What does kids
Kid Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Recent Examples on the Web
As any kid will tell you, desserts are way tastier when they're made into a fun shape. —Sarah Martens, Better Homes & Gardens, 10 Jan. 2023 The year's most heartwarming comeback kid has already won prizes from the Gotham Awards and the New York Film Critics Circle for his sympathetic turn in Everything Everywhere All at Once. —EW.com, 9 Jan. 2023 Rich later made a few appearances in TV and film in the '90s and '00s, before being listed in Vh2's list of the greatest 100 kid stars at No. 71. —Brenton Blanchet, Peoplemag, 8 Jan. 2023 Born on October 12, 1968 in Brooklyn, Rich rose to fame as the child actor who played Nicholas, the youngest Bradford
kid on Eight Is Enough. —Vulture, 8 Jan. 2023 Normally, when a child arrived at school with no diapers or ran out of diapers, Henderson would have to send the kid home. —Detroit Free Press, 7 Jan. 2023 Suddenly Jacob is a parent, a parent to an especially willful kid, right? —Borys Kit, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Jan. 2023 The make-your-own pizza, pasta, or mac and cheese options are kid magnets, meanwhile, the adults can order glasses of wine and share a hefty wedge of lasagna.
—Amanda Faison, Outside Online, 6 Jan. 2023 Most were run-of-the-mill versions from museum gift shops, while the more trendy pieces came from every Y2K kid’s favorite mall mainstay, Claire’s – both complete with the color card for an accurate reading. —Shelby Ying Hyde, refinery29.com, 4 Jan. 2023
Many listings appear to offer fairer rates, but the low-rate jobs could increase concerns about how the platform exploits kid developers. —Jay Peters, The Verge, 11 Jan. 2023 Murphy certainly had a winning formula with most of his kid flicks, but Daddy Day Care exemplifies the commerce over art theory that seemed to drive most of his career moves in the early 2000s.
—Elliott Smith, EW.com, 10 Jan. 2023 These two versions of the may not exactly have a real father-kid relationship, but the XBB.1.5 is indeed a relative of the XBB, which has already spread to over 70 countries, such as India and Singapore. —Bruce Y. Lee, Forbes, 31 Dec. 2022 The plaintiffs say the allegations exemplify why child labor laws are so important to protect kid performers from exploitation by their employers or their guardians. —Los Angeles Times, 19 Dec. 2022 The win improved the Broncos to 5-0, and McDaniels looked like a kid genius on his way to building a Super Bowl winner. —Ben Volin, BostonGlobe.com, 16 Dec. 2022 Races are being held at North Little Rock elementary schools, and the fastest boy and girl from each school will compete on a kid-size version of the challenge course Friday during Elementary School Field Trip Day.
—Sean Clancy, Arkansas Online, 5 Sep. 2022 The InfoWars host’s harmful claims that the government used kid actors to stage the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre, one of America’s worst school shootings but a hoax in Jones’s telling, appears to have crossed Musk’s line. —Christiaan Hetzner, Fortune, 21 Nov. 2022 Ryan Kaji—often hailed as the reigning kid king of YouTube—was reviewing popular toys like Thomas the Tank Engine and raking in millions. —R.t. Watson, WSJ, 26 Nov. 2022
The process of getting into certain schools — and don’t kid yourself, everybody wants in — has long been a brutal one. —Caitlin Moscatello, Curbed, 11 Oct. 2022 The berg itself is about half the size of the last one, but don't kid yourself: that's still huge. —Phil Plait, Discover Magazine
, 19 July 2012 Don’t kid yourself, the Dolphins are softer than Katy Perry’s lips. —Orlando Sentinel, 15 Dec. 2022 Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge kid around ahead of a chat about their new movie Spoiler Alert at N.Y.C.'s 92NY. —People Staff, Peoplemag, 12 Dec. 2022 Collson, an avid cook who liked to kid and laugh, stuck firmly to her decision not to leave home, Jim said. —Jon Schuppe, NBC News, 22 Nov. 2022 But don't let anyone kid you, the Fed is pushing up rates precisely to slow things down and get inflation under control.
—Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, 16 Nov. 2020 Loved ones are more touchy than normal, so don't kid them and refrain from comment on any sensitive areas. —Holiday Mathis, Arkansas Online, 7 Nov. 2022 There’s no whiff of originality here, nor any sincerity that runs deeper than instructing the actors not to kid the material. —Dennis Harvey, Variety, 27 Oct. 2022
The process of getting into certain schools — and don’t kid yourself, everybody wants in — has long been a brutal one. —Caitlin Moscatello, Curbed, 11 Oct. 2022 The berg itself is about half the size of the last one, but don't kid yourself: that's still huge. —Phil Plait,
Discover Magazine, 19 July 2012 Don’t kid yourself — this show got renewed for a third season, and by the looks of things, so will the podcast. —Vulture, 25 Oct. 2022 Don’t kid yourself, the Dolphins are softer than Katy Perry’s lips. —Orlando Sentinel, 15 Dec. 2022 Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge kid around ahead of a chat about their new movie Spoiler Alert at N.Y.C.'s 92NY. —People Staff, Peoplemag, 12 Dec. 2022 Collson, an avid cook who liked to kid and laugh, stuck firmly to her decision not to leave home, Jim said.
—Jon Schuppe, NBC News, 22 Nov. 2022 Loved ones are more touchy than normal, so don't kid them and refrain from comment on any sensitive areas. —Holiday Mathis, Arkansas Online, 7 Nov. 2022 There’s no whiff of originality here, nor any sincerity that runs deeper than instructing the actors not to kid the material. —Dennis Harvey, Variety, 27 Oct. 2022 See More
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'kid.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
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[ kid ]
/ kɪd /
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Informal. a child or young person.
(used as a familiar form of address.)
a young goat.
leather made from the skin of a kid or goat, used in making shoes and gloves.
a glove made from this leather.
verb (used with or without object), kid·ded, kid·ding.
(of a goat) to give birth to (young).
made of kidskin.
Informal. younger: his kid sister.
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of kid
First recorded in 1150–1200; Middle English kide, from Old Norse kith
kiddish, adjectivekid·dish·ness, nounkidlike, adjectiveWords nearby kid
kick up a fuss, kick up one's heels, kick upstairs, kickwheel, kicky, kid, kid around, Kidd, Kidd, Captain William, kidder, Kidderminster
Other definitions for kid (2 of 3)
[ kid ]
/ kɪd /
verb (used with object), kid·ded, kid·ding.
to talk or deal jokingly with; banter; jest with: She is always kidded about her accent.
to humbug or fool.
verb (used without object), kid·ded, kid·ding.
to speak or act deceptively in jest;jest.
1 tease, josh, rib.
See synonyms for kid on Thesaurus.com
Origin of kid
First recorded in 1805–15; perhaps special use of kid1
kidder, nounkid·ding·ly, adverbOther definitions for kid (3 of 3)
[ kid ]
/ kɪd /
Thomas. Kyd, Thomas.
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to kid
baby, boy, child, daughter, girl, infant, son, teenager, youngster, youth, bother, delude, joke, tease, bairn, juvenile, lad, lass, tot, banter
How to use kid in a sentence
For people to feel good about sending their kids to school each day, the buildings should be conveniently located, appealing, comfortable to spend several hours in, and of course safe.
The World’s First 3D Printed School Will Be Built in Madagascar|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|February 26, 2021|Singularity Hub
Turban shares that kids who feel controlled or shamed are less likely to be forthcoming about potentially risky online behaviors.
Digital self-harm: What to do when kids cyberbully themselves|Juli Fraga|February 26, 2021|Washington Post
It would let the team compare how kids who attended quality-rate preschools did on their reading and math tests through their senior year of high school, compared to those who didn’t.
