What words have the short a sound
'Short A' Words A page of words that start with the short A sound - in picture dictionary format. |
Match 'Short A' Words Match 10 words that have the short A sound. The words are cat, ham, bag, can, hat, man, mask, hand, pan, bat. Or go to the answers. |
Circle Short 'A' Words Circle 10 words that have a short A sound. The words are ant, apple, arrow, ax, adding, hat, bat, can, hand, and alligator. Or go to the answers. |
Short A Word Wheel Make a wheel about the words containing a short "a" sound using this 2-page print-out; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words containing a short "a" sound appear, including cat, hat, ax, rat, mask, ham, bag, apple, ant, can, man, and hand. The student then writes down the words. |
Short A Phonics Worksheet #1: Multiple Choice Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has a short "a" sound. The short "a" sound is the vowel sound in act, as, and at. Or go to the answers. |
Short A Phonics Worksheet #2: Multiple Choice Each picture has three words that describe it. Choose the word that has a short "a" sound. The short "a" sound is the vowel sound in act, as, and at. Or go to the answers. |
Write Eight Words That Have a Short A sound Find and write words that have a short A sound. Sample answers: dad, has, pat, sand, mad, glad, swam, path. |
Circle the Correct Spelling of Short A Words Circle the correct spelling of the words that have a short a sound, and then color the picture of the word. The words are ham, cat, bag, can, hat, man, rat, hand, bat, mask. |
Short A Spelling Word Questions Use the list of 'short a' spelling words to answer simple questions. ![]() |
Missing Letters in Words with a Short A Sound Find the missing letters in short A words, and then color the picture of the word. The words are cat, ham, bag, can, rat, hat, hand, pan, mask, bat. |
Unscramble Words with a Short A Sound Unscramble the short A words, and then color the picture of the words. The words are hat, mask, man, cat, ham, bag, pan, rat, bat, hand. |
Words That Start With the Letter A A tiny, printable book about simple words that start with A -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: ant, apple, arrow, arm, ax, anchor, and "What else starts with a? |
Words that Rhyme with Ad A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'ad' -- for early readers and writers. ![]() |
Words that Rhyme with At A tiny, printable book about simple words rhyming with 'at' -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: bat, cat, hat, fat, rat, sat, and "Can you think of another word that rhymes with at?" |
List of Short Vowel Words
pig illustration with list of short vowel words examples
Bullet_Chained / iStock / Getty Images Plus / via Getty created by YourDictionary
Used under Getty Images license
The English language provides a list of short vowel words that seem to be never ending. A short vowel word is any word that doesn't allow the vowel within it to generate that vowel's long vowel sound.
For example, the word "bug" is a short vowel word because there's no long "U" sound. A word doesn't necessarily have to have three letters to be a short vowel word, but it makes for the easiest example and three-lettered words make up the bulk of any list of short vowel words. Let's take a look.
Short Vowel Sounds in Words
Here's the reason why words with only three letters typically make the short vowel sound. Three letters usually don't allow for a second vowel to force the long vowel sound out. Exceptions include words like "bee" or "tea."
These words use a second vowel to force the long vowel sound from the first one, while other words like "ant" or "mat" use the placement of consonants to force a short vowel sound.
But, here's an important point to keep in mind. The words listed below are short vowel sounds, not short vowel spellings.
That is, just because a word is short, doesn't mean it will automatically have a short vowel sound. And vowel as written doesn't always correspond with the sound it makes. Take the word "pretty." The E is sounded like a short I, and the Y is sounded like a long E. Phonetically, it sounds more like "prit-tee," not "pret-tai."
Likewise, we can't assume a long word will automatically have a long vowel sound. Let's look at the word "business." The U and E in "business" are also sounded like a short I, and the I is silent altogether. Phonetically speaking, we don't pronounce it "buss-eye-ness." It's more like "biz-niss." With that in mind, let's explore more short vowel words, sorted by letter.
