Social development for kids
Social Development in Children | SCAN Families
Ask any parent about their child’s development, and they’ll often talk about speech and language development, gross motor skills or even physical growth. But a child’s social development—her ability to interact with other children and adults—is a critical piece of the development puzzle.
What is social development?Social development refers to the process by which a child learns to interact with others around them. As they develop and perceive their own individuality within their community, they also gain skills to communicate with other people and process their actions. Social development most often refers to how a child develops friendships and other relationships, as well how a child handles conflict with peers.
Why is social development so important?Social development can actually impact many of the other forms of development a child experiences. A child’s ability to interact in a healthy way with the people around her can impact everything from learning new words as a toddler, to being able to resist peer pressure as a high school student, to successfully navigating the challenges of adulthood. Healthy social development can help your child:
- Develop language skills. An ability to interact with other children allows for more opportunities to practice and learn speech and language skills. This is a positive cycle, because as communication skills improve, a child is better able to relate to and react to the people around him.
- Build self esteem. Other children provide a child with some of her most exciting and fun experiences. When a young child is unable to make friends it can be frustrating or even painful. A healthy circle of friends reinforces a child’s comfort level with her own individuality.
- Strengthen learning skills. In addition to the impact social development can have on general communication skills, many researchers believe that having healthy relationships with peers (from preschool on up) allows for adjustment to different school settings and challenges. Studies show that children who have a hard time getting along with classmates as early as preschool are more likely to experience later academic difficulties.
- Resolve conflicts. Stronger self esteem and better language skills can ultimately lead to a better ability to resolve differences with peers.
- Establish positive attitude. A positive attitude ultimately leads to better relationships with others and higher levels of self confidence.
Studies show that everyday experiences with parents are fundamental to a child’s developing social skill-set. Parents provide a child with their very first opportunities to develop a relationship, communicate and interact. As a parent, you also model for your child every day how to interact with the people around you.
Because social development is not talked about as much as some other developmental measures, it can be hard for parents to understand the process AND to evaluate how their child is developing in this area. There are some basic developmental milestones at every age, as well as some helpful tips a parent can use to support their child.
During the first 2 years of life, huge amounts of development are rapidly occurring. You can expect your child to:
– Smile and react positively to you and other caregivers
– Develop stranger anxiety—though it can be frustrating, this is a normal step in development
– Develop an attachment to a comfort object such as a blanket or animal
– Begin to show anxiety around other children
– Imitate adults and children—just as a child develops in other ways, many social skills are learned simply through copying what a parent or sibling does
– Already be affected by emotions of parents and others around them
As a parent, you can:
– Respond to your baby’s needs promptly—your child is learning how to trust someone
– Make eye contact with your baby—get down to their level and connect visually when you interact with them
– Babble and talk to your baby, always pausing to allow them to respond
– Play copycat with words and actions
– Play “peekaboo”—this teaches your child that even if you “disappear” you will come back, and sets the stage for less stranger anxiety in the future
– Involve your baby in daily activities such as running errands or visiting friends—this shows them how you interact with others in a respectful, positive way
– Begin to arrange playdates so that your child can interact with peers
By this age, the stage has been set in the earliest years (mostly by parental and other family interactions) for a child to branch out. As preschool begins your child can:
– Explore independently
– Express affection openly, though not always accurately—there can still be much frustration for your child as language development is still happening
– Still show some stranger anxiety
– Perfect the temper tantrum—it can be stressful, but tantrums are a normal part of child development
– Learn how to soothe themselves
– Be more aware of others’ emotions
– Cooperate with other children
– Express fear or anxiety before an upcoming event (such as a doctor visit)
As a parent, you can:
– Demonstrate your own love through words and physical affection—which is a great way to begin teaching a child how to express other emotions as well
– Help your child express their emotions by talking through what they are feeling
– Play with your child in a “peer-like” way to encourage cooperative play—this is helpful when they are in a group environment and have to share toys and cooperate
– Continue to provide play dates and opportunities to interact with other children
– Provide examples of your trust in others, such as your own friendships or other relationships
By 5 and older, a child’s social development begins to reach new levels. This is a point in time when most children will spend more hours in a day with other children than with their parents. It is normal for them to:
– Thrive on friendships
– Want to please friends, as well as be more like their friends
– Begin to recognize power in relationships, as well as the larger community
– Recognize and fear bullies or display bully-like behavior themselves
– As early as 10, children may begin to reject parents’ opinion of friends and certain behaviors—this is a normal step, but can be especially frustrating for parents
As a parent, you can:
– Talk with your child about social relationships and values by asking them about school and friends every day
– Allow children the opportunity to discuss social conflicts and problem-solve their reactions/actions
– Discuss the subject of bullying and harassment, both in person and on the Internet
– Allow older children to work out everyday problems on their own
– Keep the lines of communication open—as a parent, you want to make yourself available to listen and support your child in non-judgmental ways
Your child’s social development is a complex issue that is constantly changing. But the good news is that parents can have a big impact on how it progresses. By modeling healthy relationships and staying connected with your child, you can help them relate to the people around them in positive, beneficial ways. By encouraging them to engage with other children and adults, you’re setting them up to enjoy the benefits of social health—from good self esteem to strong communication skills to the ability to trust and connect with those around them.
