Things that start with letter t
196 Things That Start With T
by Laura B. Kasper
We understand how hard it is to find the right things that start with T to help your youngster. Not only the kids, but you should also know about all the things that start with different alphabets to enrich your knowledge as well.
It’s not always easy to research and teach your children how to make good decisions and develop strong language abilities. But don’t worry; we’ve prepared everything for you!
That’s why, we have prepared the findings of everything beginning with the letter T, including items, objects, and food items. Teaching children about these means assisting them in the acquisition of basic linguistic concepts and the progression of their development.
As we have gathered everything in one spot, you can find them by scrolling down on your screen. This post is packed with new phrases for your child to learn and share, and it will keep them occupied doing something useful! So let’s start seeing what we’ve got for you:
Table of Contents
List Of Things That Start With TIn the English Language, we’ll often see the letter T is used. At a young age, it is not easy for your toddler to grab each concept quickly and efficiently. You can look into the following things we have gathered for you to teach your kids in improving their learning:
T-shirt | Tack | Tag |
Tablet | Tambourine | Tank |
Tailgate | Tape | Tape Recorder |
Typewriter | Tuxedo | Tube |
Tuba | Truck | Trophy |
Tub | Trolley | Trombone |
Treehouse | Treasure | Treasure chest |
Treadmill | Trash | Trapeze |
Train track | Tractor | Toybox |
Trampoline | Toy | Tow truck |
Tote | Tire | Tinsel |
Tie | Tin | Thread |
Track | Takoyaki Grill | Taqueria cookbook |
Tactical backpack | Trimmer | Terrarium kit |
Teabloom set | Tattoos | Tinman sculpture |
Tibetan singing bowl | Tie dye kit | Travel tracker map |
Toe socks |
We’ll keep on with objects that start with the letter T. The goal with younger students should be to teach them how to recognize the letter T as well as the sound it produces when spoken.
We’ve trained our eyes to look for information that might otherwise go unnoticed. So, here’s what we’ve come up with for you:
Textbook | Thorn | Tablet |
Tent | Train | Test tube |
Tabour | Tangram | Tiger Lily |
Tuberose | Tithonia | Trollius |
Telescope | Tulip | Taxi |
Tinkerbell keychain | Train socks | Train clock |
Twig decor | Tabletop tree | Tiger puzzle |
Teddy bear | Tennis ball | Tennis racket |
Tassel |
The list below includes all of the usual household items we come across on a regular basis. We have everything you need, from furniture to cosmetics, in one handy spot!
By scrolling down, you can easily access these elements that start with the letter T:
Table | Telephone | Television |
Table mat | Teacup | Tissue paper |
Teapot | Toilet paper | Toothbrush |
Thermometer | Tweezers | Toaster |
Tongs | Towel | Thong |
Torch | Tray | Thimble |
Tablespoon |
We’ve hand-picked a diverse range of foods for you to explore and learn about! We all love eating, so we are sure there’s no one here who doesn’t enjoy trying out new dishes and cooking items. Let’s have a look at what we’ve got:
Tomato | Tea | Tabasco sauce |
Table spread | Tea oil | Teaberry |
Tacos | Teacake | Tempura |
Tenderloin | Toon leaves | Topaz Apple |
Tonka Bean | Tortilla | Toki Apple |
Tangerine | Tart | Tatsoi lettuce |
Tapioca | Teasel Gourd | Teriyaki |
Tayberry | Terrine | Thai Basil |
Thyme | Tilefish | Tilapia |
Tindora | Tiramisu | Tisane |
Toast | Toblerone | Toffee |
Tree Nuts | Tofu | Tremella Mushrooms |
Tripe | Trout | Truffles |
Twix | Turmeric | Turkey |
Tuna | Trumpet Mushrooms | Torpedo Onions |
Topaz Apple | Toon Leaves | Tomatillos |
Tisane | Tindora |
Is your child ready to begin learning new words and phrases to read and write? If that’s the case, this post is for you! This is a list that should be kept in mind.
We’ve put together a list of fundamental lessons that you can utilize to educate your young child.
