Spelling words preschool
Preschool Spelling Words & Vocabulary
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Time4Learning is an online student-paced learning system popular as a preschool homeschool curriculum, as an after school tutorial and skill sharpening during the summer break.
This page is a summary of curriculum topics, foundational skills and resources related to preschool spelling including information about:
- Preschool Spelling Curriculum
- Foundational Spelling Skills
- Preschool Spelling Words List
- Preschool Spelling Resources
- Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
In preschool, spelling words start with basic two-letter words. For example, a good starting point for preschoolers would be: AT, ME, BE, and IT.
Children then start to expand the list by working through “word families”. From AT, in preschool spelling, the curriculum, worksheets, and then spelling tests would cover BAT, CAT, HAT, and SAT. Also, they might vary the vowel and go to HOT. A list of preschool spelling words might start with MAD and include MAN, MAP, and MAT as well as DAD and SAD.
These very young children learn through spelling activities including many creative methods that make the preschool spelling program fun for them. Remember, every child learns at a different rate, so what works for some students may not be the best approach for your child. This is why so many parents enjoy Time4Learning’s student-paced curriculum.. You can skip lessons that teach concepts your child has already mastered and repeat those he or she has not. The choice is yours.
Foundational Spelling Skills
Spelling skills should develop as part of an overall language arts phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary and reading fluency, grammar, reading and writing program. Children should (with help from their parents) develop their foundational spelling skills through an interest in words, regular writing, constant reading, a study of spelling rules, and playing of spelling games
With help from their parents, children can develop and reinforce foundational spelling skills through the following activities:
- Regular writing for a head start on spelling, punctuation, and other concepts
- Constant reading or use of reading workbooks
- Frequent study of spelling rules like the relationships between letters and sounds
- Spelling bees for a fun way for your child to practice their spelling
- Playing of spelling games, quizzes or word games to help develop their spelling skills
- Structured computer spelling programs
- Personalized tutoring and assistance to boost confidence
- Setting daily blocks of time for spelling and reading activities
- Instruction through guided spelling activities like word sorts or word boxes
- Creating a rich language environment at home based on the quantity and quality of words spoken
Time4Learning teaches a comprehensive preschool spelling curriculum using fun activities to build a solid spelling foundation. Help your child excel in spelling by trying out our PreK demos.
Preschool Spelling Words List
What spelling words should your preschooler know? Here is a list of 50+ words that are great for use in spelling games, tests, or practice for an upcoming spelling bee. To add more value, download our PreK spelling list printable worksheet with +100 words!
- one
- two
- three
- at
- bat
- cat
- mat
- pat
- rat
- sat
- an
- can
- fan
- man
- are
- ask
- as
- or
- mom
- and
- us
- pad
- sad
- an
- can
- fan
- pan
- ran
- big
- dig
- fig
- pig
- wig
- fin
- in
- pin
- win
- bid
- did
- hid
- rid
- if
- her
- hi
- bye
- bee
- see
- cow
- how
- now
- bun
- fun
- run
- sun
- but
- cut
- gut
Preschool Spelling Resources
If you’re interested in preschool spelling lists or vocabulary words, you might also be interested in:
- PreK curriculum overview with a summary of key preschool learning objectives
- Detailed list of PreK language arts lesson plans
- Our lesson planning worksheet can help you estimate how many lessons to have your child do each day
Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
Welcome to Homeschooling Guide – Are you new to homeschooling? This guide was written by seasoned homeschoolers to answer some of the difficult questions new families often struggle with.
Curriculum Lesson Plans – An overview of the number of lessons that are included for each grade and subject. All students have access to at least 2 (and in most cases 3) grade levels of curriculum for each subject, so they can move ahead or review at their own pace.
Lesson Planning Worksheet – Wondering how many lessons to have your child do each day? Estimate the number of activities per day using this easy to use, printable worksheet.
The Basic Spelling Vocabulary List
By: Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris, Connie Loynachan
This list was created to help teachers know which spelling words should be taught to kids in grades 1–5. The list contains 850 words that account for 80 percent of the words children use in their writing — the ones they need to be able to spell correctly.