Social Development in Preschoolers -
During your child's preschool-age years, they'll discover a lot about themselves and interacting with people around them.
Once they reach age three, your child will be much less selfish than they were before. They'll also be less dependent on you, a sign that their own sense of identity is stronger and more secure. Now they'll actually play with other children, interacting instead of just playing side by side. In the process, they'll recognize that not everyone thinks exactly as they do and that each of their playmates has many unique qualities, some attractive and some not. You'll also find your child drifting toward certain kids and starting to develop friendships with them. As they create these friendships, children discover that they, too, each have special qualities that make them likable—a revelation that gives a vital boost to self-esteem.
There's some more good news about your child's development at this age: As they become more aware of and sensitive to the feelings and actions of others, they'll gradually stop competing and will learn to cooperate when playing with her friends. They take turns and share toys in small groups, though sometimes they won't. But instead of grabbing, whining, or screaming for something, they'll actually ask politely much of the time. You can look forward to less aggressive behavior and calmer play sessions. Three-year-olds are able to work out solutions to disputes by taking turns or trading toys.
Learning how to cooperate
However, particularly in the beginning, you'll need to encourage this cooperation. For instance, you might suggest that they "use their words" to deal with problems instead of acting out. Also, remind them that when two children are sharing a toy, each gets an equal turn. Suggest ways to reach a simple solution when your child and another child want the same toy, such as drawing for the first turn or finding another toy or activity. This doesn't work all the time, but it's worth a try. Also, help children with the appropriate words to describe their feelings and desires so that they don't feel frustrated. Above all, show by your own example how to cope peacefully with conflicts. If you have an explosive temper, try to tone down your reactions in their presence. Otherwise, they'll mimic your behavior whenever they're under stress.
When anger or frustration gets physical
No matter what you do, however, there probably will be times when your child's anger or frustration becomes physical. When that happens, restrain them from hurting others, and if they don't calm down quickly, move them away from the other children. Talk to them about her feelings and try to determine why they're so upset. Let them know you understand and accept her feelings, but make it clear that physically attacking another child is not a good way to express these emotions.
Saying sorry
Help them see the situation from the other child's point of view by reminding them of a time when someone hit or screamed at them, and then suggest more peaceful ways to resolve their conflicts. Finally, once they understand what they've done wrong—but not before—ask them to apologize to the other child. However, simply saying "I'm sorry" may not help your child correct their behavior; they also needs to know why they're apologizing. They may not understand right away, but give it time; by age four these explanations will begin to mean something.
Make-believe play
Fortunately, the normal interests of three-year-olds keep fights to a minimum. They spend much of their playtime in fantasy activity, which tends to be more cooperative than play that's focused on toys or games. As you've probably already seen, preschooler enjoy assigning different roles in an elaborate game of make-believe using imaginary or household objects. This type of play helps develop important social skills, such as taking turns, paying attention, communicating (through actions and expressions as well as words), and responding to one another's actions. And there's still another benefit: Because pretend play allows children to slip into any role they wish—including superheroes or the fairy godmother—it also helps them explore more complex social ideas. Plus it helps improve executive functioning such as problem-solving
By watching the role-playing in your child's make-believe games, you may see that they're beginning to identify their own gender and gender identity. While playing house, boys naturally will adopt the father's role and girls the mother's, reflecting whatever they've noticed in the hemworld around them.
Development of gender roles & identity
Research shows that a few of the developmental and behavioral differences that typically distinguish boys from girls are biologically determined. Most gender-related characteristics at this age are more likely to be shaped by culture and family. Your daughter, for example, may be encouraged to play with dolls by advertisements, gifts from well-meaning relatives, and the approving comments of adults and other children. Boys, meanwhile, may be guided away from dolls in favor of more rough-and-tumble games and sports. Children sense the approval and disapproval and adjust their behavior accordingly. Thus, by the time they enter kindergarten, children's gender identities are often well established.
