Snowy winter day
25 Incredible Outside Snow Day Activities
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When most people think of snowy day activities for kids, they only think about what to do inside on a snow day. That’s missing out on all the fun. Snow day activities that are outside, help kids to celebrate the magic and wonder of freshly fallen snow. While a few indoor snow day activities are fun, we love to bundle up and do snow day activities outside instead.
As a bonus, kids will burn off a lot of their extra energy on a snow day outside and will be filled with lots of great memories when the snow finally melts.
1. Take an icicle walk outside on a snowy day.If it’s not too cold, have your kids make a little game out of their walk on a snow day outside and see who can find the longest icicle, shortest icicle, or the strangest looking icicle. While not everyone is down for this easy snow day activity, we always let our kids eat the icicles of the side of the porch and they think it’s the best treat
2. Try Out Snow Scootering
We got a snow scooter for our kids last year and they love it! It’s like a regular scooter but made for the snow and is the perfect outdoor snow day toy. It’s seriously SO MUCH FUN and even our preschooler can do this snow day activity. Read all about our favorite snow scooters.
3. Make snow angels and then decorate them with colored water on a snow day
This is a great activity for little ones. Let them lay in the snow and make their angels, then help them decorate them with colored water in a spray bottle (made with water and food coloring). Our kids love making silly faces on their snow angels or making our whole family out of snow angels together on a snowy day.
4. Make some snow ice cream outside (honestly this is so so yummy).This recipe for snow ice cream is SO EASY and is a great snow day activity for toddlers or young kids.
Simply fill a bowl with 2 cups of snow, 2 TBSP of sweetened condensed milk and some sort of flavoring. Our kids like to add a tablespoon of juice concentrate or some Nesquik mix to flavor their snow ice cream. While it won’t warm them up, snow ice cream is the perfect treat for a snow day outside.
5. Go Sledding on a snow day
Sledding is a winter classic and a great way to spend a snow day. It’s easy to find sleds for kids of all ages from sleds for baby and toddlers to fast foam sleds or saucer sleds for older kids!
6. Build a Snow Fort
This snow day fun could easily take an entire day if you’re feeling ambitious. Start by packing a snowball and molding it into a brick shape. Then, start building your fort, using the snowball bricks as walls. To simplify, you can buy this simple snow brick maker to help the process go faster!
An alternative way to make a snowfort is to make a giant pile of freshly fallen snow, pack it together, and then hollow it out.
We’ve found that this works especially well with the piles of snow we get after shoveling the driveway in winter (ahem, as a bribe to get our kids to shovel).
This one is great outdoor snow day activity for older kids. Set up a target (we use an old bucket) and then have a snowball throwing competition. The person who gets the most hits in the target wins! Of course, this will inevitably turn into a snowball fight on a snow day, so set up some ground rules in advance, like no head shots.
8. Go on a nature walk and look for animal tracks in the fresh snow.
This is a great outdoor snow day activity for all ages. If you have younger kids, you can go on a walk and look for animal tracks together and then try to guess what animal made the tracks. For older kids (and adults), this can be a great opportunity to get out in nature and enjoy the quiet of winter and to practice their skills of observation. Snow days can be extra quiet outside, so there’s even a chance of spotting some wildlife.
This is a great snow play activity for kids of all ages. If you have younger kids, you can help them make the paths and then let them run around in the maze. For older kids playing in the snow, they can try to make their own maze or even race each other through it. This is also a great snow day activity for the whole family.
10. Play snow maze TAGYep, play tag in your winter snow maze, but the rule is that you have to stay on one of the “maze” paths. This is a great way to get the family moving on a snow day and encouraging some active snow play for kids.
11. Make snow sculptures.
This is another great activity for all ages looking for outdoor snow play. If you have younger kids, you can help them make simple shapes out of the snow. For older kids on a snow day, they can try to make more complex sculptures or even see if they can build a structure that’s extra tall.
For younger kids on a snow day, we love these snow molds that are perfect for making snow sculptures without any frustration.
12. Make a giant snowball and roll it down a hill.
This is definitely a snow day activity for older kids and adults. Find a big hill in your neighborhood (or go to a park with a large hill) and roll the giant snowball down it on a snow day. Make sure that any little kids are out of the way in case the snowball starts to get out of control and gain speed.
For an extra level of fun, make some snow sculptures and try and knock them over with your snowball for a giant game of snow bowling.