This list was devised to help educators know which spelling words should be taught to children. The list contains 850 words that account for 80 percent of the words children use in their writing — the ones they need to be able to spell correctly.
Mastering this relatively small corpus of words yields a high rate of return. For example, the most common 1,000 words are used 13 times more frequently than the next most common 1,000 words. It also provides teachers flexibility in planning spelling instruction, providing an opportunity to give children the "basics" while supplementing with other spelling words germane to classroom activities.
Grade level for each word was determined based upon difficulty, pattern of occurrence in children's writing across grades, and grade placement on current vocabulary lists and spelling materials.
Words that children have difficulty spelling correctly are marked with an asterisk.
Grade 1 | |||
a | fat | like* | sat
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Grade 2 | |||
about* | father* | lives | set |
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Grade 3 | |||
able | even | mind | spelling |
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Grade 4 | |||
across | during | mountain | sure* |
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Grade 5 | |||
although | different* | planet | suddenly
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Graham, S. , Harris, K.R. and Loynachan, C. (1993). The Basic Spelling Vocabulary List. Journal of Educational Research 86(6) 363-368.
You are welcome to print copies for non-commercial use, or a limited number for educational purposes, as long as credit is given to Reading Rockets and the author(s). For commercial use, please contact the author or publisher listed.
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Summary of the lesson in Russian on the topic "Spelling of words with unstressed vowels in the root of the word" (Grade 3 "
State Farm Secondary School"
Serebryanye Prudy, Moscow Region
the root of the word"
(technological map of the lesson in the Russian language in grade 3A as part of the meeting of the RMS)
Prepared by the teacher
primary school
Yakovleva V. N.
Uspensky village, November 2018
Teaching and learning materials: School of Russia
Lesson type: lesson for studying new material
Purpose: to form the ability to find unstressed vowels, and to check them correctly.
Planned results:
Subject :
Communicative :
teach to communicate one's position to others; to formulate their thoughts in oral and written speech;
to form the ability to listen and understand the speech of others, to be able to enter into collective cooperation, to solve the task set together with a neighbor in the desk nine0003
to teach self-organization, self-discipline, self-control.
Lesson methods: visual-illustrative method, partial-square method, learning stimulation methods, methods of control and self-control
Methods: frontal survey, pair work, group work, independent work, commenting, conversation , self-assessment
Technology : elements of problem-based learning, ICT, game technology
Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation, traffic lights, group work cards
Creates an emotional mood for the lesson. Checks the readiness of students for the lesson.
The bell has already rung,
The lesson is starting.
Now everyone turn around,
And smile at each other. nine0003
Smile at me, the guests
And sit down
Guys, our lesson today is unusual. I suggest today you study at the school of detectives. Do you agree?
- Explain your understanding of the word "detectives". Replace this word with a synonym.
– What do detectives do? (Answers of children).
That's right, and you and I will investigate complicated stories.
- What qualities should detectives have?
Sit down at the desks
Explain the meaning of the word "detectives" - detectives.
Children's answers: a detective should be: attentive, perceptive, practical, accurate, honest, inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted, physically active, observant.
II. Knowledge update
5 min
- Are you ready to go? Then let's start!
Detectives write down the results of the investigation in their workbook. Your notebooks are detective notebooks. nine0003
- Open notebooks, write down the number , class work.
- Well done! Very neat and well written! What quality of detectives did we use? (neatness)
- To start school, you need to check if you can write words without mistakes.
We write:
Vocabulary : carrot, pea, cabbage, walnut, strawberry, apple, orchards. ( Disk - words are pronounced ).
- Emphasize the words, highlight the letters, the spelling of which must be remembered. nine0003
- Well done! Few mistakes were made, everyone was enrolled in the school of detectives.
- What spelling unites these words? (Unstressed vowel at the root of the word).
What part of the word is it in?
What is the root of a word? (The main significant part of the word, which contains the common lexical meaning of all cognate words)
- Is there an extra word in this group? Why is it redundant?
