Story of moon
Modern Moon Stories
Modern Moon Stories
One night when the moon was out
he was watching everybody. I was having my birthday.
I looked out the window and the moon was bright, but it was the waning
crescent. I was happy because I smiled at the moon and it smiled
back! I had to go back to my party and I waved at the moon and the
moon waved back.
- Fran
2nd. grade
Thoughts about what the moon looked
like when I was born. - I think it was waning because the moon gave
me his health which reduced his size. The moon was skinny because
it is actually God's smile.
- Greg
2nd. grade
On the day I was born my moon was
full. It looked at me and said, "Wow! What a beautiful baby!"
"I want to be a hat for her. "
- Grace
2nd. grade
One time there was a Moon and a
Sun. They were good friends until the Sun got too close to
the Moon and burned the Moon. The Moon got so mad that one day he
ripped a piece of the Sun and put it on himself. Then they had a
fight and they both exploded. That is why a piece of the Moon became
stars and made night. The Sun's punishment is going down every day.
- Ty 2nd.
One day the Moon was jealous of
the Sun. It had all the light. The Moon made a ladder to Earth.
He saw a fox walking by the ladder and yelled at his to come up.
The Moon said, "Bring me some shiny rocks, please, so I can be bright.
The fox said he would. The Moon was happy forever.
- Charles
2nd. grade
Once upon a time there was a little
boy named Joe. He thought that the Moon was a big piece of cheese.
One time he went to his front yard when it was very dark. He pulled
Moon out of the sky. It was a waning crescent so he stretched it
out to a full Moon. It was much brighter then.
- Joe
2nd. grade
When I was born, my Mom took me
to the window. The Moon saw me the day I was born. The Moon
decided to be a little cradle for me to sleep in. I saw the crescent
and I was scared. I cried so hard.
- Kay
2nd. grade
One time there were three animals,
a jaguar, a snake and a vulture. The snake and the vulture argued
over the Moon. The snake wanted to eat the Moon because it looked
so good. The vulture wanted to hide the Moon or steal it away so
it would be safe from the snake. Their friend, the jaguar, talked
to them and tried to get them to come to an agreement.
The snake
and the vulture still disagreed. The jaguar took the Moon to a dark,
dark, scary cave. Doing this made it very dark outside. The
snake and the vulture were mad then at the jaguar. The vulture and
the snake had to work together to go in the dark, scary cave to get the
Even now at night, sometimes it looks
as if the snake has eaten some of the Moon. And at other times, it
looks as if the vulture must have hidden the Moon because we cannot see
it in the sky.
- Class story
composed by 1-MC
Once there were animals arguing about the Moon and the Sun. They argued about which should be in the sky. The cat, cow, deer, and fox could not decide which should be up there. They decided to have a race from the woods up to the sky.
The dog won the race, getting to the Moon first. He took the Moon so it would be a new Moon when he had it down on Earth with him.

- Class story composed by 1-SC
A long, long time ago, there was a beautiful lady named Chang Er who was married to the heavenly archer Hou Yi… By Frances Kai-Hwa Wang, AAV Contributing Editor ![]() Hou Yi took the pill home and told Chang Er about it. Then he put it in a secret hiding place until they were ready to eat it. But after three or four days, Chang Er wanted to take a closer look at the magic pill. So she took the box out from its hiding place and opened it up and took out the pill. It was so beautiful. It was like a pearl, glowing white from the inside with a rainbow of color shimmering just under the surface, and it smelled like peaches. Just then Hou Yi came in and found her holding the pill. He said, “What are you doing?” She hid the pill behind her back and said, “Nothing.” He said, “Are you eating the Pill of Immortality? We’re not supposed to eat it until after one year. It’s too strong.” She said, “No. I’m not eating it.” He said, “Let me see your hands.” She took one hand out from behind her back. He said, “Let me see your other hand.” She switched the pill and showed him the other hand. He said, “Let me see both hands.” She didn’t know where else to hide the pill, so she hid it in her mouth and showed him both hands and mumbled, “See, nothing. Her body suddenly felt weightless, and it began to glow with a bright light and she started to rise up into the air. He said, “Where are you going? Come back down!” She said, “I’m sorry, it was an accident! I didn’t mean to swallow it. I was just looking at it!” The window was open and she floated out the window. He couldn’t reach her, but he saw her pet, Jade Rabbit, sitting on the porch looking up at her, and he tossed the rabbit up to her so that she wouldn’t be all alone wherever she was going. She caught Jade Rabbit in her arms and shouted, “Bye bye!” And she floated up up up to the moon, where she lives until this day in the Cold Palace of the Moon. People say that when the moon is full, you can see them there. The Jade Rabbit is busy pounding a new elixir of immortality. Resources