As children start to think in categories, they often understand the boundaries of these labels without understanding that boundaries can be flexible; children this age often will take this identification process to an extreme. Girls may insist on wearing dresses, nail polish, and makeup to school or to the playground. Boys may swagger, be overly assertive, and carry their favorite ball, bat, or truck everywhere.
On the other hand, some girls and boys reject these stereotypical expressions of gender identity, preferring to choose toys, playmates, interests, mannerisms, and hairstyles that are more often associated with the opposite sex. These children are sometimes called gender expansive, gender variant, gender nonconforming, gender creative, or gender atypical. Among these gender expansive children are some who may come to feel that their deep inner sense of being female or male—their gender identity—is the opposite of their biologic sex, somewhere in between male and female, or another gender; these children are sometimes called transgender.
Given that many three-year-old children are doubling down on gender stereotypes, this can be an age in which a gender-expansive child stands out from the crowd. These children are normal and healthy, but it can be difficult for parents to navigate their child's expression and identity if it is different from their expectations or the expectations of those around them.
Experimenting with gender attitudes & behaviors
As children develop their own identity during these early years, they're bound to experiment with attitudes and behaviors of both sexes. There's rarely reason to discourage such impulses, except when the child is resisting or rejecting strongly established cultural standards. If your son wanted to wear dresses every day or your daughter only wants to wear sport shorts like her big brother, allow the phase to pass unless it is inappropriate for a specific event. If the child persists, however, or seems unusually upset about their gender, discuss the issue with your pediatrician.
Your child also may imitate certain types of behavior that adults consider sexual, such as flirting. Children this age have no mature sexual intentions, though; they mimic these mannerisms. If the imitation of sexual behavior is explicit, though, they may have been personally exposed to sexual acts. You should discuss this with your pediatrician, as it could be a sign of sexual abuse or the influence of inappropriate media or videogames.
Play sessions: helping your child make friends
By age four, your child should have an active social life filled with friends, and they may even have a "best friend. " Ideally, they'll have neighborhood and preschool friends they see routinely. But what if your child is not enrolled in preschool and doesn't live near other children the same age? In these cases, you might arrange play sessions with other preschoolers. Parks, playgrounds, and preschool activity programs all provide excellent opportunities to meet other children.
Once your preschooler has found playmates they seems to enjoy, you need to take initiative to help build their relationships. Encourage them to invite these friends to your home. It's important for your child to "show off" their home, family, and possessions to other children. This will establish a sense of self-pride. Incidentally, to generate this pride, their home needn't be luxurious or filled with expensive toys; it needs only be warm and welcoming.
It's also important to recognize that at this age your child's friends are not just playmates. They also actively influence their thinking and behavior. They'll desperately want to be just like them, even when they break rules and standards you've taught them rrm birth. They now realize there are other values and opinions besides yours, and they may test this new discovery by demanding things you've never allowed him—certain toys, foods, clothing, or permission to watch certain TV programs.
Testing limits
Don't despair if your child's relationship with you changes dramatically in light of these new friendships. They may be rude to you for the first time in their life.Hard as it may be to accept, this sassiness actually is a positive sign that they're learning to challenge authority and test their independence. Once again, deal with it by expressing disapproval, and possibly discussing with them what they really mean or feel. If you react emotionally, you'll encourage continued bad behavior. If the subdued approach doesn't work and they persist in talking back to you, a time-out (or time-in) is the most effective form of punishment.
Bear in mind that even though your child is exploring the concepts of good and bad, they still have an extremely simplified sense of morality. When they obey rules rigidly, it's not necessarily because they understand them, but more likely because they wants to avoid punishment. In their mind, consequences count but not intentions. When theybreaks something of value, they'll probably assume they are bad, even if they didn't brea it on purpose. They need to be taught the difference between accidents and misbehaving.
Separate the child from their behavior
To help them learn this difference, you need to separate them from their behavior. When they do or say something that calls for punishment, make sure they understand they are being punished for the act not because they're "bad." Describe specifically what they did wrong, clearly separating person from behavior. If they are picking on a younger sibling, explain why it is wrong rather than saying "You're bad." When they do something wrong without meaning to, comfort them and say you understand it was unintentional. Try not to get upset, or they'll think you're angry at them rather than about what they did.
