Word game funny
Fun Spoken Word Games You Can Play Anywhere
Playing word games with friends and family can be a lot of fun, but you may not always have access to a chalkboard, a giant pad of paper, or a series of flashcards. That doesn’t mean that games are off the table. Well, at least figuratively, because there are all sorts of fun spoken word games you can literally play anywhere, including off the table.
Whether you’re self-isolating at home or you’re taking a road trip across the country, verbal games can be both entertaining and educational! Go ahead and play in pairs or small groups.
I Spy (With My Little Eye)
While tradition dictates that “I Spy” is played on long car journeys, it’s actually better to play when you’re going to be in one physical place for the duration of the game. You wouldn’t want to lose sight of the object that you spy, right?
Young girl playing game I Spy (With My Little Eye)
The basic rules are that one player is designated as the spy, choosing an object or item clearly within view. For example, let’s say the spy chooses a flower. Then, they’d say, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with F.” The other player or players then try to guess the object. They might ask yes-or-no questions for more information. “Is it blue?”
Other variations include:
I spy with my little eye something that is blue. (color)
I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with floor. (rhyming words)
I spy with my little eye something that is fast. (other characteristic)
20 Questions
In many ways, 20 Questions is very similar to I Spy. The main difference between these conversation games is that you don’t need to actually see the chosen object with 20 Questions. And, as the name clearly indicates, the “guesser” is limited to a total of 20 yes-or-no questions to figure out what the target object is.
Some variations of the game include the final guess as part of the 20 question limit, whereas others say the final guess is in addition to the 20 questions. That’s up to you to decide.
Prefer spoken word games that are a little more active? Charades may be more your jam. For this game, you’ll need at least two teams of two players each. One person goes up with a clue and must act out the word, phrase or title without making a single sound. The other player or players on their team then try to guess the word, phrase or title.
Funny how such a popular verbal game involves complete silence from one of the players, right? If you need inspiration coming up with charades clues, YourDictionary has an extensive charades words list for kids to get you started.
True Story
How good are you at telling a lie and sticking with it? One player describes, in a single sentence, an experience that they’ve had. This experience might be a true story or it might be made up. The other player or players then have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions, and the storyteller has to respond accordingly.
You can decide on either a time limit (like five minutes) or a set number of questions (like 10 questions).
After that, they have to guess whether or not it is a true story.
Similar conversation games can be less personal but equally entertaining.
Look up an obscure fact on your phone (or one that you already know) instead of telling a story. This can be a common myth or misconception too. The other players ask questions and then they guess whether it’s fact or fiction.
You can also do the same with an obscure word and its definition. Is “emordnilap” a real word? Or did you just make it up?
Want to add a dash of education into the mix? If you’ve got younger children who are learning how to spell (or adults who aren’t very good at spelling), then Sparkle is one of the best spelling word games you can play! It’s best enjoyed with a group of at least about six players, topping out at a typical classroom at around 30 students.
Players sit around in a circle.
The person in charge chooses a word and calls it out.
The first person starts spelling it, saying only the first letter.
The next person says the second letter and so on.
The player who says the last letter turns to the next player and says, “Sparkle!” That player is now “out.”
The game continues with a new word with the next player after that.
If anyone suggests a wrong letter along the way, they’re also “out.”
Can your friends spell oxyphenbutazone correctly?
Random Word Game
Many popular vocabulary games, like Boggle and Words With Friends, require a game board or game pieces. But, you can also enjoy verbal games like the Random Word Game to challenge your knowledge and dig deep into your vocabulary. It’s easiest if you sit in a circle to remember whose turn it is.
The first player chooses a word and defines the category. For example, they might say, “The category is wild animals. The first word is tiger.” The second player must then come up with a wild animal that starts with the last letter of “tiger,” like R for “raccoon. ” The third player must then name a wild animal that starts with the last letter of “raccoon,” like N for “newt.” and so on.
Another variation, called the Alphabet Game, involves naming items in the category in alphabetical order. For example, if the category is countries:
The first player might say, “Argentina.”
The second player can then say, “Brazil.”
The third player can say, “Canada,” and so on.
Just hope that you don’t get stuck with harder letters like Q and X!
Common Quality
This verbal game can be enjoyed in pairs or in small groups. The first player starts by naming an object and a quality or characteristic about it. The second player must then name a different object that has the same quality, plus a quality that this new object has. Play goes back and forth (or around, with multiple players).
