Sound for kindergarten
What is sound? | TheSchoolRun
Understand what your child learns about sound and pitch in primary-school science and support their learning at home with hands-on activities and investigations.
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What is sound?
Sound is created when something vibrates and sends waves of energy (vibration) into our ears. The vibrations travel through the air or another medium (solid, liquid or gas) to the ear. The stronger the vibrations, the louder the sound. Sounds are fainter the further you get from the sound source.
Sound changes depending on how fast or slow an object vibrates to make sound waves. Pitch is the quality of a sound (high or low) and depends on the speed of the vibrations.
Different materials produce different pitches; if an object vibrates quickly we hear a high-pitched sound, and if an object vibrates slowly we hear a low-pitched sound. Sounds are usually a mixture of lots of different kinds of sound waves.
When do children learn about sound in primary school?
Children learn about and explore how sound is created and travels in a scientific context in Year 4.
Children may also learn about pitch and volume of sounds in music lessons in other year groups.
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How are children taught about sound in the classroom?
This topic is often introduced by asking the children to close their eyes and listen to the sounds they can hear in the local environment, or play a sound matching game to identify sounds where they listen to a range of sounds and identify what is making the sound.
- Teachers may use a slinky, tuning forks, ripples on a pond and science video clips to introduce the concept of sound waves/vibrations traveling through air and other materials to the ear.
- Teachers will discuss sound safety and why people working with loud noises wear ear defenders.
- Children will explore pitch and loudness using a range of musical instruments from around the world, for example drums, recorders, guitars. Children will investigate how to increase the pitch by changing the tightness of a drum skin or the length of a string on a string instrument.
- Children may carry out investigations to find sound-insulating materials, for example finding the best material to make ear muffs or defenders, and learn these work because the sound doesn’t travel through some materials as well as through others.
- Children may carry out investigations to explore the distance sound will travel.
Books about sound for children
Learning about sound: activities to do at home
- Investigate the British Library's Sound Archive (see the video above) and explore new and wonderful recorded sounds with some sensory activities for kids, including creating story soundtracks.
- Use recyclable items (cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, plastic yoghurt pots, etc) to make your own musical instruments.
- Boost the sound that smartphone speakers make to experiment with how sounds are produced and how they can be made louder.
- Make your own telephone using a long piece of string and two yoghurt pots.
- See soundwaves in a video filmed at the Science Museum in London.
- Go on a sound walk and write down or record the sounds you hear in your local environment.
- Make a sound game by recording a selection of sounds and seeing who can guess what each sound is.
Beginning Sounds Activities for Kindergarten
Curriculum | Featured | Letters & Letter Sounds | Reading
When learning to read, there are many phonemic awareness and phonics skills students must master. Learning letter names, letter sounds, and beginning sounds is key in helping students quickly decode and read texts. To give your students the exposure and practice they need, check out these beginning sounds activities for kindergarten.
Why is it Important to Teach Beginning Sounds?
When teaching students to read, it’s important for them to understand that words are made up of letters and sounds. This knowledge helps them read and write more fluently.
Phonemic awareness and phonics skills are key in kindergarten. Phonemic awareness skills are when students understand that words are made up of various sounds. Phonics skills are what correlates the sound of a letter to the written letter itself.
Begin with teaching phonemic awareness skills so students learn to listen for and differentiate the sounds in words.
It can be tricky for students to hear the middle and ending sounds in words at first, which is why starting with beginning sounds is so effective.
Digital Beginning Sounds Activities
Since it’s important for students to first understand what beginning sounds are and learn to listen for them in words, you need a variety of beginning sounds activities for kindergarten for them to practice with.
A great way to engage your students is with interactive digital phonemic awareness activities like beginning sounds Boom Cards. These Boom Card decks give students a variety of opportunities to practice listening for the same beginning sounds in words.
Plus with audio directions, audio picture names, and the self-checking feature, your students will be able to work independently with success.
Hands-on Beginning Sounds Activities
Mastering beginning sounds takes a lot of practice and exposure. Therefore, you need a wide array of hands-on beginning sounds activities for kindergarten that your students can work with.
You can incorporate these hands-on activities into your morning tubs, literacy centers, or fast finisher activities. This is a great way to keep your students practicing their skills throughout the day.
Letter Sound Mats
One of my favorite ways to practice beginning sounds is with letter sound mats and magnetic letters. Students will say the picture name aloud, identify the beginning sound, and match the correct magnetic letter to the picture.
If you have a set of picture cards and magnetic letters, you can simply have students flip a card, identify the beginning sound, and match the letter.