A quick rundown of several items that begin with the letter T will help extend his or her awareness, and he or she will be able to use this vocabulary to build better sentences in the future. Here are some issues on which your child should be educated:
Tail | Toll | Tide |
Tap | Town | Traipse |
Tale | Twist | Thin |
Tone | Tint | Thick |
Toe | Taunt | Teacher |
Tick | Two | Taste |
Tan | Twin | Tyke |
Tall | Tune | Twine |
Take | Try | Tribe |
Trap | Trial | Tripe |
Troop | Trope | Trouble |
Trundle | Trudge | Tractor |
Tune | Twine | Town |
Traipse | Trial | Timber |
Trip |
Finally, following all of those evaluations, you must receive some expensive S-letter things. You can get this for yourself or as a present for someone you care about, and we hope you enjoy looking through our options below:
Trampoline | Toaster | Tesla |
Tripod | Toyota | Tata |
Teardrop earring | Temple Jewellery | Terrarium |
Tissot watch |
Voila, that’s it! We’ve put up a list of all the things that start with T that you might want to teach your children to help them broaden their minds. The letter T is one of the most steady alphabetic characters. We’re praying for the best and that no mistakes have been made.
From a wide variety of alternatives, we chose and selected the products that best suit the purpose of your search and would be beneficial in the long run. If there’s anything we missed, please let us know in the comments section below. Please also let us know what you think; we love hearing from you!
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Words That Start With T For Kids
The letter T is the English-speaking world's favorite consonant, the second-most common letter in the language just behind E. This list of T words for kids, along with our favorite letter T activities, is built to help your students associate the sound they know with the written letter and form the foundation of written language. Explore a comprehensive list of words that start with T for kids.
t words for kids example of tail
Preschool Words That Start With T
Not only is it important to get preschoolers to recognize the letter T in words, but you also want to start introducing them to Dolch sight words and CVC words. Additionally, though they might be longer words, words like teacher and tiger are familiar to them, so these are easy to use with pictures to help them recognize T words for kids and T sounds.
table | tag | teddy |
ten | that | the |
there | they | tiger |
to | toad | tomato |
towel | toy | tractor |
tree | truck | train |
tug | turkey | turtle |
Trace The Letter T Printable Worksheet
At this age, the priority of any language lesson is to build that all-important connection between a sound heard and a written symbol on a page. As a starting point, we recommend giving your youngest learners vivid images to connect with the T sound. We've developed a trace-the-letter activity with that in mind.
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Kindergarten Words That Start With T
T is a common enough letter that it begins many words appropriate for your kindergarten-aged learners. Focus on providing clear, concrete, important concepts suited for these young minds by looking at CVC and CVCC words.
- Tail: The long, wagging appendage on lots of animals' bottoms
- Take: To get for yourself, to acquire
- Tale: Story, something told
- Tall: Higher than average, not short
- Tan: Light brown, especially of skin in the sun
- Tap: Brief, clear clicking sound
- Tea: A warm beverage made from dry leaves
- Teen: Someone between 13 and 19 years old
- Tick: Soft, regular clicking sound
- Toe: The five appendages on the end of your foot
- Tone: Specific musical sound
- Tool: An object used to do a job
- Top: Thing above everything else, first
- Try: Make an effort or attempt to do something
- Tub: Wide, shallow vessel, usually to hold liquids
- Tune: Melody, the way a song goes
- Twin: One of two children born at the same time
- Two: More than one and less than three
Soft and Hard T Sound Group Activity
The soft and hard T sound can be quite different for beginning learners. Therefore, it can be fun to have an activity ready for them to understand the soft and hard T sounds.
- Create a laminated list of words with a soft and hard T sound.
- Place students in two teams.
- Give a student from each team a buzzer or bell.
- Hold up a card with a soft T or hard T sound.
- The first student to answer correctly gets a point for their team. Have the next student come up and continue through the cards.
Match the Picture to the T Word Printable Activity
Worksheets can also be a great way to help kindergarteners start to read and understand T words. Print out this worksheet to help kiddos get ready for reading.
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Early Elementary Words That Start With T
Early elementary students in 1st grade and 2nd grade are delving into reading. To support your students beginning to engage with written language, use this list to provide equal parts clear and concrete terms and words that may inspire questions. Nothing reinforces linguistic development more profoundly than talking with a teacher about what a word means and how it can be used.