13. Write a secret message in the snowThis is a great winter snow day activity for all ages. Write a message in the snow with your finger and then have your family try to guess what it says. You can make it as easy or as hard as you want, depending on the age of your kids. For younger kids, you might want to write a simple message like “I love you. ” For older kids, they might be able to decipher a code or do some math problems to figure out the hidden message.
14. Build a giant snow hill
This is another great activity for all ages. Find a big hill in your neighborhood (or go to a park with a large hill) and start packing the snow into a giant mound. Once you have a big hill, start piling more on. Our kids love doing this and often make hills taller than they are with steps carved into once side and a sledding track carved into the other.
15. Have A Neighborhood Snow Shoveling Party
Enlist the help of all the neighborhood kids to shovel everyone’s sidewalks and driveways. Make it a race to see who can finish first and have a prize for the winner. This is a great way to get the kids active on a snow day and to help out the neighbors. We always designate one house as the finish line and have hot cocoa waiting for the kids at the end.
16. Make snow track picturesimagine a birds-eye view and stomp out a path in the snow to outline your picture. Keep walking to create the “lines” of your drawing. Go to an upstairs window to get the best view of your snow track picture when you’re done!
17. Teach your kids to cross country ski.
If you have cross country skis, this is a great opportunity to teach your kids how to ski. If you don’t have skis, you can still go for a winter hike and show your kids how to walk in the snow. This is a great way to get the kids ready for cross country ski trails, especially if they’re new to the sport. If your kids already know how to ski, check out these great cross country ski activities for kids.
19. Bust out your sand toys and make a “snow castle”If you have any sand toys left over from summer, now is the time to use them! Get a bucket of snow and build a “snow castle” in your yard. Use the buckets to make towers and walls and then use the sand toys to make imprints in the snow. This is a great way to get the kids outside on a snow day and playing in the snow.
We are absolutely in love with skiing. You can learn more by checking out our sister site or our articles here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here)
21. Go Snow Tubing
Snow tubing is a great winter activity for all ages. You can find snow tubing hills at most ski resorts and many local parks.
22.Build a snowman
This one is probably a no-brainer, but it’s always a classic for a good reason. It’s a great way to get your kids active and using their imaginations. Encourage kids to think outside of the traditional 3-ball snowman box, and they’ll probably amaze you with what they come up with. For classic fun, we love this snowman kit.
23. Go snowshoeing in your backyard.If you have a large backyard, take advantage of the snow and go for a little walk! You can even make it a competition by seeing who can get to the end of the yard first. This also works well at a local park.
If you’re planning to snowshoe with kids this winter, this is a must do, since it’s so important for kids to practice snowshoeing before they get to the trailhead. Since snowshoeing is so easy, it’s a great snow day activity for toddlers. Check out our favorite kids snowshoes.
24. Make a winter birdfeeder
This is a great way to help the birds during the winter months and it’s a fun activity for kids. There are lots of ways to make birdfeeders, but our favorite is using a pinecone. Just cover the pinecone in peanut butter and then roll it in bird seed. Make sure to hang it from a tree in a place that birds will easily see it in the winter.
25. Make A Snow volcano
We love making baking soda and vinegar volcanoes at our house, and this is a fun way to do it while avoiding the indoor mess. Make a giant volcano-shaped hill in the snow and hollow out an area for a jar in the middle. Add some baking soda and several drops of food coloring. Add vinegar to the mixture for your own snow volcano! This is one of our kid’s favorite snow day activities.
PHEW! Now there’s no real excuse to stay inside this winter. Well that is, except to warm up with this AMAZING hot chocolate!
As always, make sure to keep your kids warm out there. If you want to know how cold is too cold for kids to be outside, check this out.
The Snowy Day
None Peter uses his imagination as he explores the first snowy day of winter. Peter wakes up to the first snowy day of winter and goes out on a snow-filled adventure! He listens to the crunch of snow as he makes footprints this way and that way, makes a snowman, and even pretends to be a mountain climber. Marveling at the magic of snow and how the wet snowflakes can stick together, Peter puts a snowball in his pocket for later. Read along with this charming story that exemplifies the pure play, awe, and imagination sparked by the simplicity of nature and changing seasons. In nature, what inspires you? show full description Show Short DescriptionClassics
Share your favorite stories with your child. Enjoy classic bedtime stories from your childhood like Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Chicken Little, Where the Wild Things Are, and Harold and the Purple Crayon.
