Video sight words for kindergarten
The Best Sight Word Videos that will Engage Every Student
Videos are a truly engaging way to teach and reinforce skills that require a ton of repetition and practice to master. When I think lots of repetition: I think SIGHT WORDS. Can we ever have enough practice? I rounded up the best sight word videos so that you don’t have to!
Quickly recognizing and reading sight words and high frequency words is such an important skill for new readers. The most common 100 sight words make up 50% of any text! For our new readers, that percentage is much, much higher.
Teaching sight words and high frequency words can be challenging because it requires so much repetition. We practice and practice (and practice some more), and even then, some students still don’t quite grasp it.
Then one day, as if a switch has been turned on, they remember them! It’s kind of a magical process. 🦄
But I know it can be exhausting (and frustrating), too. These videos are meant to supplement other sight word instruction to add another layer to your instruction. No matter what list you use, there are videos here to help you out. 👏
Note: Did you know there is a difference between sight words and high frequency words? You can read more about that here!
Miss Molly’s Sight Word Videos Playlist
I think of Miss Molly as the queen of sight word videos. ? This playlist has SEVENTY ONE sight word songs! 😳🥳
Each one covers a different sight word. Each video says the word and spells it several times. It also puts the word into several sentences with visuals.
I especially love these videos because the music is very calming so it won’t hype kids up. 😅 Miss Molly is a go-to for me in my classroom!
Heidi Songs Sight Word Videos Playlist
Like Miss Molly, Heidi Songs has a ton of sight word videos. This playlist has 32 sight words songs that students enjoy to sing and dance along with.
The videos spell the word, say the word alone and in a sentence several times. There are fun actions that go along with the words and they are very catchy. (So catchy, you may find yourself lying awake at night with them running through your head. 🤪)
Meet the Sight Words
Preschool Prep Company has several sight word videos on YouTube that my students really enjoy. The one I have linked is a 30 minute video that I show in pieces as we learn new words in my classroom. It introduces and reinforces several of the most common sight words.
Each word has a short video that lasts about 45 seconds. The letters of the word make up part of the picture and are characters in the shorts story. While the word is said over and over again, it is never spelled out verbally or put into a sentence.
I build understanding by asking my students why the word is doing that action or in that place. In that way, this video is more of an interactive experience in my classroom.
For example, the word “play” is playing baseball. Students can make the connection between the word and what it is doing. I also ask them to look at the word and spell it.
The Sight Word Song
Harry Kindergarten’s sight word song is a favorite for many. The song is catchy, it spells the word and reads it.
This song covers many of the most common sight words so students get the repetition that will help them memorize the words. My kids love, love, love to sing along with this song.
New Sight Words with Jack Hartmann
This Jack Hartmann videos shows the letters, says them and then says the word. It pauses the second time through so that students have the chance to read the word on their own.
Kids love this silly video and it’s catchy tune. They will have the words in it memorized in no time!
Sight Word Rap with Jack Hartmann
This Jack Hartmann video is similar to the previous one but with a different tune and different words! He says the letters and then reads the words. It says the word several times as the word flashes on the screen giving great repetition.
If you students are like mine, they will think Jack Hartmann “rapping” is HILARIOUS and super silly. They’ll also pick it up really quick and rap it back and forth to each other. 😅
Kindergarten High Frequency Words
I think this video is a.dor.a.ble. It is a teacher made video with students reading a word and then saying it in a sentence. The words are on the screen as well so students can see them.
My students LOVE hearing other kids reading to them. The first time we watched this video, they were in awe. When I told them we could make a video just like it, they were super excited.
We made our own video in the spring once we had a good handle on many sight words. Each student chose a word and created a simple sentence for them. I typed each word and sentence on it’s own slide in a powerpoint.
If you want to make a video like this, it is really easy! All you have to do is create a powerpoint, video the powerpoint and let the students read the words.
This list of videos includes many of my student’s favorite videos as well as channels that have tons of videos for individual sight words. Did I include your favorite? Let me know below! 👇
Do you need hands on practice for your students, too? I know the lists of words and number that need to be memorized varies hugely from district to district and from state to state.
That’s why I created this super magical resource! These Editable Sight Word Printables can be customized to any list without any formatting or special fonts downloaded. All you do is type your words and 10 different activities are immediately generated! Like I said: magical! 🦄
5 Videos for Sight Word Practice
Boost student confidence with these Free sight word videos and practice activities perfect for kindergarten, first and second-grade students who are learning to recognize, read, and spell high-frequency sight words.