Build the Sound Mats
Another great beginning sounds activity for kindergarten is build the sound mats. This activity allows students to identify the beginning sound in the picture and build the letter using manipulatives.
Students will get extra fine motor practice as they work on both phonemic awareness and phonics skills.
Beginning Sound Mazes
Another fun way to switch up the learning is to use beginning sound mazes with your students. As they cover the letters that make the focus sound on the mat, they’ll work their way through the maze.
This makes learning feel like a game for students, which is a sure way to keep them on task, engaged, and motivated.
If you loved these hands-on beginning sounds activities for kindergarten, you can grab them all plus more in my Beginning Sounds and Letter Sounds Bundle!
No Prep Beginning Sounds Activities
While using digital and hands-on beginning sounds activities is key, it’s also nice to keep a good stash of no prep activities on hand.
Add these no prep beginning sounds activities to your morning work, independent literacy stations, or keep them in a sub tub. They also make great time filler activities if you have a few minutes between activities.
If you need a quick way to assess your students on beginning sounds, you can use these no prep activities as an informal assessment as well.
How to Assess Your Students on Beginning Sounds
As your students learn and grow their beginning sounds skills, you want to assess them frequently. This allows you to see which beginning sounds they are mastering and which sounds they need help with.
Using beginning sounds picture cards and a checklist is a great way to gauge your students’ understanding. You can monitor students quarterly, monthly, or every 2 weeks if they need more support.
Beginning Sounds Assessment Freebie
To make assessing your students on beginning sounds and letter sounds easy, I created an assessment freebie for you.
This freebie includes a beginning sounds assessment checklist and beginning sounds pictures. There is also a letter sounds assessment page and checklist to help you assess your students’ uppercase and lowercase letter sound recognition.
You can fill out the form below to get the beginning sounds and letter sounds assessment freebie sent directly to your inbox!
I hope these beginning sounds activities and assessments for kindergarten make learning more fun and effective in your classroom!
Post Tags: #beginning sounds#Freebies#letter sounds#literacy#literacy centers#reading
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Games with sounds - Site of kindergarten №422 "Lorik"
Games with sounds help to develop phonetic hearing and phonemic perception.
Phonetic hearing is a fine systematized hearing, the ability to distinguish and recognize the sounds that make up a word. Without a developed phonetic hearing, the correct pronunciation of sounds is impossible.
In the case of phonetic underdevelopment, the child mixes voiced and deaf, hard and soft consonants, does not distinguish between whistling and hissing, "R" and "L", "C" and "Ch" and others. nine0009
Phonemic perception is the ability to distinguish phonemes and determine the sound composition of a word. How many syllables are in poppy? How many sounds does it have? What consonant is at the end of a word? What is the vowel in the middle of a word? It is phonemic perception that helps answer these questions.
The correct development of phonetic hearing and phonemic perception underlies the unmistakable assimilation of writing and reading in the process of schooling. nine0009
We bring to your attention some games that contribute to the development of phonemic processes.
“Select the word”
Invite the children to clap their hands (stomp their feet, hit their knees, raise their hands…) when they hear the words, with the given sound.
“What sound do all words have?”
An adult pronounces three or four words, each of which has the same sound: fur coat, cat, mouse - and asks the child what sound is in all these words.
"Who is more?"
Looking at the pictures in the book together with your child, invite him to find among them those in the names of which there is a sound “P”. for each named word an encouraging point is given.
“Come up with more”
The leader, naming some sound, asks the players to come up with 3 words in which the given sound occurs.
"Chains of words"
This game is an analogue of the well-known "cities". It consists in the fact that the next player calls his word to the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: aist - Plate - Watermelon.
“The Fourth Extra”
For the game you will need four pictures with images of objects, three of which contain the specified sound in the name, and one does not. The adult lays them out in front of the child and offers to determine which picture is superfluous and why. The set can be varied, for example: a cup, glasses, a cloud, a bridge; bear, bowl, dog, chalk; road, board, oak, shoes. If the child does not understand the task, then ask him leading questions, ask him to carefully listen to the sounds in the words. An adult can highlight the identified sound with his voice. As a variant of the game, you can select words with different syllabic structures (3 three-syllable words, and one two-syllable), different stressed syllables. The task helps to develop not only phonemic perception, but also attention, logical thinking. nine0009
“Young Poets”
An adult gives the child a set of pictures and asks them to arrange them in pairs with similar word endings (mice - donuts, daughters - dots, barrel - kidney, etc.). Before the game begins, you can look at the pictures, drawing the child's attention to the endings of the words denoting the depicted objects. Then, with these pairs of pictures, you can make sentences - couplets, for example:
They lived in a mink - there were mice,
And donuts lay on the table. nine0009
The game serves to exercise phonemic awareness and the accuracy of auditory perception. You can play alone or in a large group. Before the game, an adult addresses the children: “Have you ever heard an echo? When you travel in the mountains or through the forest, pass through an archway, or are in a large empty hall, you may encounter an echo. That is, you, of course, will not be able to see it, but you can hear it. If you say: “Echo, hello!”, then it will answer you: “Echo, hello!”, Because it always repeats exactly what you tell it. Now let's play echo." Then they appoint a driver - "Echo", who must repeat what he is told. It is better to start with simple words, then move on to difficult and long ones (for example, “ay”, “rather”, “windbreak”). nine0009
Catch a Fish
This game requires a magnetic rod. This is an ordinary stick, tied to it on a string with a magnet. Clips are put on pictures from any children's lotto. The child catches with a fishing rod only those pictures in the name of which there is a certain sound, selected in advance. Or a child catches a picture and calls the sound with which its name begins.