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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Harry the Dirty Dog
Wheels on the Bus
Chicken Little
The Snowy Day
The Dot
Where the Wild Things Are
Duck on a Bike
Harold and the Purple Crayon
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
Full Text
One winter morning Peter woke up and looked out the window. Snow had fallen during the night. It covered everything as far as he could see. After breakfast he put on his snowsuit and ran outside. The snow was piled up very high along the street to make a path for walking. Crunch, crunch, crunch, his feet sank into the snow. He walked with his toes pointing out, like this. He walked with his toes pointing in, like that. Then he dragged his feet slowly to make tracks. And he found something sticking out of the snow that made a new track. It was a stick – a stick that was just right for smacking a snow-covered tree. Down fell the snow – plop! – on top of Peter’s head. He thought it would be fun to join the big boys in their snowball fight, but he knew he wasn’t old enough – not yet. So he made a smiling snowman, and he made angels. He pretended he was a mountain-climber. He climbed up a great big tall heaping mountain of snow – and slid all the way down. He picked up a handful of snow – and another, and still another. He packed it round and firm and put the snowball in his pocket for tomorrow. Then he went into his warm house. He told his mother all about his adventures while she took off his wet socks. And he thought and thought and thought about them.
Before he got into bed he looked in his pocket. His pocket was empty. The snowball wasn’t there. He felt very sad. While he slept, he dreamed that the sun had melted all the snow away. But when he woke up his dream was gone. The snow was still everywhere. New snow was falling! After breakfast he called to his friend across the hall, and they went out together into the deep, deep snow.
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"Winter Day"
Clear winter day. The sun shines blindingly bright. Everything around is white. Soft fluffy snow evenly covered the ground. Snow is everywhere: on benches, on rooftops, on trees. The trees stand in the snow like apple trees in bloom. White-white. And only in some places you can see red bunches of mountain ash. There are many bird tracks under the mountain ash. Crows, bullfinches, tits fly to peck berries. Spruce is very elegant under the caps of snow. The fresh air smells of pine needles. Beautiful winter outfit and birches.
Cold. Snow crunches underfoot. From the chimney of a small snow-covered house, smoke rises into the sky in a column. Frosty day. Frost covered the river with ice. The guys with joyful cries, waving their arms, descend on a sled from the steep bank of the river. They are not afraid of frost. They are having fun. And the snow glitters in the sun, sparkles, shimmers.
But the winter day is short. Twilight will come quickly and imperceptibly.
"Beautiful winter day"
It is good when the day in winter is clear and sunny. You wake up in the morning, and the sun hits the window through the fabulous ice patterns on the glass. White clouds float across the blue sky like summer. Yes, only the winter sun hangs in the sky and does not heat at all. And the sky is not as blue as in summer, but much paler.
Usually on such a clear winter day, a strong frost creaks outside. You go outside to go to school, wrapped up to the very nose. Around everything is white-white, it just blinds your eyes! It's time to wear black glasses!
You run on the white trampled down snow, and it pleasantly crunches under your feet. You can scoop snowflakes into a glove and study their structure. They are small works of art of winter nature.
After school, I want to take a walk, roll in the pure snow of snowdrifts, ride down an ice slide. But lips and nose are cold. And your hands will also get cold, even with gloves. Just take your hands on something icy, as they immediately begin to stiffen. After a walk, you run home all flushed and warm your fingers for a long time under a stream of hot water. And they are on fire!
And then it quickly gets dark, a small reddish sun sets in the west. Winter days are short. Only towards the end of January, in February, you notice that daylight hours are increasing.
Winter Day
I love winter. Every year I really look forward to the first snow. With its dazzling whiteness, it transforms everything around. It is impossible not to admire the trees, whose branches were bare yesterday, and are now covered with white-white snow or hoarfrost.
Snow covers with openwork lace paths dirty from autumn slush, lonely flowerbeds, dark gray roofs of houses. A snow-white veil falls on everything around and cannot but please the eye.
What a pleasure it is to watch the snow fall! I especially like to watch the unique dance of snowflakes in the light of evening lights, to watch how they, like moths, swarm under the lamp of a street lamp. And I also really like to walk along the snow-white path in the evening, on which there are no traces yet, and listen to the snow creak underfoot, admire its magical shimmer.
It's great to open the window on a winter morning and take a deep breath of fresh frosty air. Every winter I hang a feeder on one of the trees in our yard. Every day I put a treat for the birds in it, and then watch from the window how they "lunch".
Winter days can be harsh. If there is a snowstorm outside or a scorching strong wind blows, then I enjoy spending time at home reading a book or watching an interesting movie. And in good weather, I love to make snowmen and build snow castles in the yard. I have many friends, and on a fine winter day we all go sledding down a big mountain together. And after such a walk, we go to visit each other, drink hot tea with sweets and remember how great we had fun.