Short "A" Words
The short A sound is what you hear in words like "bat" or "map." Here are some other great examples of words with the short A sound.
act | apt | ask | bat | bad | bag | cat |
cap | cab | dad | dab | Dan | fan | fat |
fad | gap | gab | gal | gas | ham | has |
had | hat | jab | jam | lab | lad | lag |
lap | man | mad | mat | map | nap | pan |
Pam | pad | pal | ran | ram | rag | rat |
Sam | sad | sag | sat | sap | tab | tan |
tad | tag | tap | van | vat | yam | zap |
Short "E" Words
The short E sound is what you hear in words like "gem" or "hem. " Here are some other great examples of words with the short E sound.
ben | bed | beg | bet | den | fed |
gem | get | gel | hen | hem | jet |
keg | led | leg | let | men | met |
net | pen | peg | pet | red | set |
ten | Ted | vet | yet | wed | wet |
Short "I" Words
The short I sound is what you hear in words like "dim" or "fib." Here are some other great examples of words with the short I sound.
bin | bid | big | bit | dim | did |
dig | dip | fin | fig | fit | gin |
gig | him | his | hid | hit | hip |
jib | jig | kin | kid | kit | lid |
lit | lip | nip | pin | pig | pit |
rim | rid | rig | rip | sin | sit |
sip | tin | tip | win | wit | zip |
Short "O" Words
The short O sound is what you hear in words like "con" or "nod. " Here are some other great examples of words with the short O sound.
bog | bop | con | cod | cog | cot |
cop | don | dog | dot | fog | god |
got | hog | hot | jog | jot | lob |
log | lot | lop | mob | mom | mop |
nod | not | odd | pod | pop | pot |
rod | rot | sod | Tom | tot | top |
Short "U" Words
The short U sound is what you hear in words like "bus" or "hum." Here are some other great examples of words with the short U sound.
bun | bum | bus | bud | bug | but |
cud | cut | cup | dug | fun | gun |
gum | Gus | gut | hum | hug | hut |
jug | jut | lug | mug | nun | nut |
pun | pug | pup | rub | run | rum |
rug | rut | sub | sun | sum | tug |
List of Short Vowel Words Printable
Click to View & DownloadUsing Short Vowel Sounds
Though the above list of words with short vowels is incomplete, you can use it to understand the basic usage for the short vowel sounds. These short vowel sounds are often used in larger words as well. You might see them in words that also contain long vowel sounds, or even in two-lettered words, like "in," "it," and "at." Longer words, such as "magistrate" or "fascinate," use both short long vowel sounds.
Some words use the short vowel sound and the long vowel sound, depending on the tense of the word. Words like "read," for example, are pronounced as the long vowel sound when the tense is present. For example, "We are reading this list of short vowel words."
However, when the tense is changed from present to past tense, the long vowel sound is taken away and the short vowel sound is introduced in the same word. For example, "I read the list of short vowel words, and understand much better now."
Pronunciation Pros
If you're teaching short vowel sounds to little learners, practice makes perfect. If you're teaching ESL students, here are some tips and resources for teaching ESL pronunciation. And, when you're ready for the flip side of the coin? Take a look at these examples of long vowel words too. You might also want to explore when "y" is a vowel.
Sounds uː, ʊ, ʊǝ - examples, pronunciation, tongue twisters
We continue the phonetic rubric, the slogan of which is: English sounds are not equal to Russian ones. To learn the correct pronunciation, we have developed a recipe: we take a “bunch” of similar sounds, compare them with each other and with their Russian counterparts. Then we practice pronunciation and literally “train” the speech apparatus to the correct position with the help of several dozen example words and tongue twisters.
A line from a famous song will help to fix the result, which will cut into the auditory memory and will not let you forget the sound!
Today we will take sounds similar to the Russian sound |у| is a long diphthongoid |uː|, short |ʊ| and the diphthong |ʊǝ|.
