Words for a mom
MOM Synonyms: 10 Synonyms & Antonyms for MOM
See definition of mom on Dictionary.com
- nounmother
synonyms for mom
- grandmother
- mommy
- parent
- ma
- mama
- matriarch
- matron
- mum
- child-bearer
- mumsy
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Among moms, just 9% reported being promoted while WFH, and 13% said they’d landed a pay bump.
The stress dose went up a notch for the third group, which had daily separation from siblings and no access to mom during that hour.
The researchers assessed the monkeys’ willingness to let go of mom and explore the new digs.
Their moms laid the eggs as adults living in air instead of in the youngsters’ tetracycline-tinged soup.
We had started our collaborative artistic journey together, drawing from picture books at home by our mom’s side.
Following social distancing protocols, Mooreland’s real-estate-savvy mom advises, “Make sure you wear your mask, bring your gloves, your hand sanitizer.
So at any given visit, mom or dad can feed only one chick at a time.
When asked whether he believes widespread testing for coronavirus could have prevented her death, he said that he doesn’t even want to hear that, because it would make him feel like someone took his mom’s life.
You’re making sure that the mom who worked as a waitress, who has a couple of kids at home, and who has no idea if she’s ever getting her job back, you’re just making sure that she can put food on the table.
It was a few days after Deuel had given birth to Isabel’s mom, Jennifer Iscol.
- ancestor
- child-bearer
- creator
- forebearer
- mom
- mommy
- origin
- parent
- predecessor
- procreator
- progenitor
- source
- administrators
- architects
- authors
- builders
- creators
- deans
- elders
- encouragers
- generators
- initiators
- introducers
- leaders
- makers
- matriarchs
- motors
- movers
- organizers
- originators
- patriarchs
- patrons
- prime movers
- promoters
- promulgators
- publishers
- sires
- sponsors
- supporters
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
15 Synonyms of MOM | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
Save Worda female human parent
- be sure to tell your mom and dad that you'll be home late for supper
- ma,
- mama
- (also mamma or momma),
- mammy,
- mater
- [chiefly British],
- mommy,
- mother,
- old lady
- materfamilias,
- matriarch,
- matron
- stepmother
- supermom,
- superwoman
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” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom. Accessed 28 Oct. 2022.
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Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom. Accessed 28 Oct. 2022.">MLA Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, s.v. “mom,” accessed October 28, 2022, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom.">Chicago Merriam-Webster.com thesaurus. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom">APA Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mom. Accessed 10/28/2022.">Merriam-Webster
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Nglish: Translation of mom for Spanish Speakers
Britannica English: Translation of mom for Arabic Speakers
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Beautiful words for mom for no reason in your own words in prose 2022
The word "Mom" is expensive! Mom is to be cherished. With her kindness and care, it is easier for us to live in the world!
She is the most important woman in the world. No one will ever replace her for me. She is a friend, she is an adviser, dear, beloved, my mother.
In the midst of the usual deception, in the midst of verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person.
You truly appreciate your parents when you have children yourself. The work of a mother is the most difficult and priceless.
Thank you, Mom, for warmth and kindness.
Thank you for your love without end.
I thank God for you.
Thank you for being you, my dear.
It's very hard without a mother, And everything around fades. There are no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.
Zadolbali these "who loves mom press the heart." If you love your mom, go help her wash the dishes!
I will come to you, my mother, I will kiss your wrinkles, let the years stubbornly fly by. only you, my mother, live.
Do not offend mothers,
Do not be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more tenderly.
You will always understand, always forgive when I am sad and you are sad. You speak words of support. "You'll be fine," you say.
I am afraid of one thing in the world, that I will come home one day, I will say “mom, I am at home”, and in response I will hear only silence.
We love our mothers almost without thinking about it, and we do not realize the full depth of this love until we are separated forever.
Mothers give us life And the worst thing for them is when we neglect this priceless gift
Mommy, did you have a dream?
And now?
And now he's walking by and asking questions!
I envy only one person in the whole wide world. This is my mother, because she has such a smart and beautiful daughter.
Just think, I gave you life, I take care of you, I help, I teach, and what have you done for me?
And I made you a mother
The first word of a person is mother, the last word is mother. The world rests on the caress of mothers.
Mikhail Lezinsky
Becoming a mother, a woman forever deprives herself of the right to be weak.
Diaz de Mirud
A mother's heart sees farthest and feels better than anyone else's heart.
Arkady Perventsev
If men had to give birth, none of them would have more than one child.
Princess Diana
The sanctity of life begins with motherhood, and therefore it is sacred.
Gabriela Mistral
A mother's heart is the universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.