- Match the word "gardens" with the same root words.
Write the words in your notebook. Put emphasis.
Is there a test word among the given words
- Sort the words by composition.
- Remember, at the beginning of our lesson, I said that we are detectives. What do you think, the study of which spelling will be devoted to our investigation?
(“Spelling of words with a checked unstressed vowel at the root of the word”) slide No. 2
Write down in notebooks the number, class work
The student works at the blackboard. Checking, self-checking words in a notebook. Self-assessment of work.
Students answer teacher's questions.
In dictionary words, the spelling of an unstressed vowel must be remembered, and in the word "gardens" - check
Write down words in a notebook, put stress. A student works at the blackboard.
Gardens, gardener, plant, garden, garden.
The students take it in turns to sort out the words with comments. Self-assessment
Students name the topic of the lesson. nine0003
III. Self-determination to activity
5 min
Problem statement of the lesson
- While I was looking through the mail yesterday, I noticed an unusual letter. It is addressed to you. Let me read it. “Good afternoon, my young detectives! Your old uncle Sherlock Holmes is writing to you. I found out that you are studying at the school of detectives and decided to check how smart and quick-witted you are. I want to tell you a riddle that my grandson asked me. By guessing it, you will acquire a useful skill for a detective and help me. Grandson wrote to me:
« Dear Grandpa! Come tonight with m ... ch, let's play "
(slide number 3)
The letter ran away! I can't figure out what word is written here. I hope that you will help me to unravel this complicated matter. Sincerely, the great detective of all times and peoples, Sherlock Holmes.
- Shall we help Sherlock Holmes?
-What vowel should be inserted into this word? Why?
- What is the purpose of our lesson? ( Learn to write words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, find test words) (slide No. 4)
What questions will we learn to answer?
( slide №5 ) ( What, where, how and with what to check)
-Your suggestions, assumptions.
Let's test your hypothesis.( slide No. 7 + rule p.104 of the textbook)
Listen to the teacher, express their assumption.
M i chom - m i h, m e chom - m e h
Determine the purpose of the lesson.
Answer the teacher's questions.
Express their versions.
Read rule p. 104 textbooks.
IV. Work on a new topic
Primary assimilation of new knowledge
Primary verification of the understanding of the new topic
Physical school
1 min
9000 5 min
Primary consolidation:
Private investigation
9000 3min 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 3MM - Let's complete the following task of Sherlock Holmes:
There are "scattered" evidence on the tables. From the given evidence, assemble an algorithm (order) for writing an unstressed vowel at the root of a word. ( nine0007 Group work)
- Compare with the standard. Who came up with the same algorithm? Correct the mistakes.
1. Read the word, find out its meaning
2. Place the stress, determine the position of the unstressed vowels in the root of the word
3. Pick up a few related words
4. Highlight the root and the unstressed check vowel
(slide 8) Self-assessment
Holmes' next task:
Read the words.
Doors, s..la, tr…va, h…zhi, x…lma, sv…cha.
(slide 9)
What spelling occurs in all these words? (unstressed vowel)
- Explain the spelling of words according to the algorithm (in writing, on the board)
What ways of finding test words do you know?
Write down the test words first, then the test word. nine0003
Finger gymnastics No. 15 “At the lesson..”
Holmes wants to test your ability to work in pairs
Pair work – Ex. 196 (2, 3 sentences)
- How are the words with the missing letter similar? (Pronounced the same)
How are they different? (Spelling and lexical meaning)
We write down:
Licks - licked, tears - got off; sees - saw, withers - faded
- Guys, we have successfully completed Sherlock's task. What qualities of a detective helped us to cope with it? (attention, observation, knowledge)
- Well done! You work very well together, and now show how you can work independently, each of you will conduct a private investigation.
Using a traffic light
1. Determine if the vowels in the root of the word are spelled correctly. If true, green; if not, red.
Sweat, write, rook,
carmite, lestok, daredevil,
jam, steel, surprise,
icy, slip, salty (slide 10 )
2. Write the sentence by inserting the missing letters.
Underline the basis of the sentence.