Did you know that as literate adults we have between 30,000 and 70,000 words we can read automatically, accurately, and effortlessly? These words are considered “sight words” because we instantly recognize them by sight.
While reading these words feels effortless to us as adults, as teachers we know that sight word instruction and practice is so important for young readers!
For one, it allows them to free up cognitive resources so they can focus on the tougher words that require strong decoding skills. Secondly, knowing sight words is a huge confidence booster for students! Strong sight word knowledge allows them to understand the majority of the text, even when their decoding skills are still developing.
Students spend a lot of time working on word recognition, so to keep things fresh and engaging it’s important we provide them with a range of sight word activities.
Today I’m wrapping up my series of posts on different ways to practice sight words. If you missed the previous posts, you can take a look back at the 7 Best Phonics Apps, 5 Best Apps for Teaching Sight Words and 5 Online Games for Sight Word Practice.
In today’s final post I am thrilled to share 5 Videos for Sight Word Practice!
These online videos will have your students singing, dancing and learning their sight words all at once!
So let’s take a look at what I’ve found…
Jack Hartmann has created a ton of great sight word videos. I especially like the video series Ready to Read Sight Words! There are 20 videos of 10 sight words.
In each video students will spell and say the sight word three times and then he asks students to spell and say the sight word on their own three times. The next time the sight words are shown and students are asked to say the sight word before we give the answer for higher order learning.
Here is video (list 1) of Ready to Read Sight Words:
Below is the 2nd video of Ready to Read Sight Words. List 2 includes the following sight words: and, we, me, at, come, can, my ,an, with and no.
You can check out the remaining 18 of Jack Hartmann’s Ready to Read Sight Word Videos here!
The Kindergarten Sight Word Dance Song This video gives students sight word practice while also allowing them to DANCE! A perfect way to get some energy out while learning!
Phonics Man Sight Word Videos Kids love Phonics Man! His sight word videos even allow the kids to practice sight words while doing FortNite dances! 😲
Harry Kindergarten is a kid favorite! The video The Sight Word Song (Version 1) practices seeing and spelling 20 high-frequency sight words: like, play, home, this, is, it, in, we, can, see, are, and, the, you, am, my, come, here, mom, and dad to a catchy tune.
In addition, Harry also created The Sight Word Song 2 Practicing the following high-frequency sight words: go, look, to, for, get, got, do, man, be, up, so, at, he, not, an, on, me, of, had, has.
If you are looking for additional ideas to give your students more hands-on sight word practice (without a screen), I’m happy to share some of my very own sight word activities for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students!
Sight Word Practice with Fine Motor ActivitiesFirst, there is my FINE MOTOR SIGHT WORD BUNDLE which includes 6 different activities that pair sight word practice fine motor skill development.
Each activity offers a hands-on, engaging way for young learners to develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they are work to read, write, and spell their sight words.
Students will use hands-on materials that develop fine motor skills as they play games, fill, cut, trace, and spin sight words.
Take a closer look at the post Sight Word Activities for Fine Motor Development for more details about each activity and to download a set of FREE sight word fine motor activities!
Hidden Sight WordsFinally, for more engaging and hands-on sight word practice take a look at this post where I share one of my students’ favorite sight word activities, “Hidden Sight Words”.
Student engagement is peaked by giving them a hand lens to search for the hidden words in the seasonal picture! I love that they have to pay close attention to the spelling of the high frequency word spelling as they write them in word shape boxes. Be sure to grab the FREEBIE to try in your classroom in this post!
One of the best and most important jobs we have as teachers to young learners is teaching them how to read. While there are many skills and strategies we use to do so, sight word practice is one that certainly gets a lot of time and attention. I hope that the activities and resources I’ve shared in this series of posts will help you keep this important practice fresh and engaging in your classroom!
resources featured in this post
Visual aids for preschoolers
Home / WEBINARS / Visual aids for preschoolers
Webinar host: Lyubov Ivanovna Pavlova , senior methodologist at the Center for Preschool Education of the Russkoye Slovo publishing house, author of manuals.
The Center for Preschool Education has released a series of short and useful meetings dedicated to visual aids. These are small subject pictures, didactic cards and demonstration pictures of a large format. Childhood and the development of a preschool child is always accompanied by various visual materials.
We play at home and in kindergarten. Series "Pick pictures" for the development of preschoolers
Main questions of the webinar:
At the first meeting, senior methodologist Lyubov Ivanovna Pavlova will present a series "Pick pictures", consisting of 4 sets of subject pictures: "Whole and Part", "Groups" , "Who lives where" and "Opposites". He will tell you how to arouse children's interest in a new game, where it is better to store it, how to organize a game, about developing a child's ability to classify objects, highlight parts of it in objects, and select cards with the opposite meaning.