Morning Report: Did Mexico Solve the Border Sewage Problem?|Voice of San Diego|February 26, 2021|Voice of San Diego
Hearing a kid rant or shout in a store reflects poorly on the parents, not the child.
Hints From Heloise: Falling for a scam can be as simple as saying ‘yes’|Heloise Heloise|February 26, 2021|Washington Post
Proving the shots are safe and effective for children is a crucial first step to vaccinating this population and protecting kids’ health.
COVID-19 vaccines may be ready for teens this summer|Aimee Cunningham|February 25, 2021|Science News
The kid from next door drops by and Marvin talks to him about the stunts in his latest film, Death Hunt.
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile|Robert Ward|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
He stayed up all night, looking at the streets he had biked around as a kid with a whole new sensibility.
DJ Spooky Wants You To Question Everything You Know About Music, Technology, and Philosophy|Oliver Jones|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After years at the head of a parochial school classroom, he could no longer distinguish one blond Irish Catholic kid from another.
Obama’s One Hand Clap With Castro|Doug McIntyre|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“I was watching ‘Daniel The Tiger’ with my kid and I heard two shots like ‘boom-boom,’” he said.
Anger at The Cop Killer - And The Police|M.L. Nestel|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“I walk my kid to school, passed that cop car everyday,” he said.
Anger at The Cop Killer - And The Police|M.L. Nestel|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"I'll look in the bar," I volunteered, remembering the kid had left with more of a roll than Meadows had now.
Fee of the Frontier|Horace Brown Fyfe
Zoomed over the German lines in the war, stoking an airplane, although at that time he was only a kid.
The Campfire Girls of Roselawn|Margaret Penrose
And dragged Joe into it, a good kid who had made only one really bad mistake in his life—the mistake of asking her to marry him.
The Man from Time|Frank Belknap Long
Again it was empty except for the operator, a tow-headed kid with a Racing Form tucked in a side pocket.
Hooded Detective, Volume III No. 2, January, 1942|Various
Your gloves must be of kid, white, or some very light tint to suit your dress.
The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness|Florence Hartley
British Dictionary definitions for kid (1 of 4)
/ (kɪd) /
the young of a goat or of a related animal, such as an antelope
soft smooth leather made from the hide of a kid
- a young person; child
- (modifier) younger or being still a childkid brother; kid sister
our kid Liverpool dialect my younger brother or sister
verb kids, kidding or kidded
(of a goat) to give birth to (young)
Derived forms of kid
kiddishness, nounkidlike, adjectiveWord Origin for kid
C12: of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse kith, Shetland Islands kidi lamb
British Dictionary definitions for kid (2 of 4)
/ (kɪd) /
verb kids, kidding or kidded (sometimes foll by on or along) informal
(tr) to tease or deceive for fun
(intr) to behave or speak deceptively for fun
(tr) to delude or fool (oneself) into believing (something)don't kid yourself that no-one else knows
Derived forms of kid
kiddingly, adverbWord Origin for kid
C19: probably from kid 1
British Dictionary definitions for kid (3 of 4)
/ (kɪd) /
a small wooden tub
Word Origin for kid
C18: probably variant of kit 1 (in the sense: barrel)
British Dictionary definitions for kid (4 of 4)
/ (kɪd) /
a variant spelling of (Thomas) Kyd
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with kid
In addition to the idioms beginning with kid
- kid around
- kid gloves
- kid stuff
- kid the pants off
also see:
- handle with (kid) gloves
Also seekidding.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Who are children? - Pedagogical portal "About childhood"
- June 1, 2021
Creative works of primary school students of gymnasium No. 9 of Yekaterinburg . Teacher - Klimentyeva Olga Vasilievna.
Children are part of childhood. When the golden gates of a vast country open for them. Although it seems small, for a child it is a world of miracles and friends.