Leonid Sukhorukov
Not a single man, even the best, is able to understand what maternal experiences are.
Oleg Roy
The only woman who won't let her die for her is her mother.
Marat Zhumankulov
Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk.
Maxim Gorky
Love and motherhood almost exclude each other. True motherhood is courageous.
Marina Tsvetaeva
Happiness is never as complete as in periods of love and motherhood.
Mark Lanskoy
What is the point of loving life if one cannot know the joy of motherhood?
Ludmila Sitnikova
Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time disinterested. She doesn't depend on anything.
Theodor Dreiser
A mother needs nothing to love her children, except that she is a mother.
Semyon Ramishvili
No other heart can replace a mother's heart for a child.
Nikolai Leskov
A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness.
Honore de Balzac
Motherhood makes a woman completely different. She no longer cares about her surroundings.
Svetlana Klimova
The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding.
Dirk Brauer
Only when mother goes to God, we understand that we have lived life with the Divine!
Leonid Sukhorukov
Mother's heart Well, where, where to type words to sing a song to a mother's heart.
Artem Vesely
Dear mother! You deserve the deepest gratitude. I want to thank you sincerely for:
And most importantly: I thank you for doing all these wonderful things not for yourself, but for me.
Dear Mom! I want to thank you first of all - for life. And for everything that you generously endowed me with this gift:
Today, on this holiday, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the best person on Earth - my mother!
Thank you mom and be always as young, beautiful, stylish, healthy. Be happy mom.
Mom, forgive me, stupid. You never gave me bad advice. And I ignored them and now I'm crying!
Mom! My husband offended me. I'm coming to you!
No, daughter! Evil must be punished! I go to you!
A man must love three women: the one who gave birth to him; the one who will give birth to him; and the one that will be born to him.
Now, as always, the most automated device in the household is the mother.
Never hurt your mother, because with every tear a minute of her precious life flows away
Mother is the most touching thing on earth. Mother means to forgive and sacrifice oneself.
A mother most often loves the most the child who made her suffer the most.
Do you also have 32 missed calls from your mother on your mobile phone if you forgot your phone in another room for 33 minutes?
Mom is always with you, even when you are alone. You can change cities, but you are forever loved by her.
Mommy, did you have a dream? Was! And now? And now he's walking by and asking questions!
Let us glorify the mother woman, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the whole world!
A mother's love is the fuel that allows an ordinary person to do the impossible.
Only a child knows how much his mother loves him, because only he saw her heart from the inside!
You grow up when you change "Mom" to "Mommy" on your phone and you realize that there is no more important person in the world.
The mother is not the person to be feared, but the person who makes fear unnecessary.
If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.
What is the most sacred thing in our heart? It is hardly necessary to think and guess There is the simplest word in the world And the most sublime Mother!
Only a mother can ask how you are twenty times in order to hear the truth and console you for the twentieth time!
Mom will always make us feel like people of a higher class than we really are.
At certain moments, the brain of a woman fails completely, and the instinct of motherhood comes into play.
Send them telegrams more often, Try to warm them up with letters. Everything in the world can our mothers, Only they do not know how not to grow old.
Alas! You have to constantly fight with those you adore, both in love and in motherhood.
Mom is the word that everyone understands. Everyone remembers something with him. All our days are connected with mother, they will not let us forget mother.
What a mother cannot see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart, she can feel with her heart.
All women are like their mothers, and this is their tragedy, but no man is like his mother, and this is also his tragedy.
An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, for the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.
Mom is the sun shining in the night, mom is my brightest ray, dear mother, I'm sorry for everything, dear mother, beloved mother.
I envy only one person in the whole wide world. This is my Mom because she has such a smart and beautiful daughter.
Mom is a person who can replace everyone, but no one can ever replace her.
Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.
I am afraid of one thing in the world, that I will come home one day, I will say “I am at home to my mother”, and in response I will hear only silence.
she lives for me And I am ready to give my life for Mom, because she is ready to give it for me!
Mom is the only person who knows you 9 months more than everyone else.
Mom is the only miracle of nature that even death is powerless to separate us from.
At school they gave grades for a quarter, a child, looking into his mother's eyes: - The main thing, mom, is that we are healthy, right?
The only love I believe in is a mother's love for her child.
Mother's love is omnipotent, primitive, selfish and at the same time disinterested. She doesn't depend on anything.
You become adults not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that she was right!
The fastest way for a mother to get her children's attention is to sit down and pretend to be happy.
Protect your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard: their love is a hundred times hotter than friends and beloved girlfriend.
Only when mother goes to God, we understand that we have lived life with the Divine!
A mother's heart is the only fireproof capital that can be repaid at any time and at any time.