I, of course, consider the New Year to be the best winter day. I always look forward to this holiday, because I like to decorate the Christmas tree, receive and give gifts.
Every winter day is good in its own way. No time to be bored in winter.
Winter day (3 variants and 15 similar topics)
15 sentences / 161 words
Golden autumn is gone. Here comes the long-awaited winter. There is complete silence around. Everything seemed to fall into a deep sleep. Everywhere lies soft and fluffy white snow, which sparkles so beautifully under the rays of the winter sun. The sky is so bright. There is not a single cloud, from this everything around becomes even more beautiful. Only occasionally small snowflakes fly from above. Hoarfrost left bizarre, but very beautiful patterns on the trunks and branches of trees.
I go to school and continue to admire the beauty of the winter landscape. In winter, I try to walk more in order to fully enjoy the beauties of winter nature.
When my friends and I come home from school, we love to lie down in the snow and make snow angels. But the most fun is, of course, the snowball fight. When your main task is to throw more snow on your friends than they do on you, running one after another through the snowdrifts, and at this time the snow crunches so pleasantly under your feet.
Remembering all this, I can say that winter is beautiful because it has a lot of positive aspects.
Option 2
20 sentences / 297 words
I love winter with all my heart! This is a truly amazing, magical season, when the snowy world around seems like a fairy tale. I especially like fine winter days, and this year there were a lot of them. One of them I remember best.
It fell just in time for my mother's birthday, February 17, and was a real gift for all of us. Before that, the weather could not settle down for a whole week. If snow fell at night, then by morning it would certainly melt, then suddenly gray clouds would come and a cold prickly blizzard would begin, the temperature would drop sharply, but after a few hours the thermometer would again rise above zero. But this morning it was different.
The bright sun shone through our windows, and the glass was covered with a beautiful frosty pattern. Pulling back the curtain and looking out into the street, I was amazed: everything around was covered with fresh, almost untouched snow. When I went to the store to buy flowers for my mother, the snow crunched loudly under my feet. I was so pleased to feel how the boots sunk deep into him. It got a little warmer during the day, but contrary to my expectations, melt rivers did not flow down the roads again. The street was still fresh and calm, only the trees slightly twitched their branches in a light, pleasant breeze.
Everyone was in a great mood and no one wanted to celebrate their birthday at home in such weather, so immediately after the feast we went for a walk. Taking cheesecakes and ice cubes with us, we went to the nearest park, where the locals had already managed to fill in wide, steep slides on snow-covered hills. My friends and I rode from them until the evening, while the adults were talking animatedly about something, sitting on a bench, drinking tea from a thermos and eating pies.
When it got completely dark outside and the lanterns were lit, large fluffy flakes fell from the sky. They swirled beautifully, illuminated by diffused yellow light, and slowly settled down on our shoulders. It was the perfect end to a wonderful winter day.
Option 3
33 sentences / 386 words
I love winter very much. For me, winter is a magical time of the year. But recently, due to global warming, our winters do not please us for very long with frosty days and snow. However, every winter there are classic truly winter days
Most of all I remember Christmas winter day. I was about eight years old. The weather was quite warm for almost the whole of December, and before the new year everyone was looking forward to snow. But, unfortunately, the New Year passed without a single snowflake. A week went by and still no snow. On this day, we decided to go to the village to our grandmother, to celebrate Christmas. The next morning I woke up from a bright light that beat from the street. I couldn't figure out what was keeping me from sleeping peacefully. I went to the window and through the openwork frosty patterns on the glass I saw a full yard of snow, large snowflakes slowly circled in the air, as if dancing a winter waltz. The snow covered everything around with a snow-white fluffy blanket: trees, river, ravines. Each branch was snow-white because of frost. The sun shone brightly, and the snow shone, as if not snow lay everywhere, but many precious stones. The landscape outside the window resembled the possessions of the Snow Queen from Andersen's fairy tale, only the mistress of winter was missing.
I immediately woke up my parents, they were fascinated by what they saw. Mom immediately remembered the lines of the famous A. Pushkin: “Frost and sun, a wonderful day ...” The day really was wonderful and simply fabulous. Everyone was in a good mood. We put on warm coats and coats and went outside. I looked like a little bear cub. The snow was knee-deep, we played tag, ran after each other, moving with difficulty through the snow, laughed and wallowed in snowdrifts. That day we were very happy and glad, my parents had fun like little children, and I was very pleased to see them so joyful. Later we went to shovel snow in Grandma's yard, we chatted about this and that, mom and dad told stories from their childhood, how they had fun and what they did.