Long sound |uː| – round, but don't stick out
Pronounced in words goose, too, rule , etc. This sound is very similar to ours, but there are two main differences:
1. English | uː | is a diphthongoid. That is, this is one sound, but we hear in it the “overtone” of the second sound (also | u |, but deeper), because the tongue and lips slightly change their position during pronunciation: the tongue moves back and up in the oral cavity. The lips are visibly rounded at the beginning and become even more rounded as the tongue moves.
2. To speak English | uː | lips are rounded, but not protruding forward. To see the difference, compare the two pictures. At the first, Russian-speaking singer Keti Topuria pronounces the word " y I fly" in the song of the same name. In the second picture, the English-speaking presenter from the previous video says one of the example words.
Think you can see the difference? 🙂
As a bonus, I'll tell you about one more important point: in combination | ju: |, which may remind you of the sounds of our letter "yu" (as in the word " yu la" ) - the preceding vowel is not softened! For example, in the words f ew, n ew, t une - we first pronounce the hard consonant and only then raise the middle back of the tongue to the hard palate for | | ju: |.
Got it? Did you catch the differences? We begin to work out the correct position on a set of words.
goose |ɡuːs|
who |huː|
through |θruː|
few |fjuː|
group |ɡruːp|
move |muːv|
you |juː|
threw |θruː|
yew |juː|
too |tuː|
tooth |tuːθ|
cool |kuːl |
rule |ruːl |
school |skuːl |
use |juːz|
tune |tjuːn|
fool |fuːl |
soon |suːn|
new |njuː|
do |duː|
two |tuː| oo ms and fr ui t j ui ce.
Pronounced in the words look, good, book , etc. It also differs significantly from Russian | at |. Firstly, the position of the tongue: it is not tense, pulled back, but not very far (in the Russian version, the tongue is pulled back further). The back of the tongue rises to the front of the soft palate not so high - up to half the distance.
The second important difference is the position of the lips: they don't round as much. In fact, the lips need to be rounded, as for our | o |, but the mouth is not open so wide. The lips hardly protrude.
Let's start the practice with words. Take the desired position of the mouth - and get to work!
could |kʊd|
full |fʊl |
foot |fʊt|
pull |pʊl|
should |ʃʊd|
look |lʊk|
put |pʊt|
good |ɡʊd|
took |tʊk|
book |bʊk|
hook |hʊk|
crook |krʊk|
brook |brʊk|
cook |kʊk|
took |tʊk|
hood |hʊd|
would |wʊd|
wool |wʊl |
push |pʊʃ|
puss |pʊs|
soot |sʊt|
woman | ˈwʊmən|
sugar | ˈʃʊɡə r |
The next step - tongue twisters with sound | ʊ |.
- A g oo d-l oo king w o man c oo ks c oo kies with s u gar and g oo seberry from a g oo d c oo kb oo k.
- G OO D F U LLLERS ARE G OO D At F U Lening W OO L, G OO OO KS ARE G G 11111111111111110IA G G. oo kies, g oo d b oo kmen are g oo d at f oo tnoting b oo ks. C ou ld g oo d b oo ksellers be g oo d at b oo king b oo ks?
- A c oo k's b OO Ksheelf is F U LL of C OO KB OO KS, A B OO KMAN’S B KCASE IS F U LL OFA G OO 0 LL OF
And the last thing is the song. For this sound, I propose to dwell on the song of the singer La'Porsha Renae - "Good Woman".
You got a g oo d g oo d g oo d g oo d w0014
Cuz I'm a real g oo d g oo d g oo d good w o man (woman)
But even g oo d women go bad when they go through what you p u t me through
Sound |ʊǝ| What is a diphthong?
