When do toddlers say sentences
Language development in children 2-3 years
Vocabulary and language development in children at 2-3 years
At this age, your child’s vocabulary expands quickly – they might even learn new words each day. In general, your child understands more words than they can use.
Your child will use a lot of nouns – for example, ‘baby’, ‘friend’ or ‘car’. You’ll hear other word types too, including:
- verbs – for example, ‘play’, ‘go’
- adjectives – for example, ‘wet’, ‘sore’
- pronouns – for example, ‘I’, ‘you’
- location words – for example, ‘in’, ‘on’.
Your child will start using words like ‘more’ and ‘most’, as well as words that make questions, like ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘where’.
And your child will start to say ‘me’, ‘mine’ and ‘you’. By three years, you child will understand the difference between ‘mine’ and ‘yours’.
Sentences and grammar in language development
As part of language development, your child will begin to use two-word sentences at around two years. By age three, they’ll be able to use sentences with three or more words – for example, ‘Mummy get in car’ or ‘Me go too’.
You’ll start to hear grammar and more structured sentences. For example, instead of ‘I go’, your child might say ‘I’m going’. You’ll also hear your child use the past tense – for example, ‘walked’, ‘jumped’. And they’ll start using plurals like ‘cats’ or ‘horses’.
Your child might not always get it right when they use plurals and past tense. For example, your child might say ‘foots’ for ‘feet’, or ‘goed’ instead of ‘went’.
Understanding and language development
Language development includes your child understanding more of what’s said to them and how it’s said. Your child will understand a lot more than they can say.
Your child will understand one-step and two-step instructions, as long as they’re about things they already know – for example, ‘Pick up your toys and put them in the box’. They might still find it hard to follow instructions about unfamiliar objects or tasks.
Your child will begin to answer questions from adults about ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘where’, but they might not yet understand how to answer ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.
Your child can tell from the tone of your voice if you’re happy, affectionate or angry.
Pronunciation in language development
By three, your child will use most of the speech sounds in their words, but they might still pronounce words differently from adults. For example, even though your child can say the sounds ‘b’ and ‘l’, they might have trouble combining them together in ‘blue’. Some difficult sounds, like ‘z’, ‘sh’, ‘f’, ‘v’, ‘r’, and ‘th’, might still be hard for your child to say.
When your child is two years old, unfamiliar people can usually understand about half of what your child says. By the time your child is three years old, unfamiliar people can usually understand about three-quarters of what they’re saying.
Developing conversation skills
Your child will start to get the hang of speaking in turn, and might be able to have a short conversation with you.
Your child will talk about things that have happened during the day. With your help, they might be able to put together a simple story – for example, your toddler might say ‘I go shop’. You might respond, ‘And what did you do at the shop?’ They’ll reply ‘Buy bread’. By age three, they might be able to tell a simple ‘made-up’ story based on experiences they’ve had, but they’ll probably leave out a lot of detail.
Your child will talk about people and objects not present – for example, ‘Grandma at the shops’, ‘My ball in tree’.
And your child will start talking the same way you or other close adults talk. You might even hear your child say certain things the way you do.
At this age, your toddler might cry less than they used to when they can’t do something or feel frustrated. That’s because your child can use their words to explain the problem and ask for help.
Play and language development
Your child will be able to play and talk by age three. For example, they might give voices to the toys they’re playing with. They’ll also begin to play in groups with other children, sharing toys and taking turns.
You might hear your child playing with language through rhyming, singing and listening to stories. They’ll also talk to themselves and might use a very loud or soft voice when speaking.
Growing up in a bilingual or multilingual family doesn’t affect how early or quickly children learn to use language. Sometimes multilingual or bilingual children mix their languages for a while, but this stops once they understand that they’re using more than one language.
When to get help for language development
If you notice any of the following signs in your child, or you’re worried about your child’s language development, it’s a very good idea to see your child and family health nurse, GP or paediatrician.
Your child:
- isn’t using words to communicate
- is often hard to understand when they’re talking to you, family or friends
- has stopped using a language skill they once had.
Your health professional might refer you to a speech pathologist.
Children learn new skills over time and at different ages. Most children develop skills in the same order, and each new skill they learn builds on the last. Small differences in when children develop skills are usually nothing to worry about.
When do babies start talking? First words, sentences, and more
Babies typically say their first words between 7–12 months of age. But all babies develop at different speeds. Many start talking later than average, and this is rarely a cause for concern.