For example:
Player 1: Daffodils are yellow.
Player 2: Bumblebees are also yellow.
And they’re fuzzy.
Player 1: Teddy bears are also fuzzy. And they’re loved by children.
Player 2: Candy is also loved by children. And they’re sweet.
And so on...
For an added challenge, you might choose to restrict the objects to a certain category, like “plants” or “household objects.”
Fun With Words With Friends
Board games and mobile games can be a lot of fun. And it helps when you’ve got a clever word-finding cheat tool to help with top scores too. But, even if all you’ve got is your voice, your imagination, and a friend or three, you can still have a terrific time with conversational games and verbal games. And that’s the word. I have spoken.
Michael Kwan is a professional writer and editor with over 14 years of experience. Fueled by caffeine and WiFi, he's no stranger to word games and dad jokes.
16 Fun Word Games For Adults to Play
Updated: December 14, 2022
You found our list of the best word games for adults.
Word games are fun activities that test vocabulary, spelling, and language skills. Examples include Hangman, Skribbl, and Crosswords. These games aim to ensure that teammates have fun, interact and unwind while improving communication skills.
These challenges are similar to vocabulary games, letter games, interactive activities for students, and quick games for the office.
This list includes:
- word games for groups
- spelling word games for adults
- simple word games
- writing games for adults
Here we go!
List of fun word games for adults
From I Spy to Words Within a Word to Scattergories, here is our list of fun word games and activities.
1. Words Within a Word
Words Within a Word is one of the best word games for groups because it encourages teammates to brainstorm and share ideas.
To play:
- Share pieces of paper and pencils with teammates.
- The teammates will choose a host for the game.
- The host will select 15 to 20 long words.
- The host will share the words one at a time with the players.
- The players have 30 to 60 seconds to find as many words as possible within the given word and write them on paper. For example, the word “Explanation” has the words “Planet,” “plane,” “tin,” and “pin.”
- The player with the most words within the allocated time wins the round.
- The game will continue this way until the players have used up all the words.
This game is a fun way for teammates to test their language skills and develop their spelling skills. You can also organize this activity online by encouraging teammates to use the chat box. This activity can serve as an icebreaker activity for online meetings or a fun game during team get-togethers.
2. Sparkles
Sparkles is a fun word game that improves teammates’ spelling skills. In this activity, the players will sit in a circle. The first player will say a word out loud, then the second player will spell out the first letter of the word while the third player spells out the second letter. The game will continue until the last letter of the word is spelled out. The next player will yell “sparkles” and get out of the game.
The players will then begin spelling another word, and whosoever yells “sparkles” at the end of the word is out of the game. This game broadens teammates’ vocabulary and ensures that teammates collaborate. Whichever player also spells out the wrong letter is out of the game. To make this game as exciting as possible, challenge the players with difficult words that may be difficult to spell.
3. Common Quality
Common Quality is one of the best verbal games for teammates because it teaches players to connect specific descriptions to words. In this activity, the first player will say a word and a characteristic that the word has. For example, apples are green. The next player will then say a word with the same attribute or characteristic. For instance, vegetables are also green and healthy.
The next players will then use the next attribute to describe another word. The game will continue in this fashion until each player has several turns.
4. Hangman
Hangman is a fun and exciting game where teammates solve word puzzles to escape the hangman’s noose.
To play:
- Split the teammates into small groups of four to six.
- Choose a player to create words.
- The wordmaster writes down dashes on a board to represent each letter of a word.
- The teammates will need to guess the word by guessing the letters.
- The wordmaster will write each correct letter as it appears within the word.
- If a player guesses incorrectly, then the wordmaster draws a part of the hangman’s noose
- The game will continue in this fashion until players guess the word or the wordmaster completes the hangman.
This game is one of the best spelling word games for adults because it is easy to play and exciting. You can also play this game on any video conferencing platform using the whiteboard feature.
5. I Spy
I Spy is a classic word game that boosts teammates’ vocabulary and improves language. In this game, a player will identify an item and give hints for teammates to guess. For example, players will say, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with H.” Then, the teammates will take turns guessing the word.
Players have 60 seconds to get the answer right, or another player will take a turn. This activity is simple to organize, fun, and easy to play. You can also organize this activity via video call for teammates. I Spy counts as a word game because it encourages participants to associate descriptive words with nouns.