Thematic sets of subject pictures of the "Pick up pictures" series are stimulating material for the cognitive and speech development of children and are intended for games with children from 2 years old. And at this age, and for a child a little older, it is important that an adult communicates kindly with him, does not rush, if he thinks slowly, be sure to positively evaluate even small successes and rejoice with him.
Didactic cards for the development of preschoolers
At the second meeting, the senior methodologist Lyubov Ivanovna Pavlova will present a series of didactic cards, consisting of 4 sets of subject pictures: “Objects in the house”, “Clothes. Shoes. Hats”, “Animals” and “Vegetables. Fruit. Berries". He will tell that each set of didactic cards is accompanied by methodological recommendations, they present methods and techniques for looking at pictures, give words to enrich and activate the children's vocabulary, sample questions, various tasks, games and exercises, descriptive stories.
Thematic sets of subject pictures of a series of didactic cards are a necessary and effective material for stimulating the speech and cognitive development of children from 2 years old. Have fun and play!
Demonstration materials for kindergarten “FAIRS OF THE YEAR. In the town. In the village. In the forest
At the third meeting, the senior methodologist Lyubov Ivanovna Pavlova will present demonstration materials for the kindergarten “SEASONS. In the town. In the village. In the forest”, consisting of 12 paintings, which reflect the characteristic features of urban and rural life at different times of the year, as well as seasonal changes in nature. He will tell you that the manual is intended for viewing with children, conducting conversations, compiling descriptive stories. It will acquaint you with the peculiarities of looking at pictures in different periods of preschool childhood.
Demonstration materials for the kindergarten “FOUR SEASONS. In the town. In the village. In the forest" are an effective tool for the speech and cognitive development of preschool children.
Demonstration materials for kindergarten: Russian Painting series
The main issues of the webinar:
In the final, fourth meeting, the senior methodologist Lyubov Pavlova will present demonstration materials for the kindergarten - a series of "Russian Painting", consisting of 4 sets of reproductions of paintings by famous artists: "Landscape", "Portrait", "Subject Pictures" and "Still Life". He will tell that the series "Russian Painting" is intended for viewing with children, compiling descriptive stories based on paintings for the purpose of artistic, aesthetic, cognitive and speech development of children. The accompanying text on the back of each reproduction contains a brief biography of the artist, highlighting his childhood years, a topic that is always of great interest to children; questions are given for discussion with children, which will allow the teacher to organize a fascinating conversation about the visual means, techniques used by the artist. The proposed creative tasks will allow children to reflect their impressions in their own visual activity; they will mix paints in search of the right color, master the techniques of unconventional drawing.
Kindergarten display materials: Russian Paintings series includes famous works by famous Russian artists V.A. Serov, B.M. Kustodieva, V.D. Polenova, I.I. Levitan, I.I. Shishkin and many others. Demonstration materials are an effective tool for educating senior preschool children of a value attitude towards masterpieces of fine art.
Didactic and visual aids for working with children / Events / Kindergarten / Iznoskovsky kindergarten "Solnyshko"
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Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution "Iznoskovsky Kindergarten "Solnyshko"
Didactic and visual aids for working with children
When teaching and developing preschool children, it is especially important to use visual aids, because at this age, different types of thinking develop: visually - effective, visually - figurative, verbally - logical, abstract.
The method of visualization is one of the leading principles of teaching a preschooler, which, by creating understandable and aesthetically attractive images, allows for better assimilation of the material.
The effectiveness of the visual method is due to the fact that the demonstration and illustrative material allows you to activate the visual, auditory and tactile channels of perception of the child, emotionally involves him in cognitive activity.
Active use of visual aids while working with children contributes to:
- conscious perception and versatile assimilation of material;
- formation of spatial and quantitative representations;
- development of abstract and logical thinking;
- improvement of speech and figurative thinking;
- formation of intelligent operations of analysis and synthesis.
Therefore, our teachers decided to supplement the methodical room with a variety of visual aids, which are very helpful in working with children. We invite you to see some of them.
Published: 27.05.2020 | Views: 258
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- "Golden autumn has come to visit us.
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- New Year's party in the 1st junior group "Gnomes".
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- New Year's party in the senior group "Dreamers".
- Winter fun outdoors.
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- "On a visit to Grandma Fedora" entertainment in the 1st junior group "Gnomes".