Pronounced in words pure, sec u rity, tour etc . Let's start the conversation with what a diphthong is in principle. This is a combination of two vowels that are in one syllable . That is, when pronouncing this sound, the position of the speech apparatus changes , but at the same time you pronounce these “two sounds” together, without dividing them into syllables (as you divide, for example, in the Russian word p oe t - where "to" and "et" are two separate syllables).
Do not confuse diphthong and diphthong oid (like the long |u: | we talked about above). In the diphthong and the “overtone of the second sound” is similar in quality to the main sound, and in the diphthong the two components of the sound are very different from each other.
In a diphthong, one part is a syllabic core (strong sound), and the second is a weak, muffled sound (I would say “echo of a sound”).
In our today's diphthong | ʊǝ | syllable-forming element is the sound | ʊ | (we just learned how to pronounce it). The second weak element is the “seam” sound, which we talked about in another article. Only within this diphthong does it become even more faceless and unexpressed.
I must say right away that this diphthong in English is not so frequent. Moreover, in some words in modern English it is replaced by either the sound | ɔ: |, or simply on | ʊ | (especially in American English), or into 2 syllables: long sound | u: | + | ə |. Read more here.
But still, I suggest you practice its pronunciation. First, do the following: say the word look |lʊk| several times (just in case, follow the link and speak along with the voice acting). Now, without changing the position for the sound | ʊ |, say the word lure |lʊə r |. Ready!
Next, we begin to practice on other words. I repeat: there are not many of them.
tour |tʊə r |
pure |pjʊə r |
cure |kjʊər|
lure |lʊə r |
during | ˈdjʊərɪŋ|
security |sɪˈkjʊərəti |
endure |ɪnˈdjʊə r |
furious | ˈfjʊəriəs|
fury | ˈfjʊəri |
impure |ɪmˈpjʊə r |
manicure | ˈmænɪkjʊə r |
neuron | njʊərɒn|
spurious | ˈspjʊəriəs|
Let's not skip a step with tongue twisters:
- I'll s ure ly speak fl ue ntly after a t ou r to Eu rope.
- The j u ry got f u rious and m ur ed the p oo r p u ritan.
- The M Oor S Havy Always L Ure D Sir C UR IE, BUT D U RING HIS T R TOT M 9010IR OO 11111111111110 RS POLS ie was cr ue lly removed from his b ureau for truancy.
In conclusion - a song. I settled on "Pure Love" by Ronnie Milsap (word pure ).
Pure love, baby it's pure love We continue the countdown of the parsed sounds of the English language. After the last workshop, we had 22 sounds left. So for now, there are only 22 – 3 = 19 ahead. We invite you to our Telegram channel: short lessons on the most important conversational phrases with examples and exercises. Learn English with pleasure. Subscribe >> This article will help you understand the pronunciation of English sounds, and what combinations of letters they can be expressed in writing. English often sounds more dynamic than smoother Russian. It is slightly faster (about 10% - 15%, according to various studies), and sometimes it seems to us that not all words are pronounced in fast speech. If you have difficulty understanding English by ear and want to hear English better, come to our free training "How to learn to understand English by ear". Registration is open! Despite the fact that the languages come from the same Indo-European family - which means that they are based on the same pronunciation system - there are a number of significant differences in the pronunciation of Russian and English sounds, words and phrases. We have 6 of them: [a], [y], [o], [e], [i], [s], in English there are 12 of them: /ɪ/, /ɪː/, /ʌ/, / ɑː/, /æ/, /ɛ/, /ɜː/, /ɒ/, /ɔː/, /ʊ/, /ʊː/, /ə/. English sounds usually have two variants: Unique English vowel sounds: The first sound of the diphthong is pronounced more distinctly than the second. That is why we often hear poorly or confuse words with diphthongs when listening. There are as many as 36 consonant sounds in Russian (with 21 letters), but in English there are only 24. It is important to remember that even similar sounds (for example, /p/ or /d/ are pronounced differently than in Russian - see table below for