6. Scattergories
Scattergories is one of the most simple word games for adults. This game expands players’ vocabulary and is a fun way for teammates to engage and interact.
To play:
- Choose 12 categories. For example, fruits, names, and animals.
- The players will randomly choose a letter, and each teammate has 60 seconds to fill in words starting with the given letter in each category.
For example, if the teammates choose the letter “S,” they may fill in the given categories with “Strawberries,” “Sonia’, and “Snake.”
- Each teammate who fills each category within the allocated time gets three points.
- Players do not get any points for an answer if another player also comes up with the same response.
- At the end of the game, the player with the highest point wins.
- Teammates can also play this game online on any video conferencing platform or applications like Slack or Discord.
Here is a collection of team building Scattergories lists.
7. Crosswords
Crosswords is a simple and entertaining game where teammates match letters in a grid to make words. Teammates can play this game individually or in teams for free online.
The teammates can set a timer for 15 to 20 minutes, and each team must find all the words in the grid within the allocated time. The first team to cross all the words wins the game. To play this activity online, you can use a fillable crossword website or share a puzzle onscreen during a conference call and turn on the annotation feature so that participants can fill in letters.
This game is an exciting way for teammates to unwind, get to know each other, and develop friendships.
Here is a free online crossword game.
8. My Story
My story is one of the most interactive games for adults. This game allows teammates to build stories or create novel ideas from scratch.
To play:
- Split the teammates into groups.
- Each group will get a set of words. For example, “Miami,” “wealth,” “sadness,” and “future.”
- Each team member must write a short two-sentence story with one of the words.
- The group members will then combine stories and ensure that it flows.
- The best story wins.
This game is an easy way for teammates to show their creativity, collaborate and share ideas. To make this game even more exciting, the teammates can make their stories as funny and outrageous as possible.
9. Random Word Game
Random Word Game is a fun and easy game that challenges teammates’ knowledge. In this game, players must come up with words starting with the last letter of a teammate’s word.
To play:
- The players will sit in a circle.
- The first player will choose any category. For example, fruits.
- The first player must name any word within the selected category. For example, “banana.”
- The next player must then call any other fruit beginning with the last word of the given word. For example, “apple.”
- The game will continue in this fashion until all the teammates get several turns.
- The teammates have only 30 seconds to come up with words.
- Any player who cannot come up with a word within the allocated time is out of the game.
This game teaches teammates to think and brainstorm under pressure and helps test teammates’ knowledge on a variety of topics and categories.
For inspiration, here is a random word generator.
10. Rhyming Word Game
Rhyming Word Game is a fun activity that promotes learning and encourages teammates to interact with each other. In this activity, the first player will say a word, and the other teammates will take turns saying words that rhyme.
If the teammates run out of rhymes, the next player will come up with a new word, and other players will find matching rhymes. The game will continue in this fashion for several rounds. This game is a fun way to test teammates’ knowledge and challenge players to learn new words.
Pro tip: To make the game extra funny and challenging, teammates might purposely use words that are difficult to rhyme.
11. The Alliteration Game
The Alliteration Game is a fun and engaging game that requires teammates to create complete sentences, all beginning with a chosen letter.
To play:
- The teammates will sit in a circle.
- The players will play in alphabetical order. For example, the first player will choose the letter “A,” the second player the letter “B,” and the third player the letter “C.”
- Each player will create a full sentence using alliterations with their given letter.
For example, Allison Ate All the Angel’s Apples
- The game will continue in the fashion until each player has had a turn.
- The players must switch positions to play a new round.
- Players who can’t use their given letter can skip to the next one.
- Each player can only skip twice.
This game is a great way to spark conversations among teammates and encourage employees to interact with each other. This is one of the best activities for team building or an icebreaker activity for online meetings.
12. Scrabble
Scrabble is a classic word board game where teammates get words for creating new words. This activity is an easy way to encourage team building and foster team bonding.
To play:
- Get a Scrabble board with all of its components.
- Get a dictionary in case teammates need to confirm words.
- The players will choose an order in which to play.
- Shake the bag of letters to mix up the letters, then each player will pick a letter.
- The players will continue in this fashion until each player has drawn seven letters.
- Next, each player will arrange their letters on a letter.
- The first player will create a word on the board horizontally or vertically.
- Each letter has score points. The player will accumulate points for each complete word and note them down.