Children are a bunch of ants that builds and builds everything. And they build every day and every little world! This world will never close its gates to us. nine0010
Author: Uymina Masha
Children are little unusual people. They always have different interesting dreams. Either the children want to be given a bicycle, or they want to fly on a magic carpet, or the children want to become someone unusual. Like a bird or a fish. Sometimes their dreams come true and sometimes they don't.
Children always want to jump, run and they can't sit still. Children are always cheerful and almost never sad. Children are always interested in everything. Children have a very playful nature. nine0010
Author: Dunaev Arseniy
Children are small adults. Children always try to be like adults. These little grown-ups don't go to work, don't get up at dawn, don't go to bed on a dark night, but they rush to their work.
In early childhood, children rush to work called GAMES. Growing up, children go to school, they like toys less and less. Adults, too, the older they are, the less they like to play children's games, but when children appear somewhere playing some kind of game, adults remember their children's fun and games. nine0010
Author: Romanov Artem
Children are little whys and whys. Children are a lot of fun.
Children are happiness and joy. Childhood can be different, good, fast fun. Childhood does not end in kindergarten, it continues at school. Childhood is the best period in a person's life. Any adult would like to return to childhood even for a moment. After all, this is an unforgettable time when we can live without worries and have fun.
Children are the hope of the future. Therefore, parents do everything to ensure that their children grow up healthy and smart. nine0010
Author: Selivanov Vova
Children are joy in the home. Remember them for a moment, and your eyes will immediately shine with happiness.
Children are happiness,
Which will be remembered for a long time.
Children are the light in the window,
Which you will see more than once.
Children are a sea of joy and laughter,
And everyone knows this,
You can't do without children!
In general, children are a miracle! Games, songs and counting rhymes. Laughter and grief, sunny days. We'll all be adults someday, but I don't know that yet because I'm only ten years old. nine0010
Who do you think children are?
Author: Yulia Popova
Who are children? This question has always plagued me. From the side of adults, children are lovely creatures, cheerful, peaceful, carefree. On the part of adults, children are pranksters, disobedient, hooligans.
For my part, children are residents of one vast country CHILDHOOD.
Author: Shavrikov Ivan.
“Children are the flowers of life!” That's what adults say. But some children are not so good, kind, obedient. We children are very curious naughty ones. I believe that children are little adults. But we always have one question: “Why? Why? Why?" nine0010
Adults are already tired of answering our questions, but we are still small and don't know anything. Fish are born, and they want to swim across the whole ocean. We also want to know the whole world.
In general, children are why and how!
Author: Anya Shulepova
Children are nipples, dirty diapers.
Children - please drink milk.
A small inspection of the salt from the salt shaker
And the desire to open the cabinet door a little.Children are interested in everything, everything, everything in the world; nine0059 How they read books that buzz in a beetle,
What Petya will draw behind that fence,
How we live now, how we will live!Children are the way to school with a backpack,
The first problem, the answer is at the blackboard,
A new, new dance is choreographed,
And in the dining room they are slowly eating lunch.![]()
Author: Kleshchev Arseniy
Children are joy!
Children are happiness!
Children are a lot of mysteries that they keep! nine0010
Childhood can be different, good and cheerful. And my childhood is just wonderful!
You can learn a lot at school, for example, how the word "joy" is spelled, how the word "honor" is spelled. You can learn the multiplication table and get into wonderland.
Each child for a mother is the most important thing in the world.
When you look at your mother, she is so sweet and beautiful that you want to hug and kiss her very, very much! After all, this is the best thing I have!
Author: Afanasyeva Liza
Children are little people who live in the country Childhood. These people are very lucky. They can walk all day, not go anywhere - to rest. They look at the world with different eyes. They see everything as cheerful, kind and colorful. Then the children grow up and go to school. They have worries, but still they love life very much and know how to enjoy it. I really do not want to leave the country Childhood. I would like to remain a carefree child as long as possible.