- Taunt: To tease cruelly, to make fun of
- Tent: Fabric shelter hung over a pole
- Tint: Shade of color on an object
- Toll: Money paid to use a road or bridge
- Town: A big village or small city
- Track: A straight path for something to travel on, especially a train
- Train: A vehicle for carrying things or people along a track
- Tribe: A large group of related people
- Trick: Something that deceives or surprises
- Truck: A large vehicle for carrying cargo
- Twine: Rough string that comes in balls
- Twist: To turn something around a central object
- Tyke: A small child, kid
Fill in the Blank Printable T Word Quiz
To reinforce learning, reward your students for their knowledge. Let them show off a bit. Be verbal, and be sure to call on as many different students as you can when you see lots of hands go up to offer a definition. We've also provided here a fill-in-the-blank sentence quiz to help your students start to build their lists of words into phrases.
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Late Elementary Words That Start With T
Again, many of these words will probably be familiar to some of your students in grades 3-5. The only way to guarantee they keep that familiarity is through repetition. Activities in upper elementary grades should engage students with the context and larger significance of language presented. At this stage of development, vocabulary moves from being a memorization exercise to one that explores more creative expression.
- Taste: The sense that picks up the flavor in food
- Teacher: Someone who helps others learn, especially children
- Thick: Wide, dense, not thin
- Thin: Narrow, not thick
- Thirst: Needing water
- Tide: The movement of the sea in and out
- Total: All of, the entire amount
- Traipse: To walk casually
- Trap: To catch a person or animal, or something that catches a person or animal
- Tray: A flat platter used for carrying smaller objects
- Trial: A test of something
- Tripe: Food made from a cow's stomach
- Troop: A group of people, usually one that travels together
- Trope: A concept used in books, movies or other kinds of art
- Trouble: Difficulty, unpleasantness
- Trout: A kind of freshwater fish
- Trudge: To walk tiredly
- Trundle: To roll an object with wheels
- Truth: What really happened, not a lie
- Tutor: Someone who teaches people one at a time or in a small group
Creating Idioms With T Words
This is the age at which you can begin to talk about the subjective or idiomatic uses of language. You can begin teaching your students phrases like "through thick and thin" or "grain of truth." Encourage students to share phrases they've heard containing these words by creating an idioms with T activity. Take out a timer and have students write down as many idioms using T words as they can think of. After a minute, find unique idioms and have students try their hand at making unique idioms.
The Tremendous Truth of T
T shows up everywhere in English. The process of connecting the letter to abstract concepts starts with lists, but it proceeds into the etymology, usage and consequences of language as a whole. When you can engage your students with that, you'll have given them true and lifelong literacy.
WordFinder is another great resource to track down take-charge T words. Its list of words that start with T includes a variety of words that are perfect for your vocabulary list. Fill out the advanced search field to narrow down your list even more! For more enriching vocabulary and etymology, take a look at our words starting with U. It's a fact those little learners will be ready to up their game for these unique words. Have fun!
Staff Writer
English words starting with the letter T
Here is a list of commonly used English words starting with the letter "T" with translation and transcription.
table [’teibl] n. table
take [teik] v. take, take
take care of sthg.
take out
take over
take on
take to pieces
take up shorthand take shorthand
take a seat
talk [tɔ:k] v. talk, talk
talk sthg. over — discuss
tame [teim] a. manual, tamed
tan [tœn] n. tan
tank [tœηk] n. tank
tap [tœp] n. crane
tape-recorder ['teip ri'kɔ:də] n. tape recorder
tape-recording [’teip ri’kɔ:diη] n. tape recorder
taxi [’tœksi] n. taxi
tea [ti:] n. tea, afternoon tea
teach [ti:tʃ] v. teach
teacher [’ti:tʃə] n. teacher
technology [tek’nɔlədʒi] n. technology, technique
telephone ['telifoun] n. telephone
over the telephone telescope
televise [‘telivɑiz] v. broadcast on TV
television ['teli'viʒən] n. television
tell [tel] v. tell, talk
temporary ['tempərəri] a. temporary
tender ['tendə] a. gentle, soft
tent [tent] n. tent
term [tə:m] n. quarter (at school)
terrible ['teribl] a. terrible, terrible
terrify ['terifɑi] v. terrify
testimonial [testi’mouniəl] n. certificate, certificate
thank [θœηk] v. grateful
thanks! - thanks!