Also of Interest
The history of the exploration of the moon | Big Novosibirsk Planetarium
YUTULuna-photo: China's first lunar rover, part of the Chang'e multi-stage lunar exploration program. Became the first since 1976 after the Soviet planetary rover. On December 14, 2013, he successfully landed on the surface of the Moon, and on August 3, 2016 he completed his work, discovering a new type of lunar soil - basalt of unusual composition. |
LUNOHOD -2Luna-photo: On January 15, 1973, the second Soviet self-propelled planetary rover was delivered to the Moon, designed to study the mechanical properties of the lunar surface, photograph and telephoto the Moon, conduct experiments with a ground-based laser rangefinder and observe solar radiation. In four months of work, he traveled 42 km, transmitted 86 panoramas and about 80,000 television frames to Earth. |
APOLLO 17Luna-photo: December 11, 1972 "Challenger" with Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on Board made the third landing on the moon in the region of the Sea of Clarity. The astronauts made three exits from the ship with a total duration of 22 hours 3 minutes 57 seconds. 110.5 kg of lunar rock samples were collected and brought to Earth. |
LUNOHOD -1Luna-photo: The world's first rover that successfully operated on the surface of another celestial body - the Moon from November 17, 1970 to September 14, 1971. The remote-controlled self-propelled vehicle for lunar exploration worked on the Moon for eleven lunar days - 10.5 Earth months, having traveled 10,540 meters. |
APOLLO - 12Luna-photo: On November 19, 1969, the second landing on the moon of the American manned spacecraft Apollo 12 took place and astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean exited to its surface in the Ocean of Storms. The time spent on the Moon was 31 hours 31 minutes 04 seconds. The astronauts collected lunar soil samples, photographed the lunar surface and installed scientific instruments. |
APOLLO - 11Luna-photo: On July 21, 1969, for the first time in history, a man landed on the surface of another celestial body - the Moon, in the area of the Sea of Tranquility. |
MOON - 9Luna-photo: 3 February 19In 1966, the Luna-9 station, for the first time in the history of space exploration, made a soft landing on the surface of the Moon in the Ocean of Storms region and for the first time transmitted telepanoramas of the lunar surface to Earth. The duration of the active existence of the lunar station |
PIONEER - 4Luna-photo: On March 3, 1959, the American automatic interplanetary station was launched, designed to explore the Moon from a flyby trajectory. This is the first American apparatus that has developed a second space velocity and overcome the gravity of the Earth. Having flown at a distance of 60,000 kilometers from the Moon, it entered a heliocentric orbit and became a satellite of the Sun. |
LUNA-3Luna-photo: On October 4, 1959, a flyby of the Moon and the first photographing of the side of the Moon, invisible from the Earth, were made by the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Luna-3. During the flight, for the first time in the world, a gravitational maneuver was carried out in practice. |
LUNA-2Luna-photo: On September 14, 1959, the Soviet automatic interplanetary station for the first time in the world reached the surface of the Moon in the region of the Sea of Rains near the craters Aristillus, Archimedes and Autolycus. This is the second of the devices of the Soviet space program "Luna". A pennant with the emblem of the USSR was delivered to the surface of the Moon. |
LUNA-1Luna-photo: On January 2, 1959, the Soviet automatic interplanetary station was launched. |
GALILEO GALILEILuna-photo: Italian scientist Galileo Galilei became the first person to look at the moon through a telescope in 1609. With his help, he discovered mountains and mountain ranges on the Moon, and then compiled the world's first map of the lunar surface based on optical observations of it. |
What is the origin of the Sun and Moon?
What is the origin of the moon?
The main theory of the formation of the Moon dates back to 1975 and believes that a celestial body the size of Mars, called Theia, collided with the Earth about 4. 5 billion years ago, when our planet was still being formed and was a large ball. and hot. Part of the globe would break off and form the moon.
What is the true history of the Sun and Moon?
Beautiful love story of the Sun and the Moon! “When the SUN and the MOON met for the first time, they fell madly in love with each other and since then began to live in great love. It turns out that the world did not yet exist, and on the day when God decided to create it, he gave them the final touch ... shine!
What is the theory of the Sun and Moon?