Author: Sergey Gorskin
Children are the happiness of every family. A small creature of fantasies and desires. Children are the world of fairy tales and toys.
In the world of fairy tales and toys
Man can do everything.
Can fly like a swallow,
Can become a hero,But a child, but a child
He will never become.
After all, a child is the joy of the first word.
Can an adult learn to speak again?
Children cannot live without adventures. They cannot, even if they have never read fairy tales. They always have good and affectionate dreams. Children are restless legs. Carefree thoughts. Children are always looking for adventure. After all, you can't live without them. nine0010
Children are...
Author: Polyukhova Natasha
Children are amazing creatures. Their smile warms my heart. More joyful from laughter. Everyone has their own opinion about children. Many think one thing, and many think another. We know that we were children and will remain so.
Children are happiness in the house. From children in the house is very good!
Author: Lekomtseva Masha
Children are funny and mischievous eyes.
Children are constant chores. From birth, they need to be helped to explore the world, to study, to do their homework. But when they grow up, they begin to help adults. And they do almost everything themselves. nine0010
Who are children? I can not tell.
Author: Poplauhin Taras
Children are funny and mischievous eyes. Children are the rays of the sun in the blue sky. They grow so fast that you won't even have time to blink an eye, but they have already grown.
This is a holiday every day, new discoveries and victories. Children are the world of pictures and rainbow drawings. Children, as if flowers in a clearing bloom and learn new things.
Children are green leaves on a spring tree, young and cheerful. nine0010
Every child has a dream. They want to make it happen. And almost all dreams come true.
Author: Yermishina Alena
Children are the joy of a sunny day. This is the sun in the sky. Children are flocks of birds. These are white daisies. Children are sunbeams. And not only sunbeams, but also squirrels, and maybe chanterelles. Maybe kittens. Maybe mice.
As soon as the children are not named. How many tender words are given to them by their parents, grandparents. How much kindness, care and affection. nine0010
What do adults call you guys?
Author: Shmykova Katya
Children are scattered toys. The world of unusual, interesting. Many incredible stories with happy endings happen to children. Eternal pastime on the street. Children are the love of games.
Children are like steps: the first step is a baby is born and knows nothing about this world. The second step - now the baby is already sitting, laughing, playing with toys. The third stage - the baby walks, learns the world further and loves to play very much. The fourth stage - he already says different words and invents new ones. The fifth step - the baby went with his mother to kindergarten. The sixth step - children still play different games and do not know that they will soon go to school, but they do not need to know this. nine0010
Author: Tolmachev Dima
Children are like little gnomes. They run back and forth, you can't stop them, and they always ask: What? How? What for? Why? Children are like a fantasy, they are always difficult to understand. First they want one thing, and a minute later another. Children love to play very much, and all the time, when adults are busy, they pull them and ask:
– Let's play hide and seek or housekeeping. And let me be a doctor, and you are sick.
If you don't play with them, they will roar, and it will not be of any use to work next to the roar. Children are fun. And may it always be. nine0010
Author: Sahakyan Roman
«... Children are the gentle mysteries of the world. And the answer lies in the riddles themselves.
This is what Maria Tsvetaeva said in her poem "Mirok". Today I want to express my opinion to you. Who are children?
In adults, they are always smiling, always cheerful, fragile... and who are fragile - I don't know (I wasn't an adult). I know that they are wrong (checked on my own experience). nine0010
We, children, have our own views on life, our own character, our own emotions, whims and desires. We really are riddles.
Also, children are games, counting rhymes, funny songs , and much more. But these are all trifles.
Perhaps the most important, most necessary thing in the life of children is dreams . Dreams of sky-high flights and fabulous travels. I know all this from my own experience. After all, I'm still a child.
Inspired by the desire to tell adults who WE are.
Author: Solovyov Alyosha
Children are the tender mysteries of the world. They need to be pitied, caressed, treated tenderly. Children are a great treasure. They are very fragile. Some children really want to be adults, but they do not understand that adults are very uninteresting all the time. You can’t lie down under a cozy, warm blanket for a longer time - you have to run to work, you can’t indulge.