"Jokes - minutes"
You read lines from poetry to children, intentionally replacing letters in words. Children find a mistake in a poem and correct it. Examples :
Patterned tail,
boots w t orami.
Tili-bom! Tili-bom!
Catkin t ohm caught fire.
Behind the window is a winter garden,
There the leaves in and glasses are sleeping.
"Beginning, middle, end"
Teach children to identify the place of sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. Offer to find in the picture, among the pictures of the loto, words that start with A and end with A. Or just offer to determine the place of the sound in the word. nine0009
“Think, take your time”
Give the children a few quick-witted tasks:
– Choose a word that begins with the last sound of the word “table”.
- Remember the name of the bird, which would have the last sound of the word cheese. (sparrow, rook ...)
- Choose a word so that the first sound is "k" and the last is "a".
- Invite the child to name an object in a room with a given sound. For example: What ends with "A"; what starts with “C”, in the middle of the word there is a sound “T”, etc. nine0009
Sound Automation G |
When pronouncing with a voice, select the sound [Ж].
Ms. Ms.
Ms. Ms.
Ms. Ms. Ms.
Ms. Ms. Ms.
Ms. Ms.
Ms. Ms.
Ms. Ms.
Joo joo
0193 Zhi - zhu - zhu - zhu - zhe
Zho - zhu - zhu - zhi - zhe
Zhe - zha - zhu - zhi - zhu
Zhu - zhu - zho - zhi - zhe- Pronounce words, highlighting the sound with your voice [W]:
Zhanna: sorry, toad, sting, harvest, reap, Jeanne, greedy, complaint; pity, jacket, jasmine.
Jo, jo: gutter, acorn, yellow.
Zhu, same: beetle, Zhenya, burning; token.
Live: live, lived, liquid, live; live, belly, animal.
Wait, wait, flagellum.
- Pronounce the words, highlighting the sound [Ж] with your voice:
Zha: hedgehog, leader, counselor, pajamas, run, lie down, respect; skin, puddle, lying, leather.
Zho, Zho: burn, meadow, flag, fresh, hacksaw, bear cub, iron, hedgehog.
Zhu, zhu: I lie, I go, I look, I will show, already, respect; I see, knit, lick, smear.
Live: knives, snakes, hedgehogs, lie down, show, floors, bait; hedgehog, dinner, fawn, dozen, look after, similar, supper.
- Pronounce words with a confluence of consonants, highlighting the sound [Ж] with your voice:
Important, each, paper, trunk, assembly, can, rain, false, alarming, scissors, cake, artist, need, together, friendship, skier, cobblestone, southern, blizzard, taiga, lower, middle, tansy, book, between, before, clothes, Hope, gentle, former, polite, diligent, once, twice, conquer.
- Form a noun with a diminutive meaning:
Call me nice.
Snow - Snowball
Stog -
boots -
Hedgehog -
Knife -
rain -
Iron -
- Speak words with two sounds:
Thirst, goo, buzz, yellowskins.
- Form related words:
leather - (leather, skin, skin ...)0009
hedgehog - (hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog ...)
- CI "Count to 5":
hedgehog -
jacket -
little duck -
- Pronounce phrases, highlighting the sound [Ж] with your voice:
Leather jacket liquid honey
Tender skin greedy Zhenya
Soft pajamas Book day
Brave captain Paper toad
Momino Iron Fashion Jacket
Beige jacket of Zhenya slippers
New iron paper beetle
Important bear leader
Zhenyan Pazhny Kom
9000 9000 9000- Speak sentences:
Pronounce sentences in blocks (the first paragraph, after everything is well pronounced - the second paragraph, etc.
