Syllables in tired

How many syllables in tired?

Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

  463128795 syllable

Divide tired into syllables:   tired
Syllable stress:   tired
How to pronounce tired:   tired
How to say tired:

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1.  What is a syllable?
2.  How to count syllables.
3.  How to divide into syllables.

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Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

Synonyms for tired

1 syllable

  • bushed
  • drawn
  • peaked
  • sapped
  • stale
  • whacked
  • drained
  • old
  • pooped
  • spent
  • trite

2 syllables

  • all-in
  • dead beat
  • dozing
  • drowsy
  • groggy
  • haggard
  • nodding
  • sleepy
  • wasted
  • worn-out
  • corny
  • deadbeat
  • droopy
  • fatigued
  • hackneyed
  • jaded
  • rundown
  • snoozing
  • weary

3 syllables

  • depleted
  • lethargic
  • exhausted
  • overused


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Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

What rhymes with tired

1 syllable

  • fired
  • sired
  • wire
  • hired
  • spired
  • wired

2 syllables

  • acquired
  • byard
  • desired
  • inspired
  • required
  • rewired
  • transpired
  • admired
  • conspired
  • inquired
  • rehired
  • retired
  • rewires

3 syllables

  • unexpired
  • uninspired

4 syllables

  • admiredly
  • unexpiring

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Syllables in Tired | Divide Tired into Syllables

How many syllables are in tired? 1 syllable

Divide tired into syllables: tired

How to pronounce tired:
US English Accent and Pronunciation: Your browser does not support the audio element.
British English Accent and Pronunciation: Your browser does not support the audio element.

Definition of: Tired (New window will open)

Words: tiramisu, tire, tired, tireder, tiredly

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Tired Poems: (See poems with this word. New window will open)

Synonyms and Words Related to


tiredly (2 syllables), all in(p) (3 Syllables), aweary (3 Syllables), banal (2 Syllables), beat(p) (1 Syllables), blear (1 Syllables), blear-eyed (1 Syllables), bleary (2 Syllables), bleary-eyed (3 Syllables), bored (1 Syllables), burned-out (2 Syllables), burnt-out (2 Syllables), bushed(p) (2 Syllables), careworn (2 Syllables), commonplace (3 Syllables), dead(p) (1 Syllables), dog-tired (2 Syllables), drained (1 Syllables), drawn (1 Syllables), drooping (2 Syllables), exhausted (2 Syllables), fagged (2 Syllables), fatigued (2 Syllables), flagging (2 Syllables), footsore (2 Syllables), hackneyed (2 Syllables), haggard (2 Syllables), j (1 Syllables) aweary (3 syllables), banal (2 syllables), beaten (2 syllables), blear (1 syllables), bleary (2 syllables), bleary-eyed (3 syllables), bored (1 syllables), careworn (2 syllables), commonplace (3 syllables), corny (2 syllables), disgusted (2 syllables), dispirited (4 syllables), displeased (2 syllables), drained (1 syllables), drawn (1 syllables),

Two syllable words that rhyme with Tired

byard, fired, hired, sired, tired, wired

Three syllable words that rhyme with Tired

acquired, admired, conspired, desired, inquired, inspired, rehired, required, retired, rewired, transpired

Four syllable words that rhyme with Tired

unexpired, uninspired

What do you think of our answer to how many syllables are in tired? Are the syllable count, pronunciation, words that rhyme, and syllable divisions for tired correct? There are numerous syllabic anomalies found within the U. S. English language. Can tired be pronounced differently? Did we divide the syllables correctly? Do regional variations in the pronunciation of tired effect the syllable count? Has language changed? Provide your comments or thoughts on the syllable count for tired below.

A comprehensive resource for finding syllables in tired, how many syllables are in tired, words that rhyme with tired, how to divide tired into syllables, how to pronounce tired in US and British English, how to break tired into syllables.

Age-related and not only features of division into syllables

Children, when they just begin to divide words into syllables, always divide them only into open ones, for example: ss.
And they are absolutely right. From the point of view of acoustic division into syllables, how we pronounce words, such a division is the most correct. Therefore, I do not consider such a division to be a mistake, but nevertheless I draw attention to the fact that it is possible differently, and I ask you to show me other possible options.
Why am I doing this? Well, about transfer rules it is clear, of course. But it is worth saying that these rules did not arise from scratch. nine0003 In the process of mastering the skills of reading and writing, children move from acoustic division into syllables to psycholinguistic. And the level of literacy of the child and the presence or absence of problems with writing and reading can often be determined only by how the child divides words into syllables.
For example, children who tend to forget to divide a word to the end in the stressed part (for example, finding) usually skip letters, and when reading they think out the endings of words, if the division into open syllables is predominantly preserved, then, most likely, while the letter not smart enough. nine0003 Over time, when children master the structure of the word (and not necessarily according to the program, maybe just an unconscious understanding of such a structure matures in the head), the division into syllables begins to approach the division into morphemes (prefixes, roots, suffixes). And then errors of this type appear in syllable division: pre-o-pre-del-it. Here, the composition of the word during division becomes more important than the acoustic division into syllables, and hence errors arise (the correct division: pre-pre-pre-de-pouring - it is still wrong to divide the syllable merger, even for the sake of denoting the boundaries of morphemes). But usually such mistakes nevertheless indicate progress in mastering the language, about the transition to a new stage in understanding the features of Russian spelling. And they disappear quite quickly (this is an example of the so-called hypercorrection). nine0003 The transition to the psycholinguistic principle of division into syllables is the transition from oral to written speech, the transition to conscious reading and literate writing.
The phenomenon of syllable division has not been studied to the end. But it can be assumed that training in psycholinguistic syllable division (when you draw the child's attention to different possibilities for dividing words) can positively affect reading and writing.
After all, for example, dividing the written words tiger, ruble, ship into syllables, the child will find that there are no vowels before "l" and "r" and, perhaps, he will not write tiger, rubyl, ship, but after practicing dividing words with a long shock part, perhaps, will skip letters less and read the words to the end. nine0003 It is possible that psycholinguistic syllables are also related to the convenience of writing and memorizing the sequence of letters when writing (perhaps, by distributing consonants between syllables, it is easier for yourself to dictate combinations with a junction of consonants so as not to miss them and not to forget?).
In general, the age features of division into syllables is a very interesting topic. I really liked how Gennady Mikhailovich Bogomazov told us about this at the institute at lectures on phonetics. I use his book on phonetics from time to time and am glad that I have it. If not, I would have bought it in the Labyrinth. She's on sale there. nine0003 I like this functional approach.