Below, we explore when babies start talking, how they learn a language, and what could cause delays.
Babies reach language milestones at different rates, and this is completely normal.
On average, they say their first words between 7–12 months of age and are constructing coherent sentences by 2–3 years of age.
Language develops alongside other skills, such as those relating to movement. As a result, many babies say their first words close to when they start walking — at about 12 months.
Learning a verbal language is a complex process. It helps a baby express their needs and can provide crucial insight about the rest of the world.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) offer the following approximate timeline of language development:
- 0–3 months: Babies recognize parental voices and make sounds that express their feelings.
- 4–6 months: They respond to changes in tone, follow sounds with their eyes, and babble.
- 7 months to 1 year: They understand basic words, respond to simple requests, and use their hands to communicate. Toward the end of this period, they may use a few words.
- 1–2 years: Babies understand basic questions, follow stories, and regularly pick up new words. They may also start to put words together to ask questions or express needs.
- 2–3 years: Toddlers start to string phrases together and speak coherently.
They can usually refer to most things around them.
- 3–4 years: They can describe activities, use more complex sentences, and speak more fluently.
- 4–5 years: They use detailed sentences, tell stories, and can communicate easily with others.
A person can help encourage the development of language. If a baby is reaching these milestones more slowly, they may benefit from additional support from parents and other caregivers or a speech professional.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association recommend the following ways to help babies and toddlers at different stages:
Birth to 2 years
To help with the development of language skills:
- Respond when the baby laughs and makes faces or sounds.
- Use sounds like “ma” and “da.”
- Speak to them.
- Narrate the world around them, such as by counting or describing the colors of objects.
- Read to the baby.
- Use gestures, such as pointing.
2–4 years
A person should:
- Speak clearly, with good grammar, to the toddler.
- Repeat what they say back to them.
- Extend their words into sentences.
- Help them ask questions.
- Ask them to choose from a few options, such as by asking what they would like for dinner.
- Sing songs and nursery rhymes.
- Present pictures or objects and ask questions about them.
4–6 years
With a child in this age range, a person should:
- Praise their speech.
- Work on locations, such as by asking them to “Pick up the toy in the middle.”
- Describe objects and ask the child to identify them.
- Describe categories, such as barnyard animals, and ask the child for examples.
- Ask them to give directions or describe where something is.
- Take them along on daily activities and discuss these.
- Also, discuss the stages or stories of a game, book, or TV show.
A variety of factors can influence the development of language. In many cases, exercising patience and taking additional steps to support speech development is all that is needed.
In some children, delays in language indicate speech disorders. However, these are relatively uncommon.
In the United States, around 5% of children and teens aged 3–17 years have had a speech disorder lasting at least 1 week in the past 12 months. In the same time frame, 3% of kids in this age range have had a language disorder lasting at least a week.
Meanwhile, having a hearing disorder may affect the development of language. In the U.S., 2–3 in every 1,000 children experience hearing problems from birth.
Some signs of a speech, language, or hearing disorder in babies and young children include:
- 0–3 months: The baby may not smile or interact.
- 4–7 months: They may not babble.
- 7–12 months: They rarely make sounds and use no gestures.
- 7 months to 2 years: A baby or toddler may say few words and have trouble understanding others.
- 2–3 years: They may say fewer than 50 words and rarely communicate or play with other children.
- 2.5–3 years: They may have difficulty with the beginning stages of reading and writing.
All babies develop differently — some pick up language right away, while others do not. Some babies start speaking early but take longer than expected to use coherent sentences.
In most cases, delays in language development do not indicate a disorder. But some babies and young children need additional support and activities that encourage speech.
Less often, a speech, language, or hearing disorder is involved, and the signs may be present from an early age. It is important to bring these up with a healthcare professional.
It is also important to attend all recommended pediatrician appointments, and the doctor should discuss the child’s development at each. Use the opportunity to ask questions and raise any concerns.
Health experts offer rough timelines about when babies, on average, reach milestones such as using their first words. However, all babies develop language at different rates.
Relatively rarely, a disorder is responsible for delayed language development. If a child shows any signs of a speech, language, or hearing disorder, contact a healthcare provider.
Early Childhood Speech Development Calendar
Early childhood is considered a very important period in a child's life.
This is the time of the most rapid and rapid changes in the mental and physical development of the baby, the child takes the first steps, learns to speak, begins to use gestures and other means of communication.