- Players will draw new tiles for each tile used up during a turn. For example, if a player uses up five tiles for a word, then can only draw five more tiles from the bag at the end of their turn.
- Players can create new words from other teammates’ words on the board.
- The game will continue in this fashion until the board is full.
The teammates can refer to the dictionary if they have any confusion about a teammate’s word. This activity is a fun way for teammates to develop their spelling skills and learn the meaning of words. In addition, since players must make words around the letters already on the board, this activity encourages employees to build upon teammates’ ideas instead of creating solo.
13. Four Pictures One Word
Four Pictures One Word is an exciting online game that challenges teammates to brainstorm and pay attention to detail. In this game, the players will get four pictures that can be described with one word. Then, the players must guess the word right within a given time.
Participants can play individually or in teams. Teammates have 30 to 60 seconds to guess the word before the game passes it on to the next player or team. This activity broadens teammates’ vocabulary and helps improve spelling skills.
Here is a free Four Pictures One Word website.
14. Skribbl
Skribbl is a fun game that encourages players to cooperate and work together to solve word puzzles.
To play:
- Access the Skribbl website.
- Choose between three given words to draw.
- Split the teammates into groups.
- Each group will choose a player to draw.
- The player will draw the given word using the tools available on the screen.
- The teammates must guess the word the player is drawing within 60 to 80 seconds.
- The game will continue in this manner until each group has had several turns.
- The group with the highest points wins the game.
This game teaches teammates to collaborate and follow instructions from colleagues or superiors. This activity is also the perfect opportunity for teammates to engage and get to know each other.
Here is the Skribbl website.
15. The Word Spell
The Word Spell is a fun activity that teammates can use to develop their spelling skills. For this game, teammates will need a dictionary, a sheet of paper, and a pencil or pen.
To play:
- The teammates will choose a host to oversee the game.
- The teammates will choose an order in which to play.
- The host will randomly select a word in the dictionary and read out its definition without saying what the word is.
- The first player will guess the word and spell it.
- The host may offer clues through synonyms or by telling the player how many letters the word has.
- The game will continue in this fashion until each player has had several turns.
This activity challenges teammates to learn and helps broaden their vocabulary. This activity is a fun icebreaker for work and is a great way to ensure team bonding and interaction. You can also play this game online by typing the word’s definition and sharing it with attendees, and players must guess and send the word via the comment box. The first player to get the answer right wins the round.
16. Comic Story Telling
Comic Story Telling is one of the best writing games for adults because it allows folks to show off their storytelling skills and have fun. In this activity, teammates will need a notepad and pens.
To play:
- Sit in a circle.
- The first player will write a line of a funny story and pass the notepad to the next player.
- The next player will continue the story with another funny line.
- The game will continue in this fashion until the players find a satisfying and funny end to the story.
This activity will cause loud bouts of laughter, which will help teammates unwind, interact and bond with each other. This activity is also an excellent opportunity for teammates to share fun ideas and work together.
Word games help test teammates’ verbal, language, and spelling skills which may be necessary at work. These games also allow teammates to discuss, interact and get to know each other. Most of these activities are very easy and require little to no guidance.
For more resources, check out communication games, guessing games, and question games.
FAQ: Word games
Here are some frequently asked questions about fun word games.
What are some fun word games for adults in English?
Some fun word games for adults in English include The Alliteration Game, Random Word Game, and The Word Spell.
How do you play word games as an adult?
To play word games as an adult, choose fun verbal games that test and challenge your spelling, vocabulary, and language skills. Choose a group of friends or teammates to play with and ensure that you have a fair point system to select winners easily. It is also essential to have plenty of paper and pens handy to play these games. You can play these games in person or online using the screen sharing feature, whiteboard feature or have responses sent via the chat box on your video conferencing software.
10 best board games where you have to explain words
We somehow looked at the top sales and realized that there are an incredibly many games for explaining words. And it's clear: these are simple rules, a funny process, you can play at any age and with almost any number of players, because you can always team up. Of course, in addition to the classics, there are new board games where you have to explain words, concepts and sensations in unexpected ways. We have collected the most popular and absolutely cool ones here. nine0003
Age : from 6 years old
Number of players : from 3 to 16
This is a pantomime explanation familiar to everyone since childhood. There are already quite a lot of crocodiles: ordinary, on the road, for children (usual from 12 years old, and for children from 6). There, words and phrases are written on cards.