- Theatrical performance "Geese-swans".
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- Sports leisure "Zayushkina hut" in the 1st junior group.
- The work of the circle "I'm a researcher!".
- Theatrical entertainment for children of primary preschool age.
- Week of health!
- Congratulations on February 23!
- Brave guys!
- Matinee dedicated to the Day of March 8 in the 1st junior group.
- Matinee for the Day of March 8 in the 2nd junior group "Bees".
- Matinee in the middle group "Fidgets".
- Matinee in the preparatory group "Rainbow".
- Matinee for the Day of March 8 in the senior group “Dreamers.
- Regional competition of holiday cards dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8 "Gift for Mom".
- Let's celebrate Maslenitsa with funny pancakes!
- “I would go to confectioners - let them teach me…”
- Earth is our common home!
- Visiting grandma Arina.
- In a forest clearing.
- Music Zoo.
- Through the pages of K. Ushinsky's books.
- Theater Day
- Cosmonautics Day!
- Experimental activities of children in the second junior group "Planting onions".
- Joint event with the Iznoskovskaya Regional Library
- World Labor Safety Day
- Happy Easter!
- Entertainment in the 1st junior group: "Visiting Grandma Marfa"
- Fire safety sports entertainment
- Victory Day!
- “We will live in your hearts…”
- Physical entertainment “Journey to the Fairy Forest”
- Parent meeting: “Through the pages of the school year”
- Entertainment in the first and second junior groups “Hello, summer!”
- "Plants around us"
- "Children's Day"
- "Goodbye, kindergarten!"
- Happy Russia Day!
- And we live happily!
- Holiday Russian Birch
- Fairytale elections in kindergarten
- Conversation about the flag of Russia
- "Flag Day"
- Knowledge day with a clown Timoshka
- "Autumn Kaleidoscope"
- Circle in the 1st junction "Smarts"
- "Harvest" entertainment
- "Already the sky was breathing in autumn.
- Photo contest
- Congratulations to our dear mothers
- Matinee for Mother's Day in the middle group "Bee"
- Matinee for Mother's Day in the senior group "Fidget"0102
- Matinee for Mother's Day in the preparatory group "Dreamers"
- International action "Bookies 2019"
- "Election of a Fairytale Hero"
- Santa Claus Parade
- Theatrical performance in the 2nd ml gr. "Teremok"
- New Year's party in the 2nd jr. gr. "Rainbow"
- New Year's party on Wed. gr. "Bee"
- Christmas in our garden
- Experimental activity in cf. "Bee"
- Theatrical performance "Kolobok"
- Excursion to the school museum
- "Memory is alive!"
- Event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer Nikolai Sladkov
- Fire Safety Week
- Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!
- Exhibition "My small Motherland. Our Iznoskovsky land"
- Entertainment in 1 ml.
gr. to the Defender of the Fatherland Day
- Defender of the Fatherland Day in the 2nd ml. and middle groups
- Defender of the Fatherland Day in senior and preparatory groups
- Meet Maslenitsa!
- Wide Shrovetide in the groups "Dreamers" and "Fidgets"
- Shrovetide in the 1st junior group
- "Turnip" in the 2nd junior group
- Shrovetide in the groups "Bees" and "Rainbow"
- Competition "I I found my calling in pedagogy!
- Morning in 1 ml. gr. "Our moms are the best!"
- Matinee for March 8 in the 2nd junior group
- Matinee for March 8 in the middle group
- Matinee for March 8 in the senior group
- Matinee for March 8 in the preparatory group
- Festival "Little children - great talents"
- Entertainment for children on the Day of Birds "Birds are our friends"
- Theatrical performance "Ryaba Hen"
- "Color Kaleidoscope"
- 02 " The best corner of Russian folk crafts"
- Experimental and research activities
- Happy Victory Day!
- May 15 - International Family Day!
- Didactic and visual aids for working with children
- Master class for teachers
- Repair in the kindergarten "Solnyshko"
- Occupational safety
- Competitive game program for older preschoolers
- Master class for teachers "Non-traditional drawing"
- Master class on making three-dimensional flowers
- Entertainment for children 3–4 years old "A fun journey"
- Master class for teachers "Emotional development of children in preschool"
- Children's Day
- Game-quest on financial literacy
- Training "Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers"
- "Trinity"
- Journey through the fairy tales Pushkin
- June 12 - Day of Russia
- Day of memory and sorrow
- Sports entertainment "Visiting a fairy tale"
- Quiz game "In the world of forest animals"
- Reminder on the rules of safety behavior on water bodies
- Ivana1 Celebration
- Day of family, love and fidelity
- Heartfelt thanks to a good person!