Vova is a polite child. Notebooks on the bottom shelf. The baggage car is ahead. Mom bought a cake. Snowman among the trees. Zhenya shakes out clothes. Gene has a paper toad. The shoemaker mended the shoes. The fitters do an important job. The winner - the skier was awarded with gifts. You can find the right book in the bookstore. The cobblestone was wet from the rain. nine0009
Zhenya is chewing blackberries. Already horrified. The installer needs a hacksaw. Jeanne has a leather jacket. Zhenya and Zhanna are having dinner. Zhanna has a paper toad. Hedgehogs are waiting for their mother hedgehog. Beetles buzz over the tansy. The artist goes to Kizhi. The hedgehog and the hedgehog have a hedgehog. Pajamas, a jacket and a jacket are clothes. Zhenya lives on the fifth floor.
Tansy smells gentle. Zhenya's father is an artist. The teddy bear chews the rye. Zhenya has live snakes. Zhanna gives Zhenya a blackberry. Zhenya knits a jacket for her mother. Pajamas have no cuffs.
Blackberries in a paper bag. Toads live between the stumps. Zhenya has blackberries for dinner. The children have pajamas and jackets. The beetle has a secure home between the branches. nine0009
Children live together. It is easy to run on a well-trodden track. Zhora's father is an installer, and Zhenya's is an artist. My friend lives downstairs. There is a magazine on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Zhora saves clothes. Zhenya is waiting for the rain to stop. The rain has already poured twice - wait for the harvest for mushrooms. A bug buzzes between the windows. Zhenya won twice in cross-country skiing. Acorns are falling.
- Speak texts:
Texts to pronounce, provided that there is a sound [Р] in the speech. nine0246
Zhenya is a fisherman.
Zhenya loves to fish. He made the rod himself. A fishing line from a vein, a lure from a piece of iron. Already early in the morning Zhenya runs to fish. On the lawn Zhenya catches bugs and digs for worms.
This will be the bait. Zhenya keeps the bait in a jar. Zhenya runs to the river. Patiently waiting for the bite. He keeps the fish in a bucket: that way it will be fresher. Fish move their gills. The heat is coming, and Zhenya goes home. There will be an ear of fresh fish.
Redhead had a foal. The foal was red. Zhenya called him Ryzhik. Ryzhik was weak, barely able to stand on his feet. The redhead felt sorry for the foal. Zhenya also felt sorry for Ryzhik. He courted and helped Ryzhik. When Ryzhik got stronger, Zhenya took him to the meadow. Ginger liked to circle the lawn. Circling, circling and lie under the stack. When Ryzhukha was harnessed to the cart, Ryzhik ran alongside. At the river Ryzhukha they unharnessed. Ryzhukha bathed herself, and Zhenya bathed Ryzhik. Over the summer, Ryzhik got stronger. nine0009
The beetle has a reliable home,
The beetle lives, does not grieve in it.
The beetle buzzes, does not lose heart,
Zhu-zhu-zhu he sings.
Ms. Ms., Ms. Ms.
There are hedgehogs at the hedgehog.
Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi
Show me the hedgehog.
Ms. Ms., Ms. Ms.
Get away from the hedgehog.
Zhi-zh-zh, zh-zh-zh
There are floors in my house.
Ms. Ms., Ms. Ms.
There are two floors below me.
Ms. Ms., Ms. Ms.
There are two floors above me.
Same, same, same, same
What floor am I on?
A beetle buzzes over honeysuckle.
Heavy beetle cover.
Every beetle buzzes about how
How scary it is to be a beetle -
Everyone can offend.
How not to buzz about it?
Golden like bronze
A beetle circles around a rose
and buzzes: "Boo-buzz, buzz-buzz"
Very friendly with roses!”
Rain, rain, no rain.
Rain, rain, wait.
Let me go home
Grandfather gray-haired.
Clumsy bear cub
Slaps a puddle with its paw.
The little bear is spinning,
Catching a ray in a puddle.
Snow on deadwood.
A ball under deadwood.
A hedgehog lies in its winter sleep.
The hedgehog will revive by spring.
- Say tongue twisters:
A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a hedgehog.
I even need supper.
The snakes do not live where the hedgehogs live.
- Alifanova E.A., Egorova N.E. Logopedic rhymes and miniatures. - M., 1999.
- Anischenkova E.S. A practical guide to correcting sound pronunciation in children. - M., 2007.
- Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. - SPb., 1994.
- Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Automation of hissing sounds in children. - M., 2006.
- Kulikovskaya T.A. 40 new tongue twisters. - M., 2008.
- Kulikovskaya T.A. Funny phrases. - M., 1999.
- Nishcheva N.