It's also important to give your preschooler tasks that you know they can do and then praise them when they do them well. They are ready for simple responsibilities, such as setting the table or cleaning their room. On family outings, explain that you expect them to behave well, and congratulate them when they do. Along with responsibilities, give them ample opportunities to play with other children, and tell him how proud you are when they shares or is helpful to another child.
Sibling relationships
Finally, it's important to recognize that the relationship with older siblings can be particularly challenging, especially if the sibling is three to four years older. Often your four-year-old is eager to do everything their older sibling is doing; just as often, your older child resents the intrusion. They may resent the intrusion on their space, their friends, their more daring and busy pace, and especially their room and things. You often become the mediator of these squabbles. It's important to seek middle ground. Allow your older child their own time, independence, and private activities and space; but also foster cooperative play appropriate. Family vacations are great opportunities to enhance the positives of their relationship and at the same time give each their own activity and special time.
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
Social development of preschoolers: stages, factors, means
Everyone knows that childhood is a special and unique period in everyone's life. In childhood, not only the foundations of health are laid, but also a personality is formed: its values, preferences, guidelines. The way a child's childhood passes directly affects the success of his future life. A valuable experience of this period is social development. The psychological readiness of a child for school largely depends on whether he knows how to build communication with other children and adults, and how to cooperate with them correctly. It is also important for a preschooler how quickly he acquires knowledge appropriate to his age. All these factors are the key to successful study in the future. Next, about what you need to pay attention to in the social development of a preschooler. nine0003
1 What is social development
1.1 In the video, the teacher shares the experience of socialization of preschoolers
2 Stages of social development of a child
3 Social factors
4 Social education and its means
5 Social development in kindergarten
6 Development of social skills
nine0005 -
8 Social exclusion
9 Terminals
7 Social adaptation of children
What is social development
What does the term "social development" (or "socialization") mean? This is a process in which the child adopts the traditions, values, culture of the society in which he will live and develop. That is, the baby is the basic formation of the original culture. Social development is carried out through communication with peers and adults. When communicating, the child begins to live by the rules, trying to take into account his interests and interlocutors, adopts specific behavioral norms. The environment surrounding the baby, which also directly affects its development, is not just the outside world with streets, houses, roads, objects. Environment - first of all, these are people who interact with each other according to certain rules that prevail in society. Any person who meets on the way of a child brings something new into his life, thus directly or indirectly shaping him. The adult demonstrates knowledge, skills and abilities regarding how to make contact with people and objects. The child, in turn, inherits what he sees, copies it. Using this experience, children learn to communicate in their own little world with each other. nine0003
It is known that individuals are not born, but become. And the formation of a fully developed personality is greatly influenced by communication with people. That is why parents should pay enough attention to the formation of the child's ability to find contact with other people.
In the video, the teacher shares his experience of socialization of preschoolers
“Do you know that the main (and first) source of a child's communicative experience is his family, which is a “guide” to the world of knowledge, values, traditions and experience of modern society. It is from parents that you can learn the rules of communication with peers, learn to communicate freely. A positive socio-psychological climate in the family, a warm homely atmosphere of love, trust and mutual understanding will help the baby adapt to life and feel confident.” nine0065
Stages of social development of a child
- Infancy.
Social development begins in a preschooler as early as infancy. With the help of a mother or another person who often spends time with a newborn, the baby learns the basics of communication, using communication tools such as facial expressions and movements, as well as sounds.
- Six months to two years. The baby's communication with adults becomes situational, which manifests itself in the form of practical interaction. A child often needs the help of parents, some joint actions for which he applies. nine0012
- Three years. In this age period, the baby already requires society: he wants to communicate in a team of peers. The child enters the children's environment, adapts to it, accepts its norms and rules, and parents actively help in this. They tell the preschooler what to do and what not to do: is it worth taking other people's toys, is it good to be greedy, is it necessary to share, is it possible to offend children, how to be patient and polite, and so on.
- Four to five years. nine0073 This age segment is characterized by the fact that babies begin to ask an infinite number of questions about everything in the world (which are not always answered even by adults!). Communication of a preschooler becomes brightly emotionally colored, aimed at cognition. The speech of the baby becomes the main way of his communication: using it, he exchanges information and discusses with adults the phenomena of the world around him.
- Six to seven years. The child's communication takes on a personal form. At this age, children are already interested in questions about the essence of man. This period is considered the most important in the formation of the personality and citizenship of the child. A preschooler needs an explanation of many life moments, advice, support and understanding from adults, because they are a role model. Looking at adults, six-year-olds copy their style of communication, relationships with other people, and the peculiarities of their behavior.