Fluffy to…ver l…lives on p…lyah and r…ke.
Write down the words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, write down test words for them
Rug - carpet, lying - lies, in the fields - a field, rivers - a river.
Work in a group
Compare with the standard, correct mistakes
Answer the teacher's questions .
Write down in a notebook, students work in a “chain” at the blackboard
Courtyard, courtyard - courtyards; arrows, arrow - arrow; herbs, grass - grass;, siskin, siskin - siskin; hill, mound - hills;, candles, candle - candle.
Perform actions to the music
Work in pairs
Words are written in a notebook with comments, stressed, stressed unstressed vowel
Express their opinion with the help of a “traffic light”, name test words
Write down a sentence, inserting missing letters
Write out words with an unstressed vowel, select a test word, write down
V . Reflection
3 min
- How to find a test word for designating an unstressed vowel sound at the root of a word ( disk)
Conclusion: Conclusion: It is necessary to select test words, making the vowel sound stressed. nine0297 Do not trust hearing -
Check with stress:
pines, water, grass, business,
and now write boldly.
Evaluate your work in the lesson
You need to choose one of the suggested answers.
During the lesson I worked actively (passively)….
I am satisfied (not satisfied) with my work at the lesson…
I am not tired (tired) during the lesson….
My mood got better (became worse)…
5. I didn’t understand everything, I still have questions
6. I understood everything, I can work according to the algorithm
7. I understood everything, I can work according to the algorithm , I can explain to another
Comment marks!!!!!
Repeat output.
Give self-assessment
VI . Summarizing. D/z
What tasks caused difficulty? nine0003
199 (according to options - 1st century - the first 10 words, 2nd century - the next 10 words).
Explains the implementation of d / z: pick up test words, parse the word by composition.
Synopsis of the Russian lesson on the topic Spelling of words with unstressed vowels at the root. Words of Old Slavonic origin and their traces in Russian
Technological map of the lesson
Full name: Didenko T.V.
Item: Russian
Topic: “Spelling of words with unstressed vowels at the root. Words of Old Slavonic origin and their “traces” in Russian”
Class: 3
Type of lesson: lesson of studying new material
Purpose : to form the ability to select test words with unstressed vowels in the root, show the positions of unstressed vowels in the root vowels in a word.
Forms of work of students : frontal, work in pairs, work in groups, individual
Educational resources, equipment: EMC "School of Russia", textbook pp.104-110, workbook, computer, multimedia projector, task cards, cards for work in pairs and group work.
Planned results:
Subject | 9000 nine0003 - correctly designate them in writing | Regulatory UUD: - independently formulate the objectives of the lesson after a preliminary discussion; - learn together with the teacher to discover and formulate a learning problem; - carry out control in the form of comparing one's work with a given standard, make the necessary additions Cognitive UUD: - group words based on existing features; nine0003 - use terminology; Communicative UUD: - be able to listen and engage in dialogue; - participate in a group discussion; - build a speech statement; - express one's thoughts with age-appropriate fullness and accuracy; - work together in a coordinated manner. | - to be aware of one's own achievements in mastering the educational topic; - focus on the implementation of ethical standards in communication and cooperation; nine0003 - installation on a healthy lifestyle, to work for the result |
Lesson progress
Organizational stage.
The content of the teacher | Content for students |
prepares an emotional mood for a lesson, offers the desks to sit down for those children who have: - there are ringing uncomplicated agreements in the name. in the surname there are deaf unpaired consonants, in the name or in the surname there are always solid consonants. nine0003 | They listen and take turns sitting at their desks. |
Updating the necessary knowledge.