details ). Unique English consonants: 0014 and goth can sound the same), but this does not happen in English. It is important to remember this, as we can confuse pairs of words (for example, bed - bet ) and hear final consonants badly. The so-called "clusters" are also difficult - combinations of several consonant sounds inside or at the junction of words. Words like three, sixth , and others can cause pronunciation problems. I recommend using the interactive sound table or the Cambridge mobile app to practice pronunciation of sounds and improve accent. The most important difficulty in learning English is mastering its rules of reading. Despite the fact that there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet (as opposed to 33 in Russian), learning to read words and phrases in English is not so easy. 1/ The vowels in the alphabet have a so-called "open" pronunciation, different from other European languages. 2/ Vowel sounds in stressed words are read differently, depending on the type of syllable in which they occur. 3/ Unstressed vowels are pronounced with a very weak schwa /ə/ sound. This sound is so weak that we often cannot hear it. In our English pronunciation, we often pronounce it too intensely. For example, the word vegetable is not pronounced VEGETABLE with the same intensity of all sounds, but /vedʒt(ə)b( ə )l/ , that is, after a clear stressed syllable VE come reduced syllables, all the sounds of which are read using schwa, and there are almost no audible (and often not audible at all). I will tell you more about this feature of English stress in the article “How to learn to understand English by ear”. 4/ Many vowels and consonants are written with letter combinations to remember. Mistakes in pronunciation lead to problems in listening to fast English speech. I recommend purchasing our "Complete Guide to the Rules of Reading" .
Milk and honey and Captain Krunch and you in the morning Let's sum it up: analogues of Russian |у|
The lips are rounded at first and, as the tongue moves, they become even more rounded. But do not bulge forward!
We don't say goodbye!
English pronunciation
Important features of English pronunciation (compared to Russian)
There are more vowels in English than in Russian. They are usually pronounced with less lip tension.
short and long: /ɪ/ and /ɪː/, /ɒ/ and /ɔː/, /ʊ/ and /ʊː/
light and deeper: /ʌ / and /ɑː/
open and closed: /æ/ and /ɛ/
/æ / - somewhere between A and E
/ɜː/ (soft O) - something in between between O and Yo
/ə/ - weak schwa (extremely weak sound, something in between A, O, E - pronounced in most unstressed syllables). English consonants often differ in their pronunciation even of sounds similar to Russian.
/w/ semi-vowel sound, somewhere between U and B
/ð/ and /θ/ З (Ф and С in voiceless variation)
/ŋ/ — nasal Н The same letter can represent several sounds depending on the position in the word.
It will help fill gaps in your knowledge of pronunciation rules and help you avoid common mistakes.
Pronunciation and reading of vowels
Sound Pronunciation peculiarities Typical combinations 9075 109 Words-exclusion / ə / A weak unstressed sound-one between very weak A and E Any vowel without stress, mainly A, U, E
/ɪ/ “And short”
Lips slightly stretched in a semi-smile, tongue in front of the mouth. We pronounce light I.
i in a closed syllable
i f, f i lm, h i
e gg, b e t, w e nt ea
d ea d, br ea th
a ny, a te, s ay s, s ai d
b u ry
fr ie nd
l ei sure /æ/ “E open”
Mouth open, lower jaw down. The tip of the tongue is slightly raised. We say something between E and A.
a in a closed syllable
c a t, fl a t, m a rry, h a nd 100110 nd ai
pl ai t /ʌ/ “A short”
We do not strain the lips, the mouth is slightly open. We pronounce light A D, FL OO D
UL at the beginning of the words
U LTIMATE, U LTIMATUM / Aː / / / / / AAM Aː / / / / Aː / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / On do not open wide. The tongue is moved away from the lower teeth, the base of the tongue is slightly raised. Sensation as if there was something round in the back of the mouth. ar
c ar , c ar d, ar tist, p ledge /ɔː/ “Oh long”
Pronounced drawlingly, as it is stressed, but the position of the lips is less tense than in Russian.