theater ['θiətə] n. theater
then [pen] adv there
over there - over there
thing [θiη] n. item
think [θiηk] v. think
thing sthg. over - think over
thought [θɔ: t] Pa.T. and Pa.Pple. by think
thrill [θril] v. cause nervous trembling
thriller [’θrilə] n. chiller movie
throw [θrou] v. thrown
thrown [θroun] Pa.Pple. from throw
ticket ['tikit] n. ticket
tide [tɑid] n. tide
tide over - overcome
tie [tɑi] v. tie up
time [tɑim] n. Time,
High Time -it is high time
in no time -instantly
ontime -during
this Time -this time
Time-Table ['tɑim, TEIBL] n. schedule, movements, class schedule
tin [tin] n. can
tire [tɑiə] v. tired
tired ['tɑiəd] a. tired
title [’tɑitl] n. title
toast [toust] n. toast
today [tə’dəi] adv. today
together [tə'geðə] adv. together
told [tould] Pa.T. and Pa.Pple. from tell
tomate [tə’mɑ:tou] n. tomato
tomorrow [tə'mɔrou] adv. tomorrow
tonight [tə'nɑit] adv. tonight
too [tu:] adv. also, too
took [tuk] Pa.T. from take
tool [tu:l] n. tool
tool-shed ['tu:l,ʃed] n. tool shed
toothbrush [’tu:θbrʌʃ] n. toothbrush
top [tɔp] a. upper, highest
touch [tʌtʃ] v. touch, n. touch
get in touch contact
tough [tʌf] a. hard
tour [tuə] n. tour
tourist [’tuərist] n. tourist
towel [’tɑuəl] n. towel
Trade Union [’treid ’ju:njən] n. trade union
traffic [’trœfik] n. street traffic
train [trein] n. train
transit visa ['trœnsit vi:zə] n. transit visa
translation [trœns’leiʃən] n. translation
trap [trœp] n. trap
set a trap - set a trap
travel ['trœvl] v. travel n. travel
traveler [’trœvlə] n. traveler
treat [tri:t] v.
have a treat - content to enjoy
tree [tri:] n. tree
tremendous [tri'mendəs] a. huge, terrible
trial ['trɑiəl] n. sample
trip [trip] n. excursion
triplicate [’triplikit] n. in the expression
in triplicate - in triplicate
trouble [trʌbl] n. anxiety, care, chores
trousers [’trɑuzəz] n. pl. trousers
trust [trʌst] v. trust
truth [tru:θ] n. true
try [trɑi] v. try, try
try on - try on
turn [tə:n] v. turn
turn back turn back
turn into turn into something
turn off - close (faucet), turn off (light)
turn out - exclude, release (products)
turn up - suddenly appear
turn [tə: n] n. in the expression:
it's our turn
TV ['ti: 'vi] n. television
twice [twɑis] adv. double
type [taip] n. write on a typewriter
typical [’tipikəl] a. typical
typing [’tɑipiη] n. writing on a typewriter
type ['tɑiə] n. Tire
N O P Q r r t u v x y z
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Learning to read and write “Sounds [t], [t`] and the letter T
We are starting our next online lesson, where we get acquainted with the sounds and letters of Russian speech. Of course, our new lesson is devoted to new sounds and letters, but first of all, let's complete the following task ....
Name the objects in the pictures and say what they have in common... href=»»>
This is a TV, telephone and telescope. Do you know what a telescope is? If not, see the dictionary at the bottom of our lesson.
Did you notice that they start with TELE- . Do you know why? Part of the word TELE ... from the Greek language tele means "far", "far". Now explain why "TV" was called "TV"? What about a telephone, a telescope?
- "television" means "seeing at a distance"
- "telephone" - "sound at a distance"
- "telescope" (from the Greek skopeo - I look -) "I look far away." Guess what "microscope" means?
What other words do you know on TELE…?
Tele portation (moving an object over a distance), tele vision, tele viewer, tele pathia (transmission of thoughts).
And these words also begin with a new sound [t`] . Say it several times. Describe it.... Yes, it is consonant, deaf, soft. Is there a sound [t] solid? Think of words that start with [t] ….
1. The 1st row comes up with words with the sound [t] , and the second row with the sound [t ‘] . (Each child calls his word. Children check it. If the word is called incorrectly, they clap their hands)
2. "Syllabic auction"
- Think of words with syllables ta- (plate, slippers, dance, Tanya , cockroach, coupon ), those- ( theater, phone, shadows, cart, body ).