- "Young Magicians"
- "Fire Safety Day"
- "Journey to the Kingdom of Butterflies"
- "Support for Families with Children"
- "Observing traffic rules - I am friends with the traffic police"
- Beauty is around us!
- Summer Sports Festival of Health
- "Friendship Day"
- Small Olympic Games in the kindergarten "Solnyshko"
- Excursion to the school museum
- Grand opening of the Memory Square
- Congratulations!
- "Bread is the head of everything"
- Knowledge Day
- 1 junior group "Gnomes"
- Middle group "Rainbow"
- Senior group "Bee"
- Preparatory group "Fidgets" group
- Excursion of the preparatory group to the catering department
- Week of healthy eating
- "Autumn Kaleidoscope"
- Health week - 1 junior group
- Health week - senior group
- Health Week - 2nd junior group
- Health Week - middle group
- Health Week
- Theatrical performance based on L.
Panteleev's story "The Big Wash"
- Golden Autumn Festival
- Autumn sketches "Fidgets"
- "On a visit to Moidodyr!"
- Entertainment "Merry Garden"
- Autumn Festival in the 1st ml. gr.
- National Unity Day
- Games of different peoples
- Club activities gr. "Gnomes"
- Club activities gr. "Dreamers"
- Circle activities gr. "Rainbow"
- Circle activities gr. "Bees"
- Club activities gr. "Fidgets"
- Club activities in kindergarten
- Father Frost's birthday
- Mother's Day
- Video clip from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Kaluga region
- Video clip and fire safety reminders
- We are celebrating the New Year!
- Entertainment "Journey to the land of fairy tales"
- New Year's party in gr. "Rainbow"
- "Bullfinches"
- New Year's parties in groups
- A video about an independent assessment
- Christmas holiday
- Epiphany fun
- Happy birthday, Snowman!
- January 22 - Liberation Day Wear from Nazi invaders
- "Very skillful hands"
- "Feed the birds" campaign
- Snowman's birthday
- "Memory without time limit"
- Exhibition of children's works "Sorceress of Winter"
- Theatrical performance
- Week of Kindness
- Winter fun
- Defender of the Fatherland Day
- Leisure in the senior group "Evening of Riddles"
- The final stage of the competition "I found my vocation"02 in teaching
- Happy March 8!
- "Hello, miss Maslenitsa!"
- Book Week
- Bird Day
- Methodical week in our kindergarten
- Health-saving technologies in our kindergarten
- Quest "We are for a healthy lifestyle"
- Fire Protection Day
- Earth Day
- Sports entertainment "Journey into space"
- Entertainment in 2 ml.
gr. "You can't play with fire"
- "Birthday of the book"
- Awards for participation in the regional competition
- Congratulations to A.F. Polyakova.
- Gratitude to parents and employees
- Family Day
- Slavic Literature and Culture Day
- Great Easter
- The main holiday of childhood!
- Entertainment in the 1st junior group
- Eco-children-Preschool children
- Graduation - 2021
- Entertainment for children of junior and middle groups
- "Hello, red summer!"
- Sports entertainment "We live happily in summer!
- Sports entertainment for children of senior groups "Water - water"
- "Magic forest - full of miracles"
- Day of family, love and fidelity
- Entertainment "Who came to visit?"
- Sports entertainment "Call of the Jungle"
- Sports leisure "Unusual walk"
- Entertainment "Visiting the Old Man-Forester"
- Day of family, love and fidelity
- Day of Navy workers in the garden Small Olympic Games
- Day of Knowledge
- How to protect a child from falling out of a window
- Salt room
- Event dedicated to the Day of the elderly "We are together"
- "Week of health" in our garden
- "Birthday of Winnie Poh"
- Autumn mood
- Visiting a fairy tale
- Gathering at the stove
- Autumn
- Autumn entertainment DAY POLICATION
- Sinichkin's Day
- Ecological poster competition "Nature is our future"
- Master class for teachers "Non-traditional drawing techniques"
- World of technical miracles
- We celebrate New Year
- Table for birds
- Mother
- New Year 2022
- Grandfather Morozov Parade
- 1 Junior Group Militia
- Kaluga
- Happy New Year 2022
- Tsokotuha Fly
- Event "Mitten Holiday"
- Entertainment "Snowman's Birthday"
- Entertainment "Journey through the winter months"
- Action "Luminous Armor"
- Congratulations to Savelyeva Yu.