“The moon does not emit light, it has no light of its own. When we look at the sky and see it shining and imposing, we are actually looking at the Sun on the Moon. The sun is the primary source of light, a luminous body. The moon is a secondary source, a luminous body,” commented Professor Diego Mendonza.
Why does the Sun fall in love with the Moon?
Why do the sun and moon never meet? The legend says that the Sun and the Moon were always in love with each other, but could never be together, as the Moon rose only after sunset. Therefore, God in His infinite goodness created an eclipse as proof that there is no impossible love in the world...
What is the origin of the Sun?
The origin of the Sun is associated with the gravitational collapse of the solar nebula, a cloud formed by gases and dust. This process began about 4.5 billion years ago, which corresponds to the age of the Sun.
Who invented the Moon and the Sun?
Creation of the Sun, Moon and Plants
Creation of the Sun, Moon and Plants Creazione degli astri e delle piante | |
author | Michelangelo |
Data | p. 1511-1512 |
Floor | fresco |
Dimensions | 280 × 570 |
Which came first, the sun or the moon?
The sun was formed about 4. 57 billion years ago. The formation of the Moon took place 4.527 billion years ago and between 30 and 50 million years after the formation of the solar system.
Why didn't the Moon accept the marriage proposal of the Sun?
But why didn't the Moon accept and reject the Sun's proposal to marry him? Luna knew that if she agreed, the sun would explode, and if she refused, the sun would go out, so deftly she chose the middle ground: "I don't know, I don't know, give me a break", Eric's middle position was to leave.
What is the relationship between the Sun and the Moon?
What is the connection between the Sun and the Moon? The moon also makes a translation movement. It revolves around the Sun along with the Earth, which makes it possible to observe solar and lunar eclipses. “When the Sun, Moon and Earth are in this position, a solar eclipse occurs. …
What does the Bible say about the moon?
There is a prophecy in the Bible about the end of the world, in Joel 2:31. This prophecy speaks of the moon turning into blood: "The sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes." Revelation 6:12 mentions this event again when describing the end of the world.
Why does the moon appear during the day and the sun does not appear at night?
What happens is that because it doesn't emit its own light, it can only be seen when it is somehow reflected by sunlight. During the new moon phase, when the sun illuminates the dark side of our natural satellite, we do not see it day or night.
Is there air on the moon?
According to Grant, the Moon has a thin atmosphere made up mostly of hydrogen, neon, and argon, which won't help humans. However, within this surface of rock and dust, known as regolith, huge amounts of oxygen must be extracted.
What color is the Sun?
Therefore the Sun is white. The shades of yellow and red that we see when we look at the sun are due to the scattering of the sun's rays as they enter the atmosphere.
Why is the Moon not a planet?
We can see the Moon in the sky (especially at night) because it is illuminated by sunlight. The Moon is a secondary planet because it orbits the larger planet, the Earth. … The Moon is not a planet, but a natural satellite of the Earth.
What is the moon made of?
Structure and composition
The moon consists of a core, crust and mantle. The core is hard and rich in iron. Its radius is approximately 240 km. The mantle, which is the intermediate layer between the core and the crust, is mainly composed of magnesium, iron, silicon, and oxygen.
What's on the moon?
Like the Earth, the Moon consists of a core, mantle and crust. The lunar core is solid and made up of large amounts of iron. It is very small compared to the star as a whole, accounting for only 2% of its mass, and its radius is 240 km.
What makes the sun shine?
Like all stars, the Sun shines because it has too much mass. The hydrogen atoms in its core cannot withstand the load on themselves and merge, causing incessant nuclear reactions. … But in about 7 billion years, the hydrogen will run out and the star will start burning helium.
What was the Sun like before?
In the beginning, the Sun was a giant cloud of gas and dust, many times the size of the modern solar system. This cloud contracted and condensed until it became a real star. It took about 50 million years.
What is the sun made of?
The sun is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.
Who is the creator of the moon?
Lua (programming language)
Lua | |
Created by | Roberto of Jerusalem, Luis Enrique de Figueiredo, Waldemar Seles |
input style | DAK strong dynamics |
Main implementations | Lua LuaJIT LuaVela |
Dialects: | Metalua |
What is the story of the daughter of the Sun and the Moon?
All the Tupi started spreading stories saying that she was the daughter of the Sun and the Moon and that she was sent to be taken care of as if she were one of them. This girl was given the name Inca Maire, a name that combined the meaning of "little flower" and "white man".
Who invented the moon?