Age : 5+
Number of players : 4 to 12
On the contrary, a game where words are explained with words, but without cognates. For rooms or situations where it is not very appropriate to stand and portray a tram, it is better to take such an explainer game. There are also a lot of them: from children from 5 years old to adults from 10 years old.
Age : 14+
Number of players : 4 to 16
It combines two ways of explaining words, and even three are obtained: words, pantomime and one word. The third is the most difficult way, but after you have already explained the same cards to each other in two other ways, this one is easier, and by the word "beard" you can guess Tolstoy. nine0003
Age : 4+
Number of Players : 3 to 16
A very popular game in the West, which has already become almost a classic in our country. It also needs to explain the words in three ways that fall on the field: gestures, drawing, or explanation without cognates. There are versions for companies, on the road, and children's kits go as far as 4 years.
Age : from 10 years
Number of players : from 2 to 16
Let's take more! The Russian game Ekivoki offers to explain words in as many as 7 ways! Guess what? Ekivoki are kind, very beautiful and really funny. There is plasticine and the opportunity to show the talents of a tenor or soprano.
Valera time
Age : 16+
Number of Players : 3 to 8
When everyone played Equivoki and thought that the ways to show words and phrases were exhausted, we got the game Valera's Time. She soared to the top of the funniest games, queues lined up in stores, and publishers did not have time to produce rubber dolls. What? Ah, yes, here, another way is to explain words with the help of an inflatable male doll Valera. It is possible to burn the whole crowd.
Age : 16+
Number of players : 2 to 4
An inhuman frenzy, from which it reduces the jaws. Again we use additional items: here these are expanders for the teeth. Here you need to explain the words, let's say, by putting a plastic thing into your mouth, which somewhat changes your diction.
Honey mushrooms
Age : 18+
Number of Players : 3 to 7
If you like the theater of one or two actors and absolute madness, try Honey mushrooms. Not mushrooms (from mushrooms, by the way, there is nothing like that), but a board game where you need to explain to one player (he is a doctor) what the other two show with gestures (they are your glitches). nine0003
Age : from 12 years old
Number of players : from 3
With a headband and a character card, you can transform into... anyone! You can become a real character or a fabulous one: Terminator, Nutcracker, Alexander Lukashenko. Now you need to guess who you are. Read to your friends the situations in which you find yourself, and try to understand from their answers what is written on your card. nine0003
Emotional Intelligence
Age : 12+
Number of Players : 3 to 14
Let's get back to quiet games. Emotional intelligence is practically an educational game in which you have to read phrases with different emotions. And opponents have to guess what you are experiencing, abstracting from the texts. Such a guessing game by facial expressions, and it was invented by a real mime.
Fans of explainer games will also be interested in Pantomime Games. If you are not sure which game is suitable for your holiday or as a gift for a specific person, call - our operators will help. nine0003
7 word games for all occasions
We have already made a large selection of word games, and today we want to tell you more about our favorite games. Many of these games are from childhood, we met others as adults. Some games require a pencil and a piece of paper, and there are games that can be played on the road and on a walk, camping or at the seaside. In general, these are great games for all occasions!
Printing house
Someone calls this game "compositor", but we simply called it "word game". Choose a long word with a lot of letters. For example, "juicer" or "lawn mower". The goal of the game is to make as many words as possible from the letters of this word. We considered all words equally, both long and short. There are versions when words of two and three letters are not counted at all, and then there is a complex scoring depending on the length of the resulting word. You can even enter "weights", for example, words with the letter "z" are valued more than words with the letter "s", but less words with "c". We played this game for several days, for example, we started on Monday and checked the words on Friday. I had to carry a piece of paper with me everywhere all week and hide it from others. :) And you can play this game in a different way - without paper and a pen, just call the words one by one, checking it with a long word in your mind. Perfect for a hike or a long walk! nine0003
There must be another name for this game, but I don't know it.