This is the beginning of the formation of your personality. nine0012
Social factors
What influences the baby's socialization?
- family
- kindergarten
- child's environment
- children's institutions (kindergarten, development center, circles, sections, studios)
- child activities
- television, children's press
- literature, music
- nature
All this makes up the child's social environment.
Raising a child, do not forget about the harmonious combination of various ways, means and methods. nine0003
Social education and its means
Social education of preschoolers is the most important aspect of a child's development, because preschool age is the best period for a child's development, development of his communicative and moral qualities. At this age, there is an increase in the volume of communication with peers and adults, the complication of activities, the organization of joint activities with peers. Social education is interpreted as the creation of pedagogical conditions for the purpose of positive development of a person's personality, his spiritual and value orientation. nine0003
Let's list the main means of social education of preschoolers :
- Game.
- Communication with children.
- Conversation.
- Discussing the actions of the child.
- Exercises for the development of horizons.
- Reading.
The main activity of preschool children and an effective means of social education is role-playing game . By teaching the kid such games, we offer him certain patterns of behavior, actions and interactions that he can play. The child begins to think about how relations between people take place, realize the meaning of their work. In their games, the baby most often imitates the behavior of adults. Together with his peers, he creates game-situations where he "tryes on" the roles of fathers and mothers, doctors, waiters, hairdressers, builders, drivers, businessmen, etc.
“It is interesting that by imitating different roles, the child learns to perform actions, coordinating them with the moral norms prevailing in society. So the baby unconsciously prepares himself for life in the world of adults.
Such games are useful in that while playing, a preschooler learns to find solutions to various life situations, including conflict resolution.
“Council. Conduct exercises and activities for the child more often that develop the horizons of the baby. Introduce him to the masterpieces of children's literature and classical music. Study colorful encyclopedias and children's reference books. Do not forget to talk with the child: kids also need an explanation of their actions and advice from parents and teachers.
Social development in kindergarten
How does kindergarten influence successful socialization of a child?
In the kindergarten:
- a special social-forming environment was created
- organized communication with children and adults
- organized gaming, labor and educational activities
- civil-patriotic orientation is being implemented
- organized interaction with the family
- introduced the principles of social partnership. nine0012
The presence of these aspects determines the positive impact on the child's socialization.
There is an opinion that going to kindergarten is not necessary at all. However, in addition to general developmental activities and preparation for school, a child who goes to kindergarten also develops socially. All conditions for this have been created in the kindergarten:
- zoning
- play and educational equipment
- games
- didactic and teaching aids
- the presence of a children's team
- communication with adults.
All these conditions simultaneously include preschoolers in intensive cognitive and creative activities that ensure their social development, form communication skills and the formation of their socially significant personal characteristics.
It will not be easy for a child who does not attend kindergarten to organize a combination of all the above developmental factors.
Development of social skills
The development of social skills in preschool children has a positive effect on their activities in life. General upbringing, manifested in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, sympathize, and help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Also important is the ability to talk about your own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the right direction of successful socialization, we suggest following the aspects of developing social skills:
- Show your child social skills.
In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This will be the first social interaction.
- Talk to the baby. Answer the sounds made by the baby with words, phrases. This way you will establish contact with the baby and soon teach him to speak.
- Teach your child to be attentive. It is not necessary to bring up an egoist: more often let the child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, concerns. nine0012
- When educating, be kind. In upbringing, stand on your own, but without shouting, but with love.
- Teach your child respect. Explain that objects have value and should be treated with care. Especially if it's someone else's stuff.
- Learn to share toys. This will help him make friends faster.
- Create a social circle for your baby. Strive to organize the communication of the baby with peers in the yard, at home, in a children's institution.
- Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: why not praise him? He will consolidate the understanding of how to behave better, and acquired the necessary social skills.
- Talk to your child. Teach preschoolers to communicate, share experiences, analyze actions.
- Encourage mutual assistance, attention to children. Discuss situations from the child's life more often: in this way he will learn the basics of morality. nine0012
Social adaptation of children
Social adaptation is a prerequisite and the result of successful socialization of a preschooler.
It occurs in three areas:
- activity
- consciousness
- communication.
Field of activity implies a variety and complexity of activities, a good command of each of its types, its understanding and possession of it, the ability to carry out activities in various forms. nine0003
Indicators of a developed sphere of communication are characterized by the expansion of the child's circle of communication, the deepening of the quality of its content, the possession of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, the ability to use its various forms and types suitable for the child's social environment and society.