- What are the names of children in which there are syllables to-, ta-, -nya, ma-, -ra, -sya . ( Tonya, Toma, Tanya, Tosya, Tamara .)
3. Say a word I am the antonym of noise, knocking, Without me you will suffer at night. I am for rest, for sleep, I am called ... (silence) *** Bags full of holes wander through the heavens, And it happens sometimes: Water flows from the bags. Let's hide better From the leaky... (clouds) *** your friend is right there. He will drive everyone in five minutes. Hey, sit down, don't yawn, Departure... (tram) *** - Why is this cow Small in stature? – Answers Vova Sveta: – Very simple, It's a child, It's… (calf) 4. “Catch the sound”. If the word has sound [t '] - children clap, if sound [t] - stomp. Whip, shadow, tiger, cake, three, black grouse, raccoon, notebook, briefcase, summer, cabbage, plant, dance, picture.
5. Stand up guys whose names contain the sound [t] or [t`] . State your name and the sound it contains.
6. Clean tongues
- So-and-so - we played loto. Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.
- Ti-ti-ti - ate almost all of the porridge.
- You-you-you - cats ate all the sour cream. Tu-tu-tu - pour some milk for the cat.
- Tyo-tyo-tyo - we put aside sewing.
7. "One - many"
Bush - ( bushes) , cold - ( cold) , city - cities, pond - ponds, bridge - bridges, footprint - footprints, mole - moles, raccoon - raccoons, ice - ice, factory - factories, nail - nails, lunch - dinners, hello - hello, parade - parades, year - years, plane - planes, ticket - tickets, record - records, bear - bears, ice drift - ice drifts , rod - rods.
This is the letter T (te)! With a phone and even in slippers!
1. Find the hidden letters T . Circle them.
2 . Underline the same letter as below. Circle all the letters T .
3. Add the missing element of the letters in the tablets.
4. Color the large letter T blue and the small letter green. Put dots in the letter T according to the model. Find and color the letter T on the right.
6. The letter is lost
Insert the missing letters:
7. Game "Find the word in the word"
Tiger ( shooting range ), tennis ( shadows ), bedside table ( pedestal, dot, barrel ), ducks ( dots, glasses, whale, cat ).
8. Game "Magic chain"
- Make a chain of words, changing them one letter at a time. Current - so - there - pelvis.
- Make a chain of words in which the last letter of the previous word is the beginning of the next. Tiger - grove - stork - shadow.
9. Write on the left the words that end with the letter T and on the right the words that start with the letter T .
- - T - - - - - T - - - - - - - T - - - - Answer: cat, current; mole, tank; pilot, axe.
10. Pyramid
11. Typesetter Game
Make as many words as possible from the letters of the word transport.
A n s : cake, rope, torso, sport, trail, mouth, nose, sleep, grade, report.
12. Anagram game
Hothouse ( buttonhole ), tank ( edging ), goods ( decoction, vomiting ), current ( 90 62 ), cable 90 649 cat ), firebox ( hood ), tropic ( portico ), darkness ( mother ).
Hammer knocks: “Knock knock!
Letters T I am the best friend.”
Take any colored pencil and paint over all the parts of the drawing in which you see the letter T.
14 . Reading…
15. Writing….
Learning to write beautifully here
Proverbs and sayings 008
1. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
2. Patience and work will grind everything.
3. Do not be hasty, but be patient.
4. A coward is afraid of his shadow.
5. Those who love to work cannot sit idle.
Tongue twisters
- Tabloid is a way of placing advertisements on
street billboards or screens with bright illuminated inscriptions OR small format newspaper. - Herd — herd of horses
- Timer - a device that emits a signal after a specified
period of time. - Typhoon is a hurricane of great destructive power.
- Tactics are techniques, methods of playing, fighting.
- Talent - outstanding ability.
- Customs - government agency that controls the movement of objects across the border of the state,
goods, individuals. - Tariff - the established amount of the cost of smth., payment for
smth. - Telescope is an instrument that helps in observing distant objects (stars)
- Theory is a set of propositions.
- Patience is the ability to remain calm in an unpleasant situation
. - Circulation - the number of copies of the printed edition.
- Title - an honorary
title (for example, count, duke), hereditary or assignable. - Tolerance - tolerance for other
views, customs, habits. Learn more