Tags: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, hypercorrection, vowels, literacy, children's speech, methodology, spelling, writing, writing, colloquial speech, colloquial and bookish, syllables, word composition , stress, oral speech, reading, school, language, linguistics

The words "sowing" morphological and phonetic analysis

Explanation of the rules for dividing (breaking down) the word "sowing" into syllables for transfer.
Online dictionary will help: phonetic and morphological parse the word " sowing "by composition, correctly divide into syllables according to the rules of the Russian language, highlight parts of the word, put stress, indicate the meaning, synonyms, antonyms and compatibility for the word" sowing ".

Word sowing by syllables


  • 1 Syllables in the word "sowing" division into syllables according to the morphemic structure of the word "sowing"
  • 6 Synonyms of the word "sowing"
  • 7 Antonyms of the word "sowing"
  • 8 Stress in the word "sowing"
  • 9 Phonetic transcription of the word "sowing"
  • literal)
  • 11 Sentences with the word "sowing"
  • 12 Matches of the word "sowing"
  • 13 Meaning of the word "sowing"
  • 14 Declension of the word "sowing" according to the fields
  • 15 How to spell the word "sowing" 1003 903 15 Associations to the word «Sowing»

Syllables in the word "sowing" division into syllables

Number of syllables: 2
By syllables: by sowing

  • by - initial, covered, open, 2 letters
  • sowing - final, covered, closed, 3 letters
  • How to transfer the word "Sowing"

    PO - EV

    Morphological analysis of the word "Sowing"

    Part Speech:



    part of speech: noun; nine0020 animateness: inanimate;
    gender: male;
    number: singular;
    case: nominative, accusative;
    answers the question: (is) What?, (see/blame) What?

    Initial form:


    Parsing the word "sowing" by composition

    to prefix
    ce root
    to suffix
    ø zero


    Words similar in morphemic structure "sowing"

    Words similar in morphemic structure

  • watering
  • sewing
  • Synonyms of the word "sowing"

    0015 4. Ozim

    5. Sosev

    6. Dispersion

    7. Determination of

    8. Sowing

    9. Enjoyance

    10. Sev

    11. Crowning campaign

    12 sowing"

    1. harvest

    Emphasis in the word "sowing"

    sowing - stress falls on the 2nd syllable

    Phonetic transcription of the word "sowing"


    9006 Phonetic analysis of the word "sowing" into letters and sounds (Sound-letter) nine0112 [`e]
    Letter Sound Sound characteristics Color
    p [p] consonant, deaf double, hard, noisy p
    about [a] vowel, unstressed about
    with [s'] consonant, deaf double, soft, noisy with
    e vowel, stressed e
    to [f] consonant, deaf double, hard, noisy to

    Number of letters and sounds:
    Based on the analysis made, we conclude that the word has 5 letters and 5 sounds.
    Letters: 2 vowels, 3 consonants.
    Sounds: 2 vowels, 3 consonants.

    Sentences with the word "sowing"

    Like rye, oats littered crops wheat and with it "moved" to the north.

    Source: E. Yu. Smirnova, Medicinal cereals, 2014.

    In many countries, the area under plantings of industrial crops began to increase, gardening, horticulture, viticulture developed.

    Source: T. M. Timoshina, Economic history of foreign countries: textbook, 2016.0021 crops .

    Source: N. A. Bereyazeva, Tired Angel, 2015.

    Compatibility of the word “Sowing”

    1. Winter crops

    2. New crops

    3. Spring crops

    4. Wheat crops

    5. grain crops

    6. corn crops

    7. time of sowing

    8. area of ​​crops

    9. sowing dates

    10. crops died

    11. crops destroyed

    0015 12. trample crops

    13. burn crops

    14. (complete compatibility table)

    The meaning of the word "sowing"

    SOWING, -a, m. sow (see sow in 1st). Sowing oats. Sowing of winter crops. Sowing dates. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAC)

    Declension of the word "sowing" according to the terms

    Case Question Singular unit Plural Mn.
    Nominative what? sowing crops
    Genitive what? seeding crops
    DativeDat. what? sowing crops
    accusatory what? sowing crops
    Creative TV. what? seeding crops
    prepositional about what? sowing crops

    How the word “Sowing” is written correctly.

    Learn more