My mother used to tell me that if you can't find something worth living for, it's better to find something worth dying for.
Thank you, Mom, for your warmth and kindness. Thank you for your endless love. I thank God for you. Thank you for being you, my dear.
Love and motherhood are almost mutually exclusive. True motherhood is courageous.
How many stupid and unkind deeds the thought has saved us from: “What will I tell my mother?”!
At 10, mom knows everything, at 16, mom doesn’t know everything, at 20, mom doesn’t know anything at all, at 30, you had to listen to mom
Infinite, deep, warm, saving happiness to sit near the cradle of your child, opposite the mother.
Mother creates, she protects, and to speak in front of non-destruction means to speak against her. Mother is always against death.
Do not offend mothers, Do not be offended by mothers. Before parting at the door Gently say goodbye to them.
For many, happiness is two liters. And for many, it is only two grams. And for me, happiness is to see how my Mom smiles!
A mother's love knows no change. A mother is the only person who is devoted to her own child with all her heart and soul.
Take care of your mother's heart, because no one else will love you so much and sincerely.
Mom is the best, I look like her And there is no such mother, even to go through the whole wide world.
If boys knew about girls what their mothers know, the world would be full of bachelors.
And if they asked me who I would not be afraid to tell everything in the world, I would proudly say this word “Mom”.
Surely it is easier to organize the evacuation of an entire city than it is for a working mother to pick up and send her children to school.
Thank you mom for your kind words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.
Mother, she cannot teach her son much. Because she herself was not a boy.
A mother's love is very touching, of course, but it is often extremely selfish.
Every mother is absolutely sure that her daughter's fiancé is better than her father, but her son's wife can never be compared with herself.
My mother always wanted me to be good. And so it turned out, the sense came out, but the stupidity remained
It's very hard without a mother, And everything around fades. There are no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.
The best sedative mom. You sit, roar, and she will come up, hug you and say that everything will be fine.
Being a mother is not just a job, being a mother is not just a dream God entrusted me with becoming the most dear to someone
I move without noise, I see in the dark, I hear from afar, I can not sleep for days Am I a ninja? No, I'm MOM.
What mother would not sacrifice herself or anyone else for her daughter's happiness?
Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example, not her advice.
Only mother, asking the question: “How are you?” and having heard in response: “Everything is in order”, he will ask ten times:
The heart of a woman who has given birth and raised her child is ready to work real miracles for the sake of her baby.
Night private time moms! Do what you want! You can finish your morning tea, go to the toilet and comb your hair!
How magical and wonderful just to be a MOM! These legs, these pens, well, how not to love them!
I have an Angel and his name is Son. Sonny has protection and protection of his Mom!
Mothers sigh in the silence, In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence. For them, we are forever kids, And it's impossible to argue with that.
Mothers give us life And the worst thing for them is when we neglect this priceless gift
The word "MAMA" is precious! Mom is to be cherished! With her kindness and care, it is easier for us to live in the world! Quotes about mom with meaning.
How wonderful it is to be a mother and look into children's eyes, hold your miracle on the handles and hear sonorous children's laughter!
I will kiss the warm belly and cheeks of the plump again! Here's my favorite little one! The happiest mother is with you!
Wishes to mother in your own words in prose to tears
Have you noticed that when we hit, or get scared, or surprised, we involuntarily exclaim “Oh God” or “Oh, Mom!”. As in childhood, when my mother was the earthly incarnation of God. And then - the embodiment of home, protection, warmth, friend.
There is no dearer and dearer person than a mother who gave life, taught wisdom and blessed for good deeds and undertakings.
There are many reasons for wishing mother and kind words - Birthday, March 8, Mother's Day ... The most "profile", of course, is Mother's Day - an international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, unlike March 8 - International Women's Day, when congratulations are accepted by all the fair sex. This day falls on different dates in different countries. As a rule, Mother's Day is celebrated in the world on the second Sunday of May, including in Ukraine, Estonia, the USA, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Belgium and a number of other countries.
In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, in Belarus - on October 14, in Georgia - on March 3, in Armenia - on April 7. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of September, in Kyrgyzstan - on the third Sunday of May.
But it is not necessary to wait for some holiday in order to say kind words to mother. Love your mothers, tell them every day how important they are in your life.
Dear Mom! I really want you to always be cheerful and joyful, surrounded by family and friends, beautiful and blooming! And I will do everything for this. I love you very much, mom.
Mom, I just want to remind you that I love you. May your every day be wonderful, beautiful and unique, may you be surrounded by the people dearest to your heart. Stay always the same beautiful, young, cheerful and active. You are the best in the world.