Each player needs a pencil and a piece of paper to play. We divide the sheet into 5 columns (there may be more or less, as agreed). The first column is a name, the second is a plant, the third is an animal, the fourth is a river, the fifth is a city. We select the letter of the alphabet and forward, on the command "Start!" you need to write in each column a word that begins with this letter. Whoever managed first shouts "Stop!". Next, you need to check all the words. Words that have met with several players are crossed out and do not count. For example, on the letter "m" it is more profitable to write "mongoose", and not "bear", "Melbourne", and not "Moscow". The rest of the words are used for scoring, each unique word is worth 1 point. Whoever has the most points wins that round. Choose another letter and start the next one! nine0003
This game is for a large group, there must be an even number of participants, as they are played in pairs. You can play with four, but it's not so interesting. Words are written on small pieces of paper. Difficulty can be any, depending on age and wishes. Then the leaves are placed inside out in a "hat" and mixed. You can use a real hat, or you can use any suitable dish. The game consists of three rounds. In the first round, the meaning of the word from the "hat" must be explained to your partner using other words. Single-root words cannot be used. Usually 20 seconds are given for one word, we play longer with children. And so on until the words run out. Then the second round begins: the same words must be explained with just one word and gestures. The third round is only gestures. This is a very fun and funny game! Try to explain the word "curb" with gestures! Hard? And from the third time you will succeed! nine0003
There is an excellent board version of this game.
And there is a board game Alias, similar in meaning.
You need to play at least three people, but it's more interesting in a big company. One of the players thinks of a word and calls the first letter. Other players come up with any word with this letter and ask a question starting with the words "Isn't this ...?" If the presenter has guessed or picked up another word that is suitable in meaning, then he shouts "No, this is not . ..!" And if the presenter did not understand what it was about, but another player understood, he shouts "Contact!" and then the count begins: "10, 9, 8, 7 .... 1 "and the players pronounce the word in chorus. If they said the same thing, then the leader says another letter, and now you need to come up with words starting with two letters. And so on. The goal of the game is to guess
For example, the word "lamp" is suggested. The facilitator calls the first letter - "l"
-Is this not a place where trees grow? - asks the first player.
-Contact! - says the second player.
- No, it's not a forest! - answers the presenter.
- Isn't that what happens in the sky? - asks the second player.
- Contact! - say the first and third. They guessed that the word "moon" was hidden. The host cannot figure it out, players 1 and 3 count to 10 and say in chorus:
- Moon!
- The second letter is "a"!
- Isn't that what a bear has?
- It's not a paw!
And so on.
And with the little ones, you can play in a different way: just ask them to think of a word and explain it without naming the word itself. You can come up with any words, you can play "what I see through the window", or you can take any cards with pictures, look and think. nine0003
- This is something you can sit on, but without a back.
- Stool?
- Yes!
Good old Crocodile. Who now remembers where this name comes from? Every adult must have played this game at least once in their life. This is a pantomime game where, without saying a sound, you need to show words, movie quotes or just made-up phrases. It all depends on the level of preparation of the participants and their willingness to relax. In one company, the word "parsley" will be difficult, and someone will easily show how "Pont rustles behind the black hedge of pines." You can play "Crocodile" even with the smallest children. They will gladly show you a "dog", "bear" or "frog". Just remember not to say anything! nine0003
Do you know that there is an All-Russian Association of the Crocodile game and intercity tournaments are held?
Crocodile also exists in a desktop version. And elements of Crocodile are used in Activity and Activity games for kids.
Guess an animal or character
One of the players guesses, for example, an animal. The rest in turn, with the help of leading questions, try to guess which animal was guessed. If the answer is yes, then you can keep asking. If the answer is "No", the turn passes to the next player. nine0003
-Is it a predator?
- Yes!
- Is he a cat?
- No!
- Does he have gray hair?
- Yes!
- It's a wolf!
- Exactly!
You can also guess the characters of your favorite book, movie, names of flowers, and anything you like!
An interesting variation of the game when players write the character's name on pieces of paper and stick it on each other's foreheads (for example, you can write on a piece of masking tape). Everyone sees your character's name, but you don't! And you need to guess who you are, using the same yes-no questions. It happens to be very funny. nine0003
The game "Nonsense" is definitely from childhood, remember? Each player is given a piece of paper and a pen. The facilitator asks the question: "Who?" and each player writes the answer to this question on the top of the piece of paper. Then this part of the sheet is folded, the players change places and the leader asks the following question: "When?". Everyone writes an answer. Then they bend again, change again, and so on. "Where?" "What they were doing?" "What came of it?" When all the answers are written, unfold the leaves and read. Sometimes it turns out just funny "nonsense", and sometimes everyone rolls with laughter! nine0131 My son and I played this game on sheets of paper with a ruler to practice writing. Believe me, this is much more interesting than boring recipes!
What kind of word games do you like?
Our word game board reviews:
Tick tock.