shopping shore - coast (of the sea) short - short shortage - shortage shortly - shortly shot - a sip of alcohol; shot should shoulder shout show shower shut - close shy - shy sick - sick side - side sigh - sigh sight - vision sign - sign; sign signal signature significant significant silence silent silk silly silver similar similarly simple simply - simply since - since (since) sincerely - sincerely sing - sing singer - singer single - lonely sink - sink; dive sir sister sit site situated situation size skill skin skirt sky slave sledge - sledge sleep - sleep, sleep slice - slice slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell; smell smile - smile, smile smoke - smoke; smoke smooth snow - seg; it's snowing so soap so-called soccer social socialist society sock sofa soft softly software soil soldier solicitor solid solution solve some - a few, some somebody - someone somehow - somehow someone - someone something - something sometimes - sometimes somewhere - somewhere son - son song - song soon - soon sophisticated - sophisticated, complex sorry - sorry sort - sort, kind; sort soul - soul sound - sound, sound soup - soup sour - sour source - source south - south southern - southern space - space; place speak speaker special specialist species specific specify specimen speech - speech speed - speed spell - spell; spell spend - spend (time) spirit - spirit spiritual - spiritual spite - malice splendid - magnificent split - split spoon - spoon sport - sport spot - spot; spotting spread - spread spring - spring square - square; area stability - stability stable - stable staff - staff stage - stage stair stamp - brand; seal; stamp stand - stand; rack standard - standard; standard star - star; play a major role start - start; start state - state, state; approve statement - statement station statistics - statistics statue - statue status - status stay - stop steady - steady steal - steal steam - steam; steam steel - steel step - step; walk stick - stick; stick, stick still - still; quiet stimulate - stimulate stir - stir stomach - stomach; tummy stone - stone stop - stop; stop storage store - store, warehouse; supply storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress; emphasize stretch - stretch strict - strict strike - strike; strike strip - strip; to be exposed strong strongly structural structure struggle student studio study study; cabinet; study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequently substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly suffer sufficient sufficiently sugar - sugar suggest - suggest, suggest suggestion - offer, advice suit - suit; suit suitable suitcase sum summary summer summit sun supermarket supper supply supply; supply support - support, support suppose - believe supreme - supreme sure - sure surely - undoubtedly surface - surface surname - surname surprise - surprise, surprise; surprise surprising surround survey survival survive suspect; suspect suspend - temporarily suspend suspicion - suspicion suspicious - suspicious swallow - sip; swallow swear - to swear; swear sweater sweet swim swing switch sword symbol sympathy symptom system A a . |