And then adults think: “How I wish I were a little child.” Many things are forbidden for adults. I made a conclusion for myself in childhood: that I would never become an adult, but over time I realized that I would still be an adult someday. But maybe this is good? nine0010
Author: Anya Smirnova
Children are little fantasizing people who really want to be like adults. Children from kindergarten - for schoolchildren, schoolchildren - for working people. This is where the games “to school”, “to the hospital”, “to the astronaut”, etc. come from.
Children love to be noticed. In any sense - for a good study, for pranks, for sadness.
Children love to fantasize (I am no exception). On various topics: “who will I be”, “do animals talk”, “and what would happen if they talked”, etc. nine0010
I don't think anyone would answer you with sovereignty if you asked "Who are children?".
Children are a whole complex world.
Author: Polovova Liza
Children are a small sun in the family, which warms the souls of parents. Parents go through their childhood together with their children. And it is not for nothing that they say that adults live two childhoods. Children are always kind, affectionate and sweet when they are small, but no one knows what awaits them in the future. Their parents want them to take only good qualities from them. But they cannot always educate them correctly. nine0010
Who are children? They will ask me.
I will answer immediately, without thinking a day.
Children are the colors, the colors of our life.
There are children all over the earth.
Children love buns, sweets, gingerbread.
Children are the world that lives in our soul.
Author: Baitullina Anya
Children are amazing little creatures. They live in a magical land of childhood. This country has everything for children. Fairy tales, lullabies, nursery rhymes ... Children do not leave this country for several years. They live in the country all their childhood. They play with toys and have fun. nine0010
But then the time comes, and the children, leaving the country of childhood, become adults, serious people and enter the adult world.
And when they are no longer children, but adults, they often remember their childhood and want to return to the country of childhood again.
Author: Filippova Sasha
What do children do in kindergarten?
Your child has imperceptibly grown up and is ready for a new important stage in his life - admission to kindergarten. The baby will enter a new environment. If earlier he contacted mainly with parents and close relatives, now his social circle will expand at the expense of educators and other children. Mom and dad need at this time to provide the baby with comprehensive support, to facilitate its adaptation to completely new conditions. nine0010
What do kids do in kindergarten, and what is the benefit of visiting a preschool educational institution for their further development?
Why does a child need to attend kindergarten?
It is in kindergarten that a child develops the first communication skills that contribute to his further socialization. Already at the age of two, children are actively making contact with both adults and peers. The baby may have the first friends, he learns to interact with the team, find a way out of conflict situations. nine0010
The preschool program is focused on the all-round development of the child's personality. To do this, educators conduct numerous classes of various directions. Much attention is paid to physical culture, because the health of the future generation depends on it. The guys do morning exercises, attend sports classes. Kindergarten creates favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities. Kids are engaged in singing, dancing, drawing, modeling, making crafts. Children of the middle and older groups take part in solemn matinees, put on interesting numbers, play skits. Also, educators conduct classes aimed at instilling in children a sense of patriotism, love for their native land, etc. nine0010
In the process of training, such psychological processes as memory, thinking, and imagination develop. The child learns to listen carefully to the teacher, trains the concentration of attention and perseverance necessary for further schooling. Toddlers participate in discussions, learn to express their thoughts, defend their position and listen to the opinions of others. Children work with concepts such as color and shape, learn to classify objects according to external features. Communication with peers and the teacher contributes to the accelerated development of speech, the vocabulary of the child expands. nine0010
Kindergartens have a whole staff of specialists. If deviations in the mental or physical development of the child are detected, the educator can involve a psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist in the correctional work.
Should I send my child to kindergarten?
Recently, more and more parents refuse to attend kindergarten for their children. The baby is looked after either by a housewife mother or a specially hired nanny.