h or se, sp or t, res or t
b oar d
s aw , l aw , l aw n
most au
b OUGH T, BR OUGH T, Th OUGH T / ɜː / "Stressed soft O"
The tongue is slightly raised in the mouth slightly in the oral form. There is a small gap between the upper and lower teeth. We pronounce something between O and Y. The feeling is as if we are holding a straw from a cocktail in our mouth, but we do not push our lips forward. er, ir, ur accented
h 0750 /uː/ “U long”
Slightly less lip tension than in Russian. The back of the tongue is slightly raised. The lips are rounded, but slightly. Say the long U.
F OO D, M OO D U in the open syllable
U TELE 9 end mute e
t u ne, J u ne, bl u e
ch ew o
d o , m o ve, sh o e
s ou p, thr ou GH
EAU TIFUL / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ / ʊ/19 Lips do not move forward. Tongue in the middle of the mouth.
b oo k, g oo d
p u t
c ou ld
Sound | 751 Exception words||||||
/aɪ/ | "Ai" Position of the lips as when pronouncing the sound /ʌ/, but the lips are slightly more tense. After the first sound, immediately the tongue moves up to pronounce the sound /ɪ/. The second element of the diphthong is pronounced with less intensity. wr i te, f i ve, d i ve, d i e, d0110 p i nt eye ei ei ther, n ei ther uy b uy , g uy | |||||
/eɪ/ | "Hey" The position of the lips as when pronouncing the sound /e/. ![]() | 0109 are c are , sp are | ear p ear , t ear (рвать) ere wh ere , th ere EIR Th EIR | |||
/ɪə / | "IA" Position of sound /ɪ /, and then we finish the fiber [ə] with a minute [ə] . The second element of the diphthong is pronounced with less intensity. L OW sometimes OU SH OU LDER | |||||
/Aʊ / | "AU" The position of the Civil Procedure as the pronunciation of sound /ʌ ʌ /, but more, but more, but more, but more, but more, but more, but more than the threshold. ![]() | most ow n ow , br ow n, h ow , t 0754 Before the ends of C -U or -I | 9010 -9.9 , gara ge PLEA SU Re, U SU Al, VI SI On | |||
/dʒ/ | J Pronounced like /tʃ/, but louder. When pronouncing /d/, the tip of the tongue is raised up and pressed against the alveoli (tubercles at the base of the upper teeth), then the tongue is transferred to the middle part of the mouth and soft /ʒ/ is pronounced DOG S , Add S , Listen S | | ||||
/ H / | "X" (much worse compared to Russian) is pronounced on the way. ![]() h ot, h and who /t/ turns out to be more rounded and noisy. | T T ABLE, T IME | ||||
"D" BODICE OF THE COVICH INCHICA base of the upper teeth), and the sound is more rounded and noisy. | | |||||
/ g / | "G" is similar to the Russian G | G at the end of the words MU G 9010 -99 909 G G G 0 G 0 G. In the middle and -Gue at the end of the words LEA GU E, Pro GU E, LAN GU Age | | / L / 9029 "L / 9029" L / 9029 "L / 9029" tongue on the alveoli and with a slightly elevated posterior palate.![]() | ||
/v/ | “V” The sound is similar to Russian V. The lower lip is slightly pressed against the lower teeth. | V V Ery, Pro V E | | |||
/ W / WITH THE MASIC OF THE MASIC IN THE MOUNDITION VILLY OF THE PITICATION ON THE POMERTION OF THE POMERN without touching the teeth) and release the air. The lips immediately move into position to pronounce the next vowel. | w Problem soundsWe have relatively few problems pronouncing English sounds compared to speakers from other language families. However, there are a number of sounds that we need to pay special attention to.
Useful online resources
Welcome to our Telegram channel: short lessons on the most important conversational phrases with examples and exercises. |