3 weeks - 1 month - there is a cry indicating emotional discomfort, pain or hunger. With physical stress, the child groans, making the sounds "a", "e". nine0003
2 - 3 months : the baby has a cooing, he utters simple sounds - " a", "y", "s ", sometimes in combination with " g ". This is an important stage in the development of speech in young children.
4 - 6 months - makes high melodious sounds, sounds of exclamation, reacts with joyful sounds to the faces of loved ones.
6 - 9 months - babbling, he repeats the same syllables (“ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba”, “dya-dya-dya”, “gu-gu-gu”).
9 - 11 months - the baby begins to imitate the sounds of adult speech.
11 - 14 months - the first meaningful words "mom", "dad", "woman", "uncle" appear, from 8 to 14 words. Correlates a word with an object
By the age of 2 years there are 100-200 words in the baby's vocabulary. He is already building a sentence of 2-3 words.
By the age of 3 the volume of the dictionary increases to 1000 words by enriching the child's life experience. Simple prepositions appear: in, on, under, for, with, at. The child remembers poems, children's songs. nine0003
By the end of 3 years , most children are able to construct sentences grammatically correctly, conduct dialogues, tell what they have seen and heard.
Important to know:
Do not listen to advice from other parents whose children began to say after 3 years that the child will speak on his own. He will speak, the only question is what kind of speech it will be, its quality.
How to identify the signs of a speech disorder in a child? nine0016
By the end of 1 month the baby does not cry before feeding
By the end of 4 months does not smile when his mother talks to him, does not coo.
By the end of the 5th month does not listen to sounds and music
By the end of the 7th month does not react to the intonation of the voice, does not recognize the mother’s voice with a “revitalization complex” syllables for adults
By the end of 1 year the child does not wave his head when saying goodbye in denial. He does not utter a single word and does not follow simple instructions: “give”, “on”, “take”.
By the age of 1.5, does not show or name mom and dad, does not build a tower of blocks, does not differentiate sounding toys, does not use a pointing gesture.
By age 2 does not show body parts, does not show mom and dad in the photo, does not follow the two-step instruction (go to the kitchen and put the plate on the table)
By the age of 2.5, does not distinguish between “big and small”, does not communicate with children.
By the age of 3, cannot give his first and last name, tell a simple poem and a fairy tale.
If this does not happen, there is a reason to contact specialists.
Possible causes of speech disorders
- Viral and endocrine diseases of the mother, threatened miscarriage, trauma, toxicosis, low hemoglobin level. nine0116
- Genetic anomalies, hereditary predisposition.
- Unfavorable delivery.
- Diseases borne by a child in the first years of life
- Babies with low Apgar scores at birth
The exact cause of the disorders is determined by the doctor, and the type of speech disorder is determined by the speech therapist.
So what can parents do to improve speech development?
Speech is the highest mental function, so the period of intrauterine development of a child is very important. Parents need to take care of the development of speech even before his birth. nine0009 It is important that the expectant mother receives only positive emotions i.
Communicate more with your baby! Goodwill, a soft and calm voice, grammatically correct speech is another important factor in the development of speech.
Often, children, using only a pointing gesture, get what they want. Teach your child to express his desires as fully as possible, say new words, sentences.
Do not scold your child for mispronounced words. This can provoke neurotic reactions. He will shut up, stop speaking and learning new words. nine0003
Develop your baby's ability to listen and pay attention. Play games with him that help him develop his ability to listen and hear: “Listen, what's ticking there? And what's that noise?" Let the baby learn to distinguish between speech and non-speech sounds (environmental sounds).
Teach your child fairy tales, poems, because memorizing them and repeating, he learns new words, trains memory and attention.
Important to know:
Speech disorders can be corrected - it is important not to waste time! nine0003
Author: Mikhnovich O.F teacher-speech therapist
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Moiseeva Olga Borisovna
At what age should children start talking? If a child does not want to speak at two years old, is it necessary to sound the alarm?
Now children begin to speak later than their peers 15-20 years ago. This is connected with the environment, and with the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy in the mother and with complications in childbirth. Of the 10 children who speak well for their age, 2-3 people, the rest with various speech delays. nine0003
By the age of two, a child should have the simplest two-word phrases: mother give, mother go, who came, etc. Boys start talking later than girls, closer to 2.5 to 3 years. If by the age of three a child speaks literally 10-15 words, but does not connect words into phrases, this is already a delay.
Whom should a mother turn to first of all if something in the development of her speech alarms her?