shows words on the cards, it is necessary to write them down 3 words on the line by inserting the vowel missed and emphasize the excess word: - Versh, trees, Pies - feed, wear, 0 give- keep, shout , read - Asks to explain the choice of extra words in each line Reminds about the rules of posture at the desk. Follows the posture, the correct spelling of letters. | Three children take turns writing the words on the board (1 line each). The rest of the children take dictation in a notebook. Carry out self-examination, compare their work with the work of a classmate at the blackboard. - unstressed vowel in the root of the word |
3. Self-determination for activity.
- What is the spelling in each of these words? Determine the topic of the lesson. - What is our goal? What should we learn in class? Work in a notebook. | - Spelling of unstressed vowels - Learn to hear words with unstressed vowels, learn how to write these words |
4. Learning new material. Work on the topic of the lesson. nine0003
4.1 - Offers to open textbooks on page 104 and read the topic of the lesson. Asks questions: - Do you think that unstressed vowels are spelling? Prove it. - How to choose a test word? - And if we cannot use the rule, what course of action will help us? Displays the rule file on the board. 4.2 Working with the new vocabulary word "north" - formulate a definition, write it down, divide it into syllables, divide it for transfer, change the form of a word, pick up words with the same root, make a sentence with this word, come up with a hint for remembering spelling ? Write down words from dictation, emphasizing unstressed vowels 4.4 Work on drafts. Suggests writing words in 2 columns, depending on the missing unstressed vowel. nine0003 Checks the recorded words. Asks a question: - Why did everyone get different options? Why do the words in the columns not match? Introduces the term "homophones". Homophones are words that sound the same but are different in spelling and lexical meaning. 4.5 Offers to perform a similar task in a notebook, but already clarifies the lexical meaning of the word | - Spelling of words with unstressed vowels in the root - yes, we have difficulty writing - formulate a rule. They check each other in turn according to the options - remember, learn, use the spelling dictionary. Read the rule on page 104. work in notebooks, answer the questions asked: - by Saturday, in the north - northern, northerner -а (baby, blush, sails) -O (Valley, Gochitsa, Square) (Yaichko, Knit, Direct) (Lake, Chervyak) -I 9000 9000 Spell checking. are recorded on the drafts of the words, the unstressed vowels emphasize: - joint venture ... Shi, - C ... children, - SH ... Zut, - Pro, 9000 - live , - up . - answer ..., - It depends on the lexical meaning. 3 people take turns working at the board. The rest are recorded in a notebook: - Carept a child - rinse Yulier - Boil potatoes - open the door - lick sour cream - get off the tree |
Perform exercises One by one find the spelling at the root and explain its spelling. |
5. Consolidation of the studied material.
5.1 Offers to perform the exercise on the cards: Insert the missing letters and write the words in alphabetical order of the inserted letters. -n ... strongman, exhausted ..., in ... shnevy, harvest . 5.2 Work on rows each row is offered a card with a task where you need to find and correct the error and transfer to the next desk: - support - it will pin up - Submarine - Unshamal - Scrap -string Verification and bug fixes. 5.3 The task is displayed on the board (Appendix 1). 5.4 Work in notebooks. The task is displayed on the board (Appendix 2). nine0003 Offers to write down the highlighted word, choose a test word for it from the proposed options, underline the spelling. 5.5 Working with textbook (p. 109). Page for the curious. Introduces and gives examples of full-voiced Russianisms and non-vociferous Old Slavonicisms. Full-vowels are Russianisms, and non-vowels are Old Slavonicisms. In the "memory room" LARA, GIVE THE RELAY! four discordant Old Slavonic alternating letter combinations are encoded: LA-RA-RE-LE. | Perform on cards, insert missing letters in words, determine the order of words alphabetically. Peer-to-peer peer review. A pair of children corrects errors in the word and transmit the sheet to the following desk: - they fall - bakes - cut out 9000 9000 9000 909 - Skripy - Skripy - Skripy - Skripy one by one go to the board and fill in the columns of words. nine0003- Party - Party - Parties - Greens - Green - Green - Assistant - - help read information in the textbook on old -nlavianisms. A well-read child is at the blackboard: Imagine a thin and a fat one walking towards each other. Thin - completely transparent, thin, skinny, pale and very sad, but proud and sublime. This is Old Slavism. Old Slavism is dressed in long and dark clothes. He is solemn and strict. nine0110 A full, that is, fat, pot-bellied, ruddy and cheerful Russianism in bright clothes. |