Mom, this is what I thought. I have already become an adult, and you have not changed a bit, as before you smile with that bright smile that I remember from my childhood. Thank you, dear mother, for all the care, love, wisdom, and for your unique ability to keep the hearth even in the most difficult times! I love you.
Mom, thank you for your love, care and affection. Good luck with everything. Live in such a way that your soul sings, your neighbors envy you, and God rejoices. Well, I'll try to help you with that.
Mommy, thank you for your hands for tenderness and care, your heart for love and kindness, and your eyes for a sincere smile. I wish you good health and the happiest happiness.
Beautiful and tender quotes about mom
The best quotes about the best person in our life - phrases and sayings about mom.
Each of us from childhood to his last days carries in his soul a unique and inimitable image - the image of his mother, who will understand everything, forgive, always regret and will selflessly love no matter what. Hurry to tell your mothers that you love them, hurry to say tender and kind words. Do not be lazy to pay attention to them.
Mom, thank you for giving me life. I love you very much. May your every day be filled with affection and care, positive and joyful moments.
Mom, I always remember the tenderness of your hands. Looking to the sky, I pray for your health. May the sun shine on you with prosperity and strengthen your faith in dreams. I wish you to be joyful, bright and happy. I hope that you will pass on your wisdom not only to my children, but also to my grandchildren.
Mom, may there never be clouds in your life, but only a big and warm sun always shines. I love you!
You are the most important person in the world to me! May your fate always be merciful to you, may luck always accompany you in life, and may true love, like a bright star in a dark night, always show you the right path. Mom, be truly happy!
Wherever I am, I know that my mother is always waiting for me. I can come to you and hug you, tell you about everything, and together we will rejoice or mourn. Thank you for having me. Be always happy and healthy.
Mom is a dear and dear person who gave us life, taught us wisdom and blessed us for good deeds and undertakings. The lessons of the mother remain the main ones on the path of life, and her love is a reliable amulet. Therefore, beautiful wishes for mom are only a small fraction of what you are able to do for her.
My mother, you have no idea what you mean to me. I can't even for a moment imagine life without you. I want to wish you to be the happiest mother on earth. I will do everything in my power for this.
Mom, may the kindness that you give to people be sure to return to you a hundredfold. Be always young and beautiful. May all that you dream about come true. I love you!
Mommy, be always so beautiful, kind and gentle. May spring always bloom in your soul. Peace to you, mommy, longevity, prosperity and prosperity. I wish you good health, good luck in everything, may good news please you, may your dream come true. And I'll do my best to help!
Mom, may everything you dream about come true, may everything go well in your life. May your life not be overshadowed by a single cloud of sadness. Good health to you, more joy and smiles. May fate be kind to you. May your wise advice help us to live right for a long time to come.
Mommy, no beautiful words can express how much I love you and how grateful I am to you. May all your dreams become reality, may the happiest star illuminate your path. Good health to you, well-being and all earthly blessings. Live and make me happy for many, many years. May hope, faith and love always accompany you, my mother.
All of us, children, or still very young, or already at an advanced age, should pray to God for our mothers and thank them for having received the gift of life thanks to them, for everything that they have done for us, for everything what they endured for us.
— In this daily bustle, I often forget about the most important thing. But you are my most beautiful, kind and most attentive mother in the world. You always, like no one else, could find a common language with me, knew how to prompt and advise in time, reconcile with a friend or loved one. Mom - you are the best! Be always healthy. Let only good and kind people surround you, so that you are happy and never know sadness.
Mom, live and make me happy for many, many more years. Know that my life is full only if next to me you are the most important and dear person on earth. I love you.
Mom, you are the closest and dearest person in this world to me. May the good angel keep you, may sorrows and hardships forget your address. All earthly blessings to you, peace and prosperity.
Mommy, I don't often say kind words to you. But I love you very much and I pray to God that he will give you health for many years and an endless thirst for life. May success accompany you in all your affairs, and peace and tranquility reign in your heart. Know that I love you!
Beloved mother, you are brighter than a sunny day, more transparent than a dewdrop in the morning, you are the best on the whole Earth. May you always have good health, may luck accompany everything, may the years never age you, may the melody of spring always ring in your soul, may every day give you only pleasant moments. May the Lord protect you from all troubles and failures.
The best parables about mothers
Short and tender parables about mother's love, patience and care.
Love for mother, respect for the dearest person in life is unshakable. The theme of motherhood cannot be trivialized, no matter how often writers, poets and directors turn to it. No matter how much they talk about it, no matter how they exploit it in different plots and genres, but life begins where the mother is. And rests on it. So take the time to call your mom and say a few warm, kind words.