Every child has a doctor who watches him from birth, sees how he develops when he starts to hold his head, roll over, etc. If the child does everything with a delay, if something was wrong during pregnancy and childbirth, there will most likely be problems with the development of speech. Usually a pediatrician or a neurologist sends a speech therapist. Good results are obtained with an integrated approach to the problem. A neurologist can prescribe drugs, examinations, you may need to do an encephalogram of the brain, doppler of the cervical spine. The speech therapist will advise special exercises, gymnastics, speech therapy massage. nine0003
What should parents do to ensure that their child does not have speech problems?
We have speech zones at our fingertips, there are simple exercises that any mother can do: roll a small massage ball with pimples on the palm of a child, telling a rhyme or a nursery rhyme. Particular attention should be paid to the fingertips.
Fine motor skills are closely related to speech. Modeling, playing with plasticine and cereals helps very well, when the grains are pressed with your fingers into the plasticine pattern. Doing finger gymnastics every day, massaging her fingers, the mother helps the child prepare for the first words. If parents want the child to speak without problems, it is imperative to deal with him even at an age when, it would seem, the first meaningful words are still far away. nine0003
It is also worth paying attention to the development of phonemic hearing. Phonemes are words that sound similar, for example: rat-roof. The development of phonemic hearing in young children is very important for the formation of speech in the future, for the prevention of dysgraphia at school. There is an easy way to develop phonemic awareness. You can pour into empty bottles or jars, for example, from children's yoghurts, various cereals: peas, semolina, rice. If you shake these jars, they will sound different. With a child, you can guess where which cereal is, changing jars, increasing their number. With older children, you can play the repetition of similar sounds: for-for-sa, for-sa-za, ka-ga-ha, vo-go-vo, etc. nine0003
What other exercises are useful?
Very good exercises for the formation of speech exhalation. The task is to teach the child to blow, to exhale correctly. Well suited for this are foil turntables, which need to be made to spin by blowing on them, soap bubbles, gurgling through a straw in a glass of water.
In order for a child to learn not to “swallow” sounds, not to rush, to pronounce the word in full, there is an exercise with clapping hands. Mom claps her hands for each syllable, and the child repeats the words after her, dividing into syllables, by clapping. How old is the child, how many syllables should the child normally pronounce. For example, at two years old: ma-ma, pa-pa, etc. At three years, three-syllable words: so-ba-ka, con-fe-ta. nine0003
And, of course, you need to read aloud a lot and talk to your child. First, a passive vocabulary is accumulated, the words that the child hears and understands, and then an active one, the words that the child pronounces.
If a child at the age of 5 does not pronounce the letter P, what should I do?
First there are whistling sounds, then hissing sounds, "difficult letters" R and L usually rise by 4-5 years. You need to start setting up the sound R with a growl, when just one sound R-R-R-R-R is trained. Then a vowel is added to make a syllable, for example, RA, RU. Then the reverse syllable AR, UR. You need to repeat these exercises often, every day, this is not an easy joint work with a child. It’s good when parents manage to spend it in the form of a game. nine0003
Some mothers are afraid to send their child to a speech therapy kindergarten, thinking that he will begin to imitate other children and will not learn to speak correctly.
This is not so, with speech problems, it is very good when there is an opportunity to study in a speech therapy group. Firstly, there are fewer children in these groups, more attention from a speech therapist to each child, and much more classes aimed at developing speech. Secondly, groups in speech therapy kindergartens are trying to select according to problems so that children with similar problems are in the same group. And then, in an ordinary kindergarten now it doesn’t happen that all children speak correctly, all the same, the child will repeat after other children, but there will be much less opportunities to correct this. nine0003
Why does my child stutter and how can I fix it?
One of the main causes of stuttering is logoneurosis, when the child did not speak for a long time, spoke late, and began to catch up with his peers. There is a lot of information, he already knows everything, he wants to say everything, but he still does not know how to say it. He is in a hurry, nervous, and as a result, begins to stutter. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the child is not overloaded, not overtired. Limit or even exclude for a while the TV and computer, mass entertainment events. It is necessary to turn to a neurologist in time, prescribe treatment, then classes with a speech therapist. If you respond in time, do not start the problem, logoneuroses are well treated, and pass without consequences. nine0003
If a small child has a tongue tie, can this cause speech problems?
If there is evidence and the hyoid ligament is really short, it is recommended to cut early. The sooner, the easier this procedure is tolerated. Often children of 4-5 years old come to the reception, with serious problems with the pronunciation of sounds, because the language simply does not rise as much as it should.