The developed sphere of consciousness is characterized by work on the formation of the image of one's own "I" as a subject of activity, understanding one's social role, and the formation of self-esteem. nine0003
During the socialization of a child, along with the desire to do everything as everyone else does (mastering the generally accepted rules and norms of behavior), a desire is manifested to stand out, to show individuality (development of independence, one's own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:
- socialization
- individualization.
In the case when a balance is established between socialization and individualization during socialization, an integrated process takes place aimed at the successful entry of the child into society. This is social adaptation. nine0003
Social maladaptation
If, when a child enters a certain group of peers, there is no conflict between generally accepted standards and individual qualities of the child, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If such harmony is violated, then the child may show self-doubt, isolation, depressed mood, unwillingness to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are aggressive, non-contact, inadequately evaluating themselves. nine0003
It happens that the socialization of a child is complicated or slowed down due to physical or mental reasons, as well as as a result of the negative influence of the environment in which he grows up. The result of such cases is the appearance of asocial children, when the child does not fit into social relations. Such children need psychological help or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of complexity) for the proper organization of the process of their adaptation to society. nine0003
If you try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of the child, create favorable conditions for all-round development, maintain friendly relations and promote the disclosure of his creative potential, then the process of social development of the preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident, which means he will be successful.
How to make a child's social development harmonious and comprehensive?
Knowledge base
Social development of a preschooler: stages and tips
- What is social development?
- Stages of social development of a preschooler
- Socialization up to three years
- Socialization of children from 3 to 7 years old
The social development of a preschool child is an important task for parents, because socialization is one of the main skills for a harmonious existence in society. A socialized person feels more confident, he is more successful in any situation, he develops a basic trust in the world. nine0351
What is social development?
Social development is part of the overall development of the child. It includes not only the ability of the baby to communicate, but also acquaintance with the culture and traditions of society, the development of emotional intelligence, the ability to resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way. This is a multifaceted skill that begins to form in children from birth.
Stages of social development of a preschooler
The first natural environment for social development is the family. Here, even in infancy, the baby receives the first lessons of communication, learns to recognize emotions by facial expressions, intonations, gestures. nine0003
Until the age of two, children are completely dependent on their parents. And although at this age they can already communicate with their peers, purposeful play does not work. Children often play side by side, but not together.
From the age of three, a child begins to consciously communicate with other children, learns to play. During this period, it is important to pay more attention to the development of emotional intelligence and learn to build relationships with others. To do this, it is useful to send the child to a developmental center for children. nine0003
From 5 to 7 years old, a preschooler begins to be interested in the essence of a person, a breakthrough occurs in the mental development of the child. At this age, it is especially important to set a positive example of family relationships. Now, behavioral patterns are being laid that will guide the child in the future.
Socialization up to three years
From an early age, it is worth explaining to the baby the rules of safe functioning in the outside world. It is useful to play situations at home, for example, with the help of toys. A role-playing game is one of the best ways to introduce a child to the laws of the world and the spectrum of emotions experienced by a person. nine0003
Socialization of children from 3 to 7 years old
- Teach your child to talk calmly about his desires. Learn to negotiate in controversial situations without conflicts. To do this, speak calmly and confidently yourself, do not raise your tone.
- It is important to establish social boundaries by explaining what is allowed and what is not. The concept of "impossible" needs to be deciphered and an answer to the question "why not?" This will save the baby to check the ban on himself.
- Teach your child to be attentive to others - create situations in which he can take care of his neighbor. nine0012
- Respect the interests, hobbies and desires of children.
- It is useful to talk with an older preschooler and analyze his actions and the actions of those around him. Ask his opinion about why the person did this? What feelings moved them? This teaches children to better understand others.
- Give the preschooler more independence.
- Encourage contact with other children and do not criticize friends. You can express disapproval of the actions of another child, but at the same time you need to give an objective explanation. nine0012
- For the socialization of the child, harmonious conditions for the development of the child in the family are necessary, but communication with peers is also necessary. Therefore, choose a good kindergarten and preschool center.
The children's center "Imena Production" invites your children to classes for preschoolers. With us, children not only master intellectual and creative disciplines, but also learn to communicate, make new friends. For the little ones, we have an early development course, an important task of which is the adaptation and socialization of children. We invite older children to the discipline of integrated development. Here the child reveals his talent in choreography, acting, vocals, and also develops morally and spiritually in Sunday school. nine0003
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