It is not known exactly how the Moon came into being, but there are many theories about its appearance in orbit. The most widely accepted theory today is that the Moon was formed as a result of a collision between the planet Earth and a body the size of Mars approximately 4.6 billion years ago.
What was before the sun or the earth?
Our Sun and solar system originated about 4.5 billion years ago. And it is likely that life appeared on Earth “shortly” after that, 4 billion years ago.
What was formed before the earth or the sun?
The Earth was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago, probably as a result of a supernova explosion. Debris from this explosion began to gather under the force of gravity, forming the sun.
How many times has man been on the moon?
Neil Armstrong took the first man's step on the moon. A total of twelve astronauts have been there on six different missions: Apollo 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. The Apollo space program, which began in 1969, was short and ended in 1972.
Who keeps the moon rings?
And even today, Saturn keeps the rings waiting for the Moon to receive them.
Who keeps the rings?
The relative stability of the rings' orbits is provided by Saturn's moons, to which they are close and whose gravitational pull helps hold the rings together. The planet has at least 60 known satellites.
What happens if the moon receives the sun?
When the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, it enters the region of the earth's shadow, causing a lunar eclipse. Throughout history, eclipses have fascinated mankind, causing awe and wonder.
How does the moon glow?
The moon, unlike me and the sun, has no light of its own. The light we see from the Moon is actually reflected light from the Sun. It is this reflected light that allows us to see the moon. But the sun, even with all this brightness, cannot illuminate the entire moon.
Where is the sun and moon?
The Sun is 150 million kilometers from the Earth (D S ) and the Moon is about 400 kilometers (D L ).
How does the Sun illuminate the Moon?
The brightness of the moon is a reflection of the light of the sun. Like the planets, it has no light of its own. ... The sun illuminates half of the lunar sphere, and from here, on Earth, we see only half of the part illuminated by the Sun, that is, 1/4 of the Moon.
The sun is our main source of light, energy and heat. Like the sun, God is vital to our existence. Without the sun, life on earth would be impossible, and without God, order in everything would be impossible, for everything was specially conceived by him.
What is the moon for a god?
The sun is a type of the Lord Jesus, and the moon is a type of the church. We know that the moon does not have its own light, but the light that shines on her face is the light of the sun, the prophet emphasizes that the light must be constant, and therefore the Lord Jesus, the Sun of righteousness, must be over a person’s life, over his life churches.
Which verse speaks of the sun and the moon?
Psalm 105:19 He made the moon to signify the seasons, and the sun knows its setting. It is He who made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows its setting. He appointed the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its setting.
Is there a Blue Moon?
Learn more about what a Blue Moon is and the rarity of an event that won't happen again until 2024. This Sunday, August 22, 2021 marks the third full moon of the season, when there will be four. The moon is traditionally called the Blue Moon.
How does the earth rotate?
Rotation is the movement that the Earth makes around its axis, causing alternation of periods of direct sunlight hitting the regions of the planet. This movement is performed for approximately 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. Rotation counterclockwise from west to east.
Which star has its own light?
Is it possible to live on the moon?
Research shows that lunar soil can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and support life in space. In search of places beyond Earth that could support life, scientists often look for evidence of the existence of important substances such as water and oxygen.
Why does the moon change color?
When the Moon (and even the Sun) is close to the horizon, the denser atmosphere "absorbs" the green, blue, and violet colors and lets through only the red tones. The reddish hue becomes more intense when particles from fires, volcanic eruptions, or pollution are present in the atmosphere.
What color is the moon?
It's easier to see in these photos that our natural satellite is dark grey, sometimes with shades of white, black and even orange. But in general, the cleanest parts of the Moon are the plains rich in calcium and poor in calcium.
What is the moon made of?
The moon consists of a core, crust and mantle. The core is hard and rich in iron. Its radius is approximately 240 km. The mantle, which is the intermediate layer between the core and the crust, is mainly composed of magnesium, iron, silicon, and oxygen.
What is the function of the moon?
The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. When interacting with the planet, it produces tides and eclipses. The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest in the solar system.
Why is the Moon not a planet?
We can see the Moon in the sky (especially at night) because it is illuminated by sunlight. The Moon is a secondary planet because it orbits the larger planet, the Earth. … The Moon is not a planet, but a natural satellite of the Earth.
What is the role of the Moon on Earth?
Role of the Moon on the Earth.
According to NASA, the third planet in the solar system would be a very different world if the Moon didn't exist, because its gravity keeps the Earth from oscillating too much on its axis, which helps stabilize our climate.